Ejemplo n.º 1
def _parse_docstring(docstring):
    Using the sphinx RSTParse to parse __doc__ for argparse `parameters`, `help`, and `description`. The first
    rst paragraph encountered is treated as the argparse help text. Any param fields are treated as argparse
    arguments. Any other text is combined and added to the argparse description.

         this will be the summary

         :param name: describe the parameter called name.

         this will be the descriptions

         * more description
         * more description

         This will also be in the description

    :param str docstring:
    :rtype: dict
    settings = OptionParser(components=(RSTParser, )).get_default_values()
    rstparser = RSTParser()
    document = utils.new_document(' ', settings)
    rstparser.parse(docstring, document)
    if document.children[0].tagname != 'block_quote':
        logger.warning("The first line of the docstring must be blank.")
        document = document.children[0]

    def get_params(field_list_node, params):
        for field in field_list_node.children:
            name = field.children[0].rawsource.split(' ')
            if 'param' == name[0]:
                params[name[-1]] = field.children[1].astext()

    method_args = {'summary': '', 'params': dict(), 'description': ''}
    for node in document.children:
        if node.tagname == 'paragraph' and method_args['summary'] == '':
            method_args['summary'] = node.astext()
        elif node.tagname == 'field_list':
            get_params(node, method_args['params'])
        elif node.tagname == 'bullet_list':
            method_args['description'] += _render_bullet_list(node)
            method_args['description'] += '\n\n' + node.astext()
    return method_args
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _parse_rst(text: List[str]) -> Document:
  Parse the given list of text lines in the reStructuredText format.

    text: The list of text lines parsed in the
          reStructuredText format.

    The Docutils document root.
  parser   = RSTParser()
  settings = DocOptParser(components=(RSTParser,)).get_default_values()
  document = new_document('<rst-doc>', settings=settings)
  parser.parse('\n'.join(text), document)

  return document
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_include_from_rst(tmp_path):
    """Test including a MyST file from within an RST file."""
    from docutils.parsers.rst import Parser as RSTParser

    include_path = tmp_path.joinpath("include.md")
    include_path.write_text("# Title")

    parser = RSTParser()
    document = make_document(parser_cls=RSTParser)
        f".. include:: {include_path}\n   :parser: myst_parser.docutils_",
    assert (document.pformat().strip() == dedent("""\
            <document source="notset">
                <section ids="title" names="title">
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def apply(self):
        env = self.document.settings.env
        settings, source = self.document.settings, self.document['source']
        # XXX check if this is reliable
        assert source.startswith(env.srcdir)
        docname = path.splitext(relative_path(env.srcdir, source))[0]
        textdomain = find_catalog(docname,

        # fetch translations
        dirs = [
            path.join(env.srcdir, directory)
            for directory in env.config.locale_dirs
        catalog, has_catalog = init_locale(dirs, env.config.language,
        if not has_catalog:

        parser = RSTParser()

        #phase1: replace reference ids with translated names
        for node, msg in extract_messages(self.document):
            msgstr = catalog.gettext(msg)
            # XXX add marker to untranslated parts
            if not msgstr or msgstr == msg or not msgstr.strip():
                # as-of-yet untranslated

            # Avoid "Literal block expected; none found." warnings.
            # If msgstr ends with '::' then it cause warning message at
            # parser.parse() processing.
            # literal-block-warning is only appear in avobe case.
            if msgstr.strip().endswith('::'):
                msgstr += '\n\n   dummy literal'
                # dummy literal node will discard by 'patch = patch[0]'

            patch = new_document(source, settings)
            CustomLocaleReporter(node.source, node.line).set_reporter(patch)
            parser.parse(msgstr, patch)
            patch = patch[0]
            # XXX doctest and other block markup
            if not isinstance(patch, nodes.paragraph):
                continue  # skip for now

            processed = False  # skip flag

            # update title(section) target name-id mapping
            if isinstance(node, nodes.title):
                section_node = node.parent
                new_name = nodes.fully_normalize_name(patch.astext())
                old_name = nodes.fully_normalize_name(node.astext())

                if old_name != new_name:
                    # if name would be changed, replace node names and
                    # document nameids mapping with new name.
                    names = section_node.setdefault('names', [])
                    if old_name in names:

                    _id = self.document.nameids.get(old_name, None)
                    explicit = self.document.nametypes.get(old_name, None)

                    # * if explicit: _id is label. title node need another id.
                    # * if not explicit:
                    #   * _id is None:
                    #     _id is None means _id was duplicated.
                    #     old_name entry still exists in nameids and
                    #     nametypes for another duplicated entry.
                    #   * _id is provided: bellow process
                    if not explicit and _id:
                        # _id was not duplicated.
                        # remove old_name entry from document ids database
                        # to reuse original _id.
                        self.document.nameids.pop(old_name, None)
                        self.document.nametypes.pop(old_name, None)
                        self.document.ids.pop(_id, None)

                    # re-entry with new named section node.

                    # replace target's refname to new target name
                    def is_named_target(node):
                        return isinstance(node, nodes.target) and  \
                            node.get('refname') == old_name

                    for old_target in self.document.traverse(is_named_target):
                        old_target['refname'] = new_name

                    processed = True

            # glossary terms update refid
            if isinstance(node, nodes.term):
                gloss_entries = env.temp_data.setdefault(
                    'gloss_entries', set())
                ids = []
                termnodes = []
                for _id in node['names']:
                    if _id in gloss_entries:
                    _id, _, new_termnodes = \
                        make_termnodes_from_paragraph_node(env, patch, _id)

                if termnodes and ids:
                    patch = make_term_from_paragraph_node(termnodes, ids)
                    node['ids'] = patch['ids']
                    node['names'] = patch['names']
                    processed = True

            # update leaves with processed nodes
            if processed:
                for child in patch.children:
                    child.parent = node
                node.children = patch.children
                node['translated'] = True

        #phase2: translation
        for node, msg in extract_messages(self.document):
            if node.get('translated', False):

            msgstr = catalog.gettext(msg)
            # XXX add marker to untranslated parts
            if not msgstr or msgstr == msg:  # as-of-yet untranslated

            # Avoid "Literal block expected; none found." warnings.
            # If msgstr ends with '::' then it cause warning message at
            # parser.parse() processing.
            # literal-block-warning is only appear in avobe case.
            if msgstr.strip().endswith('::'):
                msgstr += '\n\n   dummy literal'
                # dummy literal node will discard by 'patch = patch[0]'

            patch = new_document(source, settings)
            CustomLocaleReporter(node.source, node.line).set_reporter(patch)
            parser.parse(msgstr, patch)
            patch = patch[0]
            # XXX doctest and other block markup
            if not isinstance(patch, nodes.paragraph):
                continue  # skip for now

            # auto-numbered foot note reference should use original 'ids'.
            def is_autonumber_footnote_ref(node):
                return isinstance(node, nodes.footnote_reference) and \
                    node.get('auto') == 1

            def list_replace_or_append(lst, old, new):
                if old in lst:
                    lst[lst.index(old)] = new

            old_foot_refs = node.traverse(is_autonumber_footnote_ref)
            new_foot_refs = patch.traverse(is_autonumber_footnote_ref)
            if len(old_foot_refs) != len(new_foot_refs):
                    'inconsistent footnote references in '
                    'translated message', node)
            old_foot_namerefs = {}
            for r in old_foot_refs:
                old_foot_namerefs.setdefault(r.get('refname'), []).append(r)
            for new in new_foot_refs:
                refname = new.get('refname')
                refs = old_foot_namerefs.get(refname, [])
                if not refs:

                old = refs.pop(0)
                new['ids'] = old['ids']
                for id in new['ids']:
                    self.document.ids[id] = new
                list_replace_or_append(self.document.autofootnote_refs, old,
                if refname:
                        self.document.footnote_refs.setdefault(refname, []),
                        old, new)
                        self.document.refnames.setdefault(refname, []), old,

            # reference should use new (translated) 'refname'.
            # * reference target ".. _Python: ..." is not translatable.
            # * use translated refname for section refname.
            # * inline reference "`Python <...>`_" has no 'refname'.
            def is_refnamed_ref(node):
                return isinstance(node, nodes.reference) and  \
                    'refname' in node

            old_refs = node.traverse(is_refnamed_ref)
            new_refs = patch.traverse(is_refnamed_ref)
            if len(old_refs) != len(new_refs):
                    'inconsistent references in '
                    'translated message', node)
            old_ref_names = [r['refname'] for r in old_refs]
            new_ref_names = [r['refname'] for r in new_refs]
            orphans = list(set(old_ref_names) - set(new_ref_names))
            for new in new_refs:
                if not self.document.has_name(new['refname']):
                    # Maybe refname is translated but target is not translated.
                    # Note: multiple translated refnames break link ordering.
                    if orphans:
                        new['refname'] = orphans.pop(0)
                        # orphan refnames is already empty!
                        # reference number is same in new_refs and old_refs.


            # refnamed footnote and citation should use original 'ids'.
            def is_refnamed_footnote_ref(node):
                footnote_ref_classes = (nodes.footnote_reference,
                return isinstance(node, footnote_ref_classes) and \
                    'refname' in node

            old_refs = node.traverse(is_refnamed_footnote_ref)
            new_refs = patch.traverse(is_refnamed_footnote_ref)
            refname_ids_map = {}
            if len(old_refs) != len(new_refs):
                    'inconsistent references in '
                    'translated message', node)
            for old in old_refs:
                refname_ids_map[old["refname"]] = old["ids"]
            for new in new_refs:
                refname = new["refname"]
                if refname in refname_ids_map:
                    new["ids"] = refname_ids_map[refname]

            # Original pending_xref['reftarget'] contain not-translated
            # target name, new pending_xref must use original one.
            # This code restricts to change ref-targets in the translation.
            old_refs = node.traverse(addnodes.pending_xref)
            new_refs = patch.traverse(addnodes.pending_xref)
            xref_reftarget_map = {}
            if len(old_refs) != len(new_refs):
                    'inconsistent term references in '
                    'translated message', node)

            def get_ref_key(node):
                case = node["refdomain"], node["reftype"]
                if case == ('std', 'term'):
                    return None
                    return (