Ejemplo n.º 1
def inventory_menu():
    while True:
        menu = display.menu(
            "Inventory\nMax HP: \\frRed\n\\fwMax MP: \\fbBlue\n\\fwMovement Speed: \\fgGreen\n\\fwAttack Speed: White\nMagic Power: \\fcCyan\n\\fwStrength: \\fmMagenta\n\\fwLuck: \\fyYellow",
            "Back", "Set Consumable", "Set Weapon", "Set Hat", "Set Shirt",
            "Set Pants", "Set Ring")
        while menu.update() is None:
        if menu.update() != 0:
                [0, "consumable", "weapon", "hat", "shirt", "pants",
        # Redraw equip names.
        display.printc(display.WEAPON_X, display.WEAPON_Y, ' ' * 33)
        display.printc(display.WEAPON_X, display.WEAPON_Y,
        display.printc(display.HAT_X, display.HAT_Y, ' ' * 36)
        display.printc(display.HAT_X, display.HAT_Y,
        display.printc(display.SHIRT_X, display.SHIRT_Y, ' ' * 34)
        display.printc(display.SHIRT_X, display.SHIRT_Y,
        display.printc(display.PANTS_X, display.PANTS_Y, ' ' * 34)
        display.printc(display.PANTS_X, display.PANTS_Y,
        display.printc(display.RING_X, display.RING_Y, ' ' * 35)
        display.printc(display.RING_X, display.RING_Y,
        if menu.update() == 0:
Ejemplo n.º 2
def set_active(type):
    options = []  # All options to go in the menu.
    items = []  # The item corresponding to the option
    for opt in world.player.attributes["items"]:
        if opt.type == type:
            if opt.type == "spell":
                options.append(opt.name + "(" + str(opt.amount) + ")")
                options.append(opt.name + "(" + str(opt.amount) + ")" +

    menu = display.menu("Set to what?", "Back", *options)
    while menu.update() is None:

    if menu.update() == 0:  # They chose back

    if type != "spell":  # Spells don't have equip and unequip functions.
            world.player)  # Unequip the old item.
        world.player.attributes[type] = items[menu.update() -
                                              1]  # Find the new item
        world.player.attributes[type].equip(world.player)  # Equip new item
        world.player.attributes[type] = items[menu.update() - 1]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def save(name):
        with open("res/maps/" + name + ".wrld", "wb") as handle:
            pickle.dump(map, handle)
            pickle.dump(objects, handle)
    except Exception as ex:
        display.printc(20, 10, "Could not save. Press ESC to continue.")
        while not display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_ESCAPE):
Ejemplo n.º 4
def save_player():
        with open("res/saves/" + save_name + ".plr", "wb") as handle:
            pickle.dump(player, handle)
            pickle.dump(world_name, handle)
    except Exception as ex:
        display.printc(20, 10, "Could not save. Press ESC to continue.")
        while not display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_ESCAPE):
Ejemplo n.º 5
def inventory_menu():
    while True:
        menu = display.menu("Inventory\nMax HP: \\frRed\n\\fwMax MP: \\fbBlue\n\\fwMovement Speed: \\fgGreen\n\\fwAttack Speed: White\nMagic Power: \\fcCyan\n\\fwStrength: \\fmMagenta\n\\fwLuck: \\fyYellow", "Back", "Set Consumable", "Set Weapon", "Set Hat", "Set Shirt", "Set Pants", "Set Ring")
        while menu.update() is None:
        if menu.update() != 0:
            set_active([0, "consumable", "weapon", "hat", "shirt", "pants", "ring"][menu.update()])
        # Redraw equip names.
        display.printc(display.WEAPON_X, display.WEAPON_Y, ' ' * 33)
        display.printc(display.WEAPON_X, display.WEAPON_Y, world.player.attributes["weapon"].name[:33])
        display.printc(display.HAT_X, display.HAT_Y, ' ' * 36)
        display.printc(display.HAT_X, display.HAT_Y, world.player.attributes["hat"].name[:36])
        display.printc(display.SHIRT_X, display.SHIRT_Y, ' ' * 34)
        display.printc(display.SHIRT_X, display.SHIRT_Y, world.player.attributes["shirt"].name[:34]) 
        display.printc(display.PANTS_X, display.PANTS_Y, ' ' * 34)
        display.printc(display.PANTS_X, display.PANTS_Y, world.player.attributes["pants"].name[:34])
        display.printc(display.RING_X, display.RING_Y, ' ' * 35)
        display.printc(display.RING_X, display.RING_Y, world.player.attributes["ring"].name[:35])
        if menu.update() == 0:
Ejemplo n.º 6
def set_active(type):
    options = [] # All options to go in the menu.
    items = [] # The item corresponding to the option
    for opt in world.player.attributes["items"]:
        if opt.type == type:
            if opt.type == "spell":
                options.append(opt.name + "(" + str(opt.amount) + ")")
                options.append(opt.name +"(" + str(opt.amount) + ")" + opt.attributes["disp_data"])

    menu = display.menu("Set to what?", "Back", *options)
    while menu.update() is None:

