Ejemplo n.º 1
    def load(self, z, subpath):
        """load data from a zipped project file

        z -- zipped project file
        subpath -- path to its own storage within project file

        returns a tree of internal hierachy
        # subpath = projName/myName/
        from diffpy.pdfgui.utils import unquote_plain
        subs = subpath.split('/')
        rootDict = z.fileTree[subs[0]][subs[1]]
        if rootDict.has_key('structure'):
            for strucName in rootDict['structure'].keys():
                struc = FitStructure(unquote_plain(strucName))
                struc.load(z, subpath + 'structure/' + strucName + '/')

        if rootDict.has_key('dataset'):
            for datasetName in rootDict['dataset'].keys():
                dataset = FitDataSet(unquote_plain(datasetName))
                dataset.load(z, subpath + 'dataset/' + datasetName + '/')

        if rootDict.has_key('calculation'):
            for calcName in rootDict['calculation'].keys():
                calc = Calculation(unquote_plain(calcName))
                calc.load(z, subpath + 'calculation/' + calcName + '/')


        return self.organization()
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def load(self, z, subpath):
        """load data from a zipped project file

        z -- zipped project file
        subpath -- path to its own storage within project file

        returns a tree of internal hierachy
        # subpath = projName/myName/
        from diffpy.pdfgui.utils import unquote_plain
        subs = subpath.split('/')
        rootDict = z.fileTree[subs[0]][subs[1]]
        if rootDict.has_key('structure'):
            for strucName in rootDict['structure'].keys():
                struc = FitStructure(unquote_plain(strucName))
                struc.load(z, subpath + 'structure/' + strucName + '/')

        if rootDict.has_key('dataset'):
            for datasetName in rootDict['dataset'].keys():
                dataset = FitDataSet(unquote_plain(datasetName))
                dataset.load(z, subpath + 'dataset/' + datasetName + '/')

        if rootDict.has_key('calculation'):
            for calcName in rootDict['calculation'].keys():
                calc = Calculation(unquote_plain(calcName))
                calc.load(z, subpath + 'calculation/' + calcName + '/')


        return self.organization()
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def loadDataset(self, targetID, filename, name=None, position=None):
        """load Dataset from a file to a Fitting

        targetID  --  reference to Fitting
        name      --  name of the new Dataset, default is file basename
        position  --  where the dataset is to be inserted, default is last

        return: Dataset reference

        if name is None:
            name = os.path.basename(filename)

        #insert to target
        dataset = FitDataSet(name)
        targetID.add(dataset, position)
        return dataset
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test__resampledPDFDataSet(self):
     """check FitDataSet._resampledPDFDataSet()
     fNi_data = datafile("Ni_2-8.chi.gr")
     fds = FitDataSet('Ni')
     npts = len(fds.rcalc)
     rds = fds._resampledPDFDataSet()
     self.assertEqual(npts, len(rds.robs))
     self.assertEqual(npts, len(rds.drobs))
     self.assertEqual(npts, len(rds.Gobs))
     self.assertEqual(npts, len(rds.dGobs))
     # reduce fitrmax to one half
     fds.fitrmax = fds.rmax / 2.0
     npts1 = len(fds.rcalc)
     self.failUnless(npts1 < npts)
     rds1 = fds._resampledPDFDataSet()
     self.assertEqual(npts1, len(rds1.robs))
     self.assertEqual(npts1, len(rds1.drobs))
     self.assertEqual(npts1, len(rds1.Gobs))
     self.assertEqual(npts1, len(rds1.dGobs))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def read_data_string(self, s, stype, qmax, qdamp, name=""):
        """Read pdf data from a string into memory.

        s       -- string containing the contents of the data file
        stype   -- 'X' (xray) or 'N' (neutron)
        qmax    -- maximum q value
        qdamp   -- instrumental q-resolution factor
        name    -- tag with which to label data
        curfit = self._fits[-1]
        fd = FitDataSet(name)
        fd.stype = stype
        fd.qmax = qmax
        fd.qdamp = qdamp
        self._curdataset = len(curfit.datasets) - 1
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def read_data(self, filename, stype, qmax, qdamp):
        """Read pdf data from file into memory.

