Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _makeRecipe(self, x, y, dy):
     '''Make a FitRecipe for fitting a Gaussian curve to data.
     profile = Profile()
     profile.setObservedProfile(x, y, dy)
     contribution = FitContribution("g1")
     contribution.setProfile(profile, xname="x")
     contribution.registerStringFunction('1/sqrt(2 * pi * sig**2)',
         "A * gaussnorm * exp(-0.5 * (x - x0)**2/sig**2)")
     recipe = FitRecipe()
     self.recipe = recipe
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _makeRecipe(self, x, y, dy):
     '''Make a FitRecipe for fitting a Gaussian curve to data.
     profile = Profile()
     profile.setObservedProfile(x, y, dy)
     contribution = FitContribution("g1")
     contribution.setProfile(profile, xname="x")
             '1/sqrt(2 * pi * sig**2)', name='gaussnorm')
             "A * gaussnorm * exp(-0.5 * (x - x0)**2/sig**2)")
     recipe = FitRecipe()
     self.recipe = recipe
for par in spaceGroupParams.latpars:
# Set initial value for the ADP parameters, because CIF had no ADP data.
for par in spaceGroupParams.adppars:
    MnOFit.addVar(par, value=0.003, fixed=True)

# As usual, we add variables for the overall scale of the PDF and a delta2
# parameter for correlated motion of neighboring atoms.
MnOFit.addVar(MnOPDF.scale, 1)
MnOFit.addVar(MnOPDF.MnO.delta2, 1.5)

# We fix Qdamp based on prior information about our beamline.
MnOFit.addVar(MnOPDF.qdamp, 0.03, fixed=True)

# Turn off printout of iteration number.

# We can now execute the fit using scipy's least square optimizer.
print("Refine PDF using scipy's least-squares optimizer:")
print("  variables:", MnOFit.names)
print("  initial values:", MnOFit.values)
leastsq(MnOFit.residual, MnOFit.values)
print("  final values:", MnOFit.values)

# Obtain and display the fit results.
MnOResults = FitResults(MnOFit)
print("FIT RESULTS\n")

# Get the experimental data from the recipe
Ejemplo n.º 4
for par in spaceGroupParams.latpars:
# Set initial value for the ADP parameters, because CIF had no ADP data.
for par in spaceGroupParams.adppars:
    niFit.addVar(par, value=0.005)

# As usual, we add variables for the overall scale of the PDF and a delta2
# parameter for correlated motion of neighboring atoms.
niFit.addVar(niPDF.scale, 1)
niFit.addVar(niPDF.nickel.delta2, 5)

# We fix Qdamp based on prior information about our beamline.
niFit.addVar(niPDF.qdamp, 0.03, fixed=True)

# Turn off printout of iteration number.

# We can now execute the fit using scipy's least square optimizer.
print "Refine PDF using scipy's least-squares optimizer:"
print "  variables:", niFit.names
print "  initial values:", niFit.values
leastsq(niFit.residual, niFit.values)
print "  final values:", niFit.values

# Obtain and display the fit results.
niResults = FitResults(niFit)
print "FIT RESULTS\n"
print niResults

# Plot the observed and refined PDF.
Ejemplo n.º 5
for par in sgpars.latpars:
# Set initial value for the ADP parameters, because CIF had no ADP data.
for par in sgpars.adppars:
    mnofit.addVar(par, value=0.003)

# As usual, we add variables for the overall scale of the PDF and a delta2
# parameter for correlated motion of neighboring atoms.
mnofit.addVar(totpdf.nucscale, 1)
mnofit.addVar(nucpdf.delta2, 1.5)

# We fix Qdamp based on prior information about our beamline.
mnofit.addVar(nucpdf.qdamp, 0.03)

# Turn off printout of iteration number.

# Initial structural fit
print("Refine PDF using scipy's least-squares optimizer:")
print("  variables:", mnofit.names)
print("  initial values:", mnofit.values)
leastsq(mnofit.residual, mnofit.values)
print("  final values:", mnofit.values)
# Obtain and display the fit results.
mnoresults = FitResults(mnofit)
print("FIT RESULTS\n")

