Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, attrs):
        fields_present = set()
        fieldsets = SortedDict()
        fieldset_help = {}

        fieldset_sets = []
        if attrs.has_key('fieldsets'):
        fieldset_sets += [clazz.fieldsets for clazz in bases if hasattr(clazz, 'fieldsets')]
        for fieldset in fieldset_sets:
            for values in fieldset:
                if len(values) == 3:
                    name, help_text, fields = values
                    fieldset_help[name] = fieldset_help.get(name, help_text)
                    name, fields = values
                fields = [f for f in fields if f not in fields_present]
                if not fields:

                if fieldsets.has_key(name):
                    fieldsets[name] = fieldsets[name] + fields
                    fieldsets[name] = fields

        if fieldsets.has_key(None):
            del fieldsets[None]
        attrs['fieldsets'] = fieldsets.items()
        attrs['fieldset_help'] = fieldset_help

        return super(FieldsetMetaclass, cls).__new__(cls, clsname, bases, attrs)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def prepare_idTransaction_dict(model_instance):
    fields = SortedDict()
    for field in model_instance._meta.fields:
            if getattr(model_instance, field.name) not in (None, ''):
                newfieldname ="%s" % (field.name)
                value = getattr(model_instance, field.name)
                #if a datetime sting, then turn into a datetime
                    value = time.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                    value = time.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%d")
                    value = time.strptime(value, "%H:%M:%S")
            fields[newfieldname] = str(value)
    fields.insert(0,'_id', model_instance.transaction_id)
    if fields.has_key('extra_fields'):
        ef =json.loads(fields['extra_fields'])
        del fields['extra_fields']
    if fields.has_key('tags'):
        fields['tags'] = json.loads(fields['tags'])

    #print "The tx type is ", fields['transaction_type']
    if fields['transaction_type']=="omhe":
        if fields['text'] != "":
            p = parseomhe()
            d = p.parse(fields['text'])
            del d['transaction_id'], d['transaction_datetime']

    #for k in fields.keys():
    #    print k,"= ",fields[k]
    return fields
Ejemplo n.º 3
def history(request):
    Tally total expenses and income for each month
    history = SortedDict()
    entries = Entry.objects.all().order_by('-date')
    for e in entries:
        # Create dict key
        this_month = datetime.date(e.date.year, e.date.month, 1)
        if not history.has_key(this_month):
            history[this_month] = {'income':0, 'expense':0}
        #sum values for month
        if e.category.type in ['EXP', 'COGS']:
            history[this_month]['expense'] += e.amount
        elif e.category.type == 'INC':
             history[this_month]['income'] += e.amount

    for date, value_dict in history.items():
        value_dict['net'] = value_dict['income'] - value_dict['expense']

    return simple.direct_to_template(request,
                                     extra_context = { 'history': history })
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def group_districts_by_type(self):
     districts = self.options['districts']
     by_type = SortedDict()
     for district in districts:
         if not by_type.has_key(district.type.title):
             by_type[district.type.title] = []
     return by_type
Ejemplo n.º 5
def humanized_content_dict_for_model_instance(instance):
    """Returns a dictionary for the given Django model instance with normalized data."""
    model = instance.__class__
    opts = model._meta
    data_map = SortedDict()
    suppress_object_id = False
    for f in opts.fields:
        k = f.name.replace('_', ' ').title()
        v = getattr(instance, f.name)
        if hasattr(instance, 'get_%s_display' % f.name):
            m = getattr(instance, 'get_%s_display' % f.name)                
            v = m()
        if type(f) == ForeignKey:
                to = f.related.parent_model            
                if to == User:
                    if v is not None:
                        name = v.get_full_name()
                        email = unicode(v.email)
                        name = ''
                        email = ''
                    data_map[k] = unicode(name)
                    data_map['%s Email' % k] = unicode(email)
                elif to == ContentType and f.name == 'content_type':
                    if hasattr(instance, 'object_id'):
                            data_map['Content Object'] = '%s: %s' % (v, v.get_object_for_this_type(id=getattr(instance, 'object_id')))
                            data_map['Content Object'] = ''
                        suppress_object_id = True
                    if v is not None:
                        klass = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(v)
                        data_map[k] = '%s: %s' % (klass, v)
            except Exception, e:
                print e
        if v == None:
            v = ''
        elif type(v) == datetime.date:
            v = v.strftime(smart_str(settings.DATE_FORMAT))                   
        elif type(v) == datetime.datetime:
            v = v.strftime(smart_str(settings.DATETIME_FORMAT))
        data_map[k] = v

        if suppress_object_id and data_map.has_key('Object Id'):
            del data_map['Object Id']
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _html_output(self, form_as, normal_row, help_text_html, sections_re, row_re):
        formsets = SortedDict()
        for bf in self.formsets:
            if bf.label:
                label = conditional_escape(force_unicode(bf.label))
                # Only add the suffix if the label does not end in
                # punctuation.
                if self.form.label_suffix:
                    if label[-1] not in ":?.!":
                        label += self.form.label_suffix
                label = label or ""
                label = ""
            if bf.field.help_text:
                help_text = help_text_html % force_unicode(bf.field.help_text)
                help_text = u""
            formsets[bf.name] = {"label": force_unicode(label), "field": unicode(bf), "help_text": help_text}

            output = []
            data = form_as()
            section_search = sections_re.search(data)
            if formsets:
                hidden = u"".join(hidden_re.findall(data))
                last_formset_name, last_formset = formsets.items()[-1]
                last_formset["field"] = last_formset["field"] + hidden
                formsets[last_formset_name] = normal_row % last_formset
                for name, formset in formsets.items()[:-1]:
                    formsets[name] = normal_row % formset

            if not section_search:
                section_groups = section_search.groups()
                for row, head, item in row_re.findall(section_groups[1]):
                    head_search = label_re.search(head)
                    if head_search:
                        id = head_search.groups()[1]
                        if formsets.has_key(id):
                            row = formsets[id]
                            del formsets[id]

            for name, row in formsets.items():
                if name in self.form.fields.keyOrder:

            return mark_safe(u"\n".join(output))
        except Exception, e:
            import traceback

            return traceback.format_exc()
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get_data(self):
        zones = []
        image_dict = {}
        instances = []
            instances = api.proxy.server_list(self.request)
            servers = []
                              _('Unable to retrieve instances.'),

            for zone in api.proxy.availability_zone_list(self.request, True):
                    images = SortedDict([(image.imageid, image) for image in
                         image_utils.get_available_images(self.request, zone.id)])
                    images = {}
            zones = []
            exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to retrieve zones.'), ignore=True)

        zone_dict = SortedDict([(zone.id, zone.name) for zone in zones])

        gateway_dict = SortedDict([(g.hostname, g.vext_ip)
                                  for g in api.proxy.gateway_list(self.request)])
        for instance in instances:
            if zone_dict.has_key(instance.zone_id):
                instance.zone_id = zone_dict[instance.zone_id]

            image = image_dict.get(instance.image_id)
            if image:
                instance.image_name = image.name
                if image.container_format == 'docker':
                    instance.image_name += '(Container)'
                    instance.image_name += '(VM)'
                instance.image_name = instance.image_id

            firewall = [(gateway_dict.get(f.hostname), f.gateway_port) for f in
                        api.proxy.firewall_get(self.request, instance.id)]
            if firewall:
                instance.gateway = '%s:%s' % firewall[0]
                instance.gateway= ''

        return instances
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def get_admin_method_values(self, qs, admin):
     values = SortedDict()
     other = 0
     for obj in qs:
         val = getattr(admin, self.field_name)(obj)
         if (not val): other += 1
         elif (values.has_key(val)):
             values[val] += 1
             values[val] = 1
     if other != 0:          
         values[self.other_title] = other
     return values 
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def get_admin_method_values(self, qs, admin):       
        values = SortedDict()
        for obj in qs:
            val = getattr(admin, self.field_name)(obj).isoweekday()
            if val == 7:
                val = 0