        filename -- name of file from which to read data
        stype    -- 'X' (xray) or 'N' (neutron)
        qmax     -- maximum q value
        qdamp    -- instrumental q-resolution factor

            IOError when the file cannot be read from disk
        curfit = self._fits[-1]
        name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))
        fd = FitDataSet(name)
        fd.stype = stype
        fd.qmax = qmax
        fd.qdamp = qdamp
        self._curdataset = len(curfit.datasets) - 1
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def read_data_string(self, s, stype, qmax, qdamp, name=""):
        """Read pdf data from a string into memory.

        s       -- string containing the contents of the data file
        stype   -- 'X' (xray) or 'N' (neutron)
        qmax    -- maximum q value
        qdamp   -- instrumental q-resolution factor
        name    -- tag with which to label data
        curfit = self._fits[-1]
        fd = FitDataSet(name)
        fd.stype = stype
        fd.qmax = qmax
        fd.qdamp = qdamp
        self._curdataset = len(curfit.datasets) - 1
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def read_data(self, filename, stype, qmax, qdamp):
        """Read pdf data from file into memory.

        filename -- name of file from which to read data
        stype    -- 'X' (xray) or 'N' (neutron)
        qmax     -- maximum q value
        qdamp    -- instrumental q-resolution factor

            IOError when the file cannot be read from disk
        curfit = self._fits[-1]
        name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))
        fd = FitDataSet(name)
        fd.stype = stype
        fd.qmax = qmax
        fd.qdamp = qdamp
        self._curdataset = len(curfit.datasets) - 1
Ejemplo n.º 9
def makeDopingSeries(control, fit, base, dopant, paths, doping):
    """Make a temperature series.
    control         --  pdguicontrol instance
    fit             --  The template fit
    base            --  Name of the base element
    dopant          --  Name of the dopant element
    paths           --  list of path names of new datasets
    doping          --  list of doping values corresponding to the datasets
    returns a list of the new fit organization objects
    from diffpy.pdffit2 import is_element

    # Make sure that base and dopant are elements
    base = base.title()
    dopant = dopant.title()
    if not is_element(base):
        raise ControlValueError("'%s' is not an element!"%base)
    if not is_element(dopant):
        raise ControlValueError("'%s' is not an element!"%dopant)

    # Make sure that base and dopant are in the structure file(s)
    hasBase = False
    hasDopant = False
    for S in fit.strucs:
        for atom in S:
            if atom.element == base:
                hasBase = True
            if atom.element == dopant:
                hasDopant = True
        if hasBase and hasDopant: break

    if not hasBase:
        message = "The template structure does not contain the base atom."
        raise ControlValueError(message)

    if not hasDopant:
        message = "The template structure does not contain the dopant atom."
        raise ControlValueError(message)

    # Make sure we're only replacing a single dataset
    if len(fit.datasets) != 1:
        message = "Can't apply macro to fits with multiple datasets."
        raise ControlValueError(message)

    fits = []
    # holds all of the other information about the dataset
    fitbasename = fit.name
    fitnewname = fit.name
    fitlastname = fit.name
    dataset = fit.datasets[0]
    for i in range(len(paths)):
        filename = paths[i]
        fitlastname = fitnewname

        fitcopy = control.copy(fit)

        # Get rid of the old dataset
        temp = fitcopy.datasets[0]

        # Configure the new dataset
        dsname = os.path.basename(filename)
        newdataset = FitDataSet(dsname)

        newdataset.qdamp = dataset.qdamp
        newdataset.qbroad = dataset.qbroad
        newdataset.dscale = dataset.dscale
        newdataset.fitrmin = dataset.fitrmin
        newdataset.fitrmax = dataset.fitrmax
        rstep = dataset.fitrstep
        st = dataset.getFitSamplingType()
        newdataset.setFitSamplingType(st, rstep)
        temperature = dataset.metadata.get("temperature")
        if temperature is None: temperature = 300.0
        newdataset.metadata["temperature"] = temperature
        newdataset.constraints = copy.deepcopy(dataset.constraints)

