Ejemplo n.º 1
def parameterized_expectations(model,
    Find global solution for ``model`` via parameterized expectations.
    Controls must be expressed as a direct function of equilibrium objects.
    Algorithm iterates over the expectations function in the arbitrage equation.


    model : NumericModel
        ``dtcscc`` model to be solved

    verbose : boolean
        if True, display iterations

    dr0 : decision rule
        initial guess for the decision rule

    pert_order : {1}
        if no initial guess is supplied, the perturbation solution at order
        ``pert_order`` is used as initial guess

    grid : grid options

    distribution : distribution options

    maxit : maximum number of iterations

    tol : tolerance criterium for successive approximations

    inner_maxit : maximum number of iteration for inner solver

    direct : if True, solve with direct method. If false, solve indirectly


    decision rule :
        approximated solution


    t1 = time.time()

    g = model.functions['transition']
    h = model.functions['expectation']
    d = model.functions['direct_response']
    f = model.functions['arbitrage_exp']  # f(s, x, z, p, out)
    parms = model.calibration['parameters']

    if dr0 is None:
        if pert_order == 1:
            dr0 = approximate_controls(model)

        if pert_order > 1:
            raise Exception("Perturbation order > 1 not supported (yet).")

    approx = model.get_endo_grid(**grid)
    grid = approx.grid
    interp_type = approx.interpolation
    dr = create_interpolator(approx, interp_type)
    expect = create_interpolator(approx, interp_type)

    distrib = model.get_distribution(**distribution)
    nodes, weights = distrib.discretize()

    N = grid.shape[0]
    z = np.zeros((N, len(model.symbols['expectations'])))

    x_0 = dr0(grid)
    x_0 = x_0.real  # just in case ...
    h_0 = h(grid, x_0, parms)

    it = 0
    err = 10
    err_0 = 10

    verbit = True if verbose == 'full' else False

    if with_complementarities is True:
        lbfun = model.functions['controls_lb']
        ubfun = model.functions['controls_ub']
        lb = lbfun(grid, parms)
        ub = ubfun(grid, parms)
        lb = None
        ub = None

    if verbose:
        headline = '|{0:^4} | {1:10} | {2:8} | {3:8} |'
        headline = headline.format('N', ' Error', 'Gain', 'Time')
        stars = '-' * len(headline)

        # format string for within loop
        fmt_str = '|{0:4} | {1:10.3e} | {2:8.3f} | {3:8.3f} |'

    while err > tol and it <= maxit:

        it += 1
        t_start = time.time()

        # dr.set_values(x_0)

        # evaluate expectation over the future state
        z[...] = 0
        for i in range(weights.shape[0]):
            e = nodes[i, :]
            S = g(grid, x_0, e, parms)
            z += weights[i] * expect(S)

        if direct is True:
            # Use control as direct function of arbitrage equation
            new_x = d(grid, z, parms)
            if with_complementarities is True:
                new_x = np.minimum(new_x, ub)
                new_x = np.maximum(new_x, lb)
            # Find control by solving arbitrage equation
            def fun(x):
                return f(grid, x, z, parms)

            sdfun = SerialDifferentiableFunction(fun)

            if with_complementarities is True:
                [new_x, nit] = ncpsolve(sdfun,
                [new_x, nit] = serial_newton(sdfun, x_0, verbose=verbit)

        new_h = h(grid, new_x, parms)

        # update error
        err = (abs(new_h - h_0).max())

        # Update guess for decision rule and expectations function
        x_0 = new_x
        h_0 = new_h

        # print error infomation if `verbose`
        err_SA = err / err_0
        err_0 = err
        t_finish = time.time()
        elapsed = t_finish - t_start
        if verbose:
            print(fmt_str.format(it, err, err_SA, elapsed))

    if it == maxit:
        import warnings
        warnings.warn(UserWarning("Maximum number of iterations reached"))

    # compute final fime and do final printout if `verbose`
    t2 = time.time()
    if verbose:
        print('Elapsed: {} seconds.'.format(t2 - t1))

