Ejemplo n.º 1
 def tearDown(self):
     # logging
     for record in self.log.records:
       if self.is_endpoints and len(record.args) >= 3:
         exception = record.args[2]
         if isinstance(exception, endpoints.ServiceException):
           except TypeError:
             record.args[2].args = [str(arg) for arg in exception.args]
           except UnicodeEncodeError:
             record.args[2].args = [unicode(arg) for arg in exception.args]
       pathname = get_tail(record.pathname).group("tail")
       curdir_abspath = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
       if is_mac:
         if curdir_abspath.startswith(mac_volumes_prefix):
           curdir_abspath = curdir_abspath[mac_volumes_prefix_length:]
         if pathname.startswith(mac_volumes_prefix):
           pathname = pathname[mac_volumes_prefix_length:]
         curdir_abspath = curdir_abspath.lstrip('/')
         pathname = pathname.lstrip('/')
       log = (record.levelname, pathname.replace(curdir_abspath, "").lstrip("/"), record.funcName, record.getMessage())
       if getattr(self, "expected_logs", None):
         if log in self.expected_logs:
         matched = None
         for expected_log in self.expected_logs:
           if "..." in expected_log[3]:
             if log[:2] == expected_log[:2]:
               if doctest._ellipsis_match(expected_log[3], log[3]):
                 matched = True
         if matched:
       elif self.is_endpoints:
         expected_log = (
           '... generator ...(....py:...) raised ...Exception(...)')
         if log[:2] == expected_log[:2]:
           if doctest._ellipsis_match(expected_log[3], log[3]):
             matched = True
       print(record.levelname, pathname, record.lineno, record.funcName, record.getMessage())
       assert not log
     # testbed
     # os.environ
     for key, value in self.origin_environ.iteritems():
       if value is not None:
         os.environ[key] = value
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_dt_file(self, test_id, sagews, src_file):
        print(("src_file=", src_file))
        import sys

        from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
        from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults

        FDS = FileDocTestSource(src_file, DocTestDefaults())
        doctests, extras = FDS.create_doctests(globals())
        id = test_id
        excount = 0
        dtn = 0
        print(("{} doctests".format(len(doctests))))
        for dt in doctests:
            print(("doctest number", dtn))
            dtn += 1
            exs = dt.examples
            excount += len(exs)
            for ex in exs:
                c = ex.sage_source
                print(("code", c))
                w = ex.want
                print(("want", w))
                use_pattern = False
                # handle ellipsis in wanted output
                if '...' in w:
                    use_pattern = True
                    # special case for bad "want" value at end of banner()
                    wf = w.find('"help()" for help')
                    if wf > 0:
                        w = w[:wf] + '...'
                m = conftest.message.execute_code(code=c, id=id)

                if len(w) > 0:
                    typ, mesg = sagews.recv()
                    assert typ == 'json'
                    assert mesg['id'] == id
                    if 'stdout' in mesg:
                        #assert 'stdout' in mesg
                        output = mesg['stdout']
                        print(("outp", output))
                    elif 'stderr' in mesg:
                        output = mesg['stderr']
                        # bypass err line number reporting in CoCalc
                        if w.startswith('Traceback'):
                            otf = output.find('Traceback')
                            if otf > 0:
                                output = output[otf:]
                        print(("outp", output))
                        assert 0
                    if use_pattern:
                        assert doctest._ellipsis_match(w, output)
                        assert output.strip() == w.strip()
                conftest.recv_til_done(sagews, id)
                id += 1
        print(("{} examples".format(excount)))
        conftest.test_id.id = id
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def tearDown(self):
     # logging
     for record in self.log.records:
       pathname = get_tail(record.pathname).group("tail")
       log = (record.levelname, pathname.replace(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), "").lstrip("/"), record.funcName, record.getMessage())
       if getattr(self, "expected_logs", None):
         if log in self.expected_logs:
         matched = None
         for expected_log in self.expected_logs:
           if "..." in expected_log[3]:
             if log[:2] == expected_log[:2]:
               if doctest._ellipsis_match(expected_log[3], log[3]):
                 matched = True
         if matched:
       print(record.levelname, pathname, record.lineno, record.funcName, record.getMessage())
       assert not log
     # testbed
     # os.environ
     for key, value in self.origin_environ.iteritems():
       if value is not None:
         os.environ[key] = value
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def tearDown(self):
         # logging
         for record in self.log.records:
             pathname = get_tail(record.pathname).group("tail")
             log = (record.levelname,
                                     "").lstrip("/"), record.funcName,
             if getattr(self, "expected_logs", None):
                 if log in self.expected_logs:
                 matched = None
                 for expected_log in self.expected_logs:
                     if "..." in expected_log[3]:
                         if log[:2] == expected_log[:2]:
                             if doctest._ellipsis_match(
                                     expected_log[3], log[3]):
                                 matched = True
                 if matched:
             print(record.levelname, pathname, record.lineno,
                   record.funcName, record.getMessage())
             assert not log
         # testbed
         # os.environ
         for key, value in self.origin_environ.iteritems():
             if value is not None:
                 os.environ[key] = value
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_dt_file(self, test_id, sagews, src_file):
        import sys

