Ejemplo n.º 1
def perfectObsNoiseModel(actualColor):
    :param actualColor: actual color in a location
    :returns: ``DDist`` over observed colors when in a room that has
     ``actualColor``.  In this case, we observe the actual color with
     probability 1.  
    return dist.DDist({actualColor: 1.0})
Ejemplo n.º 2
def perfectObsNoiseModel(actualColor):
    @param actualColor: actual color in a location
    @returns: C{DDist} over observed colors when in a room that has
    C{actualColor}.  In this case, we observe the actual color with
    probability 1.  
    return dist.DDist({actualColor: 1.0})
Ejemplo n.º 3
def perfectTransNoiseModel(nominalLoc, hallwayLength):
    @param nominalLoc: location that the robot would have ended up
    given perfect dynamics
    @param hallwayLength: length of the hallway
    @returns: distribution over resulting locations, modeling noisy
    execution of commands;  in this case, the robot goes to the
    nominal location with probability 1.0
    return dist.DDist({nominalLoc: 1.0})
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def transition_model(self, s, a, p = 0.4):
        # Only randomness is in brv and brc after a bounce
        # 1- prob of negating nominal velocity
        if s == 'over':
            return dist.delta_dist('over')
        # Current state
        ((br, bc), (brv, bcv), pp, pv) = s
        # Nominal next ball state
        new_br = br + self.ball_speed*brv; new_brv = brv
        new_bc = bc + self.ball_speed*bcv; new_bcv = bcv
        # nominal paddle state, a is action (-1, 0, 1)
        new_pp = max(0, min(self.n-1, pp + a))
        new_pv = a
        new_s = None
        hit_r = hit_c = False
        # bottom, top contacts
        if new_br < 0:
            new_br = 0; new_brv = 1; hit_r = True
        elif new_br >= self.n:
            new_br = self.n - 1; new_brv = -1; hit_r = True
        # back, front contacts
        if new_bc < 0:                  # back bounce
            new_bc = 0; new_bcv = 1; hit_c = True
        elif new_bc >= self.n:
            if self.paddle_hit(pp, new_pp, br, bc, new_br, new_bc):
                new_bc = self.n-1; new_bcv = -1; hit_c = True
                return dist.delta_dist('over')

        new_s = ((new_br, new_bc), (new_brv, new_bcv), new_pp, new_pv)
        if ((not hit_c) and (not hit_r)):
            return dist.delta_dist(new_s)
        elif hit_c:                     # also hit_c and hit_r
            if abs(new_brv) > 0:
                return dist.DDist({new_s: p,
                                   ((new_br, new_bc), (-new_brv, new_bcv), new_pp, new_pv) : 1-p})
                return dist.DDist({new_s: p,
                                   ((new_br, new_bc), (-1, new_bcv), new_pp, new_pv) : 0.5*(1-p),
                                   ((new_br, new_bc), (1, new_bcv), new_pp, new_pv) : 0.5*(1-p)})
        elif hit_r:
            return dist.DDist({new_s: p,
                               ((new_br, new_bc), (new_brv, -new_bcv), new_pp, new_pv) : 1-p})
Ejemplo n.º 5
def noisyObsNoiseModel(actualColor):
    @param actualColor: actual color in a location
    @returns: C{DDist} over observed colors when in a room that has
    C{actualColor}.  In this case, we observe the actual color with
    probability 0.8, and the remaining 0.2 probability is divided
    uniformly over the other possible colors in this world.
    d = {}
    for observedColor in possibleColors:
        if observedColor == actualColor:
            d[observedColor] = 0.8
            d[observedColor] = 0.2 / (len(possibleColors) - 1)
    return dist.DDist(d)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def leftSlipTransNoiseModel(nominalLoc, hallwayLength):
    @param nominalLoc: location that the robot would have ended up
    given perfect dynamics
    @param hallwayLength: length of the hallway
    @returns: distribution over resulting locations, modeling noisy
    execution of commands;  in this case, the robot goes to the
    nominal location with probability 0.9, and goes one step too far
    left with probability 0.1.
    If any of these locations are out of bounds, then the associated
    probability mass stays at C{nominalLoc}.
    d = {}
    dist.incrDictEntry(d, util.clip(loc - 1, 0, n - 1), 0.1)
    dist.incrDictEntry(d, util.clip(loc, 0, n - 1), 0.9)
    return dist.DDist(d)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def noisyTransNoiseModel(nominalLoc, hallwayLength):
    @param nominalLoc: location that the robot would have ended up
    given perfect dynamics
    @param hallwayLength: length of the hallway
    @returns: distribution over resulting locations, modeling noisy
    execution of commands;  in this case, the robot goes to the
    nominal location with probability 0.8, goes one step too far left with
    probability 0.1, and goes one step too far right with probability 0.1.
    If any of these locations are out of bounds, then the associated
    probability mass goes is assigned to the boundary location (either
    0 or C{hallwayLength-1}).  
    d = {}
    dist.incrDictEntry(d, util.clip(nominalLoc - 1, 0, hallwayLength - 1), 0.1)
    dist.incrDictEntry(d, util.clip(nominalLoc, 0, hallwayLength - 1), 0.8)
    dist.incrDictEntry(d, util.clip(nominalLoc + 1, 0, hallwayLength - 1), 0.1)
    return dist.DDist(d)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
        @param state: Distribution over states of the subject machine,
        represented as a C{dist.Dist} object
        @param inp: A pair C{(o, a)} of the input and output of the
        subject machine on this time step.  If this parameter is
        C{None}, then no update occurs and the state is returned,
        if inp == None:
            return (state, state)