    # Interpolation for the decision rule

    return dr
Ejemplo n.º 2
def parameterized_expectations(model, verbose=False, initial_dr=None,
                               pert_order=1, with_complementarities=True,
                               grid={}, distribution={},
                               maxit=100, tol=1e-8, inner_maxit=10,

    Find global solution for ``model`` via parameterized expectations.
    Controls must be expressed as a direct function of equilibrium objects.
    Algorithm iterates over the expectations function in the arbitrage equation.


    model : NumericModel
        ``dtcscc`` model to be solved

    verbose : boolean
        if True, display iterations

    initial_dr : decision rule
        initial guess for the decision rule

    pert_order : {1}
        if no initial guess is supplied, the perturbation solution at order
        ``pert_order`` is used as initial guess

    grid : grid options

    distribution : distribution options

    maxit : maximum number of iterations

    tol : tolerance criterium for successive approximations

    inner_maxit : maximum number of iteration for inner solver

    direct : if True, solve with direct method. If false, solve indirectly


    decision rule :
        approximated solution


    t1 = time.time()

    g = model.functions['transition']
    h = model.functions['expectation']
    d = model.functions['direct_response']
    f = model.functions['arbitrage_exp']  # f(s, x, z, p, out)
    parms = model.calibration['parameters']

    if initial_dr is None:
        if pert_order == 1:
            initial_dr = approximate_controls(model)

        if pert_order > 1:
            raise Exception("Perturbation order > 1 not supported (yet).")

    approx = model.get_grid(**grid)
    grid = approx.grid
    interp_type = approx.interpolation
    dr = create_interpolator(approx, interp_type)
    expect = create_interpolator(approx, interp_type)

    distrib = model.get_distribution(**distribution)
    nodes, weights = distrib.discretize()

    N = grid.shape[0]
    z = np.zeros((N, len(model.symbols['expectations'])))

    x_0 = initial_dr(grid)
    x_0 = x_0.real  # just in case ...
    h_0 = h(grid, x_0, parms)

    it = 0
    err = 10
    err_0 = 10

    verbit = True if verbose == 'full' else False

    if with_complementarities is True:
        lbfun = model.functions['controls_lb']
        ubfun = model.functions['controls_ub']
        lb = lbfun(grid, parms)
        ub = ubfun(grid, parms)
        lb = None
        ub = None

    if verbose:
        headline = '|{0:^4} | {1:10} | {2:8} | {3:8} |'
        headline = headline.format('N', ' Error', 'Gain', 'Time')
        stars = '-'*len(headline)

        # format string for within loop
        fmt_str = '|{0:4} | {1:10.3e} | {2:8.3f} | {3:8.3f} |'

    while err > tol and it <= maxit:

        it += 1
        t_start = time.time()

        # dr.set_values(x_0)

        # evaluate expectation over the future state
        z[...] = 0
        for i in range(weights.shape[0]):
            e = nodes[i, :]
            S = g(grid, x_0, e, parms)
            z += weights[i]*expect(S)

        if direct is True:
            # Use control as direct function of arbitrage equation
            new_x = d(grid, z, parms)
            if with_complementarities is True:
                new_x = np.minimum(new_x, ub)
                new_x = np.maximum(new_x, lb)
            # Find control by solving arbitrage equation
            def fun(x): return f(grid, x, z, parms)
            sdfun = SerialDifferentiableFunction(fun)

            if with_complementarities is True:
                [new_x, nit] = ncpsolve(sdfun, lb, ub, x_0, verbose=verbit,
                [new_x, nit] = serial_newton(sdfun, x_0, verbose=verbit)

        new_h = h(grid, new_x, parms)

        # update error
        err = (abs(new_h - h_0).max())

        # Update guess for decision rule and expectations function
        x_0 = new_x
        h_0 = new_h

        # print error infomation if `verbose`
        err_SA = err/err_0
        err_0 = err
        t_finish = time.time()
        elapsed = t_finish - t_start
        if verbose:
            print(fmt_str.format(it, err, err_SA, elapsed))

    if it == maxit:
        import warnings
        warnings.warn(UserWarning("Maximum number of iterations reached"))