        from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
        from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults

        FDS = FileDocTestSource(src_file,DocTestDefaults())
        doctests, extras = FDS.create_doctests(globals())
        id = test_id
        excount = 0
        dtn = 0
        print "{} doctests".format(len(doctests))
        for dt in doctests:
            print "doctest number", dtn
            dtn += 1
            exs = dt.examples
            excount += len(exs)
            for ex in exs:
                c = ex.sage_source
                w = ex.want
                use_pattern = False
                # handle ellipsis in wanted output
                if '...' in w:
                    use_pattern = True
                    # special case for bad "want" value at end of banner()
                    wf = w.find('"help()" for help')
                    if wf > 0:
                        w = w[:wf]+'...'
                m = conftest.message.execute_code(code = c, id = id)

                if len(w) > 0:
                    typ, mesg = sagews.recv()
                    assert typ == 'json'
                    assert mesg['id'] == id
                    if 'stdout' in mesg:
                    #assert 'stdout' in mesg
                        output = mesg['stdout']
                    elif 'stderr' in mesg:
                        output = mesg['stderr']
                        # bypass err line number reporting in CoCalc
                        if w.startswith('Traceback'):
                            otf = output.find('Traceback')
                            if otf > 0:
                                output = output[otf:]
                        assert 0
                    if use_pattern:
                        assert doctest._ellipsis_match(w ,output)
                        assert output.strip() == w.strip()
                conftest.recv_til_done(sagews, id)
                id += 1
        print "{} examples".format(excount)
        conftest.test_id.id = id
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def assert_ellipsis_match(want):
     """Match like doctest +ELLIPSIS, tolerating "..."."""
     got = sio.getvalue().strip()
     if not _ellipsis_match(want, got):
         msg = "Logging output differs from the expected.\n"
         msg += "Wanted:\n{}\n\nGot:\n{}".format(want, got)
         raise AssertionError(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def ellipsis_match(expected, actual):
    """Check whether there is an ellipsis match."""
    expected = text(expected)
    actual = text(actual)
    # normalize whitespace
    norm_expected = ' '.join(expected.split())
    norm_actual = ' '.join(actual.split())
    return doctest._ellipsis_match(norm_expected, norm_actual)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_repr():
    """Test string representation of Cvodeint object."""
    got = repr(Cvodeint(example_ode.exp_growth, t=[0, 2], y=[0.1]))
    wants = ["Cvodeint(f_ode=exp_growth, t=array([0, 2]), y=[0.1...], " +
            "<class 'cvodeint.Cvodeint'> <function ode at 0x..." + 
            "getargspec(__init__) is not available when running under Cython"]
    if not any([_ellipsis_match(want, got) for want in wants]):
        print "Wanted:", wants, "\\n", "Got:", got
 def _assertTransformsTo(self, input, expected):
     # compare two chunks of HTML ignoring whitespace differences,
     # and with a useful diff on failure
     out = self.parser(input)
     normalized_out = normalize_html(out)
     normalized_expected = normalize_html(expected)
     except AssertionError:
         class wrapper(object):
             want = expected
         raise AssertionError(self.outputchecker.output_difference(
             wrapper, out, REPORT_NDIFF))
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def _assertTransformsTo(self, input, expected):
     # compare two chunks of HTML ignoring whitespace differences,
     # and with a useful diff on failure
     out = self.parser(input)
     normalized_out = normalize_html(out)
     normalized_expected = normalize_html(expected)
     except AssertionError:
         class wrapper(object):
             want = expected
         raise AssertionError(self.outputchecker.output_difference(
                 wrapper, out, REPORT_NDIFF))
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def normalize_floats(self, want, got, flags):
        Alternative to the built-in check_output that also handles parsing
        float values and comparing their numeric values rather than their
        string representations.

        This requires rewriting enough of the basic check_output that, when
        FLOAT_CMP is enabled, it totally takes over for check_output.

        # Handle the common case first, for efficiency:
        # if they're string-identical, always return true.
        if got == want:
            return True

        # TODO parse integers as well ?
        # Parse floats and compare them. If some of the parsed floats contain
        # ellipses, skip the comparison.
        matches = self.num_got_rgx.finditer(got)
        numbers_got = [match.group(1) for match in matches]  # list of strs
        matches = self.num_want_rgx.finditer(want)
        numbers_want = [match.group(1) for match in matches]  # list of strs
        if len(numbers_got) != len(numbers_want):
            return False
        if len(numbers_got) > 0:
            nw_ = []
            for ng, nw in zip(numbers_got, numbers_want):
                if '...' in nw:

                if not np.allclose(float(ng), float(nw)):
                    return False

            got = self.num_got_rgx.sub(r'{}', got)
            got = got.format(*tuple(nw_))

        # <BLANKLINE> can be used as a special sequence to signify a
        # blank line, unless the DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE flag is used.
        if not (flags & doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE):
            # Replace <BLANKLINE> in want with a blank line.
            want = re.sub(
                '', want)
            # If a line in got contains only spaces, then remove the
            # spaces.
            got = re.sub(r'(?m)^\s*?$', '', got)
            if got == want:
                return True

        # This flag causes doctest to ignore any differences in the
        # contents of whitespace strings. Note that this can be used
        # in conjunction with the ELLIPSIS flag.
        if flags & doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE:
            got = ' '.join(got.split())
            want = ' '.join(want.split())
            if got == want:
                return True

        # The ELLIPSIS flag says to let the sequence "..." in `want`
        # match any substring in `got`.
        if flags & doctest.ELLIPSIS:
            if doctest._ellipsis_match(want, got):
                return True

        # We didn't find any match; return false.
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def normalize_floats(self, want, got, flags):
        Alternative to the built-in check_output that also handles parsing
        float values and comparing their numeric values rather than their
        string representations.

        This requires rewriting enough of the basic check_output that, when
        FLOAT_CMP is enabled, it totally takes over for check_output.

        # Handle the common case first, for efficiency:
        # if they're string-identical, always return true.
        if got == want:
            return True

        # TODO parse integers as well ?
        # Parse floats and compare them. If some of the parsed floats contain
        # ellipses, skip the comparison.
        matches = self.num_got_rgx.finditer(got)
        numbers_got = [match.group(1) for match in matches]  # list of strs
        matches = self.num_want_rgx.finditer(want)
        numbers_want = [match.group(1) for match in matches]  # list of strs
        if len(numbers_got) != len(numbers_want):
            return False
        if len(numbers_got) > 0:
            nw_ = []
            for ng, nw in zip(numbers_got, numbers_want):
                if '...' in nw:

                if not np.allclose(float(ng), float(nw)):
                    return False

            got = self.num_got_rgx.sub(r'{}', got)
            got = got.format(*tuple(nw_))

        # <BLANKLINE> can be used as a special sequence to signify a
        # blank line, unless the DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE flag is used.
        if not (flags & doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE):
            # Replace <BLANKLINE> in want with a blank line.
            want = re.sub(r'(?m)^{}\s*?$'.format(re.escape(doctest.BLANKLINE_MARKER)),
                          '', want)
            # If a line in got contains only spaces, then remove the
            # spaces.
            got = re.sub(r'(?m)^\s*?$', '', got)
            if got == want:
                return True

        # This flag causes doctest to ignore any differences in the
        # contents of whitespace strings. Note that this can be used
        # in conjunction with the ELLIPSIS flag.
        if flags & doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE:
            got = ' '.join(got.split())
            want = ' '.join(want.split())
            if got == want:
                return True

        # The ELLIPSIS flag says to let the sequence "..." in `want`
        # match any substring in `got`.
        if flags & doctest.ELLIPSIS:
            if doctest._ellipsis_match(want, got):
                return True

        # We didn't find any match; return false.
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def normalize_floats(self, want, got, flags):
        Alternative to the built-in check_output that also handles parsing
        float values and comparing their numeric values rather than their
        string representations.

        This requires rewriting enough of the basic check_output that, when
        FLOAT_CMP is enabled, it totally takes over for check_output.

        # <BLANKLINE> can be used as a special sequence to signify a
        # blank line, unless the DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE flag is used.
        if not (flags & doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE):
            # Replace <BLANKLINE> in want with a blank line.
            want = re.sub(r'(?m)^{}\s*?$'.format(re.escape(doctest.BLANKLINE_MARKER)),
                          '', want)
            # If a line in got contains only spaces, then remove the
            # spaces.
            got = re.sub(r'(?m)^\s*?$', '', got)

        # This flag causes doctest to ignore any differences in the
        # contents of whitespace strings. Note that this can be used
        # in conjunction with the ELLIPSIS flag.
        if flags & doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE:
            got = ' '.join(got.split())
            want = ' '.join(want.split())

        # Handle the common case first, for efficiency:
        # if they're string-identical, always return true.
        if got == want:
            return True

        got_ = self.num_got_rgx.sub('0.0', got)
        want_ = self.num_got_rgx.sub('0.0', want)
        # fail if strings with ellipsis and normalize floats are not equal
        if flags & doctest.ELLIPSIS:
            if not doctest._ellipsis_match(want_, got_):
                return False
            if not got_ == want_:
                return False

        # at this point we made sure that non-float parts of strings are equivalent
        # so now we need to compare each number

        numbers_got = self.find_numbers(got)
        numbers_want_chunks = [
            for chunk in want.split(doctest.ELLIPSIS_MARKER)
        if flags & doctest.ELLIPSIS and len(numbers_want_chunks) >= 2:
            return self.partial_match(numbers_got, numbers_want_chunks)

        # TODO parse integers as well ?
        # Parse floats and compare them.
        numbers_want = [f for chunk in numbers_want_chunks for f in chunk]  # flatten array
        if len(numbers_got) != len(numbers_want):
            return False
        for ng, nw in zip(numbers_got, numbers_want):
            if not self.equal_floats(ng, nw):
                return False

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def normalize_floats(self, want, got, flags):
        Alternative to the built-in check_output that also handles parsing
        float values and comparing their numeric values rather than their
        string representations.

        This requires rewriting enough of the basic check_output that, when
        FLOAT_CMP is enabled, it totally takes over for check_output.

        # Handle the common case first, for efficiency:
        # if they're string-identical, always return true.
        if got == want:
            return True

        # TODO parse integers as well ?
        # Parse floats and compare them. If some of the parsed floats contain
        # ellipses, skip the comparison.
        matches = self.num_got_rgx.finditer(got)
        numbers_got = [match.group(1) for match in matches]  # list of strs
        matches = self.num_want_rgx.finditer(want)
        numbers_want = [match.group(1) for match in matches]  # list of strs
        if len(numbers_got) != len(numbers_want):
            return False
        if len(numbers_got) > 0:
            nw_ = []
            for ng, nw in zip(numbers_got, numbers_want):
                if '...' in nw:

                ngf = float(ng)
                nwf = float(nw)

                # This is a workaround for the backported version of this
                # plugin since we need to support older versions of numpy that
                # do not provide the 'equal_nan' argument, which was added in
                # numpy-1.10.
                if NUMPY_LT_1_10 and np.isnan(ngf) and np.isnan(nwf):

                if not np.allclose(ngf,
                    return False

            # replace all floats in the "got" string by those from "wanted".
            # TODO: can this be done more elegantly? Used to replace all with
            # '{}' and then format, but this is problematic if the string
            # contains other curly braces (e.g., from a dict).
            got = self.num_got_rgx.sub(lambda x: nw_.pop(0), got)

        # <BLANKLINE> can be used as a special sequence to signify a
        # blank line, unless the DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE flag is used.
        if not (flags & doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE):
            # Replace <BLANKLINE> in want with a blank line.
            want = re.sub(
                '', want)
            # If a line in got contains only spaces, then remove the
            # spaces.
            got = re.sub(r'(?m)^\s*?$', '', got)
            if got == want:
                return True

        # This flag causes doctest to ignore any differences in the
        # contents of whitespace strings. Note that this can be used
        # in conjunction with the ELLIPSIS flag.
        if flags & doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE:
            got = ' '.join(got.split())
            want = ' '.join(want.split())
            if got == want:
                return True

        # The ELLIPSIS flag says to let the sequence "..." in `want`
        # match any substring in `got`.
        if flags & doctest.ELLIPSIS:
            if doctest._ellipsis_match(want, got):
                return True

        # We didn't find any match; return false.
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def update_event(self, inp=-1):
     self.set_output_val(0, doctest._ellipsis_match(self.input(0), self.input(1)))