# Get the experimental data from the recipe
r = mnofit.totpdf.profile.x
Ejemplo n.º 6
for par in spaceGroupParams.latpars:
# Set initial value for the ADP parameters, because CIF had no ADP data.
for par in spaceGroupParams.adppars:
    niFit.addVar(par, value=0.005)

# As usual, we add variables for the overall scale of the PDF and a delta2
# parameter for correlated motion of neighboring atoms.
niFit.addVar(niPDF.scale, 1)
niFit.addVar(niPDF.nickel.delta2, 5)

# We fix Qdamp based on prior information about our beamline.
niFit.addVar(niPDF.qdamp, 0.03, fixed=True)

# Turn off printout of iteration number.

# We can now execute the fit using scipy's least square optimizer.
print("Refine PDF using scipy's least-squares optimizer:")
print("  variables:", niFit.names)
print("  initial values:", niFit.values)
leastsq(niFit.residual, niFit.values)
print("  final values:", niFit.values)

# Obtain and display the fit results.
niResults = FitResults(niFit)
print("FIT RESULTS\n")

# Plot the observed and refined PDF.
    def make(self, crystal, r, g, dg=None, meta=None):
        Construct new srfit recipe from CIF structure and PDF data

        crystal : pyobjcryst.Crystal
            The CIF structure to be fitted to the PDF data in-place.
        r : array_like
            The r-grid of the fitted PDF dataset in Angstroms.
        g : array_like
            The fitted PDF values per each `r` point.
        dg : array_like, optional
            The estimated standard deviations at each of `g` values.
            When unspecified, *dg* is assumed 1 leading to underestimated
            standard errors of the refined variables.
        meta : dict, optional
            A dictionary of extra metadata to be used when constructing
            `PDFContribution` in the srfit recipe.  The common recognized
            keys are ``stype`` for radiation type ("X" or "N"), ``qmax``
            for the Q-range used in the experiment, ``delta1``, ``delta2``,
            ``qbroad`` for peak sharpening and broadening factors and
            ``qdamp`` for the Q-resolution related signal dampening.

        recipe : FitRecipe
            The new FitRecipe for in-place fitting of `crystal` to PDF data.
        if not isinstance(crystal, Crystal):
            emsg = "crystal must be of the pyobjcryst.Crystal type."
            raise TypeError(emsg)
        cpdf = PDFContribution('cpdf')
        cpdf.profile.setObservedProfile(r, g, dg)
        m = {} if meta is None else dict(meta)
        cpdf.addStructure('cif', crystal)
        cpdf.setCalculationRange(self.rmin, self.rmax)
        if self.nyquist:
            if not 'qmax' in m:
                emsg = "Nyquist spacing requires 'qmax' metadata."
                raise ValueError(emsg)
            assert m['qmax'] == cpdf.cif.getQmax()
            cpdf.setCalculationRange(dx=numpy.pi / m['qmax'])
        # create FitRecipe
        recipe = FitRecipe()
        # get symmetry allowed structure parameters
        sgpars = cpdf.cif.phase.sgpars
        # constrain available lattice parameters
        for p in sgpars.latpars:
            recipe.addVar(p, tags=['phase', 'lattice'])
        # constrain free atom positions
        for p in sgpars.xyzpars:
            recipe.addVar(p, tags=['phase', 'positions'])
        # constrain adps
        isosymbol = sgpars.isosymbol
        fbbiso = self.fbbiso
        # make a dummy diffpy.structure.Atom with isotropic Biso = fbbiso
        afbiso = _dummyAtomWithBiso(crystal, self.fbbiso)
        tags = ['phase', 'adps']
        for p in sgpars.adppars:
            if p.name.startswith(isosymbol):
                recipe.addVar(p, value=p.value or fbbiso, tags=tags)
            # we have anisotropic site here, but constrain as isotropic
            # if so requested
            if self.isotropy:
                # extract site index for this sg parameter.  Use it to get
                # the parameter for its Biso value.
                idx = int(p.name.split('_')[-1])
                psite = cpdf.cif.phase.scatterers[idx]
                pbiso = psite.Biso
                n = isosymbol + '_{}'.format(idx)
                v = pbiso.value or fbbiso
                # avoid applying duplicate constrain to pbiso
                if recipe.get(n) is None:
                    recipe.addVar(pbiso, name=n, value=v, tags=tags)
            # here we constrain an anisotropic site.
            # make sure its ADPs are nonzero.
            spa = p.par.obj
            if not all((spa.B11, spa.B22, spa.B33)):
                spa.B11 = afbiso.B11
                spa.B22 = afbiso.B22
                spa.B33 = afbiso.B33
                spa.B12 = afbiso.B12
                spa.B13 = afbiso.B13
                spa.B23 = afbiso.B23
            recipe.addVar(p, tags=tags)
        # constrain delta2, qdamp and qbroad
        p = cpdf.cif.delta2
        v = p.value or self.fbdelta2
        recipe.addVar(p, value=v, tag='phase')
        p = cpdf.qdamp
        v = p.value or self.fbqdamp
        recipe.addVar(p, value=v, tag='experiment')
        p = cpdf.qbroad
        v = p.value or self.fbqbroad
        recipe.addVar(p, value=v, tag='experiment')
        return recipe
Ejemplo n.º 8
    mnofit.addVar(par, value=0.003, fixed=True)

