Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, ps, landscape):
        self._ps = ps
        self._landscape = landscape
        self._nx, self._ny = landscape.shape

        #Check if the simulation should end if an individual leaves the landscape bounds
        self._break_on_leave = ps.max_distance and (
            ps.max_distance < self._nx / 2. or ps.max_distance < self._ny / 2.)

        #Calculate the number of individuals to seed each of the initial source locations.
        self._ips = np.floor(self._ps.ips / len(self._ps.isl))

        #Construct the population and dispersal sub-models
        self._pmodel = Population_Model(ps)
        self._dmodel = Dispersal_Model(ps, landscape)
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def __init__(self, ps, landscape):
		self._ps = ps
		self._landscape = landscape
		self._nx, self._ny = landscape.shape
		#Check if the simulation should end if an individual leaves the landscape bounds
		self._break_on_leave = ps.max_distance and (
			ps.max_distance < self._nx / 2. or ps.max_distance < self._ny / 2.)
		#Calculate the number of individuals to seed each of the initial source locations.
		self._ips = np.floor(self._ps.ips / len(self._ps.isl))
		#Construct the population and dispersal sub-models
		self._pmodel = Population_Model(ps)
		self._dmodel = Dispersal_Model(ps, landscape)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class GMBI(object):
    def __init__(self, ps, landscape):
        self._ps = ps
        self._landscape = landscape
        self._nx, self._ny = landscape.shape

        #Check if the simulation should end if an individual leaves the landscape bounds
        self._break_on_leave = ps.max_distance and (
            ps.max_distance < self._nx / 2. or ps.max_distance < self._ny / 2.)

        #Calculate the number of individuals to seed each of the initial source locations.
        self._ips = np.floor(self._ps.ips / len(self._ps.isl))

        #Construct the population and dispersal sub-models
        self._pmodel = Population_Model(ps)
        self._dmodel = Dispersal_Model(ps, landscape)

    #Perform a single time step
    def step(self, N):
        #Simulate growth
        nac, nx, ny = N.shape
        for i in xrange(nx):
            for j in xrange(ny):
                if np.any(N[:, i, j] > 0):
                    self._pmodel.step(N[:, i, j], self._landscape[i, j])

        #Simulate dispersal
        age = 0
        for life_stage in xrange(self._ps.nls):
            self._dmodel.disperse(N[age, :, :], life_stage)
            age += self._ps.tsfls[life_stage]

    #Run a single simulation
    def run(self):
        print "new run"
        #Setup the initial population array, this is a three dimensional
        #array, indexed as (k, i, j) where each element represents the number of individuals
        #in age class k, in the sub-population at landscape coordinates (i, j)
        N = np.zeros((self._ps.nac, self._nx, self._ny), dtype=np.int32)

        #Seed the array with the initial populations
        for i, j in self._ps.isl:
            N[:, i, j] = self._ips

    #Store a summary of the initial model state in a list. In each time step, we add
    #a summary snapshot to this list and then it gets returned at the end
        Ns = [np.sum(N, 0)]

        #Run the simulation
        for t in range(1, self._ps.max_time_steps):
            print "time", t
            #Perform a time step, this modifes N

            #Store a summary snapshot for the timestep
            Ns.append(np.sum(N, 0))

            #Test if the model should continue to run
            if (self._break_on_leave
                    and not self._dmodel.all_in_bounds()) or np.sum(
                        Ns[-1]) == 0:

        return Ns
Ejemplo n.º 4
class GMBI(object):
	def __init__(self, ps, landscape):
		self._ps = ps
		self._landscape = landscape
		self._nx, self._ny = landscape.shape
		#Check if the simulation should end if an individual leaves the landscape bounds
		self._break_on_leave = ps.max_distance and (
			ps.max_distance < self._nx / 2. or ps.max_distance < self._ny / 2.)
		#Calculate the number of individuals to seed each of the initial source locations.
		self._ips = np.floor(self._ps.ips / len(self._ps.isl))
		#Construct the population and dispersal sub-models
		self._pmodel = Population_Model(ps)
		self._dmodel = Dispersal_Model(ps, landscape)
	#Perform a single time step
	def step(self, N):
		#Simulate growth
		nac, nx, ny = N.shape
		for i in xrange(nx):
			for j in xrange(ny):
				if np.any(N[:, i, j] > 0):
					self._pmodel.step(N[:, i, j], self._landscape[i,j])
		#Simulate dispersal
		age = 0
		for life_stage in xrange(self._ps.nls):
			self._dmodel.disperse(N[age,:,:], life_stage)
			age += self._ps.tsfls[life_stage]
	#Run a single simulation
	def run(self):
                print "new run"
		#Setup the initial population array, this is a three dimensional
		#array, indexed as (k, i, j) where each element represents the number of individuals
		#in age class k, in the sub-population at landscape coordinates (i, j)
		N = np.zeros((self._ps.nac, self._nx, self._ny), dtype=np.int32)				
		#Seed the array with the initial populations
		for i, j in self._ps.isl:
			N[:, i, j] = self._ips
		#Store a summary of the initial model state in a list. In each time step, we add
		#a summary snapshot to this list and then it gets returned at the end
		Ns = [np.sum(N, 0)]
		#Run the simulation
		for t in range(1, self._ps.max_time_steps):
                        print "time",t
			#Perform a time step, this modifes N
			#Store a summary snapshot for the timestep
			Ns.append(np.sum(N, 0))
			#Test if the model should continue to run
			if (self._break_on_leave and not self._dmodel.all_in_bounds()) or np.sum(Ns[-1]) == 0:
		return Ns