Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_joint_pdf_gradients_dense():
    # Compare the analytical and numerical (finite differences) gradient of
    # the joint distribution (i.e. derivatives of each histogram cell) w.r.t.
    # the transform parameters. Since the histograms are discrete partitions
    # of the image intensities, the finite difference approximation is
    # normally not very close to the analytical derivatives. Other sources of
    # error are the interpolation used when transforming the images and the
    # boundary intensities introduced when interpolating outside of the image
    # (i.e. some "zeros" are introduced at the boundary which affect the
    # numerical derivatives but is not taken into account by the analytical
    # derivatives). Thus, we need to relax the verification. Instead of
    # looking for the analytical and numerical gradients to be very close to
    # each other, we will verify that they approximately point in the same
    # direction by testing if the angle they form is close to zero.
    h = 1e-4

    # Make sure dictionary entries are processed in the same order regardless
    # of the platform. Otherwise any random numbers drawn within the loop
    # would make the test non-deterministic even if we fix the seed before
    # the loop. Right now, this test does not draw any samples, but we still
    # sort the entries to prevent future related failures.
    for ttype in sorted(factors):
        dim = ttype[1]
        if dim == 2:
            nslices = 1
            transform_method = vf.transform_2d_affine
            nslices = 45
            transform_method = vf.transform_3d_affine

        transform = regtransforms[ttype]
        factor = factors[ttype]
        theta = transform.get_identity_parameters()

        static, moving, static_g2w, moving_g2w, smask, mmask, M = \
            setup_random_transform(transform, factor, nslices, 5.0)
        parzen_hist = ParzenJointHistogram(32)
        parzen_hist.setup(static, moving, smask, mmask)

        # Compute the gradient at theta with the implementation under test
        M = transform.param_to_matrix(theta)
        shape = np.array(static.shape, dtype=np.int32)

        moved = transform_method(moving.astype(np.float32), shape, M)
        moved = np.array(moved)
        # Get the joint distribution evaluated at theta
        J0 = np.copy(parzen_hist.joint)
        grid_to_space = np.eye(dim + 1)
        spacing = np.ones(dim, dtype=np.float64)
        mgrad, inside = vf.gradient(moving.astype(np.float32), moving_g2w,
                                    spacing, shape, grid_to_space)
        id = transform.get_identity_parameters()
        parzen_hist.update_gradient_dense(id, transform,
                                          grid_to_space, mgrad, smask, mmask)
        actual = np.copy(parzen_hist.joint_grad)
        # Now we have the gradient of the joint distribution w.r.t. the
        # transform parameters

        # Compute the gradient using finite-diferences
        n = transform.get_number_of_parameters()
        expected = np.empty_like(actual)
        for i in range(n):
            dtheta = theta.copy()
            dtheta[i] += h
            # Update the joint distribution with the transformed moving image
            M = transform.param_to_matrix(dtheta)
            shape = np.array(static.shape, dtype=np.int32)
            moved = transform_method(moving.astype(np.float32), shape, M)
            moved = np.array(moved)
            J1 = np.copy(parzen_hist.joint)
            expected[..., i] = (J1 - J0) / h

        # Dot product and norms of gradients of each joint histogram cell
        # i.e. the derivatives of each cell w.r.t. all parameters
        P = (expected * actual).sum(2)
        enorms = np.sqrt((expected**2).sum(2))
        anorms = np.sqrt((actual**2).sum(2))
        prodnorms = enorms * anorms
        # Cosine of angle between the expected and actual gradients.
        # Exclude very small gradients
        P[prodnorms > 1e-6] /= (prodnorms[prodnorms > 1e-6])
        P[prodnorms <= 1e-6] = 0
        # Verify that a large proportion of the gradients point almost in
        # the same direction. Disregard very small gradients
        mean_cosine = P[P != 0].mean()
        std_cosine = P[P != 0].std()
        assert (mean_cosine > 0.9)
        assert (std_cosine < 0.25)
Ejemplo n.º 2
ftype = moving.dtype.type
out = np.empty(tuple(out_shape) + (dim, ), dtype=ftype)
inside = np.empty(tuple(out_shape), dtype=np.int32)
_gradient_3d(moving, moving_world2grid, moving_spacing, static_grid2world, out,

mgrad = np.asarray(out)

from dipy.align.imaffine import AffineMap
dim = len(static.shape)
starting_affine = np.eye(dim + 1)
affine_map = AffineMap(starting_affine, static.shape, static_grid2world,
                       moving.shape, moving_grid2world)

