Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_buffer(self):
        "Testing buffer()."
        for bg in self.geometries.buffer_geoms:
            g = fromstr(bg.wkt)

            # The buffer we expect
            exp_buf = fromstr(bg.buffer_wkt)
            quadsegs = bg.quadsegs
            width = bg.width

            # Can't use a floating-point for the number of quadsegs.
            self.assertRaises(ctypes.ArgumentError, g.buffer, width, float(quadsegs))

            # Constructing our buffer
            buf = g.buffer(width, quadsegs)
            self.assertEqual(exp_buf.num_coords, buf.num_coords)
            self.assertEqual(len(exp_buf), len(buf))

            # Now assuring that each point in the buffer is almost equal
            for j in xrange(len(exp_buf)):
                exp_ring = exp_buf[j]
                buf_ring = buf[j]
                self.assertEqual(len(exp_ring), len(buf_ring))
                for k in xrange(len(exp_ring)):
                    # Asserting the X, Y of each point are almost equal (due to floating point imprecision)
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(exp_ring[k][0], buf_ring[k][0], 9)
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(exp_ring[k][1], buf_ring[k][1], 9)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Initializes on the given sequence -- may take lists, tuples, NumPy arrays
        of X,Y pairs, or Point objects.  If Point objects are used, ownership is
        _not_ transferred to the LineString object.

         ls = LineString((1, 1), (2, 2))
         ls = LineString([(1, 1), (2, 2)])
         ls = LineString(array([(1, 1), (2, 2)]))
         ls = LineString(Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2))
        # If only one argument provided, set the coords array appropriately
        if len(args) == 1: coords = args[0]
        else: coords = args

        if isinstance(coords, (tuple, list)):
            # Getting the number of coords and the number of dimensions -- which
            #  must stay the same, e.g., no LineString((1, 2), (1, 2, 3)).
            ncoords = len(coords)
            if coords: ndim = len(coords[0])
            else: raise TypeError('Cannot initialize on empty sequence.')
            # Incrementing through each of the coordinates and verifying
            for i in xrange(1, ncoords):
                if not isinstance(coords[i], (tuple, list, Point)):
                    raise TypeError('each coordinate should be a sequence (list or tuple)')
                if len(coords[i]) != ndim: raise TypeError('Dimension mismatch.')
            numpy_coords = False
        elif numpy and isinstance(coords, numpy.ndarray):
            shape = coords.shape # Using numpy's shape.
            if len(shape) != 2: raise TypeError('Too many dimensions.')
            ncoords = shape[0]
            ndim = shape[1]
            numpy_coords = True
            raise TypeError('Invalid initialization input for LineStrings.')

        # Creating a coordinate sequence object because it is easier to
        # set the points using GEOSCoordSeq.__setitem__().
        cs = GEOSCoordSeq(capi.create_cs(ncoords, ndim), z=bool(ndim==3))

        for i in xrange(ncoords):
            if numpy_coords: cs[i] = coords[i,:]
            elif isinstance(coords[i], Point): cs[i] = coords[i].tuple
            else: cs[i] = coords[i]

        # If SRID was passed in with the keyword arguments
        srid = kwargs.get('srid', None)

        # Calling the base geometry initialization with the returned pointer
        #  from the function.
        super(LineString, self).__init__(self._init_func(cs.ptr), srid=srid)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_mutable_geometries(self):
        "Testing the mutability of Polygons and Geometry Collections."
        ### Testing the mutability of Polygons ###
        for p in self.geometries.polygons:
            poly = fromstr(p.wkt)

            # Should only be able to use __setitem__ with LinearRing geometries.
            self.assertRaises(TypeError, poly.__setitem__, 0, LineString((1, 1), (2, 2)))

            # Constructing the new shell by adding 500 to every point in the old shell.
            shell_tup = poly.shell.tuple
            new_coords = []
            for point in shell_tup: new_coords.append((point[0] + 500., point[1] + 500.))
            new_shell = LinearRing(*tuple(new_coords))

            # Assigning polygon's exterior ring w/the new shell
            poly.exterior_ring = new_shell
            s = str(new_shell) # new shell is still accessible
            self.assertEqual(poly.exterior_ring, new_shell)
            self.assertEqual(poly[0], new_shell)

        ### Testing the mutability of Geometry Collections
        for tg in self.geometries.multipoints:
            mp = fromstr(tg.wkt)
            for i in range(len(mp)):
                # Creating a random point.
                pnt = mp[i]
                new = Point(random.randint(1, 100), random.randint(1, 100))
                # Testing the assignment
                mp[i] = new
                s = str(new) # what was used for the assignment is still accessible
                self.assertEqual(mp[i], new)
                self.assertEqual(mp[i].wkt, new.wkt)
                self.assertNotEqual(pnt, mp[i])

        # MultiPolygons involve much more memory management because each
        # Polygon w/in the collection has its own rings.
        for tg in self.geometries.multipolygons:
            mpoly = fromstr(tg.wkt)
            for i in xrange(len(mpoly)):
                poly = mpoly[i]
                old_poly = mpoly[i]
                # Offsetting the each ring in the polygon by 500.
                for j in xrange(len(poly)):
                    r = poly[j]
                    for k in xrange(len(r)): r[k] = (r[k][0] + 500., r[k][1] + 500.)
                    poly[j] = r

                self.assertNotEqual(mpoly[i], poly)
                # Testing the assignment
                mpoly[i] = poly
                s = str(poly) # Still accessible
                self.assertEqual(mpoly[i], poly)
                self.assertNotEqual(mpoly[i], old_poly)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def fields(self):
     Returns a list of string names corresponding to each of the Fields
     available in this Layer.
     return [capi.get_field_name(capi.get_field_defn(self._ldefn, i))
             for i in xrange(self.num_fields) ]
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, num_zoom=19, tilesize=256):
        "Initializes the Google Zoom object."
        # Google's tilesize is 256x256, square tiles are assumed.
        self._tilesize = tilesize

        # The number of zoom levels
        self._nzoom = num_zoom

        # Initializing arrays to hold the parameters for each one of the
        # zoom levels.
        self._degpp = [] # Degrees per pixel
        self._radpp = [] # Radians per pixel
        self._npix  = [] # 1/2 the number of pixels for a tile at the given zoom level

        # Incrementing through the zoom levels and populating the parameter arrays.
        z = tilesize # The number of pixels per zoom level.
        for i in xrange(num_zoom):
            # Getting the degrees and radians per pixel, and the 1/2 the number of
            # for every zoom level.
            self._degpp.append(z / 360.) # degrees per pixel
            self._radpp.append(z / (2 * pi)) # radians per pixel
            self._npix.append(z / 2) # number of pixels to center of tile

            # Multiplying `z` by 2 for the next iteration.
            z *= 2
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def get_zoom(self, geom):
        "Returns the optimal Zoom level for the given geometry."
        # Checking the input type.
        if not isinstance(geom, GEOSGeometry) or geom.srid != 4326:
            raise TypeError('get_zoom() expects a GEOS Geometry with an SRID of 4326.')

        # Getting the envelope for the geometry, and its associated width, height
        # and centroid.
        env = geom.envelope
        env_w, env_h = self.get_width_height(env.extent)
        center = env.centroid

        for z in xrange(self._nzoom):
            # Getting the tile at the zoom level.
            tile_w, tile_h = self.get_width_height(self.tile(center, z).extent)

            # When we span more than one tile, this is an approximately good
            # zoom level.
            if (env_w > tile_w) or (env_h > tile_h):
                if z == 0:
                    raise GoogleMapException('Geometry width and height should not exceed that of the Earth.')
                return z-1

