Ejemplo n.º 1
class DMPs_cartesian(object):
    Implementation of discrete Dynamic Movement Primitives in cartesian space,
    as described in
    [1] Park, D. H., Hoffmann, H., Pastor, P., & Schaal, S. (2008, December).
        Movement reproduction and obstacle avoidance with Dynamic movement
        primitives and potential fields.
        In Humanoid Robots, 2008. Humanoids 2008. 8th IEEE-RAS International
        Conference on (pp. 91-98). IEEE.
    [2] Hoffmann, H., Pastor, P., Park, D. H., & Schaal, S. (2009, May).
        Biologically-inspired dynamical systems for movement generation:
        automatic real-time goal adaptation and obstacle avoidance.
        In Robotics and Automation, 2009. ICRA'09. IEEE International
        Conference on (pp. 2587-2592). IEEE.
    def __init__(self,
        n_dmps int   : number of dynamic movement primitives (i.e. dimensions)
        n_bfs int    : number of basis functions per DMP (actually, they will
                       be one more)
        dt float     : timestep for simulation
        x_0 array     : initial state of DMPs
        x_goal array   : x_goal state of DMPs
        T float      : final time
        K float      : elastic parameter in the dynamical system
        D float      : damping parameter in the dynamical system
        w array      : associated weights
        tol float    : tolerance
        alpha_s float: constant of the Canonical System
        rescale      : tell which affine transformation use in the Cartesian
                       component to be make affine invariant, possible values
                         None: no scalability
                         'rotodilatation': use rotodilatation
                         'diagonal': use a diagonal matrix ("old" DMP 
        basis string : type of basis functions

        # Tolerance for the accuracy of the movement: the trajectory will stop
        # when || x - g || <= tol
        self.tol = copy.deepcopy(tol)
        self.n_dmps = copy.deepcopy(n_dmps)
        self.n_bfs = copy.deepcopy(n_bfs)

        # Default values give as in [2]
        self.K = copy.deepcopy(K)
        if D is None:
            D = 2 * np.sqrt(self.K)
        self.D = copy.deepcopy(D)

        # Set up the CS
        self.cs = CanonicalSystem(dt=dt, run_time=T, alpha_s=alpha_s)

        # Create the matrix of the linear component of the problem

        # Set up the DMP system
        if x_0 is None:
            x_0 = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)
        if x_goal is None:
            x_goal = np.ones(self.n_dmps)
        self.x_0 = copy.deepcopy(x_0)
        self.x_goal = copy.deepcopy(x_goal)
        self.rescale = copy.deepcopy(rescale)
        self.basis = copy.deepcopy(basis)

        # If no weights are give, set them to zero
        if w is None:
            w = np.zeros([self.n_dmps, self.n_bfs + 1])
        self.w = copy.deepcopy(w)

    def compute_linear_part(self):
        Compute the linear component of the problem.
        self.linear_part = np.zeros([2 * self.n_dmps, 2 * self.n_dmps])
            [range(0, 2 * self.n_dmps, 2), range(0, 2 * self.n_dmps, 2)] = \
                - self.D
            [range(0, 2 * self.n_dmps, 2), range(1, 2 * self.n_dmps, 2)] = \
                - self.K
            [range(1, 2 * self.n_dmps, 2), range(0, 2 * self.n_dmps, 2)] = 1.

    def gen_centers(self):
        Set the centres of the basis functions to be spaced evenly throughout
        run time
        # Desired activations throughout time
        self.c = np.exp(
            -self.cs.alpha_s * self.cs.run_time *
            ((np.cumsum(np.ones([1, self.n_bfs + 1])) - 1) / self.n_bfs))

