Ejemplo n.º 1
def k8s(name):
    with Cluster(name):
        with Cluster('ns: onepanel'):
            svc_core = Service('core')
            pd_core = Pod('core-*')
            dep_core = Deployment('core')
            dep_core >> pd_core
            svc_core >> pd_core

            svc_core_ui = Service('core-ui')
            pd_core_ui = Pod('core-ui-*')
            dep_core_ui = Deployment('core-ui')
            dep_core_ui >> pd_core_ui
            svc_core_ui >> pd_core_ui

        with Cluster('ns: istio-system'):
            ing = Ingress('istio-ingressgateway')
            # cert = Secret('TLS')

        with Cluster('ns: my-project'):
            with Cluster('Workspace'):
                svc_workspace = Service('jupyterlab')
                pd_workspace = Pod('jupyterlab-*')
                pv_workspace = PV('jupyterlab-data-0')
                sts_workspace = StatefulSet('jupyterlab')
                sts_workspace >> pd_workspace
                pd_workspace - pv_workspace
                svc_workspace >> pd_workspace

        # with Cluster('ns: cert-manager'):
        #     certmanager = Pod('cert-manager')

        # certmanager >> cert
        ing >> [svc_core, svc_core_ui, svc_workspace]

        node_1 = Node('node-1')
        node_2 = Node('node-2')
        node_3 = Node('node-2')
        pd_core - node_1
        pd_core - node_2
        pd_core_ui - node_1
        pd_core_ui - node_2
        pd_workspace - node_3

    return node_1, node_2, node_3, ing, pd_core, pv_workspace
Ejemplo n.º 2
graph_attr = {"pad": "0.5"}

with Diagram(filename="jitsi_sharding",

    with Cluster("Conference 1"):
        users_1 = [Custom("user", globe_img) for _ in range(3)]

    with Cluster("Conference 2"):
        users_2 = [Custom("user", globe_img) for _ in range(2)]

    with Cluster("Kubernetes Cluster"):
        ingress = Ingress("jitsi.beyondcloud.com.br")
        with Cluster("HAProxy"):
            n_haproxy = 2
            haproxy_pods = [Pod(f"haproxy-{i}") for i in range(n_haproxy)]

        edge_conference_1 = Edge(color="red")
        edge_conference_2 = Edge(color="green")
        shard_0 = Custom("shard-0", jitsi_img)
        shard_1 = Custom("shard-1", jitsi_img)
        users_1 >> edge_conference_1 >> ingress
        users_2 >> edge_conference_2 >> ingress

        for haproxy in haproxy_pods:
            ingress >> haproxy

        for i in range(len(users_1)):
Ejemplo n.º 3
from diagrams import Diagram, Cluster
from diagrams.k8s.rbac import ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding, Group, RoleBinding, Role, ServiceAccount, User
from diagrams.k8s.infra import ETCD, Master, Node
from diagrams.k8s.podconfig import ConfigMap, Secret
from diagrams.k8s.group import Namespace
from diagrams.k8s.network import Endpoint, Ingress, NetworkPolicy, Service
from diagrams.k8s.others import CRD, PSP
from diagrams.k8s.storage import PersistnetVolume, PersistentVolumeClaim, StorageClass, Volume
from diagrams.k8s.clusterconfig import HorizontalPodAutoscaler, LimitRange, Quota
from diagrams.k8s.controlplane import APIServer, CCM, ControllerManager, KubeProxy, Kubelet, Scheduler
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Cronjob, Deployment, DaemonSet, Job, Pod, ReplicaSet, StatefulSet

with Diagram("test-diagram", show=False):
    ingress = Ingress("in-as-mob")

    with Cluster("as-mob.ambevdevs.com.br"):
        with Cluster("/nonprod/asmob-empregado(/|$)(.*)"):
            ingress >> Service("autenticacao") >> Pod("teste")
        with Cluster("/nonprod/asmob-a(/|$)(.*)"):
            ingress >> Service("autenticacao") >> Pod("teste")
from __future__ import absolute_import

