Ejemplo n.º 1
def load_microstructure(h5file, fgroup, mesh, geo, include_sheets=True):

    if h5file.has_dataset(fgroup):
        # Get fibers
        fiber_attrs = h5file.attributes(fgroup)
        fspace = fiber_attrs["space"]
        if fspace is None:
            # Assume quadrature 4
            family = "Quadrature"
            order = 4
            family, order = fspace.split("_")

        namesstr = fiber_attrs["names"]
        if namesstr is None:
            names = ["fiber"]
            names = namesstr.split(":")

        # Check that these fibers exists
        for name in names:
            fsubgroup = fgroup + "/{}".format(name)
            if not h5file.has_dataset(fsubgroup):
                msg = ("H5File does not have dataset {}").format(fsubgroup)
                # FIXME: implement logger
                # logger.warning(msg)

        elm = VectorElement(family=family,
        V = FunctionSpace(mesh, elm)

        attrs = ["f0", "s0", "n0"]
        for i, name in enumerate(names):
            func = Function(V, name=name)
            fsubgroup = fgroup + "/{}".format(name)

            h5file.read(func, fsubgroup)

            setattr(geo, attrs[i], func)
    def _init_sub_spaces(self, num_sub_spaces):
        def extend_sub_function_space(sub_function_space, i):
            # Make sure to preserve a reference to the block function
            def block_function_space(self_):
                return self

            sub_function_space.block_function_space = types.MethodType(
                block_function_space, sub_function_space)

            # ... and a reference to the block index
            def block_index(self_):
                return i

            sub_function_space.block_index = types.MethodType(
                block_index, sub_function_space)

            # ... and that these methods are preserved by sub_function_space.sub()
            original_sub = sub_function_space.sub

            def sub(self_, j):
                output = original_sub(j)
                extend_sub_function_space(output, i)
                return output

            sub_function_space.sub = types.MethodType(sub, sub_function_space)

        self._num_sub_spaces = num_sub_spaces
        self._sub_spaces = list()
        for i in range(num_sub_spaces):
            # Extend .sub() call with the python layer of FunctionSpace
            sub_function_space = FunctionSpace(self._cpp_object.sub(i))

            # Extend with block function space and block index methods
            extend_sub_function_space(sub_function_space, i)

            # Append

        # Finally, fill in ufl_element
        ufl_sub_elements = [subspace.ufl_element() for subspace in self]
        self._ufl_element = BlockElement(ufl_sub_elements)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_readme_images():
    from dolfin import (
        MeshEditor, Mesh, FunctionSpace, assemble, EigenMatrix, dot, grad, dx,
        TrialFunction, TestFunction
    import meshzoo

    points, cells = meshzoo.rectangle(-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 20, 20)

    # Convert points, cells to dolfin mesh
    editor = MeshEditor()
    mesh = Mesh()
    # topological and geometrical dimension 2
    editor.open(mesh, 'triangle', 2, 2, 1)
    for k, point in enumerate(points):
        editor.add_vertex(k, point[:2])
    for k, cell in enumerate(cells.astype(numpy.uintp)):
        editor.add_cell(k, cell)

    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
    u = TrialFunction(V)
    v = TestFunction(V)
    L = EigenMatrix()
    assemble(dot(grad(u), grad(v)) * dx, tensor=L)
    A = L.sparray()

    # M = A.T.dot(A)
    M = A

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
        filepath = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'test.png')
        betterspy.write_png(filepath, M, border_width=2)

    # betterspy.write_png(
    #     'ATA.png', M, border_width=2,
    #     colormap='viridis'
    #     )
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_save_and_checkpoint_vector(tempdir, encoding, fe_degree, fe_family,
                                    mesh_tdim, mesh_n):
    if invalid_config(encoding):
        pytest.skip("XDMF unsupported in current configuration")

    if invalid_fe(fe_family, fe_degree):
        pytest.skip("Trivial finite element")

    filename = os.path.join(tempdir, "u2_checkpoint.xdmf")
    mesh = mesh_factory(mesh_tdim, mesh_n)
    FE = VectorElement(fe_family, mesh.ufl_cell(), fe_degree)
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, FE)
    u_in = Function(V)
    u_out = Function(V)

    if has_petsc_complex():
        if mesh.geometry.dim == 1:
            u_out.interpolate(Expression(("x[0] + j*x[0]", ), degree=1))
        elif mesh.geometry.dim == 2:
                Expression(("j*x[0]*x[1]", "x[0] + j*x[0]"), degree=2))
        elif mesh.geometry.dim == 3:
                Expression(("j*x[0]*x[1]", "x[0] + j*x[0]", "x[2]"), degree=2))
        if mesh.geometry.dim == 1:
            u_out.interpolate(Expression(("x[0]", ), degree=1))
        elif mesh.geometry.dim == 2:
            u_out.interpolate(Expression(("x[0]*x[1]", "x[0]"), degree=2))
        elif mesh.geometry.dim == 3:
                Expression(("x[0]*x[1]", "x[0]", "x[2]"), degree=2))

    with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename, encoding=encoding) as file:
        file.write_checkpoint(u_out, "u_out", 0)

    with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename) as file:
        u_in = file.read_checkpoint(V, "u_out", 0)

    u_in.vector().axpy(-1.0, u_out.vector())
    assert u_in.vector().norm(cpp.la.Norm.l2) < 1.0e-12
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def compute(self, get):
        u = get(self.valuename)

        if u is None:
            return None

        if not isinstance(u, Function):
            cbc_warning("Do not understand how to handle datatype %s" %str(type(u)))
            return None

        #if not hasattr(self, "restriction_map"):
        if not hasattr(self, "keys"):
            V = u.function_space()
            element = V.ufl_element()
            family = element.family()
            degree = element.degree()

            if LooseVersion(dolfin_version()) > LooseVersion("1.6.0"):
                rank = len(u.ufl_shape)
                rank = u.rank()

            if rank == 0: FS = FunctionSpace(self.submesh, family, degree)
            elif rank == 1: FS = VectorFunctionSpace(self.submesh, family, degree)
            elif rank == 2: FS = TensorFunctionSpace(self.submesh, family, degree, symmetry={})

            self.u = Function(FS)

            #self.restriction_map = restriction_map(V, FS)
            rmap = restriction_map(V, FS)
            self.keys = np.array(rmap.keys(), dtype=np.intc)
            self.values = np.array(rmap.values(), dtype=np.intc)
            self.temp_array = np.zeros(len(self.keys), dtype=np.float_)

        # The simple __getitem__, __setitem__ has been removed in dolfin 1.5.0.
        # The new cbcpost-method get_set_vector should be compatible with 1.4.0 and 1.5.0.
        #self.u.vector()[self.keys] = u.vector()[self.values]

        get_set_vector(self.u.vector(), self.keys, u.vector(), self.values, self.temp_array)
        return self.u
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def big_error_norms(self, u, overlap_subdomain):
        V = FunctionSpace(self.mesh, "Lagrange", self.p)

        uu = Function(V)
        uu.vector()[:] = u.vector()
        # uu.vector()[:] = u.vector()

        overlap_marker = MeshFunction('size_t', self.mesh,
        overlap_subdomain.mark(overlap_marker, 1)

        dxo = Measure('dx', subdomain_data=overlap_marker)

        error = (uu**2) * dxo
        semi_error = inner(grad(uu), grad(uu)) * dxo

        L2 = assemble(error)
        H1 = L2 + assemble(semi_error)
        SH = H1 - L2

        return L2, H1, SH
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_multi_ps_vector_node_local(mesh):
    """Tests point source when given constructor PointSource(V, V, point,
    mag) with a matrix when points placed at 3 node for 1D, 2D and
    3D. Local points given to constructor.


    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
    v = TestFunction(V)
    b = assemble(Constant(0.0) * v * dx)

    source = []
    point_coords = mesh.coordinates()[0]
    source.append((Point(point_coords), 10.0))
    ps = PointSource(V, source)

    # Checks b sums to correct value
    size = MPI.size(mesh.mpi_comm())
    b_sum = b.sum()
    assert round(b_sum - size * 10.0) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 8
def write_vtk_f(fname, mesh=None, nodefunctions=None,cellfunctions=None):
    Write a whole bunch of FEniCS functions to the same vtk file.
    if mesh==None:
        if nodefunctions != None:
            mesh = nodefunctions.itervalues().next().function_space().mesh()
            mesh = cellfunctions.itervalues().next().function_space().mesh()
    C = { 0:FunctionSpace(mesh,"DG",0),
          2:TensorFunctionSpace(mesh,"DG",0) }

    nodefields = [(k,f.compute_vertex_values().reshape(-1,mesh.num_vertices()).T)
                   for k,f in iteritems(nodefunctions)] if nodefunctions else None
    edgefields=[(k,project(f,C[f.value_rank()]).vector().get_local().reshape(mesh.num_cells(),-1) )
                for k,f in iteritems(cellfunctions) ] if cellfunctions else None
    write_vtk(fname, mesh.cells(), mesh.coordinates(),
              nodefields,edgefields )
def _generate_space(expression: Operator):
    # Extract mesh from expression (from dolfin/fem/projection.py, _extract_function_space function)
    meshes = set([ufl_domain.ufl_cargo() for ufl_domain in extract_domains(expression)])
    for t in traverse_unique_terminals(expression):  # from ufl/domain.py, extract_domains
        if hasattr(t, "_mesh"):
    assert len(meshes) == 1
    mesh = meshes.pop()
    # The EIM algorithm will evaluate the expression at vertices. However, since the Operator expression may
    # contain e.g. a gradient of a solution defined in a C^0 space, we resort to DG1 spaces.
    shape = expression.ufl_shape
    assert len(shape) in (0, 1, 2)
    if len(shape) == 0:
        space = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Discontinuous Lagrange", 1)
    elif len(shape) == 1:
        space = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "Discontinuous Lagrange", 1, dim=shape[0])
    elif len(shape) == 2:
        space = TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, "Discontinuous Lagrange", 1, shape=shape)
        raise ValueError("Invalid expression in ParametrizedExpressionFactory.__init__().")
    return space
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_tabulate_dofs(mesh_factory):
    func, args = mesh_factory
    mesh = func(*args)
    W0 = FiniteElement("Lagrange", mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
    W1 = VectorElement("Lagrange", mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
    W = FunctionSpace(mesh, W0 * W1)

    L0 = W.sub(0)
    L1 = W.sub(1)
    L01 = L1.sub(0)
    L11 = L1.sub(1)

    for i in range(mesh.num_cells()):
        dofs0 = L0.dofmap.cell_dofs(i)
        dofs1 = L01.dofmap.cell_dofs(i)
        dofs2 = L11.dofmap.cell_dofs(i)
        dofs3 = L1.dofmap.cell_dofs(i)
        assert len(np.intersect1d(dofs0, dofs1)) == 0
        assert len(np.intersect1d(dofs0, dofs2)) == 0
        assert len(np.intersect1d(dofs1, dofs2)) == 0
        assert np.array_equal(np.append(dofs1, dofs2), dofs3)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_submesh_to_mesh_dof_map(mesh, FunctionSpace, submesh_markers, submesh,
    log(PROGRESS, "Submesh to mesh dofs")
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh)
    submesh_V = convert_functionspace_to_submesh(V, submesh)
     submesh_dofs_to_mesh_dofs) = map_functionspaces_between_mesh_and_submesh(
         V, mesh, submesh_V, submesh)
        PROGRESS, "Local submesh dofs ownership range: " +
    for (submesh_dof, mesh_dof) in submesh_dofs_to_mesh_dofs.items():
        log(PROGRESS, "\t" + str(submesh_dof) + " -> " + str(mesh_dof))
        V, submesh_V, "D", tempdir,
        "test_submesh_to_mesh_dof_map_" + FunctionSpace.__name__)
    filename = "test_submesh_to_mesh_dof_map_" + FunctionSpace.__name__ + "_size_" + str(
        MPI.size(submesh.mpi_comm())) + "_rank_" + str(
            MPI.rank(submesh.mpi_comm())) + ".pkl"
    dict_save(submesh_dofs_to_mesh_dofs, tempdir, filename)
    dict_assert_equal(submesh_dofs_to_mesh_dofs, data_dir, filename)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def pot():
    # Define mesh and boundaries.
    mesh = RectangleMesh(0.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.1, 120, 30, "left/right")

    V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 2)
    Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)

    class LeftBoundary(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            return on_boundary and x[0] < GMSH_EPS

    left_boundary = LeftBoundary()

    class RightBoundary(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            return on_boundary and x[0] > 0.4 - GMSH_EPS

    right_boundary = RightBoundary()

    class LowerBoundary(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            return on_boundary and x[1] < GMSH_EPS

    lower_boundary = LowerBoundary()

    class UpperBoundary(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            return on_boundary and x[1] > 0.1 - GMSH_EPS

    upper_boundary = UpperBoundary()

    # Boundary conditions for the velocity.
    u_bcs = [
        DirichletBC(V, (0.0, 0.0), lower_boundary),
        DirichletBC(V.sub(1), 0.0, upper_boundary),
        DirichletBC(V.sub(0), 0.0, right_boundary),
        DirichletBC(V.sub(0), 0.0, left_boundary),
    p_bcs = []
    return mesh, V, Q, u_bcs, p_bcs, [lower_boundary], [right_boundary, left_boundary]
Ejemplo n.º 13
def eikonal_1d(mb, p0=0, function=None):
    "Compute distance from p0 on set of edges"

    # edge-to-vertex connectivity
    EE = np.zeros((mb.num_cells(), mb.num_vertices()), dtype=bool)
    for e in edges(mb):
        EE[e.index(), e.entities(0)] = True

    # vertex-to-vertex connectivity (via edges)
    PP = EE.T @ EE
    np.fill_diagonal(PP, False)

    # initial solution is inf everywhere
    sol = np.empty(PP.shape[0])

    # initial conditions
    active = deque([p0])
    sol[p0] = 0.0

    # fast marching on edges
    x = mb.coordinates()
    while active:
        curr = active.pop()
        neig = np.where(PP[curr, :])[0]
        ll = sol[curr] + np.linalg.norm(x[neig, :] - x[curr, :], axis=1)
        up = neig[ll < sol[neig]]
        sol[neig] = np.minimum(sol[neig], ll)

    # return solution
    if function is None:
        P1e = FiniteElement("CG", mb.ufl_cell(), 1)
        Ve = FunctionSpace(mb, P1e)
        function = Function(Ve)
        function.vector()[vertex_to_dof_map(Ve)] = sol
        return function
        Ve = function.function_space()
        function.vector()[vertex_to_dof_map(Ve)] = sol
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_multi_ps_vector_node(mesh):
    """Tests point source when given constructor PointSource(V, V, point,
    mag) with a matrix when points placed at 3 node for 1D, 2D and
    3D. Global points given to constructor from rank 0 processor.


    point = [0.0, 0.5, 1.0]
    dim = mesh.geometry().dim()
    rank = MPI.rank(mesh.mpi_comm())
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
    v = TestFunction(V)
    b = assemble(Constant(0.0) * v * dx)

    source = []
    point_coords = np.zeros(dim)
    for p in point:
        for i in range(dim):
            point_coords[i - 1] = p
        if rank == 0:
            source.append((Point(point_coords), 10.0))
    ps = PointSource(V, source)

    # Checks b sums to correct value
    b_sum = b.sum()
    assert round(b_sum - len(point) * 10.0) == 0

    # Checks values added to correct part of vector
    mesh_coords = V.tabulate_dof_coordinates()
    for p in point:
        for i in range(dim):
            point_coords[i] = p

        j = 0
        for i in range(len(mesh_coords) // (dim)):
            mesh_coords_check = mesh_coords[j:j + dim - 1]
            if np.array_equal(point_coords, mesh_coords_check) is True:
                assert np.round(b.array()[j // (dim)] - 10.0) == 0.0
            j += dim
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def assemble_matrices(self):
        nedelec = FiniteElement( "Nedelec 1st kind H(curl)",
                                 self.mesh.ufl_cell(), self.nedelec_order)
        lagrange = FiniteElement( "Lagrange", self.mesh.ufl_cell(),
        self._finite_element = nedelec*lagrange
        self._combined_space = FunctionSpace(self.mesh, nedelec*lagrange)
        # define the test and trial functions from the combined space

        (N_i, L_i) = TestFunctions(self._combined_space)
        (N_j, L_j) = TrialFunctions(self._combined_space)

        # construct matrices for each domain
        if not isinstance(self.materials, collections.Iterable):
            material = self.materials
            u_r = material.em.u_r
            e_r = material.em.e_r
            DX  = material.domain
            (A_ij, B_ij) = em_weak_form(N_i, N_j, L_i, L_j, u_r, e_r,

            counter = 0 # a work around for summing forms
            for material in self.materials:
                u_r = material.em.u_r
                e_r = material.em.e_r
                DX  = material.domain
                if counter == 0:
                    (A_ij, B_ij) = em_weak_form(N_i, N_j, L_i, L_j, u_r, e_r,
                                            self._k_o_squared, DX)
                    counter += 1
                    (a_ij, b_ij) = em_weak_form(N_i, N_j, L_i, L_j, u_r, e_r,
                                            self._k_o_squared, DX)
                    A_ij += a_ij
                    B_ij += b_ij

        # assemble the matrices
        assemble(A_ij, tensor=self._A)
        assemble(B_ij, tensor=self._B)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def print_eigenvalues(mesh):
    nedelec_V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "N1curl", 1)
    nedelec_bcs = [
        DirichletBC(nedelec_V, Constant((0.0, 0.0)), DomainBoundary())
    nedelec_eig = eigenvalues(nedelec_V, nedelec_bcs)

    lagrange_V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1)
    lagrange_bcs = [
        DirichletBC(lagrange_V.sub(1), 0, "near(x[0], 0) || near(x[0], pi)"),
        DirichletBC(lagrange_V.sub(0), 0, "near(x[1], 0) || near(x[1], pi)")
    lagrange_eig = eigenvalues(lagrange_V, lagrange_bcs)

    true_eig = np.sort(
        np.array([float(m**2 + n**2) for m in range(6)
                  for n in range(6)]))[1:13]

    np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': '{:5.2f}'.format})
    print("Nedelec:  {}".format(nedelec_eig))
    print("Lagrange: {}".format(lagrange_eig))
    print("Exact:    {}".format(true_eig))
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_save_and_read_function(tempdir):
    filename = os.path.join(tempdir, "function.h5")

    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(MPI.comm_world, 10, 10)
    Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, ("CG", 3))
    F0 = Function(Q)
    F1 = Function(Q)
    E = Expression("x[0]", degree=1)

    # Save to HDF5 File

    hdf5_file = HDF5File(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename, "w")
    hdf5_file.write(F0, "/function")

    # Read back from file
    hdf5_file = HDF5File(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename, "r")
    F1 = hdf5_file.read_function(Q, "/function")
    F0.vector().axpy(-1.0, F1.vector())
    assert F0.vector().norm(dolfin.cpp.la.Norm.l2) < 1.0e-12
Ejemplo n.º 18
  def FunctionSpace(self, mesh = None, rank = 0):
    Returns a function space for a mesh.

      mesh (:class:`dolfin.Mesh`)
        the mesh, defaults to mesh of the state if set to :code:`None`
      rank (:class:`int`)
        the rank of the function space (0 for scalar space, 1 for vector space)

        the function space
    if rank == 0:
      if mesh == None: return self._VS
      element = self._VS.ufl_element()
      return FunctionSpace(mesh, element.family(), element.degree())
    elif rank == 1:
      return self.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh)
      raise Exception("Rank > 1 not supported.")
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def compute_mu(constant=True):
     Compute mu as according to arxiv paper
     if constant:
         return mu_max
         V = FunctionSpace(self.mesh, "CG",1)
         u, v = TrialFunction(V), TestFunction(V)
         a = inner(grad(u),grad(v))*dx
         l = Constant(0)*v*dx
         bcs = []
         for marker in self.move_dict["Fixed"]:
             bcs.append(DirichletBC(V, mu_min, self.mf, marker))
         for marker in self.move_dict["Deform"]:
             bcs.append(DirichletBC(V, mu_max, self.mf, marker))
         mu = Function(V)
         solve(a==l, mu, bcs=bcs)
         return mu
Ejemplo n.º 20
        def get_norm(u, uh):
            assert len(subdomains) == len(u)

            V = uh.function_space()
            mesh = V.mesh()
            cell_f = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, mesh.topology().dim(), 0)

            error = 0
            for subd_i, u_i in zip(subdomains, u):
                cell_f.set_all(0)  # Reset!
                # Pick an edge
                subd_i.mark(cell_f, 1)
                mesh_i = SubMesh(mesh, cell_f, 1)
                # Edge local function space
                Vi = FunctionSpace(mesh_i, V.ufl_element())
                # The solution on it
                uh_i = interpolate(uh, Vi)
                # And the error there
                error_i = norm(u_i, uh_i)
                error += error_i**2
            error = sqrt(error)
            return error
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def adaptive(self, mesh, eigv, eigf):
     """Refine mesh based on residual errors."""
     fraction = 0.1
     C = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)  # constants on triangles
     w = TestFunction(C)
     h = CellSize(mesh)
     n = FacetNormal(mesh)
     marker = CellFunction("bool", mesh)
     print len(marker)
     indicators = np.zeros(len(marker))
     for e, u in zip(eigv, eigf):
         errform = avg(h) * jump(grad(u), n) ** 2 * avg(w) * dS \
             + h * (inner(grad(u), n) - Constant(e) * u) ** 2 * w * ds
         if self.degree > 1:
             errform += h**2 * div(grad(u))**2 * w * dx
         indicators[:] += assemble(errform).array()  # errors for each cell
     print "Residual error: ", sqrt(sum(indicators) / len(eigv))
     cutoff = sorted(indicators,
                     reverse=True)[int(len(indicators) * fraction) - 1]
     marker.array()[:] = indicators > cutoff  # mark worst errors
     mesh = refine(mesh, marker)
     return mesh
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def __init__(self, Th, callback_type):
        # Create mesh and define function space
        mesh = UnitSquareMesh(Th, Th)
        self.V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1)
        # Define variational problem
        u = TrialFunction(self.V)
        v = TestFunction(self.V)
        self.a = inner(grad(u), grad(v)) * dx + inner(u, v) * dx
        self.f = lambda g: g * v * dx
        # Define callback function depending on callback type
        assert callback_type in ("form callbacks", "tensor callbacks")
        if callback_type == "form callbacks":

            def callback(arg):
                return arg
        elif callback_type == "tensor callbacks":

            def callback(arg):
                return assemble(arg)

        self.callback_type = callback_type
        self.callback = callback
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def __init__(self, Th, callback_type):
     # Create mesh and define function space
     mesh = UnitSquareMesh(Th, Th)
     self.V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1)
     # Define variational problem
     du = TrialFunction(self.V)
     v = TestFunction(self.V)
     self.u = Function(self.V)
     self.r = lambda u, g: inner(grad(u), grad(v))*dx + inner(u + u**3, v)*dx - g*v*dx
     self.j = lambda u, r: derivative(r, u, du)
     # Define initial guess
     self.initial_guess_expression = Expression("0.1 + 0.9*x[0]*x[1]", element=self.V.ufl_element())
     # Define callback function depending on callback type
     assert callback_type in ("form callbacks", "tensor callbacks")
     if callback_type == "form callbacks":
         def callback(arg):
             return arg
     elif callback_type == "tensor callbacks":
         def callback(arg):
             return assemble(arg)
     self.callback_type = callback_type
     self.callback = callback
Ejemplo n.º 24
def P0surf_to_DLT0_map(facet_f, tags):
    Compute mapping for using DLT0 functions to set P0 functions on the 
    embedded mesh of entities where facet_f == tags
    # The idea here is that we only want to include in the submesh the
    # facets which this process can write to. This is determined by auxiliary
    # DLT0 space, because we want to represent data by P0 on the neuron
    # surface mesh
    mesh = facet_f.mesh()
    L = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Discontinuous Lagrange Trace', 0)    
    tdim = mesh.topology().dim()
    dm = L.dofmap()
    # Mapping of facets to degrees of freedom ...
    facet2Ldofs = np.array(dm.entity_closure_dofs(mesh, tdim-1))
    # ... we are only interested in not-ghosts
    facet2Ldofs, ghosts = facet2Ldofs[:mesh.topology().ghost_offset(tdim-1)], facet2Ldofs[mesh.topology().ghost_offset(tdim-1):]
    # And further we want to filter by ownership
    first, last = dm.ownership_range()
    global_dofs = np.fromiter(map(dm.local_to_global_index, facet2Ldofs), dtype=facet2Ldofs.dtype)
    owned, = np.where(np.logical_and(global_dofs >= first, global_dofs < last))
    # So when we will build the mesh out of marked entities
    ignore = set(range(mesh.num_entities(tdim-1))) - set(owned)
    # Now we want to create mesh for the neuron surface where each cell
    # is for one facet owned by DLT
    comm = MPI.comm_self  # The mesh is always local
    surface_mesh = EmbeddedMesh(facet_f, tags, comm, ignored_entities=ignore)
    ncells = surface_mesh.num_cells()
    # For io, whatever we want to evalute the idea is to first interpolate
    # it to DLT and then assign as if to P0 function on the mesh using
    if ncells > 0:
        c2f = surface_mesh.parent_entity_map[mesh.id()][tdim-1]    
        cell2Ldofs = np.array([facet2Ldofs[c2f[c]] for c in range(ncells)])
        cell2Ldofs = []

    return surface_mesh, L, cell2Ldofs
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        if attr in self._cache:
            return self._cache[attr]

        materials = {}
        for domain, material in self._materials.items():
            ids = self._state.domain_ids(domain)
            for id in ids:
                if materials.has_key(id):
                    materials[id] = Material(materials[id], material)
                    materials[id] = material

        # scalar or vector parameter
        V = None
        expr = None
        if len(self._materials) == 0:
            self._cache[attr] = Constant(getattr(self._base_material, attr))
            for material in [self._base_material] + self._materials.values():
                    value = getattr(material, attr)
                    if isinstance(value, tuple) or isinstance(value, list):
                        assert len(value) == 3
                        V = VectorFunctionSpace(self._state.mesh, 'DG', 0)
                        expr = VectorCellExpr(attr, self._state.cell_domains,
                                              self._base_material, materials)
                        V = FunctionSpace(self._state.mesh, 'DG', 0)
                        expr = CellExpr(attr, self._state.cell_domains,
                                        self._base_material, materials)
                except AttributeError:

            self._cache[attr] = interpolate(expr, V)

        return self._cache[attr]
Ejemplo n.º 26
def PVDTempSeries(path, V=None, first=0, last=None):
    Read in the temp series of functions in V from PVD file. If V is not 
    a function space then a finite element has to be provided for constructing
    the space on the recovered mesh.
    _, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
    assert ext == '.pvd'

    tree = ET.parse(path)
    collection = list(tree.getroot())[0]
    path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(path))
    # Read in paths/timestamps for VTUs. NOTE: as thus is supposed to be serial
    # assert part 0
    vtus, times = [], []
    for dataset in collection:
        assert dataset.attrib['part'] == '0'

        vtus.append(os.path.join(path, dataset.attrib['file']))

    vtus, times = vtus[slice(first, last,
                             None)], times[slice(first, last, None)]
    # path.vtu -> function. But vertex values!!!!

    if not isinstance(V, FunctionSpace):
        warning('Setting up P1 space on the recovered mesh')

        cell_type = V.cell()  # Dangerously assuming this is a UFL element
        mesh = read_vtu_mesh(vtus[0], cell_type)

        V = FunctionSpace(mesh, V)
    V = get_P1_space(V)

    functions = read_vtu_function(vtus, V)
    ft_pairs = zip(functions, times)

    return TempSeries(ft_pairs)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def test_lu_cholesky():
    """Test that PETScLUSolver selects LU or Cholesky solver based on
    symmetry of matrix operator.


    from petsc4py import PETSc

    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(mpi_comm_world(), 12, 12)
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1)
    u, v = TrialFunction(V), TestFunction(V)
    A = PETScMatrix(mesh.mpi_comm())
    assemble(Constant(1.0)*u*v*dx, tensor=A)

    # Check that solver type is LU
    solver = PETScLUSolver(mesh.mpi_comm(), A, "petsc")
    pc_type = solver.ksp().getPC().getType()
    assert pc_type == "lu"

    # Set symmetry flag
    A.mat().setOption(PETSc.Mat.Option.SYMMETRIC, True)

    # Check symmetry flags
    symm = A.mat().isSymmetricKnown()
    assert symm[0] == True
    assert symm[1] == True

    # Check that solver type is Cholesky since matrix has now been
    # marked as symmetric
    solver = PETScLUSolver(mesh.mpi_comm(), A, "petsc")
    pc_type = solver.ksp().getPC().getType()
    assert pc_type == "cholesky"

    # Re-assemble, which resets symmetry flag
    assemble(Constant(1.0)*u*v*dx, tensor=A)
    solver = PETScLUSolver(mesh.mpi_comm(), A, "petsc")
    pc_type = solver.ksp().getPC().getType()
    assert pc_type == "lu"
Ejemplo n.º 28
def funvec2imgseq(v: np.array, m: int, n: int, o: int) -> np.array:
    """Takes values of piecewise linear interpolation of a function at the
    vertices and returns a 3-dimensional array.

    Each degree of freedom corresponds to one pixel in the array of
    size (m, n, o).

        v (np.array): Values at vertices of triangle mesh.
        m (int): The number of rows.
        n (int): The number of columns.

        np.array: An array of size (m, n, o).

    # Create image.
    img = np.zeros((m, n, o))

    # Create mesh and function space.
    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(m-1, n-1, o-1)
    mc = mesh.coordinates().reshape((-1, 3))

    # Evaluate function at vertices.
    hx, hy, hz = 1./(m-1), 1./(n-1), 1./(o-1)
    x = np.array(np.round(mc[:, 0]/hx), dtype=int)
    y = np.array(np.round(mc[:, 1]/hy), dtype=int)
    z = np.array(np.round(mc[:, 2]/hz), dtype=int)

    # Create function space and function.
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)

    # Create image from function.
    v2d = vertex_to_dof_map(V)
    values = v[v2d]
    for (i, j, k, v) in zip(x, y, z, values):
        img[i, j, k] = v
    return img
Ejemplo n.º 29
def test_readonly_view_local_to_global_unwoned(mesh):
    """Test that local_to_global_unwoned() returns readonly
    view into the data; in particular test lifetime of data
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "P", 1)
    dofmap = V.dofmap()
    index_map = dofmap().index_map

    rc = sys.getrefcount(dofmap)
    l2gu = dofmap.local_to_global_unowned()
    assert sys.getrefcount(dofmap) == rc + 1 if l2gu.size else rc
    assert not l2gu.flags.writeable
    assert all(l2gu < V.dofmap().global_dimension())
    del l2gu
    assert sys.getrefcount(dofmap) == rc

    rc = sys.getrefcount(index_map)
    l2gu = index_map.local_to_global_unowned()
    assert sys.getrefcount(index_map) == rc + 1 if l2gu.size else rc
    assert not l2gu.flags.writeable
    assert all(l2gu < V.dofmap().global_dimension())
    del l2gu
    assert sys.getrefcount(index_map) == rc
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_petsc4py_matrix(pushpop_parameters):
    "Test PETScMatrix <-> petsc4py.PETSc.Mat conversions"
    parameters["linear_algebra_backend"] = "PETSc"

    # Assemble a test matrix
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(4, 4)
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1)
    u, v = TrialFunction(V), TestFunction(V)
    a = u * v * dx
    A1 = assemble(a)

    # Test conversion dolfin.PETScMatrix -> petsc4py.PETSc.Mat
    A1 = as_backend_type(A1)
    M1 = A1.mat()

    # Copy and scale matrix with petsc4py
    M2 = M1.copy()

    # Test conversion petsc4py.PETSc.Mat  -> PETScMatrix
    A2 = PETScMatrix(M2)

    assert (A1.array() * 2.0 == A2.array()).all()