Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_publish_bag(s, a, b):
    db = pytest.importorskip('dask.bag')
    c = Client((s.ip, s.port), start=False)
    yield c._start()
    f = Client((s.ip, s.port), start=False)
    yield f._start()

    bag = db.from_sequence([0, 1, 2])
    bagp = c.persist(bag)

    assert len(futures_of(bagp)) == 3
    keys = {f.key for f in futures_of(bagp)}
    assert keys == set(bag.dask)

    yield c._publish_dataset(data=bagp)

    # check that serialization didn't affect original bag's dask
    assert len(futures_of(bagp)) == 3

    result = yield f._get_dataset('data')
    assert set(result.dask.keys()) == set(bagp.dask.keys())
    assert {f.key for f in result.dask.values()} == {f.key for f in bagp.dask.values()}

    out = yield f.compute(result)._result()
    assert out == [0, 1, 2]
    yield c._shutdown()
    yield f._shutdown()
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_publish_bag(s, a, b):
    db = pytest.importorskip('dask.bag')
    c = Client((s.ip, s.port), start=False)
    yield c._start()
    f = Client((s.ip, s.port), start=False)
    yield f._start()

    bag = db.from_sequence([0, 1, 2])
    bagp = c.persist(bag)

    assert len(futures_of(bagp)) == 3
    keys = {f.key for f in futures_of(bagp)}
    assert keys == set(bag.dask)

    yield c._publish_dataset(data=bagp)

    # check that serialization didn't affect original bag's dask
    assert len(futures_of(bagp)) == 3

    result = yield f._get_dataset('data')
    assert set(result.dask.keys()) == set(bagp.dask.keys())
    assert {f.key
            for f in result.dask.values()
            } == {f.key
                  for f in bagp.dask.values()}

    out = yield f.compute(result)._result()
    assert out == [0, 1, 2]
    yield c._shutdown()
    yield f._shutdown()
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_scale_up_and_down():
    loop = IOLoop.current()
    cluster = LocalCluster(0,
    c = Client(cluster, start=False, loop=loop)
    yield c._start()

    assert not cluster.workers

    yield cluster.scale_up(2)
    assert len(cluster.workers) == 2
    assert len(cluster.scheduler.ncores) == 2

    addr = cluster.workers[0].address
    yield cluster.scale_down([addr])

    assert len(cluster.workers) == 1
    assert addr not in cluster.scheduler.ncores

    yield c._shutdown()
    yield cluster._close()
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_multiple_maxlen(c, s, a, b):
    c2 = Client((s.ip, s.port), start=False)
    yield c2._start()

    x = c.channel('x', maxlen=10)
    assert x.data.maxlen == 10
    x2 = c2.channel('x', maxlen=20)
    assert x2.data.maxlen == 20

    for i in range(10):
        x.append(c.submit(inc, i))

    while len(s.wants_what[c2.id]) < 10:
        yield gen.sleep(0.01)

    for i in range(10, 20):
        x.append(c.submit(inc, i))

    while len(x2) < 20:
        yield gen.sleep(0.01)

    yield gen.sleep(0.1)

    assert len(x2) == 20  # They stay this long after a delay
    assert len(s.task_state) == 20

    yield c2._shutdown()
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_adaptive_local_cluster_multi_workers():
    loop = IOLoop.current()
    cluster = LocalCluster(0, scheduler_port=0, silence_logs=False, nanny=False,
                           diagnostics_port=None, loop=loop, start=False)
    cluster.scheduler.allowed_failures = 1000
    alc = Adaptive(cluster.scheduler, cluster, interval=100)
    c = Client(cluster, start=False, loop=loop)
    yield c._start()

    futures = c.map(slowinc, range(100), delay=0.01)

    start = time()
    while not cluster.scheduler.worker_info:
        yield gen.sleep(0.01)
        assert time() < start + 15

    yield c._gather(futures)
    del futures

    start = time()
    while cluster.workers:
        yield gen.sleep(0.01)
        assert time() < start + 5

    assert not cluster.workers
    yield gen.sleep(0.2)
    assert not cluster.workers

