Ejemplo n.º 1
def calc_angles():
    '''angles between input basis and candidate basis are calculated'''
    inp_a, inp_b, inp_c, cand = get_basis()
    res_a = flex.double()
    res_b = flex.double()
    res_c = flex.double()

    for i in range(len(cand)):
        for k in range(len(cand[i])):
            res_a.append(inp_a[i].dot(cand[i][k]) /
                         (inp_a[i].length() * cand[i][k].length()))
            res_b.append(inp_b[i].dot(cand[i][k]) /
                         (inp_b[i].length() * cand[i][k].length()))
            res_c.append(inp_c[i].dot(cand[i][k]) /
                         (inp_c[i].length() * cand[i][k].length()))

    #result is in radians convert to degrees
    a_angles = flex.acos(res_a) * 180 / math.pi
    b_angles = flex.acos(res_b) * 180 / math.pi
    c_angles = flex.acos(res_c) * 180 / math.pi

    #account for parallel or antiparallel candidate basis vectors
    for j in range(len(a_angles)):
        if a_angles[j] >= 90:
            a_angles[j] = 180 - a_angles[j]

    for j in range(len(b_angles)):
        if b_angles[j] >= 90:
            b_angles[j] = 180 - b_angles[j]

    for j in range(len(c_angles)):
        if c_angles[j] >= 90:
            c_angles[j] = 180 - c_angles[j]

    return a_angles, b_angles, c_angles
Ejemplo n.º 2
  def __call__(self, experiments, reflections, add_correction_column=False):
    result = flex.reflection_table()

    for expt_id, experiment in enumerate(experiments):
      refls = reflections.select(reflections['id'] == expt_id)
      beam = experiment.beam
      # Remove the need for pixel size within cxi.merge.  Allows multipanel detector with dissimilar panels.
      # Relies on new frame extractor code called by dials.stills_process that writes s0, s1 and polarization normal
      # vectors all to the integration pickle.  Future path (IE THIS CODE): use dials json and reflection file.
      s0_vec = matrix.col(beam.get_s0()).normalize()
      s0_polar_norm = beam.get_polarization_normal()
      s1_vec = refls['s1']
      Ns1 = len(s1_vec)
      # project the s1_vector onto the plane normal to s0.  Get result by subtracting the
      # projection of s1 onto s0, which is (s1.dot.s0_norm)s0_norm
      s0_norm = flex.vec3_double(Ns1,s0_vec)
      s1_proj = (s1_vec.dot(s0_norm))*s0_norm
      s1_in_normal_plane = s1_vec - s1_proj
      # Now want the polar angle between the projected s1 and the polarization normal
      s0_polar_norms = flex.vec3_double(Ns1,s0_polar_norm)
      dotprod = (s1_in_normal_plane.dot(s0_polar_norms))
      costheta = dotprod/(s1_in_normal_plane.norms())
      theta = flex.acos(costheta)
      cos_two_polar_angle = flex.cos(2.0*theta)
      # gives same as old answer to ~1% but not exact.  Not sure why, should not matter.

      tt_vec = experiment.crystal.get_unit_cell().two_theta(miller_indices = refls['miller_index'],
                                                            wavelength = beam.get_wavelength())
      cos_tt_vec = flex.cos(tt_vec)
      sin_tt_vec = flex.sin(tt_vec)
      cos_sq_tt_vec = cos_tt_vec * cos_tt_vec
      sin_sq_tt_vec = sin_tt_vec * sin_tt_vec
      P_nought_vec = 0.5 * (1. + cos_sq_tt_vec)

      F_prime = -1.0 # Hard-coded value defines the incident polarization axis
      P_prime = 0.5 * F_prime * cos_two_polar_angle * sin_sq_tt_vec

      # added as a diagnostic
      #prange=P_nought_vec - P_prime
      #other_F_prime = 1.0
      #otherP_prime = 0.5 * other_F_prime * cos_two_polar_angle * sin_sq_tt_vec
      #otherprange=P_nought_vec - otherP_prime
      #diff2 = flex.abs(prange - otherprange)
      #print >> out, "mean diff is",flex.mean(diff2), "range",flex.min(diff2), flex.max(diff2)
      # done

      correction = 1 / ( P_nought_vec - P_prime )
      refls['intensity.sum.value'] = refls['intensity.sum.value'] * correction
      refls['intensity.sum.variance'] = refls['intensity.sum.variance'] * correction**2 # propagated error
      # This corrects observations for polarization assuming 100% polarization on
      # one axis (thus the F_prime = -1.0 rather than the perpendicular axis, 1.0)
      # Polarization model as described by Kahn, Fourme, Gadet, Janin, Dumas & Andre
      # (1982) J. Appl. Cryst. 15, 330-337, equations 13 - 15.

