Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_basic_assembly_constant(mode):
    """Tests assembly with Constant

    The following test should be sensitive to order of flattening the
    matrix-valued constant.

    mesh = create_unit_square(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 5, 5, ghost_mode=mode)
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, ("Lagrange", 1))
    u, v = ufl.TrialFunction(V), ufl.TestFunction(V)

    c = Constant(mesh, np.array([[1.0, 2.0], [5.0, 3.0]], PETSc.ScalarType))

    a = inner(c[1, 0] * u, v) * dx + inner(c[1, 0] * u, v) * ds
    L = inner(c[1, 0], v) * dx + inner(c[1, 0], v) * ds
    a, L = form(a), form(L)

    # Initial assembly
    A1 = assemble_matrix(a)

    b1 = assemble_vector(L)
    b1.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE)

    c.value = [[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]]

    A2 = assemble_matrix(a)

    b2 = assemble_vector(L)
    b2.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE)

    assert (A1 * 3.0 - A2 * 5.0).norm() == pytest.approx(0.0)
    assert (b1 * 3.0 - b2 * 5.0).norm() == pytest.approx(0.0)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_assemble_derivatives():
    """This test checks the original_coefficient_positions, which may change
    under differentiation (some coefficients and constants are
    mesh = create_unit_square(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 12, 12)
    Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, ("Lagrange", 1))
    u = Function(Q)
    v = ufl.TestFunction(Q)
    du = ufl.TrialFunction(Q)
    b = Function(Q)
    c1 = Constant(mesh, np.array([[1.0, 0.0], [3.0, 4.0]], PETSc.ScalarType))
    c2 = Constant(mesh, PETSc.ScalarType(2.0))

    b.x.array[:] = 2.0

    # derivative eliminates 'u' and 'c1'
    L = ufl.inner(c1, c1) * v * dx + c2 * b * inner(u, v) * dx
    a = form(derivative(L, u, du))

    A1 = assemble_matrix(a)
    a = form(c2 * b * inner(du, v) * dx)
    A2 = assemble_matrix(a)
    assert (A1 - A2).norm() == pytest.approx(0.0, rel=1e-12, abs=1e-12)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_vector_types():
    """Assemble form using different types"""
    mesh = create_unit_square(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 3, 5)
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, ("Lagrange", 3))
    v = ufl.TestFunction(V)

    c = Constant(mesh, np.float64(1))
    L = inner(c, v) * ufl.dx
    x0 = _cpp.la.Vector_float64(V.dofmap.index_map, V.dofmap.index_map_bs)
    L = form(L, dtype=x0.array.dtype)
    c0 = pack_constants(L)
    c1 = pack_coefficients(L)
    _cpp.fem.assemble_vector(x0.array, L, c0, c1)

    c = Constant(mesh, np.complex128(1))
    L = inner(c, v) * ufl.dx
    x1 = _cpp.la.Vector_complex128(V.dofmap.index_map, V.dofmap.index_map_bs)
    L = form(L, dtype=x1.array.dtype)
    c0 = pack_constants(L)
    c1 = pack_coefficients(L)
    _cpp.fem.assemble_vector(x1.array, L, c0, c1)

    c = Constant(mesh, np.float32(1))
    L = inner(c, v) * ufl.dx
    x2 = _cpp.la.Vector_float32(V.dofmap.index_map, V.dofmap.index_map_bs)
    L = form(L, dtype=x2.array.dtype)
    c0 = pack_constants(L)
    c1 = pack_coefficients(L)
    _cpp.fem.assemble_vector(x2.array, L, c0, c1)

    assert np.linalg.norm(x0.array - x1.array) == pytest.approx(0.0)
    assert np.linalg.norm(x0.array - x2.array) == pytest.approx(0.0, abs=1e-8)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_vector_constant():
    mesh = create_unit_cube(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 2, 2, 2)
    c0 = Constant(mesh, [1.0, 2.0])
    c1 = Constant(mesh, np.array([1.0, 2.0]))
    assert (c0.value.all() == c1.value.all())
    c0.value += 1.0
    assert c0.value.all() == np.array([2.0, 3.0]).all()
    c0.value -= [1.0, 2.0]
    assert c0.value[0] == c0.value[1]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_scalar_constant():
    mesh = create_unit_cube(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 2, 2, 2)
    c = Constant(mesh, 1.0)
    assert c.value.shape == ()
    assert c.value == 1.0
    c.value += 1.0
    assert c.value == 2.0
    c.value = 3.0
    assert c.value == 3.0
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_assembly_dS_domains(mode):
    N = 10
    mesh = create_unit_square(MPI.COMM_WORLD, N, N, ghost_mode=mode)
    one = Constant(mesh, PETSc.ScalarType(1))
    val = assemble_scalar(form(one * ufl.dS))
    val = mesh.comm.allreduce(val, op=MPI.SUM)
    assert val == pytest.approx(2 * (N - 1) + N * np.sqrt(2), 1.0e-7)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_mixed_constant_bc(mesh_factory):
    """Test that setting a dirichletbc with on a component of a mixed
    function yields the same result as setting it with a function"""
    func, args = mesh_factory
    mesh = func(*args)
    tdim, gdim = mesh.topology.dim, mesh.geometry.dim
    boundary_facets = locate_entities_boundary(
        mesh, tdim - 1, lambda x: np.ones(x.shape[1], dtype=bool))
    TH = ufl.MixedElement([
        ufl.VectorElement("Lagrange", mesh.ufl_cell(), 2),
        ufl.FiniteElement("Lagrange", mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
    W = FunctionSpace(mesh, TH)
    U = Function(W)

    # Apply BC to component of a mixed space using a Constant
    c = Constant(mesh, (PETSc.ScalarType(2), PETSc.ScalarType(2)))
    dofs0 = locate_dofs_topological(W.sub(0), tdim - 1, boundary_facets)
    bc0 = dirichletbc(c, dofs0, W.sub(0))
    u = U.sub(0)
    set_bc(u.vector, [bc0])

    # Apply BC to component of a mixed space using a Function
    ubc1 = u.collapse()
    ubc1.interpolate(lambda x: np.full((gdim, x.shape[1]), 2.0))
    dofs1 = locate_dofs_topological((W.sub(0), ubc1.function_space), tdim - 1,
    bc1 = dirichletbc(ubc1, dofs1, W.sub(0))
    U1 = Function(W)
    u1 = U1.sub(0)
    set_bc(u1.vector, [bc1])