    futures = c.map(slowinc, range(100), delay=0.01)
    yield c._gather(futures)

    yield c._shutdown()
    yield cluster._close()
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_multiple_maxlen(c, s, a, b):
    c2 = Client((s.ip, s.port), start=False)
    yield c2._start()

    x = c.channel('x', maxlen=10)
    assert x.futures.maxlen == 10
    x2 = c2.channel('x', maxlen=20)
    assert x2.futures.maxlen == 20

    for i in range(10):
        x.append(c.submit(inc, i))

    while len(s.wants_what[c2.id]) < 10:
        yield gen.sleep(0.01)

    for i in range(10, 20):
        x.append(c.submit(inc, i))

    while len(x2) < 20:
        yield gen.sleep(0.01)

    yield gen.sleep(0.1)

    assert len(x2) == 20  # They stay this long after a delay
    assert len(s.task_state) == 20

    yield c2._shutdown()
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_multiple_clients_restart(s, a, b):
    e1 = Client((s.ip, s.port), start=False)
    yield e1._start()
    e2 = Client((s.ip, s.port), start=False)
    yield e2._start()

    x = e1.submit(inc, 1)
    y = e2.submit(inc, 2)
    xx = yield x._result()
    yy = yield y._result()
    assert xx == 2
    assert yy == 3

    yield e1._restart()

    assert x.cancelled()
    assert y.cancelled()

    yield e1._shutdown(fast=True)
    yield e2._shutdown(fast=True)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_scheduler_file():
    with tmpfile() as fn:
        s = Scheduler(scheduler_file=fn)
        with open(fn) as f:
            data = json.load(f)
        assert data['address'] == s.address

        c = Client(scheduler_file=fn, loop=s.loop, start=False)
        yield c._start()
    yield s.close()
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_multiple_clients_restart(s, a, b):
    e1 = Client((s.ip, s.port), start=False)
    yield e1._start()
    e2 = Client((s.ip, s.port), start=False)
    yield e2._start()

    x = e1.submit(inc, 1)
    y = e2.submit(inc, 2)
    xx = yield x._result()
    yy = yield y._result()
    assert xx == 2
    assert yy == 3

    yield e1._restart()

    assert x.cancelled()
    assert y.cancelled()

    yield e1._shutdown(fast=True)
    yield e2._shutdown(fast=True)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_publish_simple(s, a, b):
    c = Client((s.ip, s.port), start=False)
    yield c._start()
    f = Client((s.ip, s.port), start=False)
    yield f._start()

    data = yield c._scatter(range(3))
    out = yield c._publish_dataset(data=data)
    assert 'data' in s.extensions['publish'].datasets

    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as exc_info:
        out = yield c._publish_dataset(data=data)

    assert "exists" in str(exc_info.value)
    assert "data" in str(exc_info.value)

    result = yield c.scheduler.publish_list()
    assert result == ['data']

    result = yield f.scheduler.publish_list()
    assert result == ['data']

    yield c._shutdown()
    yield f._shutdown()
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_publish_roundtrip(s, a, b):
    c = Client((s.ip, s.port), start=False)
    yield c._start()
    f = Client((s.ip, s.port), start=False)
    yield f._start()

    data = yield c._scatter([0, 1, 2])
    yield c._publish_dataset(data=data)

    assert 'published-data' in s.who_wants[data[0].key]
    result = yield f._get_dataset(name='data')

    assert len(result) == len(data)
    out = yield f._gather(result)
    assert out == [0, 1, 2]

    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as exc_info:
        result = yield f._get_dataset(name='nonexistent')

    assert "not found" in str(exc_info.value)
    assert "nonexistent" in str(exc_info.value)

    yield c._shutdown()
    yield f._shutdown()
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_publish_simple(s, a, b):
    c = Client((s.ip, s.port), start=False)
    yield c._start()
    f = Client((s.ip, s.port), start=False)
    yield f._start()

    data = yield c._scatter(range(3))
    out = yield c._publish_dataset(data=data)
    assert 'data' in s.extensions['publish'].datasets

    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as exc_info:
        out = yield c._publish_dataset(data=data)

    assert "exists" in str(exc_info.value)
    assert "data" in str(exc_info.value)

    result = yield c.scheduler.publish_list()
    assert result == ['data']

    result = yield f.scheduler.publish_list()
    assert result == ['data']

    yield c._shutdown()
    yield f._shutdown()
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_publish_roundtrip(s, a, b):
    c = Client((s.ip, s.port), start=False)
    yield c._start()
    f = Client((s.ip, s.port), start=False)
    yield f._start()

    data = yield c._scatter([0, 1, 2])
    yield c._publish_dataset(data=data)

    assert 'published-data' in s.who_wants[data[0].key]
    result = yield f._get_dataset(name='data')

    assert len(result) == len(data)
    out = yield f._gather(result)
    assert out == [0, 1, 2]

    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as exc_info:
        result = yield f._get_dataset(name='nonexistent')

    assert "not found" in str(exc_info.value)
    assert "nonexistent" in str(exc_info.value)

    yield c._shutdown()
    yield f._shutdown()
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_adaptive_local_cluster_multi_workers():
    loop = IOLoop.current()
    cluster = LocalCluster(0, scheduler_port=0, silence_logs=False, nanny=False,
                      diagnostic_port=None, loop=loop, start=False)
    alc = Adaptive(cluster.scheduler, cluster, interval=100)
    c = Client(cluster, start=False, loop=loop)
    yield c._start()

    for i in range(20):
        futures = c.map(slowinc, range(100), delay=0.01)
        yield c._gather(futures)
        del futures
        yield gen.sleep(0.1)

    yield c._shutdown()
    yield cluster._close()
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_values(c, s, a, b):
    c2 = Client((s.ip, s.port), start=False)
    yield c2._start()

    x = c.channel('x')
    x2 = c2.channel('x')

    data = [123, 'Hello!', {'x': [1, 2, 3]}]
    for item in data:

    while len(x2.data) < 3:
        yield gen.sleep(0.01)

    assert list(x2.data) == data

    yield c2._shutdown()
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_scale_up_and_down():
    loop = IOLoop.current()
    cluster = LocalCluster(0, scheduler_port=0, nanny=False, silence_logs=False,
                           diagnostics_port=None, loop=loop, start=False)
    c = Client(cluster, start=False, loop=loop)
    yield c._start()

    assert not cluster.workers

    yield cluster.scale_up(2)
    assert len(cluster.workers) == 2
    assert len(cluster.scheduler.ncores) == 2

    addr = cluster.workers[0].address
    yield cluster.scale_down([addr])

    assert len(cluster.workers) == 1
    assert addr not in cluster.scheduler.ncores

    yield c._shutdown()
    yield cluster._close()
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_adaptive_local_cluster_multi_workers():
    loop = IOLoop.current()
    cluster = LocalCluster(0,
    alc = Adaptive(cluster.scheduler, cluster, interval=100)
    c = Client(cluster, start=False, loop=loop)
    yield c._start()

    for i in range(20):
        futures = c.map(slowinc, range(100), delay=0.01)
        yield c._gather(futures)
        del futures
        yield gen.sleep(0.1)

    yield c._shutdown()
    yield cluster._close()
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_adaptive_local_cluster_multi_workers():
    loop = IOLoop.current()
    cluster = LocalCluster(0,
    cluster.scheduler.allowed_failures = 1000
    alc = Adaptive(cluster.scheduler, cluster, interval=100)
    c = Client(cluster, start=False, loop=loop)
    yield c._start()

    futures = c.map(slowinc, range(100), delay=0.01)

    start = time()
    while not cluster.scheduler.worker_info:
        yield gen.sleep(0.01)
        assert time() < start + 15

    yield c._gather(futures)
    del futures

    start = time()
    while cluster.workers:
        yield gen.sleep(0.01)
        assert time() < start + 5

    assert not cluster.workers
    assert not cluster.scheduler.workers
    yield gen.sleep(0.2)
    assert not cluster.workers
    assert not cluster.scheduler.workers

    futures = c.map(slowinc, range(100), delay=0.01)
    yield c._gather(futures)

    yield c._shutdown()
    yield cluster._close()