from diagrams import Diagram, Cluster

from diagrams.k8s.network import Ingress
from diagrams.onprem.client import Client
from diagrams.onprem.container import Docker
from diagrams.generic.database import SQL


with Diagram("JWThenticator Direct Validation Example Architecture"):

    with Cluster("Service Runtime"):
        ingress = Ingress("ingress")
        services = []

        jwthenticator = Docker("jwthenticator")
        jwthenticator_db = SQL("jwthenticator-db")

        with Cluster("Secured Endpoints"):
            for i in range(NUM_SECURE_SERVICES):

    # General initial flow
    for i in range(NUM_CLIENTS):
        Client(f"client-{i}") >> ingress  # pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned

    for i in range(NUM_SECURE_SERVICES):
        ingress >> services[i] >> jwthenticator
Ejemplo n.º 5
# kubernetes-diagram.py
# run the cmd: python3 cyri-lan-archi-diagram.py to generate the png file.
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from diagrams.generic.network import Switch, Router
from diagrams.generic.storage import Storage
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Pod
from diagrams.k8s.network import Ingress, Service
from diagrams.k8s.storage import PV, PVC, StorageClass
from diagrams.elastic.elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana
from diagrams.oci.connectivity import DNS
from diagrams.onprem.compute import Server, Nomad

with Diagram("Kubernetes Diagram", show=False):
    synology = DNS("reverse DNS")

    with Cluster("RaspberryPi4 + K3S"):
        ingress = Ingress("cyri.intra")
        svc = Service("services")
        pvc = PVC("pv claim")
        with Cluster("apps"):
            logstash = Logstash("logstash-oss")
            elasticsearch = Elasticsearch("elasticsearch")
            squid = Server("squid")
            elk = [elasticsearch - logstash - Kibana("kibana")]
        with Cluster("local-storage"):
            pv = [StorageClass("storage class") >> PV("persistent volume")]
        k8s = ingress >> svc
        k8s >> squid >> pvc << pv
        k8s >> logstash >> pvc << pv

    synology << ingress
Ejemplo n.º 6
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram, Edge
from diagrams.k8s.network import Service
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Pod
from diagrams.onprem.network import Internet
from diagrams.onprem.network import Internet
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Deploy
from diagrams.k8s.network import Ingress
from diagrams.k8s.podconfig import Secret
from diagrams.k8s.podconfig import ConfigMap
with Diagram("kubernetes deployment nodejs postgresql ingress", show=False):
    with Cluster("Kubernetes Components"):
        with Cluster("Services"):
            service_internal_node = Service("Internal Node Service")
            service_internal_postgres = Service("Internal Postgres Service")
        with Cluster("Ingress"):
            ingress = Ingress("Ingress")
        with Cluster("Pods"):
            postgresql = Pod("Postgresql")
            nodejs = Pod("Nodejs")

        with Cluster("configuration"):
            deployment = Deploy("Deployment")
            configmap = ConfigMap("ConfigMap")
            secret = Secret("Secret")
        deployment >> secret
        deployment >> configmap
        deployment >> Edge(label="defines") >> service_internal_node
        deployment >> Edge(label="defines") >> service_internal_postgres
        nodejs >> service_internal_postgres >> postgresql
    inet = Internet("Internet")
    inet >> ingress >> service_internal_node >> nodejs
    with Cluster("Conference 1"):
        users_1 = [Custom("user", globe_img) for _ in range(3)]
    with Cluster("Conference 2"):
        users_2 = [Custom("user", globe_img) for _ in range(2)]

    all_users = Custom("all users", globe_img)