        (o, i) = inp

        total = 0
        afterObs = state.d.copy()
        for s in state.support():
            afterObs[s] *= self.model.observationDistribution(s).prob(o)
            total += afterObs[s]

        if total == 0:
            raise Exception('Observation '+str(o)+\
                            ' has 0 probability in all possible states.')

        # Note: afterObs is not normalized at this point; dividing
        # through by toal during the transition update

        new = {}
        tDist = self.model.transitionDistribution(i)
        for s in state.support():
            tDistS = tDist(s)
            oldP = afterObs[s] / total
            for sPrime in tDistS.support():
                dist.incrDictEntry(new, sPrime, tDistS.prob(sPrime) * oldP)
        dSPrime = dist.DDist(new)

        return (dSPrime, dSPrime)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def uGivenAS(a):
    #!     pass
    return lambda s: dist.DDist({s: 1.0})
Ejemplo n.º 10
def oGivenS(s):
    #!    pass
    if s == 'empty':
        return dist.DDist({'hit': falsePos, 'free': 1 - falsePos})
    else:  # occ
        return dist.DDist({'hit': 1 - falseNeg, 'free': falseNeg})
Ejemplo n.º 11
    else:  # occ
        return dist.DDist({'hit': 1 - falseNeg, 'free': falseNeg})

# Transition model: P(newState | s | a)
def uGivenAS(a):
    #!     pass
    return lambda s: dist.DDist({s: 1.0})

#!cellSSM = None   # Your code here
cellSSM = ssm.StochasticSM(
        'occ': initPOcc,
        'empty': 1 - initPOcc
    }), uGivenAS, oGivenS)


class BayesGridMap(dynamicGridMap.DynamicGridMap):
    def squareColor(self, (xIndex, yIndex)):
        p = self.occProb((xIndex, yIndex))
        if self.robotCanOccupy((xIndex, yIndex)):
            return colors.probToMapColor(p, colors.greenHue)
        elif self.occupied((xIndex, yIndex)):
            return 'black'
            return 'red'
Ejemplo n.º 12
# Observation model:  P(obs | state)
def oGivenS(s):
#!    pass    
    if s == 'empty':
        return dist.DDist({'hit': falsePos, 'free': 1 - falsePos})
    else: # occ
        return dist.DDist({'hit': 1 - falseNeg, 'free': falseNeg})
# Transition model: P(newState | s | a)
def uGivenAS(a):
#!     pass    
    return lambda s: dist.DDist({s: 1.0})
#!cellSSM = None   # Your code here
cellSSM = ssm.StochasticSM(dist.DDist({'occ': initPOcc, 'empty': 1 - initPOcc}),
                           uGivenAS, oGivenS)


class BayesGridMap(dynamicGridMap.DynamicGridMap):

    def squareColor(self, (xIndex, yIndex)):
        p = self.occProb((xIndex, yIndex))
        if self.robotCanOccupy((xIndex,yIndex)):
            return colors.probToMapColor(p, colors.greenHue)
        elif self.occupied((xIndex, yIndex)):
            return 'black'
            return 'red'