Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_serial_solve(self):

        fun = lambda x: [-josephy(x), -Djosephy(x)]

        x0=np.array( [1.25, 0.01, 0.01, 0.50] )
        lb=np.array( [0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00] )
        # ub=np.array( [inf, inf, inf, inf] )
        ub=np.array( [1e20, 1e20, 1e20, 1e20] )

        # resp = ncpsolve(fun,  lb, ub, x0, tol=1e-15)

        sol = np.array( [ 1.22474487e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 3.60543164e-17, 5.00000000e-01])

        # assert_almost_equal(sol,  resp)

        N = 10
        d = len(x0)

        s_x0 = np.row_stack([x0]*N)
        s_lb = np.row_stack([lb]*N)
        s_ub = np.row_stack([ub]*N)

        def serial_fun(xvec):

            resp = np.zeros( (N,d) )
            dresp = np.zeros( (N,d,d) )
            for n in range(N):
                [v, dv] = fun(xvec[n,:])
                resp[n,:] = v
                dresp[n,:,:] = dv
            return [resp, dresp]

        res = serial_fun(s_x0)[0]

        serial_sol = ncpsolve( serial_fun, s_lb, s_ub, s_x0, jactype='serial', verbose=True)

Ejemplo n.º 2

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from numpy import inf

    fun = lambda x: [-josephy(x), -Djosephy(x)]

    x0=np.array( [1.25, 0.01, 0.01, 0.50] )
    lb=np.array( [0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00] )
    ub=np.array( [inf, inf, inf, inf] )

    resp = ncpsolve(fun,  lb, ub, x0, tol=1e-15)

    sol = np.array( [ 1.22474487e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 3.60543164e-17, 5.00000000e-01])

    from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal

    assert_almost_equal(sol,  resp[0])

    N = 2
    d = len(x0)

    serial_sol_check = np.zeros((d,N))
    for n in range(N):
        serial_sol_check[:,n] = resp[0]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def parameterized_expectations(model, verbose=False, initial_dr=None,
                               pert_order=1, with_complementarities=True,
                               grid={}, distribution={},
                               maxit=100, tol=1e-8, inner_maxit=10,

    Find global solution for ``model`` via parameterized expectations.
    Controls must be expressed as a direct function of equilibrium objects.
    Algorithm iterates over the expectations function in the arbitrage equation.


    model : NumericModel
        ``dtcscc`` model to be solved

    verbose : boolean
        if True, display iterations

    initial_dr : decision rule
        initial guess for the decision rule

    pert_order : {1}
        if no initial guess is supplied, the perturbation solution at order
        ``pert_order`` is used as initial guess

    grid : grid options

    distribution : distribution options

    maxit : maximum number of iterations

    tol : tolerance criterium for successive approximations

    inner_maxit : maximum number of iteration for inner solver

    direct : if True, solve with direct method. If false, solve indirectly


    decision rule :
        approximated solution


    t1 = time.time()

    g = model.functions['transition']
    h = model.functions['expectation']
    d = model.functions['direct_response']
    f = model.functions['arbitrage_exp']  # f(s, x, z, p, out)
    parms = model.calibration['parameters']

    if initial_dr is None:
        if pert_order == 1:
            initial_dr = approximate_controls(model)

        if pert_order > 1:
            raise Exception("Perturbation order > 1 not supported (yet).")

    approx = model.get_grid(**grid)
    grid = approx.grid
    interp_type = approx.interpolation
    dr = create_interpolator(approx, interp_type)
    expect = create_interpolator(approx, interp_type)

    distrib = model.get_distribution(**distribution)
    nodes, weights = distrib.discretize()

    N = grid.shape[0]
    z = np.zeros((N, len(model.symbols['expectations'])))

    x_0 = initial_dr(grid)
    x_0 = x_0.real  # just in case ...
    h_0 = h(grid, x_0, parms)

    it = 0
    err = 10
    err_0 = 10

    verbit = True if verbose == 'full' else False

    if with_complementarities is True:
        lbfun = model.functions['controls_lb']
        ubfun = model.functions['controls_ub']
        lb = lbfun(grid, parms)
        ub = ubfun(grid, parms)
        lb = None
        ub = None

    if verbose:
        headline = '|{0:^4} | {1:10} | {2:8} | {3:8} |'
        headline = headline.format('N', ' Error', 'Gain', 'Time')
        stars = '-'*len(headline)

        # format string for within loop
        fmt_str = '|{0:4} | {1:10.3e} | {2:8.3f} | {3:8.3f} |'

    while err > tol and it <= maxit:

        it += 1
        t_start = time.time()

        # dr.set_values(x_0)

        # evaluate expectation over the future state
        z[...] = 0
        for i in range(weights.shape[0]):
            e = nodes[i, :]
            S = g(grid, x_0, e, parms)
            z += weights[i]*expect(S)

        if direct is True:
            # Use control as direct function of arbitrage equation
            new_x = d(grid, z, parms)
            if with_complementarities is True:
                new_x = np.minimum(new_x, ub)
                new_x = np.maximum(new_x, lb)
            # Find control by solving arbitrage equation
            def fun(x): return f(grid, x, z, parms)
            sdfun = SerialDifferentiableFunction(fun)

            if with_complementarities is True:
                [new_x, nit] = ncpsolve(sdfun, lb, ub, x_0, verbose=verbit,
                [new_x, nit] = serial_newton(sdfun, x_0, verbose=verbit)

        new_h = h(grid, new_x, parms)

        # update error
        err = (abs(new_h - h_0).max())

        # Update guess for decision rule and expectations function
        x_0 = new_x
        h_0 = new_h

        # print error infomation if `verbose`
        err_SA = err/err_0
        err_0 = err
        t_finish = time.time()
        elapsed = t_finish - t_start
        if verbose:
            print(fmt_str.format(it, err, err_SA, elapsed))

    if it == maxit:
        import warnings
        warnings.warn(UserWarning("Maximum number of iterations reached"))

    # compute final fime and do final printout if `verbose`
    t2 = time.time()
    if verbose:
        print('Elapsed: {} seconds.'.format(t2 - t1))

