Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_different_contexts(self):
     ctx1 = Context(targets=range(4))
     ctx2 = Context(targets=range(3))
     da1 = ctx1.ones((10,))
     da2 = ctx2.ones((10,))
     db1 = self.local_sin(da1)
     db2 = self.local_sin(da2)
     ndarr1 = db1.toarray()
     ndarr2 = db2.toarray()
     assert_array_equal(ndarr1, ndarr2)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_key_and_push_args(self):
        context = Context()

        da = context.ones((2, 2))
        db = da*2

        def dummy_func(*args, **kwargs):
            fn = lambda x: x
            db = DecoratorBase(fn)
            return db.key_and_push_args(args, kwargs)

        # Push some distarrays
        arg_keys1, kw_keys1 = dummy_func(da, db, foo=da, bar=db)
        # with some other data too
        arg_keys2, kw_keys2 = dummy_func(da, 'question', answer=42, foo=db)

        self.assertEqual(arg_keys1, "(%s, %s,)" % (da.key, db.key))
        # assert we pushed the right key, keystr pair
        self.assertTrue("'foo': %s" % (da.key) in kw_keys1)
        self.assertTrue("'bar': %s" % (db.key) in kw_keys1)

        # lots of string manipulation to parse out the relevant pieces
        # of the python commands.
        self.assertEqual(arg_keys2[1: -2].split(', ')[0], da.key)

        _key = arg_keys2[1: -2].split(', ')[1]
        self.assertEqual(context._pull0(_key), 'question')
        self.assertTrue("'answer'" in kw_keys2)

        self.assertTrue("'foo'" in kw_keys2)
        self.assertTrue(db.key in kw_keys2)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class TestDistArrayCreation(IpclusterTestCase):

    """Test distarray creation methods"""

    def setUp(self):
        self.context = Context(self.client)

    def test_zeros(self):
        shape = (16, 16)
        zero_distarray = self.context.zeros(shape)
        zero_ndarray = numpy.zeros(shape)
        assert_array_equal(zero_distarray.tondarray(), zero_ndarray)

    def test_ones(self):
        shape = (16, 16)
        one_distarray = self.context.ones(shape)
        one_ndarray = numpy.ones(shape)
        assert_array_equal(one_distarray.tondarray(), one_ndarray)

    def test_empty(self):
        shape = (16, 16)
        empty_distarray = self.context.empty(shape)
        self.assertEqual(empty_distarray.shape, shape)

    def test_fromndarray(self):
        ndarr = numpy.arange(16).reshape(4, 4)
        distarr = self.context.fromndarray(ndarr)
        for (i, j), val in numpy.ndenumerate(ndarr):
            self.assertEqual(distarr[i, j], ndarr[i, j])
Ejemplo n.º 4
class TestDistArrayCreation(unittest.TestCase):

    """Test distarray creation methods"""

    def setUp(self):
        self.context = Context()

    def tearDown(self):

    def test___init__(self):
        shape = (100, 100)
        distribution = Distribution.from_shape(self.context, shape, ('b', 'c'))
        da = DistArray(distribution, dtype=int)
        nda = numpy.empty(shape, dtype=int)
        assert_array_equal(da.tondarray(), nda)

    def test_zeros(self):
        shape = (16, 16)
        zero_distarray = self.context.zeros(shape)
        zero_ndarray = numpy.zeros(shape)
        assert_array_equal(zero_distarray.tondarray(), zero_ndarray)

    def test_ones(self):
        shape = (16, 16)
        one_distarray = self.context.ones(shape)
        one_ndarray = numpy.ones(shape)
        assert_array_equal(one_distarray.tondarray(), one_ndarray)

    def test_empty(self):
        shape = (16, 16)
        empty_distarray = self.context.empty(shape)
        self.assertEqual(empty_distarray.shape, shape)

    def test_fromndarray(self):
        ndarr = numpy.arange(16).reshape(4, 4)
        distarr = self.context.fromndarray(ndarr)
        for (i, j), val in numpy.ndenumerate(ndarr):
            self.assertEqual(distarr[i, j], ndarr[i, j])

    def test_grid_rank(self):
        # regression test for issue #235
        a = self.context.empty((4, 4, 4), dist=('b', 'n', 'b'),
                               grid_shape=(1, 1, 4))
        self.assertEqual(a.grid_shape, (1, 1, 4))

    def test_fromfunction(self):
        fn = lambda i, j: i + j
        shape = (7, 9)
        expected = numpy.fromfunction(fn, shape, dtype=int)
        result = self.context.fromfunction(fn, shape, dtype=int)
        assert_array_equal(expected, result.tondarray())
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_determine_context(self):
        context = Context()
        context2 = Context()  # for cross Context checking
        da = context.ones((2, 2))

        def dummy_func(*args, **kwargs):
            fn = lambda x: x
            db = DecoratorBase(fn)
            return db.determine_context(args, kwargs)

        self.assertEqual(dummy_func(6, 7, context), context)
        self.assertEqual(dummy_func('ab', da), context)
        self.assertEqual(dummy_func(a=da), context)
        self.assertEqual(dummy_func(context, a=da), context)

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, dummy_func, 'foo')
        self.assertRaises(ContextError, dummy_func, context, context2)