    # Check that both approaches yield the same vector
    assert np.allclose(u.x.array, u1.x.array)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_sub_constant_bc(mesh_factory):
    """Test that setting a dirichletbc with on a component of a vector
    valued function yields the same result as setting it with a
    func, args = mesh_factory
    mesh = func(*args)
    tdim = mesh.topology.dim
    V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, ("Lagrange", 1))
    c = Constant(mesh, PETSc.ScalarType(3.14))
    boundary_facets = locate_entities_boundary(
        mesh, tdim - 1, lambda x: np.ones(x.shape[1], dtype=bool))

    for i in range(V.num_sub_spaces):
        Vi = V.sub(i).collapse()[0]
        u_bci = Function(Vi)
        u_bci.x.array[:] = PETSc.ScalarType(c.value)

        boundary_dofsi = locate_dofs_topological((V.sub(i), Vi), tdim - 1,
        bc_fi = dirichletbc(u_bci, boundary_dofsi, V.sub(i))
        boundary_dofs = locate_dofs_topological(V.sub(i), tdim - 1,
        bc_c = dirichletbc(c, boundary_dofs, V.sub(i))

        u_f = Function(V)
        set_bc(u_f.vector, [bc_fi])
        u_c = Function(V)
        set_bc(u_c.vector, [bc_c])
        assert np.allclose(u_f.vector.array, u_c.vector.array)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_pack_coefficients():
    """Test packing of form coefficients ahead of main assembly call"""
    mesh = create_unit_square(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 12, 15)
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, ("Lagrange", 1))

    # Non-blocked
    u = Function(V)
    v = ufl.TestFunction(V)
    c = Constant(mesh, PETSc.ScalarType(12.0))
    F = ufl.inner(c, v) * dx - c * ufl.sqrt(u * u) * ufl.inner(u, v) * dx
    u.x.array[:] = 10.0
    _F = form(F)

    # -- Test vector
    b0 = assemble_vector(_F)
    constants = pack_constants(_F)
    coeffs = pack_coefficients(_F)
    with b0.localForm() as _b0:
        for c in [(None, None), (None, coeffs), (constants, None), (constants, coeffs)]:
            b = assemble_vector(_F, coeffs=c)
            with b.localForm() as _b:
                assert (_b0.array_r == _b.array_r).all()

    # Change coefficients
    constants *= 5.0
    for coeff in coeffs.values():
        coeff *= 5.0
    with b0.localForm() as _b0:
        for c in [(None, coeffs), (constants, None), (constants, coeffs)]:
            b = assemble_vector(_F, coeffs=c)
            with b.localForm() as _b:
                assert (_b0 - _b).norm() > 1.0e-5

    # -- Test matrix
    du = ufl.TrialFunction(V)
    J = ufl.derivative(F, u, du)
    J = form(J)

    A0 = assemble_matrix(J)

    constants = pack_constants(J)
    coeffs = pack_coefficients(J)
    for c in [(None, None), (None, coeffs), (constants, None), (constants, coeffs)]:
        A = assemble_matrix(J, coeffs=c)
        assert pytest.approx((A - A0).norm(), 1.0e-12) == 0.0

    # Change coefficients
    constants *= 5.0
    for coeff in coeffs.values():
        coeff *= 5.0
    for c in [(None, coeffs), (constants, None), (constants, coeffs)]:
        A = assemble_matrix(J, coeffs=c)
        assert (A - A0).norm() > 1.0e-5
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_tensor_constant():
    mesh = create_unit_cube(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 2, 2, 2)
    data = [[1.0, 2.0, 1.0], [1.0, 2.0, 1.0], [1.0, 2.0, 1.0]]
    c0 = Constant(mesh, data)
    assert c0.value.shape == (3, 3)
    assert c0.value.all() == np.asarray(data).all()
    c0.value *= 2.0
    assert c0.value.all() == (2.0 * np.asarray(data)).all()
def assemble_div_vector(k, offset):
    mesh = create_quad_mesh(offset)
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, ("RTCF", k + 1))
    v = ufl.TestFunction(V)
    L = form(
        ufl.inner(Constant(mesh, PETSc.ScalarType(1)), ufl.div(v)) * ufl.dx)
    b = assemble_vector(L)
    return b[:]
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_facet_area1D():
    mesh = create_unit_interval(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 10)

    # NOTE: Area of a vertex is defined to 1 in ufl
    c0 = ufl.FacetArea(mesh)
    c = Constant(mesh, ScalarType(1))

    ds = ufl.Measure("ds", domain=mesh)
    a0 = mesh.comm.allreduce(assemble_scalar(form(c * ds)), op=MPI.SUM)
    a = mesh.comm.allreduce(assemble_scalar(form(c0 * ds)), op=MPI.SUM)
    assert numpy.isclose(a.real, 2)
    assert numpy.isclose(a0.real, 2)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_facet_area(mesh_factory):
    Compute facet area of cell. UFL currently only supports affine cells for this computation
    # NOTE: UFL only supports facet area calculations of affine cells
    func, args, exact_area = mesh_factory
    mesh = func(*args)
    c0 = ufl.FacetArea(mesh)
    c = Constant(mesh, ScalarType(1))
    tdim = mesh.topology.dim
    num_faces = 4 if tdim == 2 else 6

    ds = ufl.Measure("ds", domain=mesh)
    a = mesh.comm.allreduce(assemble_scalar(form(c * ds)), op=MPI.SUM)
    a0 = mesh.comm.allreduce(assemble_scalar(form(c0 * ds)), op=MPI.SUM)
    assert numpy.isclose(a.real, num_faces)
    assert numpy.isclose(a0.real, num_faces * exact_area)
Ejemplo n.º 14
facets = locate_entities_boundary(msh, 1, lid)
bc1 = dirichletbc(lid_velocity, locate_dofs_topological(V, 1, facets))

# Collect Dirichlet boundary conditions
bcs = [bc0, bc1]
# -

# We now define the bilinear and linear forms corresponding to the weak
# mixed formulation of the Stokes equations in a blocked structure:

# +
# Define variational problem
(u, p) = ufl.TrialFunction(V), ufl.TrialFunction(Q)
(v, q) = ufl.TestFunction(V), ufl.TestFunction(Q)
f = Constant(msh, (PETSc.ScalarType(0), PETSc.ScalarType(0)))

a = form([[inner(grad(u), grad(v)) * dx,
           inner(p, div(v)) * dx], [inner(div(u), q) * dx, None]])
L = form([inner(f, v) * dx, inner(Constant(msh, PETSc.ScalarType(0)), q) * dx])
# -

# We will use a block-diagonal preconditioner to solve this problem:

a_p11 = form(inner(p, q) * dx)
a_p = [[a[0][0], None], [None, a_p11]]

# ### Nested matrix solver
# We now assemble the bilinear form into a nested matrix `A`, and call
# the `assemble()` method to communicate shared entries in parallel.
Ejemplo n.º 15
        np.concatenate([dofs_alpha_left, dofs_alpha_right]),

set_bc(alpha_ub.vector, bcs_alpha)

bcs = {"bcs_u": bcs_u, "bcs_alpha": bcs_alpha}
# Define the model

model = Brittle(parameters["model"])

