Ejemplo n.º 1
    async def ensure_voice(self, ctx):
        embed = utils.baseEmbed()
        player = self.zt.lavalink.players.create(ctx.guild.id, endpoint=ctx.guild.region.value)

        should_connect = ctx.command.name in ('play', 'connect')
        if ctx.guild.id == 498011182620475412 and not 529365459397509130 in [role.id for role in ctx.author.roles]:
            raise commands.CheckFailure()
        if not ctx.author.voice or not ctx.author.voice.channel:
            embed.description = f'<{self.zt.emoji("Error")}> **| Você precisa estar em um canal de voz.**'
            await ctx.send(embed=embed)
            raise commands.CheckFailure()

        if not player.is_connected:
            if not should_connect:
                embed.description = f'<{self.zt.emoji("Error")}> **| Não estou conectada.**'
                await ctx.send(embed=embed)
                raise commands.CheckFailure()

            player.store('channel', ctx.channel.id)
            await self.connect_to(ctx.guild.id, str(ctx.author.voice.channel.id))
            if int(player.channel_id) != ctx.author.voice.channel.id:
                embed.description = f'<{self.zt.emoji("Error")}> **| Você precisa estar no meu canal de voz.**'
                await ctx.send(embed=embed)
                raise commands.CheckFailure()
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: music.py Proyecto: YoungEz/kc
    async def _connect(self, ctx, *, channel: discord.VoiceChannel = None):
        if not channel:
                channel = ctx.author.voice.channel
            except AttributeError:
                raise commands.CheckFailure('<:ausente:589239789002162176>│Nenhum canal para participar. '
                                            'Por favor, especifique um canal válido ou entre em um!``')

        vc = ctx.voice_client

        if vc:
            if vc.channel.id == channel.id:
                await vc.move_to(channel)
            except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                raise commands.CheckFailure(f'<:ausente:589239789002162176>│Mover para o canal: '
                                            f'<{channel}> tempo esgotado.')
                await channel.connect()
            except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                raise commands.CheckFailure(f'<:ausente:589239789002162176>│Conectando ao canal: '
                                            f'<{channel}> tempo esgotado.')

        await ctx.send(f'<:on_status:519896814799945728>│Conectado a: **{channel}**', delete_after=20)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def predicate(ctx):
        if ctx.message.webhook_id is not None:
            return True

        guild = ctx.bot.get_guild(ctx.bot.config['config']['default_guild'])
        if ctx.author.id not in [m.id for m in guild.members]:
            msg = "<:alert:739251822920728708>│`Voce precisa está dentro do meu servidor de suporte, para poder me " \
                  "usar.`\n**Obs:** Para entrar no servidor de suporte use o comando **ash invite** para receber o" \
                  " convite do servidor!"
            if ctx.command.name in ["invite", "register", "register guild"]:
                raise commands.CheckFailure(msg)

        if isinstance(ctx.message.channel,
                      (discord.DMChannel, discord.GroupChannel)):
            if ctx.command.name == "help" or ctx.command.name == "ajuda":
                if kwargs.get('no_pm', False):
                    raise commands.NoPrivateMessage(
                        '<:alert:739251822920728708>│`Você não pode mandar comandos em '
                        'mensagens privadas!`')

        if not (isinstance(
            (discord.DMChannel, discord.GroupChannel))) and kwargs.get(
                'is_nsfw', False):
            if ctx.channel.is_nsfw() is False:
                raise commands.CheckFailure(
                    "<:alert:739251822920728708>│`Esse comando apenas pode ser usado"
                    " em um canal` **nsfw!!**")

        if ctx.author.id == data['config']['owner_id'] and kwargs.get(
                'is_owner', False):
        elif ctx.author.id in ctx.bot.staff and kwargs.get('is_owner', False):
        elif ctx.author.id != data['config']['owner_id'] and kwargs.get(
                'is_owner', False):
            raise commands.CheckFailure(
                "<:alert:739251822920728708>│`Apenas meu criador pode usar esse comando!`"

