Ejemplo n.º 1
img_out = './synthetictests/' + name + '/' + ff + '_' + notes + '_pred/'
if not os.path.isdir(img_out):

gridsize = 18
threshold = 8

#Create KF
print 'Loading synthetic data streams'
capture = VideoStream(v_in, threshold)
frame = capture.current_frame()
mask, ctrs, fd = capture.backsub()
distmesh = DistMesh(frame, h0 = gridsize)

#Load true data
f_mesh = open(m_in, 'r')
lines = f_mesh.readlines()
nF = len(lines)-1
nX = int(lines[0].split(',')[1])
truestates = np.zeros((nF, nX*4), dtype = np.float32)
predstates = np.zeros((nF, nX*4), dtype = np.float32)
for i in range(1,nF+1):
	line = lines[i]
	truestates[i-1,:] = [float(x) for x in line.split(',')[1:]]

predstates[0,:] = truestates[0,:]

rms_vel = np.zeros(nF)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        refframe = frame
    vid[:, :, idx] = grayframe
    masks[:, :, idx] = mask

tracking_mask = cv2.imread(mask_in)
tracking_mask = cv2.cvtColor(tracking_mask, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

(mask, ctrs, fd) = findObjectThreshold(tracking_mask, threshold=threshold)

#distmesh = DistMesh(refframe, h0 = gridsize)
#distmesh.createMesh(ctrs, fd, refframe, plot = True)
#Save this distmesh and reload it for quicker testing
#distmesh.save(mfsf_in + dm_out)

distmesh = DistMesh(refframe, h0=gridsize)
distmesh.load(mfsf_in + dm_out)

refpositions = distmesh.p

#Create dummy input for flow frame
flowframe = np.zeros((nx, nx, 2))

#Create Kalman Filter object to store mesh and make use of plotting functions
kf = IteratedMSKalmanFilter(distmesh, refframe, flowframe, cuda=cuda)

#Perturb mesh points according to MFSF flow field and save screenshot output
nF = u.shape[2]
N = kf.size() / 4

#Load estimated neuron tracks
truepositions = np.zeros((nF, nC, 2))
Ejemplo n.º 3
	ret, frame, mask = capture.read()
	if idx == nref:
		refframe = frame.copy()
	vid[:,:,idx] = frame 
	masks[:,:,idx] = mask

#Generate ctrs and fd
(mask, ctrs, fd) = findObjectThreshold(tracking_mask, threshold = threshold)

#distmesh = DistMesh(refframe, h0 = gridsize)
#distmesh.createMesh(ctrs, fd, refframe, plot = True)
#Save this distmesh and reload it for quicker testing

distmesh = DistMesh(refframe, h0 = gridsize)

refpositions = distmesh.p
#Create dummy input for flow frame
flowframe = np.zeros((nx, nx, 2))

#Create Kalman Filter object to store mesh and make use of plotting functions
kf = IteratedMSKalmanFilter(distmesh, refframe, flowframe, cuda = cuda)
N = kf.size()/4
totalframes = 0

for vidx in range(nV):

	#Load MFSF data
	a = loadmat(mfsf_matfiles[vidx])
	params = a['parmsOF']
Ejemplo n.º 4
def runIEKF(eps_Z, eps_J, eps_M, eps_F):	
	print 'Running with:'
	print '- eps_Z:', eps_Z
	print '- eps_J:', eps_J
	print '- eps_M:', eps_M
	print '- eps_F:', eps_F

	if mask_flow:
		notes = 'masked_iekf'
		notes = 'iekf'
	notes += '_eps_Z_%f'%eps_Z
	notes += '_eps_J_%f'%eps_J
	notes += '_eps_M_%f'%eps_M
	notes += '_eps_F_%f'%eps_F

	img_out = './synthetictests/' + name + '/' + ff + '_' + notes + '_pred/'
	if not os.path.isdir(img_out):

	print 'Loading synthetic data streams'
	capture = VideoStream(v_in, threshold)
	frame = capture.current_frame()
	mask, ctrs, fd = capture.backsub()
	distmesh = DistMesh(frame, h0 = gridsize)
	#Load true data
	f_mesh = open(m_in, 'r')
	lines = f_mesh.readlines()
	nF = len(lines)-1
	nX = int(lines[0].split(',')[1])
	truestates = np.zeros((nF, nX*4), dtype = np.float32)
	predstates = np.zeros((nF, nX*4), dtype = np.float32)
	for i in range(1,nF+1):
		line = lines[i]
		truestates[i-1,:] = [float(x) for x in line.split(',')[1:]]
	predstates[0,:] = truestates[0,:]
	rms_vel = np.zeros(nF)
	rms_pos = np.zeros(nF)
	flowstream = FlowStream(flow_in)
	ret_flow, flowframe = flowstream.read()
	kf = IteratedKalmanFilter(distmesh, frame, flowframe, cuda = cuda, sparse = sparse,\
	 eps_F = eps_F, eps_Z = eps_Z, eps_J = eps_J, eps_M = eps_M, nI = nI)
	count = 0
	print 'Tracking with Kalman filter'
	while(capture.isOpened() and count < max_frames):
	#for idx in range(1):
		count += 1
		ret, frame, grayframe, mask = capture.read()
		ret_flow, flowframe = flowstream.read()
		if ret is False or ret_flow is False:
		print 'Frame %d' % count 
		kf.compute(grayframe, flowframe, mask, maskflow = mask_flow, imageoutput = img_out+'solution_frame_%03d'%count)
		#kf.compute(grayframe, flowframe, mask, maskflow = mask_flow)
		predstates[count,:] = np.squeeze(kf.state.X)
		r_pos = truestates[count,0:(2*nX)]-predstates[count,0:(2*nX)]
		r_vel = truestates[count,(2*nX):]-predstates[count,(2*nX):]
		rms_pos[count] = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.multiply(r_pos, r_pos)))
		rms_vel[count] = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.multiply(r_vel, r_vel)))
		print 'RMS_pos:', rms_pos[count], 'RMS_vel:', rms_vel[count]
	print 'Saving'
	np.savez('./synthetictests/' + name + '/' + ff + '_' + notes + '_pred.npz', predstates, truestates, rms_pos, rms_vel)
	print 'Done... how\'d we do?'
	#Make plot of tracking error
	plt.plot(range(nF), rms_pos, label='RMS position')
	plt.plot(range(nF), rms_vel, label='RMS velocity')
	plt.legend(loc='upper left')
	plt.savefig('./synthetictests/' + name + '/' + ff + '_' + notes + '_pred_rms.eps')