    def gen_psi(self, s):
        Generates the activity of the basis functions for a given canonical
        system rollout.
         s : array containing the rollout of the canonical system
        c = np.reshape(self.c, [self.n_bfs + 1, 1])
        w = np.reshape(self.width, [self.n_bfs + 1, 1])
        if (self.basis == 'gaussian'):
            xi = w * (s - c) * (s - c)
            psi_set = np.exp(-xi)
            xi = np.abs(w * (s - c))
            if (self.basis == 'mollifier'):
                psi_set = (np.exp(-1.0 / (1.0 - xi * xi))) * (xi < 1.0)
            elif (self.basis == 'wendland2'):
                psi_set = ((1.0 - xi)**2.0) * (xi < 1.0)
            elif (self.basis == 'wendland3'):
                psi_set = ((1.0 - xi)**3.0) * (xi < 1.0)
            elif (self.basis == 'wendland4'):
                psi_set = ((1.0 - xi)**4.0 * (4.0 * xi + 1.0)) * (xi < 1.0)
            elif (self.basis == 'wendland5'):
                psi_set = ((1.0 - xi)**5.0 * (5.0 * xi + 1)) * (xi < 1.0)
            elif (self.basis == 'wendland6'):
                psi_set = ((1.0 - xi)**6.0 *
                           (35.0 * xi**2.0 + 18.0 * xi + 3.0)) * (xi < 1.0)
            elif (self.basis == 'wendland7'):
                psi_set = ((1.0 - xi)**7.0 *
                           (16.0 * xi**2.0 + 7.0 * xi + 1.0)) * (xi < 1.0)
            elif (self.basis == 'wendland8'):
                psi_set = (
                    ((1.0 - xi)**8.0 *
                     (32.0 * xi**3.0 + 25.0 * xi**2.0 + 8.0 * xi + 1.0)) *
                    (xi < 1.0))
        psi_set = np.nan_to_num(psi_set)
        return psi_set

    def gen_weights(self, f_target):
        Generate a set of weights over the basis functions such that the
        target forcing term trajectory is matched.
         f_target shaped n_dim x n_time_steps
        # Generate the basis functions
        s_track = self.cs.rollout()
        psi_track = self.gen_psi(s_track)
        # Compute useful quantities
        sum_psi = np.sum(psi_track, 0)
        sum_psi_2 = sum_psi * sum_psi
        s_track_2 = s_track * s_track
        # Set up the minimization problem
        A = np.zeros([self.n_bfs + 1, self.n_bfs + 1])
        b = np.zeros([self.n_bfs + 1])
        # The matrix does not depend on f
        for k in range(self.n_bfs + 1):
            A[k, k] = scipy.integrate.simps(
                psi_track[k] * psi_track[k] * s_track_2 / sum_psi_2, s_track)
            for h in range(k + 1, self.n_bfs + 1):
                A[k, h] = scipy.integrate.simps(
                    psi_track[k] * psi_track[h] * s_track_2 / sum_psi_2,
                A[h, k] = A[k, h].copy()
        LU = scipy.linalg.lu_factor(A)
        # The problem is decoupled for each dimension
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            # Create the vector of the regression problem
            for k in range(self.n_bfs + 1):
                b[k] = scipy.integrate.simps(
                    f_target[d] * psi_track[k] * s_track / sum_psi, s_track)
            # Solve the minimization problem
            self.w[d] = scipy.linalg.lu_solve(LU, b)
        self.w = np.nan_to_num(self.w)

    def gen_width(self):
        Set the "widths" for the basis functions.
        if (self.basis == 'gaussian'):
            self.width = 1.0 / np.diff(self.c) / np.diff(self.c)
            self.width = np.append(self.width, self.width[-1])
            self.width = 1.0 / np.diff(self.c)
            self.width = np.append(self.width[0], self.width)

    def imitate_path(self,
        Takes in a desired trajectory and generates the set of system
        parameters that best realize this path.
          x_des array shaped num_timesteps x n_dmps
          t_des 1D array of num_timesteps component
          g_w boolean, used to separate the one-shot learning from the
                       regression over multiple demonstrations

        ## Set initial state and x_goal
        self.x_0 = x_des[0].copy()
        self.x_goal = x_des[-1].copy()

        ## Set t_span
        if t_des is None:
            # Default value for t_des
            t_des = np.linspace(0, self.cs.run_time, x_des.shape[0])
            # Warp time to start from zero and end up to T
            t_des -= t_des[0]
            t_des /= t_des[-1]
            t_des *= self.cs.run_time
        time = np.linspace(0., self.cs.run_time, self.cs.timesteps)

        ## Piecewise linear interpolation
        # Interpolation function
        path_gen = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(t_des, x_des.transpose())
        # Evaluation of the interpolant
        path = path_gen(time)
        x_des = path.transpose()

        ## Second order estimates of the derivatives
        ## (the last non centered, all the others centered)
        if dx_des is None:
            D1 = compute_D1(self.cs.timesteps, self.cs.dt)
            dx_des = np.dot(D1, x_des)
            dpath = np.zeros([self.cs.timesteps, self.n_dmps])
            dpath_gen = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(t_des, dx_des)
            dpath = dpath_gen(time)
            dx_des = dpath.transpose()
        if ddx_des is None:
            D2 = compute_D2(self.cs.timesteps, self.cs.dt)
            ddx_des = np.dot(D2, x_des)
            ddpath = np.zeros([self.cs.timesteps, self.n_dmps])
            ddpath_gen = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(t_des, ddx_des)
            ddpath = ddpath_gen(time)
            ddx_des = ddpath.transpose()

        ## Find the force required to move along this trajectory
        s_track = self.cs.rollout()
        f_target = (
            (ddx_des / self.K -
             (self.x_goal - x_des) + self.D / self.K * dx_des).transpose() +
            np.reshape((self.x_goal - self.x_0), [self.n_dmps, 1]) * s_track)
        if g_w:
            # Efficiently generate weights to realize f_target
            # (only if not called by paths_regression)
            self.learned_position = self.x_goal - self.x_0
        return f_target

    def paths_regression(self, traj_set, t_set=None):
        Takes in a set (list) of desired trajectories (with possibly the
        execution times) and generate the weight which realize the best
          each element of traj_set should be shaped num_timesteps x n_dim

        ## Step 1: Generate the set of the forcing terms
        f_set = np.zeros([len(traj_set), self.n_dmps, self.cs.timesteps])
        g_new = np.ones(self.n_dmps)
        for it in range(len(traj_set)):
            if t_set is None:
                t_des_tmp = None
                t_des_tmp = t_set[it]
                t_des_tmp -= t_des_tmp[0]
                t_des_tmp /= t_des_tmp[-1]
                t_des_tmp *= self.cs.run_time

            # Alignment of the trajectory so that
            # x_0 = [0; 0; ...; 0] and g = [1; 1; ...; 1].
            x_des_tmp = copy.deepcopy(traj_set[it])
            x_des_tmp -= x_des_tmp[0]  # translation to x_0 = 0
            g_old = x_des_tmp[-1]  # original x_goal position
            R = roto_dilatation(g_old, g_new)  # rotodilatation

            # Rescaled and rotated trajectory
            x_des_tmp = np.dot(x_des_tmp, np.transpose(R))

            # Learning of the forcing term for the particular trajectory
            f_tmp = self.imitate_path(x_des=x_des_tmp,
                it, :, :] = f_tmp.copy()  # add the new forcing term to the set

        ## Step 2: Learning of the weights using linear regression
        self.w = np.zeros([self.n_dmps, self.n_bfs + 1])
        s_track = self.cs.rollout()
        psi_set = self.gen_psi(s_track)
        psi_sum = np.sum(psi_set, 0)
        psi_sum_2 = psi_sum * psi_sum
        s_track_2 = s_track * s_track
        A = np.zeros([self.n_bfs + 1, self.n_bfs + 1])
        for k in range(self.n_bfs + 1):
            A[k, k] = scipy.integrate.simps(
                psi_set[k, :] * psi_set[k, :] * s_track_2 / psi_sum_2, s_track)
            for h in range(k + 1, self.n_bfs + 1):
                A[h, k] = scipy.integrate.simps(
                    psi_set[k, :] * psi_set[h, :] * s_track_2 / psi_sum_2,
                A[k, h] = A[h, k].copy()
        A *= len(traj_set)
        LU = scipy.linalg.lu_factor(A)

        # The weights are learned dimension by dimension
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            f_d_set = f_set[:, d, :].copy()
            # Set up the minimization problem
            b = np.zeros([self.n_bfs + 1])
            for k in range(self.n_bfs + 1):
                b[k] = scipy.integrate.simps(
                    np.sum(f_d_set * psi_set[k, :] * s_track / psi_sum, 0),

            # Solve the minimization problem
            self.w[d, :] = scipy.linalg.lu_solve(LU, b)
        self.learned_position = np.ones(self.n_dmps)

    def reset_state(self, v0=None, **kwargs):
        Reset the system state
        self.x = self.x_0.copy()
        if v0 is None:
            v0 = 0.0 * self.x_0
        self.dx = v0
        self.ddx = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)

    def rollout(self, tau=1.0, v0=None, **kwargs):
        Generate a system trial, no feedback is incorporated.
          tau scalar, time rescaling constant
          v0 scalar, initial velocity of the system