      if add_correction_column:
        refls['polarization_correction'] = correction


    return result
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def run(self, experiments, reflections):


        result = flex.reflection_table()

        for experiment in experiments:
            refls = reflections.select(
                reflections['exp_id'] == experiment.identifier)
            if len(refls) == 0: continue
            beam = experiment.beam
            # Remove the need for pixel size within cxi.merge.  Allows multipanel detector with dissimilar panels.
            # Relies on new frame extractor code called by dials.stills_process that writes s0, s1 and polarization normal
            # vectors all to the integration pickle.  Future path (IE THIS CODE): use dials json and reflection file.
            s0_vec = matrix.col(beam.get_s0()).normalize()
            s0_polar_norm = beam.get_polarization_normal()
            s1_vec = refls['s1']
            Ns1 = len(s1_vec)
            # project the s1_vector onto the plane normal to s0.  Get result by subtracting the
            # projection of s1 onto s0, which is (s1.dot.s0_norm)s0_norm
            s0_norm = flex.vec3_double(Ns1, s0_vec)
            s1_proj = (s1_vec.dot(s0_norm)) * s0_norm
            s1_in_normal_plane = s1_vec - s1_proj
            # Now want the polar angle between the projected s1 and the polarization normal
            s0_polar_norms = flex.vec3_double(Ns1, s0_polar_norm)
            dotprod = (s1_in_normal_plane.dot(s0_polar_norms))
            costheta = dotprod / (s1_in_normal_plane.norms())
            theta = flex.acos(costheta)
            cos_two_polar_angle = flex.cos(2.0 * theta)
            # gives same as old answer to ~1% but not exact.  Not sure why, should not matter.

            tt_vec = experiment.crystal.get_unit_cell().two_theta(
            cos_tt_vec = flex.cos(tt_vec)
            sin_tt_vec = flex.sin(tt_vec)
            cos_sq_tt_vec = cos_tt_vec * cos_tt_vec
            sin_sq_tt_vec = sin_tt_vec * sin_tt_vec
            P_nought_vec = 0.5 * (1. + cos_sq_tt_vec)

            F_prime = -1.0  # Hard-coded value defines the incident polarization axis
            P_prime = 0.5 * F_prime * cos_two_polar_angle * sin_sq_tt_vec

            # added as a diagnostic
            #prange=P_nought_vec - P_prime
            #other_F_prime = 1.0
            #otherP_prime = 0.5 * other_F_prime * cos_two_polar_angle * sin_sq_tt_vec
            #otherprange=P_nought_vec - otherP_prime
            #diff2 = flex.abs(prange - otherprange)
            #print >> out, "mean diff is",flex.mean(diff2), "range",flex.min(diff2), flex.max(diff2)
            # done

            correction = 1 / (P_nought_vec - P_prime)
            refls['intensity.sum.value'] = refls[
                'intensity.sum.value'] * correction
            refls['intensity.sum.variance'] = refls[
                'intensity.sum.variance'] * correction**2  # propagated error
            # This corrects observations for polarization assuming 100% polarization on
            # one axis (thus the F_prime = -1.0 rather than the perpendicular axis, 1.0)
            # Polarization model as described by Kahn, Fourme, Gadet, Janin, Dumas & Andre
            # (1982) J. Appl. Cryst. 15, 330-337, equations 13 - 15.


        if len(reflections) > 0:
                "Applied polarization correction. Mean intensity changed from %.2f to %.2f"
                % (flex.mean(reflections['intensity.sum.value']),

        self.logger.log_step_time("POLARIZATION_CORRECTION", True)
        self.logger.log("Memory usage: %d MB" % get_memory_usage())

        # Remove 's1' column from the reflection table
        from xfel.merging.application.reflection_table_utils import reflection_table_utils
        reflections = reflection_table_utils.prune_reflection_table_keys(
            reflections=result, keys_to_delete=['s1'])
        self.logger.log("Pruned reflection table")
        self.logger.log("Memory usage: %d MB" % get_memory_usage())

        return experiments, reflections
def wavelengths_from_gaussians(experiments, reflections, mosaic_parameters):
    Given a set of mosaic parameters, use gaussian bandpass and mosaicity to estimate a
    wavelength for each reflection.

    For a given reflection, the reciprocal lattice point vector q = Ah, where A is the reciprocal
    A matrix and h is the reflection's miller index.  Construct a vector e1 orthagonal to s0 and q.

