Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_optimalbinarize():
	"""Verify that all optimal parsing complexities are lower than or
	equal to the complexities of right-to-left binarizations."""
	from discodop.treetransforms import optimalbinarize, complexityfanout
	from discodop.treebank import NegraCorpusReader
	corpus = NegraCorpusReader('alpinosample.export', punct='move')
	total = violations = violationshd = 0
	for n, (tree, sent) in enumerate(zip(list(
			corpus.trees().values())[:-2000], corpus.sents().values())):
		t = addbitsets(tree)
		if all(fanout(x) == 1 for x in t.subtrees()):
		print(n, tree, '\n', ' '.join(sent))
		total += 1
		optbin = optimalbinarize(tree.copy(True), headdriven=False, h=None, v=1)
		# undo head-ordering to get a normal right-to-left binarization
		normbin = addbitsets(binarize(canonicalize(Tree.convert(tree))))
		if (max(map(complexityfanout, optbin.subtrees()))
				> max(map(complexityfanout, normbin.subtrees()))):
			print('non-hd\n', tree)
			print(max(map(complexityfanout, optbin.subtrees())), optbin)
			print(max(map(complexityfanout, normbin.subtrees())), normbin, '\n')
			violations += 1

		optbin = optimalbinarize(tree.copy(True), headdriven=True, h=1, v=1)
		normbin = addbitsets(binarize(Tree.convert(tree), horzmarkov=1))
		if (max(map(complexityfanout, optbin.subtrees()))
				> max(map(complexityfanout, normbin.subtrees()))):
			print('hd\n', tree)
			print(max(map(complexityfanout, optbin.subtrees())), optbin)
			print(max(map(complexityfanout, normbin.subtrees())), normbin, '\n')
			violationshd += 1
	print('opt. bin. violations normal: %d / %d;  hd: %d / %d' % (
			violations, total, violationshd, total))
	assert violations == violationshd == 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_optimalbinarize():
	"""Verify that all optimal parsing complexities are lower than or
	equal to the complexities of right-to-left binarizations."""
	from discodop.treetransforms import optimalbinarize, complexityfanout
	from discodop.treebank import NegraCorpusReader
	corpus = NegraCorpusReader('alpinosample.export', punct='move')
	total = violations = violationshd = 0
	for n, (tree, sent) in enumerate(zip(list(
			corpus.trees().values())[:-2000], corpus.sents().values())):
		t = addbitsets(tree)
		if all(fanout(x) == 1 for x in t.subtrees()):
		print(n, tree, '\n', ' '.join(sent))
		total += 1
		optbin = optimalbinarize(tree.copy(True), headdriven=False, h=None, v=1)
		# undo head-ordering to get a normal right-to-left binarization
		normbin = addbitsets(binarize(canonicalize(Tree.convert(tree))))
		if (max(map(complexityfanout, optbin.subtrees()))
				> max(map(complexityfanout, normbin.subtrees()))):
			print('non-hd\n', tree)
			print(max(map(complexityfanout, optbin.subtrees())), optbin)
			print(max(map(complexityfanout, normbin.subtrees())), normbin, '\n')
			violations += 1

		optbin = optimalbinarize(tree.copy(True), headdriven=True, h=1, v=1)
		normbin = addbitsets(binarize(Tree.convert(tree), horzmarkov=1))
		if (max(map(complexityfanout, optbin.subtrees()))
				> max(map(complexityfanout, normbin.subtrees()))):
			print('hd\n', tree)
			print(max(map(complexityfanout, optbin.subtrees())), optbin)
			print(max(map(complexityfanout, normbin.subtrees())), normbin, '\n')
			violationshd += 1
	print('opt. bin. violations normal: %d / %d;  hd: %d / %d' % (
			violations, total, violationshd, total))
	assert violations == violationshd == 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def decorate(self, tree, sent):
		"""Return a copy of tree with labels decorated with IDs.

