Ejemplo n.º 1
def docker_run(ctx, docker_run_args, help):
    """Simple docker wrapper that adds WANDB_API_KEY and WANDB_DOCKER to any docker run command.
    This will also set the runtime to nvidia if the nvidia-docker executable is present on the system
    and --runtime wasn't set.
    args = list(docker_run_args)
    if len(args) > 0 and args[0] == "run":
    if help or len(args) == 0:
        wandb.termlog("This commands adds wandb env variables to your docker run calls")
        subprocess.call(['docker', 'run'] + args + ['--help'])
    #TODO: is this what we want?
    if len([a for a in args if a.startswith("--runtime")]) == 0 and find_executable('nvidia-docker'):
        args = ["--runtime", "nvidia"] + args
    #TODO: image_from_docker_args uses heuristics to find the docker image arg, there are likely cases
    #where this won't work
    image = util.image_from_docker_args(args)
    resolved_image = None
    if image:
        resolved_image = wandb.docker.image_id(image)
    if resolved_image:
        args = ['-e', 'WANDB_DOCKER=%s' % resolved_image] + args
        wandb.termlog("Couldn't detect image argument, running command without the WANDB_DOCKER env variable")
    if api.api_key:
        args = ['-e', 'WANDB_API_KEY=%s' % api.api_key] + args
        wandb.termlog("Not logged in, run `wandb login` from the host machine to enable result logging")
    subprocess.call(['docker', 'run'] + args)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def validate_docker_installation() -> None:
    """Verify if Docker is installed on host machine."""
    if not find_executable("docker"):
        raise ExecutionError(
            "Could not find Docker executable. "
            "Ensure Docker is installed as per the instructions "
            "at https://docs.docker.com/install/overview/.")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def local(ctx, port, daemon, upgrade, edge):
    if not find_executable('docker'):
        raise ClickException(
            "Docker not installed, install it from https://docker.com")
    if wandb.docker.image_id(
            "wandb/local") != wandb.docker.image_id_from_registry(
        if upgrade:
            subprocess.call(["docker", "pull", "wandb/local"])
                "A new version of W&B local is available, upgrade by calling `wandb local --upgrade`"
    running = subprocess.check_output([
        "docker", "ps", "--filter", "name=wandb-local", "--format", "{{.ID}}"
    if running != b"":
        if upgrade:
            subprocess.call(["docker", "restart", "wandb-local"])
                "A container named wandb-local is already running, run `docker kill wandb-local` if you want to start a new instance"
    image = "docker.pkg.github.com/wandb/core/local" if edge else "wandb/local"
    command = [
        'docker', 'run', '--rm', '-v', 'wandb:/vol', '-p', port + ':8080',
        '--name', 'wandb-local'
    host = "http://localhost:%s" % port
    api.set_setting("base_url", host, globally=True)
    if daemon:
        command += ["-d"]
    command += [image]

    # DEVNULL is only in py3
        from subprocess import DEVNULL
    except ImportError:
        DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
    code = subprocess.call(command, stdout=DEVNULL)
    if daemon:
        if code != 0:
                "Failed to launch the W&B local container, see the above error."
                "W&B local started at http://localhost:%s \U0001F680" % port)
                "You can stop the server by running `docker kill wandb-local`")
            if not api.api_key:
                ctx.invoke(login, host=host)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def docker(ctx, docker_run_args, docker_image, nvidia, digest, jupyter, dir,
           no_dir, shell, port, cmd, no_tty):
    """W&B docker lets you run your code in a docker image ensuring wandb is configured. It adds the WANDB_DOCKER and WANDB_API_KEY
    environment variables to your container and mounts the current directory in /app by default.  You can pass additional
    args which will be added to `docker run` before the image name is declared, we'll choose a default image for you if
    one isn't passed:

    wandb docker -v /mnt/dataset:/app/data
    wandb docker gcr.io/kubeflow-images-public/tensorflow-1.12.0-notebook-cpu:v0.4.0 --jupyter
    wandb docker wandb/deepo:keras-gpu --no-tty --cmd "python train.py --epochs=5"

