Ejemplo n.º 1
class ProcessWorker(QThread):
  def __init__(self, parent=None):
    QThread.__init__(self, parent)
    self.stopped = False
    self.mutex = QMutex()
    self.path = None
    self.destPath = None
    self.output = []
    self.checkType = ''
    self.dirListSaveDir = ''
    self.prefix = ''
    self.checksum = False
    self.outputError = """
    #self.signal = OutputSignal()
    #self.sig_finished = FinishedSignal()
    self.listing = DirectoryListing()

  def initialize(self, path, checkType='', destPath='', dirListSaveDir='', prefix='',checksum=False):
    self.stopped = False
    self.path = path
    self.destPath = destPath
    self.completed = False
    self.output = []
    self.checkType = checkType
    self.dirListSaveDir = dirListSaveDir
    self.prefix = prefix
    self.checksum = checksum

  def run(self):
    num_jobs = self.getNumJobs()
    #print "number of jobs to do: %d" % num_jobs
    self.emit(SIGNAL("setProgressBar%s(int)" % self.checkType ), num_jobs)
    self.output = self.listing.list_directories(self.path, self.checkType)
    #self.stopped = True
    #self.emit(SIGNAL("finished(bool)"), self.completed)
    #return output
    #print "number of jobs returned: %d" % len(self.output)
    if not self.output == []:
      for out in self.output:
        self.emit(SIGNAL("display%sOutput(QString)" % self.checkType), out)
      #print self.dirListSaveDir, self.prefix
      if not self.destPath == '':
        self.emit(SIGNAL("updateDirCheckProgress(QString)"), "Listing finished, Performing Check...")
        srcDirectory = set(os.listdir(self.path))
        numSrc = len(srcDirectory)
        destDirectory = set(os.listdir(self.destPath))
        if len(srcDirectory - destDirectory) < numSrc:
          print "check directories!!!!"
          #self.listing.check_dirs(self.path, self.destPath)
          output = self.listing.check_dirs(self.path, self.destPath, self.path.split("/")[-1], self.destPath.split("/")[-1])
          print output
          msg = """
               Either the destination directory is empty or the destination directory does
               not have the same files and/or folders as the src directory
               please check these are the correct directories and the copy has
               completed successfully
          self.emit(SIGNAL("display%sOutput(QString)" % self.checkType), self.outputError % msg)
      if not self.dirListSaveDir == '' and not self.output == []:
        #print "writing file..."
        self.listing.write_output_to_file(self.dirListSaveDir, self.prefix, self.output)
      self.emit(SIGNAL('finished%s(QString)' % self.checkType), 'done')
      #print "emitting that we have finished with a terminated value"
      self.emit(SIGNAL('finished%s(QString)' % self.checkType), 'terminated')

  def stop(self):
    with QMutexLocker(self.mutex):
      self.stopped = True

  def getNumJobs(self):
    num_jobs = 0
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.path, followlinks=True):  #since os.walk returns a tuple, we traverse the tuple and grab the 3 attributes of each directory
      if not files == []:
        num_jobs += 1
    return num_jobs

  def reset(self):
    with QMutexLocker(self.mutex):
      self.stopped = False
  def isStopped(self):
    with QMutexLocker(self.mutex):
      if self.stopped: