Ejemplo n.º 1
def is_point_an_eye(board, point, color):

    #if stone is at point, then point cant be an eye
    if board.get(point) is not None:
        return False
    #all adjacent stones must contain friendly stones
    for neighbor in point.neighbors():
        if board.is_on_grid(neighbor):
            neighbor_color = board.get(neighbor)
            if neighbor != color:
                return False

    #must control 3 out of 4 corners if the point is in middle of board,
    #while on the edge of the board must control 4 corners
    friendly_corners = 0
    off_board_corners = 0
    corners = [
        Point(point.row - 1, point.col - 1),
        Point(point.row - 1, point.col + 1),
        Point(point.row + 1, point.col - 1),
        Point(point.row + 1, point.col + 1),
    for corner in corners:
        if board.is_on_grid(corner):
            corner_color = board.get(corner)
            if corner_color == color:
                friendly_corners += 1

            off_board_corners += 1
    if off_board_corners > 0:
        #point is on edge or corner
        return off_board_corners + friendly_cornes == 4
        #point is in middle
        return friendly_corners >= 3
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def select_move(self, game_state):
        """Choose a random valid move that preserves our own eyes."""

        candidates = []

        for r in range(1, game_state.board.num_rows + 1):

            for c in range(1, game_state.board.num_cols + 1):

                candidate = Point(row=r, col=c)

                if game_state.is_valid_move(Move.play(candidate)) and \
                        not is_point_an_eye(game_state.board,




        if not candidates:

            return Move.pass_turn()


# end::random_bot[]
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def legal_moves(self):
        "using this bypasses the need of is_valid_move"
        moves = []
        for row in range(1, self.board.num_rows + 1):
            for col in range(1, self.board.num_cols + 1):
                move = Move.play(Point(row, col))
                if self.is_valid_move(move):

        return moves
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def select_move(self, game_state):
     """Selects random value that preserves eyes"""
     candidates = []
     for r in range(1, game_state.board.num_rows + 1):
         for c in range(1, game_state.board.num_cols + 1):
             candidate = Point(
                 col=c)  #added first parameter to Move.play below to be "1"
             if game_state.is_valid_move(Move.play(candidate)) and \
                     not is_point_an_eye(game_state.board, \
                                     candidate, \
     if not candidates:
         return Move.pass_turn()
     return Move.play(random.choice(candidates))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def evaluate_territory(board):
    status = {}
    for r in range(1, board.num_cols + 1):
        for c in range(1, board.num_cols+ 1):
            p = Point(row=r, col=c)
            if p in status:
            stone = board.get(p)
            if stone is not None:
                status[p] = board.get(p)
                group, neighbors = _collect_region(p, board)
                if len(neighbors) == 1:
                    neighbor_stone = neighbors.pop()
                    stone_str = 'b' if neighbor_stone == Player.black else 'w'
                    fill_with = 'territory_' + stone_str
                    fill_with = 'dame'
                for pos in group:
                    status[pos] = fill_with
    return Territory(status)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _collect_region(start_pos, board, visited=None):
    if visited is None:
        visited = {}
    if start_pos in visited:
        return [], set()
    all_points = [start_pos]
    all_borders = set()
    visited[start_pos] = True
    here = board.get(start_pos)
    deltas = [(-1,0), (1,0), (0,-1), (0,1)]
    for delta_r, delta_c in deltas:
        next_p = Point(row=start_pos.row + delta_r, col=start_pos.col + delta_c)
        if not board.is_on_grid(next_p):
        neighbor = board.get(next_p)
        if neighbor == here:
            points, borders = _collect_region(next_p, board, visited)
            all_points += points
            all_borders |= borders
    return all_points, all_borders
Ejemplo n.º 7
def is_point_an_eye(board, point, color):

    if board.get(point) is not None:  # <1>

        return False

    for neighbor in point.neighbors():  # <2>

        if board.is_on_grid(neighbor):

            neighbor_color = board.get(neighbor)

            if neighbor_color != color:

                return False

    friendly_corners = 0  # <3>

    off_board_corners = 0

    corners = [

        Point(point.row - 1, point.col - 1),

        Point(point.row - 1, point.col + 1),

        Point(point.row + 1, point.col - 1),

        Point(point.row + 1, point.col + 1),


    for corner in corners:

        if board.is_on_grid(corner):

            corner_color = board.get(corner)

            if corner_color == color:

                friendly_corners += 1


            off_board_corners += 1

    if off_board_corners > 0:

        return off_board_corners + friendly_corners == 4  # <4>

    return friendly_corners >= 3  # <5>

# <1> An eye is an empty point.

# <2> All adjacent points must contain friendly stones.

# <3> We must control 3 out of 4 corners if the point is in the middle of the board; on the edge we must control all corners.

# <4> Point is on the edge or corner.

# <5> Point is in the middle.

# end::eye[]