# Energy functional
f = Constant(mesh, np.array([0, 0], dtype=PETSc.ScalarType))
external_work = ufl.dot(f, state["u"]) * dx
total_energy = model.total_energy_density(state) * dx - external_work

load_par = parameters["loading"]
loads = np.linspace(load_par["min"], load_par["max"], load_par["steps"])

solver = AlternateMinimisation(total_energy,
                               bounds=(alpha_lb, alpha_ub))

history_data = {
    "load": [],
    "elastic_energy": [],
Ejemplo n.º 16
def ref_elasticity(tetra: bool = True, r_lvl: int = 0, out_hdf5: h5py.File = None,
                   xdmf: bool = False, boomeramg: bool = False, kspview: bool = False, degree: int = 1):
    if tetra:
        N = 3 if degree == 1 else 2
        mesh = create_unit_cube(MPI.COMM_WORLD, N, N, N)
        N = 3
        mesh = create_unit_cube(MPI.COMM_WORLD, N, N, N, CellType.hexahedron)
    for i in range(r_lvl):
        # set_log_level(LogLevel.INFO)
        N *= 2
        if tetra:
            mesh = refine(mesh, redistribute=True)
            mesh = create_unit_cube(MPI.COMM_WORLD, N, N, N, CellType.hexahedron)
        # set_log_level(LogLevel.ERROR)
    N = degree * N
    fdim = mesh.topology.dim - 1
    V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, ("Lagrange", int(degree)))

    # Generate Dirichlet BC on lower boundary (Fixed)
    u_bc = Function(V)
    with u_bc.vector.localForm() as u_local:

    def boundaries(x):
        return np.isclose(x[0], np.finfo(float).eps)
    facets = locate_entities_boundary(mesh, fdim, boundaries)
    topological_dofs = locate_dofs_topological(V, fdim, facets)
    bc = dirichletbc(u_bc, topological_dofs)
    bcs = [bc]

    # Create traction meshtag
    def traction_boundary(x):
        return np.isclose(x[0], 1)
    t_facets = locate_entities_boundary(mesh, fdim, traction_boundary)
    facet_values = np.ones(len(t_facets), dtype=np.int32)
    arg_sort = np.argsort(t_facets)
    mt = meshtags(mesh, fdim, t_facets[arg_sort], facet_values[arg_sort])

    # Elasticity parameters
    E = PETSc.ScalarType(1.0e4)
    nu = 0.1
    mu = Constant(mesh, E / (2.0 * (1.0 + nu)))
    lmbda = Constant(mesh, E * nu / ((1.0 + nu) * (1.0 - 2.0 * nu)))
    g = Constant(mesh, PETSc.ScalarType((0, 0, -1e2)))
    x = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
    f = Constant(mesh, PETSc.ScalarType(1e4)) * \
        as_vector((0, -(x[2] - 0.5)**2, (x[1] - 0.5)**2))

    # Stress computation
    def sigma(v):
        return (2.0 * mu * sym(grad(v)) + lmbda * tr(sym(grad(v))) * Identity(len(v)))

    # Define variational problem
    u = TrialFunction(V)
    v = TestFunction(V)
    a = inner(sigma(u), grad(v)) * dx
    rhs = inner(g, v) * ds(domain=mesh, subdomain_data=mt, subdomain_id=1) + inner(f, v) * dx

    num_dofs = V.dofmap.index_map.size_global * V.dofmap.index_map_bs
    if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
        print("Problem size {0:d} ".format(num_dofs))

    # Generate reference matrices and unconstrained solution
    bilinear_form = form(a)
    A_org = assemble_matrix(bilinear_form, bcs)
    null_space_org = rigid_motions_nullspace(V)

    linear_form = form(rhs)
    L_org = assemble_vector(linear_form)
    apply_lifting(L_org, [bilinear_form], [bcs])
    L_org.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE)
    set_bc(L_org, bcs)
    opts = PETSc.Options()
    if boomeramg:
        opts["ksp_type"] = "cg"
        opts["ksp_rtol"] = 1.0e-5
        opts["pc_type"] = "hypre"
        opts['pc_hypre_type'] = 'boomeramg'
        opts["pc_hypre_boomeramg_max_iter"] = 1
        opts["pc_hypre_boomeramg_cycle_type"] = "v"
        # opts["pc_hypre_boomeramg_print_statistics"] = 1

        opts["ksp_rtol"] = 1.0e-8
        opts["pc_type"] = "gamg"
        opts["pc_gamg_type"] = "agg"
        opts["pc_gamg_coarse_eq_limit"] = 1000
        opts["pc_gamg_sym_graph"] = True
        opts["mg_levels_ksp_type"] = "chebyshev"
        opts["mg_levels_pc_type"] = "jacobi"
        opts["mg_levels_esteig_ksp_type"] = "cg"
        opts["matptap_via"] = "scalable"
        opts["pc_gamg_square_graph"] = 2
        opts["pc_gamg_threshold"] = 0.02
    # opts["help"] = None # List all available options
    # opts["ksp_view"] = None # List progress of solver

    # Create solver, set operator and options
    solver = PETSc.KSP().create(MPI.COMM_WORLD)

    # Solve linear problem
    u_ = Function(V)
    start = perf_counter()
    with Timer("Ref solve"):
        solver.solve(L_org, u_.vector)
    end = perf_counter()

    if kspview:

    it = solver.getIterationNumber()
    if out_hdf5 is not None:
        d_set = out_hdf5.get("its")
        d_set[r_lvl] = it
        d_set = out_hdf5.get("num_dofs")
        d_set[r_lvl] = num_dofs
        d_set = out_hdf5.get("solve_time")
        d_set[r_lvl, MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank] = end - start

    if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
        print("Refinement level {0:d}, Iterations {1:d}".format(r_lvl, it))

    # List memory usage
    mem = sum(MPI.COMM_WORLD.allgather(
    if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
        print("{1:d}: Max usage after trad. solve {0:d} (kb)"
              .format(mem, r_lvl))

    if xdmf:

        # Name formatting of functions
        u_.name = "u_unconstrained"
        fname = "results/ref_elasticity_{0:d}.xdmf".format(r_lvl)
        with XDMFFile(MPI.COMM_WORLD, fname, "w") as out_xdmf:
            out_xdmf.write_function(u_, 0.0, "Xdmf/Domain/Grid[@Name='{0:s}'][1]".format(mesh.name))
Ejemplo n.º 17
def demo_stacked_cubes(theta, ct, noslip, num_refinements, N0, timings=False):
    celltype = "hexahedron" if ct == CellType.hexahedron else "tetrahedron"
    type_ext = "no_slip" if noslip else "slip"
    log_info(f"Run theta: {theta:.2f}, Cell: {celltype:s}, Noslip: {noslip:b}")

    # Read in mesh
    with XDMFFile(comm, f"meshes/mesh_{celltype}_{theta:.2f}.xdmf",
                  "r") as xdmf:
        mesh = xdmf.read_mesh(name="mesh")
        tdim = mesh.topology.dim
        fdim = tdim - 1
        mesh.topology.create_connectivity(tdim, tdim)
        mesh.topology.create_connectivity(fdim, tdim)
        mt = xdmf.read_meshtags(mesh, "facet_tags")
    mesh.name = f"mesh_{celltype}_{theta:.2f}{type_ext:s}"

    # Create functionspaces
    V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, ("Lagrange", 1))

    # Define boundary conditions
    # Bottom boundary is fixed in all directions
    u_bc = Function(V)
    with u_bc.vector.localForm() as u_local:

    bottom_dofs = locate_dofs_topological(V, fdim, mt.find(5))
    bc_bottom = dirichletbc(u_bc, bottom_dofs)

    g_vec = [0, 0, -4.25e-1]
    if not noslip:
        # Helper for orienting traction
        r_matrix = rotation_matrix([1 / np.sqrt(2), 1 / np.sqrt(2), 0], -theta)

        # Top boundary has a given deformation normal to the interface
        g_vec = np.dot(r_matrix, [0, 0, -4.25e-1])

    def top_v(x):
        values = np.empty((3, x.shape[1]))
        values[0] = g_vec[0]
        values[1] = g_vec[1]
        values[2] = g_vec[2]
        return values

    u_top = Function(V)

    top_dofs = locate_dofs_topological(V, fdim, mt.find(3))
    bc_top = dirichletbc(u_top, top_dofs)

    bcs = [bc_bottom, bc_top]

    # Elasticity parameters
    E = PETSc.ScalarType(1.0e3)
    nu = 0
    mu = Constant(mesh, E / (2.0 * (1.0 + nu)))
    lmbda = Constant(mesh, E * nu / ((1.0 + nu) * (1.0 - 2.0 * nu)))

    # Stress computation
    def sigma(v):
        return (2.0 * mu * sym(grad(v)) +
                lmbda * tr(sym(grad(v))) * Identity(len(v)))

    # Define variational problem
    u = TrialFunction(V)
    v = TestFunction(V)
    a = inner(sigma(u), grad(v)) * dx
    rhs = inner(Constant(mesh, PETSc.ScalarType((0, 0, 0))), v) * dx

    log_info("Create constraints")

    mpc = MultiPointConstraint(V)
    num_dofs = V.dofmap.index_map.size_global * V.dofmap.index_map_bs
    if noslip:
        with Timer(f"{num_dofs}: Contact-constraint"):
            mpc.create_contact_inelastic_condition(mt, 4, 9)
        with Timer(f"{num_dofs}: FacetNormal"):
            nh = create_normal_approximation(V, mt, 4)
        with Timer(f"{num_dofs}: Contact-constraint"):
            mpc.create_contact_slip_condition(mt, 4, 9, nh)

    with Timer(f"{num_dofs}: MPC-init"):
    null_space = rigid_motions_nullspace(mpc.function_space)
    log_info(f"Num dofs: {num_dofs}")

    log_info("Assemble matrix")
    bilinear_form = form(a)
    linear_form = form(rhs)
    with Timer(f"{num_dofs}: Assemble-matrix (C++)"):
        A = assemble_matrix(bilinear_form, mpc, bcs=bcs)
    with Timer(f"{num_dofs}: Assemble-vector (C++)"):
        b = assemble_vector(linear_form, mpc)
    apply_lifting(b, [bilinear_form], [bcs], mpc)
    set_bc(b, bcs)
    list_timings(MPI.COMM_WORLD, [TimingType.wall])

    # Solve Linear problem
    opts = PETSc.Options()
    # opts["ksp_rtol"] = 1.0e-8
    opts["pc_type"] = "gamg"
    # opts["pc_gamg_type"] = "agg"
    # opts["pc_gamg_coarse_eq_limit"] = 1000
    # opts["pc_gamg_sym_graph"] = True
    # opts["mg_levels_ksp_type"] = "chebyshev"
    # opts["mg_levels_pc_type"] = "jacobi"
    # opts["mg_levels_esteig_ksp_type"] = "cg"
    # opts["matptap_via"] = "scalable"
    # opts["pc_gamg_square_graph"] = 2
    # opts["pc_gamg_threshold"] = 1e-2
    # opts["help"] = None  # List all available options
    if timings:
        opts["ksp_view"] = None  # List progress of solver
    # Create functionspace and build near nullspace

    solver = PETSc.KSP().create(comm)
    uh = b.copy()
    with Timer(f"{num_dofs}: Solve"):
        solver.solve(b, uh)
    with Timer(f"{num_dofs}: Backsubstitution"):

    it = solver.getIterationNumber()

    # Write solution to file
    u_h = Function(mpc.function_space)
    u_h.name = "u"
    with XDMFFile(comm, f"results/bench_contact_{num_dofs}.xdmf",
                  "w") as outfile:
        outfile.write_function(u_h, 0.0,
    # Write performance data to file
    if timings:
        num_slaves = MPI.COMM_WORLD.allreduce(mpc.num_local_slaves, op=MPI.SUM)
        results_file = None
        num_procs = comm.size
        if comm.rank == 0:
            results_file = open(f"results_bench_{num_dofs}.txt", "w")
            print(f"#Procs: {num_procs}", file=results_file)
            print(f"#Dofs: {num_dofs}", file=results_file)
            print(f"#Slaves: {num_slaves}", file=results_file)
            print(f"#Iterations: {it}", file=results_file)
        operations = [
            "Solve", "Assemble-matrix (C++)", "MPC-init", "Contact-constraint",
            "FacetNormal", "Assemble-vector (C++)", "Backsubstitution"
        if comm.rank == 0:
            print("Operation  #Calls Avg Min Max", file=results_file)
        for op in operations:
            op_timing = timing(f"{num_dofs}: {op}")
            num_calls = op_timing[0]
            wall_time = op_timing[1]
            avg_time = comm.allreduce(wall_time, op=MPI.SUM) / comm.size
            min_time = comm.allreduce(wall_time, op=MPI.MIN)
            max_time = comm.allreduce(wall_time, op=MPI.MAX)
            if comm.rank == 0:
        list_timings(MPI.COMM_WORLD, [TimingType.wall])
# Stress computation

def sigma(v):
    return (2.0 * mu * sym(grad(v))
            + lmbda * tr(sym(grad(v))) * Identity(len(v)))

# Define variational problem
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
dx = Measure("dx", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=ct)
a = inner(sigma(u), grad(v)) * dx
x = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
rhs = inner(Constant(mesh, PETSc.ScalarType((0, 0, 0))), v) * dx
rhs += inner(Constant(mesh, PETSc.ScalarType((0.01, 0.02, 0))), v) * dx(outer_tag)
rhs += inner(as_vector(PETSc.ScalarType((0, 0, -9.81e-2))), v) * dx(inner_tag)

# Create dirichletbc
owning_processor, bc_dofs = determine_closest_block(V, -np.array([-r2, 0, 0]))
bc_dofs = [] if bc_dofs is None else bc_dofs

u_fixed = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype=PETSc.ScalarType)
bc_fixed = dirichletbc(u_fixed, np.asarray(bc_dofs, dtype=np.int32), V)
bcs = [bc_fixed]

# Create point to point constraints
mpc = MultiPointConstraint(V)
signs = [-1, 1]
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_reshape():
    mesh = create_unit_cube(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 2, 2, 2)
    c = Constant(mesh, 1.0)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Ejemplo n.º 20
tau, v = ufl.TestFunctions(V)
def S(tau):
    return tau - ufl.Identity(2) * ufl.tr(tau)

