Ejemplo n.º 1
def nextStep():
    data = np.load(
        'FallData/D02-S02-E95-RE10-PFAC999-500k.npz')  # load in steady state
    #acquire data from file
    Nice = data['Nice']
    Niceoffset = data['Niceoffset']
    Diffofx = data['Diffofx']
    diffperdtEdgeAdjust = data['diffperdtEdgeAdjust']
    Fliq = data['Fliq']
    rainperdtTerr = data['rainperdtTerr']
    Nbar = data['Nbar']
    rainperdtTerrAdjust = data['rainperdtTerrAdjust']
    Nstar = data['Nstar']
    Nmono = data['Nmono']
    phi = data['phi']
    x = data['x']
    initTime = data['t']
    cnt = 0
    n = len(x)

    while cnt < 1100:  #interval to animate

        cnt += 1
        # find edges
        intValues = (Nice - Niceoffset).astype(int)
        differences = np.diff(intValues)
        stepsUp = mlab.find(differences > 0)
        stepsDown = mlab.find(
            differences < 0) + 1  #+1 so we are on lower side of edge
        steps = np.append(stepsDown, stepsUp)

        # adjust diffusion coefficient at edges
        Dofx = copy.copy(Diffofx)
        Dofx[steps] -= diffperdtEdgeAdjust

        #diffuse liquid across surface
        Fliq = ds.diffuse(Fliq, Dofx)

        #incoming vapor
        Fliq = Fliq + rainperdtTerr
        Fliq[steps] = Fliq[steps] + rainperdtTerrAdjust[steps]

        for i in range(n):
            deltaN = ds.getdeltaN(Nice[i], Fliq[i], Nbar, Nstar, Nmono, phi)
            Fliq[i] += deltaN
            Nice[i] -= deltaN
        if cnt % 1 == 0:
            yield x, Fliq, Nice, steps, cnt, initTime  # send info for animation before looping again
def nextStep():
    data = np.load('FallData/D02-S02-E95-RE10-PFAC999-500k.npz') # load in steady state
    #acquire data from file    
    Nice = data['Nice']
    Niceoffset = data['Niceoffset']
    Diffofx = data['Diffofx']
    diffperdtEdgeAdjust = data['diffperdtEdgeAdjust']
    Fliq = data['Fliq']
    rainperdtTerr = data['rainperdtTerr']
    Nbar = data['Nbar']
    rainperdtTerrAdjust = data['rainperdtTerrAdjust']
    Nstar = data['Nstar']
    Nmono = data['Nmono']
    phi = data['phi']
    x = data['x']
    initTime = data['t']
    cnt = 0
    n = len(x)    
    while cnt < 1100: #interval to animate
        cnt += 1
        # find edges        
        intValues = (Nice-Niceoffset).astype(int)        
        differences = np.diff(intValues)
        stepsUp = mlab.find(differences > 0)
        stepsDown = mlab.find(differences < 0)+1 #+1 so we are on lower side of edge
        steps = np.append(stepsDown, stepsUp)
        # adjust diffusion coefficient at edges
        Dofx = copy.copy(Diffofx)        
        Dofx[steps] -= diffperdtEdgeAdjust
        #diffuse liquid across surface
        Fliq = ds.diffuse(Fliq, Dofx)
        #incoming vapor
        Fliq = Fliq + rainperdtTerr
        Fliq[steps] = Fliq[steps] + rainperdtTerrAdjust[steps]
        for i in range(n):
            deltaN = ds.getdeltaN(Nice[i], Fliq[i], Nbar, Nstar, Nmono, phi)
            Fliq[i] += deltaN
            Nice[i] -= deltaN
        if cnt%1==0:
            yield x, Fliq, Nice, steps, cnt, initTime# send info for animation before looping again
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    sec1 = time.time()
    # Parameters related to equilibrium
    Nbar = 1.0  # new Nbar from VMD, 260K
    Nstar = .9 / (2 * np.pi)
    phi = 0.0
    Nmono = 1.0
    Niceoffset = ds.getNiceoffset(Nbar, Nstar, Nmono, phi)