        # Otherwise, we've zoomed in to the max.
        return self._nzoom-1
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_coord_seq(self):
        "Testing Coordinate Sequence objects."
        for p in self.geometries.polygons:
            if p.ext_ring_cs:
                # Constructing the polygon and getting the coordinate sequence
                poly = fromstr(p.wkt)
                cs = poly.exterior_ring.coord_seq

                self.assertEqual(p.ext_ring_cs, cs.tuple) # done in the Polygon test too.
                self.assertEqual(len(p.ext_ring_cs), len(cs)) # Making sure __len__ works

                # Checks __getitem__ and __setitem__
                for i in xrange(len(p.ext_ring_cs)):
                    c1 = p.ext_ring_cs[i] # Expected value
                    c2 = cs[i] # Value from coordseq
                    self.assertEqual(c1, c2)

                    # Constructing the test value to set the coordinate sequence with
                    if len(c1) == 2: tset = (5, 23)
                    else: tset = (5, 23, 8)
                    cs[i] = tset

                    # Making sure every set point matches what we expect
                    for j in range(len(tset)):
                        cs[i] = tset
                        self.assertEqual(tset[j], cs[i][j])
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def disconnect(self, receiver=None, sender=None, weak=True, dispatch_uid=None):
        Disconnect receiver from sender for signal.

        If weak references are used, disconnect need not be called. The receiver
        will be remove from dispatch automatically.


                The registered receiver to disconnect. May be none if
                dispatch_uid is specified.

                The registered sender to disconnect

                The weakref state to disconnect

                the unique identifier of the receiver to disconnect
        if dispatch_uid:
            lookup_key = (dispatch_uid, _make_id(sender))
            lookup_key = (_make_id(receiver), _make_id(sender))

        with self.lock:
            for index in xrange(len(self.receivers)):
                (r_key, _) = self.receivers[index]
                if r_key == lookup_key:
                    del self.receivers[index]
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        A class for generating sets of Google Maps that will be shown on the
        same page together.

         gmapset = GoogleMapSet( GoogleMap( ... ), GoogleMap( ... ) )
         gmapset = GoogleMapSet( [ gmap1, gmap2] )
        # The `google-multi.js` template is used instead of `google-single.js`
        # by default.
        template = kwargs.pop('template', 'gis/google/google-multi.js')

        # This is the template used to generate the GMap load JavaScript for
        # each map in the set.
        self.map_template = kwargs.pop('map_template', 'gis/google/google-single.js')

        # Running GoogleMap.__init__(), and resetting the template
        # value with default obtained above.
        super(GoogleMapSet, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.template = template

        # If a tuple/list passed in as first element of args, then assume
        if isinstance(args[0], (tuple, list)):
            self.maps = args[0]
            self.maps = args

        # Generating DOM ids for each of the maps in the set.
        self.dom_ids = ['map%d' % i for i in xrange(len(self.maps))]
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def __getitem__(self, index):
     "Get the item(s) at the specified index/slice."
     if isinstance(index, slice):
         return [self._get_single_external(i) for i in xrange(*index.indices(len(self)))]
         index = self._checkindex(index)
         return self._get_single_external(index)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def _listarr(self, func):
     Internal routine that returns a sequence (list) corresponding with
     the given function.  Will return a numpy array if possible.
     lst = [func(i) for i in xrange(len(self))]
     if numpy: return numpy.array(lst) # ARRRR!
     else: return lst
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def kml(self):
     "Returns the KML representation for the coordinates."
     # Getting the substitution string depending on whether the coordinates have
     #  a Z dimension.
     if self.hasz: substr = '%s,%s,%s '
     else: substr = '%s,%s,0 '
     return '<coordinates>%s</coordinates>' % \
         ''.join([substr % self[i] for i in xrange(len(self))]).strip()
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def field_types(self):
     Returns a list of the types of fields in this Layer.  For example,
     the list [OFTInteger, OFTReal, OFTString] would be returned for
     an OGR layer that had an integer, a floating-point, and string
     return [OGRFieldTypes[capi.get_field_type(capi.get_field_defn(self._ldefn, i))]
             for i in xrange(self.num_fields)]
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def setUp(self):
     ts = []
     ss = []
     for x in xrange(5000):
         t = Test1()
         s = safeRef(t.x, self._closure)
     ss.append(safeRef(test2, self._closure))
     for x in xrange(30):
         t = Test2()
         s = safeRef(t, self._closure)
     self.ts = ts
     self.ss = ss
     self.closureCount = 0
Ejemplo n.º 15
        def newItems():
            for i in xrange(origLen + 1):
                if i == start:
                    for val in valueList:
                        yield val

