Ejemplo n.º 1
class Terrain(NodePath):
	"""A terrain contains a set of geomipmaps, and maintains their common properties."""
	def __init__(self, name, focus, maxRange, populator=None, feedBackString=None, id=0):
		"""Create a new terrain centered on the focus.
		The focus is the NodePath where the LOD is the greatest.
		id is a seed for the map and unique name for any cached heightmap images
		NodePath.__init__(self, name)
		### Basic Parameters
		self.name = name
		# nodepath to center of the level of detail
		self.focus = focus
		# stores all terrain tiles that make up the terrain
		self.tiles = {}
		# stores previously built tiles we can readd to the terrain
		self.storage = {}
		self.feedBackString = feedBackString
		if populator == None:
			populator = TerrainPopulator()
		self.populator = populator
		self.graphReducer = SceneGraphReducer()
			self.tileBuilder = TerrainTileBuilder(self)
		##### Terrain Tile physical properties
		self.maxHeight = MAX_TERRAIN_HEIGHT
		self.tileSize = 128
		self.heightMapSize = self.tileSize + 1
		##### Terrain scale and tile distances
		# distances are measured in tile's smallest unit
		# conversion to world units may be necessary
		# Don't show untiled terrain below this distance etc.
		# scale the terrain vertically to its maximum height
		# scale horizontally to appearance/performance balance
		self.horizontalScale = TERRAIN_HORIZONTAL_STRETCH
		# waterHeight is expressed as a multiplier to the max height
		self.waterHeight = 0.3
		#this is the furthest the camera can view
		self.maxViewRange = maxRange
		# Add half the tile size because distance is checked from the center,
		# not from the closest edge.
		self.minTileDistance = self.maxViewRange / self.horizontalScale + self.tileSize / 2
		# to avoid excessive store / retrieve behavior on tiles we have a small
		# buffer where it doesn't matter whether or not the tile is present
		self.maxTileDistance = self.minTileDistance + self.tileSize / 2
		##### heightmap properties
		##### rendering properties
		##### task handling

        # newTile is a placeholder for a tile currently under construction
        # this has to be initialized last because it requires values from self
        #self.newTile = TerrainTile(self, 0, 0)
        # loads all terrain tiles in range immediately
			self.preload(self.focus.getX() / self.horizontalScale, self.focus.getY() / self.horizontalScale)
			taskMgr.add(self.oldPreload, "preloadTask", extraArgs=[self.focus.getX() / self.horizontalScale, self.focus.getY() / self.horizontalScale])
	def initializeHeightMap(self, id=0):
		""" """
		logging.info("initalizing heightmap...")
		if id == 0:
			self.dice = RandomNumGen(TimeVal().getUsec())
			id = self.dice.randint(2, 1000000)
		self.id = id
		#Remove old tiles that will not conform to a new heightmap
		for pos, tile in self.tiles.items():
		self.heightMap = HeightMap(id, self.waterHeight + 0.03)
		self.getHeight = self.heightMap.getHeight
	def initializeRenderingProperties(self):
		logging.info("initializing terrain rendering properties...")
		#self.bruteForce = True
		self.bruteForce = BRUTE_FORCE_TILES
		if self.bruteForce:
			self.blockSize = self.tileSize
			#self.blockSize = 16
			self.blockSize = self.tileSize
			self.near = 100
			self.far = self.maxViewRange * 0.5 + self.blockSize
		self.wireFrame = 0
		#self.texturer = MonoTexturer(self)
		self.texturer = ShaderTexturer(self)
		#self.texturer = DetailTexturer(self)
		logging.info("rendering properties initialized...")
	def _setupSimpleTasks(self):
		"""This sets up tasks to maintain the terrain as the focus moves."""
		logging.info("initializing terrain update task...")
		##Add tasks to keep updating the terrain
		#taskMgr.add(self.updateTilesTask, "updateTiles", sort=9, priority=0)
		taskMgr.doMethodLater(5, self.update, "update", sort=9, priority=0)
		self.updateStep = 1
	def reduceSceneGraph(self, radius):
		gr = self.graphReducer
		gr.flatten(self.node(), SceneGraphReducer.CSRecurse)
		gr.unify(self.node(), False)
	def update(self, task):
		"""This task updates terrain as needed."""
		if self.updateStep == 1:
			self.updateStep += 1
			return Task.cont
		self.updateStep = 1
		return Task.cont
	def updateLight(self):
		"""This task moves point and directional lights.
		For larger projects this should be externalized.
		self.pointLight = Vec3(0, 5, 0)#self.focus.getPos() + Vec3(0,5,0)
		self.setShaderInput("LightPosition", self.pointLight)
	def updateTiles(self):
		"""This task updates each tile, which updates the LOD.
		GeoMipMap updates are slow however and may cause unacceptable lag.
		for pos, tile in self.tiles.items():
			#if tile.update():
				#logging.info("update success")
				#yield Task.cont
	def tileLodUpdate(self):
		"""Updates tiles to LOD appropriate for their distance.

