Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_vehicle(vehicle_type, zipcode):

        #Here we find the list of all available specified vehicles
        available_vehicles = [
            v for v in vehicles if v['type'] == vehicle_type and v['available']

        #If there are available vehicles
        if len(available_vehicles) > 0:
            g.reset_vertices()  #resets our graph
            place = g.get_vertex(zipcode)  #Returns Our Starting vertex
                g, place
            )  # setting distance of each node with respect to our starting vertex

            #Stores the distance of available vehicle from origin of request
            for av in available_vehicles:
                av['distance'] = g.get_vertex(av['zipcode']).get_distance()

            #Sorting the list of all the available vehicles, based on key with inline function Lambda(sorts based on Distances)
            #The below contains list of KEY, VALUE pairs
            available_vehicles = sorted(available_vehicles,
                                        key=lambda k: k['distance'])

        return available_vehicles  #Sorted list of available vehicles
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test():

	#disponivel http://www.fernandolobo.info/aed-II/teoricas/a24e25.print.pdf
	print 'Testando grafo de exemplo das aulas do prof. Fernando Lobo da universidade Algarve in Portugal.'

	g = grafo(direcionado=True)


	for v in g.get_vertices():
		caminho = [v.get_id()]	
		caminho_minino(v, caminho)
		print 'O menor caminho é: %s com custo %d.' %(caminho[::-1], v.get_distancia())	
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_dijkstra():
    Test `dijkstra` function.
    This is an implementation of dijkstra's algorithm
    for finding shortest path distances to all nodes 
    in a graph from a specified start node.

    G = make_graph('test_data/undirected.txt')
    expected = {'A': 0, 'C': 3, 'B': 1, 'D': 4}
    dist, pred = dijkstra(G, 'A')
    assert dist == expected

    G = make_graph('test_data/directed.txt')
    dist, pred = dijkstra(G, 'A')
    assert dist == expected

    graph = {'a': {'b': 1}, 
             'b': {'c': 2, 'b': 5}, 
             'c': {'d': 1},
             'd': {}}
    dist, pred = dijkstra(graph, start='a')
    assert dist == {'a': 0, 'c': 3, 'b': 1, 'd': 4}
    assert pred == {'b': 'a', 'c': 'b', 'd': 'c'}
def dispatch(vehicle_type, zipcode):

    unassigned_vehicles = [
        v for v in vehicles
        if int(v['T']) == vehicle_type and v['AVAILABILITY']

    if len(unassigned_vehicles) > 0:
        )  #vertex's distance = infinityvi; vextex.visited = False; vertex.previous = None will be done in reset_vertices() method
        place = g.get_vertex(zipcode)  #Returns vert_dict
            g, place
        )  #passing the graph object and place into DIJKSTRA's method in Dijkstra's file

        #Calculating and  storing the list of distances for all the available vehicles done by adding vertex and getting distance
        for vehicle in unassigned_vehicles:
            vehicle['DISTANCE'] = g.get_vertex(int(

        #Sorting the list of all the available vehicles, based on key with inline function Lambda(sorts based on Distances)
        #The below contains list of KEY, VALUE pairs
        unassigned_vehicles = sorted(unassigned_vehicles,
                                     key=lambda k: k['DISTANCE'])

#        vehicles[vehicles.index(availability[0])]['AVAILABILITY'] = False
    print("The ID of assigned vehicle is " + unassigned_vehicles[0]['SNUM'] +
          " and the shortest distance from the requested ZIPCODE is " +
Ejemplo n.º 5
def run(do_print):
    f = open("runtime.txt", "w")
    print("Run dijkstra ...")
    # dijkstra
    t0 = time.clock()
    for i in range(n):
        dijkstra(i, Matrix, Neighbors, do_print=do_print)
    td = time.clock() - t0
    print("Run bf ...")
    # bf
    t0 = time.clock()
    for i in range(n):
        bf(i, Matrix, Neighbors, do_print=do_print)
    tf = time.clock() - t0
    print("Run fw ...")
    # fw
    t0 = time.clock()
    fw(Matrix, Neighbors, do_print=do_print)
    tw = time.clock() - t0
    # print
    td = td / (n * n)
    tf = tf / (n * n)
    tw = tw / (n * n)
    f.write("Dijkstra: " + str(td) + " seconds\n")
    f.write("Bellman-Ford: " + str(tf) + " seconds\n")
    f.write("Floyd-Warshall: " + str(tw) + " seconds")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def johnson(g, w):
    vertexes_g = g.get_v()
    edges_g = g.get_e()
    s = NameVertex('s')
    vertexes_g1 = [s] + vertexes_g
    edges_g1 = edges_g.copy()
    for vertex in vertexes_g:
        edges_g1.append(Edge(s, vertex, 0))
    graph2 = DirectedGraph(vertexes_g1, edges_g1)
    if bellman_ford(graph2, w, s) == False:
        print("the in put graph contains a negative_weight cycle")
        h = dict()
        for vertex in vertexes_g1:
            h[vertex] = vertex.d
        def weight1(edge):
            return w(edge) + h[edge.u] - h[edge.v]
    n = len(vertexes_g)
    d = dict()
    for u in vertexes_g:
        dijkstra(g, weight1, u)
        d[u] = dict()
        for v in vertexes_g:
            d[u][v] = v.d + h[v] - h[u]
    return d
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get_vehicle(vehicle_type, zipcode):

        #Here we are defining a new variable that stores all the available vehicles, It iterates over the variable 'VEHICLE' and
        #.. selects the vehicle only condition1: that vehicle type is present and condition2: the present vehicle is still available or not
        available_vehicles = [
            v for v in vehicles if v['type'] == vehicle_type and v['available']

        #If there are available vehicles
        if len(available_vehicles) > 0:
            )  #vertex's distance = infinityvi; vextex.visited = False; vertex.previous = None will be done in reset_vertices() method
            place = g.get_vertex(zipcode)  #Returns vert_dict
                g, place
            )  #passing the graph object and place into DIJKSTRA's method in Dijkstra's file

