Ejemplo n.º 1
threshold = (0.6, 1, 0, 0.1, 0, 0.1)
CC_box = np.zeros_like(data[..., 0])

mins, maxs = bounding_box(mask)
mins = np.array(mins)
maxs = np.array(maxs)
diff = (maxs - mins) // 4
bounds_min = mins + diff
bounds_max = maxs - diff

CC_box[bounds_min[0]:bounds_max[0], bounds_min[1]:bounds_max[1],
       bounds_min[2]:bounds_max[2]] = 1

mask_cc_part, cfa = segment_from_cfa(tensorfit,

cfa_img = nib.Nifti1Image((cfa * 255).astype(np.uint8), affine)
mask_cc_part_img = nib.Nifti1Image(mask_cc_part.astype(np.uint8), affine)
nib.save(mask_cc_part_img, 'cc.nii.gz')
"""Now that we are happy with our crude CC mask that selected voxels in the x-direction,
we can use all the voxels to estimate the mean signal in this region.


mean_signal = np.mean(data[mask_cc_part], axis=0)
"""Now, we need a good background estimation. We will re-use the brain mask
computed before and invert it to catch the outside of the brain. This could
also be determined manually with a ROI in the background.
[Warning: Certain MR manufacturers mask out the outside of the brain with 0's.
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def run(self, data_files, bvals_files, bvecs_files, mask_file,
            bbox_threshold=[0.6, 1, 0, 0.1, 0, 0.1], out_dir='',
            out_file='product.json', out_mask_cc='cc.nii.gz',
        """Compute the signal-to-noise ratio in the corpus callosum.

        data_files : string
            Path to the dwi.nii.gz file. This path may contain wildcards to
            process multiple inputs at once.
        bvals_files : string
            Path of bvals.
        bvecs_files : string
            Path of bvecs.
        mask_file : string
            Path of a brain mask file.
        bbox_threshold : variable float, optional
            Threshold for bounding box, values separated with commas for ex.
            [0.6,1,0,0.1,0,0.1]. (default (0.6, 1, 0, 0.1, 0, 0.1))
        out_dir : string, optional
            Where the resulting file will be saved. (default '')
        out_file : string, optional
            Name of the result file to be saved. (default 'product.json')
        out_mask_cc : string, optional
            Name of the CC mask volume to be saved (default 'cc.nii.gz')
        out_mask_noise : string, optional
            Name of the mask noise volume to be saved
            (default 'mask_noise.nii.gz')

        io_it = self.get_io_iterator()

        for dwi_path, bvals_path, bvecs_path, mask_path, out_path, \
                cc_mask_path, mask_noise_path in io_it:
            data, affine = load_nifti(dwi_path)
            bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(bvals_path, bvecs_path)
            gtab = gradient_table(bvals=bvals, bvecs=bvecs)

            mask, affine = load_nifti(mask_path)

            logging.info('Computing tensors...')
            tenmodel = TensorModel(gtab)
            tensorfit = tenmodel.fit(data, mask=mask)

                'Computing worst-case/best-case SNR using the CC...')

            if np.ndim(data) == 4:
                CC_box = np.zeros_like(data[..., 0])
            elif np.ndim(data) == 3:
                CC_box = np.zeros_like(data)
                raise IOError('DWI data has invalid dimensions')

            mins, maxs = bounding_box(mask)
            mins = np.array(mins)
            maxs = np.array(maxs)
            diff = (maxs - mins) // 4
            bounds_min = mins + diff
            bounds_max = maxs - diff

                   bounds_min[2]:bounds_max[2]] = 1

            if len(bbox_threshold) != 6:
                raise IOError('bbox_threshold should have 6 float values')

            mask_cc_part, cfa = segment_from_cfa(tensorfit, CC_box,

            save_nifti(cc_mask_path, mask_cc_part.astype(np.uint8), affine)
            logging.info('CC mask saved as {0}'.format(cc_mask_path))

            mean_signal = np.mean(data[mask_cc_part], axis=0)
            mask_noise = binary_dilation(mask, iterations=10)
            mask_noise[..., :mask_noise.shape[-1]//2] = 1
            mask_noise = ~mask_noise

            save_nifti(mask_noise_path, mask_noise.astype(np.uint8), affine)
            logging.info('Mask noise saved as {0}'.format(mask_noise_path))

            noise_std = np.std(data[mask_noise, :])
            logging.info('Noise standard deviation sigma= ' + str(noise_std))

            idx = np.sum(gtab.bvecs, axis=-1) == 0
            gtab.bvecs[idx] = np.inf
            axis_X = np.argmin(
                np.sum((gtab.bvecs-np.array([1, 0, 0])) ** 2, axis=-1))
            axis_Y = np.argmin(
                np.sum((gtab.bvecs-np.array([0, 1, 0])) ** 2, axis=-1))
            axis_Z = np.argmin(
                np.sum((gtab.bvecs-np.array([0, 0, 1])) ** 2, axis=-1))

