Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _process_data(self, source, limit=None):
        This function will process the data files from Coriell.
        We make the assumption that any alleles listed are variants
        (alternates to w.t.)

        Triples: (examples)

        :NIGMSrepository a CLO_0000008 #repository
        label : NIGMS Human Genetic Cell Repository

        line_id a CL_0000057,  #fibroblast line
            derives_from patient_id
            part_of :NIGMSrepository
            RO:model_of OMIM:disease_id

        patient id a foaf:person,
            label: "fibroblast from patient 12345 with disease X"
            member_of family_id  #what is the right thing here?
            SIO:race EFO:caucasian  #subclass of EFO:0001799
            in_taxon NCBITaxon:9606
            dc:description Literal(remark)
            RO:has_phenotype OMIM:disease_id
            GENO:has_genotype genotype_id

        family_id a owl:NamedIndividual

        genotype_id a intrinsic_genotype
            GENO:has_alternate_part allelic_variant_id
            we don't necessarily know much about the genotype,
            other than the allelic variant. also there's the sex here

        pub_id mentions cell_line_id

        :param raw:
        :param limit:

        raw = '/'.join((self.rawdir, self.files[source]['file']))

        LOG.info("Processing Data from %s", raw)

        if self.testMode:  # set the graph to build
            graph = self.testgraph
            graph = self.graph

        family = Family(graph)
        model = Model(graph)

        line_counter = 1
        geno = Genotype(graph)
        diputil = DipperUtil()
        col = self.files[source]['columns']
        # affords access with
        # x = row[col.index('x')].strip()

        with open(raw, 'r', encoding="iso-8859-1") as csvfile:
            filereader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar=r'"')
            # we can keep a close watch on changing file formats
            fileheader = next(filereader, None)
            fileheader = [c.lower() for c in fileheader]
            if col != fileheader:  # assert
                LOG.error('Expected  %s to have columns: %s', raw, col)
                LOG.error('But Found %s to have columns: %s', raw, fileheader)
                raise AssertionError('Incomming data headers have changed.')

            for row in filereader:
                line_counter += 1
                if len(row) != len(col):
                    LOG.warning('Expected %i values but find %i in  row %i',
                                len(col), len(row), line_counter)

                # (catalog_id, description, omim_number, sample_type,
                # cell_line_available, dna_in_stock, dna_ref, gender, age,
                # race, ethnicity, affected, karyotype, relprob, mutation,
                # gene, family_id, collection, url, cat_remark, pubmed_ids,
                # family_member, variant_id, dbsnp_id, species) = row

                # example:
                # GM00003,HURLER SYNDROME,607014,Fibroblast,Yes,No,
                #       ,Female,26 YR,Caucasian,,,,
                # parent,,,39,NIGMS Human Genetic Cell Repository,
                # http://ccr.coriell.org/Sections/Search/Sample_Detail.aspx?Ref=GM00003,
                # 46;XX; clinically normal mother of a child with Hurler syndrome;
                #       proband not in Repository,,
                # 2,,18343,H**o sapiens

                catalog_id = row[col.index('catalog_id')].strip()

                if self.testMode and catalog_id not in self.test_lines:
                    # skip rows not in our test lines, when in test mode

                # ###########    BUILD REQUIRED VARIABLES    ###########

                # Make the cell line ID
                cell_line_id = 'Coriell:' + catalog_id
                # Map the cell/sample type
                cell_type = self.resolve(row[col.index('sample_type')].strip())
                # on fail cell_type = self.globaltt['cell'] ?

                # Make a cell line label
                collection = row[col.index('collection')].strip()
                line_label = collection.partition(' ')[0] + '-' + catalog_id

                # Map the repository/collection
                repository = self.localtt[collection]

                # patients are uniquely identified by one of:
                # dbsnp id (which is == an individual haplotype)
                # family id + family member (if present) OR
                # probands are usually family member zero
                # cell line id
                # since some patients have >1 cell line derived from them,
                # we must make sure that the genotype is attached to
                # the patient, and can be inferred to the cell line
                # examples of repeated patients are:
                #   famid=1159, member=1; fam=152,member=1

                # Make the patient ID

                # make an anonymous patient
                patient_id = '_:person'
                fam_id = row[col.index('fam')].strip()
                fammember = row[col.index('fammember')].strip()
                if fam_id != '':
                    patient_id = '-'.join((patient_id, fam_id, fammember))
                    # make an anonymous patient
                    patient_id = '-'.join((patient_id, catalog_id))

                # properties of the individual patients:  sex, family id,
                # member/relproband, description descriptions are
                # really long and ugly SCREAMING text, so need to clean up
                # the control cases are so odd with this labeling scheme;
                # but we'll deal with it as-is for now.
                description = row[col.index('description')].strip()
                short_desc = (description.split(';')[0]).capitalize()

                gender = row[col.index('gender')].strip().lower()
                affected = row[col.index('affected')].strip()
                relprob = row[col.index('relprob')].strip()

                if affected == '':
                    affected = 'unspecified'
                elif affected in self.localtt:
                    affected = self.localtt[affected]
                    LOG.warning('Novel Affected status  %s at row: %i of %s',
                                affected, line_counter, raw)
                patient_label = ' '.join((affected, gender, relprob))
                if relprob == 'proband':
                    patient_label = ' '.join(
                        (patient_label.strip(), 'with', short_desc))
                    patient_label = ' '.join(
                        (patient_label.strip(), 'of proband with', short_desc))

                # #############    BUILD THE CELL LINE    #############

                # Adding the cell line as a typed individual.
                cell_line_reagent_id = self.globaltt['cell line']

                model.addIndividualToGraph(cell_line_id, line_label,

                # add the equivalent id == dna_ref
                dna_ref = row[col.index('dna_ref')].strip()
                if dna_ref != '' and dna_ref != catalog_id:
                    equiv_cell_line = 'Coriell:' + dna_ref
                    # some of the equivalent ids are not defined
                    # in the source data; so add them
                    model.addIndividualToGraph(equiv_cell_line, None,
                    model.addSameIndividual(cell_line_id, equiv_cell_line)

                # Cell line derives from patient
                geno.addDerivesFrom(cell_line_id, patient_id)
                geno.addDerivesFrom(cell_line_id, cell_type)

                # Cell line a member of repository
                family.addMember(repository, cell_line_id)

                cat_remark = row[col.index('cat_remark')].strip()

                if cat_remark != '':
                    model.addDescription(cell_line_id, cat_remark)

                # Cell age_at_sampling
                # TODO add the age nodes when modeled properly in #78
                # if (age != ''):
                # this would give a BNode that is an instance of Age.
                # but i don't know how to connect
                # the age node to the cell line? we need to ask @mbrush
                # age_id = '_'+re.sub('\s+','_',age)
                # gu.addIndividualToGraph(
                #   graph,age_id,age,self.globaltt['age'])
                # gu.addTriple(
                #   graph,age_id,self.globaltt['has measurement value'],age,
                #   True)

                # #############    BUILD THE PATIENT    #############

                # Add the patient ID as an individual.
                model.addPerson(patient_id, patient_label)
                # TODO map relationship to proband as a class
                # (what ontology?)

                # Add race of patient
                # FIXME: Adjust for subcategories based on ethnicity field
                # EDIT: There are 743 different entries for ethnicity...
                # Too many to map?
                # Add ethnicity as literal in addition to the mapped race?
                # Adjust the ethnicity txt (if using)
                # to initial capitalization to remove ALLCAPS

                # TODO race should go into the individual's background
                # and abstracted out to the Genotype class punting for now.
                # if race != '':
                #    mapped_race = self.resolve(race)
                #    if mapped_race is not None:
                #        gu.addTriple(
                #           g,patient_id,self.globaltt['race'], mapped_race)
                #        model.addSubClass(
                #           mapped_race,self.globaltt['ethnic_group'])

                # #############    BUILD THE FAMILY    #############

                # Add triples for family_id, if present.
                if fam_id != '':
                    family_comp_id = 'CoriellFamily:' + fam_id

                    family_label = ' '.join(
                        ('Family of proband with', short_desc))

                    # Add the family ID as a named individual
                    model.addIndividualToGraph(family_comp_id, family_label,

                    # Add the patient as a member of the family
                    family.addMemberOf(patient_id, family_comp_id)

                # #############    BUILD THE GENOTYPE   #############

                # the important things to pay attention to here are:
                # karyotype = chr rearrangements  (somatic?)
                # mutation = protein-level mutation as a label,
                # often from omim
                # gene = gene symbol - TODO get id
                # variant_id = omim variant ids (; delimited)
                # dbsnp_id = snp individual ids = full genotype?

                # note GM00633 is a good example of chromosomal variation
                # - do we have enough to capture this?
                # GM00325 has both abnormal karyotype and variation

                # make an assumption that if the taxon is blank,
                # that it is human!
                species = row[col.index('species')].strip()
                if species is None or species == '':
                    species = 'H**o sapiens'
                taxon = self.resolve(species)

                # if there's a dbSNP id,
                # this is actually the individual's genotype
                genotype_id = None
                genotype_label = None

                dbsnp_id = row[col.index('dbsnp_id')].strip()
                if dbsnp_id != '':
                    genotype_id = 'dbSNPIndividual:' + dbsnp_id

                omim_map = {}
                gvc_id = None

                # some of the karyotypes are encoded
                # with terrible hidden codes. remove them here
                # i've seen a <98> character
                karyotype = row[col.index('karyotype')].strip()
                karyotype = diputil.remove_control_characters(karyotype)
                karyotype_id = None
                if karyotype.strip() != '':
                    karyotype_id = '_:' + re.sub('MONARCH:', '',
                    # add karyotype as karyotype_variation_complement
                        karyotype_id, karyotype,
                    # TODO break down the karyotype into parts
                    # and map into GENO. depends on #77

                    # place the karyotype in a location(s).
                    karyo_chrs = self._get_affected_chromosomes_from_karyotype(
                    for chrom in karyo_chrs:
                        chr_id = makeChromID(chrom, taxon, 'CHR')
                        # add an anonymous sequence feature,
                        # each located on chr
                        karyotype_feature_id = '-'.join((karyotype_id, chrom))
                        karyotype_feature_label = \
                            'some karyotype alteration on chr' + str(chrom)
                        feat = Feature(graph, karyotype_feature_id,
                        feat.addFeatureStartLocation(None, chr_id)
                        geno.addParts(karyotype_feature_id, karyotype_id,

                gene = row[col.index('gene')].strip()
                mutation = row[col.index('mutation')].strip()
                if gene != '':
                    vl = gene + '(' + mutation + ')'

                # fix the variant_id so it's always in the same order
                variant_id = row[col.index('variant_id')].strip()
                vids = variant_id.split(';')
                variant_id = ';'.join(sorted(list(set(vids))))

                if karyotype.strip() != '' and not self._is_normal_karyotype(

                    gvc_id = karyotype_id
                    if variant_id != '':
                        gvc_id = '_:' + variant_id.replace(';', '-') + '-' \
                            + re.sub(r'\w*:', '', karyotype_id)
                    if mutation.strip() != '':
                        gvc_label = '; '.join((vl, karyotype))
                        gvc_label = karyotype
                elif variant_id.strip() != '':
                    gvc_id = '_:' + variant_id.replace(';', '-')
                    gvc_label = vl
                    # wildtype?

                # add the karyotype to the gvc.
                # use reference if normal karyotype
                karyo_rel = self.globaltt['has_variant_part']
                if self._is_normal_karyotype(karyotype):
                    karyo_rel = self.globaltt['has_reference_part']
                if karyotype_id is not None \
                        and not self._is_normal_karyotype(karyotype) \
                        and gvc_id is not None and karyotype_id != gvc_id:
                    geno.addParts(karyotype_id, gvc_id, karyo_rel)

                if variant_id.strip() != '':
                    # split the variants & add them as part of the genotype
                    # we don't necessarily know their zygosity,
                    # just that they are part of the genotype variant ids
                    # are from OMIM, so prefix as such we assume that the
                    # sequence alts will be defined in OMIM not here
                    # TODO sort the variant_id list, if the omim prefix is
                    # the same, then assume it's the locus make a hashmap
                    # of the omim id to variant id list;
                    # then build the genotype hashmap is also useful for
                    # removing the "genes" from the list of "phenotypes"

                    # will hold gene/locus id to variant list
                    omim_map = {}

                    locus_num = None
                    for var in variant_id.split(';'):
                        # handle omim-style and odd var ids
                        # like 610661.p.R401X
                        mch = re.match(r'(\d+)\.+(.*)', var.strip())
                        if mch is not None and len(mch.groups()) == 2:
                            (locus_num, var_num) = mch.groups()

                        if locus_num is not None and locus_num not in omim_map:
                            omim_map[locus_num] = [var_num]
                            omim_map[locus_num] += [var_num]

                    for omim in omim_map:
                        # gene_id = 'OMIM:' + omim  # TODO unused
                        vslc_id = '_:' + '-'.join(
                            [omim + '.' + a for a in omim_map.get(omim)])
                        vslc_label = vl
                        # we don't really know the zygosity of
                        # the alleles at all.
                        # so the vslcs are just a pot of them
                            vslc_id, vslc_label,
                            self.globaltt['variant single locus complement'])
                        for var in omim_map.get(omim):
                            # this is actually a sequence alt
                            allele1_id = 'OMIM:' + omim + '.' + var
                            geno.addSequenceAlteration(allele1_id, None)

                            # assume that the sa -> var_loc -> gene
                            # is taken care of in OMIM
                                vslc_id, allele1_id, None,