# Discrete duality inner product 
# cf. eq. 4.5 Lizao Li's PhD thesis

def b(tau_S, v):
    n = FacetNormal(mesh)
    return inner(tau_S, grad(grad(v))) * dx \
        - ufl.dot(ufl.dot(tau_S('+'), n('+')), n('+')) * jump(grad(v), n) * dS \
        - ufl.dot(ufl.dot(tau_S, n), n) * ufl.dot(grad(v), n) * ds

sigma_S = S(sigma)
tau_S = S(tau)
f_exact = Constant(mesh, np.array(-1., dtype=PETSc.ScalarType))

# Non-symmetric formulation
a = form(ufl.inner(sigma_S, tau_S) * dx - b(tau_S, u) + b(sigma_S, v))
L = form(ufl.inner(f_exact, v) * dx)

zero_u = Function(V_1)
zero_u.x.array[:] = 0.0

boundary_facets = dolfinx.mesh.locate_entities_boundary(
    mesh, mesh.topology.dim - 1, lambda x: np.full(x.shape[1], True, dtype=bool))
boundary_dofs = dolfinx.fem.locate_dofs_topological(
    (V.sub(1), V_1), mesh.topology.dim - 1, boundary_facets)

bcs = [dirichletbc(zero_u, boundary_dofs, V.sub(1))]
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_wrong_dim():
    mesh = create_unit_cube(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 2, 2, 2)
    c = Constant(mesh, [1.0, 2.0])
    assert c.value.shape == (2, )
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        c.value = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
                                                    (1 - 2 * nu_right))

# Stress computation
def sigma(v):
    return (2.0 * mu * sym(grad(v)) +
            lmbda * tr(sym(grad(v))) * Identity(len(v)))

# Define variational problem
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
dx = Measure("dx", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=ct)
a = inner(sigma(u), grad(v)) * dx
x = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
rhs = inner(Constant(mesh, PETSc.ScalarType((0, 0))), v) * dx

# Set boundary conditions
u_push = np.array([0.1, 0], dtype=PETSc.ScalarType)
dofs = locate_dofs_geometrical(V, lambda x: np.isclose(x[0], 0))
bc_push = dirichletbc(u_push, dofs, V)
u_fix = np.array([0, 0], dtype=PETSc.ScalarType)
bc_fix = dirichletbc(
    u_fix, locate_dofs_geometrical(V, lambda x: np.isclose(x[0], 2.1)), V)
bcs = [bc_push, bc_fix]

def gather_dof_coordinates(V: FunctionSpace, dofs: np.ndarray):
    Distributes the dof coordinates of this subset of dofs to all processors
Ejemplo n.º 23
# Driving velocity condition u = (1, 0) on top boundary (y = 1)
lid_velocity = Function(V)
facets = locate_entities_boundary(mesh, 1, lid)
bc1 = dirichletbc(lid_velocity, locate_dofs_topological(V, 1, facets))

# Collect Dirichlet boundary conditions
bcs = [bc0, bc1]

# We now define the bilinear and linear forms corresponding to the weak
# mixed formulation of the Stokes equations in a blocked structure::

# Define variational problem
(u, p) = ufl.TrialFunction(V), ufl.TrialFunction(Q)
(v, q) = ufl.TestFunction(V), ufl.TestFunction(Q)
f = Constant(mesh, (PETSc.ScalarType(0), PETSc.ScalarType(0)))

a = form([[inner(grad(u), grad(v)) * dx,
           inner(p, div(v)) * dx], [inner(div(u), q) * dx, None]])
L = form(
    [inner(f, v) * dx,
     inner(Constant(mesh, PETSc.ScalarType(0)), q) * dx])

# We will use a block-diagonal preconditioner to solve this problem::

a_p11 = form(inner(p, q) * dx)
a_p = [[a[0][0], None], [None, a_p11]]

# Nested matrix solver
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Ejemplo n.º 24
def bench_elasticity_edge(tetra: bool = True, r_lvl: int = 0, out_hdf5=None, xdmf: bool = False,
                          boomeramg: bool = False, kspview: bool = False, degree: int = 1, info: bool = False):
    N = 3
    for i in range(r_lvl):
        N *= 2
    ct = CellType.tetrahedron if tetra else CellType.hexahedron
    mesh = create_unit_cube(MPI.COMM_WORLD, N, N, N, ct)
    # Get number of unknowns on each edge

    V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, ("Lagrange", int(degree)))

    # Generate Dirichlet BC (Fixed)
    u_bc = Function(V)
    with u_bc.vector.localForm() as u_local:

    def boundaries(x):
        return np.isclose(x[0], np.finfo(float).eps)
    fdim = mesh.topology.dim - 1
    facets = locate_entities_boundary(mesh, fdim, boundaries)
    topological_dofs = locate_dofs_topological(V, fdim, facets)
    bc = dirichletbc(u_bc, topological_dofs)
    bcs = [bc]

    def PeriodicBoundary(x):
        return np.logical_and(np.isclose(x[0], 1), np.isclose(x[2], 0))

    def periodic_relation(x):
        out_x = np.zeros(x.shape)
        out_x[0] = x[0]
        out_x[1] = x[1]
        out_x[2] = x[2] + 1
        return out_x
    with Timer("~Elasticity: Initialize MPC"):
        edim = mesh.topology.dim - 2
        edges = locate_entities_boundary(mesh, edim, PeriodicBoundary)
        arg_sort = np.argsort(edges)
        periodic_mt = meshtags(mesh, edim, edges[arg_sort], np.full(len(edges), 2, dtype=np.int32))

        mpc = MultiPointConstraint(V)
        mpc.create_periodic_constraint_topological(V, periodic_mt, 2, periodic_relation, bcs, scale=0.5)

    # Create traction meshtag

    def traction_boundary(x):
        return np.isclose(x[0], 1)
    t_facets = locate_entities_boundary(mesh, fdim, traction_boundary)
    facet_values = np.ones(len(t_facets), dtype=np.int32)
    arg_sort = np.argsort(t_facets)
    mt = meshtags(mesh, fdim, t_facets[arg_sort], facet_values)

    # Elasticity parameters
    E = PETSc.ScalarType(1.0e4)
    nu = 0.1
    mu = Constant(mesh, E / (2.0 * (1.0 + nu)))
    lmbda = Constant(mesh, E * nu / ((1.0 + nu) * (1.0 - 2.0 * nu)))
    g = Constant(mesh, PETSc.ScalarType((0, 0, -1e2)))
    x = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
    f = Constant(mesh, PETSc.ScalarType(1e3)) * as_vector((0, -(x[2] - 0.5)**2, (x[1] - 0.5)**2))

    # Stress computation
    def epsilon(v):
        return sym(grad(v))

    def sigma(v):
        return (2.0 * mu * epsilon(v) + lmbda * tr(epsilon(v)) * Identity(len(v)))

    # Define variational problem
    u = TrialFunction(V)
    v = TestFunction(V)
    a = inner(sigma(u), grad(v)) * dx
    rhs = inner(g, v) * ds(domain=mesh, subdomain_data=mt, subdomain_id=1) + inner(f, v) * dx