            SNR_output = []
            SNR_directions = []
            for direction in ['b0', axis_X, axis_Y, axis_Z]:
                if direction == 'b0':
                    SNR = mean_signal[0]/noise_std
                    logging.info("SNR for the b=0 image is :" + str(SNR))
                    logging.info("SNR for direction " + str(direction) +
                                 " " + str(gtab.bvecs[direction]) + "is :" +
                    SNR = mean_signal[direction]/noise_std

            data = []
                        'data': str(SNR_output[0]) + ' ' + str(SNR_output[1]) +
                        ' ' + str(SNR_output[2]) + ' ' + str(SNR_output[3]),
                        'directions': 'b0' + ' ' + str(SNR_directions[0]) +
                        ' ' + str(SNR_directions[1]) + ' ' +

            with open(os.path.join(out_dir, out_path), 'w') as myfile:
                json.dump(data, myfile)
Ejemplo n.º 3
from dipy.segment.mask import segment_from_cfa
from dipy.segment.mask import bounding_box

threshold = (0.6, 1, 0, 0.1, 0, 0.1)
CC_box = np.zeros_like(data[..., 0])

mins, maxs = bounding_box(mask)
mins = np.array(mins)
maxs = np.array(maxs)
diff = (maxs - mins) // 4
bounds_min = mins + diff
bounds_max = maxs - diff

CC_box[bounds_min[0] : bounds_max[0], bounds_min[1] : bounds_max[1], bounds_min[2] : bounds_max[2]] = 1

mask_cc_part, cfa = segment_from_cfa(tensorfit, CC_box, threshold, return_cfa=True)

cfa_img = nib.Nifti1Image((cfa * 255).astype(np.uint8), affine)
mask_cc_part_img = nib.Nifti1Image(mask_cc_part.astype(np.uint8), affine)
nib.save(mask_cc_part_img, "mask_CC_part.nii.gz")

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

region = 40
fig = plt.figure("Corpus callosum segmentation")
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.title("Corpus callosum (CC)")
red = cfa[..., 0]
plt.imshow(np.rot90(red[region, ...]))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def run(self, data_files, bvals_files, bvecs_files, mask_files,
            bbox_threshold=[0.6, 1, 0, 0.1, 0, 0.1], out_dir='',
            out_file='product.json', out_mask_cc='cc.nii.gz',
        """Compute the signal-to-noise ratio in the corpus callosum.

        data_files : string
            Path to the dwi.nii.gz file. This path may contain wildcards to
            process multiple inputs at once.
        bvals_files : string
            Path of bvals.
        bvecs_files : string
            Path of bvecs.
        mask_files : string
            Path of brain mask
        bbox_threshold : variable float, optional
            Threshold for bounding box, values separated with commas for ex.
            [0.6,1,0,0.1,0,0.1]. (default (0.6, 1, 0, 0.1, 0, 0.1))
        out_dir : string, optional
            Where the resulting file will be saved. (default '')
        out_file : string, optional
            Name of the result file to be saved. (default 'product.json')
        out_mask_cc : string, optional
            Name of the CC mask volume to be saved (default 'cc.nii.gz')
        out_mask_noise : string, optional
            Name of the mask noise volume to be saved
            (default 'mask_noise.nii.gz')

        io_it = self.get_io_iterator()

        for dwi_path, bvals_path, bvecs_path, mask_path, out_path, \
                cc_mask_path, mask_noise_path in io_it:
            data, affine = load_nifti(dwi_path)
            bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(bvals_path, bvecs_path)
            gtab = gradient_table(bvals=bvals, bvecs=bvecs)

            logging.info('Computing brain mask...')
            _, calc_mask = median_otsu(data)

            mask, affine = load_nifti(mask_path)
            mask = np.array(calc_mask == mask.astype(bool)).astype(int)

            logging.info('Computing tensors...')
            tenmodel = TensorModel(gtab)
            tensorfit = tenmodel.fit(data, mask=mask)

                'Computing worst-case/best-case SNR using the CC...')