    if menu.update() == 0: # They chose back

    if type != "spell": # Spells don't have equip and unequip functions.
        world.player.attributes[type].unequip(world.player) # Unequip the old item.
        world.player.attributes[type] = items[menu.update() - 1] # Find the new item
        world.player.attributes[type].equip(world.player) # Equip new item
        world.player.attributes[type] = items[menu.update() - 1]
Ejemplo n.º 7
def help_menu():
    display.printc(0, 0,  "pyRPG is a real-time terminal based RPG")
    display.printc(0, 4,  "In a menu, use either the UP ARROW key or the Q key to move your cursor up")
    display.printc(0, 5,  "Use either the DOWN ARROW key or the E key to move your cursor down")
    display.printc(0, 6,  "Use ENTER to select the current option")
    display.printc(0, 9,  "Character controls:")
    display.printc(0, 10, "Use WASD to move and IJKL to attack directionally")
    display.printc(0, 11, "Press SPACE to cast your current spell, set in the Spell menu")
    display.printc(0, 12, "Press LEFT SHIFT to use your item, set in the Consumable menu of your inventory")
    display.printc(0, 13, "Press ESC to open the main menu to save, access inventory, set spell, or exit")
    display.printc(0, 15, "Press ENTER to go to page two or press ESC to exit to the main menu")
    while (not display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_ESCAPE)) and (not display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_RETURN)):
        pass # Wait for press of ESC or ENTER
    if display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_ESCAPE):
        while display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_ESCAPE):
            pass # Wait for release
    while display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_RETURN):
        pass # Wait for release
    # Now give page 2 of the menu.
    display.printc(0, 0, "Colors and symbols guide:")
    display.printc(0, 2, "Colors:")

    display.printc(0, 3, "Red", display.RED)
    display.printc(4, 3, "is either a locked portal ( ) or an obstacle. Often,     objects hurt.")
    display.printc(31, 3, "O", display.RED)
    display.printc(57, 3, "red", display.RED)

    display.printc(0, 4, "White objects tend to be neutral. Walls (#) and floors (.) tend to be white.")
    display.printc(0, 5, "Blue", display.BLUE)
    display.printc(5, 5, "objects are often portals ( ). Also, player attacks ( ) are blue.")
    display.printc(32, 5, "O", display.BLUE)
    display.printc(58, 5, "!", display.BLUE)

    display.printc(0, 6, "Cyan", display.CYAN)
    display.printc(5, 6, "objects are enemies. All enemies are      and all      things are enemies.")
    display.printc(42, 6, "cyan", display.CYAN)
    display.printc(55, 6, "cyan", display.CYAN)

    display.printc(0, 7, "Green", display.GREEN)
    display.printc(6, 7, "objects are grass( ) and NPCs. Talk to things that are      .")
    display.printc(24, 7, ';', display.GREEN)
    display.printc(61, 7, "green", display.GREEN)

    display.printc(0, 8, "Magenta", display.MAGENTA)
    display.printc(8, 8, "tends not to be used. Enemy attacks ( ) are        .")
    display.printc(45, 8, "!", display.MAGENTA)
    display.printc(52, 8, "magenta", display.MAGENTA)

    display.printc(0, 9, "Yellow", display.YELLOW)
    display.printc(7, 9, "is loot! Money ( ) and chests ( ) are       .        things are good.")
    display.printc(23, 9, "$", display.YELLOW)
    display.printc(38, 9, "@", display.YELLOW)
    display.printc(45, 9, "yellow", display.YELLOW)
    display.printc(53, 9, "Yellow", display.YELLOW)

    display.printc(0, 11, "Common Symbols:")
    display.printc(0, 12, "@", display.YELLOW)
    display.printc(2, 12, "is a chest. Stand next to to see what it holds!")
    display.printc(0, 13, "# is a wall. Walls block movement of the player, attacks, and enemies.")
    display.printc(0, 14, ". is a common ground tile. It does nothing special.")
    display.printc(0, 15, "#", display.RED)
    display.printc(2, 15, "is lava. Stepping on it hurts!")
    display.printc(0, 16, ';', display.GREEN)
    display.printc(2, 16, "is a common ground tile. It does nothing special.")
    display.printc(0, 17, "| \\\\ /", display.YELLOW)
    display.printc(6, 17, "are levers. Stand next to it and press ENTER to pull it. What does it do?")

    display.printc(0, 20, "These are common trends and there are objects that break these trends.")
    display.printc(0, 21, "However, they hold true for most objects that you will encounter.")
    display.printc(0, 22, "Also, the rule about cyan objects ALWAYS holds.")
    display.printc(21, 22, "cyan", display.CYAN)

    display.printc(0, 24, "Press ENTER to continue...")
    while not display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_RETURN):
    while display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_RETURN):
Ejemplo n.º 8
def load_game():
    # Get all save files
    saves = glob.glob("res/saves/*.plr")
    # Parse res/saves/FILE.plr to just FILE. Much better for display, don't want the res/ for pickling.
    saves = [file[10:-4] for file in saves]
    if len(saves) == 0:
        display.printc(30, 8, "No saves were found...")
        while display.getch() == -1:
    # Break saves into pages.
    PAGE_SIZE = 25
    pages = [[]]
    for opt in saves:             # Add every object to the list.
        if len(pages[-1]) == PAGE_SIZE:    # If list overflow, add a new page
        # Add option to last element in pages. Also should edits it to give amount held too.