        if kwargs.get("check_role", False):
            role = discord.utils.find(
                lambda r: r.name in kwargs.get("roles", []), ctx.author.roles)
            if role is None:
                raise commands.CheckFailure(
                    "<:alert:739251822920728708>│`Você precisa de um cargo "
                    "específico para usar esse comando!`")

        perms = dict()
        for perm_ in kwargs.keys():
            if perm_ in permissions:
                perms[perm_] = kwargs[perm_]
        return check_permissions(ctx, perms)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def verificationCheck(self, ctx):
        self.c.execute('SELECT Verified FROM main where Discord_UID = (:uid)', {'uid': ctx.author.id})
        tuple = self.c.fetchone()

        if not tuple:
            raise commands.CheckFailure('AccountNotLinked')
        if tuple[0] == 'False':
            raise commands.CheckFailure('EmailNotVerified')
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
async def vc_check(ctx: commands.Context):
    """Check for whether VC is available in this bot."""

    if not discord.voice_client.has_nacl:
        raise commands.CheckFailure('You cannot use voice because PyNaCl is not loaded.')

    if not discord.opus.is_loaded():
        raise commands.CheckFailure('You cannot use voice because libopus is not loaded.')

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def predicate(ctx):
     if not len(
     ) >= MIN_PLAYERS:  # not enough players joined yet to start playing
         raise commands.CheckFailure(message="not enough players")
     elif str(
     ) != ctx.bot.spel.beurt.fullname:  # it is not this players turn
         raise commands.CheckFailure(message="not your turn")
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 7
    async def pred(ctx):
        verified = await ctx.bot.conn.fetch(
            'SELECT verified FROM student WHERE discord_uid = $1',

        if not verified:
            raise commands.CheckFailure('AccountNotLinked')
        if not verified[0]['verified']:
            raise commands.CheckFailure('UserNotVerified')
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 8
 async def user_has_voice(ctx):
     Returns true if the user is connected to a voice channel reachable by the bot
     if type(ctx.author) is discord.Member:
         if ctx.author.voice is not None:
             return True
             raise commands.CheckFailure(
                 "You are not connected to a voice channel of your guild")
         raise commands.CheckFailure("This command cannot work through DM")
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: checks.py Proyecto: p2hb/p2hb
    async def predicate(ctx):
        member = await ctx.bot.mongo.Member.find_one({"id": ctx.author.id})

        if member is None:
            raise commands.CheckFailure(
                f"Please first start by running `>start`!")

        if not member.event_activated:
            raise commands.CheckFailure(
                "You need to join the event with `>event join`")

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: checks.py Proyecto: p2hb/p2hb
    async def predicate(ctx):
        member = await ctx.bot.mongo.Member.find_one({"id": ctx.author.id},
                                                     {"suspended": 1})

        if member is None:
            raise commands.CheckFailure(
                f"Please first start by running `>start`!")

        if member.suspended:
            raise commands.CheckFailure("Your account has been suspended.")

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 11
    async def predicate(ctx):
        member = await ctx.bot.mongo.Member.find_one({"id": ctx.author.id},
                                                     {"suspended": 1})

        if member is None:
            raise commands.CheckFailure(
                f"Please pick a starter pokémon by typing `{ctx.prefix}start` before using this command!"

        if member.suspended:
            raise commands.CheckFailure("Your account has been suspended.")

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 12
    async def check_if_disabled(self, ctx):
        if not ctx.guild:
            raise commands.CheckFailure("You can't use that here!")

        if ctx.command.qualified_name in self.disabled_commands[ctx.guild.id]:
            raise commands.CheckFailure(
                "I'm sorry a server moderator has disabled this command.")

        if ctx.author.id in self.blocked:
            raise commands.CheckFailure(
                f"You have been blocked for: {self.blocked[ctx.author.id]}")

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def predicate(ctx: Context):
        channel = ctx.channel
        if not isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel):
            if dms:
                return True
            raise commands.CheckFailure(
                'Dms are not counted as a bot channel.')