                        if vslc_id != gvc_id:
                            geno.addVSLCtoParent(vslc_id, gvc_id)

                if affected == 'unaffected':
                    # let's just say that this person is wildtype
                    model.addType(patient_id, self.globaltt['wildtype'])
                elif genotype_id is None:
                    # make an anonymous genotype id (aka blank node)
                    genotype_id = '_:geno' + catalog_id.strip()

                # add the gvc
                if gvc_id is not None:
                        gvc_id, gvc_label,

                    # add the gvc to the genotype
                    if genotype_id is not None:
                        if affected == 'unaffected':
                            rel = self.globaltt['has_reference_part']
                            rel = self.globaltt['has_variant_part']
                        geno.addParts(gvc_id, genotype_id, rel)

                    if karyotype_id is not None \
                            and self._is_normal_karyotype(karyotype):
                        if gvc_label is not None and gvc_label != '':
                            genotype_label = '; '.join((gvc_label, karyotype))
                        elif karyotype is not None:
                            genotype_label = karyotype
                        if genotype_id is None:
                            genotype_id = karyotype_id
                            geno.addParts(karyotype_id, genotype_id,
                        genotype_label = gvc_label
                        # use the catalog id as the background
                    genotype_label += ' [' + catalog_id.strip() + ']'

                if genotype_id is not None and gvc_id is not None:
                    # only add the genotype if it has some parts
                    geno.addGenotype(genotype_id, genotype_label,
                    geno.addTaxon(taxon, genotype_id)
                    # add that the patient has the genotype
                    # TODO check if the genotype belongs to
                    # the cell line or to the patient
                    graph.addTriple(patient_id, self.globaltt['has_genotype'],
                    geno.addTaxon(taxon, patient_id)

                # TODO: Add sex/gender  (as part of the karyotype?)
                # = row[col.index('')].strip()
                # #############    DEAL WITH THE DISEASES   #############
                omim_num = row[col.index('omim_num')].strip()

                # we associate the disease to the patient
                if affected == 'affected' and omim_num != '':
                    for d in omim_num.split(';'):
                        if d is not None and d != '':
                            # if the omim number is in omim_map,
                            # then it is a gene not a pheno

                            # TEC - another place to use the mimTitle omim
                            # classifier omia & genereviews are using

                            if d not in omim_map:
                                disease_id = 'OMIM:' + d.strip()
                                # assume the label is taken care of in OMIM
                                model.addClassToGraph(disease_id, None)

                                # add the association:
                                #   the patient has the disease
                                assoc = G2PAssoc(graph, self.name, patient_id,

                                # this line is a model of this disease
                                # TODO abstract out model into
                                # it's own association class?
                                                self.globaltt['is model of'],
                                LOG.info('drop gene %s from disease list', d)

                # #############    ADD PUBLICATIONS   #############
                pubmed_ids = row[col.index('pubmed_ids')].strip()
                if pubmed_ids != '':
                    for s in pubmed_ids.split(';'):
                        pubmed_id = 'PMID:' + s.strip()
                        ref = Reference(graph, pubmed_id)
                        ref.setType(self.globaltt['journal article'])
                        graph.addTriple(pubmed_id, self.globaltt['mentions'],

                if not self.testMode and (limit is not None
                                          and line_counter > limit):
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _process_data(self, raw, limit=None):
        LOG.info("Processing Data from %s", raw)

        if self.test_mode:
            graph = self.testgraph
            graph = self.graph
        model = Model(graph)
        geno = Genotype(graph)

        # Add the taxon as a class
        taxon_id = self.globaltt['Mus musculus']
        model.addClassToGraph(taxon_id, None)

        # with open(raw, 'r', encoding="utf8") as csvfile:
        col = self.files['all']['columns']
        with gzip.open(raw, 'rt') as csvfile:
            reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='\"')
            row = next(reader)  # presumed header
            if not self.check_fileheader(col, row):

            for row in reader:
                # | head -1 | tr ',' '\n' | sed "s|\(.*\)|# \1 = row[col.index('\1')]|g"
                marker_accession_id = row[col.index('marker_accession_id')].strip()
                marker_symbol = row[col.index('marker_symbol')].strip()
                phenotyping_center = row[col.index('phenotyping_center')].strip()
                colony_raw = row[col.index('colony_id')].strip()
                sex = row[col.index('sex')].strip()
                zygosity = row[col.index('zygosity')].strip()
                allele_accession_id = row[col.index('allele_accession_id')].strip()
                allele_symbol = row[col.index('allele_symbol')].strip()
                # allele_name = row[col.index('allele_name')]
                strain_accession_id = row[col.index('strain_accession_id')].strip()
                strain_name = row[col.index('strain_name')].strip()
                # project_name = row[col.index('project_name')]
                project_fullname = row[col.index('project_fullname')].strip()
                pipeline_name = row[col.index('pipeline_name')].strip()
                pipeline_stable_id = row[col.index('pipeline_stable_id')].strip()
                procedure_stable_id = row[col.index('procedure_stable_id')].strip()
                procedure_name = row[col.index('procedure_name')].strip()
                parameter_stable_id = row[col.index('parameter_stable_id')].strip()
                parameter_name = row[col.index('parameter_name')].strip()
                # top_level_mp_term_id = row[col.index('top_level_mp_term_id')]
                # top_level_mp_term_name = row[col.index('top_level_mp_term_name')]
                mp_term_id = row[col.index('mp_term_id')].strip()
                mp_term_name = row[col.index('mp_term_name')].strip()
                p_value = row[col.index('p_value')].strip()
                percentage_change = row[col.index('percentage_change')].strip()
                effect_size = row[col.index('effect_size')].strip()
                statistical_method = row[col.index('statistical_method')].strip()
                resource_name = row[col.index('resource_name')].strip()

                if self.test_mode and marker_accession_id not in self.gene_ids:

                # ##### cleanup some of the identifiers ######
                zygosity = zygosity.strip()
                zygosity_id = self.resolve(zygosity)
                if zygosity_id == zygosity:
                        "Zygosity '%s' unmapped. detting to indeterminate", zygosity)
                    zygosity_id = self.globaltt['indeterminate']

                # colony ids sometimes have <> in them, spaces,
                # or other non-alphanumerics and break our system;
                # replace these with underscores
                colony_id = '_:' + re.sub(r'\W+', '_', colony_raw)

                if not re.match(r'MGI', allele_accession_id):
                    allele_accession_id = '_:IMPC-'+re.sub(
                        r':', '', allele_accession_id)

                if re.search(r'EUROCURATE', strain_accession_id):
                    # the eurocurate links don't resolve at IMPC
                    # TODO blank nodes do not maintain identifiers
                    strain_accession_id = '_:' + strain_accession_id

                elif not re.match(r'MGI', strain_accession_id):
                        "Found a strange strain accession...%s", strain_accession_id)
                    strain_accession_id = 'IMPC:'+strain_accession_id

                # first, add the marker and variant to the graph as with MGI,
                # the allele is the variant locus.  IF the marker is not known,
                # we will call it a sequence alteration.  otherwise,
                # we will create a BNode for the sequence alteration.
                sequence_alteration_id = variant_locus_id = None
                variant_locus_name = sequence_alteration_name = None

                # extract out what's within the <> to get the symbol
                if re.match(r'.*<.*>', allele_symbol):
                    sequence_alteration_name = re.match(
                        r'.*<(.*)>', allele_symbol)
                    if sequence_alteration_name is not None:
                        sequence_alteration_name = sequence_alteration_name.group(1)
                    sequence_alteration_name = allele_symbol

                if marker_accession_id is not None and marker_accession_id == '':
                    LOG.warning("Marker unspecified on row %d", reader.line_num)
                    marker_accession_id = None

                if marker_accession_id is not None:
                    variant_locus_id = allele_accession_id
                    variant_locus_name = allele_symbol
                    variant_locus_type = self.globaltt['variant_locus']
                        marker_accession_id, marker_symbol, self.globaltt['gene'])

                        variant_locus_id, variant_locus_name, variant_locus_type, None)
                    geno.addAlleleOfGene(variant_locus_id, marker_accession_id)

                    # TAG bnode
                    sequence_alteration_id = '_:seqalt' + re.sub(
                        r':', '', allele_accession_id)
                        sequence_alteration_id, variant_locus_id)

                    sequence_alteration_id = allele_accession_id

                # IMPC contains targeted mutations with either gene traps,
                # knockouts, insertion/intragenic deletions.
                # but I don't really know what the SeqAlt is here,
                # so I don't add it.
                    sequence_alteration_id, sequence_alteration_name)

                # #############    BUILD THE COLONY    #############
                # First, let's describe the colony that the animals come from
                # The Colony ID refers to the ES cell clone
                #   used to generate a mouse strain.
                # Terry sez: we use this clone ID to track
                #   ES cell -> mouse strain -> mouse phenotyping.
                # The same ES clone maybe used at multiple centers,
                # so we have to concatenate the two to have a unique ID.
                # some useful reading about generating mice from ES cells:
                # http://ki.mit.edu/sbc/escell/services/details

                # here, we'll make a genotype
                # that derives from an ES cell with a given allele.
                # the strain is not really attached to the colony.

                # the colony/clone is reflective of the allele,  with unknown zygosity

                stem_cell_class = self.globaltt['embryonic stem cell line']

                if colony_id is None:
                    print(colony_raw, stem_cell_class, "\nline:\t", reader.line_num)
                model.addIndividualToGraph(colony_id, colony_raw, stem_cell_class)

                # vslc of the colony has unknown zygosity
                # note that we will define the allele
                # (and it's relationship to the marker, etc.) later
                # FIXME is it really necessary to create this vslc
                # when we always know it's unknown zygosity?
                vslc_colony = '_:'+re.sub(
                    r':', '', allele_accession_id + self.globaltt['indeterminate'])
                vslc_colony_label = allele_symbol + '/<?>'
                # for ease of reading, we make the colony genotype variables.
                # in the future, it might be desired to keep the vslcs
                colony_genotype_id = vslc_colony
                colony_genotype_label = vslc_colony_label
                geno.addGenotype(colony_genotype_id, colony_genotype_label)
                    allele_accession_id, colony_genotype_id,

                    vslc_colony, allele_accession_id, None,
                    self.globaltt['indeterminate'], self.globaltt['has_variant_part'])
                    colony_id, self.globaltt['has_genotype'], colony_genotype_id)

                # ##########    BUILD THE ANNOTATED GENOTYPE    ##########
                # now, we'll build the genotype of the individual that derives
                # from the colony/clone genotype that is attached to
                # phenotype = colony_id + strain + zygosity + sex
                # (and is derived from a colony)

                # this is a sex-agnostic genotype
                genotype_id = self.make_id(
                    (colony_id + phenotyping_center + zygosity + strain_accession_id))
                geno.addSequenceDerivesFrom(genotype_id, colony_id)

                # build the VSLC of the sex-agnostic genotype
                # based on the zygosity
                allele1_id = allele_accession_id
                allele2_id = allele2_rel = None
                allele1_label = allele_symbol
                allele2_label = '<?>'
                # Making VSLC labels from the various parts,
                # can change later if desired.
                if zygosity == 'heterozygote':
                    allele2_label = re.sub(r'<.*', '<+>', allele1_label)
                    allele2_id = None
                elif zygosity == 'homozygote':
                    allele2_label = allele1_label
                    allele2_id = allele1_id
                    allele2_rel = self.globaltt['has_variant_part']
                elif zygosity == 'hemizygote':
                    allele2_label = re.sub(r'<.*', '<0>', allele1_label)
                    allele2_id = None
                elif zygosity == 'not_applicable':
                    allele2_label = re.sub(r'<.*', '<?>', allele1_label)
                    allele2_id = None
                    LOG.warning("found unknown zygosity %s", zygosity)
                vslc_name = '/'.join((allele1_label, allele2_label))

                # Add the VSLC
                vslc_id = '-'.join(
                    (marker_accession_id, allele_accession_id, zygosity))
                vslc_id = re.sub(r':', '', vslc_id)
                vslc_id = '_:'+vslc_id
                    vslc_id, vslc_name,
                    self.globaltt['variant single locus complement'])
                    vslc_id, allele1_id, allele2_id, zygosity_id,
                    self.globaltt['has_variant_part'], allele2_rel)

                # add vslc to genotype
                geno.addVSLCtoParent(vslc_id, genotype_id)

                # note that the vslc is also the gvc
                model.addType(vslc_id, self.globaltt['genomic_variation_complement'])

                # Add the genomic background
                # create the genomic background id and name
                if strain_accession_id != '':
                    genomic_background_id = strain_accession_id
                    genomic_background_id = None

                genotype_name = vslc_name
                if genomic_background_id is not None:
                        genomic_background_id, strain_name,

                    # make a phenotyping-center-specific strain
                    # to use as the background
                    pheno_center_strain_label = strain_name + '-' + phenotyping_center \
                        + '-' + colony_raw
                    pheno_center_strain_id = '-'.join((
                        re.sub(r':', '', genomic_background_id),
                        re.sub(r'\s', '_', phenotyping_center),
                        re.sub(r'\W+', '', colony_raw)))
                    if not re.match(r'^_', pheno_center_strain_id):
                        # Tag bnode
                        pheno_center_strain_id = '_:' + pheno_center_strain_id

                        pheno_center_strain_id, pheno_center_strain_label,
                        pheno_center_strain_id, genomic_background_id)

                    # Making genotype labels from the various parts,
                    # can change later if desired.
                    # since the genotype is reflective of the place
                    # it got made, should put that in to disambiguate
                    genotype_name = \
                        genotype_name + ' [' + pheno_center_strain_label + ']'
                        pheno_center_strain_id, genotype_id)
                    geno.addTaxon(taxon_id, pheno_center_strain_id)
                # this is redundant, but i'll keep in in for now
                geno.addSequenceDerivesFrom(genotype_id, colony_id)
                geno.addGenotype(genotype_id, genotype_name)

