Ejemplo n.º 1
 def toLines(self, stru):
     """Convert Structure stru to a list of lines in DISCUS format.
     Return list of strings.
     self.stru = stru
     # if necessary, convert self.stru to PDFFitStructure
     if not isinstance(stru, PDFFitStructure):
         self.stru = PDFFitStructure(stru)
     # build the stru_pdffit dictionary initialized from the defaults
     # in PDFFitStructure
     stru_pdffit = PDFFitStructure().pdffit
     if stru.pdffit:
     # here we can start
     self.lines = lines = []
     lines.append( "title   " + self.stru.title.strip() )
     lines.append( "spcgr   " + stru_pdffit["spcgr"] )
     if stru_pdffit.get('spdiameter', 0.0) > 0.0:
         line = 'shape   sphere, %g' % stru_pdffit['spdiameter']
     if stru_pdffit.get('stepcut', 0.0) > 0.0:
         line = 'shape   stepcut, %g' % stru_pdffit['stepcut']
     lines.append( "cell   %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f" %
             self.stru.lattice.abcABG() )
     lines.append( "ncell  %9i, %9i, %9i, %9i" % (1, 1, 1, len(self.stru)) )
     lines.append( "atoms" )
     for a in self.stru:
         lines.append( "%-4s %17.8f %17.8f %17.8f %12.4f" % (
             a.element.upper(), a.xyz[0], a.xyz[1], a.xyz[2], a.Bisoequiv))
     return lines
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def toLines(self, stru):
        """Convert Structure stru to a list of lines in PDFfit format.

        Return list of strings.
        # build the stru_pdffit dictionary initialized from the defaults
        # in PDFFitStructure
        stru_pdffit = PDFFitStructure().pdffit
        if stru.pdffit:
        lines = []
        # default values of standard deviations
        d_sigxyz = numpy.zeros(3, dtype=float)
        d_sigo = 0.0
        d_sigU = numpy.zeros((3,3), dtype=float)
        # here we can start
        l = "title  " + stru.title
        lines.append( l.strip() )
        lines.append( "format pdffit" )
        lines.append( "scale  %9.6f" % stru_pdffit["scale"] )
        lines.append( "sharp  %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f" % (
            stru_pdffit["rcut"]) )
        lines.append( "spcgr   " + stru_pdffit["spcgr"] )
        if stru_pdffit.get('spdiameter', 0.0) > 0.0:
            line = 'shape   sphere, %g' % stru_pdffit['spdiameter']
        if stru_pdffit.get('stepcut', 0.0) > 0.0:
            line = 'shape   stepcut, %g' % stru_pdffit['stepcut']
        lat = stru.lattice
        lines.append( "cell   %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f" % (
            lat.a, lat.b, lat.c, lat.alpha, lat.beta, lat.gamma) )
        lines.append( "dcell  %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f" %
            tuple(stru_pdffit["dcell"]) )
        lines.append( "ncell  %9i, %9i, %9i, %9i" % (1, 1, 1, len(stru)) )
        lines.append( "atoms" )
        for a in stru:
            ad = a.__dict__
            lines.append( "%-4s %17.8f %17.8f %17.8f %12.4f" % (
                a.element.upper(), a.xyz[0], a.xyz[1], a.xyz[2], a.occupancy) )
            sigmas = numpy.concatenate(
                ( ad.get("sigxyz", d_sigxyz),  [ad.get("sigo", d_sigo)] )  )
            lines.append( "    %18.8f %17.8f %17.8f %12.4f" % tuple(sigmas) )
            sigU = ad.get("sigU", d_sigU)
            Uii = ( a.U[0][0], a.U[1][1], a.U[2][2] )
            Uij = ( a.U[0][1], a.U[0][2], a.U[1][2] )
            sigUii = ( sigU[0][0], sigU[1][1], sigU[2][2] )
            sigUij = ( sigU[0][1], sigU[0][2], sigU[1][2] )
            lines.append( "    %18.8f %17.8f %17.8f" % Uii )
            lines.append( "    %18.8f %17.8f %17.8f" % sigUii )
            lines.append( "    %18.8f %17.8f %17.8f" % Uij )
            lines.append( "    %18.8f %17.8f %17.8f" % sigUij )
        return lines
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def toLines(self, stru):
        """Convert Structure stru to a list of lines in PDFfit format.

        Return list of strings.
        # build the stru_pdffit dictionary initialized from the defaults
        # in PDFFitStructure
        stru_pdffit = PDFFitStructure().pdffit
        if stru.pdffit:
        lines = []
        # default values of standard deviations
        d_sigxyz = numpy.zeros(3, dtype=float)
        d_sigo = 0.0
        d_sigU = numpy.zeros((3, 3), dtype=float)
        # here we can start
        l = "title  " + stru.title
        lines.append("format pdffit")
        lines.append("scale  %9.6f" % stru_pdffit["scale"])
        lines.append("sharp  %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f" %
                     (stru_pdffit["delta2"], stru_pdffit["delta1"],
                      stru_pdffit["sratio"], stru_pdffit["rcut"]))
        lines.append("spcgr   " + stru_pdffit["spcgr"])
        if stru_pdffit.get('spdiameter', 0.0) > 0.0:
            line = 'shape   sphere, %g' % stru_pdffit['spdiameter']
        if stru_pdffit.get('stepcut', 0.0) > 0.0:
            line = 'shape   stepcut, %g' % stru_pdffit['stepcut']
        lat = stru.lattice
        lines.append("cell   %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f" %
                     (lat.a, lat.b, lat.c, lat.alpha, lat.beta, lat.gamma))
        lines.append("dcell  %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f" %
        lines.append("ncell  %9i, %9i, %9i, %9i" % (1, 1, 1, len(stru)))
        for a in stru:
            ad = a.__dict__
                "%-4s %17.8f %17.8f %17.8f %12.4f" %
                (a.element.upper(), a.xyz[0], a.xyz[1], a.xyz[2], a.occupancy))
            sigmas = numpy.concatenate(
                (ad.get("sigxyz", d_sigxyz), [ad.get("sigo", d_sigo)]))
            lines.append("    %18.8f %17.8f %17.8f %12.4f" % tuple(sigmas))
            sigU = ad.get("sigU", d_sigU)
            Uii = (a.U[0][0], a.U[1][1], a.U[2][2])
            Uij = (a.U[0][1], a.U[0][2], a.U[1][2])
            sigUii = (sigU[0][0], sigU[1][1], sigU[2][2])
            sigUij = (sigU[0][1], sigU[0][2], sigU[1][2])
            lines.append("    %18.8f %17.8f %17.8f" % Uii)
            lines.append("    %18.8f %17.8f %17.8f" % sigUii)
            lines.append("    %18.8f %17.8f %17.8f" % Uij)
            lines.append("    %18.8f %17.8f %17.8f" % sigUij)
        return lines