            day_name = force_unicode(self.days[val])
            if (values.has_key(day_name)):
                values[day_name] += 1
                values[day_name] = 1
        return values 
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def get_field_values(self, qs):
     values = SortedDict()
     other = 0
     field = qs.model._meta.get_field(self.field_name) 
     if (field.choices):
         count = 0
         for choice in field.choices:
             num = qs.filter(**{field.name:choice[0]}).count()
             if (choice[0] != 'other'): values[choice[1]] = num
             count += num
         if (qs.count() != count): other = qs.count() - count
     elif (field.get_internal_type() == "ManyToManyField"):
         for obj in qs:
             for m2mobj in getattr(obj, field.name).all():
                 if (values.has_key(m2mobj.__unicode__())):
                     values[m2mobj.__unicode__()] += 1
                     values[m2mobj.__unicode__()] = 1
     elif (field.get_internal_type() == "BooleanField"):
         values[force_unicode(_('Yes'))] = qs.filter(**{field.name: True}).count()
         values[force_unicode(_('No'))] = qs.filter(**{field.name: False}).count()
     elif (field.get_internal_type() == "OrderedForeignKey" or field.get_internal_type() == "ForeignKey" or field.get_internal_type() == "CharField"):
         for obj in qs:
             val = getattr(obj, field.name)
             if (not val): other += 1
             elif (values.has_key(val)):
                 values[val] += 1
                 values[val] = 1
     if other != 0:          
         values[self.other_title] = other
     return values
Ejemplo n.º 11
def submissions(request):
    latest_strikes = Strike.objects.filter(start_date__gte=datetime.today().date()).order_by('start_date').filter(approved=False).exclude(submitter=1)
    companies = Company.objects.all()
    regions = Region.objects.all()

    strikes = SortedDict()

    hoje = datetime.today().strftime("%d")
    amanha = datetime.today().date() + timedelta(days=1)
    amanha = amanha.strftime("%d")

    for strike in latest_strikes:
        y = strike.start_date.strftime("%Y")
        m = strike.start_date.strftime("%m")
        d = strike.start_date.strftime("%d")

        if not strikes.has_key(y):
            strikes[y] = {}

        if not strikes[y].has_key(m):
            strikes[y][m] = {"name":strike.start_date.strftime("%B"), "days":SortedDict()}
        if not strikes[y][m]["days"].has_key(d):
            strikes[y][m]["days"][d] = {'greves':{}}
        if not strikes[y][m]["days"][d]['greves'].has_key(strike.company):
            strikes[y][m]["days"][d]['greves'][strike.company] = []

    y = datetime.today().strftime("%Y")
    m = datetime.today().strftime("%m")
    if len(strikes) > 0:
        fix = False
        if strikes[y][m]["days"].has_key(amanha):
            strikes[y][m]["days"][amanha]["alias"] = "Amanhã"
            fix = True

        if strikes[y][m]["days"].has_key(hoje):
            strikes[y][m]["days"][hoje]["alias"] = "Hoje"
            if fix:
                strikes[y][m]["days"][hoje]["fix"] = "fixAmanha"

    #strikes['04']["days"] = sorted(strikes['04']["days"])

    context = { 'strikes': strikes, 'regions': regions, 'host': request.get_host(), 'companies': companies }

    return render_to_response('submissions.html', context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def _get_servers(request):
    servers = []

    image_dict = SortedDict([(img["id"], img)for img in get_images(request)])
    zone_dict = SortedDict([(zone.id, zone.name) for zone in get_zones(request)])
    gateway_dict = SortedDict([(g.hostname, g.vext_ip)
                              for g in api.proxy.gateway_list(request)])

    for server in api.proxy.server_list(request):
        image = image_dict.get(server.image_id, {})
        if zone_dict.has_key(server.zone_id):
            server.zone_id = zone_dict[server.zone_id]

        firewall = [(gateway_dict.get(f.hostname), f.gateway_port)
                    for f in api.proxy.firewall_get(request, server.id)]
        servers.append(server_format(request, server, image, firewall))

    return servers
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def _html_output(self, form_as, normal_row, help_text_html, sections_re, row_re):
        formsets = SortedDict()
        for bf in self.formsets:
            if bf.label:
                label = conditional_escape(force_unicode(bf.label))
                # Only add the suffix if the label does not end in
                # punctuation.
                if self.form.label_suffix:
                    if label[-1] not in ':?.!':
                        label += self.form.label_suffix
                label = label or ''
                label = ''
            if bf.field.help_text:
                help_text = help_text_html % force_unicode(bf.field.help_text)
                help_text = u''
            formsets[bf.name] = normal_row % {'label': force_unicode(label), 'field': unicode(bf), 'help_text': help_text}

            output = []
            data = form_as()
            section_search = sections_re.search(data)
            if not section_search:
                section_groups = section_search.groups()
                for row, head, item in row_re.findall(section_groups[1]):
                    head_search = label_re.search(head)
                    if head_search:
                        id = head_search.groups()[1]
                        if formsets.has_key(id):
                            row = formsets[id]
                            del formsets[id]

            for name, row in formsets.items():
                if name in self.form.fields.keyOrder:

            return mark_safe(u'\n'.join(output))
        except Exception,e:
            import traceback
            return traceback.format_exc()
Ejemplo n.º 14
def regroup_exams(exams):
    exams = exams.order_by('-semester', 'exam_type', 'number', 'has_solutions')
    d = SortedDict()
    headers = []
    for e in exams:
        k = e.describe_exam_type()
        if k not in headers:

    for e in exams:
        k1 = (e.semester.verbose_description(), e.instructor_names)
        k2 = e.describe_exam_type()
        if not d.has_key(k1):
            d[k1] = get_new_dict(headers)

        if d[k1].has_key(k2):
            d[k1][k2] = [e]

    return d, headers
Ejemplo n.º 15
def group_history_and_messages(history, messages, group_by=None):
    grouped_history = SortedDict()
    for a in history:
        a.extra_messages = {}
        for m in messages:
            if a.id == m['alert_history']:
                if not a.extra_messages.has_key(m['state']):
                    a.extra_messages[m['state']] = {
                        'sms': None,
                        'email': None,
                        'jabber': None,
                a.extra_messages[m['state']][m['type']] = m['message']

            key = GROUPINGS[group_by]['group_by'](a)
        except AttributeError:
            key = None

        if not grouped_history.has_key(key):
            grouped_history[key] = []
    return grouped_history
Ejemplo n.º 16
def group_history_and_messages(history, messages, group_by=None):
    grouped_history = SortedDict()
    for a in history:
        a.extra_messages = {}
        for m in messages:
            if a.id == m['alert_history']:
                if not a.extra_messages.has_key(m['state']):
                    a.extra_messages[m['state']] = {
                        'sms': None,
                        'email': None,
                        'jabber': None,
                a.extra_messages[m['state']][m['type']] = m['message']

            key = GROUPINGS[group_by]['group_by'](a)
        except AttributeError:
            key = None

        if not grouped_history.has_key(key):
            grouped_history[key] = []
    return grouped_history
Ejemplo n.º 17
class RunningAverage(object):
    def __init__(self, max=datetime.timedelta(minutes=30)):
        @param max: Max duration after which data will be dropped
        super(RunningAverage, self).__init__()
        self._items = SortedDict()
        self.max = max

    def append(self, item, dtime = None):
        if not dtime:
            dtime = self.now()
        self._items[dtime] = item

    def remove(self, *items):
        for key in items:
            if self._items.has_key(key):
                del self._items[key]

    def sum(self, items):
        return sum([float(item) for item in items])

    def average(self, items):
        if not items:
            return None
        return self.sum(items)/float(len(items))

