Ejemplo n.º 1
def _cascade_soft_delete(inst_or_qs, using, keep_parents=False):
    Return collector instance that has marked ArchiveMixin instances for
    archive (i.e. update) instead of actual delete.
        inst_or_qs (models.Model or models.QuerySet): the instance(s) that
            are to be deleted.
        using (db connection/router): the db to delete from.
        keep_parents (bool): defaults to False.  Determine if cascade is true.
        models.deletion.Collector: this is a standard Collector instance but
            the ArchiveMixin instances are in the fields for update list.
    if not isinstance(inst_or_qs, models.QuerySet):
        instances = [inst_or_qs]
        instances = inst_or_qs

    # The collector will iteratively crawl the relationships and
    # create a list of models and instances that are connected to
    # this instance.
    collector = NestedObjects(using=using)
    collector.collect(instances, keep_parents=keep_parents)
    if collector.protected:
        raise models.ProtectedError("Delete protected", collector.protected)

    return collector
Ejemplo n.º 2
def duplicate(obj, value=None, field=None, duplicate_order=None):
    Duplicate all related objects of obj setting
    field to value. If one of the duplicate
    objects has an FK to another duplicate object
    update that as well. Return the duplicate copy
    of obj.
    duplicate_order is a list of models which specify how
    the duplicate objects are saved. For complex objects
    this can matter. Check to save if objects are being
    saved correctly and if not just pass in related objects
    in the order that they should be saved.
    collector = NestedObjects(using=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS)
    related_models = list(collector.data.keys())
    data_snapshot = {}
    for key in list(collector.data.keys()):
                    zip([item.pk for item in collector.data[key]],
                        [item for item in collector.data[key]])))
    root_obj = None

    if duplicate_order is None:
        duplicate_order = reversed(related_models)

    for model in duplicate_order:
        # Find all FKs on model that point to a related_model.
        fks = []
        for f in model._meta.fields:
            if isinstance(f, ForeignKey) and f.rel.to in related_models:
        # Replace each `sub_obj` with a duplicate.
        if model not in collector.data:
        sub_objects = collector.data[model]
        for obj in sub_objects:
            for fk in fks:
                fk_value = getattr(obj, "%s_id" % fk.name)
                # If this FK has been duplicated then point to the duplicate.
                fk_rel_to = data_snapshot[fk.rel.to]
                if fk_value in fk_rel_to:
                    dupe_obj = fk_rel_to[fk_value]
                    setattr(obj, fk.name, dupe_obj)
            # Duplicate the object and save it.
            obj.id = None
            if field is not None:
                setattr(obj, field, value)
            if root_obj is None:
                root_obj = obj
    return root_obj