Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_help_message(dials_data, capsys):
    """Test that we get a help message when improper input is provided."""
    data_dir = dials_data("centroid_test_data")

    # We'll need an integrated reflection table and an experiment list.
    reflections_file = data_dir.join("integrated.pickle").strpath
    experiments_file = data_dir.join("experiments.json").strpath

    for arguments in (
        [experiments_file, reflections_file, "anvil.normal=0,0,0"],
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
            assert ("Usage: dials.anvil_correction [options] integrated.expt "
                    "integrated.refl" in capsys.readouterr().err)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_command_line(dials_data, tmpdir):
    """Test that the program runs correctly."""
    data_dir = dials_data("centroid_test_data")

    # We'll need an integrated reflection table and an experiment list.
    reflections_file = data_dir.join("integrated.pickle").strpath
    experiments_file = data_dir.join("experiments.json").strpath

    with tmpdir.as_cwd():
        run([experiments_file, reflections_file])

    output = tmpdir.join("corrected.refl")

    assert output.check(file=True)

    logfile = tmpdir.join("dials.anvil_correction.log").read()

    assert "Correcting integrated reflection intensities" in logfile
    assert "Writing the reflection table" in logfile