		>>> d = TreeDecorator()
		>>> tree = Tree.parse("(S (NP (DT 0) (N 1)) (VP 2))", parse_leaf=int)
		>>> d.decorate(tree, ['the', 'dog', 'walks'])
		... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
		Tree('S', [Tree('NP@1-0', [Tree('DT@1-1', [0]),
			Tree('N@1-2', [1])]), Tree('VP@1-3', [2])])
		>>> d = TreeDecorator(memoize=True)
		>>> print(d.decorate(Tree.parse("(S (NP (DT 0) (N 1)) (VP 2))",
		...		parse_leaf=int), ['the', 'dog', 'walks']))
		(S (NP@1-1 (DT@1-2 0) (N@1-3 1)) (VP@1-4 2))
		>>> print(d.decorate(Tree.parse("(S (NP (DT 0) (N 1)) (VP 2))",
		...		parse_leaf=int), ['the', 'dog', 'barks']))
		(S (NP@1-1 (DT@1-2 0) (N@1-3 1)) (VP@2-4 2))"""
		if self.memoize:
			self.ids = 0
			# wrap tree to get equality wrt sent
			tree = DiscTree(tree.freeze(), sent)
			dectree = ImmutableTree(tree.label, map(self._recdecorate, tree))
			dectree = Tree.convert(tree.copy(True))
			# skip top node, should not get an ID
			for m, a in enumerate(islice(dectree.subtrees(), 1, None)):
				a.label = "%s@%d-%d" % (a.label, self.n, m)
		self.n += 1
		return dectree
Ejemplo n.º 4
def optimalbinarize(tree, sep='|', headdriven=False, h=None, v=1):
	""" Recursively binarize a tree, optimizing for complexity.
	v=0 is not implemented. Setting h to a nonzero integer restricts the
	possible binarizations to head driven binarizations. """
	if h is None:
		tree = Tree.convert(tree)
		for a in list(tree.subtrees(lambda x: len(x) > 1))[::-1]:
			a.sort(key=lambda x: x.leaves())
	return recbinarizetree(addbitsets(tree), sep, headdriven, h or 999, v, ())
Ejemplo n.º 5
def dobinarization(trees, sents, binarization, relationalrealizational):
	"""Apply binarization."""
	# fixme: this n should correspond to sentence id
	tbfanout, n = treebank.treebankfanout(trees)
	logging.info('treebank fan-out before binarization: %d #%d\n%s\n%s',
			tbfanout, n, trees[n], ' '.join(sents[n]))
	# binarization
	begin = time.clock()
	msg = 'binarization: %s' % binarization.method
	if binarization.fanout_marks_before_bin:
		trees = [treetransforms.addfanoutmarkers(t) for t in trees]
	if binarization.method is None:
	elif binarization.method == 'default':
		msg += ' %s h=%d v=%d %s' % (
				binarization.factor, binarization.h, binarization.v,
				'tailmarker' if binarization.tailmarker else '')
		for a in trees:
			treetransforms.binarize(a, factor=binarization.factor,
					horzmarkov=binarization.h, vertmarkov=binarization.v,
					headidx=-1 if binarization.markhead else None,
						+ (relationalrealizational['adjunctionlabel'], ))
						if relationalrealizational else (),
	elif binarization.method == 'optimal':
		trees = [Tree.convert(treetransforms.optimalbinarize(tree))
						for n, tree in enumerate(trees)]
	elif binarization.method == 'optimalhead':
		msg += ' h=%d v=%d' % (
				binarization.h, binarization.v)
		trees = [Tree.convert(treetransforms.optimalbinarize(
				tree, headdriven=True, h=binarization.h, v=binarization.v))
				for n, tree in enumerate(trees)]
	trees = [treetransforms.addfanoutmarkers(t) for t in trees]
	logging.info('%s; cpu time elapsed: %gs',
			msg, time.clock() - begin)
	trees = [treetransforms.canonicalize(a).freeze() for a in trees]
	return trees
Ejemplo n.º 6

