Ejemplo n.º 1
 def testAppend(self):
     """MultiValue: Append of item converts it to required type..."""
     multival = MultiValue(IS, [1, 5, 10])
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(multival[-1], IS))
     self.assertEqual(multival[-1], 5,
                      "Item set by append is not correct value")
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def testExtend(self):
     """MultiValue: Extending a list converts all to required type"""
     multival = MultiValue(IS, [1, 5, 10])
     multival.extend(['7', 42])
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(multival[-2], IS))
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(multival[-1], IS))
     self.assertEqual(multival[-2], 7, "Item set by extend not correct value")
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def testExtend(self):
     """MultiValue: Extending a list converts all to required type"""
     multival = MultiValue(IS, [1, 5, 10])
     multival.extend(['7', 42])
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(multival[-2], IS))
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(multival[-1], IS))
     self.assertEqual(multival[-2], 7, "Item set by extend not correct value")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def convert_PN(byte_string,
    """Read and return string(s) as PersonName instance(s)"""

    # XXX - We have to replicate MultiString functionality here because we can't decode
    # easily here since that is performed in PersonNameUnicode
    if byte_string and (byte_string.endswith(b' ')
                        or byte_string.endswith(b'\x00')):
        byte_string = byte_string[:-1]

    splitup = byte_string.split(b"\\")

    if encoding and in_py3:
        args = (encoding, )
        args = ()

    # We would like to return string literals
    if in_py3:
        valtype = lambda x: PersonName(x, *args).decode()
        valtype = lambda x: PersonName(x, *args)

    if len(splitup) == 1:
        return valtype(splitup[0])
        return MultiValue(valtype, splitup)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def testSlice(self):
     """MultiValue: Setting slice converts items to required type."""
     multival = MultiValue(IS, list(range(7)))
     multival[2:7:2] = [4, 16, 36]
     for val in multival:
         self.assertTrue(isinstance(val, IS), "Slice IS value not correct type")
     self.assertEqual(multival[4], 16, "Set by slice failed for item 4 of list")
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def testSetIndex(self):
     """MultiValue: Setting list item converts it to required type"""
     multival = MultiValue(IS, [1, 5, 10])
     multival[1] = '7'
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(multival[1], IS))
     self.assertEqual(multival[1], 7,
                      "Item set by index is not correct value")
Ejemplo n.º 7
def convert_ATvalue(bytes, is_little_endian, struct_format=None):
    """Read and return AT (tag) data_element value(s)"""
    length = len(bytes)
    if length == 4:
        return convert_tag(bytes, is_little_endian)
    # length > 4
    if length % 4 != 0:
        logger.warn("Expected length to be multiple of 4 for VR 'AT', got length %d at file position 0x%x", length, fp.tell()-4)
    return MultiValue(Tag,[convert_tag(bytes, is_little_endian, offset=x) 
                        for x in range(0, length, 4)])
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def testLimits(self):
     """MultiValue: Raise error if any item outside DICOM limits...."""
     original_flag = dicom.config.enforce_valid_values
     dicom.config.enforce_valid_values = True
         OverflowError, MultiValue, IS,
         [1, -2**31 - 1
          ])  # Overflow error not raised for IS out of DICOM valid range
     if python_version >= (2, 7):  # will overflow anyway for python < 2.7
         dicom.config.enforce_valid_values = False
         i = MultiValue(
             IS, [1, -2**31 - 1
                  ])  # config enforce=False so should not raise error
     dicom.config.enforce_valid_values = original_flag
def MultiString(val, valtype=str):
    """Split a bytestring by delimiters if there are any

    val -- DICOM bytestring to split up
    valtype -- default str, but can be e.g. UID to overwrite to a specific type
    # Remove trailing blank used to pad to even length
    # 2005.05.25: also check for trailing 0, error made in PET files we are converting

    if val and (val.endswith(' ') or val.endswith('\x00')):
        val = val[:-1]
    splitup = val.split("\\")

    if len(splitup) == 1:
        val = splitup[0]
        return valtype(val) if val else val
        return MultiValue(valtype, splitup)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def MultiString(val, valtype=str):
    """Split a string by delimiters if there are any
    val -- DICOM string to split up
    valtype -- default str, but can be e.g. UID to overwrite to a specific type
    # Remove trailing blank used to pad to even length
    # 2005.05.25: also check for trailing 0, error made in PET files we are converting
    if val and (val.endswith(' ') or val.endswith('\x00')):
        val = val[:-1]