                # Make the sex-qualified genotype,
                # which is what the phenotype is associated with
                sex_qualified_genotype_id = \
                        colony_id + phenotyping_center + zygosity +
                        strain_accession_id + sex))
                sex_qualified_genotype_label = genotype_name + ' (' + sex + ')'

                sq_type_id = self.resolve(sex, False)

                if sq_type_id == sex:
                    sq_type_id = self.globaltt['intrinsic_genotype']
                        "Unknown sex qualifier %s, adding as intrinsic_genotype",

                    sex_qualified_genotype_id, sex_qualified_genotype_label, sq_type_id)
                    genotype_id, sex_qualified_genotype_id,

                if genomic_background_id is not None and genomic_background_id != '':
                    # Add the taxon to the genomic_background_id
                    geno.addTaxon(taxon_id, genomic_background_id)
                    # add it as the genomic background
                    geno.addTaxon(taxon_id, genotype_id)

                # #############    BUILD THE G2P ASSOC    #############
                # from an old email dated July 23 2014:
                # Phenotypes associations are made to
                # imits colony_id+center+zygosity+gender

                # sometimes phenotype ids are missing.  (about 711 early 2020)
                if mp_term_id is None or mp_term_id == '':
                        "No phenotype id specified for row %d", reader.line_num)
                # hard coded ECO code
                eco_id = self.globaltt['mutant phenotype evidence']

                # the association comes as a result of a g2p from
                # a procedure in a pipeline at a center and parameter tested

                assoc = G2PAssoc(
                    graph, self.name, sex_qualified_genotype_id, mp_term_id)
                # assoc.set_score(float(p_value))

                # TODO add evidence instance using
                # pipeline_stable_id +
                # procedure_stable_id +
                # parameter_stable_id

                assoc_id = assoc.get_association_id()

                model._addSexSpecificity(assoc_id, self.resolve(sex))

                # add a free-text description
                    description = ' '.join((
                        mp_term_name, 'phenotype determined by', phenotyping_center,
                        'in an', procedure_name, 'assay where', parameter_name.strip(),
                        'was measured with an effect_size of',
                        str(round(float(effect_size), 5)),
                        '(p =', "{:.4e}".format(float(p_value)), ').'))
                except ValueError:
                    description = ' '.join((
                        mp_term_name, 'phenotype determined by', phenotyping_center,
                        'in an', procedure_name, 'assay where', parameter_name.strip(),
                        'was measured with an effect_size of', str(effect_size),
                        '(p =', "{0}".format(p_value), ').'))

                study_bnode = self._add_study_provenance(
                    phenotyping_center, colony_raw, project_fullname, pipeline_name,
                    pipeline_stable_id, procedure_stable_id, procedure_name,
                    parameter_stable_id, parameter_name, statistical_method,

                evidence_line_bnode = self._add_evidence(
                    assoc_id, eco_id, p_value, percentage_change, effect_size,

                self._add_assertion_provenance(assoc_id, evidence_line_bnode)

                model.addDescription(evidence_line_bnode, description)

                # resource_id = resource_name
                # assoc.addSource(graph, assoc_id, resource_id)

                if not self.test_mode and limit is not None and reader.line_num > limit:
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _process_phenotype_data(self, limit):
        NOTE: If a Strain carries more than one mutation,
        then each Mutation description,
        i.e., the set: (
            Mutation Type - Chromosome - Gene Symbol -
            Gene Name - Allele Symbol - Allele Name)
        will require a separate line.

        Note that MMRRC curates phenotypes to alleles,
        even though they distribute only one file with the
        phenotypes appearing to be associated with a strain.

        So, here we process the allele-to-phenotype relationships separately
        from the strain-to-allele relationships.

        :param limit:

        if self.testMode:
            g = self.testgraph
            g = self.graph

        line_counter = 0
        gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())
        fname = '/'.join((self.rawdir, self.files['catalog']['file']))

        self.strain_hash = {}
        self.id_label_hash = {}
        genes_with_no_ids = set()
        stem_cell_class = 'CL:0000034'
        mouse_taxon = 'NCBITaxon:10090'
        geno = Genotype(g)
        with open(fname, 'r', encoding="utf8") as csvfile:
            filereader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='\"')
            for row in filereader:
                line_counter += 1
                # skip the first 3 lines which are header, etc.
                if line_counter < 4:

                (strain_id, strain_label, strain_type_symbol, strain_state,
                 mgi_allele_id, mgi_allele_symbol, mgi_allele_name,
                 mutation_type, chrom, mgi_gene_id, mgi_gene_symbol,
                 mgi_gene_name, sds_url, accepted_date, mp_ids, pubmed_nums,
                 research_areas) = row

                if self.testMode and (strain_id not in self.test_ids):

                # strip off stuff after the dash -
                # is the holding center important?
                # MMRRC:00001-UNC --> MMRRC:00001
                strain_id = re.sub(r'-\w+$', '', strain_id)

                self.id_label_hash[strain_id] = strain_label

                # get the variant or gene to save for later building of
                # the genotype
                if strain_id not in self.strain_hash:
                    self.strain_hash[strain_id] = {'variants': set(),
                                                   'genes': set()}

                # clean up the bad one
                if mgi_allele_id == 'multiple mutation':
                    logger.error("Erroneous gene id: %s", mgi_allele_id)
                    mgi_allele_id = ''

                if mgi_allele_id != '':
                    self.id_label_hash[mgi_allele_id] = mgi_allele_symbol

                    # use the following if needing to add the
                    # sequence alteration types
                    # var_type =
                    #   self._get_variant_type_from_abbrev(mutation_type)
                    # make a sequence alteration for this variant locus,
                    # and link the variation type to it
                    # sa_id = '_'+re.sub(r':','',mgi_allele_id)+'SA'
                    # if self.nobnodes:
                    #     sa_id = ':'+sa_id
                    # gu.addIndividualToGraph(g, sa_id, None, var_type)
                    # geno.addSequenceAlterationToVariantLocus(sa_id,
                    #                                          mgi_allele_id)

                # scrub out any spaces
                mgi_gene_id = re.sub(r'\s+', '', mgi_gene_id)
                if mgi_gene_id.strip() != '':
                    if re.match(r'Gene\s*ID:', mgi_gene_id, re.I):
                        mgi_gene_id = re.sub(r'Gene\s*ID:\s*', 'NCBIGene:',
                    elif not re.match(r'MGI', mgi_gene_id):
                        logger.info("Gene id not recognized: %s", mgi_gene_id)
                        if re.match(r'\d+$', mgi_gene_id):
                            # assume that if it's all numbers, then it's MGI
                            mgi_gene_id = 'MGI:'+str(mgi_gene_id)
                            logger.info("Assuming numerics are MGI.")
                    self.id_label_hash[mgi_gene_id] = mgi_gene_symbol

                # catch some errors -
                # some things have gene labels, but no identifiers - report
                if mgi_gene_symbol.strip() != '' and mgi_gene_id == '':
                        "Gene label with no identifier for strain %s: %s",
                        strain_id, mgi_gene_symbol)
                    # make a temp id for genes that aren't identified
                    # tmp_gene_id = '_'+mgi_gene_symbol
                    # self.id_label_hash[tmp_gene_id] = mgi_gene_symbol
                    # self.strain_hash[strain_id]['genes'].add(tmp_gene_id)

                # split apart the mp ids
                # ataxia [MP:0001393] ,hypoactivity [MP:0001402] ...
                # mp_ids are now a comma delimited list
                # with MP terms in brackets
                phenotype_ids = []
                if mp_ids != '':
                    for i in re.split(r',', mp_ids):
                        i = i.strip()
                        mps = re.search(r'\[(.*)\]', i)
                        if mps is not None:
                            mp_id = mps.group(1).strip()

                # pubmed ids are space delimited
                pubmed_ids = []
                if pubmed_nums.strip() != '':
                    for i in re.split(r'\s+', pubmed_nums):
                        pmid = 'PMID:'+i.strip()
                        r = Reference(pmid,

                # https://www.mmrrc.org/catalog/sds.php?mmrrc_id=00001
                # is a good example of 4 genotype parts

                gu.addClassToGraph(g, mouse_taxon, None)
                if research_areas.strip() == '':
                    research_areas = None
                    research_areas = 'Research Areas: '+research_areas
                strain_type = mouse_taxon
                if strain_state == 'ES':
                    strain_type = stem_cell_class
                    g, strain_id, strain_label, strain_type,
                    research_areas)  # an inst of mouse??
                gu.makeLeader(g, strain_id)

                # phenotypes are associated with the alleles
                for pid in phenotype_ids:
                    # assume the phenotype label is in the ontology
                    gu.addClassToGraph(g, pid, None)
                    if mgi_allele_id is not None and mgi_allele_id != '':
                        assoc = G2PAssoc(self.name, mgi_allele_id, pid,
                        for p in pubmed_ids:
                        logger.info("Phenotypes and no allele for %s",

                if not self.testMode and (
                        limit is not None and line_counter > limit):

            # now that we've collected all of the variant information, build it
            # we don't know their zygosities
            for s in self.strain_hash:
                h = self.strain_hash.get(s)
                variants = h['variants']
                genes = h['genes']
                vl_set = set()
                # make variant loci for each gene
                if len(variants) > 0:
                    for v in variants:
                        vl_id = v
                        vl_symbol = self.id_label_hash[vl_id]
                        geno.addAllele(vl_id, vl_symbol,
                        if len(variants) == 1 and len(genes) == 1:
                            for gene in genes:
                                geno.addAlleleOfGene(vl_id, gene)
                            geno.addAllele(vl_id, vl_symbol)
                else:  # len(vars) == 0
                    # it's just anonymous variants in some gene
                    for gene in genes:
                        vl_id = '_'+gene+'-VL'
                        vl_id = re.sub(r':', '', vl_id)
                        if self.nobnodes:
                            vl_id = ':'+vl_id
                        vl_symbol = self.id_label_hash[gene]+'<?>'
                        self.id_label_hash[vl_id] = vl_symbol
                        geno.addAllele(vl_id, vl_symbol,
                        geno.addGene(gene, self.id_label_hash[gene])
                        geno.addAlleleOfGene(vl_id, gene)

                # make the vslcs
                vl_list = sorted(vl_set)
                vslc_list = []
                for vl in vl_list:
                    # for unknown zygosity
                    vslc_id = '_'+re.sub(r'^_', '', vl)+'U'
                    vslc_id = re.sub(r':', '', vslc_id)
                    if self.nobnodes:
                        vslc_id = ':' + vslc_id
                    vslc_label = self.id_label_hash[vl] + '/?'
                    self.id_label_hash[vslc_id] = vslc_label
                        vslc_id, vl, None, geno.zygosity['indeterminate'],
                        geno.object_properties['has_alternate_part'], None)
                        g, vslc_id, vslc_label,
                if len(vslc_list) > 0:
                    if len(vslc_list) > 1:
                        gvc_id = '-'.join(vslc_list)
                        gvc_id = re.sub(r':', '', gvc_id)
                        if self.nobnodes:
                            gvc_id = ':'+gvc_id
                        gvc_label = \
                            '; '.join(self.id_label_hash[v] for v in vslc_list)
                            g, gvc_id, gvc_label,
                        for vslc_id in vslc_list:
                            geno.addVSLCtoParent(vslc_id, gvc_id)
                        # the GVC == VSLC, so don't have to make an extra piece
                        gvc_id = vslc_list.pop()
                        gvc_label = self.id_label_hash[gvc_id]

                    genotype_label = gvc_label + ' [n.s.]'
                    bkgd_id = \
                        '_' + re.sub(r':', '', '-'.join(
                    genotype_id = '-'.join((gvc_id, bkgd_id))
                    if self.nobnodes:
                        bkgd_id = ':'+bkgd_id
                    geno.addTaxon(mouse_taxon, bkgd_id)
                        bkgd_id, 'unspecified ('+s+')',
                        "A placeholder for the " +
                        "unspecified genetic background for "+s)
                        bkgd_id, genotype_id,
                        gvc_id, genotype_id,
                    geno.addGenotype(genotype_id, genotype_label)
                        g, s, geno.object_properties['has_genotype'],
                    # logger.debug(
                    #   "Strain %s is not making a proper genotype.", s)

                g, G2PAssoc.object_properties, G2PAssoc.OBJECTPROP)
                g, G2PAssoc.datatype_properties, G2PAssoc.DATAPROP)
                g, G2PAssoc.annotation_properties, G2PAssoc.ANNOTPROP)

                "The following gene symbols did not list identifiers: %s",

Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _process_data(self, raw, limit=None):
        This function will process the data files from Coriell.
        We make the assumption that any alleles listed are variants
        (alternates to w.t.)

        Triples: (examples)

        :NIGMSrepository a CLO_0000008 #repository
        label : NIGMS Human Genetic Cell Repository
        foaf:page https://catalog.coriell.org/0/sections/collections/NIGMS/?SsId=8

            line_id a CL_0000057,  #fibroblast line
                derives_from patient_id
                part_of :NIGMSrepository
                RO:model_of OMIM:disease_id

            patient id a foaf:person,
                label: "fibroblast from patient 12345 with disease X"
                member_of family_id  #what is the right thing here?
                SIO:race EFO:caucasian  #subclass of EFO:0001799
                in_taxon NCBITaxon:9606
                dc:description Literal(remark)
                RO:has_phenotype OMIM:disease_id
                GENO:has_genotype genotype_id

            family_id a owl:NamedIndividual
                foaf:page "https://catalog.coriell.org/0/Sections/BrowseCatalog/FamilyTypeSubDetail.aspx?PgId=402&fam=2104&coll=GM"

            genotype_id a intrinsic_genotype
                GENO:has_alternate_part allelic_variant_id
                we don't necessarily know much about the genotype,
                other than the allelic variant. also there's the sex here

            pub_id mentions cell_line_id

        :param raw:
        :param limit:
        logger.info("Processing Data from %s", raw)
        gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())

        if self.testMode:      # set the graph to build
            g = self.testgraph
            g = self.graph

        line_counter = 0
        geno = Genotype(g)
        du = DipperUtil()

        gu.loadProperties(g, geno.object_properties, gu.OBJPROP)

        with open(raw, 'r', encoding="iso-8859-1") as csvfile:
            filereader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='\"')
            next(filereader, None)  # skip the header row
            for row in filereader:
                if not row:
                    line_counter += 1

                    (catalog_id, description, omim_number, sample_type,
                     cell_line_available, dna_in_stock, dna_ref, gender, age,
                     race, ethnicity, affected, karyotype, relprob, mutation,
                     gene, family_id, collection, url, cat_remark, pubmed_ids,
                     family_member, variant_id, dbsnp_id, species) = row

                    # example:
                    # GM00003,HURLER SYNDROME,607014,Fibroblast,Yes,No,,Female,26 YR,Caucasian,,,,
                    # parent,,,39,NIGMS Human Genetic Cell Repository,
                    # http://ccr.coriell.org/Sections/Search/Sample_Detail.aspx?Ref=GM00003,
                    # 46;XX; clinically normal mother of a child with Hurler syndrome; proband not in Repository,,
                    # 2,,18343,H**o sapiens

                    if self.testMode and catalog_id not in self.test_lines:
                        # skip rows not in our test lines, when in test mode

                    # ###########    BUILD REQUIRED VARIABLES    ###########

                    # Make the cell line ID
                    cell_line_id = 'Coriell:'+catalog_id.strip()

                    # Map the cell/sample type
                    cell_type = self._map_cell_type(sample_type)

                    # Make a cell line label
                    line_label = \
                        collection.partition(' ')[0]+'-'+catalog_id.strip()

                    # Map the repository/collection
                    repository = self._map_collection(collection)

                    # patients are uniquely identified by one of:
                    # dbsnp id (which is == an individual haplotype)
                    # family id + family member (if present) OR
                    # probands are usually family member zero
                    # cell line id
                    # since some patients have >1 cell line derived from them,
                    # we must make sure that the genotype is attached to
                    # the patient, and can be inferred to the cell line
                    # examples of repeated patients are:
                    #   famid=1159, member=1; fam=152,member=1

                    # Make the patient ID

                    # make an anonymous patient
                    patient_id = '_person'
                    if self.nobnodes:
                        patient_id = ':'+patient_id
                    if family_id != '':
                        patient_id = \
                            '-'.join((patient_id, family_id, family_member))
                        # make an anonymous patient
                        patient_id = '-'.join((patient_id, catalog_id.strip()))

                    # properties of the individual patients:  sex, family id,
                    # member/relproband, description descriptions are
                    # really long and ugly SCREAMING text, so need to clean up
                    # the control cases are so odd with this labeling scheme;
                    # but we'll deal with it as-is for now.
                    short_desc = (description.split(';')[0]).capitalize()
                    if affected == 'Yes':
                        affected = 'affected'
                    elif affected == 'No':
                        affected = 'unaffected'
                    gender = gender.lower()
                    patient_label = ' '.join((affected, gender, relprob))
                    if relprob == 'proband':
                        patient_label = \
                            ' '.join(
                                (patient_label.strip(), 'with', short_desc))
                        patient_label = \
                            ' '.join(
                                (patient_label.strip(), 'of proband with',

                    # #############    BUILD THE CELL LINE    #############

                    # Adding the cell line as a typed individual.
                    cell_line_reagent_id = 'CLO:0000031'

                        g, cell_line_id, line_label, cell_line_reagent_id)

                    # add the equivalent id == dna_ref
                    if dna_ref != '' and dna_ref != catalog_id:
                        equiv_cell_line = 'Coriell:'+dna_ref
                        # some of the equivalent ids are not defined
                        # in the source data; so add them
                            g, equiv_cell_line, None, cell_line_reagent_id)
                        gu.addSameIndividual(g, cell_line_id, equiv_cell_line)

                    # Cell line derives from patient
                    geno.addDerivesFrom(cell_line_id, patient_id)
                    geno.addDerivesFrom(cell_line_id, cell_type)

                    # Cell line a member of repository
                    gu.addMember(g, repository, cell_line_id)

                    if cat_remark != '':
                        gu.addDescription(g, cell_line_id, cat_remark)

                    # Cell age_at_sampling
                    # TODO add the age nodes when modeled properly in #78
                    # if (age != ''):
                        # this would give a BNode that is an instance of Age.
                        # but i don't know how to connect
                        # the age node to the cell line? we need to ask @mbrush
                        # age_id = '_'+re.sub('\s+','_',age)
                        # gu.addIndividualToGraph(
                        #   g,age_id,age,self.terms['age'])
                        # gu.addTriple(
                        #   g,age_id,self.properties['has_measurement'],age,
                        #   True)

                    # #############    BUILD THE PATIENT    #############

                    # Add the patient ID as an individual.
                    gu.addPerson(g, patient_id, patient_label)
                    # TODO map relationship to proband as a class
                    # (what ontology?)

                    # Add race of patient
                    # FIXME: Adjust for subcategories based on ethnicity field
                    # EDIT: There are 743 different entries for ethnicity...
                    # Too many to map?
                    # Add ethnicity as literal in addition to the mapped race?
                    # Adjust the ethnicity txt (if using)
                    # to initial capitalization to remove ALLCAPS

                    # TODO race should go into the individual's background
                    # and abstracted out to the Genotype class punting for now.
                    # if race != '':
                    #    mapped_race = self._map_race(race)
                    #    if mapped_race is not None:
                    #        gu.addTriple(
                    #           g,patient_id,self.terms['race'],mapped_race)
                    #        gu.addSubclass(
                    #           g,self.terms['ethnic_group'],mapped_race)

                    # #############    BUILD THE FAMILY    #############

                    # Add triples for family_id, if present.
                    if family_id != '':
                        family_comp_id = 'CoriellFamily:'+family_id

                        family_label = \
                            ' '.join(('Family of proband with', short_desc))

                        # Add the family ID as a named individual
                            g, family_comp_id, family_label,

                        # Add the patient as a member of the family
                        gu.addMemberOf(g, patient_id, family_comp_id)

                    # #############    BUILD THE GENOTYPE   #############

                    # the important things to pay attention to here are:
                    # karyotype = chr rearrangements  (somatic?)
                    # mutation = protein-level mutation as a label,
                    # often from omim
                    # gene = gene symbol - TODO get id
                    # variant_id = omim variant ids (; delimited)
                    # dbsnp_id = snp individual ids = full genotype?

                    # note GM00633 is a good example of chromosomal variation
                    # - do we have enough to capture this?
                    # GM00325 has both abnormal karyotype and variation

                    # make an assumption that if the taxon is blank,
                    # that it is human!
                    if species is None or species == '':
                        species = 'H**o sapiens'
                    taxon = self._map_species(species)

                    # if there's a dbSNP id,
                    # this is actually the individual's genotype
                    genotype_id = None
                    genotype_label = None
                    if dbsnp_id != '':
                        genotype_id = 'dbSNPIndividual:'+dbsnp_id.strip()

                    omim_map = {}
                    gvc_id = None

                    # some of the karyotypes are encoded
                    # with terrible hidden codes. remove them here
                    # i've seen a <98> character
                    karyotype = du.remove_control_characters(karyotype)
                    karyotype_id = None
                    if karyotype.strip() != '':
                        karyotype_id = \
                            '_'+re.sub('MONARCH:', '', self.make_id(karyotype))
                        if self.nobnodes:
                            karyotype_id = ':'+karyotype_id
                        # add karyotype as karyotype_variation_complement
                            g, karyotype_id, karyotype,
                        # TODO break down the karyotype into parts
                        # and map into GENO. depends on #77

                        # place the karyotype in a location(s).
                        karyo_chrs = \
                        for c in karyo_chrs:
                            chr_id = makeChromID(c, taxon, 'CHR')
                            # add an anonymous sequence feature,
                            # each located on chr
                            karyotype_feature_id = '-'.join((karyotype_id, c))
                            karyotype_feature_label = \
                                'some karyotype alteration on chr'+str(c)
                            f = Feature(
                                karyotype_feature_id, karyotype_feature_label,
                            f.addFeatureStartLocation(None, chr_id)
                                karyotype_feature_id, karyotype_id,

                    if gene != '':
                        vl = gene+'('+mutation+')'

                    # fix the variant_id so it's always in the same order
                    vids = variant_id.split(';')
                    variant_id = ';'.join(sorted(list(set(vids))))

                    if karyotype.strip() != '' \
                            and not self._is_normal_karyotype(karyotype):
                        mutation = mutation.strip()
                        gvc_id = karyotype_id
                        if variant_id != '':
                            gvc_id = '_' + variant_id.replace(';', '-') + '-' \
                                    + re.sub(r'\w*:', '', karyotype_id)
                        if mutation.strip() != '':
                            gvc_label = '; '.join((vl, karyotype))
                            gvc_label = karyotype
                    elif variant_id.strip() != '':
                        gvc_id = '_' + variant_id.replace(';', '-')
                        gvc_label = vl
                        # wildtype?

                    if gvc_id is not None and gvc_id != karyotype_id \
                            and self.nobnodes:
                        gvc_id = ':'+gvc_id

                    # add the karyotype to the gvc.
                    # use reference if normal karyotype
                    karyo_rel = geno.object_properties['has_alternate_part']
                    if self._is_normal_karyotype(karyotype):
                        karyo_rel = \
                    if karyotype_id is not None \
                            and not self._is_normal_karyotype(karyotype) \
                            and gvc_id is not None and karyotype_id != gvc_id:
                        geno.addParts(karyotype_id, gvc_id, karyo_rel)

                    if variant_id.strip() != '':
                        # split the variants & add them as part of the genotype
                        # we don't necessarily know their zygosity,
                        # just that they are part of the genotype variant ids
                        # are from OMIM, so prefix as such we assume that the
                        # sequence alts will be defined in OMIM not here
                        # TODO sort the variant_id list, if the omim prefix is
                        # the same, then assume it's the locus make a hashmap
                        # of the omim id to variant id list;
                        # then build the genotype hashmap is also useful for
                        # removing the "genes" from the list of "phenotypes"

                        # will hold gene/locus id to variant list
                        omim_map = {}

                        locus_num = None
                        for v in variant_id.split(';'):
                            # handle omim-style and odd var ids
                            # like 610661.p.R401X
                            m = re.match(r'(\d+)\.+(.*)', v.strip())
                            if m is not None and len(m.groups()) == 2:
                                (locus_num, var_num) = m.groups()

                            if locus_num is not None \
                                    and locus_num not in omim_map:
                                omim_map[locus_num] = [var_num]
                                omim_map[locus_num] += [var_num]

                        for o in omim_map:
                            # gene_id = 'OMIM:' + o  # TODO unused
                            vslc_id = \
                                '_' + '-'.join(
                                    [o + '.' + a for a in omim_map.get(o)])
                            if self.nobnodes:
                                vslc_id = ':'+vslc_id
                            vslc_label = vl
                            # we don't really know the zygosity of
                            # the alleles at all.
                            # so the vslcs are just a pot of them
                                g, vslc_id, vslc_label,
                            for v in omim_map.get(o):
                                # this is actually a sequence alt
                                allele1_id = 'OMIM:'+o+'.'+v
                                geno.addSequenceAlteration(allele1_id, None)

                                # assume that the sa -> var_loc -> gene
                                # is taken care of in OMIM
                                    vslc_id, allele1_id, None,

                            if vslc_id != gvc_id:
                                geno.addVSLCtoParent(vslc_id, gvc_id)

                    if affected == 'unaffected':
                        # let's just say that this person is wildtype
                        gu.addType(g, patient_id, geno.genoparts['wildtype'])
                    elif genotype_id is None:
                        # make an anonymous genotype id
                        genotype_id = '_geno'+catalog_id.strip()
                        if self.nobnodes:
                            genotype_id = ':'+genotype_id

                    # add the gvc
                    if gvc_id is not None:
                            g, gvc_id, gvc_label,

                        # add the gvc to the genotype
                        if genotype_id is not None:
                            if affected == 'unaffected':
                                rel = \
                                rel = \
                            geno.addParts(gvc_id, genotype_id, rel)
                        if karyotype_id is not None \
                                and self._is_normal_karyotype(karyotype):
                            if gvc_label is not None and gvc_label != '':
                                genotype_label = \
                                    '; '.join((gvc_label, karyotype))
                                genotype_label = karyotype
                            if genotype_id is None:
                                genotype_id = karyotype_id
                                    karyotype_id, genotype_id,
                            genotype_label = gvc_label
                            # use the catalog id as the background
                        genotype_label += ' ['+catalog_id.strip()+']'

                    if genotype_id is not None and gvc_id is not None:
                        # only add the genotype if it has some parts
                            genotype_id, genotype_label,
                        geno.addTaxon(taxon, genotype_id)
                        # add that the patient has the genotype
                        # TODO check if the genotype belongs to
                        # the cell line or to the patient
                            g, patient_id,
                            geno.properties['has_genotype'], genotype_id)
                        geno.addTaxon(taxon, patient_id)

                    # TODO: Add sex/gender  (as part of the karyotype?)

                    # #############    DEAL WITH THE DISEASES   #############

                    # we associate the disease to the patient
                    if affected == 'affected':
                        if omim_number != '':
                            for d in omim_number.split(';'):
                                if d is not None and d != '':
                                    # if the omim number is in omim_map,
                                    # then it is a gene not a pheno
                                    if d not in omim_map:
                                        disease_id = 'OMIM:'+d.strip()
                                        # assume the label is taken care of
                                        gu.addClassToGraph(g, disease_id, None)

                                        # add the association:
                                        #   the patient has the disease
                                        assoc = G2PAssoc(
                                            self.name, patient_id, disease_id)

                                        # this line is a model of this disease
                                        # TODO abstract out model into
                                        # it's own association class?
                                            g, cell_line_id,
                                            'removing %s from disease list ' +
                                            'since it is a gene', d)

                    # #############    ADD PUBLICATIONS   #############

                    if pubmed_ids != '':
                        for s in pubmed_ids.split(';'):
                            pubmed_id = 'PMID:'+s.strip()
                            ref = Reference(pubmed_id)
                                g, pubmed_id, gu.properties['mentions'],

                    if not self.testMode \
                            and (limit is not None and line_counter > limit):


Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _process_phenotype_data(self, limit):
        NOTE: If a Strain carries more than one mutation,
        then each Mutation description,
        i.e., the set: (
            Mutation Type - Chromosome - Gene Symbol -
            Gene Name - Allele Symbol - Allele Name)
        will require a separate line.