    # compute final fime and do final printout if `verbose`
    t2 = time.time()
    if verbose:
        print('Elapsed: {} seconds.'.format(t2 - t1))

    # Interpolation for the decision rule

    return dr
Ejemplo n.º 3
def time_iteration(model,  bounds=None, verbose=False, initial_dr=None,
                   pert_order=1, with_complementarities=True,
                   interp_type='smolyak', smolyak_order=3, interp_orders=None,
                   maxit=500, tol=1e-8, inner_maxit=10,
                   integration='gauss-hermite', integration_orders=None,
                   T=200, n_s=3, hook=None):
    Finds a global solution for ``model`` using backward time-iteration.

    This algorithm iterates on the residuals of the arbitrage equations

    model : NumericModel
        "fg" or "fga" model to be solved
    bounds : ndarray
        boundaries for approximations. First row contains minimum values.
        Second row contains maximum values.
    verbose : boolean
        if True, display iterations
    initial_dr : decision rule
        initial guess for the decision rule
    pert_order : {1}
        if no initial guess is supplied, the perturbation solution at order
        ``pert_order`` is used as initial guess
    with_complementarities : boolean (True)
        if False, complementarity conditions are ignored
    interp_type : {`smolyak`, `spline`}
        type of interpolation to use for future controls
    smolyak_orders : int
        parameter ``l`` for Smolyak interpolation
    interp_orders : 1d array-like
        list of integers specifying the number of nodes in each dimension if
        ``interp_type="spline" ``

    decision rule :
        approximated solution

    def vprint(t):
        if verbose:

    parms = model.calibration['parameters']
    sigma = model.covariances

    if initial_dr is None:
        if pert_order == 1:
            initial_dr = approximate_controls(model)

        if pert_order > 1:
            raise Exception("Perturbation order > 1 not supported (yet).")

        if interp_type == 'perturbations':
            return initial_dr

    if bounds is not None:

    elif model.options and 'approximation_space' in model.options:

        vprint('Using bounds specified by model')

        approx = model.options['approximation_space']
        a = approx['a']
        b = approx['b']

        bounds = np.row_stack([a, b])
        bounds = np.array(bounds, dtype=float)

        if interp_orders is None:
            interp_orders = approx.get('orders', [5] * bounds.shape[1])

        vprint('Using asymptotic bounds given by first order solution.')

        from dolo.numeric.timeseries import asymptotic_variance
        # this will work only if initial_dr is a Taylor expansion
        Q = asymptotic_variance(initial_dr.A.real, initial_dr.B.real,
                                initial_dr.sigma, T=T)

        devs = np.sqrt(np.diag(Q))
        bounds = np.row_stack([
            initial_dr.S_bar - devs * n_s,
            initial_dr.S_bar + devs * n_s,

        if interp_orders is None:
            interp_orders = [5] * bounds.shape[1]

    if interp_type == 'smolyak':
        from dolo.numeric.interpolation.smolyak import SmolyakGrid
        dr = SmolyakGrid(bounds[0, :], bounds[1, :], smolyak_order)
    elif interp_type == 'spline':
        from dolo.numeric.interpolation.splines import MultivariateSplines
        dr = MultivariateSplines(bounds[0, :], bounds[1, :], interp_orders)

    if integration == 'optimal_quantization':
        from dolo.numeric.discretization import quantization_nodes
        # number of shocks
        [epsilons, weights] = quantization_nodes(N_e, sigma)
    elif integration == 'gauss-hermite':
        from dolo.numeric.discretization import gauss_hermite_nodes
        if not integration_orders:
            integration_orders = [3] * sigma.shape[0]
        [epsilons, weights] = gauss_hermite_nodes(integration_orders, sigma)

    vprint('Starting time iteration')

    # TODO: transpose

    grid = dr.grid

    xinit = initial_dr(grid)
    xinit = xinit.real  # just in case...

    f = model.functions['arbitrage']
    g = model.functions['transition']

    # define objective function (residuals of arbitrage equations)
    def fun(x):
        return step_residual(grid, x, dr, f, g, parms, epsilons, weights)

    t1 = time.time()
    err = 1
    x0 = xinit
    it = 0

    verbit = True if verbose == 'full' else False

    if with_complementarities:
        lbfun = model.functions['controls_lb']
        ubfun = model.functions['controls_ub']
        lb = lbfun(grid, parms)
        ub = ubfun(grid, parms)
        lb = None
        ub = None

    if verbose:
        headline = '|{0:^4} | {1:10} | {2:8} | {3:8} | {4:3} |'
        headline = headline.format('N', ' Error', 'Gain', 'Time', 'nit')
        stars = '-'*len(headline)

        # format string for within loop
        fmt_str = '|{0:4} | {1:10.3e} | {2:8.3f} | {3:8.3f} | {4:3} |'

    err_0 = 1

    while err > tol and it < maxit:
        # update counters
        t_start = time.time()
        it += 1

        # update interpolation coefficients (NOTE: filters through `fun`)

        # Derivative of objective function
        sdfun = SerialDifferentiableFunction(fun)

        # Apply solver with current decision rule for controls
        if with_complementarities:
            [x, nit] = ncpsolve(sdfun, lb, ub, x0, verbose=verbit,
            [x, nit] = serial_newton(sdfun, x0, verbose=verbit)

        # update error and print if `verbose`
        err = abs(x-x0).max()
        err_SA = err/err_0
        err_0 = err
        t_finish = time.time()
        elapsed = t_finish - t_start
        if verbose:
            print(fmt_str.format(it, err, err_SA, elapsed, nit))

        # Update control vector
        x0[:] = x  # x0 = x0 + (x-x0)

        # call user supplied hook, if any
        if hook:
            hook(dr, it, err)

        # warn and bail if we get inf
        if False in np.isfinite(x0):
            print('iteration {} failed : non finite value')
            return [x0, x]

    if it == maxit:
        import warnings
        warnings.warn(UserWarning("Maximum number of iterations reached"))

    # compute final fime and do final printout if `verbose`
    t2 = time.time()
    if verbose:
        print('Elapsed: {} seconds.'.format(t2 - t1))

    return dr
Ejemplo n.º 4
def time_iteration(model, verbose=False, initial_dr=None, pert_order=1,
                   with_complementarities=True, grid={}, distribution={},
                   maxit=500, tol=1e-8, inner_maxit=10, hook=None):
    Finds a global solution for ``model`` using backward time-iteration.

    This algorithm iterates on the residuals of the arbitrage equations

    model : NumericModel
        "dtcscc" model to be solved
    verbose : boolean
        if True, display iterations
    initial_dr : decision rule
        initial guess for the decision rule
    pert_order : {1}
        if no initial guess is supplied, the perturbation solution at order
        ``pert_order`` is used as initial guess
    with_complementarities : boolean (True)
        if False, complementarity conditions are ignored
    grid: grid options
    distribution: distribution options
    maxit: maximum number of iterations
    inner_maxit: maximum number of iteration for inner solver
    tol: tolerance criterium for successive approximations

    decision rule :
        approximated solution

    def vprint(t):
        if verbose:

    f = model.functions['arbitrage']
    g = model.functions['transition']

    parms = model.calibration['parameters']

    approx = model.get_grid(**grid)
    interp_type = approx.interpolation
    dr = create_interpolator(approx, interp_type)

    distrib = model.get_distribution(**distribution)
    nodes, weights = distrib.discretize()

    if initial_dr is None:
        if pert_order == 1:
            initial_dr = approximate_controls(model)

        if pert_order > 1:
            raise Exception("Perturbation order > 1 not supported (yet).")

    vprint('Starting time iteration')

    # TODO: transpose

    grid = dr.grid

    x_0 = initial_dr(grid)
    x_0 = x_0.real  # just in case...