                if i < origLen:
                    if i < start or i >= stop:
                        yield self._get_single_internal(i)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def test13_union(self):
     "Testing union()."
     for i in xrange(len(self.geometries.topology_geoms)):
         a = OGRGeometry(self.geometries.topology_geoms[i].wkt_a)
         b = OGRGeometry(self.geometries.topology_geoms[i].wkt_b)
         u1 = OGRGeometry(self.geometries.union_geoms[i].wkt)
         u2 = a.union(b)
         self.assertEqual(u1, u2)
         self.assertEqual(u1, a | b)  # __or__ is union operator
         a |= b  # testing __ior__
         self.assertEqual(u1, a)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def test_long_string(self):
     # If the backend is Oracle, test that we can save a text longer
     # than 4000 chars and read it properly
     c = connection.cursor()
     c.execute('CREATE TABLE ltext ("TEXT" NCLOB)')
     long_str = "".join([six.text_type(x) for x in xrange(4000)])
     c.execute("INSERT INTO ltext VALUES (%s)", [long_str])
     c.execute("SELECT text FROM ltext")
     row = c.fetchone()
     self.assertEqual(long_str, row[0].read())
     c.execute("DROP TABLE ltext")
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def test12_symdifference(self):
     "Testing sym_difference()."
     for i in xrange(len(self.geometries.topology_geoms)):
         a = OGRGeometry(self.geometries.topology_geoms[i].wkt_a)
         b = OGRGeometry(self.geometries.topology_geoms[i].wkt_b)
         d1 = OGRGeometry(self.geometries.sdiff_geoms[i].wkt)
         d2 = a.sym_difference(b)
         self.assertEqual(d1, d2)
         self.assertEqual(d1, a ^ b)  # __xor__ is symmetric difference operator
         a ^= b  # testing __ixor__
         self.assertEqual(d1, a)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def test10_difference(self):
     "Testing difference()."
     for i in xrange(len(self.geometries.topology_geoms)):
         a = OGRGeometry(self.geometries.topology_geoms[i].wkt_a)
         b = OGRGeometry(self.geometries.topology_geoms[i].wkt_b)
         d1 = OGRGeometry(self.geometries.diff_geoms[i].wkt)
         d2 = a.difference(b)
         self.assertEqual(d1, d2)
         self.assertEqual(d1, a - b)  # __sub__ is difference operator
         a -= b  # testing __isub__
         self.assertEqual(d1, a)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def dbl_from_geom(func, num_geom=1):
    Argument is a Geometry, return type is double that is passed
    in by reference as the last argument.
    argtypes = [GEOM_PTR for i in xrange(num_geom)]
    argtypes += [POINTER(c_double)]
    func.argtypes = argtypes
    func.restype = c_int # Status code returned
    func.errcheck = check_dbl
    return func
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def test_bulk(self):
     from djangocg.db.models.sql.constants import GET_ITERATOR_CHUNK_SIZE
     s = S.objects.create(r=R.objects.create())
     for i in xrange(2*GET_ITERATOR_CHUNK_SIZE):
     #   1 (select related `T` instances)
     # + 1 (select related `U` instances)
     # + 2 (delete `T` instances in batches)
     # + 1 (delete `s`)
     self.assertNumQueries(5, s.delete)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def test11_intersection(self):
     "Testing intersects() and intersection()."
     for i in xrange(len(self.geometries.topology_geoms)):
         a = OGRGeometry(self.geometries.topology_geoms[i].wkt_a)
         b = OGRGeometry(self.geometries.topology_geoms[i].wkt_b)
         i1 = OGRGeometry(self.geometries.intersect_geoms[i].wkt)
         self.assertEqual(True, a.intersects(b))
         i2 = a.intersection(b)
         self.assertEqual(i1, i2)
         self.assertEqual(i1, a & b)  # __and__ is intersection operator
         a &= b  # testing __iand__
         self.assertEqual(i1, a)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def __getitem__(self, index):
     "Gets the Feature at the specified index."
     if isinstance(index, six.integer_types):
         # An integer index was given -- we cannot do a check based on the
         # number of features because the beginning and ending feature IDs
         # are not guaranteed to be 0 and len(layer)-1, respectively.
         if index < 0: raise OGRIndexError('Negative indices are not allowed on OGR Layers.')
         return self._make_feature(index)
     elif isinstance(index, slice):
         # A slice was given
         start, stop, stride = index.indices(self.num_feat)
         return [self._make_feature(fid) for fid in xrange(start, stop, stride)]
         raise TypeError('Integers and slices may only be used when indexing OGR Layers.')
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def create(self):
     # Because a cache can fail silently (e.g. memcache), we don't know if
     # we are failing to create a new session because of a key collision or
     # because the cache is missing. So we try for a (large) number of times
     # and then raise an exception. That's the risk you shoulder if using
     # cache backing.
     for i in xrange(10000):
         self._session_key = self._get_new_session_key()
         except CreateError:
         self.modified = True
     raise RuntimeError("Unable to create a new session key.")
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def __delitem__(self, index):
        "Delete the item(s) at the specified index/slice."
        if not isinstance(index, six.integer_types + (slice,)):
            raise TypeError("%s is not a legal index" % index)