    def time_average(self, delta):
        now = self.now()
        values = []
        for key, value in self._items.items():
            diff = now - key
            if diff > self.max:
            elif diff <= delta:
        return self.average(values)

    def rate(self, delta):
        if not self._items:
            return None
        now = self.now()
        values = []
        last_dtime = None
        last_value = None
        for key, value in self._items.items():
            diff = now - key
            if diff > self.max:
            elif diff <= delta:
                if not last_dtime:
                    last_dtime = key
                    last_value = value
                rate = key - last_dtime
                seconds = rate.seconds + rate.days*86400
                if not seconds:
                    last_value += value
                values.append(float(value - last_value) / float(seconds))
                last_dtime = key
                last_value = value
        return self.average(values)

    def now(self):
        Ability to alter resolution of time
        return datetime.datetime.now()
    def averages(self, *deltas):
        if not deltas:
            deltas = [datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)]
        values = []
        for delta in deltas:
        return tuple(values)

    def rates(self, *deltas):
        if not deltas:
            deltas = [datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)]
        values = []
        for delta in deltas:
        return tuple(values)

    def __call__(self, *deltas):
        return self.averages(*deltas)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def import_from_shape(upload,
  a shapeUpload object
  max_rows - any more than this is ignored
  centroid - if it's a (multi)polygon, should we also create a geometry_centroid field

    upload.status = 2  #set this right away so it doesn't get reprocessed
    ds = DataSource(upload.shapefile)
    layer = ds[0]
    fields = layer.fields

    num_features = len(layer)
    #set max # of _style features
    max_distinct_style_vals = max(min(num_features / 100, 50), 10)
    print 'there are %d features' % num_features
    upload.total_rows = num_features
    if not num_features:
        print 'no rows, returning'
        upload.status = 6

    rows = []
    #get field types
    field_map = {
        'OFTString': 'STRING',
        'OFTReal': 'NUMBER',
        'OFTInteger': 'NUMBER',
        'OFTDate': 'DATETIME'
    field_types = [field_map[f.__name__] for f in layer.field_types]
    field_layers = layer.fields

    #insert geometry layers first
    field_layers.insert(0, 'geometry')
    field_types.insert(0, 'LOCATION')
    field_layers.insert(1, 'geometry_vertex_count')
    field_types.insert(1, 'NUMBER')

    if upload.create_simplify:
        field_layers.insert(0, 'geometry_simplified')
        field_types.insert(0, 'LOCATION')
        field_layers.insert(1, 'geometry_simplified_vertex_count')
        field_types.insert(1, 'NUMBER')

    #use sorted dict so we can ensure table has geom columns upfront
    field_dict = SortedDict(zip(field_layers, field_types))

    #set up extra fields if creating int/style cols
    if create_int_style_cols:
        int_style_dict = {}
        for field, field_type in field_dict.items():
            if field_type == 'STRING':
                field_dict[field + '_ft_style'] = 'NUMBER'
                int_style_dict[field] = {}
        print field_dict

    #add some custom import fields
    field_dict['import_notes'] = 'STRING'

    print 'FIELD DICT', field_dict
    print 'starting to process'
    for i, feat in enumerate(layer):
        if i > max_rows:
        if start_row and i < start_row:
        upload.rows_processed = i + 1
        if not i % ((num_features / 50) or 5):
            print upload.rows_processed, 'rp'
        rd = {}
        #geom = fromstr(feat.geom.wkt,srid=srid)
        if layer.srs:
                geom = OGRGeometry(feat.geom.wkt, layer.srs.proj4)
            except Exception, e:
                print 'FAIL GEOM'
                print e,
                geom = None
            geom = OGRGeometry(feat.geom.wkt)

        if geom:
            geom = fromstr(geom.wkt)
            #create optional centroid for polys
            if upload.create_centroid and 'oly' in geom.geom_type:
                field_dict['geometry_pos'] = 'LOCATION'
                rd['geometry_pos'] = geom.point_on_surface.kml

            if upload.create_centroid_poly and 'oly' in geom.geom_type:
                field_dict['geometry_pos_poly_2'] = 'LOCATION'
                field_dict['geometry_pos_poly_3'] = 'LOCATION'

                rd['geometry_pos_poly_2'] = geom.point_on_surface.buffer(
                    .0001, 10).kml
                rd['geometry_pos_poly_3'] = geom.point_on_surface.buffer(
                    .0005, 10).kml

            #if it's > 1M characters, we need to simplify it for FT
            simplify_tolerance = .0001
            while len(geom.kml) > 1000000:
                geom = geom.simplify(simplify_tolerance)
                print 'simplified to %f' % simplify_tolerance
                rd['import_notes'] = 'simplified to %d DD' % simplify_tolerance
                simplify_tolerance = simplify_tolerance * 1.5

            if not geom.valid:
                rd['import_notes'] = '<br>Geometry not valid'

            kml = geom.kml
            rd['geometry'] = kml
            rd['geometry_vertex_count'] = geom.num_coords

            if upload.create_simplify and not 'oint' in geom.geom_type:
                amt = .002
                if 'oly' in geom.geom_type:
                    buffer_geom = geom.buffer(amt)
                    buffer_geom = buffer_geom.buffer(amt * -1)
                    simple_geom = buffer_geom.simplify(amt)
                    simple_geom = geom.simplify(amt)

                rd['geometry_simplified'] = simple_geom.kml
                rd['geometry_simplified_vertex_count'] = simple_geom.num_coords

        for f in fields:
            val = feat.get(f)
            #make sure we have proper null type for diff fields
            if val == '<Null>':
            if not val:

            if field_dict[f] == 'DATETIME':
                val = val.isoformat().split('T')[0]

            if field_dict[f] == 'STRING' \
              and create_int_style_cols \
              and field_dict.has_key(f + '_ft_style'):

                #check to see if we have a number for this yet
                    rd[f + '_ft_style'] = int_style_dict[f][val]
                    int_style_dict[f][val] = len(int_style_dict[f])
                    rd[f + '_ft_style'] = int_style_dict[f][val]
                #however if we have too many distinct vals, let's just not do this anymore
                if len(int_style_dict[f]) > max_distinct_style_vals:
                    print 'DELETING FD %s' % f
                    del field_dict[f + '_ft_style']
                    del rd[f + '_ft_style']
                    #sucks, but now we should just remove all these fields from previous rows
                    for srow in rows:
                            del srow[f + '_ft_style']
                            pass  #probably this was a null value?

            rd[f] = val
        #let's process 10k rows at a time.. not keep everything in memory
        if len(rows) > 10000:
            uploadRows(upload, field_dict, rows)
            rows = []
Ejemplo n.º 19
class FormWizard(object):
    The basic FormWizard. This class needs a storage backend when creating
    an instance.
    def __init__(self,
        Creates a form wizard instance. `storage` is the storage backend, the
        place where step data and current state of the form gets saved.

        `form_list` is a list of forms. The list entries can be form classes
        of tuples of (`step_name`, `form_class`).

        `initial_list` contains a dictionary of initial data dictionaries.
        The key should be equal to the `step_name` in the `form_list`.

        `instance_list` contains a dictionary of instance objects. This list
        is only used when `ModelForms` are used. The key should be equal to
        the `step_name` in the `form_list`.
        self.form_list = SortedDict()
        self.storage_name = storage

        assert len(form_list) > 0, 'at least one form is needed'

        for i in range(len(form_list)):
            form = form_list[i]
            if isinstance(form, tuple):
                self.form_list[unicode(form[0])] = form[1]
                self.form_list[unicode(i)] = form

        for form in self.form_list.values():
            if issubclass(form, formsets.BaseFormSet):
                form = form.form
            if [True for f in form.base_fields.values()
                if issubclass(f.__class__, forms.FileField)] and \
                not hasattr(self, 'file_storage'):
                raise NoFileStorageException

        self.initial_list = initial_list
        self.instance_list = instance_list
        self.condition_list = condition_list

    def get_form_list(self, request, storage):
        form_list = SortedDict()
        for form_key, form_class in self.form_list.items():
            condition = self.condition_list.get(form_key, True)
            if callable(condition):
                condition = condition(self, request, storage)
            if condition:
                form_list[form_key] = form_class
        return form_list

    def __repr__(self):
        return '%s: form_list: %s, initial_list: %s' % (
            self.get_wizard_name(), self.form_list, self.initial_list)

    def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        This method gets called by the routing engine. The first argument is
        `request` which contains a `HttpRequest` instance. The request is
        stored in `request` for later use.