    # XXX --> simpler version python > 2.4   splitup = [valtype(x) if x else x for x in val.split("\\")]
    splitup = []
    for subval in val.split("\\"):
        if subval:
    if len(splitup) == 1:
        return splitup[0]
        return MultiValue(valtype, splitup)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def testMultiDS(self):
     """MultiValue: Multi-valued data elements can be created........"""
     multival = MultiValue(DS, ['11.1', '22.2', '33.3'])
     for val in multival:
         self.assertTrue(isinstance(val, (DSfloat, DSdecimal)),
                         "Multi-value DS item not converted to DS")
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def testAppend(self):
     """MultiValue: Append of item converts it to required type..."""
     multival = MultiValue(IS, [1, 5, 10])
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(multival[-1], IS))
     self.assertEqual(multival[-1], 5, "Item set by append is not correct value")
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def run(self, ident_dir, clean_dir):
        # Get first date for tags set in relative_dates
        date_adjust = None
        audit_date_correct = None
        if self.relative_dates is not None:
            date_adjust = {
                tag: first_date - datetime(1970, 1, 1)
                for tag, first_date in self.get_first_date(
                    ident_dir, self.relative_dates).items()
        for root, _, files in os.walk(ident_dir):
            for filename in files:
                if filename.startswith('.'):
                source_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
                    ds = dicom.read_file(source_path)
                except IOError:
                    logger.error('Error reading file %s' % source_path)
                    return False
                except InvalidDicomError:  # DICOM formatting error
                    self.quarantine_file(source_path, ident_dir,
                                         'Could not read DICOM file.')

                move, reason = self.check_quarantine(ds)

                if move:
                    self.quarantine_file(source_path, ident_dir, reason)

                # Store adjusted dates for recovery
                obfusc_dates = None
                if self.relative_dates is not None:
                    obfusc_dates = {
                        tag: datetime.strptime(ds[tag].value, '%Y%m%d') -
                        for tag in self.relative_dates

                # Keep CSA Headers
                csa_headers = dict()
                if self.keep_csa_headers and (0x29, 0x10) in ds:
                    csa_headers[(0x29, 0x10)] = ds[(0x29, 0x10)]
                    for offset in [0x10, 0x20]:
                        elno = (0x10 * 0x0100) + offset
                        csa_headers[(0x29, elno)] = ds[(0x29, elno)]

                destination_dir = self.destination(source_path, clean_dir,
                if not os.path.exists(destination_dir):
                    ds, study_pk = self.anonymize(ds)
                except ValueError, e:
                        source_path, ident_dir,
                        'Error running anonymize function. There may be a '
                        'DICOM element value that does not match the specified'
                        ' Value Representation (VR). Error was: %s' % e)

                # Recover relative dates
                if self.relative_dates is not None:
                    for tag in self.relative_dates:
                        if audit_date_correct != study_pk and tag in AUDIT.keys(
                                ds[tag], obfusc_dates[tag].strftime('%Y%m%d'),
                        ds[tag].value = obfusc_dates[tag].strftime('%Y%m%d')
                    audit_date_correct = study_pk

                # Restore CSA Header
                if len(csa_headers) > 0:
                    for tag in csa_headers:
                        ds[tag] = csa_headers[tag]

                # Set Patient Identity Removed to YES
                t = Tag((0x12, 0x62))
                ds[t] = DataElement(t, 'CS', 'YES')

                # Set the De-identification method code sequence
                method_ds = Dataset()
                t = dicom.tag.Tag((0x8, 0x102))
                if self.profile == 'clean':
                    method_ds[t] = DataElement(
                        t, 'DS', MultiValue(DS, ['113100', '113105']))
                    method_ds[t] = DataElement(t, 'DS',
                                               MultiValue(DS, ['113100']))
                t = dicom.tag.Tag((0x12, 0x64))
                ds[t] = DataElement(t, 'SQ', Sequence([method_ds]))

                out_filename = ds[
                    SOP_INSTANCE_UID].value if self.rename else filename
                clean_name = os.path.join(destination_dir, out_filename)
                except IOError:
                    logger.error('Error writing file %s' % clean_name)
                    return False
Ejemplo n.º 14
def rtDicomFromPreviousFolder(input_folder,

    :param input_folder: Input folder where the ORIGINAL DICOMS are stored
    :param ctr_folder_names:  Name of folders where to search for contours
    :param ctr_names:  Original contour names (this should have the same order as the contours in masks_np)
    :param base_img:  Itk base image to use for obtaining the positions
    :param masks_np:  This is the numpy 4D binary array with the masks for each contour (ctr, slice, w, h)
    :param prefix_name:  Additional prefix string to use in the new names of the contours

    print('Getting dicom DataSequence from previous data...')