        # Reset the state of the DMP
        if v0 is None:
            v0 = 0.0 * self.x_0
        x_track = np.array([self.x_0])
        dx_track = np.array([v0])
        t_track = np.array([0])
        state = np.zeros(2 * self.n_dmps)
        state[range(0, 2 * self.n_dmps, 2)] = copy.deepcopy(v0)
        state[range(1, 2 * self.n_dmps + 1, 2)] = copy.deepcopy(self.x_0)
        if self.rescale == 'rotodilatation':
            M = roto_dilatation(self.learned_position, self.x_goal - self.x_0)
        elif self.rescale == 'diagonal':
            M = np.diag((self.x_goal - self.x_0) / self.learned_position)
            M = np.eye(self.n_dmps)
        psi = self.gen_psi(self.cs.s)
        f0 = (np.dot(self.w, psi[:, 0])) / (np.sum(psi[:, 0])) * self.cs.s
        f0 = np.nan_to_num(np.dot(M, f0))
        ddx_track = np.array([-self.D * v0 + self.K * f0])
        err = np.linalg.norm(state[range(1, 2 * self.n_dmps + 1, 2)] -
        P = phi1(self.cs.dt * self.linear_part / tau)
        while err > self.tol:
            psi = self.gen_psi(self.cs.s)
            f = (np.dot(self.w, psi[:, 0])) / (np.sum(psi[:, 0])) * self.cs.s
            f = np.nan_to_num(np.dot(M, f))
            beta = np.zeros(2 * self.n_dmps)
            beta[range(0, 2*self.n_dmps, 2)] = \
                self.K * (self.x_goal * (1.0 - self.cs.s) +
                self.x_0 * self.cs.s + f) / tau
            vect_field = np.dot(self.linear_part, state) + beta
            state += self.cs.dt * np.dot(P, vect_field)
            x_track = np.append(x_track,
                                    [state[range(1, 2 * self.n_dmps + 1, 2)]]),
            dx_track = np.append(dx_track,
                                     [state[range(0, 2 * self.n_dmps, 2)]]),
            t_track = np.append(t_track, t_track[-1] + self.cs.dt)
            err = np.linalg.norm(state[range(1, 2 * self.n_dmps + 1, 2)] -
            ddx_track = np.append(
                    self.K * (self.x_goal - x_track[-1]) -
                    self.D * dx_track[-1] - self.K *
                    (self.x_goal - self.x_0) * self.cs.s + self.K * f
        return x_track, dx_track, ddx_track, t_track

    def step(self,
        Run the DMP system for a single timestep.
          tau float: time rescaling constant
          error float: optional system feedback
          external_force 1D array: external force to add to the system
          adapt bool: says if using adaptive step
          tols float list: [rel_tol, abs_tol]

        ## Initialize
        if tols is None:
            tols = [1e-03, 1e-06]
        ## Setup
        # Scaling matrix
        if self.rescale == 'rotodilatation':
            M = roto_dilatation(self.learned_position, self.x_goal - self.x_0)
        elif self.rescale == 'diagonal':
            M = np.diag((self.x_goal - self.x_0) / self.learned_position)
            M = np.eye(self.n_dmps)
        # Coupling term in canonical system
        error_coupling = 1.0 / (1.0 + error)
        alpha_tilde = -self.cs.alpha_s / tau / error_coupling
        # State definition
        state = np.zeros(2 * self.n_dmps)
        state[0::2] = self.dx
        state[1::2] = self.x
        # Linear part of the dynamical system
        A_m = self.linear_part / tau

        # s-dep part of the dynamical system
        def beta_s(s, x, v):
            psi = self.gen_psi(s)
            f = (np.dot(self.w, psi[:, 0])) / (np.sum(psi[:, 0])) * self.cs.s
            f = np.nan_to_num(np.dot(M, f))
            out = np.zeros(2 * self.n_dmps)
            out[0::2] = self.K * (self.x_goal * (1.0 - s) + self.x_0 * s + f)
            if external_force is not None:
                out[0::2] += external_force(x, v)
            return out / tau