data = SupertagParseDataset(f"{config['Corpus']['filename']}.train")

from discodop.tree import ParentedTree, Tree
from discodop.treetransforms import unbinarize, removefanoutmarkers
from discodop.eval import Evaluator, readparam
from discodop.lexgrammar import SupertagGrammar

grammar = load(open(f"{config['Corpus']['filename']}.grammar", "rb"))
i = 0
evaluator = Evaluator(readparam("proper.prm"))
for sentence in data:
    words = tuple(t.text for t in sentence)
    poss = tuple(t.get_tag("pos").value for t in sentence)
    tags = tuple(((t.get_tag("supertag").value, 0.0), ) for t in sentence)
    parses = grammar.parse(poss, tags, posmode=True)
        parse = next(parses)
    except StopIteration:
        leaves = (f"({p} {i})" for p, i in zip(poss, range(len(words))))
        parse = ParentedTree(f"(NOPARSE {' '.join(leaves)})")
    gold = ParentedTree(sentence.get_labels("tree")[0].value)
    gold = ParentedTree.convert(
    parse = ParentedTree.convert(
    evaluator.add(i, gold.copy(deep=True), list(words), parse.copy(deep=True),
    i += 1
Ejemplo n.º 7
cp = ConfigParser()
config = corpusparam(**cp["Corpus"], **cp["Grammar"])

from discodop.tree import Tree
from discodop.treebank import READERS
from discodop.treetransforms import addfanoutmarkers, binarize, collapseunary
from discodop.lexgrammar import SupertagCorpus, SupertagGrammar

corpus = READERS[config.inputfmt](config.filename, encoding=config.inputenc, punct="move")
trees = [
       Tree.convert(t), collapseroot=True, collapsepos=True),
      horzmarkov=config.h, vertmarkov=config.v))
    for t in corpus.trees().values()]
sents = list(corpus.sents().values())

corpus = SupertagCorpus(trees, sents)

size = len(corpus.sent_corpus)
portions = config.split.split()
names = "train dev test".split()
assert len(portions) in [3,4]

if portions[0] == "debug":
    portions = tuple(int(portion) for portion in portions[1:2]+portions[1:])
    limits = tuple((name, slice(0, end)) for name, end in zip(names, portions))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main():
	"""Command line interface for applying tree(bank) transforms."""
	import io
	from getopt import gnu_getopt, GetoptError
	from discodop import treebanktransforms
	actions = {'none': None, 'introducepreterminals': introducepreterminals,
			'splitdisc': None, 'mergedisc': mergediscnodes, 'transform': None,
			'unbinarize': unbinarize, 'binarize': None, 'optimalbinarize': None}
	flags = ('markorigin markheads leftunary rightunary tailmarker '
			'renumber reverse'.split())
	options = ('inputfmt= outputfmt= inputenc= outputenc= slice= ensureroot= '
			'punct= headrules= functions= morphology= lemmas= factor= '
			'markorigin= maxlen= fmt= enc= transforms=').split()
		opts, args = gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h:v:', flags + options)
		if not 1 <= len(args) <= 3:
			raise GetoptError('error: expected 1, 2, or 3 positional arguments')
	except GetoptError as err:
		print('error: %r\n%s' % (err, USAGE), file=sys.stderr)
	opts, action = dict(opts), args[0]
	if action not in actions:
		print('unrecognized action: %r\navailable actions: %s' % (
				action, ', '.join(actions)), file=sys.stderr)
	if '--fmt' in opts:
		opts['--inputfmt'] = opts['--outputfmt'] = opts['--fmt']
	if '--enc' in opts:
		opts['--inputenc'] = opts['--outputenc'] = opts['--enc']
	if opts.get('--outputfmt', WRITERS[0]) not in WRITERS:
		print('unrecognized output format: %r\navailable formats: %s' % (
				opts.get('--outputfmt'), ' '.join(WRITERS)), file=sys.stderr)
	infilename = args[1] if len(args) >= 2 and args[1] != '-' else '/dev/stdin'
	outfilename = args[2] if len(args) == 3 and args[2] != '-' else '/dev/stdout'