    @param experiments ExperimentList. If crystal.band_pass is set, use it. Otherwise, estimate the
    band pass using estimate_bandpass
    @param reflections flex.reflection_table Needs to contain the column
    @param mosaic_parameters Tuple of domain size (angstroms) and half mosaic angle (degrees). If
    None, use the mosaic parameters from each crystal model.

    if "reflection_wavelength_from_pixels" not in reflections:
        return reflections

    if mosaic_parameters is not None:
        domain_size_ang, half_mosaicity_deg = mosaic_parameters
            "Computing per-reflection wavelengths from domain size",
            "(ang), half mosaic angle",
            "(deg), and bandpass derived from each image",

    table = flex.reflection_table()
    new_wavelengths = flex.double()

    def gaussian_product(mean1, sigma1, mean2, sigma2):
        """Jiffy function to multiply two gaussians. Formula from
        P. Bromiley, "Products and convolutions of Gaussian distributions,"
        Medical School, Univ. Manchester, Manchester, UK, Tech. Rep, vol. 3,
        p. 2003, 2003.
        ssq1 = sigma1**2
        ssq2 = sigma2**2
        mean = ((mean1 * ssq2) + (mean2 * ssq1)) / (ssq1 + ssq2)
        sigma = flex.sqrt((ssq1 * ssq2) / (ssq1 + ssq2))
        return mean, sigma

    for expt_id, expt in enumerate(experiments):
        refls = reflections.select(reflections["id"] == expt_id)

        if mosaic_parameters is None:
            domain_size_ang = expt.crystal.get_domain_size_ang()
            half_mosaicity_deg = expt.crystal.get_half_mosaicity_deg()
                "Computing per-reflection wavelengths from domain size",
                "(ang), half mosaic angle",
                "(deg), and bandpass derived from each image",

        # Determine how to obtain the bandpass
        if hasattr(expt.crystal, "bandpass"):
            wavelength_min, wavelength_max = expt.crystal.bandpass
            wavelength_min, wavelength_max = estimate_bandpass(refls)
            expt.crystal.bandpass = wavelength_min, wavelength_max

        unit_s0 = flex.vec3_double(len(refls),
        wavelength = expt.beam.get_wavelength()

        q = (flex.mat3_double(len(refls), expt.crystal.get_A()) *
        e1 = q.cross(unit_s0).each_normalize()

        # length of an arc l = 2pir * angle/2pi = r*angle. So angle = l/r
        combined_mosaic_angle_approximation = (
            (2 / domain_size_ang) / q.norms()) + (half_mosaicity_deg *
                                                  math.pi / 180)

        # Compute z angles
        # Angle between s0 and q
        z_mosaicity = math.pi - q.angle(unit_s0)
        # Angle between s0 and q rotated to be on the center of bandpass
        z_wavelength = flex.acos(wavelength * q.norms() / 2)

        # Angles between s0 and q vectors rotated to the extreme ends of the bandpass
        z_wavelength_min = flex.acos(wavelength_min * q.norms() / 2)
        z_wavelength_max = flex.acos(wavelength_max * q.norms() / 2)

        # Now assume two gaussians on a polar notation (IE x is angle between a q vector and s0).  One gaussian for the
        # bandpass (assuming the width of the bandpass is one sigma) and one for the mosaicity (assuming the width of
        # the mosaic spread is one sigma). The product of the two gaussians is the illuminated volume, and the center
        # of that gaussian angle a q vector would take with s0 such that it maximizes the illuminated volume.
        mean_z, sigma_z = gaussian_product(
            z_wavelength - z_wavelength_max,

        # Compute the wavelengths given the illuminated volume angle mean_z
        lmbda = flex.cos(mean_z) / (q.norms() / 2)

    assert (new_wavelengths <= 0).count(True) == 0
        "reflection_wavelength_from_gaussian_mosaicity_and_bandpass"] = new_wavelengths

    return reflections
def tophat_vector_wavelengths(experiments, reflections, mosaic_parameters):
    Given a set of mosaic parameters, use vectors to estimate a wavelength for each reflection

    For a given reflection, the reciprocal lattice point vector q = Ah, where A is the reciprocal
    A matrix and h is the reflection's miller index.  Construct a vector e1 orthagonal to s0 and q.
    Construct 4 more vectors of length equal to the magnitude of q, and that lie in the plane that
    is normal to e1:
    q_mos_inner and q_mos_outer: q vectors rotated into or out of the Ewald sphere by an angle equal
    to the half mosaic angle + the angle inscribed by adding an arc length equal to 2/domain size
    (angstroms). Call this angle the combined mosaic angle approximation.
    q_wavelength_min and q_wavelength_max: q vectors rotated on an ewald sphere with radius
    1/bandpass minimum or 1/bandpass maximum.

    Consider now the pairs of vectors wavelength min/max and q_mos inner/outer.  If neither q_mos
    vectors lies between the two wavelength vectors, then assign a refletion's wavelength to
    either wavelength min or max, depending on which is closest.  Otherwise, find two vectors
    that lie between wavelength min/max. For example if q_mos inner lies between them, but outer
    does not, the two vectors will be q_mos inner and q wavelength min.  If both q_mos inner and
    outer lie between wavelength min/max, then the two vetors will be q_mos inner and outer.