    # Interpolation for the decision rule

    return dr
Ejemplo n.º 4
def simulate(model, dr, s0=None, n_exp=0, horizon=40, seed=1, discard=False, solve_expectations=False, nodes=None, weights=None, forcing_shocks=None):
    '''Simulate a model using the specified decision rule.

    model: NumericModel
        an "fg" or "fga" model

    dr: decision rule

    s0: ndarray
        initial state where all simulations start
    n_exp: int
        number of simulations. Use 0 for impulse-response functions
    horizon: int
        horizon for the simulations
    seed: int
        used to initialize the random number generator. Use it to replicate exact same results among simulations
    discard: boolean (False)
        if True, then all simulations containing at least one non finite value are discarded
    solve_expectations: boolean (False)
        if True, Euler equations are solved at each step using the controls to form expectations
    nodes: ndarray
        if `solve_expectations` is True use ``nodes`` for integration
    weights: ndarray
        if `solve_expectations` is True use ``weights`` for integration
    forcing_shocks: ndarray
        specify an exogenous process of shocks (requires ``n_exp<=1``)

    ndarray or pandas.Dataframe:
         if `n_exp<=1` returns a DataFrame object
         if `n_exp>1` returns a ``horizon x n_exp x n_v`` array where ``n_v`` is the number of variables.

    if n_exp ==0:
        irf = True
        n_exp = 1
        irf = False

    calib = model.calibration

    parms = numpy.array( calib['parameters'] )

    sigma = model.covariances

    if s0 is None:
        s0 = calib['states']

    # s0 = numpy.atleast_2d(s0.flatten()).T

    x0 = dr(s0)

    s_simul = numpy.zeros( (horizon, n_exp, s0.shape[0]) )
    x_simul = numpy.zeros( (horizon, n_exp, x0.shape[0]) )

    s_simul[0,:,:] = s0[None,:]
    x_simul[0,:,:] = x0[None,:]

    fun = model.functions

    if model.model_spec == 'fga':

       from dolo.algos.fg.convert import get_fg_functions
       [f,g] = get_fg_functions(model)
        f = model.functions['arbitrage']
        g = model.functions['transition']


    for i in range(horizon):
        mean = numpy.zeros(sigma.shape[0])
        if irf:
            if forcing_shocks is not None and i<forcing_shocks.shape[0]:
                epsilons = forcing_shocks[i,:] 
                epsilons = numpy.zeros( (1,sigma.shape[0]) )
            epsilons = numpy.random.multivariate_normal(mean, sigma, n_exp)
        s = s_simul[i,:,:]
        x = dr(s)

        if solve_expectations:

            lbfun = model.functions['arbitrage_lb']
            ubfun = model.functions['arbitrage_ub']
            lb = lbfun(s, parms)
            ub = ubfun(s, parms)

            from dolo.numeric.optimize.newton import newton as newton_solver, SerialDifferentiableFunction
            from dolo.numeric.optimize.ncpsolve import ncpsolve

            fobj = lambda t: step_residual(s, t, dr, f, g, parms, nodes, weights)
            dfobj = SerialDifferentiableFunction(fobj)
            # [x,nit] = newton_solver(dfobj, x)
            [x,nit] = ncpsolve(dfobj, lb, ub, x)

        x_simul[i,:,:] = x
        ss = g(s,x,epsilons,parms)
        if i<(horizon-1):
            s_simul[i+1,:,:] = ss

    from numpy import isnan,all

    if not 'auxiliary' in fun: # TODO: find a better test than this
        l = [s_simul, x_simul]
        varnames = model.symbols['states'] + model.symbols['controls']
        aux = fun['auxiliary']
        a_simul = aux( s_simul.reshape((n_exp*horizon,-1)), x_simul.reshape( (n_exp*horizon,-1) ), parms)    
        a_simul = a_simul.reshape(horizon, n_exp, -1)

        l = [s_simul, x_simul, a_simul]
        varnames = model.symbols['states'] + model.symbols['controls'] + model.symbols['auxiliaries']

    simul = numpy.concatenate(l, axis=2)

    if discard:
        iA = -isnan(x_simul)
        valid = all( all( iA, axis=0 ), axis=1 )
        simul = simul[:,valid,:]
        n_kept = s_simul.shape[1]
        if n_exp > n_kept:
            print( 'Discarded {}/{}'.format(n_exp-n_kept,n_exp))

    if irf or (n_exp==1):
        simul = simul[:,0,:]

        import pandas
        ts = pandas.DataFrame(simul, columns=varnames)
        return ts

    return simul
Ejemplo n.º 5
def deterministic_solve(model, shocks=None, start_states=None, T=100, ignore_constraints=False, maxit=100, initial_guess=None, verbose=False, tol=1e-6):
    '''Computes a perfect foresight simulation using a stacked-time algorithm.

    The initial state is specified either by providing a series of exogenous shocks and assuming the model is initially
    in equilibrium with the first value of the shock, or by specifying an initial value for the states.

    a : array_like
        The shape and data-type of `a` define these same attributes of
        the returned array.
    dtype : data-type, optional
        .. versionadded:: 1.6.0
        Overrides the data type of the result.
    order : {'C', 'F', 'A', or 'K'}, optional
        .. versionadded:: 1.6.0
        Overrides the memory layout of the result. 'C' means C-order,
        'F' means F-order, 'A' means 'F' if `a` is Fortran contiguous,
        'C' otherwise. 'K' means match the layout of `a` as closely
        as possible.
    subok : bool, optional.
        If True, then the newly created array will use the sub-class
        type of 'a', otherwise it will be a base-class array. Defaults
        to True.

    model : NumericModel
        "fg" or "fga" model to be solved
    shocks : ndarray
        :math:`n_e\\times N` matrix containing :math:`N` realizations of the shocks. :math:`N` must be smaller than :math:`T`.    The exogenous process is assumed to remain constant and equal to its last value after `N` periods.
    start_states : ndarray or dict
        a vector with the value of initial states, or a calibration dictionary with the initial values of states and controls
    T : int
        horizon for the perfect foresight simulation
    maxit : int
        maximum number of iteration for the nonlinear solver
    verbose : boolean
        if True, the solver displays iterations
    tol : float
        stopping criterium for the nonlinear solver
    ignore_constraints : bool
        if True, complementarity constraints are ignored.

    pandas dataframe

        a dataframe with T+1 observations of the model variables along the simulation (states, controls, auxiliaries). The first observation is the steady-state corresponding to the first value of the shocks. The simulation should return
        to a steady-state corresponding to the last value of the exogenous shocks.