        ## Initialization of the adaptive step
        flag_tol = False
        while not flag_tol:
            # Bogacki–Shampine method
            # Defining the canonical system in the time of the scheme
            s1 = copy.deepcopy(self.cs.s)
            s2 = s1 * np.exp(-alpha_tilde * self.cs.dt * 1.0 / 2.0)
            s3 = s1 * np.exp(-alpha_tilde * self.cs.dt * 3.0 / 4.0)
            s4 = s1 * np.exp(-alpha_tilde * self.cs.dt)
            xi1 = np.dot(A_m, state) + beta_s(s1, state[1::2], state[0::2])
            xi2 = np.dot(A_m, state + self.cs.dt * xi1 * 1.0/2.0) + \
                beta_s(s2, state[1::2] + self.cs.dt * xi1[1::2] * 1.0/2.0,
                    state[0::2] + self.cs.dt * xi1[0::2] * 1.0/2.0)
            xi3 = np.dot(A_m, state + self.cs.dt * xi2 * 3.0/4.0) + \
                beta_s(s3, state[1::2] + self.cs.dt * xi2[1::2] * 3.0/4.0,
                state[0::2] + self.cs.dt * xi2[0::2] * 3.0/4.0)
            xi4 = np.dot(A_m, state + self.cs.dt * (2.0 * xi1 + 3.0 * xi2 + 4.0 * xi3) / 9.0) + \
                beta_s(s4, state[1::2] + self.cs.dt * (2.0 * xi1[1::2] + 3.0 * xi2[1::2] + 4.0 * xi3[1::2]) / 9.0,
                state[0::2] + self.cs.dt * (2.0 * xi1[0::2] + 3.0 * xi2[0::2] + 4.0 * xi3[0::2]) / 9.0)
            y_ord2 = state + self.cs.dt * (2.0 * xi1 + 3.0 * xi2 +
                                           4.0 * xi3) / 9.0
            y_ord3 = state + self.cs.dt * (7.0 * xi1 + 6.0 * xi2 + 8.0 * xi3 +
                                           3.0 * xi4) / 24.0
            if (np.linalg.norm(y_ord2 - y_ord3) <
                    tols[0] * np.linalg.norm(state) + tols[1]) or (not adapt):
                flag_tol = True
                state = copy.deepcopy(y_ord3)
                self.cs.dt /= 1.1
        self.x = copy.deepcopy(state[1::2])
        self.dx = copy.deepcopy(state[0::2])
        psi = self.gen_psi(self.cs.s)
        f = (np.dot(self.w, psi[:, 0])) / (np.sum(psi[:, 0])) * self.cs.s
        f = np.nan_to_num(np.dot(M, f))
        self.ddx = (self.K * (self.x_goal - self.x) - self.D * self.dx \
            - self.K * (self.x_goal - self.x_0) * self.cs.s + self.K * f) / tau
        if external_force is not None:
            self.ddx += external_force(self.x, self.dx) / tau
        return self.x, self.dx, self.ddx
Ejemplo n.º 2
class DMPs_cartesian(object):
    Implementation of discrete Dynamic Movement Primitives in cartesian space,as
    described in
    [1] Park, D. H., Hoffmann, H., Pastor, P., & Schaal, S. (2008, December).
    Movement reproduction and obstacle avoidance with dynamic movement primitives
    and potential fields. In Humanoid Robots, 2008. Humanoids 2008. 8th IEEE-RAS
    International Conference on (pp. 91-98). IEEE.
    [2] Hoffmann, H., Pastor, P., Park, D. H., & Schaal, S. (2009, May).
    Biologically-inspired dynamical systems for movement generation: automatic
    real-time goal adaptation and obstacle avoidance. In Robotics and Automation,
    2009. ICRA'09. IEEE International Conference on (pp. 2587-2592). IEEE.
    def __init__(self,
        n_dmps int   : number of dynamic movement primitives (i.e. dimensions)
        n_bfs int    : number of basis fun (ctions per DMPactually, they will be one more)
        dt float     : timestep for simulation
        x0 np.array  : initial state of DMPs
        goal np.array: goal state of DMPs
        T float      : final time
        K float      : elastic parameter in the dynamical system
        D float      : damping parameter in the dynamical system
        tol float    : tolerance
        alpha_s float: constant of the Canonical System
        # Tolerance for the accuracy of the movement: the trajectory will stop when
        # || x - g || <= tol
        self.tol = tol
        self.n_dmps = n_dmps
        self.n_bfs = n_bfs
        # Default values give as in [2]
        if K is None:
            K = 1050.
        if np.isscalar(K):
            K = np.ones(self.n_dmps) * K
        self.K = K
        if D is None:
            self.D = 2 * np.sqrt(self.K)
        # Create the matrix of the linear component of the problem
        self.linear_part = np.zeros([2 * self.n_dmps, 2 * self.n_dmps])
        for d in range(n_dmps):
            self.linear_part[2 * d, 2 * d] = -self.D[d]
            self.linear_part[2 * d, 2 * d + 1] = -self.K[d]
            self.linear_part[2 * d + 1, 2 * d] = 1.
        # Set up the CS
        self.cs = CanonicalSystem(dt=dt, run_time=T, alpha_s=alpha_s)
        # Set up the DMP system
        if x0 is None:
            x0 = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)
        if goal is None:
            goal = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)
        self.x0 = x0
        self.goal = goal

