Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_pipeline():
    prod = t.TestProducer()
    cons1 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    cons2 = t.TestOneInOneOut()

    graph = WorkflowGraph()
    graph.connect(prod, 'output', cons1, 'input')
    graph.connect(cons1, 'output', cons2, 'input')

    process(graph, {prod: [{}, {}, {}]})
Ejemplo n.º 2
def testTee():
    graph = WorkflowGraph()
    prod = t.TestProducer()
    prev = prod
    cons1 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    cons2 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    graph.connect(prod, 'output', cons1, 'input')
    graph.connect(prod, 'output', cons2, 'input')
    args.num = 3
    process(graph, inputs={prod: [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}]}, args=args)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def testPipeline():
    prod = t.TestProducer()
    cons1 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    cons2 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    graph = WorkflowGraph()
    graph.connect(prod, 'output', cons1, 'input')
    graph.connect(cons1, 'output', cons2, 'input')
    results = simple_process.process_and_return(
        graph, inputs={prod: [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}]})
    assert {cons2.id: {'output': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}} == results
Ejemplo n.º 4
def testPipeline():
    prod = t.TestProducer()
    cons1 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    cons2 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    graph = WorkflowGraph()
    graph.connect(prod, 'output', cons1, 'input')
    graph.connect(cons1, 'output', cons2, 'input')
    args = argparse.Namespace
    args.num = 5
    args.simple = False
    process(graph, inputs={prod: [{}, {}, {}]}, args=args)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def testSquare():
    graph = WorkflowGraph()
    prod = t.TestProducer(2)
    cons1 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    cons2 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    last = t.TestTwoInOneOut()
    graph.connect(prod, 'output0', cons1, 'input')
    graph.connect(prod, 'output1', cons2, 'input')
    graph.connect(cons1, 'output', last, 'input0')
    graph.connect(cons2, 'output', last, 'input1')
    args.num = 4
    process(graph, inputs={prod: [{}]}, args=args)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def testSquare():
    graph = WorkflowGraph()
    prod = t.TestProducer(2)
    cons1 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    cons2 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    last = t.TestTwoInOneOut()
    graph.connect(prod, 'output0', cons1, 'input')
    graph.connect(prod, 'output1', cons2, 'input')
    graph.connect(cons1, 'output', last, 'input0')
    graph.connect(cons2, 'output', last, 'input1')
    results = simple_process.process_and_return(graph, {prod: [{}]})
    assert {last.id: {'output': ['1', '1']}} == results
def testAlltoOne():

    graph = WorkflowGraph()
    prod = t.TestProducer()
    cons1 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    cons2 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    cons1.numprocesses = 5
    cons2.numprocesses = 5
    graph.connect(prod, 'output', cons1, 'input')
    cons2.inputconnections['input']['grouping'] = 'global'
    graph.connect(cons1, 'output', cons2, 'input')
    return graph
Ejemplo n.º 8
def testTee():
    Creates a graph with two consumer nodes and a tee connection.

    :rtype: the created graph
    graph = WorkflowGraph()
    prod = t.TestProducer()
    cons1 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    cons2 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    graph.connect(prod, 'output', cons1, 'input')
    graph.connect(prod, 'output', cons2, 'input')
    return graph
Ejemplo n.º 9
def testGrouping():

    words = t.RandomWordProducer()
    cons1 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    cons2 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    cons3 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    count = t.WordCounter()
    graph = WorkflowGraph()
    graph.connect(words, 'output', cons1, 'input')
    graph.connect(cons1, 'output', cons2, 'input')
    graph.connect(cons2, 'output', cons3, 'input')
    graph.connect(cons3, 'output', count, 'input')

    graph.partitions = [[words], [cons1, cons2, cons3], [count]]
    return graph
Ejemplo n.º 10
def testAlltoOne():
    Creates a graph with two consumer nodes and a global grouping.
    :rtype: the created graph
    graph = WorkflowGraph()
    prod = t.TestProducer()
    cons1 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    cons2 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    graph.connect(prod, 'output', cons1, 'input')
    cons2.inputconnections['input']['grouping'] = 'global'
    graph.connect(cons1, 'output', cons2, 'input')
    return graph
def testParallelPipeline():
    Creates a graph with 4 nodes.

