Ejemplo n.º 1
def life(streamline_file, data_file, bvals, bvecs, seed_label, target_label):
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nib
    import os
    import dipy.tracking.life as life
    from dipy.core.gradients import gradient_table

    trk_file = nib.streamlines.load(streamline_file)
    streams = trk_file.streamlines
    hdr = trk_file.header

    data_img = nib.load(data_file)
    data = data_img.get_data()

    gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)
    fiber_model = life.FiberModel(gtab)
    fiber_fit = fiber_model.fit(data, streams, affine=np.eye(4))

    optimized_sl = list(np.array(streams)[np.where(fiber_fit.beta > 0)[0]])

    tractogram = nib.streamlines.Tractogram(optimized_sl)
    tractogram.affine_to_rasmm = data_img.affine
    life_streams = nib.streamlines.TrkFile(tractogram, header=hdr)

    life_trk = os.path.abspath('life_seed-%d_target-%d.trk' %
                               (seed_label, target_label))
    nib.streamlines.save(life_streams, life_trk)

    return streamline_file, life_trk
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_FiberFit():
    data_file, bval_file, bvec_file = dpd.get_fnames('small_64D')
    data_ni = nib.load(data_file)
    data = data_ni.get_data()
    bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(bval_file, bvec_file)
    gtab = grad.gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)
    FM = life.FiberModel(gtab)
    evals = [0.0015, 0.0005, 0.0005]

    streamline = [[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 3], [5, 6, 3], [6, 7, 3]],
                  [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 3], [5, 6, 3]]]

    fiber_matrix, vox_coords = FM.setup(streamline, np.eye(4), evals)

    w = np.array([0.5, 0.5])
    sig = opt.spdot(fiber_matrix, w) + 1.0  # Add some isotropic stuff
    S0 = data[..., gtab.b0s_mask]
    this_data = np.zeros((10, 10, 10, 64))
    this_data[vox_coords[:, 0], vox_coords[:, 1], vox_coords[:, 2]] =\
        (sig.reshape((4, 64)) *
         S0[vox_coords[:, 0], vox_coords[:, 1], vox_coords[:, 2]])

    # Grab some realistic S0 values:
    this_data = np.concatenate([data[..., gtab.b0s_mask], this_data], -1)

    fit = FM.fit(this_data, streamline, np.eye(4))
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.predict()[1], fit.data[1], decimal=-1)

    # Predict with an input GradientTable
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.predict(gtab)[1], fit.data[1], decimal=-1)

        this_data[vox_coords[:, 0], vox_coords[:, 1], vox_coords[:, 2]],
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_FiberModel_init():
    # Get some small amount of data:
    data_file, bval_file, bvec_file = dpd.get_fnames('small_64D')
    bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(bval_file, bvec_file)
    gtab = grad.gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)
    FM = life.FiberModel(gtab)
    streamline_cases = [[[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 3], [5, 6, 3], [6, 7, 3]],
                         [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 3], [5, 6, 3]]],
                        [[[1, 2, 3]], [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 3], [5, 6, 3]]]]

    affine = np.eye(4)

    for sphere in [None, False, dpd.get_sphere('symmetric362')]:
        for streamline in streamline_cases:
            if streamline == [[[1, 2, 3]], [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 3], [5, 6, 3]]]:
                pytest.xfail("Too few nodes in streamline")
            fiber_matrix, vox_coords = FM.setup(streamline,
                np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 3], [5, 6, 3], [6, 7, 3]]))

                             (len(vox_coords) * 64, len(streamline)))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def eval_method(name=None, method=None, track_path=None, data_path=None):

    if track_path == None:
        track_path = './Result/Track/tractogram_' + method + '_' + name + '.trk'
    if data_path == None:
        data_path = './data/DWI/' + name + '/'

    if not op.exists(track_path):
        print('no tracking')
        return 0


        from dipy.io.gradients import read_bvals_bvecs
        from dipy.io.image import load_nifti_data, load_nifti
        from dipy.core.gradients import gradient_table

        data, affine, hardi_img = load_nifti(data_path + 'norm.nii.gz',
        labels = load_nifti_data(data_path + 'seg.nii.gz')
        # t1_data = load_nifti_data('./data/tanenci_20170601/b0.nii.gz')
        bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(data_path + 'DWI.bval',
                                        data_path + 'DWI.bvec')
        gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)