    with Cluster("Namespace 'jitsi'"):
        n_shards = 2
        n_haproxy = 2
        haproxy_sts = StatefulSet("haproxy")
        haproxy_pods = [Pod(f"haproxy-{j}") for j in range(n_haproxy)]
        haproxy_sts >> haproxy_pods
        web_service = Service("web")
        ingress = Ingress("jitsi.messenger.schule")
        ingress >> Service("haproxy") >> haproxy_pods >> web_service

        for k in range(n_shards):
            with Cluster(f"Shard-{k}"):
                web_pod = Pod(f"shard-{k}-web")
                prosody_pod = Pod(f"shard-{k}-prosody")
                jicofo_pod = Pod(f"shard-{k}-jicofo")
                Deployment(f"shard-{k}-prosody") >> prosody_pod
                Deployment(f"shard-{k}-jicofo") >> jicofo_pod
                web_service >> web_pod
                prosody_service = Service(f"shard-{k}-prosody")
                prosody_service >> prosody_pod
                prosody_service << web_pod
                prosody_service << jicofo_pod
Ejemplo n.º 8
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Pod
from diagrams.k8s.network import Ingress
from diagrams.generic.blank import Blank

graph_attr = {
    # "splines": "curved"

with Diagram("OCP4 Default Ingress",
    dns = DNS("*.apps.dta.my.lab")
    lbint = LoadBalancing("HAProxy")

    with Cluster("OpenShift Cluster"):
        routerext = Ingress("default")

        with Cluster("Workers"):
            with Cluster("Projects"):
                with Cluster("proj-app-01"):
                    workersint = [Pod("myApp")]

                with Cluster("proj-app-02"):
                    workersext = [Pod("myApp")]

    dns >> lbint
    lbint >> routerext
    routerext >> workersint
    routerext >> workersext
Ejemplo n.º 9
from diagrams import Diagram
from diagrams.k8s.clusterconfig import HPA
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Deployment, Pod, ReplicaSet
from diagrams.k8s.network import Ingress, Service

with Diagram("Exposed Pod with 3 Replicas", show=False):
    net = Ingress("domain.com") >> Service("svc")
    net >> [Pod("pod1"), Pod("pod2"), Pod("pod3")
            ] << ReplicaSet("rs") << Deployment("dp") << HPA("hpa")
Ejemplo n.º 10
    with Cluster("Conference 1"):
        users_1 = [Custom("user", globe_img) for _ in range(3)]
    with Cluster("Conference 2"):
        users_2 = [Custom("user", globe_img) for _ in range(2)]

    all_users = Custom("all users", globe_img)

    with Cluster("Namespace 'jitsi'"):
        n_shards = 2
        n_haproxy = 2
        haproxy_sts = StatefulSet("haproxy")
        haproxy_pods = [Pod(f"haproxy-{j}") for j in range(n_haproxy)]
        haproxy_sts >> haproxy_pods
        web_service = Service("web")
        ingress = Ingress("jitsi.messenger.lyon")
        ingress >> Service("haproxy") >> haproxy_pods >> web_service

        for k in range(n_shards):
            with Cluster(f"Shard-{k}"):
                web_pod = Pod(f"shard-{k}-web")
                prosody_pod = Pod(f"shard-{k}-prosody")
                jicofo_pod = Pod(f"shard-{k}-jicofo")
                Deployment(f"shard-{k}-prosody") >> prosody_pod
                Deployment(f"shard-{k}-jicofo") >> jicofo_pod
                web_service >> web_pod
                prosody_service = Service(f"shard-{k}-prosody")
                prosody_service >> prosody_pod
                prosody_service << web_pod
                prosody_service << jicofo_pod
Ejemplo n.º 11
from diagrams import Diagram
from diagrams.k8s.clusterconfig import HPA
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Deployment, Pod, ReplicaSet
from diagrams.k8s.network import Ingress, Service