    # Gets the proper rt_folder to look for contours
    cont_file = getLatestContourFolder(ctr_folder_names, input_folder)
    lstFilesContour = io_com.get_dicom_files_in_folder(
        join(input_folder, cont_file))

    # ===================== Contours ==================
    ds = dicom.read_file(lstFilesContour[0])  # Reads original dataset

    final_ROIContourSequence_values = [
    ]  # This should be an array of datasets and will be replaced from the original Filedataset

    # Iterate over the ROIContourSequences (ak the contours) Type: Sequence
    for new_idx_ctr, c_ctr_name in enumerate(ctr_names):
        old_idx_ctr = [
            i for i, x in enumerate(ds.StructureSetROISequence)
            if x.ROIName == c_ctr_name

        if len(old_idx_ctr) == 0:  # If the ROI was not found
                F'ERROR the contour {c_ctr_name} was not found on previous RTStructure'
            # If the ROI is found, the we use it as a template and just modify the positions of the contours
            old_idx_ctr = old_idx_ctr[0]  # Get just the index
                new_idx_ctr].ROIName == c_ctr_name  # Use the new name for this index
                new_idx_ctr].ROINumber == new_idx_ctr + 1  # Use the new name for this index
            ds.Manufacturer = 'Deep Learning Biomarkers Group'
            ds.SeriesDate = str(datetime.date.today().strftime('%Y%m%d'))
            ds.SeriesDescription = 'NN Prediction'
            ds.StructureSetName = 'NN Prediction'

            print(F'\t Found {c_ctr_name} with idx {old_idx_ctr}!!!')

            # Copy the ROIContourSequence of the OLD contour (VERY IMPORTANT STEP, we initalize with everything that was there before)
            old_ROIContour_ds = ds.ROIContourSequence[old_idx_ctr]
                old_idx_ctr].ROIName = F'{prefix_name}{c_ctr_name}'

            cur_mask = masks_np[
                new_idx_ctr, :, :, :]  # Get the proper mask data

            slices_w_data = np.unique(np.where(cur_mask > 0)[0])
            cur_ContourSequence_values = []

            # Use the first contour sequence as template (IMPORTANT)
            old_ContourSequence_ds = old_ROIContour_ds.ContourSequence[0]
            # Iterate slices with some contour inside. Transform the mask to contour and add it to the sequence
            for idx_slice, slice in enumerate(slices_w_data):
                # for idx_slice,slice in enumerate([82]):

                # Get a contour from the 2D mask using OpenCV
                ctr_pts = getContourMinPosFrom2DMask(cur_mask[slice, :, :])
                # --- Use to visualize the contoured points for each slice and contour -----------
                # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
                # plt.imshow(cur_mask[slice,:,:])
                # plt.title(slice)
                # for c_ctr in ctr_pts:
                #     plt.scatter(c_ctr[:,0,0],c_ctr[:,0,1],s=1)
                # plt.show()

                tot_ctrs = len(ctr_pts)
                # Iterate over EACH contour and create a dataset for each of them
                for idx_ctr in range(tot_ctrs):
                    cur_contourdata_ds = dataset(
                    )  # This is the Contour data for this ContourSequence
                    # Copy the desired values from the OLD ContourSequence
                    cur_contourdata_ds.ContourGeometricType = old_ContourSequence_ds.ContourGeometricType

                    contourdata_values = []

                    tot_pts = ctr_pts[idx_ctr].shape[0]
                    this_slice_indx_pos = []

                    # Add the 'desired' format of (x,y,z) for each contour point
                    cur_ctr_pts = ctr_pts[idx_ctr]
                    for cur_pt in cur_ctr_pts:
                    # We add again the first point of each contour at the end (trying to 'close' the contour)

                    # Transform each point into a physical position
                    for c_pos in this_slice_indx_pos:
                        phys_pos = base_img.TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(

                    # Copy the list of physical positions in the variable ContourData of the dataset
                    cur_contourdata_ds.ContourData = MultiValue(
                        dicom.valuerep.DSfloat, contourdata_values)
                    cur_contourdata_ds.NumberOfContourPoints = tot_pts