# Read the candidates from file in voxel space:
    candidate_sl_sft = load_trk(track_path, 'same', bbox_valid_check=False)
    candidate_sl = candidate_sl_sft.streamlines

    print('loading finished, begin weighting')

    fiber_model = life.FiberModel(gtab)
    inv_affine = np.linalg.inv(hardi_img.affine)
    fiber_fit = fiber_model.fit(data,
                                reduct(candidate_sl, data[:, :, :, 0]),

    print('weighting finished, begin prediction')

    beta_baseline = np.zeros(fiber_fit.beta.shape[0])
    pred_weighted = np.reshape(
        opt.spdot(fiber_fit.life_matrix, beta_baseline),
        (fiber_fit.vox_coords.shape[0], np.sum(~gtab.b0s_mask)))

    model_predict = fiber_fit.predict()
    model_error = model_predict - fiber_fit.data
    model_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(model_error[:, 10:]**2, -1))
    #print('model_rmse:', model_rmse.shape)

    vol_model = np.zeros(data.shape[:3]) * np.nan
    vol_model[fiber_fit.vox_coords[:, 0], fiber_fit.vox_coords[:, 1],
              fiber_fit.vox_coords[:, 2]] = model_rmse

    #print('error:', np.sum(vol_model) / model_rmse.shape[0])

    return np.sum(model_rmse) / model_rmse.shape[0], vol_model, affine
Ejemplo n.º 5
def run_LIFE_all(data, gtab, streamlines):
    import dipy.tracking.life as life
    import dipy.core.optimize as opt
    fiber_model = life.FiberModel(gtab)
    fiber_fit = fiber_model.fit(data, streamlines, affine=np.eye(4))
    streamlines_filt = list(np.array(streamlines)[np.where(fiber_fit.beta > 0)[0]])
    beta_baseline = np.zeros(fiber_fit.beta.shape[0])
    pred_weighted = np.reshape(opt.spdot(fiber_fit.life_matrix, beta_baseline),
                               (fiber_fit.vox_coords.shape[0], np.sum(~gtab.b0s_mask)))
    mean_pred = np.empty((fiber_fit.vox_coords.shape[0], gtab.bvals.shape[0]))
    S0 = fiber_fit.b0_signal
    mean_pred[..., gtab.b0s_mask] = S0[:, None]
    mean_pred[..., ~gtab.b0s_mask] = (pred_weighted + fiber_fit.mean_signal[:, None]) * S0[:, None]
    mean_error = mean_pred - fiber_fit.data
    mean_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(mean_error ** 2, -1))
    return streamlines_filt, mean_rmse
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_fit_data():
    fdata, fbval, fbvec = dpd.get_fnames('small_25')
    fstreamlines = dpd.get_fnames('small_25_streamlines')
    gtab = grad.gradient_table(fbval, fbvec)
    ni_data = nib.load(fdata)
    data = ni_data.get_data()
    tensor_streamlines = nib.streamlines.load(fstreamlines).streamlines
    tensor_streamlines = move_streamlines(tensor_streamlines, np.eye(4),
    life_model = life.FiberModel(gtab)
    life_fit = life_model.fit(data, tensor_streamlines)
    model_error = life_fit.predict() - life_fit.data
    model_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(model_error**2, -1))
    matlab_rmse, matlab_weights = dpd.matlab_life_results()
    # Lower error than the matlab implementation for these data:
    npt.assert_(np.median(model_rmse) < np.median(matlab_rmse))
    # And a moderate correlation with the Matlab implementation weights:
    npt.assert_(np.corrcoef(matlab_weights, life_fit.beta)[0, 1] > 0.6)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_FiberModel_init():
    # Get some small amount of data:
    data_file, bval_file, bvec_file = dpd.get_data('small_64D')
    data_ni = nib.load(data_file)
    bvals, bvecs = (np.load(f) for f in (bval_file, bvec_file))
    gtab = dpg.gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)
    FM = life.FiberModel(gtab)

    streamline = [[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 3], [5, 6, 3], [6, 7, 3]],
                  [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 3], [5, 6, 3]]]

    affine = np.eye(4)

    for sphere in [None, False, dpd.get_sphere('symmetric362')]:
        fiber_matrix, vox_coords = FM.setup(streamline, affine, sphere=sphere)
            np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 3], [5, 6, 3], [6, 7, 3]]))