    curr_page = 0
    choice = 0
    # Display first page
    for index in range(len(pages[curr_page])):
        display.printc(10, index, pages[curr_page][index]) # Print out the option

    display.printc(9, 0, '>') # Cursor
    can_up = True
    can_down = True
    while True: # Now loop and wait for a choice
        if (display.keyDown(ord('Q')) or display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_UP)) and can_up:
            # Go up 1.
            display.printc(9, choice, ' ') # Remove old arrow
            if choice == 0: # Already at top of page. 
                if curr_page == 0:
                    curr_page = len(pages) - 1 # Go to last page
                    # Go up a page
                    curr_page -= 1
                choice = len(pages[-1]) # Go to bottom of page
                display.clear() # Clear all the old stuff.
                for index in range(len(pages[curr_page])): # Draw the new page
                    display.printc(10, index, pages[curr_page][index]) # Print out the option

            choice -= 1 # Go up 1.
            display.printc(9, choice, '>') # Redraw arrow
            display.refresh() # Refresh screen
            can_up = False
        if not (display.keyDown(ord('Q')) or display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_UP)):
            can_up = True
        if (display.keyDown(ord('E')) or display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_DOWN)) and can_down:
            # Go down 1.
            display.printc(9, choice, ' ') # Remove old arrow
            if choice == len(pages[curr_page]) - 1: # Already at bottom of page. 
                if curr_page == len(pages) - 1:
                    curr_page = 0 # Go to first page
                    # Go down a page
                    curr_page += 1
                choice = -1 # Go to top of page
                display.clear() # Clear all the old stuff.
                for index in range(len(pages[curr_page])): # Draw the new page
                    display.printc(10, index, pages[curr_page][index]) # Print out the option

            choice += 1 # Go down 1.
            if choice == len(pages[curr_page]):
                choice -= 1 # At bottom, can't go down
            display.printc(9, choice, '>') # Redraw arrow
            display.refresh() # Refresh screen
            can_down = False
        if not (display.keyDown(ord('E')) or display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_DOWN)):
            can_down = True

        # TODO: Possibly let them easily skip through pages with AD and left/right arrow keys
        if display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_RETURN):
            file = pages[curr_page][choice]
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def update(this, delta_time):
        # Reprint top bar status
        display.printc(8, 0, str(int(this.attributes["HP"])) + "/" + str(int(this.attributes["maxHP"])) + "  ")
        display.printc(8, 1, str(int(this.attributes["MP"])) + "/" + str(int(this.attributes["maxMP"])) + "  ")
        display.printc(10, 2, str(this.attributes["money"]) + "     ")
        display.printc(12, 3, str(this.attributes["level"]))
        display.printc(5, 4, str(int(0.5*this.attributes["level"]**2 + 0.5*this.attributes["level"] + 4 - this.attributes["EXP"])) + " to level        ")
        # Check HP diff for flash on hit stuff
        if this.attributes["HP"] < this.attributes["lastHP"]:
            this.attributes["sincehit"] = 0
            this.attributes["sincehit"] += delta_time
        # Check for movement
        if display.keyDown(ord('W')) and (not "del_up" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            if (this.Y > 0) and world.map[this.X][this.Y - 1][3]:
                this.Y -= 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_up"] = effect.effect(this, 500/(1+2.718**(.01*this.attributes["mov_spd"])))
        if display.keyDown(ord('S')) and (not "del_down" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            if (this.Y < world.WORLD_Y - 1) and world.map[this.X][this.Y + 1][3]:
                this.Y += 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_down"] = effect.effect(this, 500/(1+2.718**(.01*this.attributes["mov_spd"])))
        if display.keyDown(ord('A')) and (not "del_left" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            if (this.X > 0) and world.map[this.X - 1][this.Y][3]:
                this.X -= 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_left"] = effect.effect(this, 500/(1+2.718**(.01*this.attributes["mov_spd"])))
        if display.keyDown(ord('D')) and (not "del_right" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            if (this.X < world.WORLD_X - 1) and world.map[this.X + 1][this.Y][3]:
                this.X += 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_right"] = effect.effect(this, 500/(1+2.718**(.01*this.attributes["mov_spd"])))

        # Check for spell cast
        if display.keyDown(ord(' ')) and this.attributes["can_cast"]:
            this.attributes["can_cast"] = False
        if not display.keyDown(ord(' ')):
            this.attributes["can_cast"] = True

        # Attacks!
        if (display.keyDown(ord('I'))) and (this.Y != 0) and (world.map[this.X][this.Y - 1][3]) and (not "del_atk" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            world.objects.append(attack.attack(this.X, this.Y - 1, 0, -1, (this.attributes["strength"] * this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["damage"] // 2), this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["range"], 100, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(this, 500/(1+2.718**(.01*this.attributes["atk_spd"])))
        if (display.keyDown(ord('J'))) and (this.X != 0) and (world.map[this.X - 1][this.Y][3]) and (not "del_atk" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            world.objects.append(attack.attack(this.X - 1, this.Y, -1, 0, (this.attributes["strength"] * this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["damage"] // 2), this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["range"], 100, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(this, 500/(1+2.718**(.01*this.attributes["atk_spd"])))
        if (display.keyDown(ord('K'))) and (this.Y != 19) and (world.map[this.X][this.Y + 1][3]) and (not "del_atk" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            world.objects.append(attack.attack(this.X, this.Y + 1, 0, 1, (this.attributes["strength"] * this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["damage"] // 2), this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["range"], 100, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(this, 500/(1+2.718**(.01*this.attributes["atk_spd"])))
        if (display.keyDown(ord('L'))) and (this.X != 49) and (world.map[this.X + 1][this.Y][3]) and (not "del_atk" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            world.objects.append(attack.attack(this.X + 1, this.Y, 1, 0, (this.attributes["strength"] * this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["damage"] // 2), this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["range"], 100, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(this, 500/(1+2.718**(.01*this.attributes["atk_spd"])))
            # Or with our constants in python, time = 500/(1+2.718^(.01x)), which is a nice logistic formula.
        # Check for item use
        if display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_LSHIFT) and this.attributes["can_item"] and (this.attributes["consumable"].name != "Nothing"):
            this.attributes["can_item"] = False
            this.attributes["consumable"].amount -= 1
            if this.attributes["consumable"].amount == 0:
                del this.attributes["items"][this.attributes["items"].index(this.attributes["consumable"])]
                this.attributes["consumable"] = item.item("Nothing", "consumable", 0, 1, {"icon" : ["   ", "   ", "   "], "color" : 0})
        if not display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_SHIFT):
            this.attributes["can_item"] = True
        # Update all effects.
        eff_printed = 0
        if display.sidebar_line < 10:   # Must have room to show some effects
            display.printc(50, display.sidebar_line, "Effects:")
            eff_printed = display.sidebar_line
            display.sidebar_line += 1