    Once the two vectors have been identified, define a new q vector which is the average of the
    two vectors.  Determine the wavelength that would allow this q vector to be in the diffracting
    condition.  Report that wavelength in the column reflection_wavelength_from_mosaicity_and_bandpass.

    Because these determinations involve hard cutoffs instead of gaussians, the wavelengths are
    determined in a manner similar to the overlap of tophat functions.

    @param experiments ExperimentList. If crystal.band_pass is set, use it. Otherwise, estimate the
    band pass using estimate_bandpass
    @param reflections flex.reflection_table Needs to contain the column
    @param mosaic_parameters Tuple of domain size (angstroms) and half mosaic angle (degrees)


    if "reflection_wavelength_from_pixels" not in reflections:
        return reflections

    domain_size_ang, half_mosaicity_deg = mosaic_parameters
        "Computing per-reflection wavelengths from domain size",
        "(ang), half mosaic angle",
        "(deg), and bandpass derived from each image",

    table = flex.reflection_table()

    new_wavelengths = flex.double()

    # Keep track of the various cases
    case_0 = case_1 = case_2 = case_3 = case_4 = case_5 = 0

    for expt_id, expt in enumerate(experiments):
        refls = reflections.select(reflections["id"] == expt_id)

        # Determine how to obtain the bandpass
        if hasattr(expt.crystal, "bandpass"):
            wavelength_min, wavelength_max = expt.crystal.bandpass
            wavelength_min, wavelength_max = estimate_bandpass(refls)
            expt.crystal.bandpass = wavelength_min, wavelength_max

        unit_s0 = flex.vec3_double(len(refls),
        wavelength = expt.beam.get_wavelength()

        q = (flex.mat3_double(len(refls), expt.crystal.get_A()) *
        e1 = q.cross(unit_s0).each_normalize()

        # length of an arc l = 2pir * angle/2pi = r*angle. So angle = l/r
        combined_mosaic_angle_approximation = (
            (2 / domain_size_ang) / q.norms()) + (half_mosaicity_deg *
                                                  math.pi / 180)
        q_mos_inner = q.rotate_around_origin(
            e1, -combined_mosaic_angle_approximation)
        q_mos_outer = q.rotate_around_origin(
            e1, combined_mosaic_angle_approximation)
        # Z: angle between q and s0
        z_mos_inner = math.pi - q_mos_inner.angle(unit_s0)
        z_mos_outer = math.pi - q_mos_outer.angle(unit_s0)
        lmbda_bigger = flex.cos(z_mos_inner) / (q.norms() / 2)
        lmbda_smaller = flex.cos(z_mos_outer) / (q.norms() / 2)

        z_wavelength_min = flex.acos(wavelength_min * q.norms() / 2)
        z_wavelength_max = flex.acos(wavelength_max * q.norms() / 2)
        q_wavelength_min = (
            unit_s0.rotate_around_origin(e1, math.pi + z_wavelength_min) *
        q_wavelength_max = (
            unit_s0.rotate_around_origin(e1, math.pi + z_wavelength_max) *

        assert (lmbda_smaller < lmbda_bigger).count(False) == 0
        sel = flex.bool(len(refls), True)
        image_wavelengths = flex.double(len(refls), 0)

        q_inner = flex.vec3_double()
        q_outer = flex.vec3_double()

        # Iterate through the reflections and sort each into one of the 6 cases
        for i in xrange(len(refls)):
            # Cases 0 and 1: both q_mos inner and outer are outside of the wavelength min/max vectors
            if lmbda_smaller[i] > wavelength_max:
                image_wavelengths[i] = wavelength_max
                sel[i] = False
                case_0 += 1
            elif lmbda_bigger[i] < wavelength_min:
                image_wavelengths[i] = wavelength_min
                sel[i] = False
                case_1 += 1

            sel[i] = True

            # Case 2: q_mos outer is between wavelengths min and max so use q_mos outer
            # Case 3: q_mos outer is outside of wavelength min so use wavelength min
            if lmbda_smaller[i] >= wavelength_min:
                case_2 += 1
                case_3 += 1

            # Case 4: q_mos inner is between wavelengths min and max so use q_mos inner
            # Case 5: q_mos inner is outside of wavelength max so use wavelength max
            if lmbda_bigger[i] <= wavelength_max:
                case_4 += 1
                case_5 += 1

        # Compute new reflection wavelengths
        new_q = (q_inner + q_outer) * 0.5
        z = math.pi - new_q.angle(unit_s0.select(sel))
        lmbda = flex.cos(z) / (new_q.norms() / 2)
        image_wavelengths.set_selected(sel, lmbda)

    assert (new_wavelengths <= 0).count(True) == 0
        "reflection_wavelength_from_mosaicity_and_bandpass"] = new_wavelengths
    print("CASES", case_0, case_1, case_2, case_3, case_4, case_5)

    return reflections