                         (len(vox_coords) * 64, len(streamline)))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def run_LIFE_all(data, gtab, streamlines):
    Filters tractography streamlines using Linear Fascicle Evaluation (LiFE).

    data : array
        4D numpy array of diffusion image data.
    gtab : Obj
        DiPy object storing diffusion gradient information.
    streamlines : ArraySequence
        DiPy list/array-like object of streamline points from tractography.

    streamlines_filt : ArraySequence
        DiPy list/array-like object of filtered streamline fibers with positive beta-coefficients
        after fitting LiFE model.
    mean_rmse : float
        Root Mean-Squared Error (RMSE) when using LiFE-filtered fibers to predict diffusion data.
    import dipy.tracking.life as life
    import dipy.core.optimize as opt
    fiber_model = life.FiberModel(gtab)
    fiber_fit = fiber_model.fit(data, streamlines, affine=np.eye(4))
    streamlines_filt = list(
        np.array(streamlines)[np.where(fiber_fit.beta > 0)[0]])
    beta_baseline = np.zeros(fiber_fit.beta.shape[0])
    pred_weighted = np.reshape(
        opt.spdot(fiber_fit.life_matrix, beta_baseline),
        (fiber_fit.vox_coords.shape[0], np.sum(~gtab.b0s_mask)))
    mean_pred = np.empty((fiber_fit.vox_coords.shape[0], gtab.bvals.shape[0]))
    S0 = fiber_fit.b0_signal
    mean_pred[..., gtab.b0s_mask] = S0[:, None]
              ~gtab.b0s_mask] = (pred_weighted +
                                 fiber_fit.mean_signal[:, None]) * S0[:, None]
    mean_error = mean_pred - fiber_fit.data
    mean_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(mean_error**2, -1))
    return streamlines_filt, mean_rmse
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_fit_data():
    fdata, fbval, fbvec = dpd.get_data('small_25')
    gtab = grad.gradient_table(fbval, fbvec)
    ni_data = nib.load(fdata)
    data = ni_data.get_data()
    dtmodel = dti.TensorModel(gtab)
    dtfit = dtmodel.fit(data)
    sphere = dpd.get_sphere()
    peak_idx = dti.quantize_evecs(dtfit.evecs, sphere.vertices)
    eu = edx.EuDX(dtfit.fa.astype('f8'),
    tensor_streamlines = [streamline for streamline in eu]
    life_model = life.FiberModel(gtab)
    life_fit = life_model.fit(data, tensor_streamlines)
    model_error = life_fit.predict() - life_fit.data
    model_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(model_error**2, -1))
    matlab_rmse, matlab_weights = dpd.matlab_life_results()
    # Lower error than the matlab implementation for these data:
    npt.assert_(np.median(model_rmse) < np.median(matlab_rmse))
    # And a moderate correlation with the Matlab implementation weights:
    npt.assert_(np.corrcoef(matlab_weights, life_fit.beta)[0, 1] > 0.68)
Ejemplo n.º 10
.. figure:: life_candidates.png
   :align: center

   **Candidate connectome before life optimization**


Next, we initialize a LiFE model. We import the `dipy.tracking.life` module,
which contains the classes and functions that implement the model:


import dipy.tracking.life as life

fiber_model = life.FiberModel(gtab)

Since we read the streamlines from a file, already in the voxel space, we do not
need to transform them into this space. Otherwise, if the streamline coordinates
were in the world space (relative to the scanner iso-center, or relative to the
mid-point of the AC-PC-connecting line), we would use this::

   inv_affine = np.linalg.inv(hardi_img.get_affine())

the inverse transformation from world space to the voxel space as the affine for
the following model fit.