        if re.search(regex, channel.name) or category and re.search(
                regex, str(channel.category)):
            return True

        raise commands.CheckFailure('This channel is not a bot channel.')
Ejemplo n.º 14
    async def verify(self, ctx):
        if not ctx.invoked_subcommand:
            await ctx.reply(l10n.format_value('verify-invalid-command'))

        self.c.execute('SELECT Verified from main where Discord_UID = (:uid)', {'uid': ctx.author.id})
        details = self.c.fetchone()
        if details:
            if details[0] == 'False':
                if ctx.invoked_subcommand.name == 'basic':
                    raise commands.CheckFailure('AccountAlreadyLinked')
                raise commands.CheckFailure('UserAlreadyVerified')
Ejemplo n.º 15
    async def verify_token(self, ctx, auth_token: str):
        """Takes an authentication token and elevates you to Verified LUHacker.
        Note that tokens expire after 30 minutes.

        Second step on the path to Grand Master Cyber Wizard.
        existing_user = await User.get(ctx.author.id)
        is_flagged = (existing_user is not None
                      and existing_user.flagged_for_deletion is not None)

        if existing_user is not None and not is_flagged:
            raise commands.CheckFailure("It seems you've already registered.")

        user = token_tools.decode_auth_token(auth_token)

        if user is None:
            raise commands.CheckFailure(
                "That token is invalid or is older than 30 minutes and expired."

        user_id, user_email = user

        if user_id != ctx.author.id:
            raise commands.CheckFailure(
                "Seems you're not the same person that generated the token, go away."

        member: discord.Member = self.get_member_in_luhack(ctx.author.id)

        assert member is not None

        logger.info("Verifying member: %s", ctx.author)

        if is_flagged:
            await existing_user.update(flagged_for_deletion=None).apply()
            await ctx.send("Congrats, you've been re-verified!")
            await self.bot.log_message(
                f"re-verified member {member} ({member.id})")

        user = User(discord_id=user_id, username=member.name, email=user_email)
        await user.create()

        await member.remove_roles(self.bot.potential_role(),
        await member.add_roles(self.bot.verified_role())

        await ctx.send(
            "Permissions granted, you can now access all of the discord channels. You are now on the path to Grand Master Cyber Wizard!"
        await self.bot.log_message(f"verified member {member} ({member.id})")
Ejemplo n.º 16
	async def _check_reaction_permissions(context, channel):
		# author might not be a Member, even in a guild, if it's a webhook.
		if not context.guild or not isinstance(context.author, discord.Member):

		sender_permissions = channel.permissions_for(context.author)
		permissions = channel.permissions_for(context.guild.me)

		if not sender_permissions.read_message_history or not permissions.read_message_history:
			raise commands.CheckFailure(_('Unable to react: you and I both need permission to read message history.'))
		if not sender_permissions.add_reactions or not permissions.add_reactions:
			raise commands.CheckFailure(_('Unable to react: you and I both need permission to add reactions.'))
		if not sender_permissions.external_emojis or not permissions.external_emojis:
			raise commands.CheckFailure(_('Unable to react: you and I both need permission to use external emotes.'))
Ejemplo n.º 17
Archivo: bot.py Proyecto: Ryuk264/Life
    async def can_run_commands(self, ctx: context.Context) -> bool:

        if not ctx.guild and ctx.command.qualified_name in self.commands_not_allowed_dms:
            raise commands.NoPrivateMessage()

        if ctx.user_config.blacklisted is True and ctx.command.qualified_name not in {
                'help', 'support'
            raise commands.CheckFailure(
                f'You are blacklisted from using this bot with the reason:\n\n`{ctx.user_config.blacklisted_reason}`'
        elif ctx.guild_config.blacklisted is True and ctx.command.qualified_name not in {
                'help', 'support'
            raise commands.CheckFailure(
                f'This guild is blacklisted from using this bot with the reason:\n\n`{ctx.guild_config.blacklisted_reason}`'

        needed_permissions = {
            permission: value
            for permission, value in dict(self.text_permissions).items()
            if value is True
        current_permissions = dict(ctx.channel.permissions_for(
            ctx.guild.me)) if ctx.guild else dict(

        if ctx.command.cog and ctx.command.cog == self.get_cog(
                'Music') and hasattr(ctx.author,
                                     'voice') and ctx.author.voice is not None:
                permission: value
                for permission, value in dict(self.voice_permissions).items()
                if value is True
                permission: value
                for permission, value in getattr(
                    ctx.author.voice, 'channel', None).permissions_for(
                        ctx.guild.me) if value is True

        missing = [
            permissions for permissions, value in needed_permissions.items()
            if current_permissions[permissions] != value
        if missing:
            raise commands.BotMissingPermissions(missing)