with Diagram("Research", show=False, filename="research"):
    net = Ingress("research.cashcowpro.com") >> Service("svc")
    pods = [
    net >> pods << ReplicaSet("rs") << Deployment("dp") << HPA("hpa")
Ejemplo n.º 12
from diagrams import Diagram, Cluster
from diagrams.gcp.database import Firestore
from diagrams.onprem.network import Envoy
from diagrams.onprem.compute import Server
from diagrams.oci.network import Internetgateway
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Pod
from diagrams.k8s.network import Ingress, Service

with Diagram("Gran - API System - Design", show=False):
    igw = Internetgateway("Gateway")

    with Cluster("Google Cloud Platform"):
        with Cluster("Google Kubernetes Engine"):
            net = Ingress("calmato.work")
            pods = [
                Pod("user service"),
                Pod("group service"),
                Pod("todo service")

            net >> Service("svc") >> Envoy("lb") >> pods

        with Cluster("Firebase"):
            auth = Server("firebase authentication")
            firestore = Firestore("firestore")

            pods >> auth
            pods >> firestore

    igw >> net
from diagrams.gcp.network import Router, LoadBalancing, DNS
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Pod
from diagrams.k8s.network import Ingress
from diagrams.generic.blank import Blank

graph_attr = { 
	"splines": "curved"

with Diagram("OCP4 Route Sharding ", show=False, direction="LR", graph_attr=graph_attr):
	dnsint = DNS("*.apps.dta.my.lab")
	dnsext = DNS("*.apps.uat.my.lab")
	lbint = LoadBalancing("HAProxy")

	with Cluster("OpenShift Cluster"):
		routerext = Ingress("router-default") 
		routerint = Ingress("router-external")

		with Cluster("Workers"):
			with Cluster("Projects"):
				with Cluster("proj-ext-app-01"):
					workersint = [Pod("myApp")]
				with Cluster("proj-int-app-01"):
					workersext = [Pod("myApp")]

	dnsint >> lbint
	dnsext >> lbint 
	lbint >> routerint >> workersint
	lbint >> routerext >> workersext
Ejemplo n.º 14
    tektonIconURL = "https://cd.foundation/wp-content/uploads/sites/78/2020/04/tekton-icon-color-1.png"
    tektonIcon = "tekton.png"
    urlretrieve(tektonIconURL, tektonIcon)

    with Cluster("Remote Git"):
        github = Github("github")
        gitlab = Gitlab("gitlab")
        gits = [

    with Cluster("K8s cluster"):
        ic = CRD("IntegrationConfig")
        ij = CRD("IntegrationJob")

        ing = Ingress()

        with Cluster("CI/CD Operator"):
            webhookServer = Pod("Webhook server")

        github - Edge(label="PullRequest/Push/Tag") >> ing >> webhookServer
        webhookServer - Edge(label="Queued") >> ij

        pr = Custom("PipelineRun", tektonIcon)
        ij - Edge(label="Scheduled") >> pr

        tr1 = Custom("TaskRun-1", tektonIcon)
        tr2 = Custom("TaskRun-2", tektonIcon)
        tr3 = Custom("TaskRun-3", tektonIcon)

        pr >> tr3 >> Pod()
Ejemplo n.º 15
    with Cluster("Conference 1"):
        users_1 = [Custom("user", globe_img) for _ in range(3)]
    with Cluster("Conference 2"):
        users_2 = [Custom("user", globe_img) for _ in range(2)]

    all_users = Custom("all users", globe_img)

    with Cluster("Namespace 'jitsi'"):
        n_shards = 1
        n_haproxy = 2
        haproxy_sts = StatefulSet("haproxy")
        haproxy_pods = [Pod(f"haproxy-{j}") for j in range(n_haproxy)]
        haproxy_sts >> haproxy_pods
        web_service = Service("web")
        ingress = Ingress("edulane.info")
        ingress >> Service("haproxy") >> haproxy_pods >> web_service

