Ejemplo n.º 1
def html_module_detail(filename, module_name, nav=None):
    Creates a module detail report based on coverage testing at the specified
    filename. If ``nav`` is specified, the nav template will be used as well.

    It uses `templates.default_module_detail` to create the page. The template
    contains the following sections which need to be rendered and assembled into
    the final HTML.

    TOP: Contains the HTML declaration and head information, as well as the
         inline stylesheet. It requires the following variable:
         * %(title)s The module name is probably fitting for this.

    CONTENT_HEADER: The header portion of the body. Requires the following variable:
                    * %(title)s
                    * %(source_file)s File path to the module
                    * %(total_count)d
                    * %(executed_count)d
                    * %(excluded_count)d
                    * %(ignored_count)d
                    * %(percent_covered)0.1f
                    * %(test_timestamp)s

    CONTENT_BODY: Annotated module source code listing. Requires the following variable:
                  * ``%(source_lines)s`` The actual source listing which is generated by
                    looping through each line and concatenanting together rendered
                    ``SOURCE_LINE`` template (see below).

    BOTTOM: Just a closing ``</body></html>``

    SOURCE_LINE: Used to assemble the content of ``%(source_lines)s`` for ``CONTENT_BODY``.
                 Requires the following variables:
                 * ``%(line_status)s`` (ignored, executed, missed, excluded) used as CSS class
                   identifier to style the each source line.
                 * ``%(source_line)s``
    if not nav:
        nav = {}
    m_vars = ModuleVars(module_name)

    m_vars.source_lines = source_lines = list()
    i = 0
    for i, source_line in enumerate([
            for l in open(m_vars.source_file, 'r').readlines()
        line_status = 'ignored'
        if i + 1 in m_vars.executed: line_status = 'executed'
        if i + 1 in m_vars.excluded: line_status = 'excluded'
        if i + 1 in m_vars.missed: line_status = 'missed'
        source_lines.append(module_detail.SOURCE_LINE % vars())
    m_vars.ignored_count = i + 1 - m_vars.total_count
    m_vars.source_lines = os.linesep.join(source_lines)

    if 'prev_link' in nav and 'next_link' in nav:
        nav_html = module_detail.NAV % nav
    elif 'prev_link' in nav:
        nav_html = module_detail.NAV_NO_NEXT % nav
    elif 'next_link' in nav:
        nav_html = module_detail.NAV_NO_PREV % nav
        nav_html = None

    fo = open(filename, 'w+')
    fo.write(module_detail.TOP % m_vars.__dict__)
    if nav and nav_html:
    fo.write(module_detail.CONTENT_HEADER % m_vars.__dict__)
    fo.write(module_detail.CONTENT_BODY % m_vars.__dict__)
    if nav and nav_html:
Ejemplo n.º 2
def html_module_detail(filename, module_name, nav=None):
    Creates a module detail report based on coverage testing at the specified
    filename. If ``nav`` is specified, the nav template will be used as well.

    It uses `templates.default_module_detail` to create the page. The template
    contains the following sections which need to be rendered and assembled into
    the final HTML.

    TOP: Contains the HTML declaration and head information, as well as the
         inline stylesheet. It requires the following variable:
         * %(title)s The module name is probably fitting for this.

    CONTENT_HEADER: The header portion of the body. Requires the following variable:
                    * %(title)s
                    * %(source_file)s File path to the module
                    * %(total_count)d
                    * %(executed_count)d
                    * %(excluded_count)d
                    * %(ignored_count)d
                    * %(percent_covered)0.1f
                    * %(test_timestamp)s

    CONTENT_BODY: Annotated module source code listing. Requires the following variable:
                  * ``%(source_lines)s`` The actual source listing which is generated by
                    looping through each line and concatenanting together rendered
                    ``SOURCE_LINE`` template (see below).

    BOTTOM: Just a closing ``</body></html>``

    SOURCE_LINE: Used to assemble the content of ``%(source_lines)s`` for ``CONTENT_BODY``.
                 Requires the following variables:
                 * ``%(line_status)s`` (ignored, executed, missed, excluded) used as CSS class
                   identifier to style the each source line.
                 * ``%(source_line)s``
    if not nav:
        nav = {}
    m_vars = ModuleVars(module_name)

    m_vars.source_lines = source_lines = list()
    i = 0
    for i, source_line in enumerate([cgi.escape(l.rstrip()) for l in open(m_vars.source_file, "r").readlines()]):
        line_status = "ignored"
        if i + 1 in m_vars.executed:
            line_status = "executed"
        if i + 1 in m_vars.excluded:
            line_status = "excluded"
        if i + 1 in m_vars.missed:
            line_status = "missed"
        source_lines.append(module_detail.SOURCE_LINE % vars())
    m_vars.ignored_count = i + 1 - m_vars.total_count
    m_vars.source_lines = os.linesep.join(source_lines)