        After processing the request using the `process_request` method, the
        response gets updated by the storage engine (for example add cookies).

        storage = get_storage(self.storage_name, self.get_wizard_name(),
                              request, getattr(self, 'file_storage', None))
        response = self.process_request(request, storage, *args, **kwargs)

        if kwargs.get('testmode', False):
            return response, storage
            return response

    def process_request(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        Returns a response generated by either `process_get_request` or
        `process_post_request` (depends on `request.method`).
        if request.method == 'GET':
            return self.process_get_request(request, *args, **kwargs)
            return self.process_post_request(request, *args, **kwargs)

    def process_get_request(self, request, storage, *args, **kwargs):
        If the wizard gets a GET request, it assumes that the user just
        starts at the first step or wants to restart the process. The wizard
        will be resetted before rendering the first step.
        self.reset_wizard(request, storage)

        if 'extra_context' in kwargs:
            self.update_extra_context(request, storage,

        storage.set_current_step(self.get_first_step(request, storage))
        return self.render(request, storage, self.get_form(request, storage))

    def process_post_request(self, request, storage, *args, **kwargs):
        Generates a HttpResponse which contains either the current step (if
        form validation wasn't successful), the next step (if the current step
        was stored successful) or the done view (if no more steps are
        if 'extra_context' in kwargs:
            self.update_extra_context(request, storage,

        if request.POST.has_key('form_prev_step') and \
            self.get_form_list(request, storage).has_key(
            form = self.get_form(
                    self.determine_step(request, storage)),
                    self.determine_step(request, storage)),
            # Check if form was refreshed
            current_step = self.determine_step(request, storage)
            prev_step = self.get_prev_step(request, storage, step=current_step)
            for value in request.POST:
                if prev_step and not value.startswith(
                        current_step) and value.startswith(prev_step):
                    # form refreshed, change current step

            form = self.get_form(request,
            if form.is_valid():
                    self.determine_step(request, storage),
                    self.process_step(request, storage, form))
                    self.determine_step(request, storage),
                    self.process_step_files(request, storage, form))

                current_step = self.determine_step(request, storage)
                last_step = self.get_last_step(request, storage)

                if current_step == last_step:
                    return self.render_done(request, storage, form, **kwargs)
                    return self.render_next_step(request, storage, form)

        return self.render(request, storage, form)

    def render_next_step(self, request, storage, form, **kwargs):
        Gets called when the next step/form should be rendered. `form`
        contains the last/current form.
        next_step = self.get_next_step(request, storage)
        new_form = self.get_form(request,
        return self.render(request, storage, new_form, **kwargs)

    def render_done(self, request, storage, form, **kwargs):
        Gets called when all forms passed. The method should also re-validate
        all steps to prevent manipulation. If any form don't validate,
        `render_revalidation_failure` should get called. If everything is fine
        call `done`.
        final_form_list = []
        for form_key in self.get_form_list(request, storage).keys():
            form_obj = self.get_form(request,
            if not form_obj.is_valid():
                return self.render_revalidation_failure(
                    request, storage, form_key, form_obj, **kwargs)
        done_response = self.done(request, storage, final_form_list, **kwargs)
        self.reset_wizard(request, storage)
        return done_response

    def get_form_prefix(self, request, storage, step=None, form=None):
        Returns the prefix which will be used when calling the actual form for
        the given step. `step` contains the step-name, `form` the form which
        will be called with the returned prefix.

        If no step is given, the form_prefix will determine the current step
        if step is None:
            step = self.determine_step(request, storage)
        return str(step)

    def get_form_initial(self, request, storage, step):
        Returns a dictionary which will be passed to the form for `step` 
        as `initial`. If no initial data was provied while initializing the
        form wizard, a empty dictionary will be returned.
        return self.initial_list.get(step, {})

    def get_form_instance(self, request, storage, step):
        Returns a object which will be passed to the form for `step`
        as `instance`. If no instance object was provied while initializing
        the form wizard, None be returned.
        return self.instance_list.get(step, None)

    def get_form(self, request, storage, step=None, data=None, files=None):
        Constructs the form for a given `step`. If no `step` is defined, the
        current step will be determined automatically.

        The form will be initialized using the `data` argument to prefill the
        new form.
        if step is None:
            step = self.determine_step(request, storage)
        kwargs = {
            self.get_form_prefix(request, storage, step, self.form_list[step]),
            self.get_form_initial(request, storage, step),
        if issubclass(self.form_list[step], forms.ModelForm):
                {'instance': self.get_form_instance(request, storage, step)})
        elif issubclass(self.form_list[step], forms.models.BaseModelFormSet):
                {'queryset': self.get_form_instance(request, storage, step)})
        return self.form_list[step](**kwargs)

    def process_step(self, request, storage, form):
        This method is used to postprocess the form data. For example, this
        could be used to conditionally skip steps if a special field is
        checked. By default, it returns the raw `form.data` dictionary.
        return self.get_form_step_data(request, storage, form)

    def process_step_files(self, request, storage, form):
        return self.get_form_step_files(request, storage, form)

    def render_revalidation_failure(self, request, storage, step, form,
        Gets called when a form doesn't validate before rendering the done
        view. By default, it resets the current step to the first failing
        form and renders the form.
        return self.render(request, storage, form, **kwargs)

    def get_form_step_data(self, request, storage, form):
        Is used to return the raw form data. You may use this method to
        manipulate the data.
        return form.data

    def get_form_step_files(self, request, storage, form):
        Is used to return the raw form files. You may use this method to
        manipulate the data.
        return form.files

    def get_all_cleaned_data(self, request, storage):
        Returns a merged dictionary of all step' cleaned_data dictionaries.
        If a step contains a `FormSet`, the key will be prefixed with formset
        and contain a list of the formset' cleaned_data dictionaries.
        cleaned_dict = {}
        for form_key in self.get_form_list(request, storage).keys():
            form_obj = self.get_form(request,
            if form_obj.is_valid():
                if isinstance(form_obj.cleaned_data, list):
                        {'formset-%s' % form_key: form_obj.cleaned_data})
        return cleaned_dict

    def get_cleaned_data_for_step(self, request, storage, step):
        Returns the cleaned data for a given `step`. Before returning the
        cleaned data, the stored values are being revalidated through the
        form. If the data doesn't validate, None will be returned.
        if self.form_list.has_key(step):
            form_obj = self.get_form(request,
            if form_obj.is_valid():
                return form_obj.cleaned_data
        return None

    def determine_step(self, request, storage):
        Returns the current step. If no current step is stored in the storage
        backend, the first step will be returned.
        return storage.get_current_step() or \
            self.get_first_step(request, storage)

    def get_first_step(self, request, storage):
        Returns the name of the first step.
        return self.get_form_list(request, storage).keys()[0]

    def get_last_step(self, request, storage):
        Returns the name of the last step.
        return self.get_form_list(request, storage).keys()[-1]

    def get_next_step(self, request, storage, step=None):
        Returns the next step after the given `step`. If no more steps are
        available, None will be returned. If the `step` argument is None, the
        current step will be determined automatically.
        form_list = self.get_form_list(request, storage)

        if step is None:
            step = self.determine_step(request, storage)
        key = form_list.keyOrder.index(step) + 1
        if len(form_list.keyOrder) > key:
            return form_list.keyOrder[key]
            return None

    def get_prev_step(self, request, storage, step=None):
        Returns the previous step before the given `step`. If there are no
        steps available, None will be returned. If the `step` argument is None, the
        current step will be determined automatically.
        form_list = self.get_form_list(request, storage)

        if step is None:
            step = self.determine_step(request, storage)
        key = form_list.keyOrder.index(step) - 1
        if key < 0:
            return None
            return form_list.keyOrder[key]

    def get_step_index(self, request, storage, step=None):
        Returns the index for the given `step` name. If no step is given,
        the current step will be used to get the index.
        if step is None:
            step = self.determine_step(request, storage)
        return self.get_form_list(request, storage).keyOrder.index(step)

    def get_num_steps(self, request, storage):
        Returns the total number of steps/forms in this the wizard.
        return len(self.get_form_list(request, storage))

    def get_wizard_name(self):
        Returns the name of the wizard. By default the class name is used.
        This name will be used in storage backends to prevent from colliding
        with other form wizards.
        return self.__class__.__name__

    def reset_wizard(self, request, storage):
        Resets the user-state of the wizard.