        setMinDetailLevel() doesn't flag a geomipterrain as dirty, so update
        will not alter detail level. It would have to be regenerated.
        Instead we will use a special LodTerrainTile.
		if not self.bruteForce:
		focusx = self.focus.getX() / self.horizontalScale
		focusy = self.focus.getY() / self.horizontalScale
		halfTile = self.tileSize * 0.5
		# switch to high, mid, and low LOD's at these distances
		# having a gap between the zones avoids switching back and forth too
		# if the focus is moving erratically
		highOuter = self.minTileDistance * 0.02 + self.tileSize
		highOuter *= highOuter
		midInner = self.minTileDistance * 0.02 + self.tileSize + halfTile
		midInner *= midInner
		midOuter = self.minTileDistance * 0.2 + self.tileSize
		midOuter *= midOuter
		lowInner = self.minTileDistance * 0.2 + self.tileSize + halfTile
		lowInner *= lowInner
		lowOuter = self.minTileDistance * 0.5 + self.tileSize
		lowOuter *= lowOuter
		horizonInner = self.minTileDistance * 0.5 + self.tileSize + halfTile
		horizonInner *= horizonInner
		for pos, tile in self.tiles.items():
			deltaX = focusx - (pos[0] + halfTile)
			deltaY = focusy - (pos[1] + halfTile)
			distance = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY
			if distance < highOuter:
			elif distance < midOuter:
				if distance > midInner or tile.getDetail() > 1:
			elif distance < lowOuter:
				if distance > lowInner or tile.getDetail() > 2:
			elif distance > horizonInner:
	def buildDetailLevels(self):
		n = len(self.buildQueue) / 5.0
		if n > 0 and n < 1:
			n = 1
			n = int(n)
		for i in range(n):
			request = self.buildQueue.popleft()
	def oldPreload(self, task, xpos=0, ypos=0):
		"""Loads all tiles in range immediately.
		This can suspend the program for a long time and is best used when
        first loading a level. It simply iterates through a square region
        building any tile that is reasonably within the max distance. It does not
        prioritize tiles closest to the focus.