static_values = static
moving_values = affine_map.transform(moving)

from dipy.align.transforms import AffineTransform3D
transform = AffineTransform3D()
params = transform.get_identity_parameters()

from dipy.align.parzenhist import ParzenJointHistogram
nbins = 32
histogram = ParzenJointHistogram(nbins)

static2prealigned = static_grid2world
histogram.update_gradient_dense(params, transform, static_values,
                                moving_values, static2prealigned, mgrad)

np.save('sl_aff_par_jpdf_jgrad.npy', histogram.joint_grad)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_joint_pdf_gradients_dense():
    # Compare the analytical and numerical (finite differences) gradient of the
    # joint distribution (i.e. derivatives of each histogram cell) w.r.t. the
    # transform parameters. Since the histograms are discrete partitions of the
    # image intensities, the finite difference approximation is normally not
    # very close to the analytical derivatives. Other sources of error are the
    # interpolation used when transforming the images and the boundary intensities
    # introduced when interpolating outside of the image (i.e. some "zeros" are
    # introduced at the boundary which affect the numerical derivatives but is
    # not taken into account by the analytical derivatives). Thus, we need to
    # relax the verification. Instead of looking for the analytical and
    # numerical gradients to be very close to each other, we will verify that
    # they approximately point in the same direction by testing if the angle
    # they form is close to zero.
    h = 1e-4

    # Make sure dictionary entries are processed in the same order regardless of
    # the platform. Otherwise any random numbers drawn within the loop would make
    # the test non-deterministic even if we fix the seed before the loop.
    # Right now, this test does not draw any samples, but we still sort the entries
    # to prevent future related failures.
    for ttype in sorted(factors):
        dim = ttype[1]
        if dim == 2:
            nslices = 1
            transform_method = vf.transform_2d_affine
            nslices = 45
            transform_method = vf.transform_3d_affine

        transform = regtransforms[ttype]
        factor = factors[ttype]
        theta = transform.get_identity_parameters()

        static, moving, static_g2w, moving_g2w, smask, mmask, M = \
            setup_random_transform(transform, factor, nslices, 5.0)
        parzen_hist = ParzenJointHistogram(32)
        parzen_hist.setup(static, moving, smask, mmask)

        # Compute the gradient at theta with the implementation under test
        M = transform.param_to_matrix(theta)
        shape = np.array(static.shape, dtype=np.int32)

        moved = transform_method(moving.astype(np.float32), shape, M)
        moved = np.array(moved)
        # Get the joint distribution evaluated at theta
        J0 = np.copy(parzen_hist.joint)
        grid_to_space = np.eye(dim + 1)
        spacing = np.ones(dim, dtype=np.float64)
        mgrad, inside = vf.gradient(moving.astype(np.float32), moving_g2w,
                                    spacing, shape, grid_to_space)
        id = transform.get_identity_parameters()
        parzen_hist.update_gradient_dense(id, transform, static.astype(np.float64),
                                     moved.astype(np.float64), grid_to_space,
                                     mgrad, smask, mmask)
        actual = np.copy(parzen_hist.joint_grad)
        # Now we have the gradient of the joint distribution w.r.t. the
        # transform parameters

        # Compute the gradient using finite-diferences
        n = transform.get_number_of_parameters()
        expected = np.empty_like(actual)
        for i in range(n):
            dtheta = theta.copy()
            dtheta[i] += h
            # Update the joint distribution with the transformed moving image
            M = transform.param_to_matrix(dtheta)
            shape = np.array(static.shape, dtype=np.int32)
            moved = transform_method(moving.astype(np.float32), shape, M)
            moved = np.array(moved)
            J1 = np.copy(parzen_hist.joint)
            expected[..., i] = (J1 - J0) / h

        # Dot product and norms of gradients of each joint histogram cell
        # i.e. the derivatives of each cell w.r.t. all parameters
        P = (expected * actual).sum(2)
        enorms = np.sqrt((expected ** 2).sum(2))
        anorms = np.sqrt((actual ** 2).sum(2))
        prodnorms = enorms * anorms
        # Cosine of angle between the expected and actual gradients.
        # Exclude very small gradients
        P[prodnorms > 1e-6] /= (prodnorms[prodnorms > 1e-6])
        P[prodnorms <= 1e-6] = 0
        # Verify that a large proportion of the gradients point almost in
        # the same direction. Disregard very small gradients
        mean_cosine = P[P != 0].mean()
        std_cosine = P[P != 0].std()
        assert(mean_cosine > 0.9)
        assert(std_cosine < 0.25)