    if "prev_link" in nav and "next_link" in nav:
        nav_html = module_detail.NAV % nav
    elif "prev_link" in nav:
        nav_html = module_detail.NAV_NO_NEXT % nav
    elif "next_link" in nav:
        nav_html = module_detail.NAV_NO_PREV % nav
        nav_html = None

    fo = open(filename, "w+")
    fo.write(module_detail.TOP % m_vars.__dict__)
    if nav and nav_html:
    fo.write(module_detail.CONTENT_HEADER % m_vars.__dict__)
    fo.write(module_detail.CONTENT_BODY % m_vars.__dict__)
    if nav and nav_html:
Ejemplo n.º 3
def html_report(outdir, modules, excludes=None, errors=None):
    Creates an ``index.html`` in the specified ``outdir``. Also attempts to create
    a ``modules`` subdirectory to create module detail html pages, which are named
    `module.__name__` + '.html'.

    It uses `templates.default_module_index` to create the index page. The template
    contains the following sections which need to be rendered and assembled into

    TOP: Contains the HTML declaration and head information, as well as the
         inline stylesheet. It doesn't require any variables.

    CONTENT_HEADER: The header portion of the body. Requires the following variable:
                    * ``%(test_timestamp)s``

    CONTENT_BODY: A table of contents to the different module detail pages, with some
                  basic stats. Requires the following variables:
                  * ``%(module_stats)s`` This is the actual content of the table and is
                    generated by looping through the modules we want to report on and
                    concatenanting together rendered ``MODULE_STAT`` template (see below).
                  * ``%(total_lines)d``
                  * ``%(total_executed)d``
                  * ``%(total_excluded)d``
                  * ``%(overall_covered)0.1f``

    EXCEPTIONS_LINK: Link to the excludes and errors index page which shows
                     packages and modules which were not part of the coverage
                     analysis. Requires the following variable:
                     * ``%(exceptions_link)s`` Link to the index page.
                     * ``%(exceptions_desc)s`` Describe the exception.

    ERRORS_LINK: Link to the errors index page which shows packages and modules which
                 had problems being imported. Requires the following variable:
                 * ``%(errors_link)s`` Link to the index page.

    BOTTOM: Just a closing ``</body></html>``

    MODULE_STAT: Used to assemble the content of ``%(module_stats)s`` for ``CONTENT_BODY``.
                 Requires the following variables:
                 * ``%(severity)s`` (normal, warning, critical) used as CSS class identifier
                   to style the coverage percentage.
                 * ``%(module_link)s``
                 * ``%(module_name)s``
                 * ``%(total_count)d``
                 * ``%(executed_count)d``
                 * ``%(excluded_count)d``
                 * ``%(percent_covered)0.1f``
    test_timestamp = time.strftime('%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M %Z')
    m_subdirname = 'modules'
    m_dir = os.path.join(outdir, m_subdirname)
    if not os.path.exists(m_dir):

    total_lines = 0
    total_executed = 0
    total_excluded = 0
    total_stmts = 0
    module_stats = list()
    m_names = list(modules.keys())
    for n in m_names:
        m_vars = ModuleVars(n, modules[n])
        if not m_vars.total_count:
            del modules[n]
        m_vars.module_link = p2url(
            os.path.join(m_subdirname, m_vars.module_name + '.html'))
        module_stats.append(module_index.MODULE_STAT % m_vars.__dict__)
        total_lines += m_vars.total_count
        total_executed += m_vars.executed_count
        total_excluded += m_vars.excluded_count
        total_stmts += len(m_vars.stmts)
    module_stats = os.linesep.join(module_stats)
    if total_stmts:
        overall_covered = float(total_executed) / total_stmts * 100
        overall_covered = 0.0

    m_names = list(modules.keys())
    i = 0
    for i, n in enumerate(m_names):
        m_vars = ModuleVars(n)
        nav = dict(up_link=p2url(os.path.join('..', 'index.html')),
        if i > 0:
            m = ModuleVars(m_names[i - 1])
            nav['prev_link'] = os.path.basename(m.module_link)
            nav['prev_label'] = m.module_name
        if i + 1 < len(modules):
            m = ModuleVars(m_names[i + 1])
            nav['next_link'] = os.path.basename(m.module_link)
            nav['next_label'] = m.module_name
        html_module_detail(os.path.join(m_dir, m_vars.module_name + '.html'),
                           n, nav)

    fo = open(os.path.join(outdir, 'index.html'), 'w+')
    fo.write(module_index.CONTENT_HEADER % vars())
    fo.write(module_index.CONTENT_BODY % vars())
    if excludes:
        _file = 'excludes.html'
        exceptions_link = _file
        exception_desc = "Excluded packages and modules"
        fo.write(module_index.EXCEPTIONS_LINK % vars())
        html_module_excludes(os.path.join(outdir, _file), excludes)
    if errors:
        _file = 'errors.html'
        exceptions_link = _file
        exception_desc = "Error packages and modules"
        fo.write(module_index.EXCEPTIONS_LINK % vars())
        html_module_errors(os.path.join(outdir, _file), errors)

    if settings.COVERAGE_BADGE_TYPE:
        badge = open(
            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'badges',
                         '%s.png' % int(overall_covered)), 'rb').read()
        open(os.path.join(outdir, 'coverage_status.png'), 'wb').write(badge)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def html_report(outdir, modules, excludes=None, errors=None):
    Creates an ``index.html`` in the specified ``outdir``. Also attempts to create
    a ``modules`` subdirectory to create module detail html pages, which are named
    `module.__name__` + '.html'.