        eff_del_list = []
        for eff_name in this.attributes["effects"]:
            eff = this.attributes["effects"][eff_name]
            eff.tick(delta_time)  # Tick effect
            if eff.time <= 0:           # Remove effect
        for eff_name in eff_del_list:
            del this.attributes["effects"][eff_name]
        del eff_del_list

        if eff_printed == display.sidebar_line - 1:
            display.printc(50, display.sidebar_line, " No effects")
            display.sidebar_line += 1

        if this.attributes["HP"] <= 0: #TODO: Actually have things happen when you die.
            display.printc(33, 9,  "+++++++++++++", display.RED)
            display.printc(33, 10, "+ You DIED! +", display.RED)
            display.printc(33, 11, "+++++++++++++", display.RED)
            while display.getch() != -1: # Wait for key release
            while display.getch() == -1: # Wait for keypress

        # Finally, update lastHP. Done after effects because we don't want effects to make you constantly red
        this.attributes["lastHP"] = this.attributes["HP"]
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: dmaes/z-park
#! /usr/bin/env python3

from gpiozero import Button
from time import sleep

import display
import entrance

btn = Button(2)

while True:
    if btn.is_pressed:

Ejemplo n.º 11
		while True:
			CONTROLLER = os.read(dev,1)
	thread.start_new_thread(listenController, ("controller1 thread", 4))
	print "unable to create thread"

#displays start screen
font.letter_S(25, 10, 5)
font.letter_N(20, 10, 5)
font.letter_A(15, 10, 5)
font.letter_K(10, 10, 5)
font.letter_E(5, 10, 5)

while CONTROLLER == "":

font.letter_S(25, 10, 0)
font.letter_N(20, 10, 0)
font.letter_A(15, 10, 0)
font.letter_K(10, 10, 0)
font.letter_E(5, 10, 0)
game_loop = True
while game_loop:

Ejemplo n.º 12
	def run(self):
		display.msg("ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO PQR STU VWX",False,self.win)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def update(this, delta_time):
        # Reprint top bar status
            8, 0,
            str(int(this.attributes["HP"])) + "/" +
            str(int(this.attributes["maxHP"])) + "  ")
            8, 1,
            str(int(this.attributes["MP"])) + "/" +
            str(int(this.attributes["maxMP"])) + "  ")
        display.printc(10, 2, str(this.attributes["money"]) + "     ")
        display.printc(12, 3, str(this.attributes["level"]))
            5, 4,
                int(0.5 * this.attributes["level"]**2 + 0.5 *
                    this.attributes["level"] + 4 - this.attributes["EXP"])) +
            " to level        ")
        # Check HP diff for flash on hit stuff
        if this.attributes["HP"] < this.attributes["lastHP"]:
            this.attributes["sincehit"] = 0
            this.attributes["sincehit"] += delta_time

        # Check for movement
        if display.keyDown(
                ord('W')) and (not "del_up" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            if (this.Y > 0) and world.map[this.X][this.Y - 1][3]:
                this.Y -= 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_up"] = effect.effect(
                this, 500 / (1 + 2.718**(.01 * this.attributes["mov_spd"])))
        if display.keyDown(
                ord('S')) and (not "del_down" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            if (this.Y < world.WORLD_Y - 1) and world.map[this.X][this.Y +
                this.Y += 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_down"] = effect.effect(
                this, 500 / (1 + 2.718**(.01 * this.attributes["mov_spd"])))
        if display.keyDown(
                ord('A')) and (not "del_left" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            if (this.X > 0) and world.map[this.X - 1][this.Y][3]:
                this.X -= 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_left"] = effect.effect(
                this, 500 / (1 + 2.718**(.01 * this.attributes["mov_spd"])))
        if display.keyDown(
                ord('D')) and (not "del_right" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            if (this.X < world.WORLD_X - 1) and world.map[this.X +
                this.X += 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_right"] = effect.effect(
                this, 500 / (1 + 2.718**(.01 * this.attributes["mov_spd"])))

        # Check for spell cast
        if display.keyDown(ord(' ')) and this.attributes["can_cast"]:
            this.attributes["can_cast"] = False
        if not display.keyDown(ord(' ')):
            this.attributes["can_cast"] = True

        # Attacks!
        if (display.keyDown(ord('I'))) and (this.Y != 0) and (
                world.map[this.X][this.Y - 1][3]) and (
                    not "del_atk" in this.attributes["effects"]):
                    this.X, this.Y - 1, 0, -1,
                    (this.attributes["strength"] *
                     this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["damage"] // 2),
                    this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["range"], 100, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(
                this, 500 / (1 + 2.718**(.01 * this.attributes["atk_spd"])))

        if (display.keyDown(ord('J'))) and (this.X != 0) and (
                world.map[this.X - 1][this.Y][3]) and (
                    not "del_atk" in this.attributes["effects"]):
                    this.X - 1, this.Y, -1, 0,
                    (this.attributes["strength"] *
                     this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["damage"] // 2),
                    this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["range"], 100, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(
                this, 500 / (1 + 2.718**(.01 * this.attributes["atk_spd"])))

        if (display.keyDown(ord('K'))) and (this.Y != 19) and (
                world.map[this.X][this.Y + 1][3]) and (
                    not "del_atk" in this.attributes["effects"]):
                    this.X, this.Y + 1, 0, 1,
                    (this.attributes["strength"] *
                     this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["damage"] // 2),
                    this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["range"], 100, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(
                this, 500 / (1 + 2.718**(.01 * this.attributes["atk_spd"])))

        if (display.keyDown(ord('L'))) and (this.X != 49) and (
                world.map[this.X + 1][this.Y][3]) and (
                    not "del_atk" in this.attributes["effects"]):
                    this.X + 1, this.Y, 1, 0,
                    (this.attributes["strength"] *
                     this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["damage"] // 2),
                    this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["range"], 100, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(
                this, 500 / (1 + 2.718**(.01 * this.attributes["atk_spd"])))
            # Or with our constants in python, time = 500/(1+2.718^(.01x)), which is a nice logistic formula.

        # Check for item use
        if display.keyDown(
                display.CONST.VK_LSHIFT) and this.attributes["can_item"] and (
                    this.attributes["consumable"].name != "Nothing"):
            this.attributes["can_item"] = False
            this.attributes["consumable"].amount -= 1
            if this.attributes["consumable"].amount == 0:
                del this.attributes["items"][this.attributes["items"].index(
                this.attributes["consumable"] = item.item(
                    "Nothing", "consumable", 0, 1, {
                        "icon": ["   ", "   ", "   "],
                        "color": 0
        if not display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_SHIFT):
            this.attributes["can_item"] = True

        # Update all effects.
        eff_printed = 0
        if display.sidebar_line < 10:  # Must have room to show some effects
            display.printc(50, display.sidebar_line, "Effects:")
            eff_printed = display.sidebar_line
            display.sidebar_line += 1

        eff_del_list = []
        for eff_name in this.attributes["effects"]:
            eff = this.attributes["effects"][eff_name]
            eff.tick(delta_time)  # Tick effect
            if eff.time <= 0:  # Remove effect
        for eff_name in eff_del_list:
            del this.attributes["effects"][eff_name]
        del eff_del_list

        if eff_printed == display.sidebar_line - 1:
            display.printc(50, display.sidebar_line, " No effects")
            display.sidebar_line += 1

        if this.attributes[
                "HP"] <= 0:  #TODO: Actually have things happen when you die.
            display.printc(33, 9, "+++++++++++++", display.RED)
            display.printc(33, 10, "+ You DIED! +", display.RED)
            display.printc(33, 11, "+++++++++++++", display.RED)
            while display.getch() != -1:  # Wait for key release
            while display.getch() == -1:  # Wait for keypress


        # Finally, update lastHP. Done after effects because we don't want effects to make you constantly red
        this.attributes["lastHP"] = this.attributes["HP"]
Ejemplo n.º 14
def start():
    """Gives the main menu option to load a file, create a new file, or exit"""

    display.printc(28, 10, "Welcome to pyRPG!")
    display.printc(30, 11,   ">Load a file")
    display.printc(31, 12,    "New game")
    display.printc(31, 13,    "Multiplayer")
    display.printc(31, 14,    "Exit game")
    display.printc(28, 15,    "Press H for help")

    opt = 0
    while True:

        # Move cursor up if w or up key pressed
        if display.keyDown(ord('Q')) or display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_UP):
            # Clear old cursor
            display.printc(30, opt + 11, ' ')
            opt -= 1
            if opt < 0:
                opt = 3
            # Redraw for good menu
            display.printc(30, opt + 11, '>')
            # Wait for release
            while display.keyDown(ord('Q')) or display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_UP):

        # Move cursor down if s or down key pressed
        if display.keyDown(ord('E')) or display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_DOWN):
            # Clear old cursor
            display.printc(30, opt + 11, ' ')
            opt += 1
            if opt > 3:
                opt = 0
            # Redraw for good menu
            display.printc(30, opt + 11, '>')
            # Wait for release
            while display.keyDown(ord('E')) or display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_DOWN):

        # If they have e or enter pressed, they chose an option.
        if display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_RETURN):
            # Wait for key release
            while display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_RETURN):
            if opt == 0:
            if opt == 1:
                world.player.attributes["HP"] = world.player.attributes["maxHP"]
                world.player.attributes["MP"] = world.player.attributes["maxMP"]
            if opt == 2:
                display.printc(28, 10, "Welcome to pyRPG!")
                display.printc(31, 11,    "Load a file")
                display.printc(31, 12,    "New game")
                display.printc(30, 13,    ">Multiplayer")
                display.printc(31, 14,    "Exit game")
                display.printc(28, 15,    "Press H for help")
            if opt == 3:
                display.end() # They chose exit

        # They need help!
        if display.keyDown(ord('H')):
            display.printc(28, 10, "Welcome to pyRPG!")
            display.printc(31, 11,    "Load a file")
            display.printc(31, 12,    "New game")
            display.printc(31, 13,    "Multiplayer")
            display.printc(31, 14,    "Exit game")
            display.printc(28, 15,    "Press H for help")
            display.printc(30, opt + 11, '>')
Ejemplo n.º 15
def iterateStep():
	if world.status() == logic.DEAD:
		print 'Your world is dead'
	display.refresh(world.vision(), world.status())
Ejemplo n.º 16
def new_game():
    # Get their save name
    inpt = display.getch()
    curs_loc = 0
    file_name = ""

    display.printc(30, 9, "Enter your name:")
    while inpt != 10: # Until ENTER pressed
        if inpt == 8: # Backspace
            if curs_loc != 0:
                curs_loc -= 1
                file_name = file_name[:-1] # Remove last character
            display.printc(curs_loc + 30, 10, ' ')
        elif (inpt != -1) and (curs_loc < 45) and (chr(inpt) in "abcdefghijklmnopqrtsuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_-1234567890 "): # Also don't let them get too long. 45 chosen arbitrarily because yeah.
            display.printc(curs_loc + 30, 10, chr(inpt))
            file_name += chr(inpt)
            curs_loc += 1
        inpt = display.getch()
    # Wait for release
    while display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_RETURN):
    if file_name == len(file_name) * ' ':
        file_name = "default"
    world.save_name = file_name
    # Class select!
    # What color each class should be
    color_list = [display.RED, display.BLUE, display.YELLOW]
    # What the middle text is for each class
    text_list = ["+  Warrior   +", "+    Mage    +", "+   Thief    +"]
    # The box of '+'s top and bottom
    box = '+' * 14

    # Number of rows each box takes up. 3 for the box + 2 for the space below
    box_size = 5
    # Where the boxes start display on y-axis
    box_start = 4
    # Left side of boxes
    box_left = 32
    # Clear screen and set up menu.
    for i in range(len(text_list)):
        display.printc(box_left, box_start + i * box_size, box)
        display.printc(box_left, box_start + i * box_size + 1, text_list[i])
        display.printc(box_left, box_start + i * box_size + 2, box)

    # Draw first box in color
    display.printc(box_left, box_start, box, color_list[0])
    display.printc(box_left, box_start + 1, text_list[0], color_list[0])
    display.printc(box_left, box_start + 2, box, color_list[0])

    choice = 0;
    while True:
        # Check for choice down/up
        if display.keyDown(ord('Q')) or display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_UP):
            # Redraw current box in white
            display.printc(box_left, box_start + choice * box_size, box)
            display.printc(box_left, box_start + choice * box_size + 1, text_list[choice])
            display.printc(box_left, box_start + choice * box_size + 2, box)
            # If decrementing choice would bring it below zero, set it to one past last
            if choice == 0:
                choice = len(text_list)
            # And decrement it.
            choice -= 1

            # Redraw new box in correct color.
            display.printc(box_left, box_start + choice * box_size, box, color_list[choice])
            display.printc(box_left, box_start + choice * box_size + 1, text_list[choice], color_list[choice])
            display.printc(box_left, box_start + choice * box_size + 2, box, color_list[choice])
            # Refresh display
            # Wait for release
            while display.keyDown(ord('Q')) or display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_UP):
        if display.keyDown(ord('E')) or display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_DOWN):
            # Redraw current box in white
            display.printc(box_left, box_start + choice * box_size, box)
            display.printc(box_left, box_start + choice * box_size + 1, text_list[choice])
            display.printc(box_left, box_start + choice * box_size + 2, box)
            # Go down
            choice += 1
            # Wrap options
            if choice == len(text_list):
                choice = 0
            # Redraw new box in correct color.
            display.printc(box_left, box_start + choice * box_size, box, color_list[choice])
            display.printc(box_left, box_start + choice * box_size + 1, text_list[choice], color_list[choice])
            display.printc(box_left, box_start + choice * box_size + 2, box, color_list[choice])
            # Refresh display
            # Wait for release
            while display.keyDown(ord('E')) or display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_DOWN):

        # Check if they chose an option
        if display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_RETURN):
            # Basic player. Choice will modify it's attributes.
            world.player = player.player(world.WORLD_X // 2, world.WORLD_Y - 3)

            hat =    start_eq.start_hat()
            shirt =  start_eq.start_shirt()
            pants =  start_eq.start_pants()
            weapon = start_eq.start_weapon()
            ring =   start_eq.start_ring()
            sp = spell.spell(heal.manaCost, heal.heal, heal.name, heal.icon, heal.color)
            pclass = ""
            if not choice: # Choice was 0, so warrior
                pclass = "warrior"
            if choice == 1: # Choice was Mage
                pclass = "mage"
            if choice == 2: # Choice was Thief
                pclass = "thief"

            world.player.attributes["class"] = pclass
            world.player.attributes["items"] = [hat, shirt, pants, ring, weapon, sp] # Give them their equips
            world.player.attributes["hat"] = hat
            world.player.attributes["shirt"] = shirt
            shirt.equip( world.player)
            world.player.attributes["pants"] = pants
            world.player.attributes["ring"] = ring
            world.player.attributes["weapon"] = weapon
            world.player.attributes["spell"] = sp

