Ejemplo n.º 1
def check_model_creation(model, model_version, service):

    model_json = get_model_json(model, model_version, service)

    metadata = MetaData()
    metadata = make_model_from_service(model, model_version, service, metadata)

    eq_(len(metadata.tables), len(model_json['tables']))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def write(model, model_version, output, service):
    """Generate entity relationship diagram for the data model specified.

      model          Model to generate DDL for.
      model_version  Model version to generate DDL for.
      output         Output file for ERD.
      service        Base URL of the data models service to use.

        ImportError, if erlalchemy cannot be imported
    """  # noqa

    metadata = MetaData()
    model_json = get_model_json(model, model_version, service)
    make_model(model_json, metadata)

    from eralchemy import render_er

    render_er(metadata, output)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def make_model_from_service(model, model_version, service, metadata):
    from dmsa.utility import get_model_json
    return make_model(get_model_json(model, model_version, service), metadata)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def generate(model, model_version, dialect, tables=True, constraints=True,
             indexes=True, drop=False, delete_data=False, nologging=False,
    """Generate data definition language for the data model specified in the
    given DBMS dialect.

      model          Model to generate DDL for.
      model_version  Model version to generate DDL for.
      dialect        DBMS dialect to generate DDL in.
      tables         Include tables when generating DDL.
      constraints    Include constraints when generating DDL.
      indexes        Include indexes when generating DDL.
      drop           Generate DDL to drop, instead of create, objects.
      delete_data    Generate DML to delete data from the model.
      nologging      Generate Oracle DDL to make objects "nologging".
      logging        Generate Oracle DDL to make objects "logging".
      service        Base URL of the data models service to use.
    """  # noqa

    metadata = MetaData()
    model_json = get_model_json(model, model_version, service)
    make_model(model_json, metadata)

    service_version = get_service_version(service)

    engine = create_engine(dialect + '://')

    output = []

    INSERT = ("INSERT INTO version_history (operation, model, model_version, "
              "dms_version, dmsa_version) VALUES ('{operation}', '" +
              model + "', '" + model_version + "', '" +
              service_version + "', '" + __version__ + "');\n\n")

    if dialect.startswith('oracle'):
        INSERT = INSERT + "COMMIT;\n\n"

    version_history = Table(
        'version_history', MetaData(),
        Column('datetime', DateTime(), primary_key=True,
        Column('operation', String(100)),
        Column('model', String(16)),
        Column('model_version', String(50)),
        Column('dms_version', String(50)),
        Column('dmsa_version', String(50))

    version_tbl_ddl = str(CreateTable(version_history).

    if dialect.startswith('mssql'):
        version_tbl_ddl = ("IF OBJECT_ID ('version_history', 'U') IS NULL " +
                           version_tbl_ddl + ";")
    elif dialect.startswith('oracle'):
        version_tbl_ddl = ("BEGIN\n" +
                           "EXECUTE IMMEDIATE '" + version_tbl_ddl + "';\n" +
                           "EXCEPTION\n" +
                           "WHEN OTHERS THEN\n" +
                           "IF SQLCODE = -955 THEN NULL;\n" +
                           "ELSE RAISE;\n" +
                           "END IF;\nEND;\n/")
        version_tbl_ddl = version_tbl_ddl.replace('CREATE TABLE',
                                                  'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS')
        version_tbl_ddl = version_tbl_ddl + ";"

    if delete_data:

        output.append(INSERT.format(operation='delete data'))

        tables = reversed(metadata.sorted_tables)
        output.extend(delete_ddl(tables, engine))

        output.insert(0, version_tbl_ddl + '\n\n')

        output = ''.join(output)

        return output

    LOGGING = 'ALTER {type} {name} LOGGING;\n'
    NOLOGGING = 'ALTER {type} {name} NOLOGGING;\n'

    if tables:

        if drop:

            tables = reversed(metadata.sorted_tables)
            output.extend(table_ddl(tables, engine, True))
            output.insert(0, INSERT.format(operation='drop tables'))

        elif logging and dialect.startswith('oracle'):

            output.append(INSERT.format(operation='table logging'))
            for table in metadata.sorted_tables:
                output.append(LOGGING.format(type='TABLE', name=table.name))

        elif nologging and dialect.startswith('oracle'):

            output.append(INSERT.format(operation='table nologging'))
            for table in metadata.sorted_tables:
                output.append(NOLOGGING.format(type='TABLE', name=table.name))


            output.append(INSERT.format(operation='create tables'))
            tables = metadata.sorted_tables
            output.extend(table_ddl(tables, engine, False))

    if constraints:

        if drop and not dialect.startswith('sqlite'):

            tables = reversed(metadata.sorted_tables)
            output.insert(0, '\n')
            output[0:0] = constraint_ddl(tables, engine, True)
            output.insert(0, INSERT.format(operation='drop constraints'))

        elif logging:
        elif nologging:

        elif not dialect.startswith('sqlite'):

            output.append(INSERT.format(operation='create constraints'))
            tables = metadata.sorted_tables
            output.extend(constraint_ddl(tables, engine, False))

    if indexes:

        if drop:

            tables = reversed(metadata.sorted_tables)
            output.insert(0, '\n')
            output[0:0] = index_ddl(tables, engine, True)
            output.insert(0, INSERT.format(operation='drop indexes'))

        elif logging and dialect.startswith('oracle'):

            output.append(INSERT.format(operation='index logging'))
            for table in metadata.sorted_tables:
                output.append(LOGGING.format(type='INDEX', name=table.name))

        elif nologging and dialect.startswith('oracle'):

            output.append(INSERT.format(operation='index nologging'))
            for table in metadata.sorted_tables:
                output.append(NOLOGGING.format(type='INDEX', name=table.name))


            output.append(INSERT.format(operation='create indexes'))
            tables = metadata.sorted_tables
            output.extend(index_ddl(tables, engine, False))

    output.insert(0, version_tbl_ddl + '\n\n')

    output = ''.join(output)

    return output