    def get_template(self, request, storage):
        Returns the templates to be used for rendering the wizard steps. This
        method can return a list of templates or a single string.
        return 'formwizard/wizard.html'

    def get_template_context(self, request, storage, form):
        Returns the template context for a step. You can overwrite this method
        to add more data for all or some steps.
        class MyWizard(FormWizard):
            def get_template_context(self, request, storage, form):
                context = super(MyWizard, self).get_template_context(
                    request, storage, form)
                if storage.get_current_step() == 'my_step_name':
                    context.update({'another_var': True})
                return context
        return {
            'extra_context': self.get_extra_context(request, storage),
            'form_step': self.determine_step(request, storage),
            'form_first_step': self.get_first_step(request, storage),
            'form_last_step': self.get_last_step(request, storage),
            'form_prev_step': self.get_prev_step(request, storage),
            'form_next_step': self.get_next_step(request, storage),
            'form_step0': int(self.get_step_index(request, storage)),
            'form_step1': int(self.get_step_index(request, storage)) + 1,
            'form_step_count': self.get_num_steps(request, storage),
            'form': form,

    def get_extra_context(self, request, storage):
        Returns the extra data currently stored in the storage backend.
        return storage.get_extra_context_data()

    def update_extra_context(self, request, storage, new_context):
        Updates the currently stored extra context data. Already stored extra
        context will be kept!
        context = self.get_extra_context(request, storage)
        return storage.set_extra_context_data(context)

    def render(self, request, storage, form, **kwargs):
        Renders the acutal `form`. This method can be used to pre-process data
        or conditionally skip steps.
        return self.render_template(request, storage, form)

    def render_template(self, request, storage, form=None):
        Returns a `HttpResponse` containing the rendered form step. Available
        template context variables are:

         * `extra_context` - current extra context data
         * `form_step` - name of the current step
         * `form_first_step` - name of the first step
         * `form_last_step` - name of the last step
         * `form_prev_step`- name of the previous step
         * `form_next_step` - name of the next step
         * `form_step0` - index of the current step
         * `form_step1` - index of the current step as a 1-index
         * `form_step_count` - total number of steps
         * `form` - form instance of the current step

        form = form or self.get_form(request, storage)
        return render_to_response(self.get_template(request, storage),
                                      request, storage, form),

    def done(self, request, storage, form_list, **kwargs):
        This method muss be overrided by a subclass to process to form data
        after processing all steps.
        raise NotImplementedError("Your %s class has not defined a done() \
            method, which is required." % self.__class__.__name__)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def index(request, highlight='-1'):
    latest_strikes = Strike.objects.filter(end_date__gte=datetime.today().date()).order_by('start_date').exclude(approved=False)[:30]
    companies = Company.objects.all()
    regions = Region.objects.all()

    strikes = SortedDict()

    todaysDay = datetime.today().strftime("%d")
    todayMonth = datetime.today().strftime("%m")
    tomorrow = datetime.today().date() + timedelta(days=1)
    tomorrowsDay = tomorrow.strftime("%d")

    for strike in latest_strikes:
	sd = strike.start_date
        y = strike.start_date.strftime("%Y")

        m = strike.start_date.strftime("%m")
        # if m < todayMonth:
        #     m = todayMonth
        d = strike.start_date.strftime("%d")

        if strike.start_date < datetime.today():
            sd = datetime.today()
            d = todaysDay

        if not strikes.has_key(y):
            strikes[y] = SortedDict()

        if not strikes[y].has_key(m):
            mName = calendar.month_name[int(m)]
            if len(mName) >= 7:  #shrink months that don't fit
                mName = mName[0:3]+"."
            strikes[y][m] = {"name":mName, "days":SortedDict()}
        if not strikes[y][m]["days"].has_key(d):
            strikes[y][m]["days"][d] = {'strikes':{}, "date":sd.strftime("%A, %e de %B de %Y")}
        if not strikes[y][m]["days"][d]['strikes'].has_key(strike.company):
            strikes[y][m]["days"][d]['strikes'][strike.company] = []

    y = datetime.today().strftime("%Y")
    m = datetime.today().strftime("%m")
    if len(strikes) > 0 and (strikes.has_key(y)
       and len(strikes[y]) >0 and strikes[y].has_key(m)):
        fix = False
        if strikes[y][m]["days"].has_key(tomorrowsDay):
            strikes[y][m]["days"][tomorrowsDay]["alias"] = "Amanhã"
            fix = True

        if strikes[y][m]["days"].has_key(todaysDay):
            strikes[y][m]["days"][todaysDay]["alias"] = "Hoje"
            if fix:
                strikes[y][m]["days"][todaysDay]["fix"] = "fixTomorrow"
            for c in strikes[y][m]["days"][todaysDay]["strikes"]:
                cc = strikes[y][m]["days"][todaysDay]["strikes"][c]
                if len(cc) > 1:
                    strikes[y][m]["days"][todaysDay]["strikes"][c] = sorted(cc, key=MYattrgetter('start_date.day'), reverse=True)

    #strikes['04']["days"] = sorted(strikes['04']["days"])

    context = { 'strikes': strikes, 'regions': regions, 'host': request.get_host(), 'companies': companies, 'highlights': [int(highlight)] }

    return render_to_response('index.html', context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Ejemplo n.º 21
class FormWizard(object):
    The basic FormWizard. This class needs a storage backend when creating
    an instance.

    def __init__(self, storage, form_list, initial_list={}, instance_list={}):
        Creates a form wizard instance. `storage` is the storage backend, the
        place where step data and current state of the form gets saved.

        `form_list` is a list of forms. The list entries can be form classes
        of tuples of (`step_name`, `form_class`).

        `initial_list` contains a dictionary of initial data dictionaries.
        The key should be equal to the `step_name` in the `form_list`.

        `instance_list` contains a dictionary of instance objects. This list
        is only used when `ModelForms` are used. The key should be equal to
        the `step_name` in the `form_list`.
        self.form_list = SortedDict()
        self.storage_name = storage

        assert len(form_list) > 0, 'at least one form is needed'

        for i in range(len(form_list)):
            form = form_list[i]
            if isinstance(form, tuple):
                self.form_list[unicode(form[0])] = form[1]
                self.form_list[unicode(i)] = form

        self.initial_list = initial_list
        self.instance_list = instance_list

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'step: %s, form_list: %s, initial_list: %s' % (
            self.determine_step(), self.form_list, self.initial_list)

    def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        This method gets called by the routing engine. The first argument is
        `request` which contains a `HttpRequest` instance. The request is
        stored in `self.request` for later use.