    # Setup MPC system
    if info:
        log_info(f"Run {r_lvl}: Assembling matrix and vector")
    bilinear_form = form(a)
    linear_form = form(rhs)
    with Timer("~Elasticity: Assemble LHS and RHS"):
        A = assemble_matrix(bilinear_form, mpc, bcs=bcs)
        b = assemble_vector(linear_form, mpc)

    # Create nullspace for elasticity problem and assign to matrix
    null_space = rigid_motions_nullspace(mpc.function_space)

    # Apply boundary conditions
    apply_lifting(b, [bilinear_form], [bcs], mpc)
    b.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE)
    set_bc(b, bcs)

    opts = PETSc.Options()
    if boomeramg:
        opts["ksp_type"] = "cg"
        opts["ksp_rtol"] = 1.0e-5
        opts["pc_type"] = "hypre"
        opts['pc_hypre_type'] = 'boomeramg'
        opts["pc_hypre_boomeramg_max_iter"] = 1
        opts["pc_hypre_boomeramg_cycle_type"] = "v"
        # opts["pc_hypre_boomeramg_print_statistics"] = 1
        opts["ksp_rtol"] = 1.0e-8
        opts["pc_type"] = "gamg"
        opts["pc_gamg_type"] = "agg"
        opts["pc_gamg_coarse_eq_limit"] = 1000
        opts["pc_gamg_sym_graph"] = True
        opts["mg_levels_ksp_type"] = "chebyshev"
        opts["mg_levels_pc_type"] = "jacobi"
        opts["mg_levels_esteig_ksp_type"] = "cg"
        opts["matptap_via"] = "scalable"
        opts["pc_gamg_square_graph"] = 2
        opts["pc_gamg_threshold"] = 0.02
    # opts["help"] = None # List all available options
    # opts["ksp_view"] = None # List progress of solver

    # Setup PETSc solver
    solver = PETSc.KSP().create(MPI.COMM_WORLD)

    if info:
        log_info(f"Run {r_lvl}: Solving")

    with Timer("~Elasticity: Solve problem") as timer:
        uh = b.copy()
        solver.solve(b, uh)
        uh.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.FORWARD)
        solver_time = timer.elapsed()
    if kspview:

    mem = sum(MPI.COMM_WORLD.allgather(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss))
    it = solver.getIterationNumber()

    num_dofs = V.dofmap.index_map.size_global * V.dofmap.index_map_bs
    if out_hdf5 is not None:
        d_set = out_hdf5.get("its")
        d_set[r_lvl] = it
        d_set = out_hdf5.get("num_dofs")
        d_set[r_lvl] = num_dofs
        d_set = out_hdf5.get("num_slaves")
        d_set[r_lvl, MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank] = mpc.num_local_slaves
        d_set = out_hdf5.get("solve_time")
        d_set[r_lvl, MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank] = solver_time[0]
    if info:
        log_info(f"Lvl: {r_lvl}, Its: {it}, max Mem: {mem}, dim(V): {num_dofs}")

    if xdmf:
        # Write solution to file
        u_h = Function(mpc.function_space)
        u_h.name = "u_mpc"
        fname = f"results/bench_elasticity_edge_{r_lvl}.xdmf"
        with XDMFFile(MPI.COMM_WORLD, fname, "w") as outfile:
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_simple_evaluation():
    """Test evaluation of UFL Expression.

    This test evaluates a UFL Expression on cells of the mesh and compares the
    result with an analytical expression.

    For a function f(x, y) = 3*(x^2 + 2*y^2) the result is compared with the
    exact gradient:

        grad f(x, y) = 3*[2*x, 4*y].

    (x^2 + 2*y^2) is first interpolated into a P2 finite element space. The
    scaling by a constant factor of 3 and the gradient is calculated using code
    generated by FFCx. The analytical solution is found by evaluating the
    spatial coordinates as an Expression using UFL/FFCx and passing the result
    to a numpy function that calculates the exact gradient.
    mesh = create_unit_square(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 3, 3)
    P2 = FunctionSpace(mesh, ("P", 2))

    # NOTE: The scaling by a constant factor of 3.0 to get f(x, y) is
    # implemented within the UFL Expression. This is to check that the
    # Constants are being set up correctly.
    def exact_expr(x):
        return x[0]**2 + 2.0 * x[1]**2

    # Unused, but remains for clarity.
    def f(x):
        return 3 * (x[0]**2 + 2.0 * x[1]**2)

    def exact_grad_f(x):
        values = np.zeros_like(x)
        values[:, 0::2] = 2 * x[:, 0::2]
        values[:, 1::2] = 4 * x[:, 1::2]
        values *= 3.0
        return values

    expr = Function(P2)

    ufl_grad_f = Constant(mesh, PETSc.ScalarType(3.0)) * ufl.grad(expr)
    points = np.array([[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]])
    grad_f_expr = Expression(ufl_grad_f, points)
    assert grad_f_expr.X.shape[0] == points.shape[0]
    assert grad_f_expr.value_size == 2

    # NOTE: Cell numbering is process local.
    map_c = mesh.topology.index_map(mesh.topology.dim)
    num_cells = map_c.size_local + map_c.num_ghosts
    cells = np.arange(0, num_cells, dtype=np.int32)

    grad_f_evaluated = grad_f_expr.eval(cells)
    assert grad_f_evaluated.shape[0] == cells.shape[0]
    assert grad_f_evaluated.shape[
        1] == grad_f_expr.value_size * grad_f_expr.X.shape[0]

    # Evaluate points in global space
    ufl_x = ufl.SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
    x_expr = Expression(ufl_x, points)
    assert x_expr.X.shape[0] == points.shape[0]
    assert x_expr.value_size == 2
    x_evaluated = x_expr.eval(cells)
    assert x_evaluated.shape[0] == cells.shape[0]
    assert x_evaluated.shape[1] == x_expr.X.shape[0] * x_expr.value_size

    # Evaluate exact gradient using global points
    grad_f_exact = exact_grad_f(x_evaluated)

    assert np.allclose(grad_f_evaluated, grad_f_exact)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def test_assembly_into_quadrature_function():
    """Test assembly into a Quadrature function.

    This test evaluates a UFL Expression into a Quadrature function space by
    evaluating the Expression on all cells of the mesh, and then inserting the
    evaluated values into a PETSc Vector constructed from a matching Quadrature
    function space.

    Concretely, we consider the evaluation of:

        e = B*(K(T)))**2 * grad(T)


        K = 1/(A + B*T)

    where A and B are Constants and T is a Coefficient on a P2 finite element
    space with T = x + 2*y.

    The result is compared with interpolating the analytical expression of e
    directly into the Quadrature space.