            #Calculating and  storing the list of distances for all the available vehicles done by adding vertex and getting distance
            for av in available_vehicles:
                av['distance'] = g.get_vertex(av['zipcode']).get_distance()

            #Sorting the list of all the available vehicles, based on key with inline function Lambda(sorts based on Distances)
            #The below contains list of KEY, VALUE pairs
            available_vehicles = sorted(available_vehicles,
                                        key=lambda k: k['distance'])

        return available_vehicles  #Sorted list of available vehicles
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_graph_1(self):
        gg = Graph([
            ('A', 'B', 3),
            ('A', 'C', 4),
            ('A', 'D', 7),
            ('B', 'C', 1),
            ('B', 'F', 5),
            ('C', 'D', 2),
            ('C', 'F', 6),
            ('D', 'E', 3),
            ('D', 'G', 6),
            ('E', 'F', 1),
            ('E', 'G', 3),
            ('E', 'H', 4),
            ('F', 'H', 8),
		. A---D---G
		. |\ / \ /|
		. | C   E |
		. |/ \ / \|
		. B---F---H

            ['A', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'H'],
            dijkstra(gg, 'A', 'H'),

            ['B', 'C', 'D', 'G'],
            dijkstra(gg, 'B', 'G'),
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_graph_2(self):
        gg = Graph([
            ('A', 'B', 14),
            ('A', 'G', 10),
            ('A', 'H', 17),
            ('B', 'C', 9),
            ('B', 'F', 10),
            ('B', 'G', 3),
            ('C', 'F', 2),
            ('F', 'I', 7),
            ('G', 'H', 6),
            ('G', 'I', 4),
            ('H', 'I', 1),
		.   B---G
		.  /|\ /|\
		. C | A | \
		.  \|  \| |
		.   F   H |
		.    \   \|
		.     `---I

        self.assertEqual(['C', 'F', 'I', 'H'], dijkstra(gg, 'C', 'H'))

        self.assertEqual(['A', 'G', 'I', 'F'], dijkstra(gg, 'A', 'F'))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def johnson(G, w):
    # 计算G'
    # 对G加入一源节点s
    # 使得(s, v) = 0
    G1, s, w = compute_G(G, w)

    if False == bellman_ford(G1, w, s):
        raise "graph contain negative-weight cycle"
        # 计算h(v)
        h = {}
        for v in G1.V:
            h[v] = v.d

        # 更新w
        w1 = {}
        for u in G1.V:
            for v in G1.E[u]:
                w1[(u, v)] = w[u, v] + h[u] - h[v]

        n = len(G.V)
        D = [[0 for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)]
        # 使用Dijkstra算法
        for u in G.V:
            dijkstra(G, w1, u)

            for v in G.V:
                D[u.value - 1][v.value - 1] = v.d + h[v] - h[u]
        return D
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test():

	print 'Testando grafo de exemplo do livro Algoritmos 3rd (Cormen), página 480.'

	g = grafo(direcionado=True)


	for v in g.get_vertices():
		caminho = [v.get_id()]	
		caminho_minino(v, caminho)
		print 'O menor caminho é: %s com custo %d.' %(caminho[::-1], v.get_distancia())	
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_shortest_path(g, initial, target):
    print 'Origin: ', initial, 'Target: ', target
    dj.dijkstra(g, g.get_vertex(initial), g.get_vertex(target))
    target = g.get_vertex(target)
    path = [target]
    dj.shortest(target, path)
    return list(reversed(path))
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_dijkstra_int_vertices_negaitve(self):

        graph = Graph()

        graph.add_edge(Edge(Vertex(1), Vertex(2), 1))
        graph.add_edge(Edge(Vertex(1), Vertex(4), 1))
        graph.add_edge(Edge(Vertex(3), Vertex(4), 1))
        graph.add_edge(Edge(Vertex(4), Vertex(2), 1))

        self.assertEqual(dijkstra(graph, Vertex(5), Vertex(0)), float("inf"))
        self.assertEqual(dijkstra(graph, Vertex(1), Vertex(5)), float("inf"))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def single_timed_test(g, u, v, structure):
    '''runs a single instance of the Dijkstra algorithm on a graph g with starting 
    node u and ending node v.  structure refers to the type data structure used'''

    t0 = time()
    dijkstra.dijkstra(g, g.get_vertex(u), structure)
    target = g.get_vertex(v)
    path = [target.get_id()]
    dijkstra.shortest(target, path)
    t1 = time()

    return t1 - t0
Ejemplo n.º 15
def main():
    G = Graph()
    t1 = datetime.now()
    t2 = datetime.now()
    print("Time to create sparse graph G1 ", t2 - t1)
    print("Source, Destination", "\t\t\t", "Dijkstra With Heap", "\t\t\t",
          "Dijkstra without Heap ", "\t\t\t", "Kruskal")
    for i in range(5):
        num1 = random.randint(0, V - 1)
        num2 = random.randint(0, V - 1)
        if num1 == num2:
        t3 = datetime.now()
        bw = dijkstra(G, num1, num2)
        t4 = datetime.now()
        t5 = datetime.now()
        bw1 = dijkstraWithHeap(G, num1, num2)
        t6 = datetime.now()
        t7 = datetime.now()
        bw2 = Kruskal(G, num1, num2)
        t8 = datetime.now()
        print(num1, num2, "\t\t\t", bw, t4 - t3, "\t\t\t", bw1, t6 - t5,
              "\t\t\t", bw2, t8 - t7)