    # TODO:

    # if model.model_spec == 'fga':
    #     from dolo.compiler.converter import GModel_fg_from_fga
    #     model = GModel_fg_from_fga(model)

    # definitions
    n_s = len(model.calibration['states'])
    n_x = len(model.calibration['controls'])

    if shocks is None:
        shocks = numpy.zeros( (len(model.calibration['shocks']),1))

    # until last period, exogenous shock takes its last value
    epsilons = numpy.zeros( (T+1, shocks.shape[1]))
    epsilons[:(shocks.shape[0]-1),:] = shocks[1:,:]
    epsilons[(shocks.shape[0]-1):,:] = shocks[-1:,:]

    # final initial and final steady-states consistent with exogenous shocks
    if isinstance(start_states,dict):
        # at least that part is clear
        start_equilibrium = start_states
        start_s = start_equilibrium['states']
        start_x = start_equilibrium['controls']
        final_s = start_equilibrium['states']
        final_x = start_equilibrium['controls']
    elif isinstance(start_states, numpy.ndarray):
        start_s = start_states
        start_x = model.calibration['controls']
        final_s = model.calibration['states']
        final_x = model.calibration['controls']
        # raise Exception("You must compute initial calibration yourself")
        final_dict = {model.symbols['shocks'][i]: shocks[i,-1] for i in range(len(model.symbols['shocks']))}
        start_dict = {model.symbols['shocks'][i]: shocks[i,0] for i in range(len(model.symbols['shocks']))}
        start_calib = find_deterministic_equilibrium( model, constraints=start_dict)
        final_calib = find_deterministic_equilibrium( model, constraints=start_dict)

        start_s = start_calib['states']
        start_x = start_calib['controls']
        final_s = final_calib['states']
        final_x = final_calib['controls']

#        if start_constraints:
#        ### we ignore start_constraints
#            start_dict.update(start_constraints)
#            final_equilibrium = start_constraints.copy()
#        else:
#        final_equilibrium = find_deterministic_equilibrium( model, constraints=final_dict)
#        final_s = final_equilibrium['states']
#        final_x = final_equilibrium['controls']

#        start_s = start_states
#        start_x = final_x

    #TODO: for start_x, it should be possible to use first order guess

    final = numpy.concatenate( [final_s, final_x] )
    start = numpy.concatenate( [start_s, start_x] )

    if verbose==True:
        print("Initial states : {}".format(start_s))
        print("Final controls : {}".format(final_x))

    p = model.calibration['parameters']

    if initial_guess is None:

        initial_guess = numpy.row_stack( [start*(1-l) + final*l for l in linspace(0.0,1.0,T+1)] )

        from pandas import DataFrame
        if isinstance( initial_guess, DataFrame ):
            initial_guess = array( initial_guess ).T.copy()
        initial_guess = initial_guess[:,:n_s+n_x]
        initial_guess[0,:n_s] = start_s
        initial_guess[-1,n_s:] = final_x

    sh = initial_guess.shape

    if model.x_bounds and not ignore_constraints:
        initial_states = initial_guess[:,:n_s]
        [lb, ub] = [ u( initial_states, p ) for u in model.x_bounds]
        lower_bound = initial_guess*0 - numpy.inf
        lower_bound[:, n_s:] = lb
        upper_bound = initial_guess*0 + numpy.inf
        upper_bound[:, n_s:] = ub
        test1 = max( lb.max(axis=0) - lb.min(axis=0) )
        test2 = max( ub.max(axis=0) - ub.min(axis=0) )
        if test1 >0.00000001 or test2>0.00000001:
            raise Exception("Not implemented: perfect foresight solution requires that controls have constant bounds.")
        lower_bound = None
        upper_bound = None

    nn = sh[0]*sh[1]

    fobj  = lambda vec: det_residual(model, vec.reshape(sh), start_s, final_x, epsilons)[0].ravel()

    if not ignore_constraints:

        from dolo.numeric.optimize.ncpsolve import ncpsolve
        ff  = lambda vec: det_residual(model, vec.reshape(sh), start_s, final_x, epsilons, jactype='sparse')

        from dolo.numeric.optimize.newton import newton
        x0 = initial_guess.ravel()

        sol, nit = ncpsolve(ff, lower_bound.ravel(), upper_bound.ravel(), initial_guess.ravel(), verbose=verbose, maxit=maxit, tol=tol, jactype='sparse')

        sol = sol.reshape(sh)


        from scipy.optimize import root
        from numpy import array
        # ff  = lambda vec: det_residual(model, vec.reshape(sh), start_s, final_x, epsilons, jactype='full')
        ff  = lambda vec: det_residual(model, vec.reshape(sh), start_s, final_x, epsilons, diff=False).ravel()
        x0 = initial_guess.ravel()
        sol = root(ff, x0, jac=False)

        res = ff(sol.x)

        sol = sol.x.reshape(sh)

    import pandas
    if 'auxiliary' in model.functions:
        colnames = model.symbols['states'] + model.symbols['controls'] + model.symbols['auxiliaries']
        # compute auxiliaries
        y = model.functions['auxiliary'](sol[:,:n_s], sol[:,n_s:], p)
        sol = numpy.column_stack([sol,y])
        colnames = model.symbols['states'] + model.symbols['controls']

    sol = numpy.column_stack([sol,epsilons])
    colnames = colnames + model.symbols['shocks']

    ts = pandas.DataFrame(sol, columns=colnames)
    return ts
Ejemplo n.º 6
def time_iteration(model,  bounds=None, verbose=False, initial_dr=None,
                   pert_order=1, with_complementarities=True,
                   interp_type='smolyak', smolyak_order=3, interp_orders=None,
                   maxit=500, tol=1e-8, inner_maxit=10,
                   integration='gauss-hermite', integration_orders=None,
                   T=200, n_s=3, hook=None):
    Finds a global solution for ``model`` using backward time-iteration.

    This algorithm iterates on the residuals of the arbitrage equations

    model : NumericModel
        "fg" or "fga" model to be solved
    bounds : ndarray
        boundaries for approximations. First row contains minimum values.
        Second row contains maximum values.
    verbose : boolean
        if True, display iterations
    initial_dr : decision rule
        initial guess for the decision rule
    pert_order : {1}
        if no initial guess is supplied, the perturbation solution at order
        ``pert_order`` is used as initial guess
    with_complementarities : boolean (True)
        if False, complementarity conditions are ignored
    interp_type : {`smolyak`, `spline`}
        type of interpolation to use for future controls
    smolyak_orders : int
        parameter ``l`` for Smolyak interpolation
    interp_orders : 1d array-like
        list of integers specifying the number of nodes in each dimension if
        ``interp_type="spline" ``

    decision rule :
        approximated solution

    def vprint(t):
        if verbose:

    parms = model.calibration['parameters']
    sigma = model.covariances

    if initial_dr is None:
        if pert_order == 1:
            initial_dr = approximate_controls(model)

        if pert_order > 1:
            raise Exception("Perturbation order > 1 not supported (yet).")

        if interp_type == 'perturbations':
            return initial_dr

    if bounds is not None:

    elif model.options and 'approximation_space' in model.options:

        vprint('Using bounds specified by model')

        approx = model.options['approximation_space']
        a = approx['a']
        b = approx['b']

        bounds = np.row_stack([a, b])
        bounds = np.array(bounds, dtype=float)

        if interp_orders is None:
            interp_orders = approx.get('orders', [5] * bounds.shape[1])

        vprint('Using asymptotic bounds given by first order solution.')

        from dolo.numeric.timeseries import asymptotic_variance
        # this will work only if initial_dr is a Taylor expansion
        Q = asymptotic_variance(initial_dr.A.real, initial_dr.B.real,
                                initial_dr.sigma, T=T)

        devs = np.sqrt(np.diag(Q))
        bounds = np.row_stack([
            initial_dr.S_bar - devs * n_s,
            initial_dr.S_bar + devs * n_s,

        if interp_orders is None:
            interp_orders = [5] * bounds.shape[1]

    if interp_type == 'smolyak':
        from dolo.numeric.interpolation.smolyak import SmolyakGrid
        dr = SmolyakGrid(bounds[0, :], bounds[1, :], smolyak_order)
    elif interp_type == 'spline':
        from dolo.numeric.interpolation.splines import MultivariateSplines
        dr = MultivariateSplines(bounds[0, :], bounds[1, :], interp_orders)

    if integration == 'optimal_quantization':
        from dolo.numeric.discretization import quantization_nodes
        # number of shocks
        [epsilons, weights] = quantization_nodes(N_e, sigma)
    elif integration == 'gauss-hermite':
        from dolo.numeric.discretization import gauss_hermite_nodes
        if not integration_orders:
            integration_orders = [3] * sigma.shape[0]
        [epsilons, weights] = gauss_hermite_nodes(integration_orders, sigma)

    vprint('Starting time iteration')

    # TODO: transpose

    grid = dr.grid

    xinit = initial_dr(grid)
    xinit = xinit.real  # just in case...

    f = model.functions['arbitrage']
    g = model.functions['transition']

    # define objective function (residuals of arbitrage equations)
    def fun(x):
        return step_residual(grid, x, dr, f, g, parms, epsilons, weights)

    t1 = time.time()
    err = 1
    x0 = xinit
    it = 0

    verbit = True if verbose == 'full' else False

    if with_complementarities:
        lbfun = model.functions['controls_lb']
        ubfun = model.functions['controls_ub']
        lb = lbfun(grid, parms)
        ub = ubfun(grid, parms)
        lb = None
        ub = None

    if verbose:
        headline = '|{0:^4} | {1:10} | {2:8} | {3:8} | {4:3} |'
        headline = headline.format('N', ' Error', 'Gain', 'Time', 'nit')
        stars = '-'*len(headline)

        # format string for within loop
        fmt_str = '|{0:4} | {1:10.3e} | {2:8.3f} | {3:8.3f} | {4:3} |'

    err_0 = 1

    while err > tol and it < maxit:
        # update counters
        t_start = time.time()
        it += 1

        # update interpolation coefficients (NOTE: filters through `fun`)

        # Derivative of objective function
        sdfun = SerialDifferentiableFunction(fun)

        # Apply solver with current decision rule for controls
        if with_complementarities:
            [x, nit] = ncpsolve(sdfun, lb, ub, x0, verbose=verbit,
            [x, nit] = serial_newton(sdfun, x0, verbose=verbit)

        # update error and print if `verbose`
        err = abs(x-x0).max()
        err_SA = err/err_0
        err_0 = err
        t_finish = time.time()
        elapsed = t_finish - t_start
        if verbose:
            print(fmt_str.format(it, err, err_SA, elapsed, nit))

        # Update control vector
        x0[:] = x  # x0 = x0 + (x-x0)

        # call user supplied hook, if any
        if hook:
            hook(dr, it, err)

        # warn and bail if we get inf
        if False in np.isfinite(x0):
            print('iteration {} failed : non finite value')
            return [x0, x]

    if it == maxit:
        import warnings
        warnings.warn(UserWarning("Maximum number of iterations reached"))

    # compute final fime and do final printout if `verbose`
    t2 = time.time()
    if verbose:
        print('Elapsed: {} seconds.'.format(t2 - t1))

    return dr
Ejemplo n.º 7
def solve_mfg_model(model, maxit=1000, initial_guess=None, with_complementarities=True, verbose=True, orders=None, output_type='dr'):

    assert(model.model_type == 'mfga')

    [P, Q] = model.markov_chain

    n_ms = P.shape[0]   # number of markov states
    n_mv = P.shape[1] # number of markov variables

    x0 = model.calibration['controls']
    parms = model.calibration['parameters']
    n_x = len(x0)
    n_s = len(model.symbols['states'])

    approx = model.options['approximation_space']
    a = approx['a']
    b = approx['b']
    if orders is None:
        orders = approx['orders']

    from dolo.numeric.decision_rules_markov import MarkovDecisionRule

    mdr = MarkovDecisionRule(n_ms, a, b, orders)

    grid = mdr.grid
    N = grid.shape[0]

