def __init__(self, pitchnum, stdout, sourcefile, resetPitchSize, resetThresholds, displayBlur, normalizeAtStartup, noDribbling): self.running = True self.connected = False self.stdout = stdout if sourcefile is None: self.cap = Camera() else: filetype = 'video' if sourcefile.endswith(('jpg', 'png')): filetype = 'image' self.cap = VirtualCamera(sourcefile, filetype) calibrationPath = os.path.join('calibration', 'pitch{0}'.format(pitchnum)) self.cap.loadCalibration(os.path.join(sys.path[0], calibrationPath)) self.preprocessor = Preprocessor(pitchnum, resetPitchSize) if self.preprocessor.hasPitchSize: self.gui = Gui(self.preprocessor.pitch_size) else: self.gui = Gui() self.threshold = Threshold(pitchnum, resetThresholds, displayBlur, normalizeAtStartup) self.thresholdGui = ThresholdGui(self.threshold, self.gui) self.features = Features(self.gui, self.threshold) self.filter = Filter(noDribbling) eventHandler = self.gui.getEventHandler() eventHandler.addListener('q', self.quit) while self.running: try: if not self.stdout: self.connect() else: self.connected = True if self.preprocessor.hasPitchSize: self.outputPitchSize() self.gui.setShowMouse(False) else: eventHandler.setClickListener(self.setNextPitchCorner) while self.running: self.doStuff() except socket.error: self.connected = False # If the rest of the system is not up yet/gets quit, # just wait for it to come available. time.sleep(1) # Strange things seem to happen to X sometimes if the # display isn't updated for a while self.doStuff() if not self.stdout: self.socket.close()
def __init__(self, pitchnum, stdout, sourcefile, resetPitchSize, noGui, debug_window, pipe): self.noGui = noGui self.lastFrameTime = self.begin_time = time.time() self.processed_frames = 0 self.running = True self.stdout = stdout self.pipe = pipe if sourcefile is None: = Camera() else: self.filetype = 'video' if sourcefile.endswith(('jpg', 'png')): self.filetype = 'image' self.gui = Gui(self.noGui) self.threshold = Threshold(pitchnum) self.thresholdGui = ThresholdGui(self.threshold, self.gui) self.preprocessor = Preprocessor(resetPitchSize) self.features = Features(self.gui, self.threshold) # if self.debug_window: # self.debug_window = DebugWindow() # else: # self.debug_window = None calibrationPath = os.path.join('calibration', 'pitch{0}'.format(pitchnum))[0], calibrationPath)) eventHandler = self.gui.getEventHandler() eventHandler.addListener('q', self.quit) # Ugly stuff for smoothing coordinates - should probably move it self._pastSize = 5 self._pastCoordinates = { 'yellow': [(0, 0)] * self._pastSize, 'blue': [(0, 0)] * self._pastSize, 'ball': [(0, 0)] * self._pastSize } self._pastAngles = { 'yellow': [1.0] * self._pastSize, 'blue': [1.0] * self._pastSize } while self.running: if self.preprocessor.hasPitchSize: self.outputPitchSize() self.gui.setShowMouse(False) else: eventHandler.setClickListener(self.setNextPitchCorner) while self.running: self.doStuff()
class Vision: def __init__(self, pitchnum, stdout, sourcefile, resetPitchSize, noGui, debug_window, pipe): self.noGui = noGui self.lastFrameTime = self.begin_time = time.time() self.processed_frames = 0 self.running = True self.stdout = stdout self.pipe = pipe if sourcefile is None: = Camera() else: self.filetype = 'video' if sourcefile.endswith(('jpg', 'png')): self.filetype = 'image' self.gui = Gui(self.noGui) self.threshold = Threshold(pitchnum) self.thresholdGui = ThresholdGui(self.threshold, self.gui) self.preprocessor = Preprocessor(resetPitchSize) self.features = Features(self.gui, self.threshold) # if self.debug_window: # self.debug_window = DebugWindow() # else: # self.debug_window = None calibrationPath = os.path.join('calibration', 'pitch{0}'.format(pitchnum))[0], calibrationPath)) eventHandler = self.gui.getEventHandler() eventHandler.addListener('q', self.quit) # Ugly stuff for smoothing coordinates - should probably move it self._pastSize = 5 self._pastCoordinates = { 'yellow': [(0, 0)] * self._pastSize, 'blue': [(0, 0)] * self._pastSize, 'ball': [(0, 0)] * self._pastSize } self._pastAngles = { 'yellow': [1.0] * self._pastSize, 'blue': [1.0] * self._pastSize } while self.running: if self.preprocessor.hasPitchSize: self.outputPitchSize() self.gui.setShowMouse(False) else: eventHandler.setClickListener(self.setNextPitchCorner) while self.running: self.doStuff() def quit(self): self.running = False self.pipe.send('q') def print_fps(self): thisFrameTime = time.time() time_diff = thisFrameTime - self.lastFrameTime fps = 1.0 / time_diff self.processed_frames = self.processed_frames + 1 avg_fps = self.processed_frames * 1.0 / (thisFrameTime - self.begin_time) self.lastFrameTime = thisFrameTime if self.stdout: print("Instantaneous fps = %f Average fps = %f" % (fps, avg_fps)) def doStuff(self): frame = # Uncomment to see changes in barrell distortion matrix # calibrationPath = os.path.join('calibration', 'pitch{0}'.format(0)) #[0], calibrationPath)) frame = self.preprocessor.preprocess(frame) self.gui.updateLayer('raw', frame) ents = self.features.extractFeatures(frame) self.outputEnts(ents) self.print_fps() self.gui.loop() def setNextPitchCorner(self, where): self.preprocessor.setNextPitchCorner(where) if self.preprocessor.hasPitchSize: self.outputPitchSize() self.gui.setShowMouse(False) self.gui.updateLayer('corner', None) else: self.gui.drawCrosshair(where, 'corner') def outputPitchSize(self): if self.stdout: print ("Pitch size:\t %i\t %i\n" % tuple(self.preprocessor.pitch_size)) # if self.debug_window: # self.debug_window.insert_text("Pitch size:\t %i\t %i\n" % tuple(self.preprocessor.pitch_size)) self.pipe.send(InitSignal(self.preprocessor.pitch_size[0], self.preprocessor.pitch_size[1])) def addCoordinates(self, entity, coordinates): self._pastCoordinates[entity].pop(0) self._pastCoordinates[entity].append(coordinates) #(x, y) = coordinates; # if the frame is bad(-1) then add the most recent coordinate instead #if (x != -1): # self._pastCoordinates[entity].append(coordinates) #else: # self._pastCoordinates[entity].append(self._pastCoordinates[entity][-1]) def smoothCoordinates(self, entity): x = sum(map(lambda (x, _): x, self._pastCoordinates[entity])) / self._pastSize y = sum(map(lambda (_, y): y, self._pastCoordinates[entity])) / self._pastSize return (x, y) def addAngle(self, entity, angle): self._pastAngles[entity].pop(0) self._pastAngles[entity].append(angle) # if the frame is bad(-1) then add the most recent angle instead # good angle is always in (0,2pi), bad angle is -1, careful with real number #if (angle > -0.5): # self._pastAngles[entity].append(angle) #else: # self._pastAngles[entity].append(self._pastAngles[entity][-1]) def smoothAngle(self, entity): # angle is periodic (of 2pi) and a bit tricky to smooth temp = sorted (self._pastAngles[entity]) # if max_angle > min_angle > pi, those angles are crossing 0 # we must add a period to the small ones if (temp[-1] - temp[0] > math.pi): temp = map(lambda angle: angle + 2*math.pi if angle < math.pi else angle, temp) return sum(temp) / self._pastSize # add/substract period (2pi) so angle is always in (0,2pi) # assume they are off by at most a period def standardize_angle(self, angle): if (angle > 2*math.pi): return angle - 2*math.pi if (angle < 0): return angle + 2*math.pi return angle def outputEnts(self, ents): # Messyyy if not self.preprocessor.hasPitchSize: return msg_data = [] for name in ['yellow', 'blue', 'ball']: entity = ents[name] coordinates = entity.coordinates() # This is currently not needed # if the frame is not recognized, skip a maximum of self.max_skip times #if (coordinates[0] != -1): # self.addCoordinates(name, coordinates) # self.skip = 0 #else: # if (self.skip < self.max_skip): # self.skip = self.skip + 1; # else: # self.addCoordinates(name, coordinates) self.addCoordinates(name, coordinates) x, y = self.smoothCoordinates(name) # TODO: The system needs (0, 0) at top left! if y != -1: y = self.preprocessor.pitch_size[1] - y if name == 'ball': # self.send('{0} {1} '.format(x, y)) msg_data += [int(x), int(y)] #print (self._pastCoordinates[name]) #print(coordinates) else: # angle is currently clockwise, this makes it anti-clockwise angle = self.standardize_angle( 2*math.pi - entity.angle() ) self.addAngle(name, angle) angle = self.standardize_angle ( self.smoothAngle(name) ); msg_data += [int(x), int(y), angle] msg_data.append(int(time.time() * 1000)) data = FrameData(*msg_data) if self.stdout: print ("Yellow:\t %i\t %i\t Angle:\t %s\nBlue:\t %i\t %i\t Angle:\t %s\nBall:\t %i\t %i\t\nTime:\t %i\n" % tuple(msg_data)) # if debug_window: # debug_window.insert_text("Yellow:\t %i\t %i\t Angle:\t %s\nBlue:\t %i\t %i\t Angle:\t %s\nBall:\t %i\t %i\t\nTime:\t %i\n" % tuple(msg_data)) self.pipe.send(data)
class Vision: def __init__(self, pitchnum, stdout, sourcefile, resetPitchSize): self.running = True self.connected = False self.stdout = stdout if sourcefile is None: self.cap = Camera() else: filetype = 'video' if sourcefile.endswith(('jpg', 'png')): filetype = 'image' self.cap = VirtualCamera(sourcefile, filetype) calibrationPath = os.path.join('calibration', 'pitch{0}'.format(pitchnum)) self.cap.loadCalibration(os.path.join(sys.path[0], calibrationPath)) self.gui = Gui() self.threshold = Threshold(pitchnum) self.thresholdGui = ThresholdGui(self.threshold, self.gui) self.preprocessor = Preprocessor(resetPitchSize) self.features = Features(self.gui, self.threshold) eventHandler = self.gui.getEventHandler() eventHandler.addListener('q', self.quit) while self.running: try: if not self.stdout: self.connect() else: self.connected = True if self.preprocessor.hasPitchSize: self.outputPitchSize() self.gui.setShowMouse(False) else: eventHandler.setClickListener(self.setNextPitchCorner) while self.running: self.doStuff() except socket.error: self.connected = False # If the rest of the system is not up yet/gets quit, # just wait for it to come available. time.sleep(1) # Strange things seem to happen to X sometimes if the # display isn't updated for a while self.doStuff() if not self.stdout: self.socket.close() def connect(self): print("Attempting to connect...") self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.socket.connect( (HOST, PORT) ) self.connected = True def quit(self): self.running = False def doStuff(self): if self.cap.getCameraMatrix is None: frame = self.cap.getImage() else: frame = self.cap.getImageUndistort() frame = self.preprocessor.preprocess(frame) self.gui.updateLayer('raw', frame) ents = self.features.extractFeatures(frame) self.outputEnts(ents) self.gui.loop() def setNextPitchCorner(self, where): self.preprocessor.setNextPitchCorner(where) if self.preprocessor.hasPitchSize: print("Pitch size: {0!r}".format(self.preprocessor.pitch_size)) self.outputPitchSize() self.gui.setShowMouse(False) self.gui.updateLayer('corner', None) else: self.gui.drawCrosshair(where, 'corner') def outputPitchSize(self): print(self.preprocessor.pitch_size) self.send('{0} {1} {2} \n'.format( PITCH_SIZE_BIT, self.preprocessor.pitch_size[0], self.preprocessor.pitch_size[1])) def outputEnts(self, ents): # Messyyy if not self.connected or not self.preprocessor.hasPitchSize: return self.send("{0} ".format(ENTITY_BIT)) for name in ['yellow', 'blue', 'ball']: entity = ents[name] x, y = entity.coordinates() # The rest of the system needs (0, 0) at the bottom left if y != -1: y = self.preprocessor.pitch_size[1] - y if name == 'ball': self.send('{0} {1} '.format(x, y)) else: angle = 360 - (((entity.angle() * (180/math.pi)) - 360) % 360) self.send('{0} {1} {2} '.format(x, y, angle)) self.send(str(int(time.time() * 1000)) + " \n") def send(self, string): if self.stdout: sys.stdout.write(string) else: self.socket.send(string)