        # calculate new length and dimensions
        origLen     = len(self)
        if isinstance(index, six.integer_types):
            index = self._checkindex(index)
            indexRange  = [index]
            indexRange  = range(*index.indices(origLen))

        newLen      = origLen - len(indexRange)
        newItems    = ( self._get_single_internal(i)
                        for i in xrange(origLen)
                        if i not in indexRange )

        self._rebuild(newLen, newItems)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def _explode_shorthand_ip_string(ip_str):
    Expand a shortened IPv6 address.

        ip_str: A string, the IPv6 address.

        A string, the expanded IPv6 address.

    if not _is_shorthand_ip(ip_str):
        # We've already got a longhand ip_str.
        return ip_str

    new_ip = []
    hextet = ip_str.split('::')

    # If there is a ::, we need to expand it with zeroes
    # to get to 8 hextets - unless there is a dot in the last hextet,
    # meaning we're doing v4-mapping
    if '.' in ip_str.split(':')[-1]:
        fill_to = 7
        fill_to = 8

    if len(hextet) > 1:
        sep = len(hextet[0].split(':')) + len(hextet[1].split(':'))
        new_ip = hextet[0].split(':')

        for _ in xrange(fill_to - sep):
        new_ip += hextet[1].split(':')

        new_ip = ip_str.split(':')

    # Now need to make sure every hextet is 4 lower case characters.
    # If a hextet is < 4 characters, we've got missing leading 0's.
    ret_ip = []
    for hextet in new_ip:
        ret_ip.append(('0' * (4 - len(hextet)) + hextet).lower())
    return ':'.join(ret_ip)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def fields(self):
     "Returns a list of fields in the Feature."
     return [capi.get_field_name(capi.get_field_defn(self._fdefn, i))
             for i in xrange(self.num_fields)]
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def __iter__(self):
     "Allows for iteration over the layers in a data source."
     for i in xrange(self.layer_count):
         yield self[i]
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def __iter__(self):
     "Allows iteration over this LineString."
     for i in xrange(len(self)):
         yield self[i]
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def _construct_forms(self):
     # instantiate all the forms and put them in self.forms
     self.forms = []
     for i in xrange(self.total_form_count()):