#    if isinstance(initial_guess, numpy.ndarray):
#        print("Using initial guess (1)")
#        controls = initial_guess
#    elif isinstance(initial_guess, dict):
#        print("Using initial guess (2)")
#        controls_0 = initial_guess['controls']
#        ap_space = initial_guess['approximation_space']
#        if False in (approx['orders']==orders):
#            print("Interpolating initial guess")
#            old_dr = MarkovDecisionRule(controls_0.shape[0], ap_space['smin'], ap_space['smax'], ap_space['orders'])
#            old_dr.set_values(controls_0)
#            controls_0 = numpy.zeros( (n_ms, N, n_x) )
#            for i in range(n_ms):
#                e = old_dr(i,grid)
#                controls_0[i,:,:] = e
#    else:
#        controls_0 = numpy.zeros((n_ms, N, n_x))

    controls_0 = numpy.zeros((n_ms, N, n_x))

    if initial_guess is None:
        controls_0[:,:,:] = x0[None,None,:]
        for i_m in range(n_ms):
            m = P[i_m,:][None,:]
            controls_0[i_m,:,:] = initial_guess(i_m, grid)

    ff = model.functions['arbitrage']
    gg = model.functions['transition']
    aa = model.functions['auxiliary']

    if 'arbitrage_lb' in model.functions and with_complementarities==True:
        lb_fun = model.functions['arbitrage_lb']
        ub_fun = model.functions['arbitrage_ub']
        lb = numpy.zeros_like(controls_0)*numpy.nan
        ub = numpy.zeros_like(controls_0)*numpy.nan
        for i_m in range(n_ms):
            m = P[i_m,:][None,:]
            p = parms[None,:]
            m = numpy.repeat(m, N, axis=0)
            p = numpy.repeat(p, N, axis=0)

            lb[i_m,:,:] = lb_fun(m, grid, p)
            ub[i_m,:,:] = ub_fun(m, grid, p)

        with_complementarities = False

    f = lambda m,s,x,M,S,X,p: ff(m,s,x,aa(m,s,x,p),M,S,X,aa(M,S,X,p),p)
    g = lambda m,s,x,M,p: gg(m,s,x,aa(m,s,x,p),M,p)

    # mdr.set_values(controls)

    sh_c = controls_0.shape

    controls_0 = controls_0.reshape( (-1,n_x) )

    from dolo.numeric.optimize.newton import newton, SerialDifferentiableFunction
    from dolo.numeric.optimize.ncpsolve import ncpsolve

    err = 10
    tol = 1e-8
    inner_maxit = 50
    it = 0

    if with_complementarities:
        print("Solving WITH complementarities.")
        lb = lb.reshape((-1,n_x))
        ub = ub.reshape((-1,n_x))

    if verbose:
        headline = '|{0:^4} | {1:10} | {2:8} | {3:8} | {4:3} |'.format( 'N',' Error', 'Gain','Time',  'nit' )
        stars = '-'*len(headline)

    import time
    t1 = time.time()

    err_0 = numpy.nan

    verbit = (verbose == 'full')

    while err>tol and it<maxit:

        it += 1

        t_start = time.time()


        fn = lambda x: residuals(f, g, grid, x.reshape(sh_c), mdr, P, Q, parms).reshape((-1,n_x))
        dfn = SerialDifferentiableFunction(fn)

        if with_complementarities:
            [controls,nit] = ncpsolve(dfn, lb, ub, controls_0, verbose=verbit, maxit=inner_maxit)
            [controls, nit] = newton(dfn, controls_0, verbose=verbit, maxit=inner_maxit)

        err = abs(controls-controls_0).max()

        err_SA = err/err_0
        err_0 = err

        controls_0 = controls

        t_finish = time.time()
        elapsed = t_finish - t_start

        if verbose:
            print('|{0:4} | {1:10.3e} | {2:8.3f} | {3:8.3f} | {4:3} |'.format( it, err, err_SA, elapsed, nit  ))

    controls_0 = controls.reshape(sh_c)

    t2 = time.time()

    if verbose:
        print("Elapsed: {} seconds.".format(t2-t1))

    if output_type == 'dr':
        return mdr
    elif output_type == 'controls':
        return controls_0
        raise Exception("Unsupported ouput type {}.".format(output_type))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def time_iteration(model, verbose=False, initial_dr=None, pert_order=1,
                   with_complementarities=True, grid={}, distribution={},
                   maxit=500, tol=1e-8, inner_maxit=10, hook=None):
    Finds a global solution for ``model`` using backward time-iteration.

    This algorithm iterates on the residuals of the arbitrage equations

    model : NumericModel
        "dtcscc" model to be solved
    verbose : boolean
        if True, display iterations
    initial_dr : decision rule
        initial guess for the decision rule
    pert_order : {1}
        if no initial guess is supplied, the perturbation solution at order
        ``pert_order`` is used as initial guess
    with_complementarities : boolean (True)
        if False, complementarity conditions are ignored
    grid: grid options
    distribution: distribution options
    maxit: maximum number of iterations
    inner_maxit: maximum number of iteration for inner solver
    tol: tolerance criterium for successive approximations

    decision rule :
        approximated solution

    def vprint(t):
        if verbose:

    f = model.functions['arbitrage']
    g = model.functions['transition']

    parms = model.calibration['parameters']

    approx = model.get_grid(**grid)
    interp_type = approx.interpolation
    dr = create_interpolator(approx, interp_type)

    distrib = model.get_distribution(**distribution)
    nodes, weights = distrib.discretize()

    if initial_dr is None:
        if pert_order == 1:
            initial_dr = approximate_controls(model)

        if pert_order > 1:
            raise Exception("Perturbation order > 1 not supported (yet).")

    vprint('Starting time iteration')

    # TODO: transpose

    grid = dr.grid

    x_0 = initial_dr(grid)
    x_0 = x_0.real  # just in case...