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 18
async def vc_check(ctx: commands.Context):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    Check for whether VC is available in this bot.

    if not discord.voice_client.has_nacl:
        raise commands.CheckFailure(
            "voice cannot be used because PyNaCl is not loaded")

    if not discord.opus.is_loaded():
        raise commands.CheckFailure(
            "voice cannot be used because libopus is not loaded")

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def predicate(ctx):
        if ctx.message.webhook_id is not None:
            return True

        if isinstance(ctx.message.channel,
                      (discord.DMChannel, discord.GroupChannel)):
            if ctx.command.name == "help" or ctx.command.name == "ajuda":
                return True
                raise commands.NoPrivateMessage(
                    '<:alert:739251822920728708>│``Você não pode mandar comandos em '
                    'mensagens privadas!``')

        if not (isinstance(
            (discord.DMChannel, discord.GroupChannel))) and kwargs.get(
                'is_nsfw', False):
            if ctx.channel.is_nsfw() is False:
                raise commands.CheckFailure(
                    "<:alert:739251822920728708>│``Esse comando apenas pode ser usado"
                    " em um canal`` **nsfw!!**")

        if ctx.author.id == data['config']['owner_id'] and kwargs.get(
                'is_owner', False):
        elif ctx.author.id in ctx.bot.staff and kwargs.get('is_owner', False):
        elif ctx.author.id != data['config']['owner_id'] and kwargs.get(
                'is_owner', False):
            raise commands.CheckFailure(
                "<:alert:739251822920728708>│``Apenas meu criador pode usar esse comando!``"

        if kwargs.get("check_role", False):
            role = discord.utils.find(
                lambda r: r.name in kwargs.get("roles", []), ctx.author.roles)
            if role is None:
                raise commands.CheckFailure(
                    "<:alert:739251822920728708>│``Você precisa de um cargo "
                    "específico para usar esse comando!``")

        if kwargs.get('no_pm', False) or kwargs.get(
                'is_owner', False) or kwargs.get('is_nsfw', False):
            perms = dict()
            for perm_ in kwargs.keys():
                if perm_ in permissions:
                    perms[perm_] = kwargs[perm_]
            return check_permissions(ctx, perms)
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def predicate(ctx):
     if not ctx.guild:
         raise commands.CheckFailure("Only usable within a server")
     if not ctx.guild.me.voice:
         raise commands.CheckFailure("I am not in voice no need to stop")
     my_voice = ctx.guild.me.voice.channel
     if checks.is_owner_or_moderator_check(ctx.message):
         return True
     if ctx.guild.me.voice:
         if len(my_voice.members) == 2 and ctx.author in my_voice.members:
             return True
         if len(my_voice.members) == 1:
             return True
         raise commands.CheckFailure("Can only stop when nobody or"
                                     "only one in voice channel with me")
Ejemplo n.º 21
async def check_guild_permissions(ctx, perms, check=all):
    if await ctx.bot.is_owner(ctx.author):
        return True
    is_owner = await ctx.bot.is_owner(ctx.author)
    if is_owner:
        return True

    if ctx.guild is None:
        raise commands.CheckFailure('You must be in a guild to run this command!')
    if ctx.guild.id == 594276321937326091:
        # custom message for the support server
        raise commands.CheckFailure("You should run this command in your server! Get the invite link with `+invite`.")

    resolved = ctx.author.guild_permissions
    return check(getattr(resolved, name, None) == value for name, value in perms.items())
Ejemplo n.º 22
    async def guessword(self, ctx, word: str):
        guesser = ctx.author

        room = here(ctx)
        game = room.game

        if word not in game.words:
            raise commands.CheckFailure(
                f"`{word}` not in word list. Check spelling and capitalization. You can edit your message or enter a new one."