            # Load starting world
            world.objects = [world.player] + world.objects
Ejemplo n.º 17
def multiplayer():

    # Get username and password.
    inpt = display.getch()
    curs_loc = 0
    char_name = ""

    display.printc(30, 9, "Enter your name:")
    while inpt != 10: # Until ENTER pressed
        if inpt == 8: # Backspace
            if curs_loc != 0:
                curs_loc -= 1
                char_name = char_name[:-1] # Remove last character
            display.printc(curs_loc + 30, 10, ' ')
        elif (inpt != -1) and (curs_loc < 45) and (chr(inpt) in "abcdefghijklmnopqrtsuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_-1234567890 "): # Also don't let them get too long. 45 chosen arbitrarily because yeah.
            display.printc(curs_loc + 30, 10, chr(inpt))
            char_name += chr(inpt)
            curs_loc += 1
        inpt = display.getch()
    # Wait for release
    while display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_RETURN):
    if char_name == len(char_name) * ' ':
        char_name = "default"

    curs_loc = 0
    password = ""

    inpt = display.getch()
    display.printc(30, 11, "Enter your Password:"******"Passwords must be at least 8 characters.")
        elif inpt != -1:
            display.printc(30, 13, "                                        ")
        if inpt == 8: # Backspace
            if curs_loc != 0:
                curs_loc -= 1
                password = password[:-1] # Remove last character
            display.printc(curs_loc + 30, 12, ' ')
        elif (inpt != -1) and (curs_loc < 45) and (inpt < 127) and (inpt > 31): # Most characters allowed in password. Just has to be a printable ASCI
            display.printc(curs_loc + 30, 12, chr(inpt))
            password += chr(inpt)
            curs_loc += 1
        inpt = display.getch()
    # Wait for release
    while display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_RETURN):


    world.map = [[ [0, 1, '!'] for y in range(world.WORLD_Y)] for x in range(world.WORLD_X)]

    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        sock.sendto(bytes(char_name, 'utf-8'), ('localhost', 5000))
        (data, new_addr) = sock.recvfrom(65507)
        last_update = time.clock()

        # All coord pairs to overwrite.
        to_overwrite = []
        sidebar_lines = 0

        # ID of current map we're in. Useful for server.
        current_map = 0

        class states:
            WORLD = 0
            INVENTORY = 1

        class inventory: # Only one of these exists so we can just modify class stuff.
            class item:
                def __init__(this, name, desc, amount, value):
                    this.name = name
                    this.desc = desc
                    this.value = value
                    this.amount = amount

            selected_index = 0
            current_type = "weapon"

            weapons = []
            hats    = []
            shirts  = []
            pants   = []
            rings   = []
            consumables = []

            def str_to_list(string):
                return [inventory.weapons, inventory.hats, inventory.shirts, inventory.pants, inventory.rings, inventory.consumables][["weapon", "hat", "shirt", "pants", "ring", "consumable"].index(string)]           

            def clear(): # Clears entire inventory.
            def add_item(data): # Adds an item based off of current data
                split_data = [bytearray(g) for k,g in itertools.groupby(data, lambda x: x == 0) if not k] # Data is packed as type, name, desc, amount, value. First 3 are null terminated strings
                type = split_data[0].decode('utf-8')
                name = split_data[1].decode('utf-8')
                desc = split_data[2].decode('utf-8')
                amount = struct.unpack("!I", data[len(data) - 8: len(data) - 4])[0] # Unpack last bytes.
                value = struct.unpack("!I", data[len(data) - 4: len(data)])[0]
                inventory.str_to_list(type).append(inventory.item(name, desc, amount, value))

        state = states.WORLD
        while True:
            # Let players force quit with Ctrl+Q
            if display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_CONTROL) and display.keyDown(ord('Q')) or (time.clock() - last_update > 1.0):
                while display.keyDown(ord('Q')):
            if select.select([sock], [], [], 0) != ([], [], []):
                data, addr = sock.recvfrom(65507)
                while select.select([sock], [], [], 0) != ([], [], []):
                last_update = time.clock()

                if state == states.WORLD:
                    index = 1 # Current data index
                    if data[0] == NEWMAP:
                        current_map = data[index]
                        index += 1
                        map_size = struct.unpack("!I", data[index:index + 4])[0] # 4 bytes for size of map
                        index += 4
                        world.map = unpack_map(data[index: index + map_size]) 
                        index += map_size
                    elif data[0] == TO_INV:
                        display.printc(0, 5, ((" " * 80) + "\n") * 25) # Should clear main screen.
                        # Now print out inventory.
                        display.printc(0, 5, "Inventory: \\fyWeapons(1)\\fw Hats(2) Shirts(3) Pants(4) Rings(5) Consumables(6)")
                        display.printc(0, 6, "Name/Description                                  Value          Amount")
                        display.printc(0, 7, '-' * 80)
                        inventory.clear() # Clear old inv data.
                        index = 1 # Current data index.
                        while index < len(data):                        
                            num_bytes = struct.unpack("!I", data[index: index + 4])[0] # Number of bytes in item
                            index += 4 # increment index
                            inventory.add_item(data[index: index + num_bytes]) # Add the item.
                            index += num_bytes

                        # Set last tracking vals
                        inventory.current_type = "weapon"
                        inventory.selected_index = 0
                        # Now print out inventory
                        display.printc(0, 8, ">") # Draw cursor.
                        loc = 8 # y location to print item at.
                        for itm in inventory.weapons: # Default to weapons
                            display.printc(1, loc, itm.name)
                            display.printc(50, loc, str(itm.value))
                            display.printc(65, loc, str(itm.amount))
                            display.printc(2, loc + 1, itm.desc)
                            loc += 2
                            if loc > 23: # Can't print more. So we get 12 items per sheet.

