Ejemplo n.º 1
 def removeFromSesameRep(self, repository, ctx='default', rdfType=None):
     remove triples (s,p,o) such as 
        - s has an uri hosted by self
        - o has an uri hosted by self
        - p has an uri hosted by seld
     # lets use the context posibility, should be useless
     if ctx == None and not getattr(settings, 'PES_USE_CONTEXT', False):
         sesame = Repository(repository)
         if ctx == 'default' or getattr(settings, 'PES_USE_CONTEXT', False):
             ctx = self.defaultCtxName
         ctx = "<%s>" % ctx
         sesame = Repository(repository, context=ctx)
     subjects = sesame.subjects(settings.NS.rdf.type, rdfType)
     for subject in subjects:
         if self.is_local(subject):
             sesame.remove((subject, None, None))
     preds = sesame.predicates(None, None)
     for p in preds:
         if self.is_local(p):
             sesame.remove((None, p, None))
     objs = sesame.objects(None, None)
     for o in objs:
         if isinstance(o, URIRef) and self.is_local(o):
             sesame.remove((None, None, o))
     # Suppress also instance in db
     for m in models.get_models():
         if djrdf.models.djRdf in m.__mro__:
             for o in m.objects.filter(uri__contains=self.home):
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def toSesameRep(self, repository, graph, ctx='default', rdfType=None, force=False):
        # lets use the context posibility, should be useless
        if ctx == None and not getattr(settings, 'PES_USE_CONTEXT', False):
            sesame = Repository(repository)
            if ctx == 'default' or getattr(settings, 'PES_USE_CONTEXT', False):
                ctx = self.defaultCtxName
            ctx = "<%s>" % ctx
            sesame = Repository(repository, context=ctx)
        unknownTypes = []
        mapDjrdfTypes = djrdf.tools.rdfDjrdfMapTypes()
        subjects = graph.subjects(settings.NS.rdf.type, rdfType)
        for subject in subjects:
            # small delay to let jetty warmup
            stored_date = list(sesame.objects(subject, settings.NS.dct.modified))
            update_date = list(graph.objects(subject, settings.NS.dct.modified))
            replacedBy = list(graph.objects(subject, settings.NS.dct.isReplacedBy))
            deletedOn = list(graph.objects(subject, settings.NS.ov.deletedOn))

            if  (not force) and len(update_date) == 1 and len(stored_date) == 1 and update_date[0].toPython() <= stored_date[0].toPython():
                log.debug(u"Nothing to update for %s" % subject)
                log.debug("Handle %s in %s" % (subject, repository))
                types = list(graph.objects(subject, settings.NS.rdf.type))

                # look for a type corresponding to a mapped RDFAlchemy model
                RdfModel, djRdfModel = None, None
                i = 0
                n = len(types)
                while i < n and not RdfModel:
                    str_type = str(types[i])
                    if str_type in mapper():
                        RdfModel = mapper()[str_type]
                    i += 1

                if not RdfModel:
                # look for and djRdf.models corresponding to that type
                if RdfModel:
                        djRdfModel = mapDjrdfTypes[RdfModel.rdf_type]
                    except KeyError:
                        djRdfModel = None

                # If a triple <old_uri> dct.isReplacedBy <new_uri> exists, this supposed
                # the new_uri is up_to_date and the 'domain' which was hosting old_uri
                # aggrees this renaming of uri. The aggregator has just to registered it
                # and to populate this modification
                if len(replacedBy) == 1:
                    newSubject = replacedBy[0]
                    sesame.add((subject, settings.NS.dct.isReplacedBy, newSubject))
                    triples = graph.triples((None, None, subject))
                        while True:
                            (s, p, o) = triples.next()
                            sesame.add((s, p, newSubject))
                    except StopIteration:
                    # and we suppress triples that are now obsolete
                    sesame.remove((subject, None, None))
                    sesame.remove((None, None, subject))

                    # if subject is  django object
                    if djRdfModel:
                        oldSubject = djRdfModel.objects.get(uri=unicode(subject))
                        djSubject, created = djRdfModel.objects.get_or_create(uri=unicode(newSubject))
                        djSubject.save()  # To publish updates
                elif len(deletedOn) == 1:
                    if djRdfModel:
                        djSubject, created = djRdfModel.objects.get_or_create(uri=unicode(subject))
                    elif RdfModel:
                        sesame.remove((subject, None, None))
                        sesame.remove((None, None, subject))
                    addtriples = []
                    undirect_triples = list(graph.triples((None, None, subject)))
                    for  (s, p, o) in list(graph.triples((subject, None, None))): 
                        # Skip triples belong to foreign "context", which correspond to
                        # "imported" triples in this application
                        # local property case
                        if self.is_local(p):
                            addtriples.append((s, p, o))
                            if self.is_local(s):
                                addtriples.append((s, p, o))
                            elif self.is_common(s):
                                addtriples.append((s, p, o))
                            elif isinstance(o, URIRef):
                                if self.is_local(o):
                                    addtriples.append((s, p, o))
                                    self.addLog("The triple (%s,%s,%s) CANNOT be added" % (s, p, o))
                                self.addLog("The triple (%s,%s,%s) CANNOT be added" % (s, p, o))
                    undirect_triples = []
                    for (s, p, o) in list(graph.triples((None, None, subject))):
                        if self.is_local(p):
                            undirect_triples.append((s, p, o))
                            if self.is_local(o):
                                undirect_triples.append((s, p, o))
                            elif self.is_common(o):
                                undirect_triples.append((s, p, o))
                            elif isinstance(s, URIRef):
                                if self.is_local(s):
                                    undirect_triples.append((s, p, o))
                                    self.addLog("The triple (%s,%s,%s) CANNOT be added" % (s, p, o))
                                self.addLog("The triple (%s,%s,%s) CANNOT be added" % (s, p, o))

                    if djRdfModel:
                        djSubject, created = djRdfModel.objects.get_or_create(uri=unicode(subject))
                        djrdf.tools.addTriples(subject, addtriples, undirect_triples,  sesame)
                        # print "When no djRdfModel exists for %s" % subject
                        djrdf.tools.addTriples(subject, addtriples, undirect_triples, sesame)

        for t in unknownTypes:
            self.addLog("The rdf:type %s is not handled yet by the aggregator" % t)
        # for the logs    