        Note that MMRRC curates phenotypes to alleles,
        even though they distribute only one file with the
        phenotypes appearing to be associated with a strain.

        So, here we process the allele-to-phenotype relationships separately
        from the strain-to-allele relationships.

        :param limit:


        src_key = 'catalog'
        if self.test_mode:
            graph = self.testgraph
            graph = self.graph
        model = Model(graph)
        fname = '/'.join((self.rawdir, self.files[src_key]['file']))

        self.strain_hash = {}
        self.id_label_hash = {}
        genes_with_no_ids = set()
        stem_cell_class = self.globaltt['stem cell']
        mouse_taxon = self.globaltt['Mus musculus']
        geno = Genotype(graph)
        with open(fname, 'r', encoding="utf8") as csvfile:
            reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='\"')
            # First line is header not date/version info. This changed recently,
            # apparently as of Sep 2019. Also, 3rd line is no longer blank.
            row = [x.strip() for x in next(reader)]  # messy messy
            col = self.files['catalog']['columns']
            strain_missing_allele = []  # to count the ones w/insufficent info
            if not self.check_fileheader(col, row):

            for row in reader:
                strain_id = row[col.index('STRAIN/STOCK_ID')].strip()
                strain_label = row[col.index('STRAIN/STOCK_DESIGNATION')]
                # strain_type_symbol = row[col.index('STRAIN_TYPE')]
                strain_state = row[col.index('STATE')]
                mgi_allele_id = row[col.index(
                mgi_allele_symbol = row[col.index('ALLELE_SYMBOL')]
                # mgi_allele_name = row[col.index('ALLELE_NAME')]
                # mutation_type = row[col.index('MUTATION_TYPE')]
                # chrom = row[col.index('CHROMOSOME')]
                mgi_gene_id = row[col.index('MGI_GENE_ACCESSION_ID')].strip()
                mgi_gene_symbol = row[col.index('GENE_SYMBOL')].strip()
                mgi_gene_name = row[col.index('GENE_NAME')]
                # sds_url = row[col.index('SDS_URL')]
                # accepted_date = row[col.index('ACCEPTED_DATE')]
                mpt_ids = row[col.index('MPT_IDS')].strip()
                pubmed_nums = row[col.index('PUBMED_IDS')].strip()
                research_areas = row[col.index('RESEARCH_AREAS')].strip()

                if self.test_mode and (strain_id not in self.test_ids) \
                        or mgi_gene_name == 'withdrawn':

                # strip off stuff after the dash -
                # is the holding center important?
                # MMRRC:00001-UNC --> MMRRC:00001
                strain_id = re.sub(r'-\w+$', '', strain_id)

                self.id_label_hash[strain_id] = strain_label

                # get the variant or gene to save for later building of
                # the genotype
                if strain_id not in self.strain_hash:
                    self.strain_hash[strain_id] = {
                        'variants': set(),
                        'genes': set()

                # flag bad ones
                if mgi_allele_id[:4] != 'MGI:' and mgi_allele_id != '':
                    LOG.error("Erroneous MGI allele id: %s", mgi_allele_id)
                    if mgi_allele_id[:3] == 'MG:':
                        mgi_allele_id = 'MGI:' + mgi_allele_id[3:]
                        mgi_allele_id = ''

                if mgi_allele_id != '':
                    self.id_label_hash[mgi_allele_id] = mgi_allele_symbol

                    # use the following if needing to add the sequence alteration types
                    # var_type = self.localtt[mutation_type]
                    # make a sequence alteration for this variant locus,
                    # and link the variation type to it
                    # sa_id = '_'+re.sub(r':','',mgi_allele_id)+'SA'
                    # if self.nobnodes:
                    #     sa_id = ':'+sa_id
                    # gu.addIndividualToGraph(g, sa_id, None, var_type)
                    # geno.addSequenceAlterationToVariantLocus(sa_id, mgi_allele_id)

                # scrub out any spaces, fix known issues
                mgi_gene_id = re.sub(r'\s+', '', mgi_gene_id)
                if mgi_gene_id == 'NULL':
                    mgi_gene_id = ''
                elif mgi_gene_id[:7] == 'GeneID:':
                    mgi_gene_id = 'NCBIGene:' + mgi_gene_id[7:]

                if mgi_gene_id != '':
                        [curie, localid] = mgi_gene_id.split(':')
                    except ValueError as verror:
                            "Problem parsing mgi_gene_id %s from file %s: %s",
                            mgi_gene_id, fname, verror)
                    if curie not in ['MGI', 'NCBIGene']:
                        LOG.info("MGI Gene id not recognized: %s", mgi_gene_id)
                    self.id_label_hash[mgi_gene_id] = mgi_gene_symbol

                # catch some errors - too many. report summary at the end
                # some things have gene labels, but no identifiers - report
                if mgi_gene_symbol != '' and mgi_gene_id == '':
                    # LOG.error(
                    #    "Gene label with no MGI identifier for strain %s: %s",
                    #    strain_id, mgi_gene_symbol)
                    # make a temp id for genes that aren't identified ... err wow.
                    # tmp_gene_id = '_' + mgi_gene_symbol
                    # self.id_label_hash[tmp_gene_id.strip()] = mgi_gene_symbol
                    # self.strain_hash[strain_id]['genes'].add(tmp_gene_id)

                # split apart the mp ids
                # ataxia [MP:0001393] ,hypoactivity [MP:0001402] ...
                # mpt_ids are a comma delimited list
                # labels with MP terms following in brackets
                phenotype_ids = []
                if mpt_ids != '':
                    for lb_mp in mpt_ids.split(r','):
                        lb_mp = lb_mp.strip()
                        if lb_mp[-1:] == ']' and lb_mp[-12:-8] == '[MP:':

                # pubmed ids are space delimited
                pubmed_ids = []
                if pubmed_nums != '':
                    for pm_num in re.split(r'\s+', pubmed_nums):
                        pmid = 'PMID:' + pm_num.strip()
                        ref = Reference(graph, pmid,
                                        self.globaltt['journal article'])

                # https://www.mmrrc.org/catalog/sds.php?mmrrc_id=00001
                # is a good example of 4 genotype parts

                model.addClassToGraph(mouse_taxon, None)
                if research_areas == '':
                    research_areas = None
                    research_areas = 'Research Areas: ' + research_areas
                strain_type = mouse_taxon
                if strain_state == 'ES':
                    strain_type = stem_cell_class
                model.addIndividualToGraph(  # an inst of mouse??
                    strain_id, strain_label, strain_type, research_areas)

                # phenotypes are associated with the alleles
                for pid in phenotype_ids:
                    # assume the phenotype label is in some ontology
                    model.addClassToGraph(pid, None)
                    if mgi_allele_id is not None and mgi_allele_id != '':
                        assoc = G2PAssoc(graph, self.name, mgi_allele_id, pid,
                                         self.globaltt['has phenotype'])
                        for p in pubmed_ids:
                        # too chatty here. report aggregate
                        # LOG.info("Phenotypes and no allele for %s", strain_id)

                if not self.test_mode and (limit is not None
                                           and reader.line_num > limit):

            # report misses
            if strain_missing_allele:
                LOG.info("Phenotypes and no allele for %i strains",

            # now that we've collected all of the variant information, build it
            # we don't know their zygosities
            for s in self.strain_hash:
                h = self.strain_hash.get(s)
                variants = h['variants']
                genes = h['genes']
                vl_set = set()
                # make variant loci for each gene
                if variants:
                    for var in variants:
                        vl_id = var.strip()
                        vl_symbol = self.id_label_hash[vl_id]
                        geno.addAllele(vl_id, vl_symbol,
                        if len(variants) == 1 and len(genes) == 1:
                            for gene in genes:
                                geno.addAlleleOfGene(vl_id, gene)
                            geno.addAllele(vl_id, vl_symbol)
                else:  # len(vars) == 0
                    # it's just anonymous variants in some gene
                    for gene in genes:
                        vl_id = '_:' + re.sub(r':', '', gene) + '-VL'
                        vl_symbol = self.id_label_hash[gene] + '<?>'
                        self.id_label_hash[vl_id] = vl_symbol
                        geno.addAllele(vl_id, vl_symbol,
                        geno.addGene(gene, self.id_label_hash[gene])
                        geno.addAlleleOfGene(vl_id, gene)

                # make the vslcs
                vl_list = sorted(vl_set)
                vslc_list = []
                for vl in vl_list:
                    # for unknown zygosity
                    vslc_id = re.sub(r'^_', '', vl) + 'U'
                    vslc_id = re.sub(r':', '', vslc_id)
                    vslc_id = '_:' + vslc_id
                    vslc_label = self.id_label_hash[vl] + '/?'
                    self.id_label_hash[vslc_id] = vslc_label
                    geno.addPartsToVSLC(vslc_id, vl, None,
                        vslc_id, vslc_label,
                        self.globaltt['variant single locus complement'])
                if vslc_list:
                    if len(vslc_list) > 1:
                        gvc_id = '-'.join(vslc_list)
                        gvc_id = re.sub(r'_|:', '', gvc_id)
                        gvc_id = '_:' + gvc_id
                        gvc_label = '; '.join(self.id_label_hash[v]
                                              for v in vslc_list)
                            gvc_id, gvc_label,
                        for vslc_id in vslc_list:
                            geno.addVSLCtoParent(vslc_id, gvc_id)
                        # the GVC == VSLC, so don't have to make an extra piece
                        gvc_id = vslc_list.pop()
                        gvc_label = self.id_label_hash[gvc_id]

                    genotype_label = gvc_label + ' [n.s.]'
                    bkgd_id = re.sub(
                        r':', '', '-'.join(
                    genotype_id = '-'.join((gvc_id, bkgd_id))
                    bkgd_id = '_:' + bkgd_id
                    geno.addTaxon(mouse_taxon, bkgd_id)
                        bkgd_id, 'unspecified (' + s + ')',
                        "A placeholder for the unspecified genetic background for "
                        + s)
                        bkgd_id, genotype_id,
                    geno.addParts(gvc_id, genotype_id,
                    geno.addGenotype(genotype_id, genotype_label)
                    graph.addTriple(s, self.globaltt['has_genotype'],
                    # LOG.debug(
                    #   "Strain %s is not making a proper genotype.", s)

                "The following gene symbols did not list identifiers: %s",
            LOG.error('%i symbols given are missing their gene identifiers',

Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _process_data(self, raw, limit=None):
        logger.info("Processing Data from %s", raw)
        gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())

        if self.testMode:
            g = self.testgraph
            g = self.graph

        geno = Genotype(g)
        line_counter = 0
        gu.loadObjectProperties(g, geno.object_properties)

        # Add the taxon as a class
        taxon_id = 'NCBITaxon:10090'  # map to Mus musculus
        gu.addClassToGraph(g, taxon_id, None)

        # with open(raw, 'r', encoding="utf8") as csvfile:
        with gzip.open(raw, 'rt') as csvfile:
            filereader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='\"')
            next(filereader, None)  # skip the header row
            for row in filereader:
                line_counter += 1

                (marker_accession_id, marker_symbol, phenotyping_center,
                 colony, sex, zygosity, allele_accession_id, allele_symbol,
                 allele_name, strain_accession_id, strain_name, project_name,
                 project_fullname, pipeline_name, pipeline_stable_id,
                 procedure_stable_id, procedure_name, parameter_stable_id,
                 parameter_name, top_level_mp_term_id, top_level_mp_term_name,
                 mp_term_id, mp_term_name, p_value, percentage_change,
                 effect_size, statistical_method, resource_name) = row

                if self.testMode and marker_accession_id not in self.test_ids:

                # ##### cleanup some of the identifiers ######
                zygosity_id = self._map_zygosity(zygosity)

                # colony ids sometimes have <> in them, spaces,
                # or other non-alphanumerics and break our system;
                # replace these with underscores
                colony_id = '_'+re.sub(r'\W+', '_', colony)
                if self.nobnodes:
                    colony_id = ':'+colony_id

                if not re.match(r'MGI', allele_accession_id):
                    allele_accession_id = \
                        '_IMPC-'+re.sub(r':', '', allele_accession_id)
                    if self.nobnodes:
                        allele_accession_id = ':'+allele_accession_id
                if re.search(r'EUROCURATE', strain_accession_id):
                    # the eurocurate links don't resolve at IMPC
                    strain_accession_id = '_'+strain_accession_id
                    if self.nobnodes:
                        strain_accession_id = ':'+strain_accession_id
                elif not re.match(r'MGI', strain_accession_id):
                        "Found a strange strain accession...%s",
                    strain_accession_id = 'IMPC:'+strain_accession_id

                # first, add the marker and variant to the graph as with MGI,
                # the allele is the variant locus.  IF the marker is not known,
                # we will call it a sequence alteration.  otherwise,
                # we will create a BNode for the sequence alteration.
                sequence_alteration_id = variant_locus_id = None
                variant_locus_name = sequence_alteration_name = None

                # extract out what's within the <> to get the symbol
                if re.match(r'.*<.*>', allele_symbol):
                    sequence_alteration_name = \
                        re.match(r'.*<(.*)>', allele_symbol).group(1)
                    sequence_alteration_name = allele_symbol

                if marker_accession_id is not None and \
                        marker_accession_id == '':
                        "Marker unspecified on row %d", line_counter)
                    marker_accession_id = None

                if marker_accession_id is not None:
                    variant_locus_id = allele_accession_id
                    variant_locus_name = allele_symbol
                    variant_locus_type = geno.genoparts['variant_locus']
                    geno.addGene(marker_accession_id, marker_symbol,
                    geno.addAllele(variant_locus_id, variant_locus_name,
                                   variant_locus_type, None)
                    geno.addAlleleOfGene(variant_locus_id, marker_accession_id)

                    sequence_alteration_id = \
                        '_seqalt'+re.sub(r':', '', allele_accession_id)
                    if self.nobnodes:
                        sequence_alteration_id = ':'+sequence_alteration_id
                        sequence_alteration_id, variant_locus_id)

                    sequence_alteration_id = allele_accession_id

                # IMPC contains targeted mutations with either gene traps,
                # knockouts, insertion/intragenic deletions.
                # but I don't really know what the SeqAlt is here,
                # so I don't add it.