    # define objective function (residuals of arbitrage equations)
    def fun(x):
        return step_residual(grid, x, dr, f, g, parms, nodes, weights)

    t1 = time.time()
    err = 1
    err_0 = 1
    it = 0

    verbit = True if verbose == 'full' else False

    if with_complementarities:
        lbfun = model.functions['controls_lb']
        ubfun = model.functions['controls_ub']
        lb = lbfun(grid, parms)
        ub = ubfun(grid, parms)
        lb = None
        ub = None

    if verbose:
        headline = '|{0:^4} | {1:10} | {2:8} | {3:8} | {4:3} |'
        headline = headline.format('N', ' Error', 'Gain', 'Time', 'nit')
        stars = '-'*len(headline)

        # format string for within loop
        fmt_str = '|{0:4} | {1:10.3e} | {2:8.3f} | {3:8.3f} | {4:3} |'

    while err > tol and it < maxit:
        # update counters
        t_start = time.time()
        it += 1

        # update interpolation coefficients (NOTE: filters through `fun`)

        # Derivative of objective function
        sdfun = SerialDifferentiableFunction(fun)

        # Apply solver with current decision rule for controls
        if with_complementarities:
            [x, nit] = ncpsolve(sdfun, lb, ub, x_0, verbose=verbit,
            [x, nit] = serial_newton(sdfun, x_0, verbose=verbit)

        # update error and print if `verbose`
        err = abs(x-x_0).max()
        err_SA = err/err_0
        err_0 = err
        t_finish = time.time()
        elapsed = t_finish - t_start
        if verbose:
            print(fmt_str.format(it, err, err_SA, elapsed, nit))

        # Update control vector
        x_0[:] = x  # x0 = x0 + (x-x0)

        # call user supplied hook, if any
        if hook:
            hook(dr, it, err)

        # warn and bail if we get inf
        if False in np.isfinite(x_0):
            print('iteration {} failed : non finite value')
            return [x_0, x]

    if it == maxit:
        import warnings
        warnings.warn(UserWarning("Maximum number of iterations reached"))

    # compute final time and do final printout if `verbose`
    t2 = time.time()
    if verbose:
        print('Elapsed: {} seconds.'.format(t2 - t1))

    return dr
Ejemplo n.º 9
def deterministic_solve(model, shocks=None, start_states=None, T=100,
                        ignore_constraints=False, maxit=100,
                        initial_guess=None, verbose=False, tol=1e-6):
    Computes a perfect foresight simulation using a stacked-time algorithm.

    The initial state is specified either by providing a series of exogenous
    shocks and assuming the model is initially in equilibrium with the first
    value of the shock, or by specifying an initial value for the states.

    model : NumericModel
        "dtcscc" model to be solved
    shocks : array-like, dict, or pandas.DataFrame
        A specification of the shocks to the model. Can be any of the
        following (note by "declaration order" below we mean the order
        of `model.symbols["shocks"]`):

        - A 1d numpy array-like specifying a time series for a single
          shock, or all shocks stacked into a single array.
        - A 2d numpy array where each column specifies the time series
          for one of the shocks in declaration order. This must be an
          `N` by number of shocks 2d array.
        - A dict where keys are strings found in
          `model.symbols["shocks"]` and values are a time series of
          values for that shock. For model shocks that do not appear in
          this dict, the shock is set to the calibrated value. Note
          that this interface is the most flexible as it allows the user
          to pass values for only a subset of the model shocks and it
          allows the passed time series to be of different lengths.
        - A DataFrame where columns map shock names into time series.
          The same assumptions and behavior that are used in the dict
          case apply here

        If nothing is given here, `shocks` is set equal to the
        calibrated values found in `model.calibration["shocks"]` for
        all periods.

        If the length of any time-series in shocks is less than `T`
        (see below) it is assumed that that particular shock will
        remain at the final given value for the duration of the
    start_states : ndarray or dict
        a vector with the value of initial states, or a calibration
        dictionary with the initial values of states and controls
    T : int
        horizon for the perfect foresight simulation
    maxit : int
        maximum number of iteration for the nonlinear solver
    verbose : boolean
        if True, the solver displays iterations
    tol : float
        stopping criterium for the nonlinear solver
    ignore_constraints : bool
        if True, complementarity constraints are ignored.

    pandas dataframe
        a dataframe with T+1 observations of the model variables along the
        simulation (states, controls, auxiliaries). The first observation is
        the steady-state corresponding to the first value of the shocks. The
        simulation should return to a steady-state corresponding to the last
        value of the exogenous shocks.


    # TODO:

    # if model.model_spec == 'fga':
    #     from dolo.compiler.converter import GModel_fg_from_fga
    #     model = GModel_fg_from_fga(model)

    # definitions
    n_s = len(model.calibration['states'])
    n_x = len(model.calibration['controls'])

    epsilons = _shocks_to_epsilons(model, shocks, T)

    # final initial and final steady-states consistent with exogenous shocks
    if start_states is None:
        start_states = model.calibration

    if isinstance(start_states, dict):
        # at least that part is clear
        start_equilibrium = start_states
        start_s = start_equilibrium['states']
        start_x = start_equilibrium['controls']
        final_s = start_equilibrium['states']
        final_x = start_equilibrium['controls']
    elif isinstance(start_states, np.ndarray):
        start_s = start_states
        start_x = model.calibration['controls']
        final_s = model.calibration['states']
        final_x = model.calibration['controls']

    # if start_constraints:
    #     # we ignore start_constraints
    #     start_dict.update(start_constraints)
    #     final_equilibrium = start_constraints.copy()
    # else:
    #     final_eqm = find_deterministic_equilibrium(model,
    #                                                constraints=final_dict)
    # final_s = final_eqm['states']
    # final_x = final_eqm['controls']
    # start_s = start_states
    # start_x = final_x

    # TODO: for start_x, it should be possible to use first order guess

    final = np.concatenate([final_s, final_x])
    start = np.concatenate([start_s, start_x])

    if verbose is True:
        print("Initial states : {}".format(start_s))
        print("Final controls : {}".format(final_x))

    p = model.calibration['parameters']

    if initial_guess is None:
        initial_guess = np.row_stack([start*(1-l) + final*l
                                         for l in linspace(0.0, 1.0, T+1)])

        if isinstance(initial_guess, pd.DataFrame):
            initial_guess = np.array(initial_guess).T.copy()
        initial_guess = initial_guess[:, :n_s+n_x]
        initial_guess[0, :n_s] = start_s
        initial_guess[-1, n_s:] = final_x

    sh = initial_guess.shape

    if model.x_bounds and not ignore_constraints:
        initial_states = initial_guess[:, :n_s]
        [lb, ub] = [u(initial_states, p) for u in model.x_bounds]
        lower_bound = initial_guess*0 - np.inf
        lower_bound[:, n_s:] = lb
        upper_bound = initial_guess*0 + np.inf
        upper_bound[:, n_s:] = ub
        test1 = max(lb.max(axis=0) - lb.min(axis=0))
        test2 = max(ub.max(axis=0) - ub.min(axis=0))
        if test1 > 0.00000001 or test2 > 0.00000001:
            msg = "Not implemented: perfect foresight solution requires that "
            msg += "controls have constant bounds."
            raise Exception(msg)
        ignore_constraints = True
        lower_bound = None
        upper_bound = None

    nn = sh[0]*sh[1]

    def fobj(vec):
        o = det_residual(model, vec.reshape(sh), start_s, final_x, epsilons)[0]
        return o.ravel()

    if not ignore_constraints:
        def ff(vec):
            return det_residual(model, vec.reshape(sh), start_s, final_x,
                                epsilons, jactype='sparse')

        x0 = initial_guess.ravel()
        sol, nit = ncpsolve(ff, lower_bound.ravel(), upper_bound.ravel(),
                            initial_guess.ravel(), verbose=verbose,
                            maxit=maxit, tol=tol, jactype='sparse')

        sol = sol.reshape(sh)


        def ff(vec):
            return det_residual(model, vec.reshape(sh), start_s, final_x,
                                epsilons, diff=False).ravel()

        x0 = initial_guess.ravel()
        sol = root(ff, x0, jac=False)
        res = ff(sol.x)
        sol = sol.x.reshape(sh)

    if 'auxiliary' in model.functions:
        colnames = (model.symbols['states'] + model.symbols['controls'] +
        # compute auxiliaries
        y = model.functions['auxiliary'](sol[:, :n_s], sol[:, n_s:], p)
        sol = np.column_stack([sol, y])
        colnames = model.symbols['states'] + model.symbols['controls']

    sol = np.column_stack([sol, epsilons])
    colnames = colnames + model.symbols['shocks']

    ts = pd.DataFrame(sol, columns=colnames)
    return ts
Ejemplo n.º 10
def time_iteration(
    model: Model,
    *,  #
    dr0: DecisionRule = None,  #
    verbose: bool = True,  #
    details: bool = True,  #
    ignore_constraints: bool = False,  #
    trace: bool = False,  #
    # obsolete
) -> TimeIterationResult:
    """Finds a global solution for ``model`` using backward time-iteration.

    This algorithm iterates on the residuals of the arbitrage equations

    model : Model
        model to be solved
    verbose : bool
        if True, display iterations
    dr0 : decision rule
        initial guess for the decision rule
    with_complementarities : bool (True)
        if False, complementarity conditions are ignored
    maxit: maximum number of iterations
    inner_maxit: maximum number of iteration for inner solver
    tol: tolerance criterium for successive approximations
    hook: Callable
        function to be called within each iteration, useful for debugging purposes

    decision rule :
        approximated solution

    # deal with obsolete options
    if with_complementarities is not None:
        # TODO warn
        with_complementarities = not ignore_constraints

    if trace:
        trace_details = []
        trace_details = None

    from dolo import dprint

    def vprint(t):
        if verbose:

    grid, dprocess_ = model.discretize()

    if dprocess is None:
        dprocess = dprocess_

    n_ms = dprocess.n_nodes  # number of exogenous states
    n_mv = dprocess.n_inodes(
        0)  # this assume number of integration nodes is constant

    x0 = model.calibration["controls"]
    parms = model.calibration["parameters"]
    n_x = len(x0)
    n_s = len(model.symbols["states"])

    endo_grid = grid["endo"]
    exo_grid = grid["exo"]

    mdr = DecisionRule(exo_grid,

    s = mdr.endo_grid.nodes
    N = s.shape[0]

    controls_0 = numpy.zeros((n_ms, N, n_x))
    if dr0 is None:
        controls_0[:, :, :] = x0[None, None, :]
        if isinstance(dr0, AlgoResult):
            dr0 = dr0.dr
            for i_m in range(n_ms):
                controls_0[i_m, :, :] = dr0(i_m, s)
        except Exception:
            for i_m in range(n_ms):
                m = dprocess.node(i_m)
                controls_0[i_m, :, :] = dr0(m, s)

    f = model.functions["arbitrage"]
    g = model.functions["transition"]

    if "arbitrage_lb" in model.functions and with_complementarities == True:
        lb_fun = model.functions["arbitrage_lb"]
        ub_fun = model.functions["arbitrage_ub"]
        lb = numpy.zeros_like(controls_0) * numpy.nan
        ub = numpy.zeros_like(controls_0) * numpy.nan
        for i_m in range(n_ms):
            m = dprocess.node(i_m)[None, :]
            p = parms[None, :]
            m = numpy.repeat(m, N, axis=0)
            p = numpy.repeat(p, N, axis=0)

            lb[i_m, :, :] = lb_fun(m, s, p)
            ub[i_m, :, :] = ub_fun(m, s, p)

        with_complementarities = False

    sh_c = controls_0.shape

    controls_0 = controls_0.reshape((-1, n_x))

    from dolo.numeric.optimize.newton import newton, SerialDifferentiableFunction
    from dolo.numeric.optimize.ncpsolve import ncpsolve

    err = 10
    it = 0

    if with_complementarities:
        lb = lb.reshape((-1, n_x))
        ub = ub.reshape((-1, n_x))

    itprint = IterationsPrinter(
        ("N", int),
        ("Error", float),
        ("Gain", float),
        ("Time", float),
        ("nit", int),
    itprint.print_header("Start Time Iterations.")