		logging.info("preloading terrain tiles...")
		self.buildQueue = deque()
		# x and y start are rounded to the nearest multiple of tile size
		xstart = (int(xpos / self.horizontalScale) / self.tileSize) * self.tileSize
		ystart = (int(ypos / self.horizontalScale) / self.tileSize) * self.tileSize
		# check radius is rounded up to the nearest tile size from maxTileDistance
		# not every tile in checkRadius will be made
		checkRadius = (int(self.maxTileDistance) / self.tileSize + 1) * self.tileSize
		halfTile = self.tileSize * 0.5
		# build distance for the preloader will be halfway in between the normal 
		# load distance and the unloading distance
		buildDistanceSquared = (self.minTileDistance + self.maxTileDistance) / 2
		buildDistanceSquared = buildDistanceSquared * buildDistanceSquared
		for x in range (xstart - checkRadius, xstart + checkRadius, self.tileSize):
			for y in range (ystart - checkRadius, ystart + checkRadius, self.tileSize):
				if not (x, y) in self.tiles:
					deltaX = xpos - (x + halfTile)
					deltaY = ypos - (y + halfTile)
					distanceSquared = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY
					if distanceSquared < buildDistanceSquared:
						self.buildQueue.append((x, y))
		total = len(self.buildQueue)
		while len(self.buildQueue):
			if self.feedBackString:
				done = total - len(self.buildQueue)
				feedback = "Loading Terrain " + str(done) + "/" + str(total)
			tile = self.buildQueue.popleft()
			yield Task.cont
		yield Task.done
	def preload(self, xpos=1, ypos=1):
		logging.info("preloading terrain tiles...")
		# x and y start are rounded to the nearest multiple of tile size
		xstart = (int(xpos / self.horizontalScale) / self.tileSize) * self.tileSize
		ystart = (int(ypos / self.horizontalScale) / self.tileSize) * self.tileSize
		# check radius is rounded up to the nearest tile size from maxTileDistance
		# not every tile in checkRadius will be made
		checkRadius = (int(self.maxTileDistance) / self.tileSize + 1) * self.tileSize
		halfTile = self.tileSize * 0.5
		# build distance for the preloader will be halfway in between the normal
		# load distance and the unloading distance
		buildDistanceSquared = (self.minTileDistance + self.maxTileDistance) / 2
		buildDistanceSquared = buildDistanceSquared * buildDistanceSquared
		for x in range (xstart - checkRadius, xstart + checkRadius, self.tileSize):
			for y in range (ystart - checkRadius, ystart + checkRadius, self.tileSize):
				if not (x, y) in self.tiles:
					deltaX = xpos - (x + halfTile)
					deltaY = ypos - (y + halfTile)
					distanceSquared = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY
					if distanceSquared < buildDistanceSquared:
						self.tileBuilder.preload((x, y))
		self.preloadTotal = self.tileBuilder.queue.qsize()
		taskMgr.add(self.preloadWait, "preloadWaitTask")
	def preloadWait(self, task):
		#loggin.info( "preloadWait()")
		if self.feedBackString:
			done = self.preloadTotal - self.tileBuilder.queue.qsize()
			feedback = "Loading Terrain " + str(done) + "/" + str(self.preloadTotal)
		if self.tileBuilder.queue.qsize() > 0:
			#logging.info( self.tileBuilder.queue.qsize())
			return Task.cont
		return Task.done
	def makeNewTile(self):
		"""Generate the closest terrain tile needed."""
		# tiles are placed under the terrain node path which may be scaled
		x = self.focus.getX(self) / self.horizontalScale
		y = self.focus.getY(self) / self.horizontalScale
		# start position is the focus position rounded to the multiple of tile size
		xstart = (int(x) / self.tileSize) * self.tileSize
		ystart = (int(y) / self.tileSize) * self.tileSize
		# radius is rounded up from minTileDistance to nearest multiple of tile size
		# not every tile within checkRadius will be made
		checkRadius = (int(self.minTileDistance) / self.tileSize + 1) * self.tileSize
		halfTile = self.tileSize * 0.49
		tiles = self.tiles
		#logging.info( xstart, ystart, checkRadius)
		vec = 0
		minFoundDistance = 9999999999.0
		minDistanceSq = self.minTileDistance * self.minTileDistance
		for checkX in range (xstart - checkRadius, xstart + checkRadius, self.tileSize):
			for checkY in range (ystart - checkRadius, ystart + checkRadius, self.tileSize):
				if not (checkX, checkY) in tiles:
					deltaX = x - (checkX + halfTile)
					deltaY = y - (checkY + halfTile)
					distanceSq = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY
					if distanceSq < minDistanceSq and distanceSq < minFoundDistance:
						minFoundDistance = distanceSq
						vec = (checkX, checkY)
		if not vec == 0:
			#logging.info( distance," < ", self.minTileDistance," and ", distance," < ", minDistance)
			#self.generateTile(vec.getX(), vec.getY())
	def dispatchTile(self, pos):
		"""Creates a terrain tile at the input coordinates."""
		if pos in self.storage:
			tile = self.storage[pos]
			self.tiles[pos] = tile
			del self.storage[pos]
			logging.info("tile recovered from storage at " + str(pos))
		self.tiles[pos] = 1
	def _generateTile(self, pos):
		"""Creates a terrain tile at the input coordinates."""
		if pos in self.storage:
			tile = self.storage[pos]
			self.tiles[pos] = tile
			del self.storage[pos]
			logging.info("tile recovered from storage at " + str(pos))
			tile = TextureMappedTerrainTile(self, pos[0], pos[1])
		elif self.bruteForce:
			tile = LodTerrainTile(self, pos[0], pos[1])
			tile = TerrainTile(self, pos[0], pos[1])
		self.tiles[pos] = tile
		logging.info("tile generated at " + str(pos))
		return tile
	def grabBuiltTile(self):
		#logging.info( "grabBuiltTile()")
		tile = self.tileBuilder.grab()
		#logging.info( "tile = "+ str(tile))
		if tile:
			pos = (tile.xOffset, tile.yOffset)
			self.tiles[pos] = tile
			logging.info("tile generated at " + str(pos))
			return tile
		return None
	def removeOldTiles(self):
		"""Remove distant tiles to free system resources."""
		x = self.focus.getX(self) / self.horizontalScale
		y = self.focus.getY(self) / self.horizontalScale
		center = self.tileSize * 0.5
		maxDistanceSquared = self.maxTileDistance * self.maxTileDistance
		for pos, tile in self.tiles.items():
			deltaX = x - (pos[0] + center)
			deltaY = y - (pos[1] + center)
			distance = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY
			if distance > maxDistanceSquared:
				#logging.info( distance+ " > "+ self.maxTileDistance * self.maxTileDistance)
	def storeTile(self, pos):
		tile = self.tiles[pos]
		if tile != 1:
			self.storage[pos] = tile
		del self.tiles[pos]
		logging.info("Tile removed from " + str(pos))
	def deleteTile(self, pos):
		"""Removes a specific tile from the Terrain."""
		del self.tiles[pos]
		logging.info("Tile deleted from " + str(pos))
	def getElevation(self, x, y):
		"""Returns the height of the terrain at the input world coordinates."""
		x /= self.horizontalScale
		y /= self.horizontalScale
			tilex = (int(x) / self.tileSize) * self.tileSize
			tiley = (int(y) / self.tileSize) * self.tileSize
			x -= tilex
			y -= tiley
			if (tilex, tiley) in self.tiles:
				return self.tiles[tilex, tiley].getElevation(x, y) * self.getSz()
			if (tilex, tiley) in self.storage:
				return self.storage[tilex, tiley].getElevation(x, y) * self.getSz()
		return self.getHeight(x, y) * self.getSz()
	def setWireFrame(self, state):
		self.wireFrame = state
		if state:
		#for pos, tile in self.tiles.items():
		#	tile.setWireFrame(state)
	def toggleWireFrame(self):
		self.setWireFrame(not self.wireFrame)
	def test(self):
	def setShaderFloatInput(self, name, input):
		logging.info("set shader input " + name + " to " + str(input))
		self.setShaderInput(name, PTAFloat([input]))
	def setFocus(self, nodePath):
		self.focus = nodePath
		for pos, tile in self.tiles.items():
class _Terrain():
    """A terrain contains a set of geomipmaps, and maintains their common properties."""

    def __init__(self):
        """Create a new terrain centered on the focus.

        The focus is the NodePath where the LOD is the greatest.
        id is a seed for the map and unique name for any cached heightmap images


        ##### Terrain Tile physical properties
        self.maxHeight = 300
        self.dice = RandomNumGen(TimeVal().getUsec())
        self.id = self.dice.randint(2, 1000000)

        # scale the terrain vertically to its maximum height
        # scale horizontally to appearance/performance balance
        #self.horizontalScale = 1.0

        ##### heightmap properties

    def initializeHeightMap(self, id=0):
        """ """

        # the overall smoothness/roughness of the terrain
        self.smoothness = 80
        # how quickly altitude and roughness shift
        self.consistency = self.smoothness * 8
        # waterHeight is expressed as a multiplier to the max height
        self.waterHeight = 0.3
        # for realism the flatHeight should be at or very close to waterHeight
        self.flatHeight = self.waterHeight + 0.04

        #creates noise objects that will be used by the getHeight function

    def generateNoiseObjects(self):
        """Create perlin noise."""

        # See getHeight() for more details....

        # where perlin 1 is low terrain will be mostly low and flat
        # where it is high terrain will be higher and slopes will be exagerrated
        # increase perlin1 to create larger areas of geographic consistency
        self.perlin1 = StackedPerlinNoise2()
        perlin1a = PerlinNoise2(0, 0, 256, seed=self.id)
        perlin1b = PerlinNoise2(0, 0, 256, seed=self.id * 2 + 123)
        perlin1b.setScale(self.consistency / 2)
        self.perlin1.addLevel(perlin1b, 1 / 2)

        # perlin2 creates the noticeable noise in the terrain
        # without perlin2 everything would look unnaturally smooth and regular
        # increase perlin2 to make the terrain smoother
        self.perlin2 = StackedPerlinNoise2()
        frequencySpread = 3.0
        amplitudeSpread = 3.4
        perlin2a = PerlinNoise2(0, 0, 256, seed=self.id * 2)
        perlin2b = PerlinNoise2(0, 0, 256, seed=self.id * 3 + 3)
        perlin2b.setScale(self.smoothness / frequencySpread)
        self.perlin2.addLevel(perlin2b, 1 / amplitudeSpread)
        perlin2c = PerlinNoise2(0, 0, 256, seed=self.id * 4 + 4)
        perlin2c.setScale(self.smoothness / (frequencySpread * frequencySpread))
        self.perlin2.addLevel(perlin2c, 1 / (amplitudeSpread * amplitudeSpread))
        perlin2d = PerlinNoise2(0, 0, 256, seed=self.id * 5 + 5)
        perlin2d.setScale(self.smoothness / (math.pow(frequencySpread, 3)))
        self.perlin2.addLevel(perlin2d, 1 / (math.pow(amplitudeSpread, 3)))
        perlin2e = PerlinNoise2(0, 0, 256, seed=self.id * 6 + 6)
        perlin2e.setScale(self.smoothness / (math.pow(frequencySpread, 4)))
        self.perlin2.addLevel(perlin2e, 1 / (math.pow(amplitudeSpread, 4)))

    def getHeight(self, x, y):
        """Returns the height at the specified terrain coordinates.

        The values returned should be between 0 and 1 and use the full range.
        Heights should be the smoothest and flatest at flatHeight.


        # all of these should be in the range of 0 to 1
        p1 = (self.perlin1(x, y) + 1) / 2 # low frequency
        p2 = (self.perlin2(x, y) + 1) / 2 # high frequency
        fh = self.flatHeight

        # p1 varies what kind of terrain is in the area, p1 alone would be smooth
        # p2 introduces the visible noise and roughness
        # when p1 is high the altitude will be high overall
        # when p1 is close to fh most of the visible noise will be muted
        return (p1 - fh + (p1 - fh) * (p2 - fh)) / 2 + fh
class Terrain(NodePath):
    """A terrain contains a set of geomipmaps, and maintains their common properties."""

    def __init__(self, name, focus, maxRange, populator=None, feedBackString=None, id=0):
        """Create a new terrain centered on the focus.

        The focus is the NodePath where the LOD is the greatest.
        id is a seed for the map and unique name for any cached heightmap images


        NodePath.__init__(self, name)

        ### Basic Parameters
        self.name = name
        # nodepath to center of the level of detail
        self.focus = focus
        # stores all terrain tiles that make up the terrain
        self.tiles = {}
        # stores previously built tiles we can readd to the terrain
        self.storage = {}
        self.feedBackString = feedBackString
        if populator == None:
            populator = TerrainPopulator()
        self.populator = populator

        self.graphReducer = SceneGraphReducer()

            self.tileBuilder = TerrainTileBuilder(self)

        ##### Terrain Tile physical properties
        self.maxHeight = MAX_TERRAIN_HEIGHT
        self.tileSize = 128
        self.heightMapSize = self.tileSize + 1

        ##### Terrain scale and tile distances
        # distances are measured in tile's smallest unit
        # conversion to world units may be necessary
        # Don't show untiled terrain below this distance etc.
        # scale the terrain vertically to its maximum height
        # scale horizontally to appearance/performance balance
        self.horizontalScale = TERRAIN_HORIZONTAL_STRETCH
        # waterHeight is expressed as a multiplier to the max height
        self.waterHeight = 0.3

        #this is the furthest the camera can view
        self.maxViewRange = maxRange
        # Add half the tile size because distance is checked from the center,
        # not from the closest edge.
        self.minTileDistance = self.maxViewRange / self.horizontalScale + self.tileSize / 2
        # to avoid excessive store / retrieve behavior on tiles we have a small
        # buffer where it doesn't matter whether or not the tile is present
        self.maxTileDistance = self.minTileDistance + self.tileSize / 2

        ##### heightmap properties

        ##### rendering properties

        ##### task handling

        # newTile is a placeholder for a tile currently under construction
        # this has to be initialized last because it requires values from self
        #self.newTile = TerrainTile(self, 0, 0)
        # loads all terrain tiles in range immediately
            self.preload(self.focus.getX() / self.horizontalScale, self.focus.getY() / self.horizontalScale)
            taskMgr.add(self.oldPreload, "preloadTask", extraArgs=[self.focus.getX() / self.horizontalScale, self.focus.getY() / self.horizontalScale])


    def initializeHeightMap(self, id=0):
        """ """

        logging.info("initializing heightmap...")