                # #############    BUILD THE COLONY    #############
                # First, let's describe the colony that the animals come from
                # The Colony ID refers to the ES cell clone
                #   used to generate a mouse strain.
                # Terry sez: we use this clone ID to track
                #   ES cell -> mouse strain -> mouse phenotyping.
                # The same ES clone maybe used at multiple centers,
                # so we have to concatenate the two to have a unique ID.
                # some useful reading about generating mice from ES cells:
                # http://ki.mit.edu/sbc/escell/services/details

                # here, we'll make a genotype
                # that derives from an ES cell with a given allele.
                # the strain is not really attached to the colony.

                # the colony/clone is reflective of the allele,
                # with unknown zygosity
                stem_cell_class = 'ERO:0002002'
                gu.addIndividualToGraph(g, colony_id, colony, stem_cell_class)

                # vslc of the colony has unknown zygosity
                # note that we will define the allele
                # (and it's relationship to the marker, etc.) later
                # FIXME is it really necessary to create this vslc
                # when we always know it's unknown zygosity?
                vslc_colony = \
                vslc_colony = re.sub(r':', '', vslc_colony)
                if self.nobnodes:
                    vslc_colony = ':'+vslc_colony
                vslc_colony_label = allele_symbol+'/<?>'
                # for ease of reading, we make the colony genotype variables.
                # in the future, it might be desired to keep the vslcs
                colony_genotype_id = vslc_colony
                colony_genotype_label = vslc_colony_label
                geno.addGenotype(colony_genotype_id, colony_genotype_label)
                geno.addParts(allele_accession_id, colony_genotype_id,
                    vslc_colony, allele_accession_id, None,
                    g, colony_id,

                # ##########    BUILD THE ANNOTATED GENOTYPE    ##########
                # now, we'll build the genotype of the individual that derives
                # from the colony/clone genotype that is attached to
                # phenotype = colony_id + strain + zygosity + sex
                # (and is derived from a colony)

                # this is a sex-agnostic genotype
                genotype_id = \
                        (colony_id + phenotyping_center + zygosity +
                geno.addSequenceDerivesFrom(genotype_id, colony_id)

                # build the VSLC of the sex-agnostic genotype
                # based on the zygosity
                allele1_id = allele_accession_id
                allele2_id = allele2_rel = None
                allele1_label = allele_symbol
                allele2_label = '<?>'
                # Making VSLC labels from the various parts,
                # can change later if desired.
                if zygosity == 'heterozygote':
                    allele2_label = re.sub(r'<.*', '<+>', allele1_label)
                    allele2_id = None
                elif zygosity == 'homozygote':
                    allele2_label = allele1_label
                    allele2_id = allele1_id
                    allele2_rel = geno.object_properties['has_alternate_part']
                elif zygosity == 'hemizygote':
                    allele2_label = re.sub(r'<.*', '<0>', allele1_label)
                    allele2_id = None
                elif zygosity == 'not_applicable':
                    allele2_label = re.sub(r'<.*', '<?>', allele1_label)
                    allele2_id = None
                    logger.warning("found unknown zygosity %s", zygosity)
                vslc_name = '/'.join((allele1_label, allele2_label))

                # Add the VSLC
                vslc_id = '_' + '-'.join((marker_accession_id,
                                          allele_accession_id, zygosity))
                vslc_id = re.sub(r':', '', vslc_id)
                if self.nobnodes:
                    vslc_id = ':'+vslc_id
                    g, vslc_id, vslc_name,
                    vslc_id, allele1_id, allele2_id, zygosity_id,

                # add vslc to genotype
                geno.addVSLCtoParent(vslc_id, genotype_id)

                # note that the vslc is also the gvc
                    g, vslc_id,

                # Add the genomic background
                # create the genomic background id and name
                if strain_accession_id != '':
                    genomic_background_id = strain_accession_id
                    genomic_background_id = None

                genotype_name = vslc_name
                if genomic_background_id is not None:
                        genomic_background_id, strain_name,

                    # make a phenotyping-center-specific strain
                    # to use as the background
                    pheno_center_strain_label = \
                        strain_name + '/' + phenotyping_center
                    pheno_center_strain_id = \
                        '-'.join((re.sub(r':', '', genomic_background_id),
                                  re.sub(r'\s', '_', phenotyping_center)))
                    if not re.match(r'^_', pheno_center_strain_id):
                        pheno_center_strain_id = '_'+pheno_center_strain_id
                    if self.nobnodes:
                        pheno_center_strain_id = ':'+pheno_center_strain_id

                    # Making genotype labels from the various parts,
                    # can change later if desired.
                    # since the genotype is reflective of the place
                    # it got made, should put that in to disambiguate
                    genotype_name = \
                        genotype_name+' ['+pheno_center_strain_label+']'
                        pheno_center_strain_id, genotype_id)
                    geno.addTaxon(pheno_center_strain_id, taxon_id)
                # this is redundant, but i'll keep in in for now
                geno.addSequenceDerivesFrom(genotype_id, colony_id)
                genotype_name += '['+colony+']'
                geno.addGenotype(genotype_id, genotype_name)

                # Make the sex-qualified genotype,
                # which is what the phenotype is associated with
                sex_qualified_genotype_id = \
                        (colony_id + phenotyping_center + zygosity +
                sex_qualified_genotype_label = genotype_name+' ('+sex+')'
                if sex == 'male':
                    sq_type_id = geno.genoparts['male_genotype']
                elif sex == 'female':
                    sq_type_id = geno.genoparts['female_genotype']
                    sq_type_id = geno.genoparts['sex_qualified_genotype']

                    sex_qualified_genotype_label, sq_type_id)
                    genotype_id, sex_qualified_genotype_id,

                if genomic_background_id is not None and \
                        genomic_background_id != '':
                    # Add the taxon to the genomic_background_id
                    geno.addTaxon(taxon_id, genomic_background_id)
                    # add it as the genomic background
                    geno.addTaxon(taxon_id, genotype_id)

                # #############    BUILD THE G2P ASSOC    #############
                # from an old email dated July 23 2014:
                # Phenotypes associations are made to
                # imits colony_id+center+zygosity+gender

                phenotype_id = mp_term_id

                # it seems that sometimes phenotype ids are missing.
                # indicate here
                if phenotype_id is None or phenotype_id == '':
                        "No phenotype id specified for row %d: %s",
                        line_counter, str(row))
                # experimental_phenotypic_evidence This was used in ZFIN
                eco_id = "ECO:0000059"

                # the association comes as a result of a g2p from
                # a procedure in a pipeline at a center and parameter tested

                assoc = G2PAssoc(self.name, sex_qualified_genotype_id,
                # assoc.set_score(float(p_value))

                # TODO add evidence instance using
                # pipeline_stable_id +
                # procedure_stable_id +
                # parameter_stable_id

                assoc_id = assoc.get_association_id()

                # add a free-text description
                description = \
                    ' '.join((mp_term_name, 'phenotype determined by',
                              phenotyping_center, 'in an',
                              procedure_name, 'assay where',
                              'was measured with an effect_size of',
                              str(round(float(effect_size), 5)),
                              '(p =', "{:.4e}".format(float(p_value)), ').'))

                gu.addDescription(g, assoc_id, description)

                # TODO add provenance information
                # resource_id = resource_name
                # assoc.addSource(g, assoc_id, resource_id)

                if not self.testMode and \
                        limit is not None and line_counter > limit:

        gu.loadProperties(g, G2PAssoc.object_properties, gu.OBJPROP)
        gu.loadProperties(g, G2PAssoc.annotation_properties, gu.ANNOTPROP)
        gu.loadProperties(g, G2PAssoc.datatype_properties, gu.DATAPROP)

Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _process_phenotype_data(self, limit):
        NOTE: If a Strain carries more than one mutation,
        then each Mutation description,
        i.e., the set: (
            Mutation Type - Chromosome - Gene Symbol -
            Gene Name - Allele Symbol - Allele Name)
        will require a separate line.

        Note that MMRRC curates phenotypes to alleles,
        even though they distribute only one file with the
        phenotypes appearing to be associated with a strain.

        So, here we process the allele-to-phenotype relationships separately
        from the strain-to-allele relationships.

        :param limit:

        if self.testMode:
            g = self.testgraph
            g = self.graph
        model = Model(g)
        line_counter = 0
        fname = '/'.join((self.rawdir, self.files['catalog']['file']))

        self.strain_hash = {}
        self.id_label_hash = {}
        genes_with_no_ids = set()
        stem_cell_class = 'CL:0000034'
        mouse_taxon = 'NCBITaxon:10090'
        geno = Genotype(g)
        with open(fname, 'r', encoding="utf8") as csvfile:
            filereader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='\"')
            for row in filereader:
                line_counter += 1
                # skip the first 3 lines which are header, etc.
                if line_counter < 4:

                (strain_id, strain_label, strain_type_symbol, strain_state,
                 mgi_allele_id, mgi_allele_symbol, mgi_allele_name,
                 mutation_type, chrom, mgi_gene_id, mgi_gene_symbol,
                 mgi_gene_name, sds_url, accepted_date, mp_ids, pubmed_nums,
                 research_areas) = row

                if self.testMode and (strain_id not in self.test_ids) \
                        or mgi_gene_name == 'withdrawn':

                # strip off stuff after the dash -
                # is the holding center important?
                # MMRRC:00001-UNC --> MMRRC:00001
                strain_id = re.sub(r'-\w+$', '', strain_id)

                self.id_label_hash[strain_id] = strain_label

                # get the variant or gene to save for later building of
                # the genotype
                if strain_id not in self.strain_hash:
                    self.strain_hash[strain_id] = {
                        'variants': set(),
                        'genes': set()

                # clean up the bad one
                if mgi_allele_id == 'multiple mutation':
                    logger.error("Erroneous gene id: %s", mgi_allele_id)
                    mgi_allele_id = ''

                if mgi_allele_id != '':
                    self.id_label_hash[mgi_allele_id] = mgi_allele_symbol

                    # use the following if needing to add the
                    # sequence alteration types
                    # var_type =
                    #   self._get_variant_type_from_abbrev(mutation_type)
                    # make a sequence alteration for this variant locus,
                    # and link the variation type to it
                    # sa_id = '_'+re.sub(r':','',mgi_allele_id)+'SA'
                    # if self.nobnodes:
                    #     sa_id = ':'+sa_id
                    # gu.addIndividualToGraph(g, sa_id, None, var_type)
                    # geno.addSequenceAlterationToVariantLocus(sa_id,
                    #                                          mgi_allele_id)

                # scrub out any spaces
                mgi_gene_id = re.sub(r'\s+', '', mgi_gene_id)
                if mgi_gene_id.strip() != '':
                    if re.match(r'Gene\s*ID:', mgi_gene_id, re.I):
                        mgi_gene_id = re.sub(r'Gene\s*ID:\s*', 'NCBIGene:',
                    elif not re.match(r'MGI', mgi_gene_id):
                        logger.info("Gene id not recognized: %s", mgi_gene_id)
                        if re.match(r'\d+$', mgi_gene_id):
                            # assume that if it's all numbers, then it's MGI
                            mgi_gene_id = 'MGI:' + str(mgi_gene_id)
                            logger.info("Assuming numerics are MGI.")
                    self.id_label_hash[mgi_gene_id] = mgi_gene_symbol

                # catch some errors -
                # some things have gene labels, but no identifiers - report
                if mgi_gene_symbol.strip() != '' and mgi_gene_id == '':
                        "Gene label with no identifier for strain %s: %s",
                        strain_id, mgi_gene_symbol)
                    # make a temp id for genes that aren't identified
                    # tmp_gene_id = '_'+mgi_gene_symbol
                    # self.id_label_hash[tmp_gene_id] = mgi_gene_symbol
                    # self.strain_hash[strain_id]['genes'].add(tmp_gene_id)

                # split apart the mp ids
                # ataxia [MP:0001393] ,hypoactivity [MP:0001402] ...
                # mp_ids are now a comma delimited list
                # with MP terms in brackets
                phenotype_ids = []
                if mp_ids != '':
                    for i in re.split(r',', mp_ids):
                        i = i.strip()
                        mps = re.search(r'\[(.*)\]', i)
                        if mps is not None:
                            mp_id = mps.group(1).strip()

                # pubmed ids are space delimited
                pubmed_ids = []
                if pubmed_nums.strip() != '':
                    for i in re.split(r'\s+', pubmed_nums):
                        pmid = 'PMID:' + i.strip()
                        r = Reference(g, pmid,

                # https://www.mmrrc.org/catalog/sds.php?mmrrc_id=00001
                # is a good example of 4 genotype parts

                model.addClassToGraph(mouse_taxon, None)
                if research_areas.strip() == '':
                    research_areas = None
                    research_areas = 'Research Areas: ' + research_areas
                strain_type = mouse_taxon
                if strain_state == 'ES':
                    strain_type = stem_cell_class
                    strain_id, strain_label, strain_type,
                    research_areas)  # an inst of mouse??