    :rtype: the created graph
    graph = WorkflowGraph()
    prod = t.TestProducer()
    cons1 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    cons2 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    cons3 = t.TestOneInOneOut()

    graph.connect(prod, 'output', cons1, 'input')
    graph.connect(cons1, 'output', cons2, 'input')
    graph.connect(cons1, 'output', cons3, 'input')

    return graph
Ejemplo n.º 12
def testOnetoAll():
    graph = WorkflowGraph()
    prod = t.TestProducer()
    cons = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    cons.numprocesses = 2
    cons.inputconnections['input']['grouping'] = 'all'
    graph.connect(prod, 'output', cons, 'input')
    return graph
Ejemplo n.º 13
def testParallelPipeline():
    Creates the parallel pipeline graph with partitioning information.

    :rtype: the created graph
    graph = WorkflowGraph()
    prod = t.TestProducer()
    cons1 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    cons2 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    cons3 = t.TestOneInOneOut()

    graph.connect(prod, 'output', cons1, 'input')
    graph.connect(cons1, 'output', cons2, 'input')
    graph.connect(cons1, 'output', cons3, 'input')

    graph.partitions = [[prod, cons1, cons2], [cons3]]

    return graph
def testTee():
    Creates a graph with two consumer nodes and a tee connection.

    :rtype: the created graph
    graph = WorkflowGraph()
        numIterations = int(sys.argv[4])
        numIterations = 1
    prod = t.NumberProducer(numIterations)
    cons1 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    cons2 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    cons3 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    graph.connect(prod, 'output', cons1, 'input')
    graph.connect(cons1, 'output', cons2, 'input')
    graph.connect(cons1, 'output', cons3, 'input')
    return graph
Ejemplo n.º 15
def testPipeline(graph):
    Adds a pipeline to the given graph.

    :rtype: the created graph
    prod = t.TestProducer()
    prev = prod
    for i in range(5):
        cons = t.TestOneInOneOut()
        graph.connect(prev, 'output', cons, 'input')
        prev = cons
    return graph
Ejemplo n.º 16
def testPipeline(graph):
    Creates a pipeline and adds it to the given graph.
    :rtype: the modified graph
    prod = t.TestProducer()
    prev = prod
    part1 = [prod]
    part2 = []
    for i in range(5):
        cons = t.TestOneInOneOut()
        graph.connect(prev, 'output', cons, 'input')
        prev = cons
    return graph
Ejemplo n.º 17
def testSplitMerge():
    Creates the split/merge graph with 4 nodes.
    :rtype: the created graph
    graph = WorkflowGraph()
    prod = t.TestProducer(2)
    cons1 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
    cons2 = t.TestOneInOneOutWriter()
    last = t.TestTwoInOneOut()
    graph.connect(prod, 'output0', cons1, 'input')
    graph.connect(prod, 'output1', cons2, 'input')
    graph.connect(cons1, 'output', last, 'input0')
    graph.connect(cons2, 'output', last, 'input1')
    return graph
Ejemplo n.º 18
        Each node in the graph is executed as a separate MPI process.
        This graph has 3 nodes. For this reason we need at least 3 MPI
        processes to execute it.


        Processes: {'TestDelayOneInOneOut2': [2, 3], 'TestProducer0': [4], \
'TestOneInOneOut1': [0, 1]}
        TestProducer0 (rank 4): Processed 10 iterations.
        TestOneInOneOut1 (rank 1): Processed 5 iterations.
        TestOneInOneOut1 (rank 0): Processed 5 iterations.
        TestDelayOneInOneOut2 (rank 3): Average processing time: 1.00058307648
        TestDelayOneInOneOut2 (rank 3): Processed 5 iterations.
        TestDelayOneInOneOut2 (rank 2): Average processing time: 1.00079641342
        TestDelayOneInOneOut2 (rank 2): Processed 5 iterations.


from dispel4py.examples.graph_testing import testing_PEs as t
from dispel4py.workflow_graph import WorkflowGraph
from dispel4py.new.monitoring import ProcessTimingPE

prod = t.TestProducer()
cons1 = t.TestOneInOneOut()
''' adding a processing timer '''
cons2 = ProcessTimingPE(t.TestDelayOneInOneOut())
''' important: this is the graph_variable '''
graph = WorkflowGraph()
graph.connect(prod, 'output', cons1, 'input')
graph.connect(cons1, 'output', cons2, 'input')