        # Set the chosen temperature
        newdataset.metadata["doping"] = doping[i]

        # Add the dataset to the fitcopy
        fitcopy.add(newdataset, None)

        # Update the doping information in the structures
        for S in fitcopy.strucs:
            for A in S:
                if A.element == dopant:
                    A.occupancy = doping[i]
                if A.element == base:
                    A.occupancy = 1-doping[i]

        # Set the parameters to the previous fit's name, if one exists.
        if fitlastname:
            parval = "=%s" % fitlastname
            for par in fitcopy.parameters.values():

        # Now paste the copy into the control.
        fitnewname = "%s-%1.4f" % (fitbasename, doping[i])
        o = control.paste(fitcopy, new_name = fitnewname)

    return [f.organization() for f in fits]
Ejemplo n.º 10
def makeTemperatureSeries(control, fit, paths, temperatures):
    """Make a temperature series.
    control         --  pdguicontrol instance
    fit             --  The template fit
    paths           --  list of path names of new datasets
    temperatures    --  list of temperatures corresponding to the datasets
    returns a list of the new fit organization objects

    if len(fit.datasets) != 1:
        message = "Can't apply macro to fits with multiple datasets."
        raise ControlValueError(message)

    fits = []
    # holds all of the other information about the dataset
    fitbasename = fit.name
    fitnewname = fit.name
    fitlastname = fit.name
    dataset = fit.datasets[0]
    for i in range(len(paths)):
        filename = paths[i]
        fitlastname = fitnewname

        fitcopy = control.copy(fit)

        # Get rid of the old dataset
        temp = fitcopy.datasets[0]

        # Configure the new dataset
        dsname = os.path.basename(filename)
        newdataset = FitDataSet(dsname)

        newdataset.qdamp = dataset.qdamp
        newdataset.qbroad = dataset.qbroad
        newdataset.dscale = dataset.dscale
        newdataset.fitrmin = dataset.fitrmin
        newdataset.fitrmax = dataset.fitrmax
        rstep = dataset.fitrstep
        st = dataset.getFitSamplingType()
        newdataset.setFitSamplingType(st, rstep)
        doping = dataset.metadata.get("doping")
        if doping is None: doping = 0.0
        newdataset.metadata["doping"] = doping
        newdataset.constraints = copy.deepcopy(dataset.constraints)

        # Set the chosen temperature
        newdataset.metadata["temperature"] = temperatures[i]

        # Add the dataset to the fitcopy
        fitcopy.add(newdataset, None)

        # Set the parameters to the previous fit's name, if one exists.
        if fitlastname:
            parval = "=%s" % fitlastname
            for par in fitcopy.parameters.values():

        # Now paste the copy into the control.
        fitnewname = "%s-T%i=%g" % (fitbasename, i + 1, temperatures[i])
        o = control.paste(fitcopy, new_name = fitnewname)

    return [f.organization() for f in fits]
Ejemplo n.º 11
def makeDopingSeries(control, fit, base, dopant, paths, doping):
    """Make a temperature series.

    control         --  pdguicontrol instance
    fit             --  The template fit
    base            --  Name of the base element
    dopant          --  Name of the dopant element
    paths           --  list of path names of new datasets
    doping          --  list of doping values corresponding to the datasets

    returns a list of the new fit organization objects
    from diffpy.pdffit2 import is_element

    # Make sure that base and dopant are elements
    base = base.title()
    dopant = dopant.title()
    if not is_element(base):
        raise ControlValueError("'%s' is not an element!" % base)
    if not is_element(dopant):
        raise ControlValueError("'%s' is not an element!" % dopant)

    # Make sure that base and dopant are in the structure file(s)
    hasBase = False
    hasDopant = False
    for S in fit.strucs:
        for atom in S:
            if atom.element == base:
                hasBase = True
            if atom.element == dopant:
                hasDopant = True
        if hasBase and hasDopant: break

    if not hasBase:
        message = "The template structure does not contain the base atom."
        raise ControlValueError(message)

    if not hasDopant:
        message = "The template structure does not contain the dopant atom."
        raise ControlValueError(message)