                # phenotypes are associated with the alleles
                for pid in phenotype_ids:
                    # assume the phenotype label is in the ontology
                    model.addClassToGraph(pid, None)
                    if mgi_allele_id is not None and mgi_allele_id != '':
                        assoc = G2PAssoc(
                            g, self.name, mgi_allele_id, pid,
                        for p in pubmed_ids:
                        logger.info("Phenotypes and no allele for %s",

                if not self.testMode and (limit is not None
                                          and line_counter > limit):

            # now that we've collected all of the variant information, build it
            # we don't know their zygosities
            for s in self.strain_hash:
                h = self.strain_hash.get(s)
                variants = h['variants']
                genes = h['genes']
                vl_set = set()
                # make variant loci for each gene
                if len(variants) > 0:
                    for v in variants:
                        vl_id = v
                        vl_symbol = self.id_label_hash[vl_id]
                        geno.addAllele(vl_id, vl_symbol,
                        if len(variants) == 1 and len(genes) == 1:
                            for gene in genes:
                                geno.addAlleleOfGene(vl_id, gene)
                            geno.addAllele(vl_id, vl_symbol)
                else:  # len(vars) == 0
                    # it's just anonymous variants in some gene
                    for gene in genes:
                        vl_id = '_:' + re.sub(r':', '', gene) + '-VL'
                        vl_symbol = self.id_label_hash[gene] + '<?>'
                        self.id_label_hash[vl_id] = vl_symbol
                        geno.addAllele(vl_id, vl_symbol,
                        geno.addGene(gene, self.id_label_hash[gene])
                        geno.addAlleleOfGene(vl_id, gene)

                # make the vslcs
                vl_list = sorted(vl_set)
                vslc_list = []
                for vl in vl_list:
                    # for unknown zygosity
                    vslc_id = re.sub(r'^_', '', vl) + 'U'
                    vslc_id = re.sub(r':', '', vslc_id)
                    vslc_id = '_:' + vslc_id
                    vslc_label = self.id_label_hash[vl] + '/?'
                    self.id_label_hash[vslc_id] = vslc_label
                        vslc_id, vl, None, geno.zygosity['indeterminate'],
                        geno.object_properties['has_alternate_part'], None)
                        vslc_id, vslc_label,
                if len(vslc_list) > 0:
                    if len(vslc_list) > 1:
                        gvc_id = '-'.join(vslc_list)
                        gvc_id = re.sub(r'_|:', '', gvc_id)
                        gvc_id = '_:' + gvc_id
                        gvc_label = \
                            '; '.join(self.id_label_hash[v] for v in vslc_list)
                            gvc_id, gvc_label,
                        for vslc_id in vslc_list:
                            geno.addVSLCtoParent(vslc_id, gvc_id)
                        # the GVC == VSLC, so don't have to make an extra piece
                        gvc_id = vslc_list.pop()
                        gvc_label = self.id_label_hash[gvc_id]

                    genotype_label = gvc_label + ' [n.s.]'
                    bkgd_id = \
                        re.sub(r':', '', '-'.join(
                    genotype_id = '-'.join((gvc_id, bkgd_id))
                    bkgd_id = '_:' + bkgd_id
                    geno.addTaxon(mouse_taxon, bkgd_id)
                        bkgd_id, 'unspecified (' + s + ')',
                        "A placeholder for the " +
                        "unspecified genetic background for " + s)
                        bkgd_id, genotype_id,
                    geno.addParts(gvc_id, genotype_id,
                    geno.addGenotype(genotype_id, genotype_label)
                    g.addTriple(s, geno.object_properties['has_genotype'],
                    # logger.debug(
                    #   "Strain %s is not making a proper genotype.", s)

                "The following gene symbols did not list identifiers: %s",

Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _process_data(self, raw, limit=None):
        logger.info("Processing Data from %s", raw)

        if self.testMode:
            g = self.testgraph
            g = self.graph
        model = Model(g)
        geno = Genotype(g)
        line_counter = 0

        impc_map = self.open_and_parse_yaml(self.map_files['impc_map'])
        impress_map = json.loads(

        # Add the taxon as a class
        taxon_id = 'NCBITaxon:10090'  # map to Mus musculus
        model.addClassToGraph(taxon_id, None)

        # with open(raw, 'r', encoding="utf8") as csvfile:
        with gzip.open(raw, 'rt') as csvfile:
            filereader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='\"')
            next(filereader, None)  # skip the header row
            for row in filereader:
                line_counter += 1

                (marker_accession_id, marker_symbol, phenotyping_center,
                 colony, sex, zygosity, allele_accession_id, allele_symbol,
                 allele_name, strain_accession_id, strain_name, project_name,
                 project_fullname, pipeline_name, pipeline_stable_id,
                 procedure_stable_id, procedure_name, parameter_stable_id,
                 parameter_name, top_level_mp_term_id, top_level_mp_term_name,
                 mp_term_id, mp_term_name, p_value, percentage_change,
                 effect_size, statistical_method, resource_name) = row

                if self.testMode and marker_accession_id not in self.test_ids:

                # ##### cleanup some of the identifiers ######
                zygosity_id = self._map_zygosity(zygosity)

                # colony ids sometimes have <> in them, spaces,
                # or other non-alphanumerics and break our system;
                # replace these with underscores
                colony_id = '_:' + re.sub(r'\W+', '_', colony)

                if not re.match(r'MGI', allele_accession_id):
                    allele_accession_id = \
                        '_:IMPC-'+re.sub(r':', '', allele_accession_id)

                if re.search(r'EUROCURATE', strain_accession_id):
                    # the eurocurate links don't resolve at IMPC
                    strain_accession_id = '_:' + strain_accession_id

                elif not re.match(r'MGI', strain_accession_id):
                    logger.info("Found a strange strain accession...%s",
                    strain_accession_id = 'IMPC:' + strain_accession_id

                # first, add the marker and variant to the graph as with MGI,
                # the allele is the variant locus.  IF the marker is not known,
                # we will call it a sequence alteration.  otherwise,
                # we will create a BNode for the sequence alteration.
                sequence_alteration_id = variant_locus_id = None
                variant_locus_name = sequence_alteration_name = None

                # extract out what's within the <> to get the symbol
                if re.match(r'.*<.*>', allele_symbol):
                    sequence_alteration_name = \
                        re.match(r'.*<(.*)>', allele_symbol).group(1)
                    sequence_alteration_name = allele_symbol

                if marker_accession_id is not None and \
                        marker_accession_id == '':
                    logger.warning("Marker unspecified on row %d",
                    marker_accession_id = None

                if marker_accession_id is not None:
                    variant_locus_id = allele_accession_id
                    variant_locus_name = allele_symbol
                    variant_locus_type = geno.genoparts['variant_locus']
                    geno.addGene(marker_accession_id, marker_symbol,
                    geno.addAllele(variant_locus_id, variant_locus_name,
                                   variant_locus_type, None)
                    geno.addAlleleOfGene(variant_locus_id, marker_accession_id)

                    sequence_alteration_id = \
                        '_:seqalt'+re.sub(r':', '', allele_accession_id)
                        sequence_alteration_id, variant_locus_id)

                    sequence_alteration_id = allele_accession_id

                # IMPC contains targeted mutations with either gene traps,
                # knockouts, insertion/intragenic deletions.
                # but I don't really know what the SeqAlt is here,
                # so I don't add it.

                # #############    BUILD THE COLONY    #############
                # First, let's describe the colony that the animals come from
                # The Colony ID refers to the ES cell clone
                #   used to generate a mouse strain.
                # Terry sez: we use this clone ID to track
                #   ES cell -> mouse strain -> mouse phenotyping.
                # The same ES clone maybe used at multiple centers,
                # so we have to concatenate the two to have a unique ID.
                # some useful reading about generating mice from ES cells:
                # http://ki.mit.edu/sbc/escell/services/details

                # here, we'll make a genotype
                # that derives from an ES cell with a given allele.
                # the strain is not really attached to the colony.

                # the colony/clone is reflective of the allele,
                # with unknown zygosity
                stem_cell_class = 'ERO:0002002'
                model.addIndividualToGraph(colony_id, colony, stem_cell_class)

                # vslc of the colony has unknown zygosity
                # note that we will define the allele
                # (and it's relationship to the marker, etc.) later
                # FIXME is it really necessary to create this vslc
                # when we always know it's unknown zygosity?
                vslc_colony = \
                    '_:'+re.sub(r':', '', allele_accession_id+geno.zygosity['indeterminate'])
                vslc_colony_label = allele_symbol + '/<?>'
                # for ease of reading, we make the colony genotype variables.
                # in the future, it might be desired to keep the vslcs
                colony_genotype_id = vslc_colony
                colony_genotype_label = vslc_colony_label
                geno.addGenotype(colony_genotype_id, colony_genotype_label)
                geno.addParts(allele_accession_id, colony_genotype_id,
                    vslc_colony, allele_accession_id, None,
                g.addTriple(colony_id, geno.object_properties['has_genotype'],

                # ##########    BUILD THE ANNOTATED GENOTYPE    ##########
                # now, we'll build the genotype of the individual that derives
                # from the colony/clone genotype that is attached to
                # phenotype = colony_id + strain + zygosity + sex
                # (and is derived from a colony)

                # this is a sex-agnostic genotype
                genotype_id = \
                        (colony_id + phenotyping_center + zygosity +
                geno.addSequenceDerivesFrom(genotype_id, colony_id)

                # build the VSLC of the sex-agnostic genotype
                # based on the zygosity
                allele1_id = allele_accession_id
                allele2_id = allele2_rel = None
                allele1_label = allele_symbol
                allele2_label = '<?>'
                # Making VSLC labels from the various parts,
                # can change later if desired.
                if zygosity == 'heterozygote':
                    allele2_label = re.sub(r'<.*', '<+>', allele1_label)
                    allele2_id = None
                elif zygosity == 'homozygote':
                    allele2_label = allele1_label
                    allele2_id = allele1_id
                    allele2_rel = geno.object_properties['has_alternate_part']
                elif zygosity == 'hemizygote':
                    allele2_label = re.sub(r'<.*', '<0>', allele1_label)
                    allele2_id = None
                elif zygosity == 'not_applicable':
                    allele2_label = re.sub(r'<.*', '<?>', allele1_label)
                    allele2_id = None
                    logger.warning("found unknown zygosity %s", zygosity)
                vslc_name = '/'.join((allele1_label, allele2_label))

                # Add the VSLC
                vslc_id = '-'.join(
                    (marker_accession_id, allele_accession_id, zygosity))
                vslc_id = re.sub(r':', '', vslc_id)
                vslc_id = '_:' + vslc_id
                    vslc_id, vslc_name,
                    vslc_id, allele1_id, allele2_id, zygosity_id,
                    geno.object_properties['has_alternate_part'], allele2_rel)

                # add vslc to genotype
                geno.addVSLCtoParent(vslc_id, genotype_id)

                # note that the vslc is also the gvc

                # Add the genomic background
                # create the genomic background id and name
                if strain_accession_id != '':
                    genomic_background_id = strain_accession_id
                    genomic_background_id = None

                genotype_name = vslc_name
                if genomic_background_id is not None:
                    geno.addGenotype(genomic_background_id, strain_name,

                    # make a phenotyping-center-specific strain
                    # to use as the background
                    pheno_center_strain_label = \
                        strain_name + '-' + phenotyping_center + '-' + colony
                    pheno_center_strain_id = \
                        '-'.join((re.sub(r':', '', genomic_background_id),
                                  re.sub(r'\s', '_', phenotyping_center),
                                  re.sub(r'\W+', '', colony)))
                    if not re.match(r'^_', pheno_center_strain_id):
                        pheno_center_strain_id = '_:' + pheno_center_strain_id


                    # Making genotype labels from the various parts,
                    # can change later if desired.
                    # since the genotype is reflective of the place
                    # it got made, should put that in to disambiguate
                    genotype_name = \
                        genotype_name+' ['+pheno_center_strain_label+']'
                        pheno_center_strain_id, genotype_id)
                    geno.addTaxon(taxon_id, pheno_center_strain_id)
                # this is redundant, but i'll keep in in for now
                geno.addSequenceDerivesFrom(genotype_id, colony_id)
                geno.addGenotype(genotype_id, genotype_name)