    # Want units in terms of micrometers and microseconds
    n = 1000  # Number of points in simulation box
    t = 10000  #still arbitrary timesteps #Total Simulation Time
    deltaT = 2.0  #microseconds
    deltaX = 1.0  #micrometers
    Fliqstart = 1.5  #monolayers
    current_time = 0
    D = 2e-2  # micrometers^2/microseconds
    #print "Dprime:", Dprime

    deprate = .2  # Monolayers per microsecond (Hopefully, depends on how the scale translates in the x direction now that x and deltaX are smaller)
    deprate_micronspersecond = deprate * 1e6 * 0.37e-3
    #print deprate_micronspersecond
    depratePFac = 0.99
    #alphaTerr = 1.0 #Not in use yet

    # Dependent Parameters
    x = np.arange(
        0, n, deltaX
    )  # used arange over linspace because it is more beautiful and easier to manipulate
    #print "x:", x
    boxpoints = len(x)
    Fliq = np.zeros(boxpoints) + Fliqstart
    Nice = np.zeros(boxpoints)
    Dprime = D * deltaT / deltaX**2  # New diffperdt #Recast into 20 microns
    #print "Dprime:", Dprime
    xmid = max(x) / 2

    depratep = deprate * deltaT * depratePFac
    c = (deprate * deltaT - depratep) / xmid**2
    depratesurface = (x - xmid)**2 * c + depratep

    sigma0 = 0.1
    sigmapfac = 0.983
    sigmastepmax = 0.2
    sigmastepmin = sigmastepmax * sigmapfac
    redux = sigmastepmax - sigmastepmin
    sigmastep = redux * (x - xmid)**2 / xmid**2 + sigmastepmin
    plt.plot(x, sigmastep)

    #Pre equilibration
    for i in range(boxpoints):
        deltaN = ds.getdeltaN(Nice[i], Fliq[i], Nbar, Nstar, Nmono, phi)
        Fliq[i] += deltaN
        Nice[i] -= deltaN

    #plt.plot(x, Nice, 'k', x, Fliq+Nice, 'b', x, Fliq, 'g')

    Dprimesurface = np.zeros(boxpoints) + Dprime
    Dprimeedge = 0.99 * Dprime
    deprateedge = deprate * 0.1 * deltaT  #Additional Deposition at the edge

    dtmax = deltaX**2 / D
    #print 'max dt is:', dtmax, 'current dt is:', deltaT
    deltaN = np.zeros(np.shape(Fliq))
    sigavg0 = []
    sigavg250 = []
    sigavg500 = []

    for i in range(int(t / deltaT)):
        #intvalues = (Nice-Niceoffset).astype(int)
        #differences = np.diff(intvalues)
        #stepsUp = mlab.find(differences > 0)
        #stepsDown = mlab.find(differences < 0) + 1 # +1 so we are on lower side of the edge
        #steps = np.append(stepsDown, stepsUp)

        dprimecopy = copy.copy(Dprimesurface)
        #dprimecopy[steps] = Dprimeedge

        delta = (Fliq - (Nbar - Nstar)) / (2 * Nstar)
        sigD = (sigmastep - delta * sigma0) / (1 + delta * sigma0)
        depsurf = deprate * sigD * deltaT
        Fliq += depsurf

        Fliq = ds.diffuse(Fliq, dprimecopy)

        #Fliq = Fliq + (sigma - depratesurface * (maxF-Fliq)/maxF) # What is sigma?  # Square maxF and Fliq?

        for j in range(boxpoints):
            deltaN[j] = ds.getdeltaN(Nice[j], Fliq[j], Nbar, Nstar, Nmono, phi)
        Fliq += deltaN
        Nice -= deltaN
    minpoint = min(Nice)
    print("Height of Ice", minpoint)
    Nice -= minpoint

    print("0:", np.mean(sigavg0))
    print("250:", np.mean(sigavg250))
    print("500:", np.mean(sigavg500))

    plt.plot(x, Nice, 'k', x, Fliq + Nice, 'b', x, Fliq,
             'g')  #, x[steps], Fliq[steps], 'o')
    sec2 = time.time()
    print "Time taken:", int(
        (sec2 - sec1) / 60), "min", (sec2 - sec1) % 60, "secs"
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main():
    sec1 = time.time()
    # Parameters related to equilibrium
    Nbar = 1.0 # new Nbar from VMD, 260K
    Nstar = .9/(2*np.pi)
    phi = 0.0
    Nmono = 1.0

    # Want units in terms of micrometers and microseconds
    n = 1000 # Number of points in simulation box
    t = 100000 #still arbitrary timesteps #Total Simulation Time
    deltaT = 5.0 #microseconds
    deltaX = 1.0 #micrometers
    Fliqstart = 1.5 #monolayers 
    D = 10e-2 # micrometers^2/microseconds
    #print "Dprime:", Dprime
    deprate = .2 # Monolayers per microsecond (Hopefully, depends on how the scale translates in the x direction now that x and deltaX are smaller)
    #deprate_micronspersecond = deprate*1e6 * 0.37e-3
    #print deprate_micronspersecond 
    #depratePFac = 0.99
    #alphaTerr = 1.0 #Not in use yet
    # Dependent Parameters
    x = np.arange(0, n, deltaX) # used arange over linspace because it is more beautiful and easier to manipulate
    boxpoints = len(x)
    Fliq = np.zeros(boxpoints) + Fliqstart
    Nice = np.zeros(boxpoints)

    # Load them
    npzfile = np.load('NeshData/test9.npz')
    Fliq = npzfile['Fliq']
    Nice = npzfile['Nice']

    Dprime = D*deltaT/deltaX**2 # New diffperdt #Recast into 20 microns
    xmid = max(x)/2
    #depratep = deprate*deltaT * depratePFac
    #c = (deprate*deltaT - depratep)/xmid**2
    #depratesurface = (x-xmid)**2*c+depratep
    sigma0 = 0.1
    sigmapfac = 0.99
    sigmastepmax = 0.2
    sigmastepmin = sigmastepmax * sigmapfac
    redux = sigmastepmax - sigmastepmin
    sigmastep = redux*(x-xmid)**2/xmid**2 + sigmastepmin
    #plt.plot(x, sigmastep)
    #Pre equilibration
    for i in range(boxpoints):
        deltaN = ds.getdeltaN(Nice[i],Fliq[i],Nbar,Nstar,Nmono,phi)
        Fliq[i] += deltaN
        Nice[i] -= deltaN
    #plt.plot(x, Nice, 'k', x, Fliq+Nice, 'b', x, Fliq, 'g')    
    Dprimesurface = np.zeros(boxpoints) + Dprime
    #Dprimeedge = 0.99 * Dprime
    #deprateedge = deprate* 0.1*deltaT #Additional Deposition at the edge
    dtmax = deltaX**2/D
    print ('max dt is:', dtmax, 'current dt is:', deltaT)
    deltaN = np.zeros(np.shape(Fliq))
    sigavg0 = []
    sigavg250 = []
    sigavg500 = []    
    for i in range(int(t/deltaT)):
        #intvalues = (Nice-Niceoffset).astype(int)
        #differences = np.diff(intvalues)
        #stepsUp = mlab.find(differences > 0)
        #stepsDown = mlab.find(differences < 0) + 1 # +1 so we are on lower side of the edge
        #steps = np.append(stepsDown, stepsUp)
        dprimecopy = copy.copy(Dprimesurface)
        #dprimecopy[steps] = Dprimeedge
        delta = (Fliq - (Nbar - Nstar))/(2*Nstar)
        sigD = (sigmastep - delta * sigma0)/(1+delta*sigma0)        
        depsurf = deprate * sigD * deltaT
        Fliq += depsurf
        Fliq = ds.diffuse(Fliq, dprimecopy)
        #Fliq = Fliq + (sigma - depratesurface * (maxF-Fliq)/maxF) # What is sigma?  # Square maxF and Fliq?
        for j in range(boxpoints):
            deltaN[j] = ds.getdeltaN(Nice[j], Fliq[j], Nbar, Nstar, Nmono, phi)
        Fliq += deltaN
        Nice -= deltaN
    minpoint = min(Nice)
    print("Height of Ice", minpoint)
    Nice -= minpoint
    print("0:", np.mean(sigavg0))    
    print("250:", np.mean(sigavg250))    
    print("500:", np.mean(sigavg500))    
    print (np.mean(sigavg500)/np.mean(sigavg0))
    plt.plot(x, Nice, 'k', x, Fliq+Nice, 'b', x, Fliq, 'g')#, x[steps], Fliq[steps], 'o')
    sec2 = time.time()
    print ("Time taken:", int((sec2-sec1)/60), "min", (sec2-sec1)%60, "secs")

    saveit = True    
    if saveit:
        np.savez_compressed('NeshData/test10.npz', Nice=Nice,
                            Fliq=Fliq, Nbar=Nbar, Nstar=Nstar,
                            x=x, t=t)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main():
    sec1 = time.time()
    # Parameters related to equilibrium
    Nbar = 1.0 # new Nbar from VMD, 260K
    Nstar = .9/(2*np.pi)
    phi = 0.0
    Nmono = 1.0
    Niceoffset = ds.getNiceoffset(Nbar, Nstar, Nmono, phi)

    # Want units in terms of micrometers and microseconds
    n = 1000 # Number of points in simulation box
    t = 3000000 #still arbitrary timesteps #Total Simulation Time
    deltaT = 1.0 #microseconds
    deltaX = 1.5 #micrometers
    Fliqstart = 1.5 #monolayers 
    current_time = 0
    D = 2e-2 # micrometers^2/microseconds
    #print "Dprime:", Dprime
    deprate = .02 # Monolayers per microsecond (Hopefully, depends on how the scale translates in the x direction now that x and deltaX are smaller)
    deprate_micronspersecond = deprate*1e6 * 0.37e-3
    print deprate_micronspersecond 
    depratePFac = 0.999
    #alphaTerr = 1.0 #Not in use yet
    # Dependent Parameters
    x = np.arange(0, n, deltaX) # used arange over linspace because it is more beautiful and easier to manipulate
    #print "x:", x
    boxpoints = len(x)
    Fliq = np.zeros(boxpoints) + Fliqstart
    Nice = np.zeros(boxpoints)
    Dprime = D*deltaT/deltaX**2 # New diffperdt #Recast into 20 microns
    print "Dprime:", Dprime
    xmid = max(x)/2
    depratep = deprate*deltaT * depratePFac
    c = (deprate*deltaT - depratep)/xmid**2
    depratesurface = (x-xmid)**2*c+depratep
    #Pre equilibration
    for i in range(boxpoints):
        deltaN = ds.getdeltaN(Nice[i],Fliq[i],Nbar,Nstar,Nmono,phi)
        Fliq[i] += deltaN
        Nice[i] -= deltaN
    #plt.plot(x, Nice, 'k', x, Fliq+Nice, 'b', x, Fliq, 'g')    
    Dprimesurface = np.zeros(boxpoints) + Dprime
    Dprimeedge = 0.99 * Dprime
    deprateedge = deprate* 0.1*deltaT #Additional Deposition at the edge
    dtmax = deltaX**2/D
    print 'max dt is:', dtmax, 'current dt is:', deltaT
    deltaN = np.zeros(np.shape(Fliq))
    for i in range(int(t/deltaT)):
        intvalues = (Nice-Niceoffset).astype(int)
        differences = np.diff(intvalues)
        stepsUp = mlab.find(differences > 0)
        stepsDown = mlab.find(differences < 0) + 1 # +1 so we are on lower side of the edge
        steps = np.append(stepsDown, stepsUp)
        dprimecopy = copy.copy(Dprimesurface)
        dprimecopy[steps] = Dprimeedge
        Fliq = ds.diffuse(Fliq, dprimecopy)
        Fliq = Fliq + depratesurface
        #Fliq[steps] = Fliq[steps] + deprateedge
        for j in range(boxpoints):
            deltaN[j] = ds.getdeltaN(Nice[j], Fliq[j], Nbar, Nstar, Nmono, phi)
        Fliq += deltaN
        Nice -= deltaN
    minpoint = min(Nice)
    Nice -= minpoint
    plt.plot(x, Nice, 'k', x, Fliq+Nice, 'b', x, Fliq, 'g', x[steps], Fliq[steps], 'o')
    sec2 = time.time()
    print "Time taken:", int((sec2-sec1)/60), "min", (sec2-sec1)%60, "secs"