	# open corpus
	corpus = READERS[opts.get('--inputfmt', 'export')](
			encoding=opts.get('--inputenc', 'utf-8'),
			headrules=opts.get('--headrules'), markheads='--markheads' in opts,
			ensureroot=opts.get('--ensureroot'), punct=opts.get('--punct'),
	start, end = opts.get('--slice', ':').split(':')
	start, end = (int(start) if start else None), (int(end) if end else None)
	trees = corpus.itertrees(start, end)
	if '--maxlen' in opts:
		maxlen = int(opts['--maxlen'])
		trees = ((key, (tree, sent)) for key, (tree, sent) in trees
				if len(sent) <= maxlen)
	if '--renumber' in opts:
		trees = (('%8d' % n, treesent)
				for n, (_, treesent) in enumerate(trees, 1))

	# select transformation
	transform = actions[action]
	if action in ('binarize', 'optimalbinarize'):
		h = int(opts.get('-h', 999))
		v = int(opts.get('-v', 1))
		if action == 'binarize':
			factor = opts.get('--factor', 'right')
			transform = lambda t, _: binarize(t, factor, h, v,
					leftmostunary='--leftunary' in opts,
					rightmostunary='--rightunary' in opts,
					tailmarker='$' if '--tailmarker' in opts else '')
		elif action == 'optimalbinarize':
			headdriven = '--headrules' in opts
			transform = lambda t, _: optimalbinarize(t, '|', headdriven, h, v)
	elif action == 'splitdisc':
		transform = lambda t, _: splitdiscnodes(t, '--markorigin' in opts)
	elif action == 'unbinarize':
		transform = lambda t, _: unbinarize(Tree.convert(t))
	elif action == 'transform':
		tfs = opts['--transforms'].split(',')
		transform = lambda t, s: (treebanktransforms.reversetransform(t, tfs)
				if '--reverse' in opts
				else treebanktransforms.transform(t, s, tfs))
	if transform is not None:  # NB: transform cannot affect (no. of) terminals
		trees = ((key, (transform(tree, sent), sent)) for key, (tree, sent) in trees)