    It uses `templates.default_module_index` to create the index page. The template
    contains the following sections which need to be rendered and assembled into

    TOP: Contains the HTML declaration and head information, as well as the
         inline stylesheet. It doesn't require any variables.

    CONTENT_HEADER: The header portion of the body. Requires the following variable:
                    * ``%(test_timestamp)s``

    CONTENT_BODY: A table of contents to the different module detail pages, with some
                  basic stats. Requires the following variables:
                  * ``%(module_stats)s`` This is the actual content of the table and is
                    generated by looping through the modules we want to report on and
                    concatenanting together rendered ``MODULE_STAT`` template (see below).
                  * ``%(total_lines)d``
                  * ``%(total_executed)d``
                  * ``%(total_excluded)d``
                  * ``%(overall_covered)0.1f``

    EXCEPTIONS_LINK: Link to the excludes and errors index page which shows
                     packages and modules which were not part of the coverage
                     analysis. Requires the following variable:
                     * ``%(exceptions_link)s`` Link to the index page.
                     * ``%(exceptions_desc)s`` Describe the exception.

    ERRORS_LINK: Link to the errors index page which shows packages and modules which
                 had problems being imported. Requires the following variable:
                 * ``%(errors_link)s`` Link to the index page.

    BOTTOM: Just a closing ``</body></html>``

    MODULE_STAT: Used to assemble the content of ``%(module_stats)s`` for ``CONTENT_BODY``.
                 Requires the following variables:
                 * ``%(severity)s`` (normal, warning, critical) used as CSS class identifier
                   to style the coverage percentage.
                 * ``%(module_link)s``
                 * ``%(module_name)s``
                 * ``%(total_count)d``
                 * ``%(executed_count)d``
                 * ``%(excluded_count)d``
                 * ``%(percent_covered)0.1f``
    test_timestamp = time.strftime('%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M %Z')
    m_subdirname = 'modules'
    m_dir = os.path.join(outdir, m_subdirname)
    if not os.path.exists(m_dir):

    total_lines = 0
    total_executed = 0
    total_excluded = 0
    total_stmts = 0
    module_stats = list()
    m_names = list(modules.keys())
    for n in m_names:
        m_vars = ModuleVars(n, modules[n])
        if not m_vars.total_count:
            del modules[n]
        m_vars.module_link = p2url(os.path.join(m_subdirname, m_vars.module_name + '.html'))
        module_stats.append(module_index.MODULE_STAT %m_vars.__dict__)
        total_lines += m_vars.total_count
        total_executed += m_vars.executed_count
        total_excluded += m_vars.excluded_count
        total_stmts += len(m_vars.stmts)
    module_stats = os.linesep.join(module_stats)
    if total_stmts:
        overall_covered = float(total_executed)/total_stmts*100
        overall_covered = 0.0

    m_names = list(modules.keys())
    i = 0
    for i, n in enumerate(m_names):
        m_vars = ModuleVars(n)
        nav = dict(up_link=p2url(os.path.join('..', 'index.html')),
        if i > 0:
            m = ModuleVars(m_names[i-1])
            nav['prev_link'] = os.path.basename(m.module_link)
            nav['prev_label'] = m.module_name
        if i+1 < len(modules):
            m = ModuleVars(m_names[i+1])
            nav['next_link'] = os.path.basename(m.module_link)
            nav['next_label'] = m.module_name
            os.path.join(m_dir, m_vars.module_name + '.html'), n, nav)

    fo = open(os.path.join(outdir, 'index.html'), 'w+')
    fo.write(module_index.CONTENT_HEADER %vars())
    fo.write(module_index.CONTENT_BODY %vars())
    if excludes:
        _file = 'excludes.html'
        exceptions_link = _file
        exception_desc = "Excluded packages and modules"
        fo.write(module_index.EXCEPTIONS_LINK %vars())
        html_module_excludes(os.path.join(outdir, _file), excludes)
    if errors:
        _file = 'errors.html'
        exceptions_link = _file
        exception_desc = "Error packages and modules"
        fo.write(module_index.EXCEPTIONS_LINK %vars())
        html_module_errors(os.path.join(outdir, _file), errors)

    if settings.COVERAGE_BADGE_TYPE:
        badge = open(os.path.join(
            '%s.png' % int(overall_covered)
        ), 'rb').read()
        open(os.path.join(outdir, 'coverage_status.png'), 'wb').write(badge)