        correct = room.resolve_word_guess(guesser, word)
        correct_string = {True: "right", False: "wrong"}[correct]
        await ctx.send(
            f"**{guesser.display_name}** (team **{game.get_secret_word(guesser)}**) guessed **{word}** for the opposing word, which is __{correct_string}__. Winning team: **{game.winning_word}**"

        # If this overrode a veto, say whether it would have succeeded
        if game.in_veto_phase:
            orig_guesser, orig_guessed_players = game.vetoable_team_guess
            correctness_message = self.team_guess_correctness_message(
                ctx, orig_guesser, orig_guessed_players, is_hypothetical=True)

            await ctx.send(correctness_message)

        await self.reveal_teams(ctx)
        await self.end_round_and_clean_up(ctx)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    async def guessteam(self, ctx, *players: discord.Member):
        guessed_players = players
        guessed_players = list(guessed_players)

        guesser = ctx.author
        players_set = set(here(ctx).game.players)

        if not set(guessed_players) <= players_set:
            extra_players = list(set(guessed_players) - players_set)
            extra_player_names = [
                player.display_name for player in extra_players
            extra_player_name_string = " and ".join(extra_player_names)
            phrase = {
                False: "is not a player",
                True: "are not players"
            }[len(extra_players) > 1]
            raise commands.CheckFailure(
                f"{extra_player_name_string} {phrase}. Use @ to autocomplete names to avoid typos. Names are case-sensitive. You can edit your message or enter a new one."

        # As a convenience, include the guesser in their own team guess
        if guesser not in guessed_players:
            guessed_players = [guesser] + guessed_players

        await self.guess_team_helper(ctx, guesser, guessed_players)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    async def predicate(ctx):

        # See if we're even requesting anything
        if not any_item_names:
            ctx.bot.logger.warning(f"No role tiers input for is_upgrade_chat_subscriber for command {ctx.command.name}")
            return True  # This returns a bool because it needs to return something truthy

        # Grab all purchased roles by the user
            purchases = await asyncio.wait_for(
                ctx.bot.upgrade_chat.get_orders(discord_id=ctx.author.id, type=upgradechat.UpgradeChatItemType.UPGRADE),
        except (asyncio.TimeoutError, upgradechat.UpgradeChatError):
            raise commands.CheckFailure("Upgrade.Chat is currently unable to process my request for subscribers - please try again later.")

        # See if they purchased anything that's correct
        output_items = []
        for purchase in purchases:
            if purchase.type.name != "UPGRADE":
            if purchase.deleted is not None and purchase.deleted > dt.utcnow():
            for order_item in purchase.order_items:
                product_name = order_item.product_name
                if product_name in any_item_names:
        if output_items:
            ctx.upgrade_chat_items = output_items
            return True

        # They didn't purchase anything [valid]
        raise IsNotUpgradeChatSubscriber()
Ejemplo n.º 25
    async def boggle(self, ctx: Context):
        """Start's a game of Boggle.

        The board size can be set by command prefix.
        `(bb)big boggle` will result in a 5x5 board.
        `(bb)super big boggle` will result in a 6x6 board.

        Players have 3 minutes to find as many words as they can, the first person to find
        a word gets the points.
        # Ignore if rules invoke
        if ctx.invoked_subcommand is self.boggle_rules:

        # Raise if game already running
        if ctx.channel in self.games:
            raise commands.CheckFailure(
                'There is already a game running in this channel.')

        # Determine the game type
        game_type = self._get_game_type(ctx)

        # Start the game
        self.games[ctx.channel] = game = game_type(size=self._check_size(ctx))
        await game.start(ctx, wait=False)

