Ejemplo n.º 1
def preprocess(bagfile, output, output_size):

    """ yields topic, data, t but data already a numpy array """
    bag = rosbag.Bag(bagfile)
    info = yaml.load(bag._get_yaml_info())
    for topic_dict in info['topics']:
        if 'FloatArray' in topic_dict['type']:
            command_topic = topic_dict['topic']
    topics = [topic_image_raw, command_topic]
    logger.info('bag_processing, using topics: %s' % topics)
    def read_tuples(raw_stream):
        i = 0
        Y0 = None
        U0 = None
        Y_last = None
        t0 = 0
        for topic, msg, t in raw_stream:
#            logger.debug('read msg type %s and topic %s' % (msg._type, topic))
            i += 1
            if topic == command_topic:
#                logger.debug('command read')
                Y1 = Y_last
                if Y0 is not None and U0 is not None:
                    # yeild tuple
                    yield (Y0, U0, Y1, t0)
                Y0 = Y_last
                U0 = msg
                t0 = t
            if topic == topic_image_raw:
#                logger.debug('image read')
                Y_last = msg
    tuples_stream = read_tuples(bag.read_messages(topics=topics))
    out_bag = rosbag.Bag(output, 'w')
    for Y0, U, Y1, t0 in tuples_stream:
        y0_pil = Image.fromarray(get_image_array(Y0)).resize(output_size)
        y1_pil = Image.fromarray(get_image_array(Y1)).resize(output_size)
#        pdb.set_trace()
        logger.info('Writing data (Y0, U0=%s, Y1)' % U)
        out_bag.write('Y0', pil_to_imgmsg(y0_pil), t0)
        out_bag.write('U0', U, t0)
        out_bag.write('Y1', pil_to_imgmsg(y1_pil), t0)

Ejemplo n.º 2
def write_tuple_to_bag(bag, Y0, U, Y1, x=0):
    # write to the bag
    y0msg = pil_to_imgmsg(Image.fromarray(Y0[1]))
    y0msg.header.stamp = U[0]
    y1msg = pil_to_imgmsg(Image.fromarray(Y1[1]))
    y1msg.header.stamp = U[0]
    #    pdb.set_trace()
    bag.write('Y0', y0msg, U[0])
    bag.write('U0', U[1], U[0])
    bag.write('Y1', y1msg, U[0])
        bag.write('X0', std_msgs.msg.Int64(int(x)), U[0])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def write_tuple_to_bag(bag, Y0, U, Y1, x=0):
    # write to the bag
    y0msg = pil_to_imgmsg(Image.fromarray(Y0[1]))
    y0msg.header.stamp = U[0]
    y1msg = pil_to_imgmsg(Image.fromarray(Y1[1]))
    y1msg.header.stamp = U[0]
#    pdb.set_trace()
    bag.write('Y0', y0msg, U[0])
    bag.write('U0', U[1], U[0])
    bag.write('Y1', y1msg, U[0])
        bag.write('X0', std_msgs.msg.Int64(int(x)), U[0])