Ejemplo n.º 1
def plate_with_hole(size=.05):
    fd = lambda p: dm.ddiff(dm.drectangle(p, -1, 1, -1, 1),
                            dm.dcircle(p, 0, 0, 0.5))
    fh = lambda p: 0.05 + 0.3 * dm.dcircle(p, 0, 0, 0.5)
    p, t = dm.distmesh2d(fd, fh, size, (-1, -1, 1, 1), [(-1, -1), (-1, 1),
                                                        (1, -1), (1, 1)])
    return p, t
Ejemplo n.º 2
def create_ellipse(a, b, center=(0.0, 0.0), ds=0.05):
    """Create discretized ellipse.

    a : float
        Semi major axis of the ellipse.
    b : float
        Semi major axis of the ellipse.
    center : tuple of floats, optional
        Center of the ellipse; default is (0.0, 0.0).
    ds : float, optional
        Resolution of the ellipse (approx. distance between two neighbors);
        default is 0.05.

        x-coordinate of points on ellipse as a 1D array of floats.
        y-coordinate of points on ellipse as a 1D array of floats.

    xc, yc = center
    # Create distance function.
    fd = lambda p: ((p[:, 0] - xc)**2 / a**2 + (p[:, 1] - yc)**2 / b**2 - 1)

    # Discretize the ellipse.
    bbox = (xc - a, yc - b, xc + a, yc + b)  # bounding box
    p, _ = distmesh.distmesh2d(fd, distmesh.huniform, ds, bbox, fig=None)

    # Store point coordinates in arrays.
    x, y = p[:, 0], p[:, 1]

    return x, y
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_heat_transfer_5():
    def solution(x, q0=1., k=1., N=20):
        def fun(n):
            al = .5 * (2. * n - 1.) * pi
            top = (-1)**n*cos(al*x[:,1])*cosh(al*x[:,0])
            bot = al**3*cosh(al)
            return top / bot
        return q0/2/k*((1-x[:,1]**2)+4.*sum([fun(n) for n in range(1,N)], 0))
    random.seed(190) # Always the same results
    fd = lambda p: dm.drectangle(p, 0, 1, 0, 1)
    fh = dm.huniform
    coord, elecon = dm.distmesh2d(fd, fh, .025, (0, 0, 1, 1),
                                  [(0, 0),(0, 1),(1, 0),(1, 1)])
    V = FiniteElementModel()
    V.Mesh(p=coord, t=elecon)
    V.ElementBlock('ElementBlock1', ALL)
    V.AssignProperties('ElementBlock1', DiffussiveHeatTransfer2D3, 'Material-1')
    step = V.HeatTransferStep()
    step.PrescribedBC(IHI, T)
    step.PrescribedBC(JHI, T)
    step.HeatGeneration(ALL, 1)
    Tn = solution(V.mesh.coord)
    err = sqrt(mean((step.dofs.flatten()-Tn)**2)) / sqrt(mean(Tn**2))
    assert err < 1e-4
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_heat_transfer_4():
    def solution(x, q0=1., k=1., N=20):
        def fun(n):
            al = .5 * (2. * n - 1.) * pi
            top = (-1)**n*cos(al*x[:,1])*cosh(al*x[:,0])
            bot = al**3*cosh(al)
            return top / bot
        return q0/2/k*((1-x[:,1]**2)+4.*sum([fun(n) for n in range(1,N)], 0))
    random.seed(190) # Always the same results
    fd = lambda p: dm.drectangle(p, 0, 1, 0, 1)
    fh = dm.huniform
    coord, elecon = dm.distmesh2d(fd, fh, .025, (0, 0, 1, 1),
                                  [(0, 0),(0, 1),(1, 0),(1, 1)])
    V = fe_model()
    V.create_mesh(p=coord, t=elecon)
    V.create_element_block('ElementBlock1', ALL)
    V.assign_properties('ElementBlock1', DC2D3, 'Material-1')
    stage = V.create_heat_transfer_stage()
    stage.assign_prescribed_bc(IHI, T)
    stage.assign_prescribed_bc(JHI, T)
    stage.HeatGeneration(ALL, 1)
    Tn = solution(V.mesh.coord)
    err = sqrt(mean((stage.dofs.flatten()-Tn)**2)) / sqrt(mean(Tn**2))
    assert err < 1e-4
Ejemplo n.º 5
def square():
    """Square, with size function point and line sources"""
    fd = lambda p: dm.drectangle(p,0,1,0,1)
    fh = lambda p: np.minimum(np.minimum(
        0.025+0.3*abs(dm.dpoly(p,[(0.3,0.7),(0.7,0.5)]))), 0.15)
    return dm.distmesh2d(fd, fh, 0.01, (0,0,1,1), [(0,0), (1,0), (0,1), (1,1)])
Ejemplo n.º 6
def polygon():
    pv = np.array([(-0.4,-0.5),(0.4,-0.2),(0.4,-0.7),(1.5,-0.4),(0.9,0.1),
    fd = lambda p: dm.dpoly(p, pv)
    return dm.distmesh2d(fd, dm.huniform, 0.1, (-1,-1, 2,1), pv)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_heat_transfer_3():
    def solution(x, N=20):
        def fun(n):
            return sin(2.*n*pi/3.)/n**2/sinh(n*pi)*sin(n*pi*x[:,0])*sinh(n*pi*x[:,1])
        return 450./pi**2*sum([fun(n) for n in range(1, N)], 0)
    random.seed(190) # Always the same results
    fd = lambda p: dm.drectangle(p, 0, 1, 0, 1)
    fh = dm.huniform
    coord, elecon = dm.distmesh2d(fd, fh, .05, (0, 0, 1, 1),
                                  [(0, 0),(0, 1),(1, 0),(1, 1)])
    f2 = lambda x: where(x[:,0] <= 2./3., 75*x[:,0], 150*(1-x[:,0]))
    V = FiniteElementModel()
    V.Mesh(p=coord, t=elecon)
    V.ElementBlock('ElementBlock1', ALL)
    V.AssignProperties('ElementBlock1', DiffussiveHeatTransfer2D3, 'Material-1')
    step = V.HeatTransferStep()
    step.PrescribedBC(JLO, T, 0)
    step.PrescribedBC(JHI, T, f2)
    step.PrescribedBC(ILO, T, 0)
    step.PrescribedBC(IHI, T, 0)
    step.HeatGeneration(ALL, 0)
    Tn = solution(V.mesh.coord)
    err = sqrt(mean((step.dofs.flatten()-Tn)**2)) / sqrt(mean(Tn**2))
    assert err < 5e-3
Ejemplo n.º 8
def naca0012_airfoil():
    """NACA0012 airfoil"""
    hlead = 0.01
    htrail = 0.04
    hmax = 2
    circx = 2
    circr = 4
    a = .12 / .2 * np.array([0.2969, -0.1260, -0.3516, 0.2843, -0.1036])
    a0 = a[0]
    a1 = np.hstack((a[5:0:-1], 0.0))

    fd = lambda p: dm.ddiff(dm.dcircle(p, circx, 0, circr), (abs(
        p[:, 1]) - np.polyval(a1, p[:, 0]))**2 - a0**2 * p[:, 0])
    fh = lambda p: np.minimum(
        np.minimum(hlead + 0.3 * dm.dcircle(p, 0, 0, 0), htrail + 0.3 * dm.
                   dcircle(p, 1, 0, 0)), hmax)

    fixx = 1.0 - htrail * np.cumsum(1.3**np.arange(5))
    fixy = a0 * np.sqrt(fixx) + np.polyval(a1, fixx)
    fix = np.vstack(
        (np.array([(circx - circr, 0), (circx + circr, 0), (circx, -circr),
                   (circx, circr), (0, 0), (1, 0)]), np.vstack(
                       (fixx, fixy)).T, np.vstack((fixx, -fixy)).T))
    box = (circx - circr, -circr, circx + circr, circr)
    h0 = min(hlead, htrail, hmax)
    return dm.distmesh2d(fd, fh, h0, box, fix)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def polygon():
    pv = np.array([(-0.4, -0.5), (0.4, -0.2), (0.4, -0.7), (1.5, -0.4),
                   (0.9, 0.1), (1.6, 0.8), (0.5, 0.5), (0.2, 1.0), (0.1, 0.4),
                   (-0.7, 0.7), (-0.4, -0.5)])
    fd = lambda p: dm.dpoly(p, pv)
    return dm.distmesh2d(fd, dm.huniform, 0.1, (-1, -1, 2, 1), pv)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def rectangle_with_circular_hole():
    """Rectangle with circular hole, refined at circle boundary"""
    fd = lambda p: dm.ddiff(dm.drectangle(p, -1, 1, -1, 1),
                            dm.dcircle(p, 0, 0, 0.5))
    fh = lambda p: 0.05 + 0.3 * dm.dcircle(p, 0, 0, 0.5)
    return dm.distmesh2d(fd, fh, 0.05, (-1, -1, 1, 1), [(-1, -1), (-1, 1),
                                                        (1, -1), (1, 1)])
Ejemplo n.º 11
def plate_with_hole(size=.05):
    fd = lambda p: dm.ddiff(dm.drectangle(p,-1,1,-1,1),
    fh = lambda p: 0.05+0.3*dm.dcircle(p,0,0,0.5)
    p, t = dm.distmesh2d(fd, fh, size, (-1,-1,1,1),
    return p, t
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def _plate2(self, dlist):
        """Triangularize with MIT Per-Olof, Prof. Gilbert Strange's algorithm."""
        width = float(dlist[0])
        length = float(dlist[1])
        half_w = width / 2
        half_l = length / 2
        edge_size = dlist[2]
        self.x_extent = [-half_w, half_w]
        self.y_extent = [-half_l, half_l]
        self.maxdim = max([abs(each) for each in self.x_extent + self.y_extent])

        polygon = Poly([-half_w, -half_l])
        polygon.add_line2(width, 0, 1)
        polygon.add_line2(length, 90, 1)
        polygon.add_line2(width, 180, 1)
        polygon.add_line2(length, 270, 1)
        self.vertices = polygon.vertices
        pv = polygon.vertices
        f = lambda p: dm.dpoly(p,pv)
        pnt, tri = dm.distmesh2d(f, dm.huniform, edge_size, (-half_w, -half_l, half_w, half_l), pv)

        self.triangles = tri
        self.points = pnt
        self.triangles = [tuple(each) for each in self.triangles]
        self.triangles_total = len(self.triangles)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def square():
    """Square, with size function point and line sources"""
    fd = lambda p: dm.drectangle(p, 0, 1, 0, 1)
    fh = lambda p: np.minimum(
        np.minimum(0.01 + 0.3 * abs(dm.dcircle(p, 0, 0, 0)), 0.025 + 0.3 * abs(
            dm.dpoly(p, [(0.3, 0.7), (0.7, 0.5)]))), 0.15)
    return dm.distmesh2d(fd, fh, 0.01, (0, 0, 1, 1), [(0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1),
                                                      (1, 1)])
Ejemplo n.º 14
def polygon(pv, d, minx, miny, maxx, maxy):  # GOES COUNTER_CLOCKWISE
    # pv0 = np.array([(-0.4,-0.5),(0.4,-0.2),(0.4,-0.7),(1.5,-0.4),(0.9,0.1),
    #                (1.6,0.8),(0.5,0.5),(0.2,1.0),(0.1,0.4),(-0.7,0.7),
    #                (-0.4,-0.5)])
    # print type(pv0)
    # print type(pv0[0])
    fd = lambda p: dm.dpoly(p, pv)
    print 'bleh'
    return dm.distmesh2d(fd, dm.huniform, d / 5, (minx, miny, maxx, maxy), pv)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def create_spring_based_mesh(distance_function, bounding_box, initial_edge_length, fixed_points=None,
     distance_function > 0 outside, <0 inside, =0 boundary
     bounding box = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, ...]
     initial_edge_length = edge length to start the initial uniform mesh with
     fixed points = clear
     element size function = relative desired edge length e.g. h(x,y)=1+x => edges at x=1 are twices as long as edges
                             at x=0, default uniform edge length
     mesh = TriangularMesh()
     bounding_box[1], bounding_box[2] = bounding_box[2], bounding_box[1]
     p, t = dm.distmesh2d(distance_function, element_size_function, initial_edge_length,
                          bounding_box, fixed_points)
     mesh.set_mesh(p, t)
     mesh.fd = distance_function
     return mesh
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def _poly(self, dlist):
        """Triangularize arbitrary shape of polygon with MIT Per-Olof, Prof. Gilbert Strange's algorithm."""
        vertices = dlist[0]
        x, y = [each[0] for each in vertices], [each[1] for each in vertices]
        self.x_extent = [min(x), max(x)]
        self.y_extent = [min(y), max(y)]
        self.maxdim = max([abs(each) for each in self.x_extent + self.y_extent])

        edge_size = dlist[1]
        bbox = dlist[2]
        self.vertices = vertices
        pv = vertices
        f = lambda p: dm.dpoly(p,pv)
        pnt, tri = dm.distmesh2d(f, dm.huniform, edge_size, bbox, pv)

        self.triangles = tri
        self.points = pnt
        self.triangles = [tuple(each) for each in self.triangles]
        self.triangles_total = len(self.triangles)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def create_spring_based_mesh(distance_function,
     distance_function > 0 outside, <0 inside, =0 boundary
     bounding box = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, ...]
     initial_edge_length = edge length to start the initial uniform mesh with
     fixed points = clear
     element size function = relative desired edge length e.g. h(x,y)=1+x => edges at x=1 are twices as long as edges
                             at x=0, default uniform edge length
     mesh = TriangularMesh()
     bounding_box[1], bounding_box[2] = bounding_box[2], bounding_box[1]
     p, t = dm.distmesh2d(distance_function, element_size_function,
                          initial_edge_length, bounding_box, fixed_points)
     mesh.set_mesh(p, t)
     mesh.fd = distance_function
     return mesh
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self, topic='geometer', rate=None):
        self.topic_name = topic
        self.pub = rospy.Publisher(self.topic_name, MarkerArray)

        self.points = {}
        self.lines = {}
        self.planes = {}
        self.circles = {}

        self.marker_array = MarkerArray()

        # precompute circle mesh
        fd = lambda p: np.sqrt((p**2).sum(1))-1.0
        self.mesh_p, self.mesh_t = dm.distmesh2d(fd, dm.huniform, 0.2, (-1,-1,1,1))

        self.mod_lock = threading.Lock()
        if rate:
            self.rate = rospy.Rate(rate)
            self.pub_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.pub_loop)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def process(inputs):
    csv_file = inputs[0]
    out_file = inputs[1]
    points = inputs[2]

    min_x = min([x[0] for x in points])
    min_y = min([x[1] for x in points])
    max_x = max([x[0] for x in points])
    max_y = max([x[1] for x in points])

    fd = lambda p: dm.dpoly(p, points)
    gen_points, gen_triangles = dm.distmesh2d(fd, dm.huniform, args['scale'], (min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y), points, None)

    with open(out_file, 'w') as of:
        for pt in gen_points:
            x = str(pt[0])
            y = str(pt[1])

    print 'File: %s, %d vertices, %d points generated.' % (csv_file, len(points), len(gen_points))
Ejemplo n.º 20
def naca0012_airfoil():
    """NACA0012 airfoil"""
    hlead=0.01; htrail=0.04; hmax=2; circx=2; circr=4
    a0=a[0]; a1=np.hstack((a[5:0:-1], 0.0))

    fd = lambda p: dm.ddiff(
        (abs(p[:,1])-np.polyval(a1, p[:,0]))**2-a0**2*p[:,0])
    fh = lambda p: np.minimum(np.minimum(

    fixx = 1.0-htrail*np.cumsum(1.3**np.arange(5))
    fixy = a0*np.sqrt(fixx)+np.polyval(a1, fixx)
    fix = np.vstack((
        np.vstack((fixx, fixy)).T,
        np.vstack((fixx, -fixy)).T))
    box = (circx-circr,-circr, circx+circr,circr)
    h0 = min(hlead, htrail, hmax)
    return dm.distmesh2d(fd, fh, h0, box, fix)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_write_fe_results():
    from distmesh import drectangle, distmesh2d, huniform
    random.seed(190) # Always the same results
    fd = lambda p: drectangle(p, -1, 1, -1, 1)
    fh = huniform
    coord, elecon = distmesh2d(fd, fh, .1, (-1, -1, 1, 1),
                               [(-1, -1),(-1, 1),(1, -1),(1, 1)])
    jobid = 'Job'
    nodlab = range(coord.shape[0])
    nodmap = dict([(n,n) for n in nodlab])
    elelab = range(elecon.shape[0])
    elemap = dict([(n,n) for n in elelab])
    eletyp = [element_family(2,3)] * elecon.shape[0]
    scal = random.rand(coord.shape[0])
    vect = random.rand(coord.shape[0]*2).reshape(-1,2)
    tens = random.rand(elecon.shape[0]*9).reshape(-1,9)
    symt = random.rand(elecon.shape[0]*6).reshape(-1,6)
    kwds = dict(scal=scal,vect=vect,tens=tens,symt=symt)
    u = zeros_like(coord)
    u[:,0] = 1
    WriteFEResults(jobid, coord, nodmap, elemap, eletyp, elecon, u=u, **kwds)
    filename = jobid+'.vtu'
    WriteVTUMesh(filename, coord, nodlab, elelab, eletyp, elecon, check=1)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_write_fe_results():
    from distmesh import drectangle, distmesh2d, huniform
    random.seed(190) # Always the same results
    fd = lambda p: drectangle(p, -1, 1, -1, 1)
    fh = huniform
    coord, elecon = distmesh2d(fd, fh, .1, (-1, -1, 1, 1),
                               [(-1, -1),(-1, 1),(1, -1),(1, 1)])
    jobid = 'Job'
    nodlab = range(coord.shape[0])
    nodmap = dict([(n,n) for n in nodlab])
    elelab = range(elecon.shape[0])
    elemap = dict([(n,n) for n in elelab])
    eletyp = [ElementFamily(2,3)] * elecon.shape[0]
    scal = random.rand(coord.shape[0])
    vect = random.rand(coord.shape[0]*2).reshape(-1,2)
    tens = random.rand(elecon.shape[0]*9).reshape(-1,9)
    symt = random.rand(elecon.shape[0]*6).reshape(-1,6)
    kwds = dict(scal=scal,vect=vect,tens=tens,symt=symt)
    u = zeros_like(coord)
    u[:,0] = 1
    WriteFEResults(jobid, coord, nodmap, elemap, eletyp, elecon, u=u, **kwds)
    filename = jobid+'.vtu'
    WriteVTUMesh(filename, coord, nodlab, elelab, eletyp, elecon, check=1)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def rectangle_with_circle_at_centre():
    # Does not terminate!
    fd = lambda p: dm.ddiff(dm.drectangle(p,0,20,0,12), dm.dcircle(p,10,6,4))
    return dm.distmesh2d(fd, dm.huniform, 0.5, (0, 0, 20, 12), max_iter=100)
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def polygon(self, pv, h0, minx, miny, maxx,
             maxy):  # GOES COUNTER_CLOCKWISE
     fd = lambda p: dm.dpoly(p, pv)
     print 'Working on generating the mesh!'
     return dm.distmesh2d(fd, dm.huniform, h0, (minx, miny, maxx, maxy), pv)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def uniform_plate(size=.05):
    fd = lambda p: dm.drectangle(p, -1, 1, -1, 1)
    fh = dm.huniform
    p, t = dm.distmesh2d(fd, fh, size, (-1, -1, 1, 1), [(-1, -1), (-1, 1),
                                                        (1, -1), (1, 1)])
    return p, t
Ejemplo n.º 26
def simple_rect():
    fd = lambda p: dm.drectangle(p,0,1,0,1)
    return dm.distmesh2d(fd, dm.huniform, 0.1, (0, 0, 1, 1), max_iter=100)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def ellipse():
    fd = lambda p: p[:,0]**2/2**2 + p[:,1]**2/1**2 - 1
    return dm.distmesh2d(fd, dm.huniform, 0.2, (-2,-1, 2,1))
Ejemplo n.º 28
# Problem 1 Mesh Generation
h0_rect = 0.015
h0_rod1 = 0.8*h0_rect
h0_rod2 = 0.8*h0_rect
xi = -1.5; xf = 1.5
yi = -1.0; yf = 1.0
x_range = [xi, xf]
y_range = [yi, yf]
bbox = [xi-0.1, yi-0.1, xf+0.1, yf+0.1]

# Mesh inside the first circle

fig = plt.figure(dpi=400)
rod_dist = 0.35
fd_rod1 = lambda p: dm.dcircle(p, -rod_dist/2, 0, 0.1)
p_r1, t_r1 = dm.distmesh2d(fd_rod1, dm.huniform, h0_rod1, bbox, pfix=None)

#plt.scatter(p_r1[:, 0], p_r1[:, 1], s=5, color="black", marker=".")
plt.title("Rod1 mesh - Problem #1")

fig = plt.figure(dpi=400)
fd_rod2 = lambda p: dm.dcircle(p, rod_dist/2, 0, 0.05)
p_r2, t_r2 = dm.distmesh2d(fd_rod2, dm.huniform, h0_rod2, bbox, pfix=None)

#plt.scatter(p_r2[:, 0], p_r2[:, 1], s=5, color="black", marker=".")
plt.title("Rod2 mesh - Problem #1")

fd_rect = lambda p: dm.drectangle0(p, xi, xf, yi, yf)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def uniform_mesh_on_unit_circle():
    """Uniform Mesh on Unit Circle"""
    fd = lambda p: np.sqrt((p**2).sum(1)) - 1.0
    return dm.distmesh2d(fd, dm.huniform, 0.2, (-1, -1, 1, 1))
Ejemplo n.º 30
def uniform_plate(size=.05):
    fd = lambda p: dm.drectangle(p, -1, 1, -1, 1)
    fh = dm.huniform
    p, t = dm.distmesh2d(fd, fh, size, (-1, -1, 1, 1),
                         [(-1, -1),(-1, 1),(1, -1),(1, 1)])
    return p, t
Ejemplo n.º 31
def uniform_mesh_on_unit_circle():
    """Uniform Mesh on Unit Circle"""
    fd = lambda p: np.sqrt((p**2).sum(1))-1.0
    return dm.distmesh2d(fd, dm.huniform, 0.2, (-1,-1,1,1))
Ejemplo n.º 32
def rectangle_with_circular_hole():
    """Rectangle with circular hole, refined at circle boundary"""
    fd = lambda p: dm.ddiff(dm.drectangle(p,-1,1,-1,1), dm.dcircle(p,0,0,0.5))
    fh = lambda p: 0.05+0.3*dm.dcircle(p,0,0,0.5)
    return dm.distmesh2d(fd, fh, 0.05, (-1,-1,1,1),
Ejemplo n.º 33

minx = min(posx)
miny = min(posy)
maxx = max(posx)
maxy = max(posy)
#print " * Min x and y            -> ", minx, ",  ", miny
#print " * Max x and y            -> ", maxx, ",  ", maxy

max = max([abs(minx), abs(miny), abs(maxx), abs(maxy)])

for i in range(len(pv)):
    pv[i] = (pv[i][0] / max, pv[i][1] / max)

fd = lambda p: distmesh.dpoly(p, pv)
p, t = distmesh.distmesh2d(fd, distmesh.huniform, float(sys.argv[2]),
                           (minx, miny, maxx, maxy), pv)

#for i in range(len(p)):
#	print p[i,0], p[i,1]

# Open file stream
fout = open(filename + '_distmesh.geo', 'w')
fout.write('%d\t' % len(p))
fout.write('%d\n' % len(t))

for i in range(len(p)):
    fout.write('%5d %14.5f %14.5f \n' % (i, p[i, 0], p[i, 1]))

for i in range(len(t)):
    fout.write('%5d %5d %5d %5d %5d \n' %
Ejemplo n.º 34
simudir = pathlib.Path(__file__).absolute().parents[1]

# Create distance function.
a, b = c / 2, S / 2
xc, yc, zc = CoR[0], CoR[1], CoR[2] + b

def fd(p):
    """Distance function."""
    return (p[:, 0] - xc)**2 / a**2 + (p[:, 1] - zc)**2 / b**2 - 1

# Discretize the ellipse.
ds = 0.01 * c  # mesh resolution
bbox = (xc - a, zc - b, xc + a, zc + b)  # bounding box
p, t = distmesh.distmesh2d(fd, distmesh.huniform, ds, bbox, fig=None)

# Store the coordinates in arrays.
x0, z0 = p[:, 0], p[:, 1]
y0 = numpy.zeros_like(x0)

sort_points = True
if sort_points:
    idx = numpy.argmin(z0)
    xp, zp = x0[idx], z0[idx]
    dist = numpy.sqrt((x0 - xp)**2 + (z0 - zp)**2)
    indices = numpy.argsort(dist)
    x0, z0 = x0[indices], z0[indices]

