Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, args, kwargs, cfgargs, popenargs, will):
        # Attach the global EVENT here for later access

        # remember this for resetting
        self._reset_async = cfgargs['async']
        self.shell = cfgargs.shell
        self.encoding = cfgargs.encoding
        self.okcode = cfgargs.okcode
        self.timeout = cfgargs.timeout
        self.raise_ = cfgargs['raise']
        self.should_close_fds = _Diot()
        # Should I wait for the results, or just run asyncronouslly
        # This should be controlled by plugins
        # to communicate between each other
        # This only works in sync mode
        self.should_wait = False
        self.did = self.curr = ''
        self.will = will

        # pipes
        self.stdin = _subprocess.PIPE
        self.stdout = _subprocess.PIPE
        self.stderr = _subprocess.PIPE

        popenargs.shell = False

        self.popenargs = popenargs
        # data carried by actions (ie redirect, pipe, etc)
        self.data = _Diot({'async': cfgargs['async'], 'hold': False})
        self.cmd = _cmdy_compose_cmd(args, kwargs, cfgargs, shell=self.shell)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def reset(self):
        """Reset the holding object for reuse"""
        # pipes
        self.stdin = _subprocess.PIPE
        self.stdout = _subprocess.PIPE
        self.stderr = _subprocess.PIPE
        self.did = self.curr = self.will = ''

        self.should_close_fds = _Diot()
        self.data = _Diot({'async': self._reset_async, 'hold': False})
        return self
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        _args, _kwargs, _cfgargs, _popenargs = _cmdy_parse_args(
            self._name, args, kwargs, CMDY_CONFIG, _CMDY_BAKED_ARGS)
        ready_args = (self._args or []) + _args
        ready_kwargs = self._kwargs.copy() if self._kwargs else {}
        ready_cfgargs = CMDY_CONFIG.copy()
        ready_cfgargs.update(self._cfgargs or {})
        ready_popenargs = self._popenargs.copy() if self._popenargs else _Diot(

        # clear direct subcommand for reuse
        self._args = []

        if ready_cfgargs.pop('sub', False):
            return CmdyHoldingWithSub(self._name, ready_args, ready_kwargs,
                                      ready_cfgargs, ready_popenargs)

        # update the executable
        exe = ready_cfgargs.pop('exe', None) or self._name

        # Let CmdyHolding handle the result
        return CmdyHolding([str(exe)] + ready_args, ready_kwargs,
                           ready_cfgargs, ready_popenargs,
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, proc, holding):
     self.proc = proc
     self.holding = holding
     self.did = self.curr = ''
     self.will = holding.will
     self._stdout = None
     self._stderr = None
     self.data = _Diot()
     self._rc = None
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _bake(self, **kwargs):
        """Bake a command"""
        if _will(raise_exc=False):
            raise CmdyActionError("Baking Cmdy object is supposed to "
                                  "be reused.")

        pure_cmd_kwargs, global_config, popen_config = (
            _cmdy_parse_single_kwarg(kwargs, True, self._cfgargs
                                     or CMDY_CONFIG))

        kwargs = self._kwargs.copy() if self._kwargs else {}

        config = self._cfgargs.copy() if self._cfgargs else _Diot()

        pconfig = self._popenargs.copy() if self._popenargs else _Diot()

        return self.__class__(self._name, self._args, kwargs, config, pconfig)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __new__(
            cls,  # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args
            args: list,
            kwargs: dict,
            cfgargs: _Diot,
            popenargs: _Diot,
            will: str = None):

        holding = super().__new__(cls)

        # Use the _onhold function, but fake an object
        if cls._onhold(_Diot(data=_Diot(hold=False), did='', will=will)):
            # __init__ automatically called
            return holding

        holding.__init__(args, kwargs, cfgargs, popenargs, will)
        result = holding.run()

        if not will:
            return result.wait()

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 7
from .cmdy_plugin import _cmdy_hook_class, _CmdyPluginProxy

__version__ = "0.4.3"

# pylint: disable=invalid-overridden-method

# We cannot define the variables that need to be baked
# in submodules, because we don't want to deepcopy the
# whole module.
    'async': False,
    'deform': lambda name: name.replace('_', '-'),
    'dupkey': False,
    'exe': None,
    'encoding': 'utf-8',
    'okcode': [0],
    'prefix': 'auto',
    'raise': True,
    'sep': ' ',
    'shell': False,
    'sub': False,
    'timeout': 0

CMDY_CONFIG = _Config()
CMDY_CONFIG._load(dict(default=_CMDY_DEFAULT_CONFIG), '~/.cmdy.toml',
                  './.cmdy.toml', 'CMDY.osenv')

_CMDY_EVENT = _Event()

# The actions that will put left side on hold