        for k in range(n_shards):
            with Cluster(f"Shard-{k}"):
                web_pod = Pod(f"shard-{k}-web")
                prosody_pod = Pod(f"shard-{k}-prosody")
                jicofo_pod = Pod(f"shard-{k}-jicofo")
                Deployment(f"shard-{k}-prosody") >> prosody_pod
                Deployment(f"shard-{k}-jicofo") >> jicofo_pod
                web_service >> web_pod
                prosody_service = Service(f"shard-{k}-prosody")
                prosody_service >> prosody_pod
                prosody_service << web_pod
                prosody_service << jicofo_pod
Ejemplo n.º 16
graph_attr = {"pad": "0.5"}

with Diagram(filename="jitsi_sharding",

    with Cluster("Conference 1"):
        users_1 = [Custom("user", globe_img) for _ in range(3)]

    with Cluster("Conference 2"):
        users_2 = [Custom("user", globe_img) for _ in range(2)]

    with Cluster("Kubernetes Cluster"):
        ingress = Ingress("edurusma.adalet.gov.tr")
        with Cluster("HAProxy"):
            n_haproxy = 2
            haproxy_pods = [Pod(f"haproxy-{i}") for i in range(n_haproxy)]

        edge_conference_1 = Edge(color="red")
        edge_conference_2 = Edge(color="green")
        shard_0 = Custom("shard-0", jitsi_img)
        shard_1 = Custom("shard-1", jitsi_img)
        users_1 >> edge_conference_1 >> ingress
        users_2 >> edge_conference_2 >> ingress

        for haproxy in haproxy_pods:
            ingress >> haproxy

        for i in range(len(users_1)):
Ejemplo n.º 17
def main():

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Create Kubernetes diagrams')
                        help='Kubernetes namespace to get objects from')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    command = "kubectl -n " + args.namespace + " get ingress -o json"
    commandOutput = subprocess.run(command.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    commandJson = commandOutput.stdout.decode('utf-8')
    ingressList = json.loads(commandJson)

    if len(ingressList["items"]) == 0:
        print("No ingress found. Aboring.")

    diagramMap = {}
    diagramMap["ingress"] = []
    for ingress in ingressList["items"]:
        ingressMap = {}
        ingressMap["name"] = ingress["metadata"]["name"]
        ingressMap["items"] = []
        for rule in ingress["spec"]["rules"]:
            hostMap = {}
            hostMap["name"] = rule["host"]
            hostMap["items"] = []
            for path in rule["http"]["paths"]:
                pathMap = {}
                pathMap["name"] = path["path"]
                srvName = path["backend"]["serviceName"]
                pathMap["serviceName"] = srvName
                pathMap["items"] = []

                command = "kubectl -n " + args.namespace + " get service " + srvName + " -o json"
                print("Running: " + command)
                commandOutput = subprocess.run(command.split(),
                commandJson = commandOutput.stdout.decode('utf-8')
                srvObj = json.loads(commandJson)

                #kubectl get pods -l environment=production,tier=frontend

                filter = ""
                for selector in srvObj["spec"]["selector"]:
                    if filter != "":
                        filter = "," + filter
                    filter = selector + "=" + srvObj["spec"]["selector"][

                command = "kubectl -n " + args.namespace + " get pods -l " + filter + " -o json"
                print("Running: " + command)
                commandOutput = subprocess.run(command.split(),
                commandJson = commandOutput.stdout.decode('utf-8')
                podsList = json.loads(commandJson)

                for pod in podsList["items"]:
                    podMap = {}
                    podMap["name"] = pod["metadata"]["name"]




    for ingress in diagramMap["ingress"]:
        with Diagram("auto_" + ingress["name"], show=False):
            dIngress = Ingress(ingress["name"])
            for host in ingress["items"]:
                with Cluster(host["name"]):
                    for path in host["items"]:
                        with Cluster(path["name"]):
                            dSrv = Service(path["serviceName"])
                            for pod in path["items"]:
                                dSrv >> Pod(pod["name"])
                            dIngress >> dSrv