The next step is to fit the model, producing a `FiberFit` class instance, that
stores the data, as well as the results of the fitting procedure.
def run_LiFE(subject):
    print 'Process subject ' + subject

    if os.path.isfile(
            os.path.join(path_saveing, subject,
                         'Lamyg2LpMFG_LIFE_started.txt')) == False:
        print "LiFE Files do not exist for this subject, start calculation."

        if os.path.isfile(
                    path_saveing, subject,
                    'Lamyg2LpMFG_clustered.trk')) == True and os.path.isfile(
                        os.path.join(path_saveing, subject,
                                     '2M_SIFT.trk')) == True:
            print "All neccessary files there, continue ..."

            print "Show other processes that this subject is processed"
            done = np.array([1])
            np.savetxt(os.path.join(path_saveing, subject,

                directory_output = os.path.join(path_saveing, subject)

                print "Start calculation for subject %s" % subject
                f_streamlines = os.path.join(path_saveing, subject,
                f_in_nifti = os.path.join(path, subject,

                streams, hdr = tv.read(f_streamlines, points_space='voxel')
                streamlines = [i[0] for i in streams]

                data, affine, gtab, header, shell_mask = load_hcp_data(
                    path, subject)
                dim = header['dim'][1:4]

                # Otherwise all weights are NaN
                data[data <= 0.0] = 1.0

                print "Calculating neighborhood with LiFE"
                fiber_model_neighborhood = life.FiberModel(gtab)
                fiber_fit_neighborhood = fiber_model_neighborhood.fit(
                    data, streamlines, affine=np.eye(4))
                indices_neighborhood = fiber_fit_neighborhood.vox_coords

                neighborhood = np.zeros(dim, dtype=bool)
                for i in range(indices_neighborhood.shape[0]):
                                 indices_neighborhood[i][2]] = 1

                    path_saveing + subject + "/Lamyg2LpMFG_neighborhood",
                    neighborhood.astype(np.int), affine)

                print 'Find fiber that pass through neighborhood'
                f_streamlines_whole_brain = path_saveing + subject + "/2M_SIFT.trk"
                streams_whole_brain, hdr_whole_brain = tv.read(
                    f_streamlines_whole_brain, points_space='voxel')
                streamlines_whole_brain = [i[0] for i in streams_whole_brain]
                neighborhood_streamlines = utils.target(
                    streamlines_whole_brain, neighborhood, affine=np.eye(4))

                neighborhood_streamlines = list(neighborhood_streamlines)

                strm = ((sl, None, None) for sl in neighborhood_streamlines)
                tv.write(path_saveing + subject +

                print "Combine streamlines"
                streamlines_together = neighborhood_streamlines + streamlines
                strm_together = ((sl, None, None)
                                 for sl in streamlines_together)
                tv.write(path_saveing + subject +

                print "Start LiFE optimization with new path"
                fiber_model_together = life.FiberModel(gtab)
                fiber_fit_together = fiber_model_together.fit(
                    data, streamlines_together, affine=np.eye(4))
                model_predict_together = fiber_fit_together.predict()
                indices_together = fiber_fit_together.vox_coords

                mask_with = np.zeros(dim, dtype=bool)
                whole_brain_together = np.zeros(header['dim'][1:5])
                for i in range(indices_together.shape[0]):
                        indices_together[i][0], indices_together[i][1],
                        indices_together[i][2]] = model_predict_together[i]
                    mask_with[indices_together[i][0], indices_together[i][1],
                              indices_together[i][2]] = 1

                    path_saveing + subject +
                    whole_brain_together, affine)
                save_as_matlab_file(path_saveing + subject +
                    path_saveing +
                    subject + "/Lamyg2LpMFG_LiFE_mask_with_path",
                    mask_with.astype(np.int), affine)

                print "Calculate RMSE with"
                model_error_together = model_predict_together - fiber_fit_together.data
                model_rmse_together = np.sqrt(
                    np.mean(model_error_together[..., ~gtab.b0s_mask]**2, -1))

                whole_brain_rmse_together = np.zeros(dim)
                for i in range(indices_together.shape[0]):
                        indices_together[i][0], indices_together[i][1],
                        indices_together[i][2]] = model_rmse_together[i]

