Ejemplo n.º 1
    def createstimuli(self):
        """Creates the VisionEgg stimuli objects for this Experiment subclass"""
        super(ForagingSweeps, self).createstimuli()

        # Create instances of the Mask2D class, one for each diameter
        if self.static.mask:
            print 'Generating masks',
            self.nmasksamples = 512  # number of samples in mask, must be power of 2, quality/performance tradeoff
            self.masks = {} # init a dictionary
            samplesperpix = self.nmasksamples / deg2pix(min(self.static.widthDeg, self.static.heightDeg))
            for diameterDeg in toiter(self.dynamic.diameterDeg):
                radius = deg2pix(diameterDeg / 2) # in pix
                radiusSamples = samplesperpix * radius # in mask samples
                self.masks[diameterDeg] = Mask2D(function=self.static.mask,
                                                 radius_parameter=radiusSamples, # sigma for gaussian, radius for circle, in units of mask samples
                                                 num_samples=(self.nmasksamples, self.nmasksamples)) # size of mask texture data (# of texels)
                print '.',
            self.masks = None

        self.nsinsamples = 2048 # number of samples of sine f'n, must be power of 2, quality/performance tradeoff
        self.grating = SinGrating2D(position=(self.xorig, self.yorig), # init to orig,
                                    size=(deg2pix(self.static.heightDeg), deg2pix(self.static.widthDeg)), # VE defines grating ori as direction of motion of grating, but we want it to be the orientation of the grating elements, so add 90 deg (this also makes grating ori def'n correspond to bar ori def'n). This means that width and height have to be swapped
                                    ignore_time=True, # don't use this class' own time f'n
                                    #mask=self.masks.values()[0], # init to a random mask in maskobjects
                                    max_alpha=1.0, # opaque
                                    on=False) # keep it off until first sweep starts
        self.gp = self.grating.parameters
        self.target = Target2D(anchor='center',
                               color=(self.brightness, self.brightness, self.brightness, 1.0))
        self.tp = self.target.parameters
        if self.static.syncsq:
            self.sync = Target2D(anchor='center',
                                   color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
                                   position = self.static.syncsqloc,
                                   on = True,
                                   size = (100,100))
            self.sp = self.sync.parameters
        # Update target stimulus with initial values
        self.tp.position = self.x, self.y
        self.tp.size = deg2pix(self.terrain.objectwidthDeg),deg2pix(self.terrain.objectwidthDeg)
        self.tp.orientation = self.terrain.orientation
        # Set stimuli tuple
        if self.static.syncsq: 
            self.stimuli = (self.background, self.grating, self.target, self.sync) # last entry will be topmost layer in viewport
            self.stimuli = (self.background, self.grating, self.target)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def setgamma(self, gamma):
     """Set VisionEgg's gamma parameter"""
     vc = VisionEgg.config
     if gamma: # could be a single value or a sequence (preferably a tuple)
         vc.VISIONEGG_GAMMA_SOURCE = 'invert' # 'invert' in VE means that gamma correction is turned on
         if len(toiter(gamma)) == 1: # single value for all 3 guns
             vc.VISIONEGG_GAMMA_INVERT_RED = gamma
             vc.VISIONEGG_GAMMA_INVERT_GREEN = gamma
             vc.VISIONEGG_GAMMA_INVERT_BLUE = gamma
         elif len(toiter(gamma)) == 3: # separate value for each gun
             vc.VISIONEGG_GAMMA_INVERT_RED = gamma[0]
             vc.VISIONEGG_GAMMA_INVERT_GREEN = gamma[1]
             vc.VISIONEGG_GAMMA_INVERT_BLUE = gamma[2]
             raise ValueError, 'gamma cannot be of length %d' % len(toiter(gamma))
         vc.VISIONEGG_GAMMA_SOURCE = 'None' # 'None' in VE means that gamma correction is turned off
         vc.VISIONEGG_GAMMA_INVERT_RED = 0 # set them all to 0 too, just to be thorough
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def build(self):
     """Builds the SweepTable and the Header for this Experiment, and loads movie frames"""
     super(Movie, self).build()
     assert max(toiter(self.dynamic.framei)) <= self.nframes-1, 'Frame indices exceed movie size of %d frames' % self.nframes
     self.header.NVS.data[C.STT_STS] = 16 # enter NVS stimulus code for movies