Ejemplo n.º 18
        with Cluster("Private network"):
            private_subnets = [
                PrivateSubnet("Subnet zone a"),
                PrivateSubnet("Subnet zone b"),
                PrivateSubnet("Subnet zone c"),
                PrivateSubnet("Subnet zone d"),
            with Cluster("Kubernetes cluster"):
                autoscaling_group = AutoScaling("Autoscaling group")
                autoscaling_group_instances = [
                    EC2("K8s worker zone a"),
                    EC2("K8s worker zone b"),
                    EC2("K8s worker zone c"),
                    EC2("K8s worker zone d"),
                ingress = Ingress("Ingress gateway")
                services = Service("Services")
                pods = Pod("Container pods")

    ci_pipeline = GitlabCI("CI pipeline")
    terraform_repo = Terraform("Infra as code")
    remote_state = S3("Remote state")

    ssl_certificate - dns_name
    dns_name - load_balancer
    load_balancer - public_subnets
    public_subnets - nat_gateway
    nat_gateway - private_subnets
    private_subnets - autoscaling_group
    autoscaling_group - autoscaling_group_instances
    autoscaling_group_instances - ingress
Ejemplo n.º 19
from diagrams import Diagram, Cluster
from diagrams.k8s.clusterconfig import HPA
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Deployment, Pod, ReplicaSet
from diagrams.k8s.network import Ingress, Service

with Diagram("Exposed Pod with 4 Replicas", show=True):
    net = Ingress("releasemanagement.org")
    with Cluster("Kube Cluster"):
        net >> Service("svc") >> [Pod("pod1"),
                                  Pod("Pod4")] << ReplicaSet("rs") << Deployment("dp") << HPA("hpa")
# kubeflow architecture diagram
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram, Edge
from diagrams.onprem.client import Users
from diagrams.k8s.network import Ingress, Service

with Diagram("Kubeflow Networking Architecture", show=False):
    user = Users("Users")
    with Cluster("API gateway"):
        ingress_gateway = Ingress("Ingress")
        user >> Edge(color="darkgreen") >> ingress_gateway

        ingress_gateway >> [
            Service("Central Dashboard Virtual Service"),
            Service("Notebooks App Virtual Service")
Ejemplo n.º 21
#(png, jpg, svg, and pdf) are allowed.
with Diagram(name="OCP3_Ingress_Egress", show=False, outformat="png"):

    #metrics = Prometheus("metric")
    #metrics << Edge(color="firebrick", style="dashed") << Grafana("monitoring")

    #helm = Helm("deploy1")
    #deploy1 = Deploy("deploy1")

    serverExtA = Server("DB Server")

    #serverExtB = Server("DB Server")

    with Cluster("Ingress Router ZONE A"):
        haproxy_ingressA = Ingress("app1.example.com")

    #with Cluster("Ingress Router ZONE B"):
    #    haproxy_ingressB = Ingress("haroxy")

    with Cluster("Egress Router Namespace A"):
        haproxy_egressA = Ingress("haproxy")

    #with Cluster("Egress Router Namespace B"):
    #    haproxy_egressB= Ingress("haproxy")

    with Cluster("Namespace A"):
        #POD1 = Pod("frontend")
        PODF = [Pod("frontend"), Pod("frontend"), Pod("frontend")]
        PODB = [Pod("backend"), Pod("backend"), Pod("backend")]
        haproxy_ingressA >> Edge(color="brown") >> Service(
Ejemplo n.º 22
with Diagram("Setup a blog on k3s",
    users = Users("Users")
    with Cluster("LetsEncrypt API Servers", graph_attr=graph_attr):
        letsencrypt = LetsEncrypt("LE SSL Certificate")
    with Cluster("BareMetal Server", graph_attr=graph_attr):
        with Cluster("K8S Cluster", graph_attr=graph_attr):
            with Cluster("NS Cert-Manager", graph_attr=graph_attr):
                certificate_request = CertManager("mywebsite.com")
            with Cluster("NS www", graph_attr=graph_attr):
                website_secret = Secret("mywebsite.com")
                with Cluster("Ingress", graph_attr=graph_attr):
                    ingress = Ingress("https")
                with Cluster("Pods", graph_attr=graph_attr):
                    pod = Pod('website')
                with Cluster("Deployment", graph_attr=graph_attr):
                    pod_deploy = Deployment("website")
                with Cluster("RS", graph_attr=graph_attr):
                    pod_rs = RS("website")