# As usual, we add variables for the overall scale of the PDF and a delta2
# parameter for correlated motion of neighboring atoms.
mnofit.addVar(totpdf.nucscale, 1)
mnofit.addVar(nucpdf.delta2, 1.5)

# We fix Qdamp based on prior information about our beamline.
mnofit.addVar(nucpdf.qdamp, 0.03, fixed=True)

# add the mPDF variables
mnofit.addVar(totpdf.parascale, 4)
mnofit.addVar(totpdf.ordscale, 1.5)

# Turn off printout of iteration number.

# Initial structural fit
print "Refine PDF using scipy's least-squares optimizer:"
print "  variables:", mnofit.names
print "  initial values:", mnofit.values
leastsq(mnofit.residual, mnofit.values)
print "  final values:", mnofit.values
# Obtain and display the fit results.
mnoresults = FitResults(mnofit)
print "FIT RESULTS\n"
print mnoresults

# Get the experimental data from the recipe
Ejemplo n.º 9
        cdseFit.constrain(atom.Biso, SeBiso)

# Now we create a zoomscale factor which stretches the structure model, this is
# useful when you want to fit the bond length. Note that the relative position
# of atoms are not changed during the refinements
zoomscale = cdseFit.newVar('zoomscale', value=1.0)

# Here is a simple we to assign the zoomscale to the structure. Note that this
# only works for NON-PERIODIC structure
lattice = cdsePDF.CdSe.phase.getLattice()
cdseFit.constrain(lattice.a, zoomscale)
cdseFit.constrain(lattice.b, zoomscale)
cdseFit.constrain(lattice.c, zoomscale)

# Turn off printout of iteration number.

# We can now execute the fit using scipy's least square optimizer.
print("Refine PDF using scipy's least-squares optimizer:")
print("  variables:", cdseFit.names)
print("  initial values:", cdseFit.values)
leastsq(cdseFit.residual, cdseFit.values)
print("  final values:", cdseFit.values)

# Obtain and display the fit results.
cdseResults = FitResults(cdseFit)
print("FIT RESULTS\n")

# Plot the observed and refined PDF.
Ejemplo n.º 10
print("linefit.evaluate() =", linefit.evaluate())
print("linefit.residual() =", linefit.residual())
plt.plot(xobs, yobs, 'x', linedata.x, linefit.evaluate(), '-')
plt.title('Line simulated at A=3, B=5')

# <demo> --- stop ---

# We want to find optimum model parameters that fit the simulated curve
# to the observations.  This is done by associating FitContribution with
# a FitRecipe object.  FitRecipe can manage multiple fit contributions and
# optimize all models to fit their respective profiles.