    import time

    t1 = time.time()

    err_0 = numpy.nan

    verbit = verbose == "full"

    while err > tol and it < maxit:

        it += 1

        t_start = time.time()


        if trace:
            trace_details.append({"dr": copy.deepcopy(mdr)})

        fn = lambda x: residuals_simple(f, g, s, x.reshape(sh_c), mdr,
                                        dprocess, parms).reshape((-1, n_x))
        dfn = SerialDifferentiableFunction(fn)

        res = fn(controls_0)

        if hook:

        if with_complementarities:
            [controls, nit] = ncpsolve(dfn,
            [controls, nit] = newton(dfn,

        err = abs(controls - controls_0).max()

        err_SA = err / err_0
        err_0 = err

        controls_0 = controls

        t_finish = time.time()
        elapsed = t_finish - t_start


    controls_0 = controls.reshape(sh_c)

    if trace:
        trace_details.append({"dr": copy.deepcopy(mdr)})


    if not details:
        return mdr

    return TimeIterationResult(
        err < tol,  # x_converged: bool
        tol,  # x_tol
        err,  #: float
        None,  # log: object # TimeIterationLog
        trace_details,  # trace: object #{Nothing,IterationTrace}
Ejemplo n.º 11
def time_iteration(model, initial_guess=None, dprocess=None, with_complementarities=True,
                        verbose=True, grid={},
                        maxit=1000, inner_maxit=10, tol=1e-6, hook=None, details=False):

    Finds a global solution for ``model`` using backward time-iteration.

    This algorithm iterates on the residuals of the arbitrage equations

    model : Model
        model to be solved
    verbose : boolean
        if True, display iterations
    initial_guess : decision rule
        initial guess for the decision rule
    dprocess : DiscretizedProcess (model.exogenous.discretize())
        discretized process to be used
    with_complementarities : boolean (True)
        if False, complementarity conditions are ignored
    grid: grid options
        overload the values set in `options:grid` section
    maxit: maximum number of iterations
    inner_maxit: maximum number of iteration for inner solver
    tol: tolerance criterium for successive approximations
    hook: Callable
        function to be called within each iteration, useful for debugging purposes

    decision rule :
        approximated solution

    from dolo import dprint
    def vprint(t):
        if verbose:

    if dprocess is None:
        dprocess = model.exogenous.discretize()

    n_ms = dprocess.n_nodes() # number of exogenous states
    n_mv = dprocess.n_inodes(0) # this assume number of integration nodes is constant

    x0 = model.calibration['controls']
    parms = model.calibration['parameters']
    n_x = len(x0)
    n_s = len(model.symbols['states'])

    endo_grid = model.get_grid(**grid)

    exo_grid = dprocess.grid

    mdr = DecisionRule(exo_grid, endo_grid)

    grid = mdr.endo_grid.nodes()
    N = grid.shape[0]

    controls_0 = numpy.zeros((n_ms, N, n_x))
    if initial_guess is None:
        controls_0[:, :, :] = x0[None,None,:]
        if isinstance(initial_guess, AlgoResult):
            initial_guess = initial_guess.dr
            for i_m in range(n_ms):
                controls_0[i_m, :, :] = initial_guess(i_m, grid)
        except Exception:
            for i_m in range(n_ms):
                m = dprocess.node(i_m)
                controls_0[i_m, :, :] = initial_guess(m, grid)

    f = model.functions['arbitrage']
    g = model.functions['transition']

    if 'controls_lb' in model.functions and with_complementarities==True:
        lb_fun = model.functions['controls_lb']
        ub_fun = model.functions['controls_ub']
        lb = numpy.zeros_like(controls_0)*numpy.nan
        ub = numpy.zeros_like(controls_0)*numpy.nan
        for i_m in range(n_ms):
            m = dprocess.node(i_m)[None,:]
            p = parms[None,:]
            m = numpy.repeat(m, N, axis=0)
            p = numpy.repeat(p, N, axis=0)

            lb[i_m,:,:] = lb_fun(m, grid, p)
            ub[i_m,:,:] = ub_fun(m, grid, p)

        with_complementarities = False

    sh_c = controls_0.shape

    controls_0 = controls_0.reshape( (-1,n_x) )

    from dolo.numeric.optimize.newton import newton, SerialDifferentiableFunction
    from dolo.numeric.optimize.ncpsolve import ncpsolve

    err = 10
    it = 0

    if with_complementarities:
        vprint("Solving WITH complementarities.")
        lb = lb.reshape((-1,n_x))
        ub = ub.reshape((-1,n_x))

    if verbose:
        headline = '|{0:^4} | {1:10} | {2:8} | {3:8} | {4:3} |'.format( 'N',' Error', 'Gain','Time',  'nit' )
        stars = '-'*len(headline)

    import time
    t1 = time.time()

    err_0 = numpy.nan

    verbit = (verbose == 'full')

    while err>tol and it<maxit:

        it += 1

        t_start = time.time()


        fn = lambda x: residuals_simple(f, g, grid, x.reshape(sh_c), mdr, dprocess, parms).reshape((-1,n_x))
        dfn = SerialDifferentiableFunction(fn)

        res = fn(controls_0)

        if hook:

        if with_complementarities:
            [controls,nit] = ncpsolve(dfn, lb, ub, controls_0, verbose=verbit, maxit=inner_maxit)
            [controls, nit] = newton(dfn, controls_0, verbose=verbit, maxit=inner_maxit)

        err = abs(controls-controls_0).max()

        err_SA = err/err_0
        err_0 = err

        controls_0 = controls

        t_finish = time.time()
        elapsed = t_finish - t_start

        if verbose:
            print('|{0:4} | {1:10.3e} | {2:8.3f} | {3:8.3f} | {4:3} |'.format( it, err, err_SA, elapsed, nit  ))

    controls_0 = controls.reshape(sh_c)

    t2 = time.time()

    if verbose:
        print("Elapsed: {} seconds.".format(t2-t1))

    if not details:
        return mdr

    return TimeIterationResult(
        err<tol, # x_converged: bool
        tol, # x_tol
        err, #: float
        None,  # log: object # TimeIterationLog
        None   # trace: object #{Nothing,IterationTrace}