Ejemplo n.º 1
def run_pipeline(reads, options):
    # Instantiate options
    output_dir = options['output_dir']
    logs_dir = options['logs_dir']
    lib_prefix = options['lib_prefix']
    step = options['step']
    config = options['config']
    run_is_paired_end = options['run_is_paired_end']

    cutadapt = Software('cutadapt', config['cutadapt']['path'])
    fastqc = Software('FastQC', config['fastqc']['path'])
    bwa_aln = Software('BWA aln', config['bwa']['path'] + ' aln')
    bwa_sampe = Software('BWA sampe', config['bwa']['path'] + ' sampe')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    config = options['config']
    run_is_paired_end = options['run_is_paired_end']

    # Keep list of items to delete
    staging_delete = ['tmp']

        forward_adapter = options['extra_info']['forward_adapter']
        reverse_adapter = options['extra_info']['reverse_adapter']
        sailfish_libtype = options['extra_info']['sailfish_libtype']
    except KeyError, e:
        # TODO Make better exception message
        raise KeyError('Some needed extra_info not given.')

    # Establish Software instances
    cat = Software('cat', '/bin/cat')
    cutadapt = Software('cutadapt', config['cutadapt']['path'])
    kallisto = Software('kallisto', config['kallisto']['path'])
    sailfish = Software('sailfish', config['sailfish']['path'])

    # Combine reads with extra sequencing depth
    if step <= 1 and len(reads) >= 2:
        if run_is_paired_end:
            # Aggregate read1s and read2s
            read1s, read2s = [], []
            for read in reads:
                read1, read2 = read.split(':')

            # Combine reads groups
Ejemplo n.º 3
    config = options['config']
    run_is_paired_end = options['run_is_paired_end']

        run_is_stranded = True if options['extra_info']['run_is_stranded'].lower() == 'true' else False
        cufflinks_lib_type = options['extra_info']['cufflinks_lib_type']
        htseq_stranded = options['extra_info']['htseq_stranded']  # yes|no|reverse
        forward_adapter = options['extra_info']['forward_adapter']
        reverse_adapter = options['extra_info']['reverse_adapter']
    except KeyError, e:
        # TODO Make better exception message
        raise KeyError('Some needed extra_info not given.')

    # Establish Software instances
    cutadapt = Software('Cutadapt', config['cutadapt']['path'])
    star = Software('STAR Two-Pass', config['STAR']['path'])
    novosort = Software('Novosort', config['novosort']['path'])
    samtools_flagstat = Software('Samtools Flagstat', config['samtools_flagstat']['path'])
    cufflinks = Software('Cufflinks', config['cufflinks']['path'])
    htseq = Software('HTSeq', config['htseq']['path'])

    # Housekeeping
    star_output = []
    novosort_outfile = ''
    if htseq_stranded not in ['yes', 'no', 'reverse']:
        raise ValueError('htseq_stranded is not yes|no|reverse')
    if cufflinks_lib_type not in ['ff-firststrand',
Ejemplo n.º 4
    config = options['config']
    run_is_paired_end = options['run_is_paired_end']

    # Keep list of items to delete
    staging_delete = ['tmp']

        forward_adapter = options['extra_info']['forward_adapter']
        reverse_adapter = options['extra_info']['reverse_adapter']
        sailfish_libtype = options['extra_info']['sailfish_libtype']
    except KeyError, e:
        # TODO Make better exception message
        raise KeyError('Some needed extra_info not given.')

    # Establish Software instances
    cat = Software('cat', '/bin/cat')
    cutadapt = Software('cutadapt', config['cutadapt']['path'])
    kallisto = Software('kallisto', config['kallisto']['path'])
    sailfish = Software('sailfish', config['sailfish']['path'])

    # Combine reads with extra sequencing depth
    if step <= 1 and len(reads) >= 2:
        if run_is_paired_end:
            # Aggregate read1s and read2s
            read1s, read2s = [], []
            for read in reads:
                read1, read2 = read.split(':')

            # Combine reads groups
Ejemplo n.º 5
__author__ = 'Dominic Fitzgerald'
import sys
from dive.components import Software, Parameter, Redirect

sample = sys.argv[1]

# Instantiate software
# Software(software_name, software_path)
picard = Software('picard', '/path/to/java /path/to/picard.jar')

# Run software
# Put as many Parameter and Redirect as needed
# Order matters, so generally Redirect should be last

# Parameter('arguments', 'separated', 'by', 'spaces')
    Parameter('I=' + sample),
    Parameter('-T', 'SplitNCigarReads'),
    Redirect(type='>', dest='out.txt')

# Will produce and execute:
# /path/to/java /path/to/picard.jar I=/path/to/input.bam O=/path/to/output -T SplitNCigarReads > out.txt
Ejemplo n.º 6
    star_output = []

    # Keep list of items to delete
    staging_delete = ['tmp']

    # Get extra options
        forward_adapter = options['extra_info']['forward_adapter']
        reverse_adapter = options['extra_info']['reverse_adapter']
        run_is_stranded = True if options['extra_info']['run_is_stranded'].lower() == 'true' else False
    except KeyError, e:
        # TODO Make better exception message
        raise KeyError('Some needed extra_info not given.')

    # Establish software instances
    cat = Software('cat', '/bin/cat')
    cutadapt = Software('cutadapt', config['cutadapt']['path'])
    star = Software('STAR', config['STAR']['path'])
    rsem = Software('RSEM', config['RSEM']['path'])
    bedGraph_to_bw = Software('bedGraphToBigWig', config['bedGraphToBigWig']['path'])

    if step <= 1 and len(reads) >= 2:
        if run_is_paired_end:
            # Aggregate read1s and read2s
            read1s, read2s = [], []
            for reads_set in reads:
                read1, read2 = reads_set.split(':')

            # Combine reads groups
Ejemplo n.º 7
__author__ = 'Dominic Fitzgerald'
import sys
from dive.components import Software, Parameter, Redirect

sample = sys.argv[1]

# Instantiate software
# Software(software_name, software_path)
picard = Software('picard', '/path/to/java /path/to/picard.jar')

# Run software
# Put as many Parameter and Redirect as needed
# Order matters, so generally Redirect should be last

# Parameter('arguments', 'separated', 'by', 'spaces')
picard.run(Parameter('I=' + sample), Parameter('O=/path/to/output'),
           Parameter('-T', 'SplitNCigarReads'),
           Redirect(type='>', dest='out.txt'))

# Will produce and execute:
# /path/to/java /path/to/picard.jar I=/path/to/input.bam O=/path/to/output -T SplitNCigarReads > out.txt