Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_calc_node_names():

    tests = [
        ('', False, [], []),
        ('', False, [''], ['']),
        ('', False, ['a'], ['a']),
        ('', False, ['d.c.b.a'], ['d.c.b.a']),
        ('', False, ['*.a'], ['*.a']),
        ('', False, ['a', '*.a'], ['a', '*.a']),
        ('', False, ['b.a', '*.a'], ['*.a', 'b.a']),
        ('', False, ['c.b.a', '*.a'], ['*.a', 'c.b.a']),
        ('', False, ['d.c.b.a', '*.a'], ['*.a', 'd.c.b.a']),
        ('', False, ['d.c.b.a', '*.*.a'], ['*.*.a', 'd.c.b.a']),
        ('', False, ['d.c.b.a', '*.a', '*.*.a'], ['*.a', '*.*.a', 'd.c.b.a']),
        ('a', True, [], []),
        ('a', True, [''], ['']),
        ('a', True, ['a'], ['a']),
        ('a', True, ['d.c.b.a'], ['a', 'b.a', 'c.b.a', 'd.c.b.a']),
        ('a', True, ['*.a'], ['a', '*.a']),
        ('a', True, ['a', '*.a'], ['a', '*.a']),
        ('a', True, ['b.a', '*.a'], ['a', '*.a', 'b.a']),
        ('a', True, ['c.b.a', '*.a'], ['a', '*.a', 'b.a', 'c.b.a']),
        ('a', True, ['d.c.b.a', '*.a'],
                    ['a', '*.a', 'b.a', 'c.b.a', 'd.c.b.a']),
        ('a', True, ['d.c.b.a', '*.*.a'],
                    ['a', '*.a', '*.*.a', 'b.a', 'c.b.a', 'd.c.b.a']),
        ('a', True, ['d.c.b.a', '*.a', '*.*.a'],
                    ['a', '*.a', '*.*.a', 'b.a', 'c.b.a', 'd.c.b.a']),
        ('example', True,
            ['example', 'a.example', 'ns1.a.example', 'ns2.a.example',
             'ai.example', 'c.example', 'ns1.c.example', 'ns2.c.example',
             'ns1.example', 'ns2.example', '*.w.example', 'x.w.example',
             'x.y.w.example', 'xx.example'],
            ['example', 'a.example', 'ns1.a.example', 'ns2.a.example',
             'ai.example', 'c.example', 'ns1.c.example', 'ns2.c.example',
             'ns1.example', 'ns2.example', 'w.example', '*.w.example',
             'x.w.example', 'y.w.example', 'x.y.w.example', 'xx.example'])]

    for test in tests:
        ents_too = test[1]
        zname = ents_too and dns.name.from_text(test[0]) or None
        ins = [dns.name.from_text(s) for s in test[2]]
        outs = [dns.name.from_text(s) for s in test[3]]
        actual = dns_utils.calc_node_names(ins, ents_too, zname)
        #print zname, ents_too, ins, outs, actual
        assert actual == outs
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, args, zone_obj):

        :param obj args: The application arguments.
        :param obj zone_obj: The dns.zone.Zone instance.
        self.zone_name = dns.name.from_text(args.zone)
        self.zone_obj = zone_obj

        # Get SOA if available:
        self.soa_rdataset = self.zone_obj.get_rdataset(
            self.zone_name, dns.rdatatype.SOA)

        # Get DNSKEY(s) if available:
        self.dnskey_rdataset = self.zone_obj.get_rdataset(
            self.zone_name, dns.rdatatype.DNSKEY)

        # Get NSEC3PARAM(s) if available:
        self.nsec3param_rdataset = self.zone_obj.get_rdataset(
            self.zone_name, dns.rdatatype.NSEC3PARAM)

        # Get delegated zones if any:
        self.delegated_names = [
            name for (name, _) in self.zone_obj.iterate_rdatasets('NS')
            if name != self.zone_name]

        # Force or detect zone's DNSSEC type:
        if args.force_dnssec_type != 'detect':
            self.dnssec_type = args.force_dnssec_type
            # See if there are any NSEC or NSEC3's:
            has_nsec = next(self.zone_obj.iterate_rdatasets(dns.rdatatype.NSEC), None)
            has_nsec3 = (self.nsec3param_rdataset or
                next(self.zone_obj.iterate_rdatasets(dns.rdatatype.NSEC3), None))

            # See if this appears to be a signed zone (note: can't seem to
            # practically check all RRSIG's since they "cover" other records,
            # which would require us to iterate all possible "covers" values,
            # so just try a few obvious ones):
            seems_signed = (
                self.dnskey_rdataset or
                has_nsec or
                has_nsec3 or
                    dns.rdatatype.DS), None) or
                    dns.rdatatype.RRSIG, dns.rdatatype.SOA), None) or
                    dns.rdatatype.RRSIG, dns.rdatatype.NS), None) or
                    dns.rdatatype.RRSIG, dns.rdatatype.A), None) or
                    dns.rdatatype.RRSIG, dns.rdatatype.AAAA), None))

            self.dnssec_type = (
                has_nsec3 and 'NSEC3' or
                has_nsec and 'NSEC' or
                seems_signed and 'NSEC3' or  # assume NSEC3-type

        # Get DNSSEC-ordered list of names in zone (including any Empty Non-
        # Terminals if NSEC3-style zone):
        self.node_names = dns_utils.calc_node_names(
            self.dnssec_type == 'NSEC3', self.zone_name)