	# read, transform, & write trees
	headrules = None
	if opts.get('--outputfmt') in ('mst', 'conll'):
		if not opts.get('--headrules'):
			raise ValueError('need head rules for dependency conversion')
		headrules = treebanktransforms.readheadrules(opts.get('--headrules'))
	cnt = 0
	if opts.get('--outputfmt') == 'dact':
		import alpinocorpus
		outfile = alpinocorpus.CorpusWriter(outfilename)
		if (action == 'none' and opts.get('--inputfmt') in ('alpino', 'dact')
				and set(opts) <= {'--slice', '--inputfmt', '--outputfmt',
			for n, (key, block) in islice(enumerate(
					corpus.blocks().items(), 1), start, end):
				outfile.write('%8d' % n if '--renumber' in opts else key, block)
				cnt += 1
			for key, (tree, sent) in trees:
				outfile.write(str(key), writetree(tree, sent, key, 'alpino'))
				cnt += 1
		encoding = opts.get('outputenc', 'utf-8')
		outfile = io.open(outfilename, 'w', encoding=encoding)
		# copy trees verbatim when only taking slice or converting encoding
		if (action == 'none' and opts.get('--inputfmt') == opts.get(
				'--outputfmt') and set(opts) <= {'--slice', '--inputenc',
				'--outputenc', '--inputfmt', '--outputfmt'}):
			for block in islice(corpus.blocks().values(), start, end):
				cnt += 1
			for key, (tree, sent) in trees:
				outfile.write(writetree(tree, sent, key,
						opts.get('--outputfmt', 'export'), headrules))
				cnt += 1
	print('%sed %d trees with action %r' % ('convert' if action == 'none'
			else 'transform', cnt, action), file=sys.stderr)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def getgrammars(trees, sents, stages, bintype, horzmarkov, vertmarkov, factor,
		tailmarker, revmarkov, leftmostunary, rightmostunary, pospa, markhead,
		fanout_marks_before_bin, testmaxwords, resultdir, numproc,
		lexmodel, simplelexsmooth, top, relationalrealizational):
	""" Apply binarization and read off the requested grammars. """
	# fixme: this n should correspond to sentence id
	tbfanout, n = treebankfanout(trees)
	logging.info('treebank fan-out before binarization: %d #%d\n%s\n%s',
			tbfanout, n, trees[n], ' '.join(sents[n]))
	# binarization
	begin = time.clock()
	if fanout_marks_before_bin:
		trees = [addfanoutmarkers(t) for t in trees]
	if bintype == 'binarize':
		bintype += ' %s h=%d v=%d %s' % (factor, horzmarkov, vertmarkov,
			'tailmarker' if tailmarker else '')
		for a in trees:
			binarize(a, factor=factor, tailmarker=tailmarker,
					horzmarkov=horzmarkov, vertmarkov=vertmarkov,
					leftmostunary=leftmostunary, rightmostunary=rightmostunary,
					reverse=revmarkov, pospa=pospa,
					headidx=-1 if markhead else None,
						+ (relationalrealizational['adjunctionlabel'], ))
						if relationalrealizational else ())
	elif bintype == 'optimal':
		trees = [Tree.convert(optimalbinarize(tree))
						for n, tree in enumerate(trees)]
	elif bintype == 'optimalhead':
		trees = [Tree.convert(optimalbinarize(tree, headdriven=True,
				h=horzmarkov, v=vertmarkov)) for n, tree in enumerate(trees)]
	trees = [addfanoutmarkers(t) for t in trees]
	logging.info('binarized %s cpu time elapsed: %gs',
						bintype, time.clock() - begin)
	logging.info('binarized treebank fan-out: %d #%d', *treebankfanout(trees))
	trees = [canonicalize(a).freeze() for a in trees]

	for n, stage in enumerate(stages):
		if stage.split:
			traintrees = [binarize(splitdiscnodes(Tree.convert(a),
					stage.markorigin), childchar=':').freeze() for a in trees]
			logging.info('splitted discontinuous nodes')
			traintrees = trees
		if stage.mode.startswith('pcfg'):
			assert tbfanout == 1 or stage.split
		backtransform = None
		if stage.dop:
			if stage.usedoubledop:
				# find recurring fragments in treebank,
				# as well as depth 1 'cover' fragments
				fragments = getfragments(traintrees, sents, numproc,
						iterate=stage.iterate, complement=stage.complement)
				xgrammar, backtransform, altweights = doubledop(
						traintrees, fragments)
			else:  # DOP reduction
				xgrammar, altweights = dopreduction(
						traintrees, sents, packedgraph=stage.packedgraph)
			nodes = sum(len(list(a.subtrees())) for a in traintrees)
			if lexmodel and simplelexsmooth:
				newrules = simplesmoothlexicon(lexmodel)
				for weights in altweights.values():
					weights.extend(w for _, w in newrules)
			elif lexmodel:
				xgrammar = smoothlexicon(xgrammar, lexmodel)
			msg = grammarinfo(xgrammar)
			rules, lexicon = write_lcfrs_grammar(
					xgrammar, bitpar=stage.mode.startswith('pcfg'))
			grammar = Grammar(rules, lexicon, start=top,
			for name in altweights:
				grammar.register(u'%s' % name, altweights[name])
			with gzip.open('%s/%s.rules.gz' % (
					resultdir, stage.name), 'wb') as rulesfile:
			with codecs.getwriter('utf-8')(gzip.open('%s/%s.lex.gz' % (
					resultdir, stage.name), 'wb')) as lexiconfile:
			logging.info('DOP model based on %d sentences, %d nodes, '
				'%d nonterminals', len(traintrees), nodes, len(grammar.toid))
			if stage.estimator != 'dop1':
				grammar.switch(u'%s' % stage.estimator)
			_sumsto1 = grammar.testgrammar()
			if stage.usedoubledop:
				# backtransform keys are line numbers to rules file;
				# to see them together do:
				# $ paste <(zcat dop.rules.gz) <(zcat dop.backtransform.gz)
				with codecs.getwriter('ascii')(gzip.open(
						'%s/%s.backtransform.gz' % (resultdir, stage.name),
						'w')) as out:
					out.writelines('%s\n' % a for a in backtransform)
				if n and stage.prune:
					msg = grammar.getmapping(stages[n - 1].grammar,
						striplabelre=None if stages[n - 1].dop
							else re.compile(b'@.+$'),
						splitprune=stage.splitprune and stages[n - 1].split,
						markorigin=stages[n - 1].markorigin)
					# recoverfragments() relies on this mapping to identify
					# binarization nodes
					msg = grammar.getmapping(None,
						splitprune=False, markorigin=False)
			elif n and stage.prune:  # dop reduction
				msg = grammar.getmapping(stages[n - 1].grammar,
					striplabelre=None if stages[n - 1].dop
						and not stages[n - 1].usedoubledop
						else re.compile(b'@[-0-9]+$'),
						if stage.neverblockre else None,
					splitprune=stage.splitprune and stages[n - 1].split,
					markorigin=stages[n - 1].markorigin)
				if stage.mode == 'dop-rerank':
					grammar.getrulemapping(stages[n - 1].grammar)
			# write prob models
			np.savez_compressed('%s/%s.probs.npz' % (resultdir, stage.name),
					**{name: mod for name, mod
						in zip(grammar.modelnames, grammar.models)})
		else:  # not stage.dop
			xgrammar = treebankgrammar(traintrees, sents)
			logging.info('induced %s based on %d sentences',
				('PCFG' if tbfanout == 1 or stage.split else 'PLCFRS'),
			if stage.split or os.path.exists('%s/pcdist.txt' % resultdir):
						dump='%s/pcdist.txt' % resultdir))
			if lexmodel and simplelexsmooth:
				newrules = simplesmoothlexicon(lexmodel)
			elif lexmodel:
				xgrammar = smoothlexicon(xgrammar, lexmodel)
			rules, lexicon = write_lcfrs_grammar(
					xgrammar, bitpar=stage.mode.startswith('pcfg'))
			grammar = Grammar(rules, lexicon, start=top,
			with gzip.open('%s/%s.rules.gz' % (
					resultdir, stage.name), 'wb') as rulesfile:
			with codecs.getwriter('utf-8')(gzip.open('%s/%s.lex.gz' % (
					resultdir, stage.name), 'wb')) as lexiconfile:
			_sumsto1 = grammar.testgrammar()
			if n and stage.prune:
				msg = grammar.getmapping(stages[n - 1].grammar,
						if stage.neverblockre else None,
					splitprune=stage.splitprune and stages[n - 1].split,
					markorigin=stages[n - 1].markorigin)
		logging.info('wrote grammar to %s/%s.{rules,lex%s}.gz', resultdir,
				stage.name, ',backtransform' if stage.usedoubledop else '')