    By default we override the entrypoint to check for the existance of wandb and install it if not present.  If you pass the --jupyter
    flag we will ensure jupyter is installed and start jupyter lab on port 8888.  If we detect nvidia-docker on your system we will use
    the nvidia runtime.  If you just want wandb to set environment variable to an existing docker run command, see the wandb docker-run 
    if not find_executable('docker'):
        raise ClickException(
            "Docker not installed, install it from https://docker.com")
    args = list(docker_run_args)
    image = docker_image or ""
    # remove run for users used to nvidia-docker
    if len(args) > 0 and args[0] == "run":
    if image == "" and len(args) > 0:
        image = args.pop(0)
    # If the user adds docker args without specifying an image (should be rare)
    if not util.docker_image_regex(image.split("@")[0]):
        if image:
            args = args + [image]
        image = wandb.docker.default_image(gpu=nvidia)
        subprocess.call(["docker", "pull", image])
    _, repo_name, tag = wandb.docker.parse(image)

    resolved_image = wandb.docker.image_id(image)
    if resolved_image is None:
        raise ClickException(
            "Couldn't find image locally or in a registry, try running `docker pull %s`"
            % image)
    if digest:

    existing = wandb.docker.shell(
        ["ps", "-f", "ancestor=%s" % resolved_image, "-q"])
    if existing:
        question = {
            "Found running container with the same image, do you want to attach?",
        result = whaaaaat.prompt([question])
        if result and result['attach']:
            subprocess.call(['docker', 'attach', existing.split("\n")[0]])
    cwd = os.getcwd()
    command = [
        'docker', 'run', '-e', 'LANG=C.UTF-8', '-e',
        'WANDB_DOCKER=%s' % resolved_image, '--ipc=host', '-v',
        wandb.docker.entrypoint + ':/wandb-entrypoint.sh', '--entrypoint',
    if nvidia:
        command.extend(['--runtime', 'nvidia'])
    if not no_dir:
        #TODO: We should default to the working directory if defined
        command.extend(['-v', cwd + ":" + dir, '-w', dir])
    if api.api_key:
        command.extend(['-e', 'WANDB_API_KEY=%s' % api.api_key])
            "Couldn't find WANDB_API_KEY, run `wandb login` to enable streaming metrics"
    if jupyter:
        command.extend(['-e', 'WANDB_ENSURE_JUPYTER=1', '-p', port + ':8888'])
        no_tty = True
        cmd = "jupyter lab --no-browser --ip= --allow-root --NotebookApp.token= --notebook-dir %s" % dir
    if no_tty:
        command.extend([image, shell, "-c", cmd])
        if cmd:
            command.extend(['-e', 'WANDB_COMMAND=%s' % cmd])
        command.extend(['-it', image, shell])
        wandb.termlog("Launching docker container \U0001F6A2")
Ejemplo n.º 5
    if api.api_key:
        args = ['-e', 'WANDB_API_KEY=%s' % api.api_key] + args
            "Not logged in, run `wandb login` from the host machine to enable result logging"
    subprocess.call(['docker', 'run'] + args)

@click.argument('docker_run_args', nargs=-1)
@click.argument('docker_image', required=False)
    default=find_executable('nvidia-docker') != None,
    help='Use the nvidia runtime, defaults to nvidia if nvidia-docker is present'
              help="Output the image digest and exit")
              help="Run jupyter lab in the container")
              help="Which directory to mount the code in the container")
              help="Don't mount the current directory")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def local(ctx, port, env, daemon, upgrade, edge):
    api = InternalApi()
    if not find_executable("docker"):
        raise ClickException("Docker not installed, install it from https://docker.com")
    if wandb.docker.image_id("wandb/local") != wandb.docker.image_id_from_registry(
        if upgrade:
            subprocess.call(["docker", "pull", "wandb/local"])
                "A new version of W&B local is available, upgrade by calling `wandb local --upgrade`"
    running = subprocess.check_output(
        ["docker", "ps", "--filter", "name=wandb-local", "--format", "{{.ID}}"]
    if running != b"":
        if upgrade:
            subprocess.call(["docker", "stop", "wandb-local"])
                "A container named wandb-local is already running, run `docker stop wandb-local` if you want to start a new instance"
    image = "docker.pkg.github.com/wandb/core/local" if edge else "wandb/local"
    username = getpass.getuser()
    env_vars = ["-e", "LOCAL_USERNAME=%s" % username]
    for e in env:
    command = [
        port + ":8080",
    ] + env_vars
    host = "http://localhost:%s" % port
    api.set_setting("base_url", host, globally=True, persist=True)
    if daemon:
        command += ["-d"]
    command += [image]