    def compute_derivative_matrices(self):
        Compute the matrices used to compute the derivatives
        n = self.cs.timesteps
        ## D1 computation
        d1_p = np.ones([n - 1])
        d1_p[0] = 4.
        d1_m = -np.ones([n - 1])
        d1_m[-1] = -4.
        D1 = sparse.diags(np.array([d1_p, d1_m]), [1, -1]).toarray()
        D1[0, 0] = -3.
        D1[0, 2] = -1.
        D1[-1, -3] = 1.
        D1[-1, -1] = 3.
        D1 /= 2 * self.cs.dt
        ## D2 coputation
        d2_p = np.ones([n - 1])
        d2_p[0] = -5.
        d2_m = np.ones([n - 1])
        d2_m[-1] = -5.
        d2_c = -2. * np.ones([n])
        d2_c[0] = 2.
        d2_c[-1] = 2.
        D2 = sparse.diags(np.array([d2_p, d2_c, d2_m]), [1, 0, -1]).toarray()
        D2[0, 2] = 4.
        D2[0, 3] = -1.
        D2[-1, -3] = 4.
        D2[-1, -4] = -1.
        D2 /= self.cs.dt * self.cs.dt
        return [D1, D2]

    def ext_forces(F):
        Sums all the external forces.
        F: F_{i,j} = F ^ {(i)} _ {x_j}
        tot_F = np.sum(F, 0)
        return tot_F

    def gen_centers(self):
        Set the centres of the basis functions to be spaced evenly throughout run
        # Desired activations throughout time
        self.c = np.exp(
            -self.cs.alpha_s * self.cs.run_time *
            ((np.cumsum(np.ones([1, self.n_bfs + 1])) - 1) / self.n_bfs))

    def gen_goal(self, x_des):
        Generate the goal for path imitation.
        x_des np.array: the desired trajectory to follow
        gl = np.copy(x_des[:, -1])
        return gl

    def gen_psi(self, s):
        Generates the activity of the basis functions for a given
        canonical system rollout.
        x float, array: the canonical system state or path
        c = np.transpose(np.array([self.c]))
        w = np.transpose(np.array([self.width]))
        xi = w * np.power((s - c), 2.0)
        psi_set = np.exp(-xi)
        return psi_set

    def gen_width(self):
        Set the widths for the basis functions, given in such a way that each basis
        function is supported in only two consecutive intervals. This width does
        not depend on the number of basis functions
        self.width = np.power(np.diff(self.c), -2.0)
        self.width = np.append(self.width, self.width[-1])

    def gen_weights(self, f_target):
        """Generate a set of weights over the basis functions such
            that the target forcing term trajectory is matched.
            f_target np.array: the desired forcing term trajectory
        # calculate x and psi
        x_track = self.cs.rollout()
        psi_track = self.gen_psi(x_track)
        # efficiently calculate BF weights using weighted linear regression
        self.w = np.zeros((self.n_dmps, self.n_bfs + 1))
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            # spatial scaling term
            for b in range(self.n_bfs + 1):
                numer = np.sum(x_track * psi_track[b, :] * f_target[d, :])
                denom = np.sum(x_track**2 * psi_track[b, :])
                self.w[d, b] = numer / denom
        self.w = np.nan_to_num(self.w)

    def imitate_path(self, x_des, t_des=None):
        Takes in a desired trajectory and generates the set of system parameters
        that best realize this path.
          x_des array shaped num_timesteps x n_dmps
          t_des 1D array of num_timesteps component