    letsencrypt >> website_secret >> ingress

    certificate_request >> letsencrypt
    users >> ingress >> pod

    pod_rs >> pod
    pod_deploy >> pod
Ejemplo n.º 23
from diagrams import Diagram
from diagrams.k8s.compute import DaemonSet, Deployment, Pod, ReplicaSet
from diagrams.k8s.network import Ingress, Service
from diagrams.k8s.podconfig import ConfigMap
from diagrams.k8s.group import Namespace

with Diagram("JupyterHub Kubernetes Architecture", show=False):
    nublado_ns = Namespace("nublado")
    pp_net = Ingress("/pp")
    nb_net = Ingress("/nb")

    pp_svc = Service("Prepuller")
    pp_deploy = Deployment("Prepuller")
    pp_pod = Pod("Prepuller")
    pp_ds = DaemonSet("Single image puller")

    hub_config = ConfigMap("Hub Config YAML")

    hub_svc = Service("JupyterHub")
    hub_deploy = Deployment("JupyterHub")
    hub_pod = Pod("JupyterHub")

    proxy_svc = Service("JupyterHubProxy")
    proxy_deploy = Deployment("JupyterHubProxy")
    proxy_pod = Pod("JupyterHubProxy")

    user_ns = Namespace("nublado-lsptestuser01")
    user_lab_pod = Pod("JupyterLab pod")
    user_config = ConfigMap("Lab Config YAML + Token")

    nublado_ns >> nb_net >> proxy_svc >> proxy_deploy >> proxy_pod >> hub_svc
Ejemplo n.º 24
        fe = Pod("trow-frontend")
        fe >> be1

    with Cluster("Node 2"):
        be2 = Pod("trow-backend-2")

    with Cluster("Node 3"):
        be3 = Pod("trow-backend-3")

    with Cluster("Node 4"):
        be4 = Pod("trow-backend-4")

    with Cluster("Node 5"):
        be5 = Pod("trow-backend-5")

    be1 - be2
    be1 - be3
    be1 - be4
    be1 - be5
    be2 - be3
    be2 - be4
    be2 - be5
    be3 - be4
    be3 - be5
    be4 - be5

    ing = Ingress("trow.io")
    svc = Service("trow-svc")
    ing >> svc
    svc >> fe
"""Notional system architecture."""
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from diagrams.gcp.network import FirewallRules, LoadBalancing
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Deployment, Pod, ReplicaSet, StatefulSet
from diagrams.k8s.podconfig import Secret
from diagrams.k8s.network import Ingress, Service
from diagrams.k8s.storage import PersistentVolume, PersistentVolumeClaim, StorageClass
from diagrams.onprem.client import Client

with Diagram("TRM Exercise Detail", show=False):
    with Cluster("GCP"):
        # Resources
        app_lb_ext = LoadBalancing("App LB (HTTP/external)")
        app_lb_int = LoadBalancing("App LB (TCP/internal)")
        app_ingress_ext = Ingress("App Ingress (external)")
        app_fw = FirewallRules("Firewall")

        with Cluster("GKE"):

            with Cluster("App Namespace"):
                # Resources
                app_dep = Deployment("App Deployment")
                app_rs = ReplicaSet("App ReplicaSet")
                app_replica_set_count = 3
                app_pods = [
                    Pod("App Pod")
                    for pod in range(0, app_replica_set_count, 1)
                app_secret = Secret(
                    "App Secret\n(contains DB credentials & host)")
                app_svc_ext = Service("App Service (external)")