    # DEVNULL is only in py3
        from subprocess import DEVNULL
    except ImportError:
        DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, "wb")  # noqa: N806
    code = subprocess.call(command, stdout=DEVNULL)
    if daemon:
        if code != 0:
                "Failed to launch the W&B local container, see the above error."
            wandb.termlog("W&B local started at http://localhost:%s \U0001F680" % port)
                "You can stop the server by running `docker stop wandb-local`"
            if not api.api_key:
                # Let the server start before potentially launching a browser
                ctx.invoke(login, host=host)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    if api.api_key:
        args = ["-e", "WANDB_API_KEY=%s" % api.api_key] + args
            "Not logged in, run `wandb login` from the host machine to enable result logging"
    subprocess.call(["docker", "run"] + args)

@click.argument("docker_run_args", nargs=-1)
@click.argument("docker_image", required=False)
    default=find_executable("nvidia-docker") is not None,
    help="Use the nvidia runtime, defaults to nvidia if nvidia-docker is present",
    "--digest", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Output the image digest and exit"
    "--jupyter/--no-jupyter", default=False, help="Run jupyter lab in the container"
    "--dir", default="/app", help="Which directory to mount the code in the container"
@click.option("--no-dir", is_flag=True, help="Don't mount the current directory")
    "--shell", default="/bin/bash", help="The shell to start the container with"
Ejemplo n.º 8
    if resolved_image:
        args = ['-e', 'WANDB_DOCKER=%s' % resolved_image] + args
        wandb.termlog("Couldn't detect image argument, running command without the WANDB_DOCKER env variable")
    if api.api_key:
        args = ['-e', 'WANDB_API_KEY=%s' % api.api_key] + args
        wandb.termlog("Not logged in, run `wandb login` from the host machine to enable result logging")
    subprocess.call(['docker', 'run'] + args)

@click.argument('docker_run_args', nargs=-1)
@click.argument('docker_image', required=False)
@click.option('--nvidia/--no-nvidia', default=find_executable('nvidia-docker') != None,
              help='Use the nvidia runtime, defaults to nvidia if nvidia-docker is present')
@click.option('--digest', is_flag=True, default=False, help="Output the image digest and exit")
@click.option('--jupyter/--no-jupyter', default=False, help="Run jupyter lab in the container")
@click.option('--dir', default="/app", help="Which directory to mount the code in the container")
@click.option('--no-dir', is_flag=True, help="Don't mount the current directory")
@click.option('--shell', default="/bin/bash", help="The shell to start the container with")
@click.option('--port', default="8888", help="The hot port to bind jupyter on")
@click.option('--cmd', help="The command to run in the container")
@click.option('--no-tty', is_flag=True, default=False, help="Run the command without a tty")
def docker(ctx, docker_run_args, docker_image, nvidia, digest, jupyter, dir, no_dir, shell, port, cmd, no_tty):
    """W&B docker lets you run your code in a docker image ensuring wandb is configured. It adds the WANDB_DOCKER and WANDB_API_KEY
    environment variables to your container and mounts the current directory in /app by default.  You can pass additional
    args which will be added to `docker run` before the image name is declared, we'll choose a default image for you if
    one isn't passed:
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def find_executable(
     self, cmd: str
 ) -> Any:  # should return a string, but mypy doesn't trust find_executable
     """Cross platform utility for checking if a program is available."""
     return find_executable(cmd)