        # Wait for game to end
        def check(channel):
            return channel.id == ctx.channel.id

        await self.bot.wait_for('boggle_game_complete',
        if ctx.channel in self.games:
            del self.games[ctx.channel]
Ejemplo n.º 26
Archivo: music.py Proyecto: YoungEz/kc
    async def stop_(self, ctx):
        vc = ctx.voice_client

            channel = ctx.author.voice.channel
            if channel:
        except AttributeError:
            raise commands.CheckFailure('<:oc_status:519896814225457152>│``Entre num canal de voz!``')

        if not vc or not vc.is_connected():
            return await ctx.send('<:alert_status:519896811192844288>│``Atualmente não estou tocando nada!``',
            state = self.get_state(ctx.guild)
            if state.is_requester(ctx) is None:
                await self.cleanup(ctx.guild)
                return await ctx.send('<:stop:519896823196942336>│``Todas as músicas foram paradas!``',
            if ctx.channel.permissions_for(ctx.author).administrator or state.is_requester(ctx):
                await ctx.send('<:stop:519896823196942336>│``Todas as músicas foram paradas!``',
                await self.cleanup(ctx.guild)
                last_search[ctx.guild.id] = list()
                await ctx.send('<:ausente:589239789002162176>│``Você não tem permissão para fazer isso!``')
Ejemplo n.º 27
    async def generate_token(self, ctx, email: email_tools.lancs_email):
        """Generates an authentication token, then emails it to the provided email.
        You must provide a valid lancaster email address or you will not get an
        authentication token.

        First step on the path to Grand Master Cyber Wizard

        existing_user = await User.query.where(
            (User.discord_id == ctx.author.id)
            | (User.email == email)).gino.first()

        if existing_user and existing_user.discord_id != ctx.author.id:
            await ctx.send(
                "Looks like you're already registered with this email address")

        is_flagged = (existing_user is not None
                      and existing_user.flagged_for_deletion is not None)

        if existing_user is not None and not is_flagged:
            raise commands.CheckFailure("It seems you've already registered.")

        auth_token = token_tools.generate_auth_token(ctx.author.id, email)

        logger.info("Generated token for user: %s, %s", ctx.author, auth_token)

        await email_tools.send_verify_email(email, auth_token)

        await ctx.send(
            f"Okay, I've sent an email to: `{email}` with your token!")
Ejemplo n.º 28
 async def check_blacklist(ctx):
     if str(ctx.author.id) in bot.blacklist['users']:
         raise commands.CheckFailure(
             f'You have been blacklisted from using me. Please check you DMs for a reason or contact DevilJamJar#0001 to appeal.'
         return True
Ejemplo n.º 29
    async def guessword(self, ctx, word: str):
        guesser = ctx.author

        if word not in here(ctx).game.words:
            raise commands.CheckFailure(
                f"`{word}` not in word list. Check spelling and capitalization. You can edit your message or enter a new one."

        correct = here(ctx).resolve_word_guess(guesser, word)
        correct_string = {True: "right", False: "wrong"}[correct]
        await ctx.send(
            f"**{guesser.display_name}** (team **{here(ctx).game.get_secret_word(guesser)}**) guessed **{word}** for the opposing word, which is __{correct_string}__. Winning team: **{here(ctx).game.winning_word}**"

        # If this overrode a veto, say whether it would have succeeded
        if here(ctx).game.in_veto_phase:
            orig_guesser, orig_guessed_players = here(

            orig_guessed_players_string = names_list_string(

            correct = here(ctx).game.check_team_guess(orig_guesser,
            correct_string = {True: "right", False: "wrong"}[correct]
            await ctx.send(
                f"(The original guess by **{orig_guesser.display_name}** (team **{here(ctx).game.get_secret_word(orig_guesser)}**) of {orig_guessed_players_string} would have been _{correct_string}_.)"

        await self.reveal_teams(ctx)
        await self.end_round_and_clean_up(ctx)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    async def can_run(self, ctx):
        original = ctx.command
        ctx.command = self

            if not (await ctx.bot.can_run(ctx)):
                raise commands.CheckFailure(
                    'The global check functions for command {0.qualified_name} failed.'

            cog = self.instance
            if cog is not None:
                    local_check = getattr(
                except AttributeError:
                    ret = await discord.utils.maybe_coroutine(local_check, ctx)
                    if not ret:
                        return False

            if ctx.author.id in ctx.bot.owners:
                return True

            predicates = self.checks
            if not predicates:
                return True

            return await discord.utils.async_all(
                predicate(ctx) for predicate in predicates)
            ctx.command = original