        After processing the request using the `process_request` method, the
        response gets updated by the storage engine (for example add cookies).
        self.request = request
        self.storage = get_storage(self.storage_name, self.get_wizard_name(), self.request)
        response = self.process_request(*args, **kwargs)
        response = self.storage.update_response(response)

        return response

    def process_request(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Returns a response generated by either `process_get_request` or
        `process_post_request` (depends on `request.method`).
        if self.request.method == 'GET':
            return self.process_get_request(*args, **kwargs)
            return self.process_post_request(*args, **kwargs)

    def process_get_request(self, *args, **kwargs):
        If the wizard gets a GET request, it assumes that the user just
        starts at the first step or wants to restart the process. The wizard
        will be resetted before rendering the first step.

        if 'extra_context' in kwargs:

        return self.render(self.get_form())

    def process_post_request(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Generates a HttpResponse which contains either the current step (if
        form validation wasn't successful), the next step (if the current step
        was stored successful) or the done view (if no more steps are
        if 'extra_context' in kwargs:

        if self.request.POST.has_key('form_prev_step') and self.form_list.has_key(self.request.POST['form_prev_step']):
            form = self.get_form(data=self.storage.get_step_data(self.determine_step()))
            form = self.get_form(data=self.request.POST)

            if form.is_valid():
                self.storage.set_step_data(self.determine_step(), self.process_step(form))

                if self.determine_step() == self.get_last_step():
                    return self.render_done(form, *args, **kwargs)
                    return self.render_next_step(form, *args, **kwargs)
        return self.render(form)

    def render_next_step(self, form, *args, **kwargs):
        Gets called when the next step/form should be rendered. `form`
        contains the last/current form.
        next_step = self.get_next_step()
        new_form = self.get_form(next_step, data=self.storage.get_step_data(next_step))
        return self.render(new_form)

    def render_done(self, form, *args, **kwargs):
        Gets called when all forms passed. The method should also re-validate
        all steps to prevent manipulation. If any form don't validate,
        `render_revalidation_failure` should get called. If everything is fine
        call `done`.
        final_form_list = []
        for form_key in self.form_list.keys():
            form_obj = self.get_form(step=form_key, data=self.storage.get_step_data(form_key))
            if not form_obj.is_valid():
                return self.render_revalidation_failure(form_key, form_obj)
        return self.done(self.request, final_form_list)

    def get_form_prefix(self, step=None, form=None):
        Returns the prefix which will be used when calling the actual form for
        the given step. `step` contains the step-name, `form` the form which
        will be called with the returned prefix.

        If no step is given, the form_prefix will determine the current step
        if step is None:
            step = self.determine_step()
        return str(step)

    def get_form_initial(self, step):
        Returns a dictionary which will be passed to the form for `step` 
        as `initial`. If no initial data was provied while initializing the
        form wizard, a empty dictionary will be returned.
        return self.initial_list.get(step, {})

    def get_form_instance(self, step):
        Returns a object which will be passed to the form for `step` 
        as `instance`. If no instance object was provied while initializing
        the form wizard, None be returned.
        return self.instance_list.get(step, None)

    def get_form(self, step=None, data=None):
        Constructs the form for a given `step`. If no `step` is defined, the
        current step will be determined automatically.

        The form will be initialized using the `data` argument to prefill the
        new form.
        if step is None:
            step = self.determine_step()
        kwargs = {
            'data': data,
            'prefix': self.get_form_prefix(step, self.form_list[step]),
            'initial': self.get_form_initial(step),
        if issubclass(self.form_list[step], forms.ModelForm):
            kwargs.update({'instance': self.get_form_instance(step)})
        return self.form_list[step](**kwargs)

    def process_step(self, form):
        This method is used to postprocess the form data. For example, this
        could be used to conditionally skip steps if a special field is
        checked. By default, it returns the raw `form.data` dictionary.
        return self.get_form_step_data(form)

    def render_revalidation_failure(self, step, form):
        Gets called when a form doesn't validate before rendering the done
        view. By default, it resets the current step to the first failing
        form and renders the form.
        return self.render(form)

    def get_form_step_data(self, form):
        Is used to return the raw form data. You may use this method to
        manipulate the data.
        return form.data

    def get_all_cleaned_data(self):
        Returns a merged dictionary of all step' cleaned_data dictionaries.
        If a step contains a `FormSet`, the key will be prefixed with formset
        and contain a list of the formset' cleaned_data dictionaries.
        cleaned_dict = {}
        for form_key in self.form_list.keys():
            form_obj = self.get_form(step=form_key, data=self.storage.get_step_data(form_key))
            if form_obj.is_valid():
                if isinstance(form_obj.cleaned_data, list):
                    cleaned_dict.update({'formset-%s' % form_key: form_obj.cleaned_data})
        return cleaned_dict

    def get_cleaned_data_for_step(self, step):
        Returns the cleaned data for a given `step`. Before returning the
        cleaned data, the stored values are being revalidated through the
        form. If the data doesn't validate, None will be returned.
        if self.form_list.has_key(step):
            form_obj = self.get_form(step=step, data=self.storage.get_step_data(step))
            if form_obj.is_valid():
                return form_obj.cleaned_data
        return None

    def determine_step(self):
        Returns the current step. If no current step is stored in the storage
        backend, the first step will be returned.
        return self.storage.get_current_step() or self.get_first_step()

    def get_first_step(self):
        Returns the name of the first step.
        return self.form_list.keys()[0]

    def get_last_step(self):
        Returns the name of the last step.
        return self.form_list.keys()[-1]

    def get_next_step(self, step=None):
        Returns the next step after the given `step`. If no more steps are
        available, None will be returned. If the `step` argument is None, the
        current step will be determined automatically.
        if step is None:
            step = self.determine_step()
        key = self.form_list.keyOrder.index(step) + 1
        if len(self.form_list.keyOrder) > key:
            return self.form_list.keyOrder[key]
            return None

    def get_prev_step(self, step=None):
        Returns the previous step before the given `step`. If there are no
        steps available, None will be returned. If the `step` argument is None, the
        current step will be determined automatically.
        if step is None:
            step = self.determine_step()
        key = self.form_list.keyOrder.index(step) - 1
        if key < 0:
            return None
            return self.form_list.keyOrder[key]

    def get_step_index(self, step=None):
        Returns the index for the given `step` name. If no step is given,
        the current step will be used to get the index.
        if step is None:
            step = self.determine_step()
        return self.form_list.keyOrder.index(step)

    def num_steps(self):
        Returns the total number of steps/forms in this the wizard.
        return len(self.form_list)

    def get_wizard_name(self):
        Returns the name of the wizard. By default the class name is used.
        This name will be used in storage backends to prevent from colliding
        with other form wizards.
        return self.__class__.__name__

    def reset_wizard(self):
        Resets the user-state of the wizard.

    def get_template(self):
        Returns the templates to be used for rendering the wizard steps. This
        method can return a list of templates or a single string.
        return 'formwizard/wizard.html'

    def get_extra_context(self):
        Returns the extra data currently stored in the storage backend.
        return self.storage.get_extra_context_data()

    def update_extra_context(self, new_context):
        Updates the currently stored extra context data. Already stored extra
        context will be kept!
        context = self.get_extra_context()
        return self.storage.set_extra_context_data(context)

    def render(self, form):
        Renders the acutal `form`. This method can be used to pre-process data
        or conditionally skip steps.
        return self.render_template(form)

    def render_template(self, form=None):
        Returns a `HttpResponse` containing the rendered form step. Available
        template context variables are:

         * `extra_context` - current extra context data
         * `form_step` - name of the current step
         * `form_first_step` - name of the first step
         * `form_last_step` - name of the last step
         * `form_prev_step`- name of the previous step
         * `form_next_step` - name of the next step
         * `form_step0` - index of the current step
         * `form_step1` - index of the current step as a 1-index
         * `form_step_count` - total number of steps
         * `form` - form instance of the current step
        form = form or self.get_form()
        return render_to_response(self.get_template(), {
            'extra_context': self.get_extra_context(),
            'form_step': self.determine_step(),
            'form_first_step': self.get_first_step(),
            'form_last_step': self.get_last_step(),
            'form_prev_step': self.get_prev_step(),
            'form_next_step': self.get_next_step(),
            'form_step0': int(self.get_step_index()),
            'form_step1': int(self.get_step_index()) + 1,
            'form_step_count': self.num_steps,
            'form': form,
        }, context_instance=RequestContext(self.request))

    def done(self, request, form_list):
        This method muss be overrided by a subclass to process to form data
        after processing all steps.
        raise NotImplementedError("Your %s class has not defined a done() method, which is required." % self.__class__.__name__)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def get_data(self, id):
        supporter = Supporter.objects.get(id = id)
        data = SortedDict()

        data['id'] = supporter.id
        data['first_name'] = supporter.first_name
        data['middle_name'] = supporter.middle_name
        data['last_name'] = supporter.last_name
        data['gender'] = supporter.gender
        data['gender_label'] = supporter.get_gender()
        data['birthdate'] = supporter.birthdate
        data['age'] = supporter.get_age()
        data['bio'] = supporter.bio

        cp = supporter.contact_profile
        if cp:
            if cp.primary_phone:
                data['phones'] = []

                phone = SortedDict()
                phone['number'] = cp.primary_phone.number
                phone['type'] = cp.primary_phone.type.title
                phone['active'] = cp.primary_phone.active
                phone['sms_ok'] = cp.primary_phone.sms_ok
                phone['do_not_call'] = cp.primary_phone.do_not_call
                phone['primary'] = 1


            other_phones = cp.other_phones.all()
            if other_phones:
                if not data.has_key('phones'):
                    data['phones'] = []
                for other_phone in other_phones:
                    phone = SortedDict()

                    phone['number'] = other_phone.number
                    phone['type'] = other_phone.type.title
                    phone['active'] = other_phone.active
                    phone['sms_ok'] = other_phone.sms_ok
                    phone['do_not_call'] = other_phone.do_not_call
                    phone['primary'] = 0

            if cp.primary_email:
                data['emails'] = []

                email = SortedDict()
                email['email'] = cp.primary_email.email
                email['type'] = cp.primary_email.type.title
                email['active'] = cp.primary_email.active
                email['do_not_send'] = cp.primary_email.do_not_send
                email['primary'] = 1


            other_emails = cp.other_emails.all()
            if other_emails:
                if not data.has_key('emails'):
                    data['emails'] = []
                for other_email in other_emails:
                    email = SortedDict()

                    email['email'] = other_email.email
                    email['type'] = other_email.type.title
                    email['active'] = other_email.active
                    email['do_not_send'] = other_email.do_not_send
                    email['primary'] = 0

            if cp.primary_address:
                data['addresses'] = []

                address = SortedDict()
                address['address1'] = cp.primary_address.address1
                address['address2'] = cp.primary_address.address2
                address['address3'] = cp.primary_address.address3
                address['city'] = cp.primary_address.city
                address['state'] = cp.primary_address.state
                address['zip'] = cp.primary_address.zip
                address['type'] = cp.primary_address.address_type.title
                address['primary'] = 1


            other_addresses = cp.other_addresses.all()
            if other_addresses:
                if not data.has_key('addresses'):
                    data['addresses'] = []
                for address in other_addresses:
                    address = SortedDict()

                    address['address1'] = address.address1
                    address['address2'] = address.address2
                    address['address3'] = address.address3
                    address['city'] = address.city
                    address['state'] = address.state
                    address['zip'] = address.zip
                    address['type'] = address.address_type.title
                    address['primary'] = 0

            if cp.primary_language:
                data['languages'] = []
                language = SortedDict()

                language['title'] = cp.primary_language.title
                language['primary'] = 1

            other_languages = cp.other_languages.all()
            if other_languages:
                if not data.has_key('languages'):
                    data['languages'] = []
                for language_obj in languages:
                    language = SortedDict()

                    language['title'] = language_obj.title
                    language['primary'] = 0

            organizations = cp.organizations.all()
            if organizations:
                data['organizations'] = []
                for organization_obj in organizations:
                    organization = SortedDict()

                    organization['id'] = organization_obj.id
                    organization['name'] = organization_obj.name
                    organization['type'] = organization_obj.type.title

            websites = cp.websites.all()
            if websites:
                data['websites'] = []
                for website_obj in websites:
                    website = SortedDict()

                    website['title'] = website_obj.title
                    website['url'] = website_obj.url
                    website['active'] = website_obj.active
                    website['type'] = website_obj.type.title


            feeds = cp.feeds.all()
            if feeds:
                data['feeds'] = []
                for feed_obj in feeds:
                    feed = SortedDict()

                    feed['title'] = feed_obj.title
                    feed['url'] = feed_obj.url
                    feed['active'] = feed_obj.active
                    feed['type'] = feed_obj.type.title


        return data 
Ejemplo n.º 23
def detail_pkg(request, serial, manifest_name):
    machine = None
    manifest = None
    install_items = None

    if serial:
            machine = Machine.objects.get(serial_number=serial)
        except Machine.DoesNotExist:
            raise Http404
        raise Http404

    report_plist = {}
    if machine:
            report = MunkiReport.objects.get(machine=machine)
            report_plist = report.get_report()
        except MunkiReport.DoesNotExist:

    # get autocomplete data
    install_items = Manifest.getInstallItemNames(manifest_name)
    valid_install_items = install_items["suggested"] + install_items["updates"] + install_items["with_version"]
    suggested_install_items = install_items["suggested"]
    valid_catalogs = Catalog.list()
    valid_manifest_names = Manifest.list()
    autocomplete_data = json.dumps(
        {"items": install_items["suggested"], "catalogs": valid_catalogs, "manifests": valid_manifest_names}

    # loop trought includet manifests as long as it have one
    includetManifests = dict()

    def get_addition_manifests(manifest):
        detailManifest = Manifest.read(manifest)
        includetManifests.update({manifest: detailManifest})
        if "included_manifests" in detailManifest:
            for includetManifest in detailManifest.included_manifests:

    manifest = Manifest.read(manifest_name)
    sorted_Manifests = SortedDict()
    sorted_Manifests[manifest_name] = manifest
    if "included_manifests" in manifest:
        for includetManifest in manifest.included_manifests:
        sort_list = manifest.included_manifests

        for key in sort_list:
            sorted_Manifests[key] = includetManifests[key]

        key_list = includetManifests.keys()
        for key in key_list:
            if key not in sorted_Manifests:
                sorted_Manifests[key] = includetManifests[key]

    # item_details -> list with software and details
    # true_items for check if a software is in catalog or not
    item_details = {}
    true_items = list()
    if "catalogs" in manifest:
        for catalog in manifest.catalogs:
            catalog_detail = Catalog.detail(catalog)
            if catalog_detail:
                for detail in reversed(catalog_detail):
                    if not detail.name in item_details:
                        item_details[detail.name] = detail
                        if "icon_name" in item_details[detail.name]:
                            icon = Catalog.get_icon(item_details[detail.name].icon_name)
                            icon = Catalog.get_icon(detail.name)
                        item_details[detail.name].icon_name = icon

    ManagedInstallsDetail = SortedDict()
    if report_plist.has_key("ManagedInstalls"):
        for item in report_plist.ManagedInstalls:
            ManagedInstallsDetail[item.name] = item

    # installs
    installs = SortedDict()
    listed = list()
    installsTypes = ["managed_installs", "managed_uninstalls", "optional_installs"]
    for installsType in installsTypes:
        installs[installsType] = SortedDict()

        for number, manifests in enumerate(sorted_Manifests):
            installs[installsType][manifests] = SortedDict()

            if manifest:
                for index, item in enumerate(sorted_Manifests[manifests][installsType]):
                    if ManagedInstallsDetail.has_key(item):
                        installs[installsType][manifests][item] = ManagedInstallsDetail[item]

                    if item in true_items:
                        if installs[installsType].get(manifests, {}).has_key(item):
                            installs[installsType][manifests][item] = item_details[item]