    In parallel, each process evaluates the Expression on both local cells and
    ghost cells so that no parallel communication is required after insertion
    into the vector.
    mesh = create_unit_square(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 3, 6)

    quadrature_degree = 2
    quadrature_points, wts = basix.make_quadrature(basix.CellType.triangle,
    Q_element = ufl.VectorElement("Quadrature",
    Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, Q_element)
    P2 = FunctionSpace(mesh, ("P", 2))

    T = Function(P2)
    T.interpolate(lambda x: x[0] + 2.0 * x[1])
    A = Constant(mesh, PETSc.ScalarType(1.0))
    B = Constant(mesh, PETSc.ScalarType(2.0))

    K = 1.0 / (A + B * T)
    e = B * K**2 * ufl.grad(T)

    e_expr = Expression(e, quadrature_points)

    map_c = mesh.topology.index_map(mesh.topology.dim)
    num_cells = map_c.size_local + map_c.num_ghosts
    cells = np.arange(0, num_cells, dtype=np.int32)

    e_eval = e_expr.eval(cells)

    # Assemble into Function
    e_Q = Function(Q)
    with e_Q.vector.localForm() as e_Q_local:

    def e_exact(x):
        T = x[0] + 2.0 * x[1]
        K = 1.0 / (A.value + B.value * T)

        grad_T = np.zeros((2, x.shape[1]))
        grad_T[0, :] = 1.0
        grad_T[1, :] = 2.0

        e = B.value * K**2 * grad_T
        return e

    # FIXME: Below is only for testing purposes,
    # never to be used in user code!
    # Replace when interpolation into Quadrature element works.
    coord_dofs = mesh.geometry.dofmap
    x_g = mesh.geometry.x
    tdim = mesh.topology.dim
    Q_dofs = Q.dofmap.list.array.reshape(num_cells, quadrature_points.shape[0])
    bs = Q.dofmap.bs

    Q_dofs_unrolled = bs * np.repeat(Q_dofs, bs).reshape(-1,
                                                         bs) + np.arange(bs)
    Q_dofs_unrolled = Q_dofs_unrolled.reshape(
        -1, bs * quadrature_points.shape[0]).astype(Q_dofs.dtype)

    with e_Q.vector.localForm() as local:
        e_exact_eval = np.zeros_like(local.array)
        for cell in range(num_cells):
            xg = x_g[coord_dofs.links(cell), :tdim]
            x = mesh.geometry.cmap.push_forward(quadrature_points, xg)
            e_exact_eval[Q_dofs_unrolled[cell]] = e_exact(x.T).T.flatten()
        assert np.allclose(local.array, e_exact_eval)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def bench_elasticity_one(r_lvl: int = 0,
                         out_hdf5: h5py.File = None,
                         xdmf: bool = False,
                         boomeramg: bool = False,
                         kspview: bool = False):
    N = 3
    mesh = create_unit_cube(MPI.COMM_WORLD, N, N, N)
    for i in range(r_lvl):
        mesh.topology.create_entities(mesh.topology.dim - 2)
        mesh = refine(mesh, redistribute=True)

    fdim = mesh.topology.dim - 1
    V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, ("Lagrange", 1))

    # Generate Dirichlet BC on lower boundary (Fixed)
    u_bc = Function(V)
    with u_bc.vector.localForm() as u_local:

    def boundaries(x):
        return np.isclose(x[0], np.finfo(float).eps)

    facets = locate_entities_boundary(mesh, fdim, boundaries)
    topological_dofs = locate_dofs_topological(V, fdim, facets)
    bc = dirichletbc(u_bc, topological_dofs)
    bcs = [bc]

    # Create traction meshtag
    def traction_boundary(x):
        return np.isclose(x[0], 1)

    t_facets = locate_entities_boundary(mesh, fdim, traction_boundary)
    facet_values = np.ones(len(t_facets), dtype=np.int32)
    arg_sort = np.argsort(t_facets)
    mt = meshtags(mesh, fdim, t_facets[arg_sort], facet_values[arg_sort])

    # Define variational problem
    u = TrialFunction(V)
    v = TestFunction(V)

    # Elasticity parameters
    E = 1.0e4
    nu = 0.1
    mu = Constant(mesh, E / (2.0 * (1.0 + nu)))
    lmbda = Constant(mesh, E * nu / ((1.0 + nu) * (1.0 - 2.0 * nu)))
    g = Constant(mesh, (0, 0, -1e2))

    # Stress computation
    def sigma(v):
        return 2.0 * mu * sym(grad(v)) + lmbda * tr(sym(grad(v))) * Identity(

    # Define variational problem
    u = TrialFunction(V)
    v = TestFunction(V)
    a = inner(sigma(u), grad(v)) * dx
    rhs = inner(g, v) * ds(domain=mesh, subdomain_data=mt, subdomain_id=1)

    # Create MPC
    with Timer("~Elasticity: Init constraint"):

        def l2b(li):
            return np.array(li, dtype=np.float64).tobytes()

        s_m_c = {l2b([1, 0, 0]): {l2b([1, 0, 1]): 0.5}}
        mpc = MultiPointConstraint(V)
        mpc.create_general_constraint(s_m_c, 2, 2)

    # Setup MPC system
    bilinear_form = form(a)
    linear_form = form(rhs)
    with Timer("~Elasticity: Assemble LHS and RHS"):
        A = assemble_matrix(bilinear_form, mpc, bcs=bcs)
        b = assemble_vector(linear_form, mpc)
    # Apply boundary conditions
    apply_lifting(b, [bilinear_form], [bcs], mpc)
    set_bc(b, bcs)

    # Create functionspace and function for mpc vector

    # Solve Linear problem
    solver = PETSc.KSP().create(MPI.COMM_WORLD)
    opts = PETSc.Options()
    if boomeramg:
        opts["ksp_type"] = "cg"
        opts["ksp_rtol"] = 1.0e-5
        opts["pc_type"] = "hypre"
        opts['pc_hypre_type'] = 'boomeramg'
        opts["pc_hypre_boomeramg_max_iter"] = 1
        opts["pc_hypre_boomeramg_cycle_type"] = "v"
        # opts["pc_hypre_boomeramg_print_statistics"] = 1
        opts["ksp_rtol"] = 1.0e-10
        opts["pc_type"] = "gamg"
        opts["pc_gamg_type"] = "agg"
        opts["pc_gamg_coarse_eq_limit"] = 1000
        opts["pc_gamg_sym_graph"] = True
        opts["mg_levels_ksp_type"] = "chebyshev"
        opts["mg_levels_pc_type"] = "jacobi"
        opts["mg_levels_esteig_ksp_type"] = "cg"
        opts["matptap_via"] = "scalable"
    # opts["help"] = None # List all available options
    # opts["ksp_view"] = None # List progress of solver

    with Timer("~Elasticity: Solve problem") as timer:
        null_space = rigid_motions_nullspace(mpc.function_space)
        # Solve linear problem
        uh = b.copy()
        solver.solve(b, uh)
        solver_time = timer.elapsed()

    it = solver.getIterationNumber()
    if kspview:

    # Print max usage of summary
    mem = sum(
    num_dofs = V.dofmap.index_map.size_global * V.dofmap.index_map_bs
    if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
        print(f"Rlvl {r_lvl}, Iterations {it}")
        print(f"Rlvl {r_lvl}, Max usage {mem} (kb), #dofs {num_dofs}")

    if out_hdf5 is not None:
        d_set = out_hdf5.get("its")
        d_set[r_lvl] = it
        d_set = out_hdf5.get("num_dofs")
        d_set[r_lvl] = num_dofs
        d_set = out_hdf5.get("solve_time")
        d_set[r_lvl, MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank] = solver_time[0]
    if xdmf:
        # Write solution to file
        u_h = Function(mpc.function_space)
        u_h.name = "u_mpc"

        fname = f"results/bench_elasticity_{r_lvl}.xdmf"
        with XDMFFile(MPI.COMM_WORLD, fname, "w") as outfile:
Ejemplo n.º 28
def demo_stacked_cubes(outfile: XDMFFile,
                       theta: float,
                       gmsh: bool = True,
                       quad: bool = False,
                       compare: bool = False,
                       res: float = 0.1):
        f"Run theta:{theta:.2f}, Quad: {quad}, Gmsh {gmsh}, Res {res:.2e}")

    celltype = "quadrilateral" if quad else "triangle"
    if gmsh:
        mesh, mt = gmsh_2D_stacked(celltype, theta)
        mesh.name = f"mesh_{celltype}_{theta:.2f}_gmsh"

        mesh_name = "mesh"
        filename = f"meshes/mesh_{celltype}_{theta:.2f}.xdmf"

        mesh_2D_dolfin(celltype, theta)
        with XDMFFile(MPI.COMM_WORLD, filename, "r") as xdmf:
            mesh = xdmf.read_mesh(name=mesh_name)
            mesh.name = f"mesh_{celltype}_{theta:.2f}"
            tdim = mesh.topology.dim
            fdim = tdim - 1
            mesh.topology.create_connectivity(tdim, tdim)
            mesh.topology.create_connectivity(fdim, tdim)
            mt = xdmf.read_meshtags(mesh, name="facet_tags")

    # Helper until meshtags can be read in from xdmf
    V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, ("Lagrange", 1))

    r_matrix = rotation_matrix([0, 0, 1], theta)
    g_vec = np.dot(r_matrix, [0, -1.25e2, 0])
    g = Constant(mesh, PETSc.ScalarType(g_vec[:2]))

    def bottom_corner(x):
        return np.isclose(x, [[0], [0], [0]]).all(axis=0)

    # Fix bottom corner
    bc_value = np.array((0, ) * mesh.geometry.dim, dtype=PETSc.ScalarType)
    bottom_dofs = locate_dofs_geometrical(V, bottom_corner)
    bc_bottom = dirichletbc(bc_value, bottom_dofs, V)
    bcs = [bc_bottom]

    # Elasticity parameters
    E = PETSc.ScalarType(1.0e3)
    nu = 0
    mu = Constant(mesh, E / (2.0 * (1.0 + nu)))
    lmbda = Constant(mesh, E * nu / ((1.0 + nu) * (1.0 - 2.0 * nu)))

    # Stress computation
    def sigma(v):
        return (2.0 * mu * sym(grad(v)) +
                lmbda * tr(sym(grad(v))) * Identity(len(v)))

    # Define variational problem
    u = TrialFunction(V)
    v = TestFunction(V)
    a = inner(sigma(u), grad(v)) * dx
    ds = Measure("ds", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=mt, subdomain_id=3)
    rhs = inner(Constant(mesh, PETSc.ScalarType(
        (0, 0))), v) * dx + inner(g, v) * ds

    def left_corner(x):
        return np.isclose(x.T, np.dot(r_matrix, [0, 2, 0])).all(axis=1)

    # Create multi point constraint
    mpc = MultiPointConstraint(V)

    with Timer("~Contact: Create contact constraint"):
        nh = create_normal_approximation(V, mt, 4)
        mpc.create_contact_slip_condition(mt, 4, 9, nh)

    with Timer("~Contact: Add non-slip condition at bottom interface"):
        bottom_normal = facet_normal_approximation(V, mt, 5)
        mpc.create_slip_constraint(V, (mt, 5), bottom_normal, bcs=bcs)

    with Timer("~Contact: Add tangential constraint at one point"):
        vertex = locate_entities_boundary(mesh, 0, left_corner)

        tangent = facet_normal_approximation(V, mt, 3, tangent=True)
        mtv = meshtags(mesh, 0, vertex, np.full(len(vertex), 6,
        mpc.create_slip_constraint(V, (mtv, 6), tangent, bcs=bcs)

    rtol = 1e-9
    petsc_options = {
        "ksp_rtol": 1e-9,
        "pc_type": "gamg",
        "pc_gamg_type": "agg",
        "pc_gamg_square_graph": 2,
        "pc_gamg_threshold": 0.02,
        "pc_gamg_coarse_eq_limit": 1000,
        "pc_gamg_sym_graph": True,
        "mg_levels_ksp_type": "chebyshev",
        "mg_levels_pc_type": "jacobi",
        "mg_levels_esteig_ksp_type": "cg"
        #  , "help": None, "ksp_view": None

    # Solve Linear problem
    problem = LinearProblem(a, rhs, mpc, bcs=bcs, petsc_options=petsc_options)

    # Build near nullspace
    null_space = rigid_motions_nullspace(mpc.function_space)
    u_h = problem.solve()

    it = problem.solver.getIterationNumber()
    if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
        print("Number of iterations: {0:d}".format(it))

    unorm = u_h.vector.norm()
    if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
        print(f"Norm of u: {unorm}")

    # Write solution to file
    ext = "_gmsh" if gmsh else ""
    u_h.name = "u_mpc_{0:s}_{1:.2f}{2:s}".format(celltype, theta, ext)

    outfile.write_function(u_h, 0.0,

    # Solve the MPC problem using a global transformation matrix
    # and numpy solvers to get reference values
    if not compare:
    log_info("Solving reference problem with global matrix (using numpy)")
    with Timer("~MPC: Reference problem"):
        # Generate reference matrices and unconstrained solution
        A_org = assemble_matrix(form(a), bcs)
        L_org = assemble_vector(form(rhs))
        apply_lifting(L_org, [form(a)], [bcs])
        set_bc(L_org, bcs)

    root = 0
    with Timer("~MPC: Verification"):
        compare_mpc_lhs(A_org, problem.A, mpc, root=root)
        compare_mpc_rhs(L_org, problem.b, mpc, root=root)
        # Gather LHS, RHS and solution on one process
        A_csr = gather_PETScMatrix(A_org, root=root)
        K = gather_transformation_matrix(mpc, root=root)
        L_np = gather_PETScVector(L_org, root=root)
        u_mpc = gather_PETScVector(u_h.vector, root=root)

        if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == root:
            KTAK = K.T * A_csr * K
            reduced_L = K.T @ L_np
            # Solve linear system
            d = scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve(KTAK, reduced_L)
            # Back substitution to full solution vector
            uh_numpy = K @ d

            assert np.allclose(uh_numpy, u_mpc, rtol=rtol)