from diffpy.srfit.fitbase import FitRecipe
rec = FitRecipe()
# clearFitHooks suppresses printout of iteration number


# <demo> --- stop ---

# FitContributions may have many parameters.  We need to tell the recipe
# which of them should be tuned by the fit.


# The addVar function created two attributes A, B for the rec object
# which link ot the A and B parameters of the linefit contribution.
Ejemplo n.º 11
print("linefit.evaluate() =", linefit.evaluate())
print("linefit.residual() =", linefit.residual())
plt.plot(xobs, yobs, 'x', linedata.x, linefit.evaluate(), '-')
plt.title('Line simulated at A=3, B=5')

# <demo> --- stop ---

# We want to find optimum model parameters that fit the simulated curve
# to the observations.  This is done by associating FitContribution with
# a FitRecipe object.  FitRecipe can manage multiple fit contributions and
# optimize all models to fit their respective profiles.

from diffpy.srfit.fitbase import FitRecipe
rec = FitRecipe()
# clearFitHooks suppresses printout of iteration number


# <demo> --- stop ---

# FitContributions may have many parameters.  We need to tell the recipe
# which of them should be tuned by the fit.


# The addVar function created two attributes A, B for the rec object
# which link ot the A and B parameters of the linefit contribution.
Ejemplo n.º 12
    'Two Gaussians simulated at A=25000, x0=40, sig=20 and A=500, x0=68, sig=3'

# <demo> --- stop ---

# We want to find optimum model parameters that fit the simulated curve
# to the observations.  This is done by associating FitContribution with
# a FitRecipe object.  FitRecipe can manage multiple fit contributions and
# optimize all models to fit their respective profiles.

from diffpy.srfit.fitbase import FitRecipe
recipe = FitRecipe()

# clearFitHooks suppresses printout of iteration number



# <demo> --- stop ---

# FitContributions may have many parameters.  We need to tell the recipe
# which of them should be tuned by the fit.

import numpy as np

from pyobjcryst import loadCrystal
from diffpy.srfit.pdf import PDFContribution
from diffpy.srfit.fitbase import Profile, FitRecipe, FitResults

nphcrystal = loadCrystal('naphthalene.cif')

pdfcntb = PDFContribution('pdfcntb')
pdfcntb.qdamp = 0.06
pdfcntb.setCalculationRange(1.1, 25)
pdfcntb.addStructure('nph', nphcrystal)

nphfit = FitRecipe()

nphfit.addVar(pdfcntb.scale, name='scale')
nphfit.addVar(pdfcntb.nph.delta2, value=1.0)
nphase = pdfcntb.nph.phase
# unit cell parameters
# cell-angle beta is in radians in ObjCryst Crystal
# we will refine angle in degrees.
nphfit.newVar('beta', value=np.degrees(nphase.beta.value))
nphfit.constrain(nphase.beta, 'radians(beta)')
# all carbon species have the same displacement parameter,
# it is sufficient to add constraint for the C1 atom
Ejemplo n.º 14
for par in spaceGroupParams.latpars:
# Set initial value for the ADP parameters, because CIF had no ADP data.
for par in spaceGroupParams.adppars:
    MnOFit.addVar(par, value=0.003,fixed=True)

# As usual, we add variables for the overall scale of the PDF and a delta2
# parameter for correlated motion of neighboring atoms.
MnOFit.addVar(MnOPDF.scale, 1)
MnOFit.addVar(MnOPDF.MnO.delta2, 1.5)

# We fix Qdamp based on prior information about our beamline.
MnOFit.addVar(MnOPDF.qdamp, 0.03, fixed=True)

# Turn off printout of iteration number.

# We can now execute the fit using scipy's least square optimizer.
print("Refine PDF using scipy's least-squares optimizer:")
print("  variables:", MnOFit.names)
print("  initial values:", MnOFit.values)
leastsq(MnOFit.residual, MnOFit.values)
print("  final values:", MnOFit.values)

# Obtain and display the fit results.
MnOResults = FitResults(MnOFit)
print("FIT RESULTS\n")

# Get the experimental data from the recipe