                # Make the sex-qualified genotype,
                # which is what the phenotype is associated with
                sex_qualified_genotype_id = \
                        (colony_id + phenotyping_center + zygosity +
                sex_qualified_genotype_label = genotype_name + ' (' + sex + ')'
                if sex == 'male':
                    sq_type_id = geno.genoparts['male_genotype']
                elif sex == 'female':
                    sq_type_id = geno.genoparts['female_genotype']
                    sq_type_id = geno.genoparts['sex_qualified_genotype']

                                 sex_qualified_genotype_label, sq_type_id)
                geno.addParts(genotype_id, sex_qualified_genotype_id,

                if genomic_background_id is not None and \
                        genomic_background_id != '':
                    # Add the taxon to the genomic_background_id
                    geno.addTaxon(taxon_id, genomic_background_id)
                    # add it as the genomic background
                    geno.addTaxon(taxon_id, genotype_id)

                # #############    BUILD THE G2P ASSOC    #############
                # from an old email dated July 23 2014:
                # Phenotypes associations are made to
                # imits colony_id+center+zygosity+gender

                phenotype_id = mp_term_id

                # it seems that sometimes phenotype ids are missing.
                # indicate here
                if phenotype_id is None or phenotype_id == '':
                    logger.warning("No phenotype id specified for row %d: %s",
                                   line_counter, str(row))
                # hard coded ECO code
                eco_id = "ECO:0000015"

                # the association comes as a result of a g2p from
                # a procedure in a pipeline at a center and parameter tested

                assoc = G2PAssoc(g, self.name, sex_qualified_genotype_id,
                # assoc.set_score(float(p_value))

                # TODO add evidence instance using
                # pipeline_stable_id +
                # procedure_stable_id +
                # parameter_stable_id

                assoc_id = assoc.get_association_id()

                # add a free-text description
                    description = \
                        ' '.join((mp_term_name, 'phenotype determined by',
                                  phenotyping_center, 'in an',
                                  procedure_name, 'assay where',
                                  'was measured with an effect_size of',
                                  str(round(float(effect_size), 5)),
                                  '(p =', "{:.4e}".format(float(p_value)), ').'))
                except ValueError:
                    description = \
                        ' '.join((mp_term_name, 'phenotype determined by',
                                  phenotyping_center, 'in an',
                                  procedure_name, 'assay where',
                                  'was measured with an effect_size of',
                                  '(p =', "{0}".format(p_value), ').'))

                study_bnode = \
                        impc_map, impress_map, phenotyping_center, colony,
                        project_fullname, pipeline_name, pipeline_stable_id,
                        procedure_stable_id, procedure_name,
                        parameter_stable_id, parameter_name,
                        statistical_method, resource_name)

                evidence_line_bnode = \
                        assoc_id, eco_id, impc_map, p_value, percentage_change,
                        effect_size, study_bnode)

                self._add_assertion_provenance(assoc_id, evidence_line_bnode,

                model.addDescription(evidence_line_bnode, description)

                # resource_id = resource_name
                # assoc.addSource(g, assoc_id, resource_id)

                if not self.testMode and \
                        limit is not None and line_counter > limit:

Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _process_phenotype_data(self, limit):
        NOTE: If a Strain carries more than one mutation,
        then each Mutation description,
        i.e., the set: (
            Mutation Type - Chromosome - Gene Symbol -
            Gene Name - Allele Symbol - Allele Name)
        will require a separate line.

        Note that MMRRC curates phenotypes to alleles,
        even though they distribute only one file with the
        phenotypes appearing to be associated with a strain.

        So, here we process the allele-to-phenotype relationships separately
        from the strain-to-allele relationships.

        :param limit:


        src_key = 'catalog'
        if self.test_mode:
            graph = self.testgraph
            graph = self.graph
        model = Model(graph)
        fname = '/'.join((self.rawdir, self.files[src_key]['file']))

        self.strain_hash = {}
        self.id_label_hash = {}
        genes_with_no_ids = set()
        stem_cell_class = self.globaltt['stem cell']
        mouse_taxon = self.globaltt['Mus musculus']
        geno = Genotype(graph)
        with open(fname, 'r', encoding="utf8") as csvfile:
            reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='\"')
            # This MMRRC catalog data file was generated on YYYY-MM-DD
            # insert or check date w/dataset
            line = next(reader)
            # gen_date = line[-10:]
            line = next(reader)
            col = self.files['catalog']['columns']
            if col != line:
                    '%s\nExpected Headers:\t%s\nRecived Headers:\t%s\n',
                    src_key, col, line)
                LOG.info(set(col) - set(line))

            line = next(reader)
            if line != []:
                LOG.warning('Expected third line to be blank. got "%s" instead', line)

            for row in reader:
                strain_id = row[col.index('STRAIN/STOCK_ID')].strip()
                strain_label = row[col.index('STRAIN/STOCK_DESIGNATION')]
                # strain_type_symbol = row[col.index('STRAIN_TYPE')]
                strain_state = row[col.index('STATE')]
                mgi_allele_id = row[col.index('MGI_ALLELE_ACCESSION_ID')].strip()
                mgi_allele_symbol = row[col.index('ALLELE_SYMBOL')]
                # mgi_allele_name = row[col.index('ALLELE_NAME')]
                # mutation_type = row[col.index('MUTATION_TYPE')]
                # chrom = row[col.index('CHROMOSOME')]
                mgi_gene_id = row[col.index('MGI_GENE_ACCESSION_ID')].strip()
                mgi_gene_symbol = row[col.index('GENE_SYMBOL')].strip()
                mgi_gene_name = row[col.index('GENE_NAME')]
                # sds_url = row[col.index('SDS_URL')]
                # accepted_date = row[col.index('ACCEPTED_DATE')]
                mpt_ids = row[col.index('MPT_IDS')].strip()
                pubmed_nums = row[col.index('PUBMED_IDS')].strip()
                research_areas = row[col.index('RESEARCH_AREAS')].strip()

                if self.test_mode and (strain_id not in self.test_ids) \
                        or mgi_gene_name == 'withdrawn':

                # strip off stuff after the dash -
                # is the holding center important?
                # MMRRC:00001-UNC --> MMRRC:00001
                strain_id = re.sub(r'-\w+$', '', strain_id)

                self.id_label_hash[strain_id] = strain_label

                # get the variant or gene to save for later building of
                # the genotype
                if strain_id not in self.strain_hash:
                    self.strain_hash[strain_id] = {
                        'variants': set(), 'genes': set()}

                # flag bad ones
                if mgi_allele_id[:4] != 'MGI:' and mgi_allele_id != '':
                    LOG.error("Erroneous MGI allele id: %s", mgi_allele_id)
                    if mgi_allele_id[:3] == 'MG:':
                        mgi_allele_id = 'MGI:' + mgi_allele_id[3:]
                        mgi_allele_id = ''

                if mgi_allele_id != '':
                    self.id_label_hash[mgi_allele_id] = mgi_allele_symbol

                    # use the following if needing to add the sequence alteration types
                    # var_type = self.localtt[mutation_type]
                    # make a sequence alteration for this variant locus,
                    # and link the variation type to it
                    # sa_id = '_'+re.sub(r':','',mgi_allele_id)+'SA'
                    # if self.nobnodes:
                    #     sa_id = ':'+sa_id
                    # gu.addIndividualToGraph(g, sa_id, None, var_type)
                    # geno.addSequenceAlterationToVariantLocus(sa_id, mgi_allele_id)

                # scrub out any spaces, fix known issues
                mgi_gene_id = re.sub(r'\s+', '', mgi_gene_id)
                if mgi_gene_id == 'NULL':
                    mgi_gene_id = ''
                elif mgi_gene_id[:7] == 'GeneID:':
                    mgi_gene_id = 'NCBIGene:' + mgi_gene_id[7:]

                if mgi_gene_id != '':
                    [curie, localid] = mgi_gene_id.split(':')
                    if curie not in ['MGI', 'NCBIGene']:
                        LOG.info("MGI Gene id not recognized: %s", mgi_gene_id)
                    self.id_label_hash[mgi_gene_id] = mgi_gene_symbol

                # catch some errors - too many. report summary at the end
                # some things have gene labels, but no identifiers - report
                if mgi_gene_symbol != '' and mgi_gene_id == '':
                    # LOG.error(
                    #    "Gene label with no MGI identifier for strain %s: %s",
                    #    strain_id, mgi_gene_symbol)
                    # make a temp id for genes that aren't identified ... err wow.
                    # tmp_gene_id = '_' + mgi_gene_symbol
                    # self.id_label_hash[tmp_gene_id.strip()] = mgi_gene_symbol
                    # self.strain_hash[strain_id]['genes'].add(tmp_gene_id)

                # split apart the mp ids
                # ataxia [MP:0001393] ,hypoactivity [MP:0001402] ...
                # mpt_ids are a comma delimited list
                # labels with MP terms following in brackets
                phenotype_ids = []
                if mpt_ids != '':
                    for lb_mp in mpt_ids.split(r','):
                        lb_mp = lb_mp.strip()
                        if lb_mp[-1:] == ']' and lb_mp[-12:-8] == '[MP:':

                # pubmed ids are space delimited
                pubmed_ids = []
                if pubmed_nums != '':
                    for pm_num in re.split(r'\s+', pubmed_nums):
                        pmid = 'PMID:' + pm_num.strip()
                        ref = Reference(graph, pmid, self.globaltt['journal article'])

                # https://www.mmrrc.org/catalog/sds.php?mmrrc_id=00001
                # is a good example of 4 genotype parts

                model.addClassToGraph(mouse_taxon, None)
                if research_areas == '':
                    research_areas = None
                    research_areas = 'Research Areas: ' + research_areas
                strain_type = mouse_taxon
                if strain_state == 'ES':
                    strain_type = stem_cell_class
                model.addIndividualToGraph(   # an inst of mouse??
                    strain_id, strain_label, strain_type, research_areas)

                # phenotypes are associated with the alleles
                for pid in phenotype_ids:
                    # assume the phenotype label is in some ontology
                    model.addClassToGraph(pid, None)
                    if mgi_allele_id is not None and mgi_allele_id != '':
                        assoc = G2PAssoc(
                            graph, self.name, mgi_allele_id, pid,
                            self.globaltt['has phenotype'])
                        for p in pubmed_ids:
                        LOG.info("Phenotypes and no allele for %s", strain_id)

                if not self.test_mode and (
                        limit is not None and reader.line_num > limit):

            # now that we've collected all of the variant information, build it
            # we don't know their zygosities
            for s in self.strain_hash:
                h = self.strain_hash.get(s)
                variants = h['variants']
                genes = h['genes']
                vl_set = set()
                # make variant loci for each gene
                if len(variants) > 0:
                    for var in variants:
                        vl_id = var.strip()
                        vl_symbol = self.id_label_hash[vl_id]
                            vl_id, vl_symbol, self.globaltt['variant_locus'])
                        if len(variants) == 1 and len(genes) == 1:
                            for gene in genes:
                                geno.addAlleleOfGene(vl_id, gene)
                            geno.addAllele(vl_id, vl_symbol)
                else:  # len(vars) == 0
                    # it's just anonymous variants in some gene
                    for gene in genes:
                        vl_id = '_:' + re.sub(r':', '', gene) + '-VL'
                        vl_symbol = self.id_label_hash[gene]+'<?>'
                        self.id_label_hash[vl_id] = vl_symbol
                            vl_id, vl_symbol, self.globaltt['variant_locus'])
                        geno.addGene(gene, self.id_label_hash[gene])
                        geno.addAlleleOfGene(vl_id, gene)

                # make the vslcs
                vl_list = sorted(vl_set)
                vslc_list = []
                for vl in vl_list:
                    # for unknown zygosity
                    vslc_id = re.sub(r'^_', '', vl)+'U'
                    vslc_id = re.sub(r':', '', vslc_id)
                    vslc_id = '_:' + vslc_id
                    vslc_label = self.id_label_hash[vl] + '/?'
                    self.id_label_hash[vslc_id] = vslc_label
                        vslc_id, vl, None, self.globaltt['indeterminate'],
                        self.globaltt['has_variant_part'], None)
                        vslc_id, vslc_label,
                        self.globaltt['variant single locus complement'])
                if len(vslc_list) > 0:
                    if len(vslc_list) > 1:
                        gvc_id = '-'.join(vslc_list)
                        gvc_id = re.sub(r'_|:', '', gvc_id)
                        gvc_id = '_:'+gvc_id
                        gvc_label = '; '.join(self.id_label_hash[v] for v in vslc_list)
                            gvc_id, gvc_label,
                        for vslc_id in vslc_list:
                            geno.addVSLCtoParent(vslc_id, gvc_id)
                        # the GVC == VSLC, so don't have to make an extra piece
                        gvc_id = vslc_list.pop()
                        gvc_label = self.id_label_hash[gvc_id]

                    genotype_label = gvc_label + ' [n.s.]'
                    bkgd_id = re.sub(
                        r':', '', '-'.join((
                            self.globaltt['unspecified_genomic_background'], s)))
                    genotype_id = '-'.join((gvc_id, bkgd_id))
                    bkgd_id = '_:' + bkgd_id
                    geno.addTaxon(mouse_taxon, bkgd_id)
                        bkgd_id, 'unspecified (' + s + ')',
                        "A placeholder for the unspecified genetic background for " + s)
                        bkgd_id, genotype_id,
                        gvc_id, genotype_id, self.globaltt['has_variant_part'])
                    geno.addGenotype(genotype_id, genotype_label)
                        s, self.globaltt['has_genotype'], genotype_id)
                    # LOG.debug(
                    #   "Strain %s is not making a proper genotype.", s)

                "The following gene symbols did not list identifiers: %s",
                '%i symbols given are missing their gene identifiers',