                        state = states.INVENTORY
                        continue # Finish loop
                    # Here we do our updating
                    # So we need to redraw objects, HP/MP, gold, sidebar, and possibly equipment/spellbox/itembox
                    # Remove all previous objects
                    for elem in to_overwrite:
                        display.printc(elem[0], elem[1], world.map[elem[0]][elem[1] - 5][2], world.map[elem[0]][elem[1] - 5][0])
                    num_objs = data[index]
                    index += 1
                    # Redraw all new objects
                    while num_objs > 0:
                        x_loc = data[index]
                        y_loc = data[index + 1]
                        index += 2
                        char = data[index: index + unicode_bytes(data[index])].decode('utf-8') # Total char length for unicode char
                        index += unicode_bytes(data[index]) # Increment counter
                        color = data[index]
                        index += 1
                        display.printc(x_loc, 5 + y_loc, char, color, world.map[x_loc][y_loc][1])
                        to_overwrite.append((x_loc, 5 + y_loc))
                        num_objs -= 1
                    # Draw HP and MP
                    HP = struct.unpack("!I", data[index:index + 4])[0]
                    maxHP = struct.unpack("!I", data[index + 4 : index + 8])[0]
                    display.printc(8, 0, ' ' * 17)
                    display.printc(8, 0, str(HP) + "/" + str(maxHP))
                    index += 8

                    MP = struct.unpack("!I", data[index:index + 4])[0]
                    maxMP = struct.unpack("!I", data[index + 4 : index+8])[0]
                    display.printc(8, 1, ' ' * 17)
                    display.printc(8, 1, str(MP) + "/" + str(maxMP))
                    index += 8

                    # Draw level, EXP, gold:
                    level   = struct.unpack("!I", data[index: index + 4])[0]
                    exp     = struct.unpack("!I", data[index + 4: index + 8])[0]
                    gold    = struct.unpack("!I", data[index + 8: index + 12])[0]

                    display.printc(12, 3, str(level))
                    display.printc(5, 4, ' ' * 20)
                    display.printc(5, 4, str(int(exp)) + " to level")
                    display.printc(10, 2, ' ' * 15)
                    display.printc(10, 2, str(gold))
                    index += 12

                    # Print spell box, item box
                    spell_len = struct.unpack("!I", data[index: index + 4])[0]
                    index += 4
                    display.printc(display.SPELL_BOX_START + 1, 1, data[index: index + spell_len].decode('utf-8'))
                    index += spell_len

                    item_len = struct.unpack("!I", data[index: index + 4])[0]
                    index += 4
                    display.printc(display.ITEM_BOX_START + 1, 1, data[index: index + item_len].decode('utf-8'))
                    index += item_len

                    # Prints equipment
                    y_print = 0
                    for equip in [display.WEAPON_X, display.HAT_X, display.SHIRT_X, display.PANTS_X, display.RING_X]:
                        equip_len = struct.unpack("!I", data[index : index + 4])[0]
                        index += 4
                        display.printc(equip, y_print, ' ' * 37)
                        display.printc(equip, y_print, data[index : index + equip_len].decode('utf-8'))
                        index += equip_len
                        y_print += 1

                    # Now, we see if we have sidebar stuff to print.
                    # So overwrite previous sidebar
                    for ind in range(sidebar_lines):
                        display.printc(50, ind + 5, ' ' * 30)

                    sidebar_length = struct.unpack("!I", data[index: index + 4])[0]
                    index += 4
                    display.printc(50, 5, data[index : index + sidebar_length].decode('utf-8'))
                    sidebar_lines = display.getyx(display.stdscr)[0] - 4 # We know how far down we printed by where the cursor is.
            elif state == states.INVENTORY:
                # We can ignore data sent. So all we do is check kbd input and update based on that
                last_a = False
                if last_a and not display.keyDown(ord('A')):
                    display.printc(0, 0, 'B')
                if display.keyDown(ord('A')):
                    display.printc(0, 0, 'A')
                    last_a = True
            # Sends what keys are down.
            # Byte  Key
            # 0     W  
            # 1     A
            # 2     S
            # 3     D
            # 4     I
            # 5     J
            # 6     K
            # 7     L
            # 8     SHIFT 
            # 9     SPACE
            # 10    ENTER
            # 11    Q/UP
            # 12    E/DOWN
            # 13    U
            # 14    O
            # 15    ESC
            # 16    Special: Current map ID. Not actually a key. 

            to_send = bytearray(20)
            if state == states.WORLD: # Only send kbd input if we're in the world.
                to_send[0] = states.WORLD # Sending world input
                to_send[1] = display.keyDown(ord('W'))
                to_send[2] = display.keyDown(ord('A'))
                to_send[3] = display.keyDown(ord('S'))
                to_send[4] = display.keyDown(ord('D'))
                to_send[5] = display.keyDown(ord('I'))
                to_send[6] = display.keyDown(ord('J'))
                to_send[7] = display.keyDown(ord('K'))
                to_send[8] = display.keyDown(ord('L'))
                to_send[9] = display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_LSHIFT)
                to_send[10] = display.keyDown(ord(' '))
                to_send[11]= display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_RETURN)
                to_send[12]= display.keyDown(ord('Q')) or display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_UP)
                to_send[13]= display.keyDown(ord('E')) or display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_DOWN)
                to_send[14]= display.keyDown(ord('E'))
                to_send[15]= display.keyDown(ord('U'))
                to_send[16]= display.keyDown(ord('O'))
                to_send[17]= display.keyDown(ord('V'))
                to_send[18]= display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_ESCAPE)
                to_send[19] = current_map
            elif to_send == states.INVENTORY:
                to_send[0] = states.INVENTORY
            sock.sendto(to_send, new_addr)

    except ConnectionResetError as ex:
    except Exception as ex: