Ejemplo n.º 1
 def loadManbar(self, n):
     """Load Manbar n setting in dimstim config file and assign it to the current manual bar"""
     mbn = "Manbar" + str(n)
     self.x = intround(
         deg2pix(dc.get(mbn, "xorigDeg")) + I.SCREENWIDTH / 2
     )  # int pix, since pygame.mouse pos works with ints
     self.y = intround(deg2pix(dc.get(mbn, "yorigDeg")) + I.SCREENHEIGHT / 2)
     self.widthDeg = dc.get(mbn, "widthDeg")
     self.heightDeg = dc.get(mbn, "heightDeg")
     self.ori = dc.get(mbn, "orioff")
     self.fp.position = self.x, self.y
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, script, params):
        self.script = script.replace("\\", C.SLASH).replace(
            ".pyc", ".py"
        )  # Experiment script file name, with stuff cleaned up
        self.script = os.path.splitdrive(self.script)[-1]  # strip the drive name from the start
        self.params = params
        for paramname, paramval in params.items():
            setattr(self, paramname, paramval)  # bind all parameter names to self

        if not self.flash:  # DW
            self.flashSec = 0

        self.flashvsyncs = sec2intvsync(self.flashSec)
        eye = dc.get("Eye", "open")
        # Init signals
        self.squarelock, self.brightenText = False, False
        self.UP, self.DOWN, self.LEFT, self.RIGHT = False, False, False, False
        self.PLUS, self.MINUS = False, False
        self.BRRIGHT, self.BRLEFT = False, False
        self.LEFTBUTTON, self.RIGHTBUTTON, self.SCROLL = False, False, False
        self.eyei = C.EYESTATES.index(eye)

        # Init Colors DW
        self.lastbrightness = self.brightness
        self.black = 0.0
        self.white = 1.0
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, script, params):
     self.script = script.replace('\\', C.SLASH).replace('.pyc', '.py') # Experiment script file name, with stuff cleaned up
     self.script = os.path.splitdrive(self.script)[-1] # strip the drive name from the start
     self.params = params
     for paramname, paramval in params.items():
         setattr(self, paramname, paramval) # bind all parameter names to self
     self.flashvsyncs = sec2intvsync(self.flashSec)
     eye = dc.get('Eye', 'open')
     # Init signals
     self.squarelock, self.brightenText = False, False
     self.UP, self.DOWN, self.LEFT, self.RIGHT = False, False, False, False
     self.PLUS, self.MINUS, self.BRLEFT, self.BRRIGHT = False, False, False, False
     self.LEFTBUTTON, self.RIGHTBUTTON, self.SCROLL = False, False, False
     self.eyei = C.EYESTATES.index(eye)
     #Set up initial terrain
     self.brightness = self.terrain.color
     self.ori = self.terrain.orientation
     self.laps = []
     #Set up initial gratings
     self.gratingWidth = I.SCREENWIDTH*2
     self.gratingHeight = I.SCREENHEIGHT*2
     self.ml = 0.5
     self.snapDeg = 18
     #set up encoder
     time.sleep(0.2) #give NIDAQ chance to take a buffer of data
     self.encDeg = self.encoder.getDegrees()
     self.lastDx = 0
     if self.encoder.getVin() < 1:
         print 'Encoder not connected or powered on.'
     #set up reward
     self.framescorrect = 0
     self.rewards = []
     #set up session clock
     self.sc = SessionClock()
     #set up logs
     self.posx = []
     self.dx = []
     self.terrainlog = []
Ejemplo n.º 4
from aibs.Terrain import Terrain
from aibs.Reward import Reward
from aibs.Encoder import Encoder

p = StaticParams()

# Foraging experiment parameters, all must be scalars

# Mouse ID
p.mouseid = 'test'
# background brightness (0-1)
p.bgbrightness = 0.5
# antialiase the bar?
p.antialiase = True
# screen gamma: None, or single value, or 3-tuple
p.gamma = dc.get('Screen', 'gamma')
# flash the stimulus?
p.flash = False
# duration of each flash cycle (on and off) (sec)
p.flashSec = 1
# starting y position
p.ypos = 540 #540 is center on 1080 pixel wide monitor
# print vsync histogram?
p.printhistogram = False
# display on how many screens?
p.nscreens = 2
# set up wheel encoder (NIDAQ Device, Vin, Vsig)
p.encoder = Encoder(1,1,2)
# set up terrain? [possible orientations], correct orientation]
p.terrain = Terrain(['color','orientation'])
# define terrain parameters