    t1 = datetime.now()
    T = Graph()
    t2 = datetime.now()
    print("Time to create dense graph G2 ", t2 - t1)
    print("Source, Destination", "\t\t\t", "Dijkstra With Heap", "\t\t\t",
          "Dijkstra without Heap", "\t\t\t", "Kruskal")
    for i in range(5):
        num1 = random.randint(0, V - 1)
        num2 = random.randint(0, V - 1)
        if num1 == num2:
        t3 = datetime.now()
        bw = dijkstra(T, num1, num2)
        t4 = datetime.now()
        t5 = datetime.now()
        bw1 = dijkstraWithHeap(T, num1, num2)
        t6 = datetime.now()
        t7 = datetime.now()
        bw2 = Kruskal(T, num1, num2)
        t8 = datetime.now()
        print(num1, num2, "\t\t\t", bw, t4 - t3, "\t\t\t", bw1, t6 - t5,
              "\t\t\t", bw2, t8 - t7)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def johnson(graph: Graph, type: str = 'copy'):
	def transform_vertices(graph_matrix: list, distance: list):
		for i in range(len(graph_matrix)):
			for j in range(len(graph_matrix[i])):
					graph_matrix[i][j] += distance[i] - distance[j]

	def rollback_vertices(graph_matrix: list, distance: list):
		for i in range(len(graph_matrix)):
			for j in range(len(graph_matrix[i])):
				graph_matrix[i][j] += -distance[i] + distance[j]

	total_v = graph.get_total_v()

	new_graph = add_vertice(graph,[0]*(total_v + 1))
	new_total_v = new_graph.get_total_v()

	distance_bf = bellman_ford(new_graph, new_total_v - 1)

	graph_matrix = graph.get_matrix(type)
	transform_vertices(graph_matrix, distance_bf)

	result = []
	for i in range(len(graph_matrix)):
		result.append(dijkstra(Graph(graph_matrix), i))

	rollback_vertices(result, distance_bf)	

	return result
Ejemplo n.º 17
def johnson(graph):
	All pair shortest path algorithm with complexity O(nmlogn) for graph with negative edges
	- Create a new graph with a grounded node which has oneway connections to all other nodes
	- First use bellman_ford to reweight c_uv' = c_uv + p(v) - p(u) AND to detect negative cost cycles if present
	- Then apply Dijkstra on the reweighted graph to find shortest path
	- Then transformed shortest path values back to the unweighted values c_uv = c_uv' + p(u) - p(v)

    V = list(set([k for v in graph.values() for k in v] + graph.keys()))
    grounded_graph = deepcopy(graph)
    grounded_graph['ground'] = {v: 0 for v in V}

    weights = bellman_ford(grounded_graph, 'ground')
    if not weights:
        # ncc detected
        return None

    reweighted_graph = {
        u: {v: c + weights[u] - weights[v]
            for v, c in d.iteritems()}
        for u, d in graph.iteritems()

    # dijkstra n times
    apsp = {v: dijkstra(reweighted_graph, v) for v in V}

    # unweight
    apsp = {
        u: {v: c - weights[u] + weights[v]
            for v, c in d.iteritems()}
        for u, d in apsp.iteritems()

    return apsp
Ejemplo n.º 18
def johnson(graph, num_vertices):
    shortest_distances = {}
    # add a new vertex 0 to the graph that is
    # connected to all of the other vertices with weight 0
    for i in range(1, num_vertices):
        graph[i][0] = 0

    # run the Bellman-Ford algorithm on the graph with vertex 0 as the source
    # to find the shortest path distances from the source vertex to each of the
    # other vertices. If a negative cycle is detected, terminate the algorithm
        distances, predecessors = bellman_ford(graph, num_vertices, 0)
        # remove the vertex 0 from the graph
        for i in range(1, num_vertices):
            del graph[i][0]
        reversed_graph = reverse_graph(graph)
        for i in range(1, num_vertices):
            # re-weight the edges of the original graph using the values
            # computed by the Bellman-Ford algorithm, to w(u, v) + h(u) - h(v)
            for tail in graph[i]:
                graph[i][tail] += distances[tail] - distances[i]
            # run Dijkstra's algorithm n times to find the shortest path
            # distances from each vertex to every other vertex
            shortest_distances[i] = dijkstra(reversed_graph, num_vertices, i)
        return shortest_distances
    except AssertionError as err:
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_dijkstra_1():
    paths = dijkstra(
            ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H"],
                ("A", "B", 4),
                ("A", "C", 8),
                ("A", "D", 1),
                ("B", "C", 3),
                ("C", "D", 9),
                ("C", "F", 5),
                ("C", "H", 4),
                ("D", "E", 2),
                ("E", "F", 3),
                ("F", "G", 2),
                ("G", "H", 3),
    expected = {
        "B": ("A", "B"),
        "C": ("A", "B", "C"),
        "D": ("A", "D"),
        "E": ("A", "D", "E"),
        "F": ("A", "D", "E", "F"),
        "G": ("A", "D", "E", "F", "G"),
        "H": ("A", "B", "C", "H"),

    for v in expected:
        assert set(paths[v]) == set(expected[v])
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def test_graph_3(self):
        # https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anexo:Ejemplo_de_Algoritmo_de_Dijkstra
        gg = Graph([
            ('A', 'B', 16),
            ('A', 'C', 10),
            ('A', 'D', 5),
            ('B', 'C', 2),
            ('B', 'F', 4),
            ('B', 'G', 6),
            ('C', 'D', 4),
            ('C', 'E', 10),
            ('C', 'F', 12),
            ('D', 'E', 15),
            ('E', 'F', 3),
            ('E', 'Z', 5),
            ('F', 'G', 8),
		.   B---,---G
		.  / \   \ / \
		. A---C---F---Z
		.  \ / \ /   /
		.   D---E---

        self.assertEqual(['A', 'D', 'C', 'B', 'F', 'E', 'Z'],
                         dijkstra(gg, 'A', 'Z'))
def main():
    f = open("cal.cedge", "r")
    data = []
    for line in f:
    G = graph()
    for edge in data:
        edge = edge.split(" ")
        edge[3] = edge[3][:-1]
        G.add_edge(edge[1], edge[2], float(edge[3]))