            if np.ndim(data) == 4:
                CC_box = np.zeros_like(data[..., 0])
            elif np.ndim(data) == 3:
                CC_box = np.zeros_like(data)
                raise IOError('DWI data has invalid dimensions')

            mins, maxs = bounding_box(mask)
            mins = np.array(mins)
            maxs = np.array(maxs)
            diff = (maxs - mins) // 4
            bounds_min = mins + diff
            bounds_max = maxs - diff

                   bounds_min[2]:bounds_max[2]] = 1

            if len(bbox_threshold) != 6:
                raise IOError('bbox_threshold should have 6 float values')

            mask_cc_part, cfa = segment_from_cfa(tensorfit, CC_box,

            save_nifti(cc_mask_path, mask_cc_part.astype(np.uint8), affine)
            logging.info('CC mask saved as {0}'.format(cc_mask_path))

            mean_signal = np.mean(data[mask_cc_part], axis=0)
            mask_noise = binary_dilation(mask, iterations=10)
            mask_noise[..., :mask_noise.shape[-1]//2] = 1
            mask_noise = ~mask_noise

            save_nifti(mask_noise_path, mask_noise.astype(np.uint8), affine)
            logging.info('Mask noise saved as {0}'.format(mask_noise_path))

            noise_std = np.std(data[mask_noise, :])
            logging.info('Noise standard deviation sigma= ' + str(noise_std))

            idx = np.sum(gtab.bvecs, axis=-1) == 0
            gtab.bvecs[idx] = np.inf
            axis_X = np.argmin(
                np.sum((gtab.bvecs-np.array([1, 0, 0])) ** 2, axis=-1))
            axis_Y = np.argmin(
                np.sum((gtab.bvecs-np.array([0, 1, 0])) ** 2, axis=-1))
            axis_Z = np.argmin(
                np.sum((gtab.bvecs-np.array([0, 0, 1])) ** 2, axis=-1))

            SNR_output = []
            SNR_directions = []
            for direction in ['b0', axis_X, axis_Y, axis_Z]:
                if direction == 'b0':
                    SNR = mean_signal[0]/noise_std
                    logging.info("SNR for the b=0 image is :" + str(SNR))
                    logging.info("SNR for direction " + str(direction) +
                                 " " + str(gtab.bvecs[direction]) + "is :" +
                    SNR = mean_signal[direction]/noise_std

            data = []
                        'data': str(SNR_output[0]) + ' ' + str(SNR_output[1]) +
                        ' ' + str(SNR_output[2]) + ' ' + str(SNR_output[3]),
                        'directions': 'b0' + ' ' + str(SNR_directions[0]) +
                        ' ' + str(SNR_directions[1]) + ' ' +

            with open(os.path.join(out_dir, out_path), 'w') as myfile:
                json.dump(data, myfile)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def run(self,
            bbox_threshold=(0.6, 1, 0, 0.1, 0, 0.1),
        """ Workflow for computing the signal-to-noise ratio in the
            corpus callosum

        data_file : string
            Path to the dwi.nii.gz file. This path may contain wildcards to
            process multiple inputs at once.
        data_bvals : string
            Path of bvals.
        data_bvecs : string
            Path of bvecs.
        mask : string, optional
            Path of mask if desired. (default None)
        bbox_threshold : string, optional
            Threshold for bounding box, values separated with commas for ex.
            [0.6,1,0,0.1,0,0.1]. (default (0.6, 1, 0, 0.1, 0, 0.1))
        out_dir : string, optional
            Where the resulting file will be saved. (default '')
        out_file : string, optional
            Name of the result file to be saved. (default 'product.json')
        out_mask_cc : string, optional
            Name of the CC mask volume to be saved (default 'cc.nii.gz')
        out_mask_noise : string, optional
            Name of the mask noise volume to be saved
            (default 'mask_noise.nii.gz')

        if not isinstance(bbox_threshold, tuple):
            b = bbox_threshold.replace("[", "")
            b = b.replace("]", "")
            b = b.replace("(", "")
            b = b.replace(")", "")
            b = b.replace(" ", "")
            b = b.split(",")
            for i in range(len(b)):
                b[i] = float(b[i])
            bbox_threshold = tuple(b)

        io_it = self.get_io_iterator()

        for data_path, data_bvals_path, data_bvecs_path, out_path, \
                cc_mask_path, mask_noise_path in io_it:
            img = nib.load('{0}'.format(data_path))
            bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs('{0}'.format(data_bvals_path),
            gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)

            data = img.get_data()
            affine = img.affine

            logging.info('Computing brain mask...')
            b0_mask, calc_mask = median_otsu(data)