                    # Append this dataset into the list of slices with date

            old_ROIContour_ds.ContourSequence = Sequence(
            )  # Replace the desired sequence with the new values
                old_ROIContour_ds)  # Append it to the ROIContourSquence values

    # Replace the original Sequence of ROIContours with the new ones. These were initialized with the previous values
    # and only the Contour Data was replaced
    new_ROIContourSequence = Sequence(final_ROIContourSequence_values)
    ds.ROIContourSequence = new_ROIContourSequence  # Replace old ROIContourSequence with new one

    dicom.dcmwrite(output_file_name, ds)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def _storeIdentity(self, dcmFile):
        # Collect attributes I want to keep and encrypt
        protectedAttributes = []

        # Frame Of Reference UID
        if "FrameOfReferenceUID" in dcmFile:
            ds1 = Dataset()
            ds1[0x0020, 0x0052] = dcmFile[0x0020, 0x0052]
        # Patient ID
        if "PatientID" in dcmFile:
            ds2 = Dataset()
            ds2[0x0010, 0x0020] = dcmFile[0x0010, 0x0020]
        # Patient name
        if "PatientName" in dcmFile:
            ds3 = Dataset()
            ds3[0x0010, 0x0010] = dcmFile[0x0010, 0x0010]
        # Patient birth date
        if "PatientBirthDate" in dcmFile:
            ds4 = Dataset()
            ds4[0x0010, 0x0030] = dcmFile[0x0010, 0x0030]
        # SOP Instance UID
        if "SOPInstanceUID" in dcmFile:
            ds5 = Dataset()
            ds5[0x0008, 0x0018] = dcmFile[0x0008, 0x0018]
        # StudyInstance UID
        if "StudyInstanceUID" in dcmFile:
            ds6 = Dataset()
            ds6[0x0020, 0x000D] = dcmFile[0x0020, 0x000D]

        # Instance of Encrypted Attributes Data Set
        encryptedAttributesDs = Dataset()

        # Set the Modified Attributes Sequence (0400,0550) to
        # the Attributes to be protected
        t = dicom.tag.Tag((0x400, 0x550))
        encryptedAttributesDs[t] = dicom.dataelem.DataElement(
            t, "SQ", Sequence(protectedAttributes))

        # Serialize these original DICOM data to string
        encryptedDicomAttributes = pickle.dumps(encryptedAttributesDs)

        # Encrypt
        encryptedData = self._svcCrypto.encrypt(encryptedDicomAttributes)

        # Encrypted Attributes Sequence item with two attributes
        item = Dataset()

        # Set the attribute Encrypted Content Transfer Syntax UID (0400,0510) to
        # the UID of the Transfer Syntax used to encode the instance of the Encrypted Attributes Data Set
        t = dicom.tag.Tag((0x400, 0x510))
        item[t] = dicom.dataelem.DataElement(
            t, "UI", dcmFile.file_meta[0x0002, 0x0010].value)

        # Set the atribute Encrypted Content (0400,0520) to
        # the data resulting from the encryption of the Encrypted Attributes Data Set instance
        t = dicom.tag.Tag((0x400, 0x520))
        item[t] = dicom.dataelem.DataElement(t, "OB", encryptedData)

        # Set the attribute Encrypted Attributes Sequence (0400,0500)
        # each item consists of two attributes ( (0400,0510); (0400,0520) )
        t = dicom.tag.Tag((0x400, 0x500))
        dcmFile[t] = dicom.dataelem.DataElement(t, "SQ", Sequence([item]))

        # Set the attribute Patient Identity Removed (0012,0062) to YES
        t = dicom.tag.Tag((0x12, 0x62))
        dcmFile[t] = dicom.dataelem.DataElement(t, "CS", "YES")

        # Codes of corresponding profiles and options as a dataset
        profilesOptionsDs = Dataset()

        # De-identification Method Coding Scheme Designator (0008,0102)
        t = dicom.tag.Tag((0x8, 0x102))

        profilesOptionsDs[t] = dicom.dataelem.DataElement(
            t, "DS",

        # Set the attribute De-identification method code sequence (0012,0064)
        # to the created dataset of codes for profiles and options
        t = dicom.tag.Tag((0x12, 0x64))
        dcmFile[t] = dicom.dataelem.DataElement(t, "SQ",