        if id == 0:
            self.dice = RandomNumGen(TimeVal().getUsec())
            id = self.dice.randint(2, 1000000)
        self.id = id

        #Remove old tiles that will not conform to a new heightmap
        for pos, tile in self.tiles.items():

        self.heightMap = HeightMap(id, self.waterHeight + 0.03)
        self.getHeight = self.heightMap.getHeight

    def initializeRenderingProperties(self):
        logging.info("initializing terrain rendering properties...")
        #self.bruteForce = True
        self.bruteForce = BRUTE_FORCE_TILES
        if self.bruteForce:
            self.blockSize = self.tileSize
            #self.blockSize = 16
            self.blockSize = self.tileSize
            self.near = 100
            self.far = self.maxViewRange * 0.5 + self.blockSize
        self.wireFrame = 0
        #self.texturer = MonoTexturer(self)
        self.texturer = ShaderTexturer(self)
        #self.texturer = DetailTexturer(self)
        #self.setShaderInput("zMultiplier", )
        logging.info("rendering properties initialized...")

    def _setupSimpleTasks(self):
        """This sets up tasks to maintain the terrain as the focus moves."""

        logging.info("initializing terrain update task...")

        ##Add tasks to keep updating the terrain
        #taskMgr.add(self.updateTilesTask, "updateTiles", sort=9, priority=0)
        taskMgr.doMethodLater(5, self.update, "update", sort=9, priority=0)
        self.updateStep = 1

    def reduceSceneGraph(self, radius):
        gr = self.graphReducer
        gr.flatten(self.node(), SceneGraphReducer.CSRecurse)
        gr.unify(self.node(), False)

    def update(self, task):
        """This task updates terrain as needed."""

        if self.updateStep == 1:
            if THREAD_LOAD_TERRAIN:

            self.updateStep += 1
            return Task.cont


        self.updateStep = 1
        return Task.cont

    def updateLight(self):
        """This task moves point and directional lights.

        For larger projects this should be externalized.


        self.pointLight = vec3(0, 5, 0)#self.focus.getPos() + vec3(0,5,0)
        self.setShaderInput("LightPosition", self.pointLight)

    def updateTiles(self):
        """This task updates each tile, which updates the LOD.

        GeoMipMap updates are slow however and may cause unacceptable lag.
        for pos, tile in self.tiles.items():
            #if tile.update():
                #logging.info("update success")
                #yield Task.cont

    def tileLodUpdate(self):
        """Updates tiles to LOD appropriate for their distance.

        setMinDetailLevel() doesn't flag a geomipterrain as dirty, so update
        will not alter detail level. It would have to be regenerated.
        Instead we will use a special LodTerrainTile.

        if not self.bruteForce:

        focusx = self.focus.getX() / self.horizontalScale
        focusy = self.focus.getY() / self.horizontalScale
        halfTile = self.tileSize * 0.5

        # switch to high, mid, and low LOD's at these distances
        # having a gap between the zones avoids switching back and forth too
        # if the focus is moving erratically
        highOuter = self.minTileDistance * 0.02 + self.tileSize
        highOuter *= highOuter
        midInner = self.minTileDistance * 0.02 + self.tileSize + halfTile
        midInner *= midInner
        midOuter = self.minTileDistance * 0.2 + self.tileSize
        midOuter *= midOuter
        lowInner = self.minTileDistance * 0.2 + self.tileSize + halfTile
        lowInner *= lowInner
        lowOuter = self.minTileDistance * 0.5 + self.tileSize
        lowOuter *= lowOuter
        horizonInner = self.minTileDistance * 0.5 + self.tileSize + halfTile
        horizonInner *= horizonInner

        for pos, tile in self.tiles.items():
            deltaX = focusx - (pos[0] + halfTile)
            deltaY = focusy - (pos[1] + halfTile)
            distance = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY
            if distance < highOuter:
            elif distance < midOuter:
                if distance > midInner or tile.getDetail() > 1:
            elif distance < lowOuter:
                if distance > lowInner or tile.getDetail() > 2:
            elif distance > horizonInner:

    def buildDetailLevels(self):

        n = len(self.buildQueue) / 5.0
        if n > 0 and n < 1:
            n = 1
            n = int(n)

        for i in range(n):
            request = self.buildQueue.popleft()

    def oldPreload(self, task, xpos=0, ypos=0):
        """Loads all tiles in range immediately.