		outside = None
		if stage.getestimates == 'SX':
			assert tbfanout == 1 or stage.split, 'SX estimate requires PCFG.'
			logging.info('computing PCFG estimates')
			begin = time.clock()
			outside = getpcfgestimates(grammar, testmaxwords,
			logging.info('estimates done. cpu time elapsed: %gs',
					time.clock() - begin)
			np.savez('pcfgoutside.npz', outside=outside)
			logging.info('saved PCFG estimates')
		elif stage.useestimates == 'SX':
			assert tbfanout == 1 or stage.split, 'SX estimate requires PCFG.'
			assert stage.mode != 'pcfg', (
					'estimates require agenda-based parser.')
			outside = np.load('pcfgoutside.npz')['outside']
			logging.info('loaded PCFG estimates')
		if stage.getestimates == 'SXlrgaps':
			logging.info('computing PLCFRS estimates')
			begin = time.clock()
			outside = getestimates(grammar, testmaxwords,
			logging.info('estimates done. cpu time elapsed: %gs',
						time.clock() - begin)
			np.savez('outside.npz', outside=outside)
			logging.info('saved estimates')
		elif stage.useestimates == 'SXlrgaps':
			outside = np.load('outside.npz')['outside']
			logging.info('loaded PLCFRS estimates')
		stage.update(grammar=grammar, backtransform=backtransform,
Ejemplo n.º 10
def getgrammars(trees, sents, stages, testmaxwords, resultdir,
		numproc, lexmodel, simplelexsmooth, top):
	"""Read off the requested grammars."""
	tbfanout, n = treebank.treebankfanout(trees)
	logging.info('binarized treebank fan-out: %d #%d', tbfanout, n)
	for n, stage in enumerate(stages):
		if stage.split:
			traintrees = [treetransforms.binarize(
						Tree.convert(a), stage.markorigin),
					childchar=':', dot=True, ids=grammar.UniqueIDs()).freeze()
					for a in trees]
			logging.info('splitted discontinuous nodes')
			traintrees = trees
		if stage.mode.startswith('pcfg'):
			if tbfanout != 1 and not stage.split:
				raise ValueError('Cannot extract PCFG from treebank '
						'with discontinuities.')
		backtransform = extrarules = None
		if lexmodel and simplelexsmooth:
			extrarules = lexicon.simplesmoothlexicon(lexmodel)
		if stage.dop:
			if stage.dop == 'doubledop':
				(xgrammar, backtransform, altweights, fragments
					) = grammar.doubledop(
						traintrees, sents, binarized=stage.binarized,
						iterate=stage.iterate, complement=stage.complement,
						numproc=numproc, extrarules=extrarules)
				# dump fragments
				with codecs.getwriter('utf-8')(gzip.open('%s/%s.fragments.gz' %
						(resultdir, stage.name), 'w')) as out:
					out.writelines('%s\t%d\n' % (treebank.writetree(a, b, 0,
							'bracket' if stage.mode.startswith('pcfg')
							else 'discbracket').rstrip(), sum(c.values()))
							for (a, b), c in fragments.items())
			elif stage.dop == 'reduction':
				xgrammar, altweights = grammar.dopreduction(
						traintrees, sents, packedgraph=stage.packedgraph,
				raise ValueError('unrecognized DOP model: %r' % stage.dop)
			nodes = sum(len(list(a.subtrees())) for a in traintrees)
			if lexmodel and not simplelexsmooth:  # FIXME: altweights?
				xgrammar = lexicon.smoothlexicon(xgrammar, lexmodel)
			msg = grammar.grammarinfo(xgrammar)
			rules, lex = grammar.write_lcfrs_grammar(
					xgrammar, bitpar=stage.mode.startswith('pcfg'))
			gram = Grammar(rules, lex, start=top,
			for name in altweights:
				gram.register(u'%s' % name, altweights[name])
			with gzip.open('%s/%s.rules.gz' % (
					resultdir, stage.name), 'wb') as rulesfile:
			with codecs.getwriter('utf-8')(gzip.open('%s/%s.lex.gz' % (
					resultdir, stage.name), 'wb')) as lexiconfile:
			logging.info('DOP model based on %d sentences, %d nodes, '
