Ejemplo n.º 1
async def cdoListCompetitionByCountry(**kwargs):
    Lists all competitions for a given country. Needs the name of the country of country code as
    a parameter.
    responseData = CDOInteralResponseData()
    data = kwargs['msg'].content.split(" ")

    if len(data) == 0:
        responseData.response = "List competition needs the country or countrycode as parameter"
        return responseData

    association = ""

    for i in data[1:]:
        if association == "":
            association += i
            association += " " + i

    competition = Competition.objects.filter(association__clear_name=association)

    if len(competition) == 0:
        competition = Competition.objects.filter(association_id=association)

    if len(competition) == 0:
        responseData.response = f"No competitions were found for {association}"
        return responseData

    retString = "Competitions:\n\n"
    compList = []

    for comp in competition:
        retString += comp.clear_name + "\n"

    retString += f"\n\nReact with according number emoji to add competitions. Only the first {len(emojiList())} can " \
                 f"be added this way"
    responseData.response = retString

    def check(reaction, user):
        if reaction.emoji in emojiList():
                index = emojiList().index(reaction.emoji)
            except ValueError:
                logger.error(f"{reaction.emoji} not in list!")
                return False
            if index < len(compList):
                kwargs['msg'].content = f"!addCompetition {compList[index]}"
                return True
        return False

    responseData.reactionFunc = check
    return responseData
Ejemplo n.º 2
async def cdoListCompetitionByCountry(msg : Message,**kwargs):
    Lists all competitions for a given country. Needs the name of the country of country code as
    a parameter.
    responseData = CDOInteralResponseData()
    if "parameter0" not in kwargs.keys():
        return CDOInteralResponseData(f"Needs the country or countrycode as parameter")

    association = kwargs['parameter0']

    competition = Competition.objects.filter(association__clear_name=association)

    if len(competition) == 0:
        competition = Competition.objects.filter(association_id=association)

    if len(competition) == 0:
        responseData.response = f"No competitions were found for {association}"
        return responseData

    retString = "Competitions:\n\n"
    compList = []

    for comp in competition:
        retString += comp.clear_name + "\n"

    retString += f"\n\nReact with according number emoji to add competitions. Only the first {len(emojiList())} can " \
                 f"be added this way"
    responseData.response = retString

    def check(reaction: Reaction, user):
        if reaction.emoji in emojiList():
                index = emojiList().index(reaction.emoji)
            except ValueError:
                logger.error(f"{reaction.emoji} not in list!")
                return False
            if index < len(compList):
                msg.content = f"{kwargs['prefix']}addCompetition {compList[index]}"
                return True

    responseData.reactionFunc = check
    return responseData
Ejemplo n.º 3
async def cdoStopBot(msg : Message,**kwargs):
    Stops the execution of the bot
    :param kwargs:
    responseData = CDOInteralResponseData()
    retString = f"To confirm the shutdown, please react with {emojiList()[0]} to this message."
    responseData.response = retString

    def check(reaction : Reaction, user):
        if reaction.emoji == emojiList()[0]:
            client.loop.create_task(msg.channel.send("Bot is shutting down in 10 seconds"))
            return True

    responseData.reactionFunc = check
    return responseData