# Save the coordinates into a file.
filepath = simudir / 'wing.body'
Ejemplo n.º 35
    return dm.dunion(dm.dunion(dm.dcircle(p,0,0,rad), dm.drectangle(p,0.0,2*rad, -rad,rad)), dm.dcircle(p,2*rad,0,rad))

def fd(p):
    return dm.ddiff(dm.ddiff(fdout(p), dm.dcircle(p,0,0,vfr)), dm.dcircle(p,2*rad,0,vfr))

def fh(p):
    return dm.dunion(dm.dunion(0.0004-0.3*fdout(p), 0.0004+0.3*dm.dcircle(p,0,0,vfr)), 0.0004+0.3*dm.dcircle(p,2*rad,0,vfr))

#Make mesh
np.random.seed(1) # Always the same results
p, t = dm.distmesh2d(fd, fh, 0.0004, (-0.01,-0.03, 0.03,0.03), 0.001, [(rad,-rad),(2*rad,-rad), (rad,rad),(2*rad,rad)])

# Write mesh as xml file
numVertices = p.shape[0]
numCells    = t.shape[0]

editor = df.MeshEditor()
mesh   = df.Mesh()

dim = 2

editor.open(mesh, 2, 2)            # top. and geom. dimension are both 3
editor.init_vertices(numVertices)  # number of vertices
editor.init_cells(numCells)        # number of cells
Ejemplo n.º 36
h0_rect = 0.05
h0_cell = h0_rect * (7 / 8)
h0_elec = h0_cell
xi = -5
xf = 5
yi = 0
yf = 6
x_elec1 = [-3, -1]
x_elec2 = [1, 3]
x_range = [xi, xf]
y_range = [yi, yf]
bbox = [xi - 0.1, yi - 0.1, xf + 0.1, yf + 0.1]

# Mesh inside the cell
fd_rod1 = lambda p: dm.dcircle(p, 0, 2, 1)
p_r1, t_r1 = dm.distmesh2d(fd_rod1, dm.huniform, h0_cell, bbox)

plt.scatter(p_r1[:, 0], p_r1[:, 1], s=1, marker=".")
plt.title("Cell mesh - Problem #2")

# Rectangle mesh
fd_rect = lambda p: dm.drectangle0(p, xi, xf, yi, yf)

# Add denser mesh around the electrodes
N_elec = int((max(x_elec1) - min(x_elec1)) / h0_elec)
p_e1 = np.zeros((N_elec, 2))
p_e1[:, 0] = np.linspace(min(x_elec1), max(x_elec1), N_elec)

p_e2 = p_e1.copy()
p_e2[:, 0] = np.linspace(min(x_elec2), max(x_elec2), N_elec)
Ejemplo n.º 37
def ellipse():
    fd = lambda p: p[:, 0]**2 / 2**2 + p[:, 1]**2 / 1**2 - 1
    return dm.distmesh2d(fd, dm.huniform, 0.2, (-2, -1, 2, 1))
Ejemplo n.º 38
import distmesh as dm
fd = lambda p: dm.ddiff(dm.drectangle(p,-1,1,-1,1), dm.dcircle(p,0,0,0.5))
fh = lambda p: 0.05+0.3*dm.dcircle(p,0,0,0.5)
p, t = dm.distmesh2d(fd, fh, 0.05, (-1,-1,1,1), [(-1,-1),(-1,1),(1,-1),(1,1)])
Ejemplo n.º 39
def rectangle_with_circle_at_corner():
    # Does not terminate!
    fd = lambda p: dm.ddiff(dm.drectangle(p, 0, 10, 0, 6),
                            dm.dcircle(p, 10, 0, 4))
    return dm.distmesh2d(fd, dm.huniform, 0.9, (0, 0, 10, 6))
Ejemplo n.º 40
def rectangle_with_circle_at_corner():
    # Does not terminate!
    fd = lambda p: dm.ddiff(dm.drectangle(p,0,10,0,6), dm.dcircle(p,10,0,4))
    return dm.distmesh2d(fd, dm.huniform, 0.9, (0, 0, 10, 6))
Ejemplo n.º 41
def rectangle_with_circle_at_centre():
    # Does not terminate!
    fd = lambda p: dm.ddiff(dm.drectangle(p, 0, 20, 0, 12),
                            dm.dcircle(p, 10, 6, 4))
    return dm.distmesh2d(fd, dm.huniform, 0.5, (0, 0, 20, 12), max_iter=100)
Ejemplo n.º 42
def simple_rect():
    fd = lambda p: dm.drectangle(p, 0, 1, 0, 1)
    return dm.distmesh2d(fd, dm.huniform, 0.1, (0, 0, 1, 1), max_iter=100)