    sorted_l = sorted(G.matrix, key=lambda x: len(G.matrix[x]), reverse=True)
    # print(G.node_ranking('5'))
    # print(G.printGraph())
    # init_hop_doubling_label(G)
    # update_hop_doubling(G)

    with open('hop_doubling.txt', encoding='utf8') as f:
        index = f.readlines()[0]
    index = ast.literal_eval(index)

    result = query(index, '10000', '10010', [], 0)
    d, p = dijkstra(G, '0')
Ejemplo n.º 22
def cheater(graph, s, t):
    g_reverse = graph.reverse(copy=True)
    _, pi = dijkstra(g_reverse, t)

    distances = defaultdict(constant_factory(float("+inf")))
    parents = {}

    queue = PriorityQueue()
    queue.insert(s, pi[s])
    distances[s] = 0
    settled = 0
    relaxed = 0

    while not queue.is_empty():
        u, r = queue.extract_min()
        settled += 1
        if u == t:
        for node, edge_details in graph[u].items():
            if distances[u] + edge_details['weight'] < distances[node]:
                relaxed += 1
                distances[node] = distances[u] + edge_details['weight']
                parents[node] = u
                if queue.contains(node):
                    queue.decrease_key(node, distances[node] + pi[node])
                    queue.insert(node, distances[node] + pi[node])
    return distances[t], settled, relaxed, [ parents.keys(), [] ]
Ejemplo n.º 23
def graph_tools_runner(g, input_file):
    start = g.get_start()
    finish = g.get_finish()
    target = g.get_vertex(finish)  # Destination point
    path = [target.get_id()]

    dijkstra(g, g.get_vertex(start), g.get_nearby())

    shortest_path(target, path)  # Find a shortest path to finish
    path_output = ' -> '.join(path[::-1]) + ': ' + str(target.get_distance())
    # Build reachable destiations string from Dictionary
    reachable_destinations = ', '.join(
        "%s: %r" % (key, val)
        for (key,
             val) in g.get_vertex(start).get_reachable_for_time().iteritems())
    return path_output, reachable_destinations
Ejemplo n.º 24
def atividade1():
    # Exercicio 1:
    print('Exercicio 1 (Funções De Grafos):')
    graph_path = "./instances/caminho_minimo/fln_pequena.net"
    graph = buildGraphFromFile(graph_path)
    test_graph(graph_path, graph)

    # Exercicio 2:
    print('\nExercicio 2 (Busca em largura):\n')
    print(breadthFirstSearch(graph, '1')[0])

    # Exercicio 3:
    print('\nExercicio 3 (Ciclo Euleriano):\n')
    graph_path = "./instances/ciclo_euleriano/ContemCicloEuleriano.net"
    graph = buildGraphFromFile(graph_path)

    # Exercicio 4:
    print('\nExercicio 4 (Dijkstra):\n')
    graph_path = "./instances/caminho_minimo/fln_pequena.net"
    graph = buildGraphFromFile(graph_path)
    print(dijkstra(graph, '1', True))

    # Exercicio 5:
    print('\nExercicio 5 (Floyd-Warshall):\n')
    graph_path = "./instances/caminho_minimo/fln_pequena.net"
    graph = buildGraphFromFile(graph_path)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def johnson(G):
	duv = [[0 for i in range(len(G))]for j in range(len(G))]

	_G = copy.copy(G)
	x = len(G)
	tmp = {}
	for i in G.keys():

	d = bellman_ford(_G,x)

	if d == False:
		print "the input graph contains a negative-weight cycle"
		h = {}
		for i in _G.keys():
		#print 'h:',h

		for u in _G.keys():
			for v in _G[u]:
				_G[u][v] = _G[u][v] + h[u] - h[v]
		#print _G

		for u in G.keys():
			d = dijkstra(_G,u)
			#print u,d
			for v in G.keys():

				duv[u][v] = d[v] + h[v] - h[u]

	return duv
Ejemplo n.º 26
def main():
    bpath = "board-2-4.txt"
    board = Board(bpath)
    b, o, c = dijkstra(board)
    board.board_to_image_e(b, o, c)
    print("Opened: " + str(len(o)))
    print("Closed: " + str(len(c)))
Ejemplo n.º 27
def main():
    grafo = Grafo()
    archivo = "map.osm"
    print("fin de depuracion")
    archivo2 = "modificado.xml"
    grafo = Grafo()
    grafo = grafoOSM(archivo2)
    print("fin de procesamiento de datos OSM")
    # PRUEBA
    arbol = kruskal(grafo)
    print("fin de kruskal")
    idA = encuentra_punto(grafo, -12.066159,
                          -77.073635)  # -12.071697, -77.076262)
    assert idA in grafo.dic_vertices.keys(
    ), "idA no se encuentra dentro del grafo"
    idB = encuentra_punto(
        grafo, -12.072115,
        -77.072334)  # -12.070534, -77.066984) # -12.086531, -77.063292)
    assert idB in grafo.dic_vertices.keys(
    ), "idB no se encuentra dentro del grafo"
    camino = dijkstra(grafo, arbol, idA, idB)
    print("fin de dijkstra")
    mapeoarbol(grafo, arbol, camino)
    print("fin de grafico de mapa")
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def findNewPath(self, startVertices, endVertices, newRoutes, matrixPshort, gamma, lohse, dk):
        This method finds the new paths for all OD pairs.
        The Dijkstra algorithm is applied for searching the shortest paths.
        newRoutes = 0
        for start, startVertex in enumerate(startVertices):
            endSet = set()
            for end, endVertex in enumerate(endVertices):
                if startVertex._id != endVertex._id and matrixPshort[start][end] > 0.:
            if dk == 'boost':
                D, P = dijkstraBoost(self._boostGraph, startVertex.boost)
            elif dk == 'plain':
                D, P = dijkstraPlain(startVertex, endSet)
            elif dk == 'extend':
                D, P = dijkstra(startVertex, endSet)
            for end, endVertex in enumerate(endVertices):
                if startVertex._id != endVertex._id and matrixPshort[start][end] > 0.:
                    helpPath = []
                    helpPathSet = set()
                    pathcost = D[endVertex] / 3600.
                    ODPaths = self._paths[startVertex][endVertex]
                    for path in ODPaths:
                        path.currentshortest = False

                    vertex = endVertex
                    while vertex != startVertex:
                        vertex = P[vertex]._from

                    newPath, smallDiffPath = self.checkSmallDiff(
                        ODPaths, helpPath, helpPathSet, pathcost)

                    if newPath:
                        newpath = Path(startVertex, endVertex, helpPath)
                        for route in ODPaths:
                            route.updateSumOverlap(newpath, gamma)
                        if len(ODPaths) > 1:
                            for route in ODPaths[:-1]:
                                newpath.updateSumOverlap(route, gamma)
                        if lohse:
                            newpath.pathhelpacttime = pathcost
                            newpath.actpathtime = pathcost
                        for edge in newpath.edges:
                            newpath.freepathtime += edge.freeflowtime
                        newRoutes += 1
                    elif not smallDiffPath:
                        if lohse:
                            path.pathhelpacttime = pathcost
                            path.actpathtime = pathcost
                        path.usedcounts += 1
                        path.currentshortest = True
        return newRoutes
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def way(self, from_node, to_node, seen_nodes=[]):
     edges = []
     for node, n_nodes in self.nodes.items():
         for n_node in n_nodes:
             edges.append((node, n_node, 1))
     way = dijkstra(edges, from_node, to_node, seen_nodes)
     return way
def johnson(edgedict,n):
    one Bellman-Ford O(mn), n Dijkstra O(n*m*log(n)), n^2 pairwise distances O(n^2).
    # 1. create G' by adding a new source
    Gprime = copy.deepcopy(edgedict)
    for i in range(n): Gprime[(n,i)] = 0
    # 2. compute shortest path via bellman-ford, if negative cycle, halt
    reweight = bellman_ford(Gprime,n+1,s=n)
    if reweight is None: return reweight
    reweight = reweight[0:-1]
    # 3. create adjacency list with modified edge lengths
    adjlist = [[] for i in range(n)]
    lengths = [[] for i in range(n)]
    for (i,j),value in edgedict.items():
        lengths[i].append(value + reweight[i] - reweight[j])
    # 4. repeat Dijkstra for every sources
    dist = []
    for s in range(n):
        temp = dijkstra.dijkstra(adjlist, lengths, s)
    # 5. recover real distance
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            dist[i][j] += reweight[j] - reweight[i]
    return dist
Ejemplo n.º 31
def display_path() -> None:
    displays path
    pygame.draw.rect(window, BG, ((MIN + 1, 120), (MAX - MIN, 50)))
    file = f"export\maze[{ROWS}x{COLS}].txt"
    s = "searching path, please wait ..."
    s_label = FONT.render(s, True, (255, 255, 255))
    window.blit(s_label, (SEP, 120))
    a = time()
    path = dijkstra(file)
    b = time()
    pygame.draw.rect(window, BG, ((MIN + 1, 120), (MAX - MIN, 50)))
    s = f"path of lenght {(len(path)-1)//2}"
    s_label = FONT.render(s, True, (255, 255, 255))
    window.blit(s_label, (SEP, 120))
    s = f"found in {round(b-a, 3)}s"
    s_label = FONT.render(s, True, (255, 255, 255))
    window.blit(s_label, (SEP, 130))
    for i in range(len(path) - 1):
        x1, y1 = path[i]
        x2, y2 = path[i + 1]
        pygame.draw.line(window, HG, (y1 * W / 2, x1 * W / 2), (y2 * W / 2, x2 * W / 2))
Ejemplo n.º 32
def post_dijkstra():
    response.content_type = 'application/json'
    node1 = Node.find(request.json['start'])
    node2 = Node.find(request.json['end'])
    tm_start = time.perf_counter()
    route = dijkstra(node1, node2)
    print('time: {0:.3f} ms'.format(1000 * (time.perf_counter() - tm_start)))
    return json.dumps([x.id for x in route])
 def testFloydWarshall(self):
     for i in range(50):
         adjList = self.randG.randomGnmGraph(n=50, M=1000, isWeighted=True)
         nodes, edges = self.randG.toNodeEdges(adjList)
         src = random.choice(list(adjList.keys()))
         dist1, prev1 = dijkstra(adjList, src)
         dist2, prev2 = floyd_warshall(nodes, edges)
         self.assertEqual(dist1, dist2[src])
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def test_large_example(self):
     file_name = self.file_path + 'large.txt'
     start, finish = 13,5
     expected = 26
     G = file_to_graph(file_name)
     final_dist = dijkstra(G,start)
     result = final_dist[finish]
     self.assertEqual(expected, result)
Ejemplo n.º 35
 def test_small_example(self):
     file_name = self.file_path + 'small.txt'
     start, finish = 1, 4
     expected = 2
     G = file_to_graph(file_name)
     final_dist = dijkstra(G,start)
     result = final_dist[finish]
     self.assertEqual(expected, result)
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def test_medium_example(self):
     file_name = self.file_path + 'medium.txt'
     start, finish = 1,7
     expected = 5
     G = file_to_graph(file_name)
     final_dist = dijkstra(G,start)
     result = final_dist[finish]
     self.assertEqual(expected, result)
Ejemplo n.º 37
 def take_train(self, origin, destination):
     :param origin: Original train station from the location where the journey will begin.
     :param destination: Destination is where the passenger has already begun.
     :return: a tuple of list of stations and time if time_between stations was given.
     :Note: This function will behave fine with weighted and non wighted graphs.
     return dijkstra(self.network, origin, destination)
Ejemplo n.º 38
def main():
	file_location = 'highways.txt'
	graph = build_graph(file_location)
	start = 'Atlanta'
	destinations = ['New_York', 'Dallas', 'Chicago']