                        installs[installsType][manifests][item].update({"incatalog": "True"})
                        if installs[installsType].get(manifests, {}).has_key(item):
                            installs[installsType][manifests][item].update({"incatalog": "False"})
                            installs[installsType][manifests][item] = {"name": item, "incatalog": "False"}

    required = SortedDict()
    for item in sorted(ManagedInstallsDetail.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]["display_name"]):
        if not item[0] in listed:
            if item_details.has_key(item[0]):
                ManagedInstallsDetail[item[0]].icon_name = item_details[item[0]].icon_name
                ManagedInstallsDetail[item[0]].icon_name = "/static/img/PackageIcon.png"

            required[item[0]] = ManagedInstallsDetail[item[0]]

    # handle items that were installed during the most recent run
    install_results = {}
    for result in report_plist.get("InstallResults", []):
        nameAndVers = result["name"] + "-" + result["version"]
        if result["status"] == 0:
            install_results[nameAndVers] = "installed"
            install_results[nameAndVers] = "error"

    if install_results:
        for item in report_plist.get("ItemsToInstall", []):
            name = item.get("display_name", item["name"])
            nameAndVers = "%s-%s" % (name, item["version_to_install"])
            item["install_result"] = install_results.get(nameAndVers, "pending")

        for item in report_plist.get("ManagedInstalls", []):
            if "version_to_install" in item:
                name = item.get("display_name", item["name"])
                nameAndVers = "%s-%s" % (name, item["version_to_install"])
                if install_results.get(nameAndVers) == "installed":
                    item["installed"] = True

    # handle items that were removed during the most recent run
    # this is crappy. We should fix it in Munki.
    removal_results = {}
    #    for result in report_plist.get('RemovalResults', []):
    #        m = re.search('^Removal of (.+): (.+)$', result)
    #        if m:
    #            try:
    #                if m.group(2) == 'SUCCESSFUL':
    #                    removal_results[m.group(1)] = 'removed'
    #                else:
    #                    removal_results[m.group(1)] = m.group(2)
    #            except IndexError:
    #                pass

    if removal_results:
        for item in report_plist.get("ItemsToRemove", []):
            name = item.get("display_name", item["name"])
            item["install_result"] = removal_results.get(name, "pending")
            if item["install_result"] == "removed":
                if not "RemovedItems" in report_plist:
                    report_plist["RemovedItems"] = [item["name"]]
                elif not name in report_plist["RemovedItems"]:

    c = RequestContext(
            "manifest_name": manifest_name,
            "manifest": manifest,
            "report": report_plist,
            "installs": installs,
            "autocomplete_data": autocomplete_data,
            "required": required,
            "valid_manifest_names": valid_manifest_names,
            "valid_catalogs": valid_catalogs,
    return render_to_response("reports/detail_pkg.html", c)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def import_from_shape(upload,
  a shapeUpload object
  max_rows - any more than this is ignored
  centroid - if it's a (multi)polygon, should we also create a geometry_centroid field

  upload.status = 2 #set this right away so it doesn't get reprocessed
  ds = DataSource(upload.shapefile)
  layer = ds[0]
  fields = layer.fields

  num_features = len(layer)
  #set max # of _style features
  max_distinct_style_vals = max(min(num_features / 100, 50),10)
  print 'there are %d features' % num_features
  upload.total_rows = num_features
  if not num_features:
    print 'no rows, returning'
    upload.status = 6

  rows = []
  #get field types
  field_map = {
  field_types = [field_map[f.__name__] for f in layer.field_types]
  field_layers = layer.fields

  #insert geometry layers first

  if upload.create_simplify:

  #use sorted dict so we can ensure table has geom columns upfront
  field_dict = SortedDict(zip(field_layers, field_types))

  #set up extra fields if creating int/style cols
  if create_int_style_cols:
    int_style_dict = {}
    for field,field_type in field_dict.items():
      if field_type == 'STRING':
        field_dict[field + '_ft_style'] = 'NUMBER'
        int_style_dict[field] = {}
    print field_dict

  #add some custom import fields
  field_dict['import_notes'] = 'STRING'

  print 'FIELD DICT', field_dict
  print 'starting to process'
  for i, feat in enumerate(layer):
    if i > max_rows:
    if start_row and i < start_row:
    upload.rows_processed = i + 1
    if not i % ((num_features / 50) or 5):
      print upload.rows_processed,'rp'
    rd = {}
    #geom = fromstr(feat.geom.wkt,srid=srid)
    if layer.srs:
        geom = OGRGeometry(feat.geom.wkt, layer.srs.proj4)
      except Exception, e:
        print 'FAIL GEOM'
        print e,
        geom = None
      geom = OGRGeometry(feat.geom.wkt)

    if geom:
      geom = fromstr(geom.wkt)
      #create optional centroid for polys
      if upload.create_centroid and 'oly' in geom.geom_type:
        field_dict['geometry_pos'] = 'LOCATION'
        rd['geometry_pos'] = geom.point_on_surface.kml

      if upload.create_centroid_poly and 'oly' in geom.geom_type:
        field_dict['geometry_pos_poly_2'] = 'LOCATION'
        field_dict['geometry_pos_poly_3'] = 'LOCATION'

        rd['geometry_pos_poly_2'] = geom.point_on_surface.buffer(.0001,10).kml
        rd['geometry_pos_poly_3'] = geom.point_on_surface.buffer(.0005,10).kml

      #if it's > 1M characters, we need to simplify it for FT
      simplify_tolerance = .0001
      while len(geom.kml) > 1000000:
        geom = geom.simplify(simplify_tolerance)
        print 'simplified to %f' % simplify_tolerance
        rd['import_notes'] = 'simplified to %d DD' % simplify_tolerance
        simplify_tolerance = simplify_tolerance * 1.5

      if not geom.valid:
        rd['import_notes'] = '<br>Geometry not valid'

      kml = geom.kml
      rd['geometry'] = kml
      rd['geometry_vertex_count'] = geom.num_coords

      if upload.create_simplify and not 'oint' in geom.geom_type:
        amt = .002
        if 'oly' in geom.geom_type:
          buffer_geom = geom.buffer(amt)
          buffer_geom = buffer_geom.buffer(amt * -1)
          simple_geom = buffer_geom.simplify(amt)
          simple_geom = geom.simplify(amt)

        rd['geometry_simplified'] = simple_geom.kml
        rd['geometry_simplified_vertex_count'] = simple_geom.num_coords

    for f in fields:
      val = feat.get(f)
      #make sure we have proper null type for diff fields
      if val == '<Null>':
      if not val:

      if field_dict[f] == 'DATETIME':
        val = val.isoformat().split('T')[0]

      if field_dict[f] == 'STRING' \
        and create_int_style_cols \
        and field_dict.has_key(f + '_ft_style'):

        #check to see if we have a number for this yet
          rd[f + '_ft_style'] = int_style_dict[f][val]
          int_style_dict[f][val] = len(int_style_dict[f])
          rd[f + '_ft_style'] = int_style_dict[f][val]
        #however if we have too many distinct vals, let's just not do this anymore
        if len(int_style_dict[f]) > max_distinct_style_vals:
          print 'DELETING FD %s' % f
          del field_dict[f + '_ft_style']
          del rd[f + '_ft_style']
          #sucks, but now we should just remove all these fields from previous rows
          for srow in rows:
            try:del srow[f + '_ft_style']
              pass #probably this was a null value?

      rd[f] = val
    #let's process 10k rows at a time.. not keep everything in memory
    if len(rows) > 10000:
      uploadRows(upload, field_dict, rows)
      rows = []