        ## Set initial state and goal
        self.x0 = x_des[0].copy()

        self.goal = x_des[-1].copy()

        ## Set t_span
        if t_des is None:
            # Default value for t_des
            t_des = np.linspace(0, self.cs.run_time, x_des.shape[0])
            # Warp time to start from zero and end up to T
            t_des -= t_des[0]
            t_des /= t_des[-1]
            t_des *= self.cs.run_time
        time = np.linspace(0., self.cs.run_time, self.cs.timesteps)

        ## Piecewise linear interpolation
        # Interpolation function
        path_gen = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(t_des, x_des.transpose())
        # Evaluation of the interpolant
        path = path_gen(time)
        x_des = path.transpose()

        ## Second order estimates of the derivatives
        ## (the last non centered, all the others centered)
        [D1, D2] = self.compute_derivative_matrices()
        dx_des = np.dot(D1, x_des)
        ddx_des = np.dot(D2, x_des)

        ## Find the force required to move along this trajectory
        s_track = self.cs.rollout()
        f_target = (
            (ddx_des / self.K -
             (self.goal - x_des) + self.D / self.K * dx_des).transpose() +
            np.reshape((self.goal - self.x0), [self.n_dmps, 1]) * s_track)
        # Efficiently generate weights to realize f_target
        # (only if not called by paths_regression)
        return f_target

    def reset_state(self):
        Reset the system state
        self.x = self.x0.copy()
        self.dx = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)
        self.ddx = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)

    def rollout(self, tau=1., **kwargs):
        Generate a system trial, no feedback is incorporated.
        # Set up tracking vectors
        x_track = np.zeros((0, self.n_dmps))
        dx_track = np.zeros((0, self.n_dmps))
        ddx_track = np.zeros((0, self.n_dmps))
        x_track = np.append(x_track, [self.x0], axis=0)
        dx_track = np.append(dx_track, [0.0 * self.x0], axis=0)
        dx_track = np.append(ddx_track, [0.0 * self.x0], axis=0)
        flag = False
        t = 0
        while (not flag):
            # Run and record timestep
            x_track_s, dx_track_s, ddx_track_s = self.step(tau=tau)
            x_track = np.append(x_track, [x_track_s], axis=0)
            dx_track = np.append(dx_track, [dx_track_s], axis=0)
            ddx_track = np.append(ddx_track, [ddx_track_s], axis=0)
            t += 1
            err_abs = np.linalg.norm(x_track_s - self.goal)
            err_rel = err_abs / (np.linalg.norm(self.goal - self.x0) + 1e-14)
            flag = ((t >= self.cs.timesteps) and err_rel <= self.tol)
        return x_track, dx_track, ddx_track

    def step(self, tau=1., error=0.0, external_force=None, **kwargs):
        Run the DMP system for a single timestep.

        tau float: scales the timestep
                   increase tau to make the system execute faster
        error float: optional system feedback
        error_coupling = 1.0 / (1.0 + error)
        # Run canonical system
        s = self.cs.step(tau=tau, error_coupling=error_coupling)
        # Generate basis function activation
        psi = self.gen_psi(s)
        f = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)
        state = np.zeros(2 * self.n_dmps)
        affine_part = np.zeros(2 * self.n_dmps)
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            # Generate the forcing term
            # FIXME In a brute force way, I set f = 0 when sum(psi) = 0, is there a
            # better way?
            if (np.sum(psi) <= 1e-15):
                f[d] = 0.
                f[d] = (np.dot(psi[:, 0], self.w[d, :])) / (np.sum(psi[:,
                                                                       0])) * s
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            state[2 * d] = self.dx[d]
            state[2 * d + 1] = self.x[d]
            affine_part[2 * d] = self.K[d] * (self.goal[d] *
                                              (1. - s) + self.x0[d] * s + f[d])
            if external_force is not None:
                affine_part[2 * d] += external_force[d]
            affine_part[2 * d + 1] = 0.
        state = exp_eul_step(state, self.linear_part, affine_part, self.cs.dt)

        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            self.x[d] = state[2 * d + 1]
            self.dx[d] = state[2 * d]
            self.ddx[d] = self.K[d] / (tau**2) * (
                (self.goal[d] - self.x[d]) - (self.goal[d] - self.x0[d]) * s +
                f[d]) - self.D[d] / tau * self.dx[d]
        return self.x, self.dx, self.ddx