	dists, paths = dijkstra(graph, start)
	for dest in destinations:
		print(dest, dists[dest], ' -> '.join(paths[dest]))
Ejemplo n.º 39
def test_dijkstra_against_scipy():
    W = np.random.random((100, 100))
    W += W.transpose()
    W[W<1.0] = np.inf
    W = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(W)

    for seed in [0,1,2]:
        result0 = dijkstra.dijkstra(W, seed)
        result1 = scipy.sparse.csgraph.dijkstra(W, indices = [seed])[0]
        assert all(result0 == result1)
def Johnson(num_nodes, edges):
    """Given the graph nodes (labeled from 1 to num_nodes), and graph edges( in
    form of {(tail, head): edge_dist}, computes the all pairs shortest path if
    graph does not contain negative cycle.    

    An additional 'new_node' is added to the graph G, and then Bellman_Ford algorithm
    runs on the new graph G' to detect negative cycles, and computes the shortest 
    path form the 'new_node' to all nodes of G if no negative cycle exists. The 
    shortest path is then used to compute a weighted edge for each edge in G, so
    that with weighted edges, which are all non-negative, the fast Dijkstra's 
    algorithm can be used to compute single source shortest path for each source node.

    Note in Dijkstra, a PriorityQueue 'pq' requires a heap initialization for every 
    source. And different from the 'edges' that Johnson has as input, the 'edges' for
    Dijkstra is in a form of {tail:[(head, edge_dist), ...]}, so 'dijkstra_edges' needs
    to be constructed first.

    After Dijkstra's algorithm computes the shortest path, the shortest path distance
    is corrected by the shortest path from 'new_node' in G'.

    Algorithm has 1 invocation of Bellman_Ford(Big-O(nm)) and n invocations of Dijkstra
    (Big-O(mnlogn)), so the overall running time is O(mnlogn)."""

    all_pairs_shortest_path = {}
    new_node = num_nodes + 1
    new_edges = edges.copy()
    dijkstra_edges = defaultdict(list)
    #--------------------Bellman Ford------------------------
    for node in range(1, num_nodes + 1):
        new_edges[(new_node, node)] = 0
    bf = Bellman_Ford(new_node, num_nodes + 1, new_edges)
    if bf == "Graph has negative circle!":
        return bf
    #--------------weighted edges and Dijkstra edges-----------
    for ((tail, head), dist) in edges.items():
        weighted_dist = dist + bf[tail] - bf[head]
        dijkstra_edges[tail].append((head, weighted_dist))
    for source in range(1, num_nodes + 1):
        source_edges = dict(dijkstra_edges[source])
        heap = []
        #----------------priority queue initialization---------------
        for node in range(1, num_nodes + 1):
            if node != source:
                if node in source_edges.keys():
                    heap.append([source_edges[node], node])
                    heap.append([float('inf'), node])
        pq = dijkstra.PriorityQueue(heap)
        shortest_path_dict = dijkstra.dijkstra(source, pq, dijkstra_edges)
        for (node, dist) in shortest_path_dict.items():
            all_pairs_shortest_path[(source, node)] = dist - bf[source] + bf[node]
    return min(all_pairs_shortest_path.values())
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def test_one_node(self):
        """Graph with a unique vertice."""
        node_1 = (0, 0)

        graph = {
            node_1: {"neighbors": []}
        path, distance = dijkstra(graph, node_1, node_1)

        self.assertEqual(path, [(0, 0)])
        self.assertEqual(distance, 0.0)
Ejemplo n.º 42
    def test_two_nodes(self):
        node_1 = (0, 0)
        node_2 = (0, 1)

        graph = {
            node_1: {"neighbors": [node_2]},
            node_2: {"neighbors": [node_1]}
        path, distance = dijkstra(graph, node_1, node_2)

        self.assertEqual(path, [(0, 0), (0, 1)])
        self.assertEqual(distance, 1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 43
def test_dykstra_5():
    graph1 = guido_graph.Graph()
    graph1.add_edge('A', 'B', 20)
    graph1.add_edge('A', 'C', 3)
    graph1.add_edge('C', 'D', 2)
    graph1.add_edge('C', 'E', 1)
    graph1.add_edge('D', 'F', 1)
    graph1.add_edge('F', 'B', 5)

    path, distance = dijkstra(graph1, 'A', 'B')
    assert path == ['A', 'C', 'D', 'F', 'B']
    assert distance == 11
Ejemplo n.º 44
	def update_routing_table(self):
		dist = {}
		if 1 == len(self.received_packets):
			self.routing_table = {self.name:[self.name]}
		for packet, seq_num, node, age in self.received_packets.values():
			for neighbor, distance in packet.values():
				dist[(node.name,neighbor.name)] = distance
				dist[(neighbor.name,node.name)] = distance
		if len(dist) == 0:
			print self.received_packets
		dist[(self.name,self.name)] = 0 # IMPORTANT
		self.routing_table =  dijkstra.dijkstra(self.name,dist)
Ejemplo n.º 45
def test_dkystra_4():
    graph1 = guido_graph.Graph()
    graph1.add_edge('A', 'B', 2)
    graph1.add_edge('A', 'C', 10)
    graph1.add_edge('C', 'F', 1)
    graph1.add_edge('B', 'D', 3)
    graph1.add_edge('D', 'E', 5)
    graph1.add_edge('E', 'F', 2)
    graph1.add_edge('D', 'C', 1)

    path, distance = dijkstra(graph1, 'B', 'C')

    assert path == ['B', 'D', 'C']
    assert distance == 4
Ejemplo n.º 46
    def test_dijkstra(self):
        graph = {
            "a": {"b": 7, "c": 9, "f": 14},
            "b": {"a": 7, "c": 10, "d": 15},
            "c": {"a": 9, "b": 10, "d": 11, "f": 2},
            "d": {"b": 15, "c": 11, "e": 6},
            "e": {"d": 6, "f": 9},
            "f": {"a": 14, "c": 2, "e": 9},
        x, y = "a", "e"  # shortest distance from 'a' to 'e'

        distance, path = dijkstra(graph, x, y)
        self.assertEqual(distance, 20)
        self.assertListEqual(path, ["a", "c", "f", "e"])
Ejemplo n.º 47
def main():
    r = 10
    m = 15
    n = 10

    edges = []
    print "EDGES:"
    for i in xrange(m):
        s = ''
        for j in xrange(n):
            d = Edge.Edge( (i,j), (i+1,j), random.randint(1, r) )
            s += ' ' + str(d)
            d = Edge.Edge( (i,j), (i,j+1), random.randint(1, r) )
            s += ' ' + str(d)
        print s

    s = Vertex.Vertex((0, 0))
    s.distance = 0
    dijkstra.dijkstra(edges, s)
Ejemplo n.º 48
    def test_three_nodes_2(self):
        """Tres nodos encadenados en linea recta."""
        node_1 = (0, 0)
        node_2 = (1, 0)
        node_3 = (2, 0)

        graph = {
            node_1: {"neighbors": [node_2]},
            node_2: {"neighbors": [node_3]},
            node_3: {"neighbors": [node_2]}
        path, distance = dijkstra(graph, node_1, node_3)

        self.assertEqual(path, [(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0)])
        self.assertEqual(distance, 2.0)
Ejemplo n.º 49
    def test_three_nodes_1(self):
        """Tres nodos equidistantes."""
        node_1 = (0, 0)
        node_2 = (0, 1)
        node_3 = (1, 0)

        graph = {
            node_1: {"neighbors": [node_2, node_3]},
            node_2: {"neighbors": [node_1, node_3]},
            node_3: {"neighbors": [node_1, node_2]}
        path, distance = dijkstra(graph, node_1, node_2)

        self.assertEqual(path, [(0, 0), (0, 1)])
        self.assertEqual(distance, 1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 50
	def _compute_path(self):
		search_algo = dijkstra.dijkstra(self.graph)
		self.path = search_algo.search(self.source_vertex, self.target_vertex)

		if self.path:
			# stats
			stats = search_algo
			print 'search takes: %f s (%d -> %d : %d)' % (stats._takes,
				self.source_vertex, self.target_vertex, len(self.path))
			print '  iterations: %d' % (stats._iteration, )
			self.path = []
			print 'search failed'
Ejemplo n.º 51
    def test_four_nodes_1(self):
        """Grafo de 4 nodos, todos interconectados."""
        node_1 = (0, 0)
        node_2 = (1, 0)
        node_3 = (0, 1)
        node_4 = (1, 1)

        graph = {
            node_1: {"neighbors": [node_2, node_3, node_4]},
            node_2: {"neighbors": [node_1, node_3, node_4]},
            node_3: {"neighbors": [node_1, node_2, node_4]},
            node_4: {"neighbors": [node_2, node_3, node_1]}
        path, distance = dijkstra(graph, node_1, node_4)

        self.assertEqual(path, [(0, 0), (1, 1)])
        self.assertEqual(round(distance, 5), 1.41421)
Ejemplo n.º 52
def test_answer():
    Get the shortest-path distances to the following ten vertices
    from the graph specified in `test/data.txt`, in order: 

    Returns a comma-separated string of integers containing the results
    for each vertex in the specified order.

    G = make_graph('test_data/data.txt')
    dist, pred = dijkstra(G, '1')
    ends  = [7, 37, 59, 82, 99, 115, 133, 165, 188, 197] # ending vertices
    results = [str(dist[str(x)]) for x in ends]
    answer = ','.join(results)
    expected = '2599,2610,2947,2052,2367,2399,2029,2442,2505,3068'
    assert answer == expected
Ejemplo n.º 53
    def test_four_nodes_2(self):
        """Grafo de 4 nodos, interconectados como un cuadrado."""
        node_1 = (0, 0)
        node_2 = (1, 0)
        node_3 = (0, 1)
        node_4 = (1, 1)

        graph = {
            node_1: {"neighbors": [node_2, node_3]},
            node_2: {"neighbors": [node_1, node_4]},
            node_3: {"neighbors": [node_1, node_4]},
            node_4: {"neighbors": [node_2, node_3]}
        path, distance = dijkstra(graph, node_1, node_4)

        self.assertEqual(path, [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1)])
        self.assertEqual(distance, 2.0)
Ejemplo n.º 54
    def find_path(self, node_origin, node_goal, algorithm='a_algorithm'):
        Finds the shortest path between node_origin and node_goal
        :param: node_origin: starting point
        :param: node_goal: target point
        :param: algorithm: algorithm used for finding the shortest path
            'a_algorithm' -> A* algorithm
            'dijkstra' -> Dijkstra's algorithm
        :return: A list of points containing the shortest path and the graph
        extended with origin and goal nodes

        # Put origin and goal in the graph
        graph_nodes = list(self.nodes)
        graph_nodes.insert(0, node_origin)

        # Recalculate connection matrix:
        size = len(graph_nodes)
        connection_matrix = np.zeros((size, size))
        connection_matrix[1:-1,1:-1] = self.distance_matrix

        for j, end in enumerate(graph_nodes):
            # Calculate connections to origin node:
            dist_origin = np.linalg.norm(np.array(graph_nodes[0]) - np.array(end))
            if dist_origin <= self.threshold_neighbors and self.environment.is_line_valid(graph_nodes[0], end):
                connection_matrix[0, j] = dist_origin
                connection_matrix[0, j] = -1

            # Calculate connections to goal node:
            dist_goal = np.linalg.norm(np.array(graph_nodes[-1]) - np.array(end))
            if dist_goal <= self.threshold_neighbors and self.environment.is_line_valid(graph_nodes[-1], end):
                connection_matrix[j, -1] = dist_goal
                connection_matrix[j, -1] = -1

        if algorithm == 'a_algorithm':
            # Calculate shortest path using A*
            path = a_algorithm(0, len(graph_nodes)-1, graph_nodes, connection_matrix)
        elif algorithm == 'dijkstra':
            # Calculate shortest path using dijkstra
            path = dijkstra(0, len(graph_nodes)-1, connection_matrix, graph_nodes)

        return path, [ (int(i[0]), int(i[1])) for i in graph_nodes]
    def _find_shortest_paths(self, gauge, graph):
        """Find shortest paths for each possible pair of nodes.

            gauge: Name of the gauge to calculate shortest paths.
        paths = {}

        # get nodes with access to the gauge
        nodes = graph.keys()

        # calcualte total paths
        total_paths = len(nodes) ** 2
        print total_paths, "paths will be calculated"

        for node_a in nodes:

            # create dictionary for node a in paths
            paths[node_a] = {}

            for node_b in nodes:

                # create dictionary for node b in node a
                paths[node_a][node_b] = {}

                # if is the same node, there is no path
                if node_a == node_b:

                    paths[node_a][node_b]["distance"] = 0.0
                    paths[node_a][node_b]["path"] = None

                # if nodes are different, find shortest path

                    # use dijkstra to calculate minimum path from a to b
                    distance, path = dijkstra(graph, node_a, node_b)

                    # store results in paths
                    paths[node_a][node_b]["distance"] = distance
                    paths[node_a][node_b]["path"] = path

        return paths
Ejemplo n.º 56
    def test_six_nodes(self):
        """Ejemplo copiado de la Wikipedia."""
        node_1 = (1, 0)
        node_2 = (0, 1)
        node_3 = (2, 1)
        node_4 = (2, 3)
        node_5 = (4, 2)
        node_6 = (3, 0)

        graph = {node_1: {"neighbors": [node_2, node_3, node_6]},
                 node_2: {"neighbors": [node_1, node_3, node_4]},
                 node_3: {"neighbors": [node_1, node_2, node_4, node_6]},
                 node_4: {"neighbors": [node_2, node_3, node_5]},
                 node_5: {"neighbors": [node_4, node_6]},
                 node_6: {"neighbors": [node_1, node_3, node_5]}
        path, distance = dijkstra(graph, node_1, node_5)

        self.assertEqual(path, [(1, 0), (3, 0), (4, 2)])
        self.assertEqual(round(distance, 5), 4.23607)
Ejemplo n.º 57
def ask_for_prediction(algorithm, user, node, limit=None):
	same_nodes = graph.get_same_nodes(node)
	max_conf = None
	best_result = None
	result = None
	expanded = 0
	# repeat algorithm for every size of start item
	for node in same_nodes:
		if algorithm == "dijkstra":
			result = dijkstra(user, node)
			if result is not None:
				expanded += result[4]
		elif algorithm == "astar":
			result = astar(user, node)
			if result is not None:
				expanded += result[4]
		elif algorithm == "kdirectional":
			result = kdirectionalDijkstra(user, node)
			if result is not None:
				expanded += result[4]
		elif algorithm == "perimeter_search":
			result = perimeter_search(user, node, limit)
			if result is not None:
				expanded += result[4]
		elif algorithm == "beam_search":
			result = beam_search(user, node)
			if result is not None:
				expanded += result[4]
		if result is not None:
			if best_result is None or result[2] > max_conf:
				max_conf = result[2]
				best_result = result
	# pick best result out of all starting sizes
	if best_result is None:
		print("Path does not exist")
		(best_node, predicted_rating, confidence, length_of_path, _) = best_result
		print("best_node: ", best_node, " predicted_rating: ", predicted_rating, " confidence: ", confidence, " length_of_path: ", length_of_path, " expanded nodes: ", expanded)
    def find_shortest_path(self, node_a, node_b, graphs, restrictions=None):
        """Find shortest paths for each possible pair of nodes, by gauge."""

        paths = {}

        gauge_names = graphs.keys()
        for gauge in gauge_names:

            # prepare graph removing restrictions
            graph = graphs[gauge]
            self._remove_restricted_nodes_and_links(graph, restrictions)

            # find shortest path for the gauge
            if (node_a in graph) and (node_b in graph):

                distance, path = dijkstra(graph, node_a, node_b)
                paths[gauge] = {}
                paths[gauge]["distance"] = distance
                paths[gauge]["path"] = path

        return paths
  def next_road(self, network, intersection):
    """Intersection decision process: direct cars to the nearest exit.

      network: The queueing network (QueueingNetwork).
      intersection: Intersection where the decision is being made.

     The road (Queue) that the car should turn onto at this intersection.
    # Return answer if it is memoized.
    if intersection.id in self.shortest_paths:
      # Answer is memoized.
      return self.shortest_paths[intersection.id]

    # Compute all shortest paths from this intersection.
    shortest_paths = dijkstra.dijkstra(network, intersection)
    # Pick path to nearest exit.
    shortest_exit_path = None
    min_cost = float('inf')
    for dest, path_and_cost in shortest_paths.items():
      path, cost = path_and_cost
      # Check if destination is exit point.
      if network.servers[dest].__class__ == qn.ServerTypes.EXIT_POINT:
        # Update path choice if cost is less.
        if cost < min_cost:
          min_cost = cost
          shortest_exit_path = path

    # Make sure there is an exit path.
    assert (shortest_exit_path is not None)
    # Note: first node in path is the source node.
    next_intersection_id = shortest_exit_path[1]
    # Return the next road.
    for road in network.queues_out[intersection.id]:
      if road.id_to == next_intersection_id:
        # Memoize result.
        self.shortest_paths[intersection.id] = road
        return road