    # Make sure we're only replacing a single dataset
    if len(fit.datasets) != 1:
        message = "Can't apply macro to fits with multiple datasets."
        raise ControlValueError(message)

    fits = []
    # holds all of the other information about the dataset
    fitbasename = fit.name
    fitnewname = fit.name
    fitlastname = fit.name
    dataset = fit.datasets[0]
    for i in range(len(paths)):
        filename = paths[i]
        fitlastname = fitnewname

        fitcopy = control.copy(fit)

        # Get rid of the old dataset
        temp = fitcopy.datasets[0]

        # Configure the new dataset
        dsname = os.path.basename(filename)
        newdataset = FitDataSet(dsname)

        newdataset.qdamp = dataset.qdamp
        newdataset.qbroad = dataset.qbroad
        newdataset.dscale = dataset.dscale
        newdataset.fitrmin = dataset.fitrmin
        newdataset.fitrmax = dataset.fitrmax
        rstep = dataset.fitrstep
        st = dataset.getFitSamplingType()
        newdataset.setFitSamplingType(st, rstep)
        temperature = dataset.metadata.get("temperature")
        if temperature is None: temperature = 300.0
        newdataset.metadata["temperature"] = temperature
        newdataset.constraints = copy.deepcopy(dataset.constraints)

        # Set the chosen temperature
        newdataset.metadata["doping"] = doping[i]

        # Add the dataset to the fitcopy
        fitcopy.add(newdataset, None)

        # Update the doping information in the structures
        for S in fitcopy.strucs:
            for A in S:
                if A.element == dopant:
                    A.occupancy = doping[i]
                if A.element == base:
                    A.occupancy = 1 - doping[i]

        # Set the parameters to the previous fit's name, if one exists.
        if fitlastname:
            parval = "=%s" % fitlastname
            for par in fitcopy.parameters.values():

        # Now paste the copy into the control.
        fitnewname = "%s-%1.4f" % (fitbasename, doping[i])
        o = control.paste(fitcopy, new_name=fitnewname)

    return [f.organization() for f in fits]
Ejemplo n.º 12
def makeTemperatureSeries(control, fit, paths, temperatures):
    """Make a temperature series.

    control         --  pdguicontrol instance
    fit             --  The template fit
    paths           --  list of path names of new datasets
    temperatures    --  list of temperatures corresponding to the datasets

    returns a list of the new fit organization objects

    if len(fit.datasets) != 1:
        message = "Can't apply macro to fits with multiple datasets."
        raise ControlValueError(message)

    fits = []
    # holds all of the other information about the dataset
    fitbasename = fit.name
    fitnewname = fit.name
    fitlastname = fit.name
    dataset = fit.datasets[0]
    for i in range(len(paths)):
        filename = paths[i]
        fitlastname = fitnewname

        fitcopy = control.copy(fit)

        # Get rid of the old dataset
        temp = fitcopy.datasets[0]

        # Configure the new dataset
        dsname = os.path.basename(filename)
        newdataset = FitDataSet(dsname)

        newdataset.qdamp = dataset.qdamp
        newdataset.qbroad = dataset.qbroad
        newdataset.dscale = dataset.dscale
        newdataset.fitrmin = dataset.fitrmin
        newdataset.fitrmax = dataset.fitrmax
        rstep = dataset.fitrstep
        st = dataset.getFitSamplingType()
        newdataset.setFitSamplingType(st, rstep)
        doping = dataset.metadata.get("doping")
        if doping is None: doping = 0.0
        newdataset.metadata["doping"] = doping
        newdataset.constraints = copy.deepcopy(dataset.constraints)

        # Set the chosen temperature
        newdataset.metadata["temperature"] = temperatures[i]

        # Add the dataset to the fitcopy
        fitcopy.add(newdataset, None)

        # Set the parameters to the previous fit's name, if one exists.
        if fitlastname:
            parval = "=%s" % fitlastname
            for par in fitcopy.parameters.values():

        # Now paste the copy into the control.
        fitnewname = "%s-T%i=%g" % (fitbasename, i + 1, temperatures[i])
        o = control.paste(fitcopy, new_name=fitnewname)

    return [f.organization() for f in fits]