Ejemplo n.º 1
class Automata(object):
  Worm automata: it moves.  
  Contrast with cellular automata, where each automata is usually stationary (on a cell of a grid.)
  A worm automata is like a single-celled, motile, biological organism.
  See 'Patterson worms':
  - move only one unit, in only 6 directions on a triangular grid
  - die if there is no food (no direction not already traversed.)
  - only one worm exists at a time
  This is different from a Patterson worm:
  - there can be many worms on the same field
  - they can divide
  - each worm can move in 8 directions on a rectangular grid.
  - worms can move off the field (wander), and then MIGHT wander back on to the field.
  - worms if starved can migrate (jump more than one step, in more than 8 directions), again even off the field
  - worms if starved don't die, they continue to move and migrate (they just don't poop.)
  Operates on an image, where image has 3 dimensions: 2D coord and 1D pixelel (channel)

    changeDirectionMethod = None

    def setChangeDirectionMethod(cls, greedy):
        # Set behaviour by binding to one of two methods
        if greedy:
            Automata.changeDirectionMethod = Automata._greedyChangeDirection
            Automata.changeDirectionMethod = Automata._nonGreedyChangeDirection

    mouth = None

    def setMouth(cls, grain, food):
        if grain == 0:
            # Single pixel mouth gives fine grain
            Automata.mouth = SinglePixelMouth(food)
        elif grain == 1:
            Automata.mouth = WideMouth(food)
            Automata.mouth = DeepMouth(food)

    def __init__(self, position, field, direction=None, reserves=None, channel=0):
        assert position is not None
        assert field is not None

        # Focused on a position AND a pixelel at that position
        self.position = copy(position)  # !!! copy
        self.pixelelIndex = channel  # defaults to first channel (R or GRAY)

        self.field = field  # an automata knows its field
        if reserves is None:
            self._reserves = 0
            self._reserves = reserves
        if direction is None:
            self.direction = Direction()
            self.direction = direction

  Most of this class is about position i.e. Coord only, but some methods need a pixelelID.

    def pixelelID(self):
        return PixelelID(self.position, self.pixelelIndex)

    def live(self):
    Behaviour: do every life cycle.
    !!! It is not invariant that current position is on the field.
        # eat and poop at current position, if it is on the field !!!
        mealConsumed = self.metabolize()

        # Change direction just before move, otherwise other automata may swoop in and eat what I am greedily changing direction toward


    def isEating(self):
        return self.field.food.isAvailableAt(self.pixelelID())

    def isStarved(self):
        return self._reserves == 0

    def setStarved(self):
        ##print("Starved", self.position)
        self._reserves = 0

    def metabolize(self):
    Try to eat.  Return mealConsumed.
    Adjust reserves.
        mealConsumed = self.field.food.eat(automata=self)
        # A mealConsumed larger than metabolic rate increases reserves.
        self._reserves += mealConsumed.calories() - config.burnCalories
        if self._reserves <= 0:
        return mealConsumed

    def move(self):
    To adjacent pixel in self.direction. May move out of frame.
        self.position = self.position + self.direction.unitCoordFor()

    def migrate(self):
    To pixel a middle distance away, uniformly random,
    OR to a uniformly random coord on field.
    TODO 'middle distance' i.e. 15 should be a fraction of the image size
    In earlier designs, we allowed an automata to migrate off the field.
    The reasoning was, that would let automata migrate off and back on,
    and avoid edge effects.  However, it probably wasted a lot of CPU cycles
    on automata off the field.  So here, migration stays on field.
    Note that automata can still move off field, but then they exhaust, and then die or migrate.
        randomCoord = Coord(random.randint(-15, 15), random.randint(-15, 15))
        self.position = self.position + randomCoord
        if self.field.food.pixmap.isClipped(self.position):
            self.position = self.field.randomCoordOn()
        ##print("migrate to", self.position)

    def changeDirection(self):
    Random direction change from set [ diagonally left of current direction, diagonally right of current direction]
    (Not hard left, or reverse.)
        # Call the method bound at init time
        # TODO subclasses and factories

    def _nonGreedyChangeDirection(self):
    Random direction change from set [ diagonally left of current direction, diagonally right of current direction]
    (Not hard left, or reverse.)

    def _greedyChangeDirection(self):
    Greedy: choose direction toward more food.
        left, right = self.direction.fork()
        leftNeighbor = self.position + left.unitCoordFor()
        rightNeighbor = self.position + right.unitCoordFor()
        # TODO this biases toward right when neighbors equal

        # Identify self's pixelel at self's position
        leftPixelel = PixelelID(leftNeighbor, self.pixelelIndex)
        rightPixelel = PixelelID(rightNeighbor, self.pixelelIndex)

        if self.field.food.at(leftPixelel) > self.field.food.at(rightPixelel):
            self.direction = left
            self.direction = right

    def tryDivide(self):
        """ If self has enough reserves, and the field is not overpopulated, divide. """
        if self._reserves > config.reservesToDivide and not self.field.isOverPopulated():

    def divide(self):
    Spawn a new automata.

        # Divide self's reserves evenly
        self._reserves /= 2  # integer divide

        # child and parent directions diverge, slightly left and right
        left, right = self.direction.fork()
        self.direction = left

    Create child, on same pixelel (position and channel.)
    Note we don't hardcode a class of automata, but ask field to create clone of correct subclass
        newAutomata = self.field.automataFactory.produce(

        ## ALTERNATIVE  child move in opposite direction
        ## newAutomata.direction.setOpposite(self.direction)


    def tryExhaustion(self, mealConsumed):
    Test whether exhausted: starved and did not eat.
    Alternative: migrate if starved regardless whether we ate.
        if self.isStarved() and mealConsumed.isEmpty():
            if config.exhaustion == 0:
        Perish: remove myself from population.
        Self will be garbage collected.
        Some other automate may repopulate (by dividing.)

    def tryPoop(self, mealConsumed):
    Artifact of metabolism i.e. eating.
    Self need not be exhausted (might have reserves).  But might not have just eaten (mealConsumed might be 0.)
    Self may have reserves but in some designs, might be wandered off field.
    Whether current position has food, is on the field, etc. depends on the order in which sub-behaviours are called.
    TODO mealConsumed is what I consumed this period, not what is in my gut from last period.
        # if self.isEating():

    Note we may have just eaten, but could still be starved, if we did not eat enough to equal our daily metabolism.

    # Alternative 1
    def _poopMealIfNotStarved(self, mealConsumed):
    Poop mealConsumed if not starved.
    Not true to life as we know it:
    - should poop yesterday's mealConsumed.
    - should poop if gut is not empty, regardless of starving state
        if not self.isStarved():
            # !!! Cannot assert: not isClipped(self.position)
            self.field.artifacts.depositAt(self, amount=mealConsumed)

    # Alternative 2
    def _poopMealIfAte(self, mealConsumed):
    Deposit mealConsumed if it has portions in my channel at my position.
    (That's what not isEssentiallyEmpty() means.)
    Some mouths make non-empty meals that don't have a portion in my channel at my position.
    Don't deposit if mealConsumed.isEssentiallyEmpty() since some compose methods might ignore amount of mealConsumed e.g. maximize
        if not mealConsumed.isEssentiallyEmpty():
            self.field.artifacts.depositAt(self, meal=mealConsumed)