        This can suspend the program for a long time and is best used when
        first loading a level. It simply iterates through a square region
        building any tile that is reasonably within the max distance. It does not
        prioritize tiles closest to the focus.


        logging.info("preloading terrain tiles...")
        self.buildQueue = deque()

        # x and y start are rounded to the nearest multiple of tile size
        xstart = (int(xpos / self.horizontalScale) / self.tileSize) * self.tileSize
        ystart = (int(ypos / self.horizontalScale) / self.tileSize) * self.tileSize
        # check radius is rounded up to the nearest tile size from maxTileDistance
        # not every tile in checkRadius will be made
        checkRadius = (int(self.maxTileDistance) / self.tileSize + 1) * self.tileSize
        halfTile = self.tileSize * 0.5
        # build distance for the preloader will be halfway in between the normal
        # load distance and the unloading distance
        buildDistanceSquared = (self.minTileDistance + self.maxTileDistance) / 2
        buildDistanceSquared = buildDistanceSquared * buildDistanceSquared

        for x in range (xstart - checkRadius, xstart + checkRadius, self.tileSize):
            for y in range (ystart - checkRadius, ystart + checkRadius, self.tileSize):
                if not (x, y) in self.tiles:
                    deltaX = xpos - (x + halfTile)
                    deltaY = ypos - (y + halfTile)
                    distanceSquared = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY

                    if distanceSquared < buildDistanceSquared:
                        self.buildQueue.append((x, y))

        total = len(self.buildQueue)
        while len(self.buildQueue):
            if self.feedBackString:
                done = total - len(self.buildQueue)
                feedback = "Loading Terrain " + str(done) + "/" + str(total)
            tile = self.buildQueue.popleft()
            yield Task.cont

        yield Task.done

    def preload(self, xpos=1, ypos=1):


        logging.info("preloading terrain tiles...")

        # x and y start are rounded to the nearest multiple of tile size
        xstart = (int(xpos / self.horizontalScale) / self.tileSize) * self.tileSize
        ystart = (int(ypos / self.horizontalScale) / self.tileSize) * self.tileSize
        # check radius is rounded up to the nearest tile size from maxTileDistance
        # not every tile in checkRadius will be made
        checkRadius = (int(self.maxTileDistance) / self.tileSize + 1) * self.tileSize
        halfTile = self.tileSize * 0.5
        # build distance for the preloader will be halfway in between the normal
        # load distance and the unloading distance
        buildDistanceSquared = (self.minTileDistance + self.maxTileDistance) / 2
        buildDistanceSquared = buildDistanceSquared * buildDistanceSquared

        for x in range (xstart - checkRadius, xstart + checkRadius, self.tileSize):
            for y in range (ystart - checkRadius, ystart + checkRadius, self.tileSize):
                if not (x, y) in self.tiles:
                    deltaX = xpos - (x + halfTile)
                    deltaY = ypos - (y + halfTile)
                    distanceSquared = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY

                    if distanceSquared < buildDistanceSquared:
                        self.tileBuilder.preload((x, y))
        self.preloadTotal = self.tileBuilder.queue.qsize()
        taskMgr.add(self.preloadWait, "preloadWaitTask")

    def preloadWait(self, task):
        #logging.info( "preloadWait()")
        if self.feedBackString:
            done = self.preloadTotal - self.tileBuilder.queue.qsize()
            feedback = "Loading Terrain " + str(done) + "/" + str(self.preloadTotal)

        if self.tileBuilder.queue.qsize() > 0:
            #logging.info( self.tileBuilder.queue.qsize())
            return Task.cont

        return Task.done

    def makeNewTile(self):
        """Generate the closest terrain tile needed."""