                    path_saveing + subject +
                    whole_brain_rmse_together, affine)

                print "Start LiFE optimization without new path"
                fiber_fit = copy.deepcopy(fiber_fit_together)
                fiber_fit.beta[-len(streamlines):] = 0
                model_predict = fiber_fit.predict()
                indices = fiber_fit.vox_coords

                whole_brain = np.zeros(header['dim'][1:5])
                mask_without = np.zeros(dim, dtype=bool)
                for i in range(indices.shape[0]):
                    whole_brain[indices[i][0], indices[i][1],
                                indices[i][2]] = model_predict[i]
                    mask_without[indices[i][0], indices[i][1],
                                 indices[i][2]] = 1

                    path_saveing + subject +
                    "/Lamyg2LpMFG_LiFE_prediction_without_path", whole_brain,
                save_as_matlab_file(path_saveing + subject +
                    path_saveing + subject +
                    mask_without.astype(np.int), affine)

                print "Calculate RMSE without"
                model_error = model_predict - fiber_fit.data
                model_rmse = np.sqrt(
                    np.mean(model_error[..., ~gtab.b0s_mask]**2, -1))

                whole_brain_rmse = np.zeros(dim)
                for i in range(indices.shape[0]):
                    whole_brain_rmse[indices[i][0], indices[i][1],
                                     indices[i][2]] = model_rmse[i]

                    path_saveing + subject +
                    "/Lamyg2LpMFG_LiFE_rmse_without_path", whole_brain_rmse,

                print "All done"
                print "An error occured while computing LiFE. Skip this subject."
            print "Some input files are missing, skip this subject."
        print "LiFE Files exist already for this subject, skip calculation."

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 12
def evaluate_streamline_plausibility(dwi_data,
    Linear Fascicle Evaluation (LiFE) takes any connectome and uses a
    forward modelling approach to predict diffusion measurements in the
    same brain.

    dwi_data : array
        4D array of dwi data.
    gtab : Obj
        DiPy object storing diffusion gradient information.
    mask_data : array
       3D Brain mask.
    streamlines : ArraySequence
        DiPy list/array-like object of streamline points from tractography.

    streamlines : ArraySequence
        DiPy list/array-like object of streamline points from tractography.

    .. [1] Pestilli, F., Yeatman, J, Rokem, A. Kay, K. and Wandell B.A. (2014).
     Validation and statistical inference in living connectomes.
     Nature Methods 11: 1058-1063. doi:10.1038/nmeth.3098
    import dipy.tracking.life as life
    import dipy.core.optimize as opt
    from dipy.tracking._utils import _mapping_to_voxel
    # from dipy.data import get_sphere
    from dipy.tracking import utils
    from dipy.tracking.streamline import Streamlines

    original_count = len(streamlines)

    streamlines_long = nib.streamlines. \
            for s in streamlines
            if len(s) >= float(10)
    print('Removing streamlines with negative voxel indices...')
    # Remove any streamlines with negative voxel indices
    lin_T, offset = _mapping_to_voxel(np.eye(4))
    streamlines_positive = []
    for sl in streamlines_long:
        inds = np.dot(sl, lin_T)
        inds += offset
        if not inds.min().round(decimals=6) < 0:
    del streamlines_long

    # Filter resulting streamlines by those that stay entirely
    # inside the ROI of interest
    mask_data = np.array(mask_data, dtype=bool, copy=False)
    streamlines_in_brain = Streamlines(
        utils.target(streamlines_positive, np.eye(4), mask_data, include=True))
    streamlines_in_brain = [i for i in streamlines_in_brain]
    del streamlines_positive
    print('Fitting fiber model...')

    # ! Remember this 4d masking function !
    data_in_mask = np.nan_to_num(
        np.broadcast_to(mask_data[..., None], dwi_data.shape).astype('bool') *
    # ! Remember this 4d masking function !

    fiber_model = life.FiberModel(gtab)
    fiber_fit = fiber_model.fit(data_in_mask,
    # sphere = get_sphere(sphere)
    # fiber_fit = fiber_model.fit(data_in_mask, streamlines_in_brain,
    #                             affine=affine,
    #                             sphere=sphere)
    streamlines = list(
        np.array(streamlines_in_brain)[np.where(fiber_fit.beta > 0)[0]])
    pruned_count = len(streamlines)
    if pruned_count == 0:
            UserWarning('\nWarning LiFE skipped due to implausible values '
                        'detected in model betas. This does not '
                        'necessarily invalidate the '
                        'tractography. Rather it could indicate that '
                        'you\'ve sampled too few streamlines, or that the '
                        'sampling scheme is simply incompatible with the '
                        'LiFE model. Is your acquisition hemispheric? '
                        'Also check the gradient table for errors. \n'))
        return streamlines_in_brain
        del streamlines_in_brain

    model_predict = fiber_fit.predict()
    model_error = model_predict - fiber_fit.data
    model_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(model_error[:, 10:]**2, -1))
    beta_baseline = np.zeros(fiber_fit.beta.shape[0])
    pred_weighted = np.reshape(
        opt.spdot(fiber_fit.life_matrix, beta_baseline),
        (fiber_fit.vox_coords.shape[0], np.sum(~gtab.b0s_mask)))
    mean_pred = np.empty((fiber_fit.vox_coords.shape[0], gtab.bvals.shape[0]))
    S0 = fiber_fit.b0_signal
    mean_pred[..., gtab.b0s_mask] = S0[:, None]
              ~gtab.b0s_mask] = (pred_weighted +
                                 fiber_fit.mean_signal[:, None]) * S0[:, None]
    mean_error = mean_pred - fiber_fit.data
    mean_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(mean_error**2, -1))
    print(f"Original # Streamlines: {original_count}")
    print(f"Final # Streamlines: {pruned_count}")
    print(f"Streamlines removed: {pruned_count - original_count}")
    print(f"Mean RMSE: {np.mean(mean_rmse)}")
    print(f"Mean Model RMSE: {np.mean(model_rmse)}")
    print(f"Mean Reduction RMSE: {np.mean(mean_rmse - model_rmse)}")
    return streamlines
Ejemplo n.º 13
def life(dwifile, bvecsfile, bvalsfile, tractogramfile, outdir,
         display_tracks=False, verbose=0):
    """ Linear fascicle evaluation (LiFE)
    Evaluating the results of tractography algorithms is one of the biggest
    challenges for diffusion MRI. One proposal for evaluation of tractography
    results is to use a forward model that predicts the signal from each of a
    set of streamlines, and then fit a linear model to these simultaneous

    dwifile: str
        the path to the diffusion dataset.
    bvecsfile: str
        the path to the diffusion b-vectors.
    bvalsfile: str
        the path to the diffusion b-values.
    tractogramfile: str
        the path to the tractogram.
    outdir: str
        the destination folder.
    display_tracks: bool, default False
        if True render the tracks.
    verbose: int, default 0
        the verbosity level.

    life_weights_file: str
        a file containing the fiber track weights.
    life_weights_snap: str
        a snap with the distrubution of weights.
    spatial_error_file: str
        the model root mean square error.
    tracks_snap: str
        a snap with the tracks.
    # Load diffusion data and tractogram
    bvecs = numpy.loadtxt(bvecsfile)
    bvals = numpy.loadtxt(bvalsfile)
    gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)
    im = nibabel.load(dwifile)
    data = im.get_data()
    trk = nibabel.streamlines.load(tractogramfile)
    if verbose > 0:
        print("[info] Diffusion shape: {0}".format(data.shape))
        print("[info] Number of tracks: {0}".format(len(trk.streamlines)))

    # Express the tractogram in voxel coordiantes
    inv_affine = numpy.linalg.inv(trk.affine)
    trk = [
                        (len(streamline), 1)
                ), axis=1
            inv_affine) for streamline in trk.streamlines]
    trk = [track[..., :3] for track in trk]

    # Create a viewer
    tracks_snap = None
    if display_tracks:
        nb_tracks = len(trk)
        if nb_tracks < 5000:
            downsampling = 1
            downsampling = nb_tracks // 5000
        tracks_snap = os.path.join(outdir, "tracks.png")
        streamlines_actor = fvtk.line(trk[::downsampling],
        vol_actor = fvtk.slicer(data[..., 0])

        vol_actor.display(data.shape[0] // 2, None, None)
        ren = fvtk.ren()
        fvtk.add(ren, streamlines_actor)
        fvtk.add(ren, vol_actor)
        fvtk.record(ren, n_frames=1, out_path=tracks_snap, size=(800, 800))
        if verbose > 1:

    # Fit the Life model and save the associated weights
    fiber_model = dpilife.FiberModel(gtab)
    fiber_fit = fiber_model.fit(data, trk, affine=numpy.eye(4))
    life_weights = fiber_fit.beta
    life_weights_file = os.path.join(outdir, "life_weights.txt")
    numpy.savetxt(life_weights_file, life_weights)
    life_weights_snap = os.path.join(outdir, "life_weights.png")
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
    ax.hist(life_weights, bins=100, histtype="step")
    ax.set_xlabel("Fiber weights")
    ax.set_ylabel("# Fibers")

    # Invert the model and predict back either the data that was used to fit
    # the model: compute the prediction error of the diffusion-weighted data
    # and calculate the root of the mean squared error.
    model_predict = fiber_fit.predict()
    model_error = model_predict - fiber_fit.data
    model_rmse = numpy.sqrt(numpy.mean(model_error[:, 10:] ** 2, -1))
    data_rmse = numpy.ones(data.shape[:3]) * numpy.nan
    data_rmse[fiber_fit.vox_coords[:, 0],
              fiber_fit.vox_coords[:, 1],
              fiber_fit.vox_coords[:, 2]] = model_rmse
    model_error_file = os.path.join(outdir, "model_rmse.nii.gz")
    error_im = nibabel.Nifti1Image(data_rmse, im.affine)
    nibabel.save(error_im, model_error_file)

    # As a baseline against which we can compare, we assume that the weight
    # for each streamline is equal to zero. This produces the naive prediction
    # of the mean of the signal in each voxel.
    life_weights_baseline = numpy.zeros(life_weights.shape[0])
    pred_weighted = numpy.reshape(
        opt.spdot(fiber_fit.life_matrix, life_weights_baseline),
        (fiber_fit.vox_coords.shape[0], numpy.sum(~gtab.b0s_mask)))
    mean_pred = numpy.empty(
        (fiber_fit.vox_coords.shape[0], gtab.bvals.shape[0]))
    S0 = fiber_fit.b0_signal

    # Since the fitting is done in the demeaned S/S0 domain, we need to add
    # back the mean and then multiply by S0 in every voxels.
    mean_pred[..., gtab.b0s_mask] = S0[:, None]
    mean_pred[..., ~gtab.b0s_mask] = (
            (pred_weighted + fiber_fit.mean_signal[:, None]) * S0[:, None])
    mean_error = mean_pred - fiber_fit.data
    mean_rmse = numpy.sqrt(numpy.mean(mean_error ** 2, -1))
    data_rmse = numpy.ones(data.shape[:3]) * numpy.nan
    data_rmse[fiber_fit.vox_coords[:, 0],
              fiber_fit.vox_coords[:, 1],
              fiber_fit.vox_coords[:, 2]] = mean_rmse
    mean_error_file = os.path.join(outdir, "mean_rmse.nii.gz")
    error_im = nibabel.Nifti1Image(data_rmse, im.affine)
    nibabel.save(error_im, mean_error_file)

    # Compute the improvment array
    data_rmse = numpy.ones(data.shape[:3]) * numpy.nan
    data_rmse[fiber_fit.vox_coords[:, 0],
              fiber_fit.vox_coords[:, 1],
              fiber_fit.vox_coords[:, 2]] = mean_rmse - model_rmse
    improvment_error_file = os.path.join(outdir, "improvment_rmse.nii.gz")
    error_im = nibabel.Nifti1Image(data_rmse, im.affine)
    nibabel.save(error_im, improvment_error_file)

    return (life_weights_file, life_weights_snap, model_error_file,
            mean_error_file, improvment_error_file, tracks_snap)