            if mask is None:
                mask = calc_mask
                mask = nib.load(mask).get_data().astype(bool)
                mask = np.array(calc_mask == mask).astype(int)

            logging.info('Computing tensors...')
            tenmodel = TensorModel(gtab)
            tensorfit = tenmodel.fit(data, mask=mask)

            logging.info('Computing worst-case/best-case SNR using the CC...')
            threshold = bbox_threshold

            if np.ndim(data) == 4:
                CC_box = np.zeros_like(data[..., 0])
            elif np.ndim(data) == 3:
                CC_box = np.zeros_like(data)
                raise IOError('DWI data has invalid dimensions')

            mins, maxs = bounding_box(mask)
            mins = np.array(mins)
            maxs = np.array(maxs)
            diff = (maxs - mins) // 4
            bounds_min = mins + diff
            bounds_max = maxs - diff

            CC_box[bounds_min[0]:bounds_max[0], bounds_min[1]:bounds_max[1],
                   bounds_min[2]:bounds_max[2]] = 1

            mask_cc_part, cfa = segment_from_cfa(tensorfit,

            cfa_img = nib.Nifti1Image((cfa * 255).astype(np.uint8), affine)
            mask_cc_part_img = nib.Nifti1Image(mask_cc_part.astype(np.uint8),
            nib.save(mask_cc_part_img, cc_mask_path)
            logging.info('CC mask saved as {0}'.format(cc_mask_path))

            mean_signal = np.mean(data[mask_cc_part], axis=0)
            mask_noise = binary_dilation(mask, iterations=10)
            mask_noise[..., :mask_noise.shape[-1] // 2] = 1
            mask_noise = ~mask_noise
            mask_noise_img = nib.Nifti1Image(mask_noise.astype(np.uint8),
            nib.save(mask_noise_img, mask_noise_path)
            logging.info('Mask noise saved as {0}'.format(mask_noise_path))

            noise_std = np.std(data[mask_noise, :])
            logging.info('Noise standard deviation sigma= ' + str(noise_std))

            idx = np.sum(gtab.bvecs, axis=-1) == 0
            gtab.bvecs[idx] = np.inf
            axis_X = np.argmin(
                np.sum((gtab.bvecs - np.array([1, 0, 0]))**2, axis=-1))
            axis_Y = np.argmin(
                np.sum((gtab.bvecs - np.array([0, 1, 0]))**2, axis=-1))
            axis_Z = np.argmin(
                np.sum((gtab.bvecs - np.array([0, 0, 1]))**2, axis=-1))

            SNR_output = []
            SNR_directions = []
            for direction in ['b0', axis_X, axis_Y, axis_Z]:
                if direction == 'b0':
                    SNR = mean_signal[0] / noise_std
                    logging.info("SNR for the b=0 image is :" + str(SNR))
                    logging.info("SNR for direction " + str(direction) + " " +
                                 str(gtab.bvecs[direction]) + "is :" +
                    SNR = mean_signal[direction] / noise_std

            data = []
                str(SNR_output[0]) + ' ' + str(SNR_output[1]) + ' ' +
                str(SNR_output[2]) + ' ' + str(SNR_output[3]),
                'b0' + ' ' + str(SNR_directions[0]) + ' ' +
                str(SNR_directions[1]) + ' ' + str(SNR_directions[2])

            with open(os.path.join(out_dir, out_file), 'w') as myfile:
                json.dump(data, myfile)
Ejemplo n.º 6
threshold = (0.7, 1, 0, 0.1, 0, 0.1)
CC_box = np.zeros_like(data[..., 0])

mins, maxs = bounding_box(mask)
mins = np.array(mins)
maxs = np.array(maxs)
diff = (maxs - mins) // 4
bounds_min = mins + diff
bounds_max = maxs - diff

       bounds_min[2]:bounds_max[2]] = 1

mask_corpus_callosum, cfa = segment_from_cfa(tensorfit, CC_box,
                                             threshold, return_cfa=True)

print("Size of the mask :", np.count_nonzero(mask_corpus_callosum), \
       "voxels out of", np.size(CC_box))

"""We can save the produced dataset with nibabel to visualize them later on.

Note that we save the cfa with values between 0 and 255 for visualization 
purpose. Remember that the function works with values between
0 and 1, but it will warn you if the supplied values do not fall in this range.

cfa_img = nib.Nifti1Image((cfa*255).astype(np.uint8), affine)
mask_corpus_callosum_img = nib.Nifti1Image(mask_corpus_callosum.astype(np.uint8), affine)