        # tiles are placed under the terrain node path which may be scaled
        x = self.focus.getX(self) / self.horizontalScale
        y = self.focus.getY(self) / self.horizontalScale
        # start position is the focus position rounded to the multiple of tile size
        xstart = (int(x) / self.tileSize) * self.tileSize
        ystart = (int(y) / self.tileSize) * self.tileSize
        # radius is rounded up from minTileDistance to nearest multiple of tile size
        # not every tile within checkRadius will be made
        checkRadius = (int(self.minTileDistance) / self.tileSize + 1) * self.tileSize
        halfTile = self.tileSize * 0.49
        tiles = self.tiles

        #logging.info( xstart, ystart, checkRadius)
        vec = 0
        minFoundDistance = 9999999999.0
        minDistanceSq = self.minTileDistance * self.minTileDistance

        for checkX in range (xstart - checkRadius, xstart + checkRadius, self.tileSize):
            for checkY in range (ystart - checkRadius, ystart + checkRadius, self.tileSize):
                if not (checkX, checkY) in tiles:
                    deltaX = x - (checkX + halfTile)
                    deltaY = y - (checkY + halfTile)
                    distanceSq = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY

                    if distanceSq < minDistanceSq and distanceSq < minFoundDistance:
                        minFoundDistance = distanceSq
                        vec = (checkX, checkY)
        if not vec == 0:
            #logging.info( distance," < ",self.minTileDistance," and ",distance," < ",minDistance)
            #self.generateTile(vec.getX(), vec.getY())
            if THREAD_LOAD_TERRAIN:

    def dispatchTile(self, pos):
        """Creates a terrain tile at the input coordinates."""

        if pos in self.storage:
            tile = self.storage[pos]
            self.tiles[pos] = tile
            del self.storage[pos]
            logging.info("tile recovered from storage at " + str(pos))

        self.tiles[pos] = 1

    def _generateTile(self, pos):
        """Creates a terrain tile at the input coordinates."""

        if pos in self.storage:
            tile = self.storage[pos]
            self.tiles[pos] = tile
            del self.storage[pos]
            logging.info("tile recovered from storage at " + str(pos))

            tile = TextureMappedTerrainTile(self, pos[0], pos[1])
        elif self.bruteForce:
            tile = LodTerrainTile(self, pos[0], pos[1])
            tile = TerrainTile(self, pos[0], pos[1])
        self.tiles[pos] = tile
        logging.info("tile generated at " + str(pos))

        return tile

    def grabBuiltTile(self):
        #logging.info( "grabBuiltTile()")
        tile = self.tileBuilder.grab()
        #logging.info( "tlie = "+ str(tile))
        if tile:
            pos = (tile.xOffset, tile.yOffset)
            self.tiles[pos] = tile
            logging.info("tile generated at " + str(pos))
            return tile
        return None

    def removeOldTiles(self):
        """Remove distant tiles to free system resources."""

        x = self.focus.getX(self) / self.horizontalScale
        y = self.focus.getY(self) / self.horizontalScale
        center = self.tileSize * 0.5
        maxDistanceSquared = self.maxTileDistance * self.maxTileDistance
        for pos, tile in self.tiles.items():
            deltaX = x - (pos[0] + center)
            deltaY = y - (pos[1] + center)
            distance = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY
            if distance > maxDistanceSquared:
                #logging.info( distance+ " > "+ self.maxTileDistance * self.maxTileDistance)

    def storeTile(self, pos):
        tile = self.tiles[pos]
        if tile != 1:
            self.storage[pos] = tile
        del self.tiles[pos]
        logging.info("Tile removed from " + str(pos))

    def deleteTile(self, pos):
        """Removes a specific tile from the Terrain."""

        del self.tiles[pos]
        logging.info("Tile deleted from " + str(pos))

    def getElevation(self, x, y):
        """Returns the height of the terrain at the input world coordinates."""

        x /= self.horizontalScale
        y /= self.horizontalScale
            tilex = (int(x) / self.tileSize) * self.tileSize
            tiley = (int(y) / self.tileSize) * self.tileSize
            x -= tilex
            y -= tiley
            if (tilex, tiley) in self.tiles:
                return self.tiles[tilex, tiley].getElevation(x, y) * self.getSz()
            if (tilex, tiley) in self.storage:
                return self.storage[tilex, tiley].getElevation(x, y) * self.getSz()
        return self.getHeight(x, y) * self.getSz()

    def setWireFrame(self, state):
        self.wireFrame = state
        if state:
        #for pos, tile in self.tiles.items():
        #    tile.setWireFrame(state)

    def toggleWireFrame(self):
        self.setWireFrame(not self.wireFrame)

    def test(self):

    def setShaderFloatInput(self, name, input):
        logging.info("set shader input " + name + " to " + str(input))
        self.setShaderInput(name, PTAFloat([input]))

    def setFocus(self, nodePath):
        self.focus = nodePath
        for pos, tile in self.tiles.items():