				'%d nonterminals', len(traintrees), nodes, len(gram.toid))
			if stage.estimator != 'rfe':
				gram.switch(u'%s' % stage.estimator)
			if stage.dop == 'doubledop':
				# backtransform keys are line numbers to rules file;
				# to see them together do:
				# $ paste <(zcat dop.rules.gz) <(zcat dop.backtransform.gz)
				with codecs.getwriter('ascii')(gzip.open(
						'%s/%s.backtransform.gz' % (resultdir, stage.name),
						'w')) as out:
					out.writelines('%s\n' % a for a in backtransform)
				if n and stage.prune:
					msg = gram.getmapping(stages[n - 1].grammar,
						striplabelre=None if stages[n - 1].dop
							else re.compile(b'@.+$'),
						splitprune=stage.splitprune and stages[n - 1].split,
						markorigin=stages[n - 1].markorigin)
					# recoverfragments() relies on this mapping to identify
					# binarization nodes
					msg = gram.getmapping(None,
						splitprune=False, markorigin=False)
			elif n and stage.prune:  # dop reduction
				msg = gram.getmapping(stages[n - 1].grammar,
					striplabelre=None if stages[n - 1].dop
						and stages[n - 1].dop != 'doubledop'
						else re.compile(b'@[-0-9]+$'),
						if stage.neverblockre else None,
					splitprune=stage.splitprune and stages[n - 1].split,
					markorigin=stages[n - 1].markorigin)
				if stage.mode == 'dop-rerank':
							stages[n - 1].grammar, re.compile(br'@[-0-9]+\b'))
			# write prob models
			np.savez_compressed(  # pylint: disable=no-member
					'%s/%s.probs.npz' % (resultdir, stage.name),
					**{name: mod for name, mod
						in zip(gram.modelnames, gram.models)})
		else:  # not stage.dop
			xgrammar = grammar.treebankgrammar(traintrees, sents,
			logging.info('induced %s based on %d sentences',
				('PCFG' if tbfanout == 1 or stage.split else 'PLCFRS'),
			if stage.split or os.path.exists('%s/pcdist.txt' % resultdir):
						dump='%s/pcdist.txt' % resultdir))
			if lexmodel and not simplelexsmooth:
				xgrammar = lexicon.smoothlexicon(xgrammar, lexmodel)
			rules, lex = grammar.write_lcfrs_grammar(
					xgrammar, bitpar=stage.mode.startswith('pcfg'))
			gram = Grammar(rules, lex, start=top,
			with gzip.open('%s/%s.rules.gz' % (
					resultdir, stage.name), 'wb') as rulesfile:
			with codecs.getwriter('utf-8')(gzip.open('%s/%s.lex.gz' % (
					resultdir, stage.name), 'wb')) as lexiconfile:
			if n and stage.prune:
				msg = gram.getmapping(stages[n - 1].grammar,
						if stage.neverblockre else None,
					splitprune=stage.splitprune and stages[n - 1].split,
					markorigin=stages[n - 1].markorigin)
		logging.info('wrote grammar to %s/%s.{rules,lex%s}.gz',
				resultdir, stage.name,
				',backtransform' if stage.dop == 'doubledop' else '')

		outside = None
		if stage.estimates in ('SX', 'SXlrgaps'):
			if stage.estimates == 'SX' and tbfanout != 1 and not stage.split:
				raise ValueError('SX estimate requires PCFG.')
			elif stage.mode != 'plcfrs':
				raise ValueError('estimates require parser w/agenda.')
			begin = time.clock()
			logging.info('computing %s estimates', stage.estimates)
			if stage.estimates == 'SX':
				outside = estimates.getpcfgestimates(gram, testmaxwords,
			elif stage.estimates == 'SXlrgaps':
				outside = estimates.getestimates(gram, testmaxwords,
			logging.info('estimates done. cpu time elapsed: %gs',
					time.clock() - begin)
			np.savez_compressed(  # pylint: disable=no-member
					'%s/%s.outside.npz' % (resultdir, stage.name),
			logging.info('saved %s estimates', stage.estimates)
		elif stage.estimates:
			raise ValueError('unrecognized value; specify SX or SXlrgaps.')

		stage.update(grammar=gram, backtransform=backtransform,