    # define objective function (residuals of arbitrage equations)
    def fun(x):
        return step_residual(grid, x, dr, f, g, parms, nodes, weights)

    t1 = time.time()
    err = 1
    err_0 = 1
    it = 0

    verbit = True if verbose == 'full' else False

    if with_complementarities:
        lbfun = model.functions['controls_lb']
        ubfun = model.functions['controls_ub']
        lb = lbfun(grid, parms)
        ub = ubfun(grid, parms)
        lb = None
        ub = None

    if verbose:
        headline = '|{0:^4} | {1:10} | {2:8} | {3:8} | {4:3} |'
        headline = headline.format('N', ' Error', 'Gain', 'Time', 'nit')
        stars = '-'*len(headline)

        # format string for within loop
        fmt_str = '|{0:4} | {1:10.3e} | {2:8.3f} | {3:8.3f} | {4:3} |'

    while err > tol and it < maxit:
        # update counters
        t_start = time.time()
        it += 1

        # update interpolation coefficients (NOTE: filters through `fun`)

        # Derivative of objective function
        sdfun = SerialDifferentiableFunction(fun)

        # Apply solver with current decision rule for controls
        if with_complementarities:
            [x, nit] = ncpsolve(sdfun, lb, ub, x_0, verbose=verbit,
            [x, nit] = serial_newton(sdfun, x_0, verbose=verbit)

        # update error and print if `verbose`
        err = abs(x-x_0).max()
        err_SA = err/err_0
        err_0 = err
        t_finish = time.time()
        elapsed = t_finish - t_start
        if verbose:
            print(fmt_str.format(it, err, err_SA, elapsed, nit))

        # Update control vector
        x_0[:] = x  # x0 = x0 + (x-x0)

        # call user supplied hook, if any
        if hook:
            hook(dr, it, err)

        # warn and bail if we get inf
        if False in np.isfinite(x_0):
            print('iteration {} failed : non finite value')
            return [x_0, x]

    if it == maxit:
        import warnings
        warnings.warn(UserWarning("Maximum number of iterations reached"))

    # compute final time and do final printout if `verbose`
    t2 = time.time()
    if verbose:
        print('Elapsed: {} seconds.'.format(t2 - t1))

    return dr
Ejemplo n.º 5
def time_iteration(model, verbose=False, initial_dr=None, pert_order=1,
                   with_complementarities=True, grid={}, distribution={},
                   maxit=500, tol=1e-8, inner_maxit=10, hook=None):
    Finds a global solution for ``model`` using backward time-iteration.

    This algorithm iterates on the residuals of the arbitrage equations

    model : NumericModel
        "dtcscc" model to be solved
    verbose : boolean
        if True, display iterations
    initial_dr : decision rule
        initial guess for the decision rule
    pert_order : {1}
        if no initial guess is supplied, the perturbation solution at order
        ``pert_order`` is used as initial guess
    with_complementarities : boolean (True)
        if False, complementarity conditions are ignored
    grid: grid options
    distribution: distribution options
    maxit: maximum number of iterations
    inner_maxit: maximum number of iteration for inner solver
    tol: tolerance criterium for successive approximations

    decision rule :
        approximated solution

    def vprint(t):
        if verbose:

    f = model.functions['arbitrage']
    g = model.functions['transition']

    parms = model.calibration['parameters']

    approx = model.get_grid(**grid)
    interp_type = approx.interpolation
    dr = create_interpolator(approx, interp_type)

    distrib = model.get_distribution(**distribution)
    nodes, weights = distrib.discretize()

    if initial_dr is None:
        if pert_order == 1:
            initial_dr = approximate_controls(model)

        if pert_order > 1:
            raise Exception("Perturbation order > 1 not supported (yet).")

    vprint('Starting time iteration')

    # TODO: transpose

    grid = dr.grid

    x_0 = initial_dr(grid)
    x_0 = x_0.real  # just in case...

    # define objective function (residuals of arbitrage equations)
    def fun(x):
        return step_residual(grid, x, dr, f, g, parms, nodes, weights)

    t1 = time.time()
    err = 1
    err_0 = 1
    it = 0

    verbit = True if verbose == 'full' else False

    if with_complementarities:
        lbfun = model.functions['controls_lb']
        ubfun = model.functions['controls_ub']
        lb = lbfun(grid, parms)
        ub = ubfun(grid, parms)
        lb = None
        ub = None

    if verbose:
        headline = '|{0:^4} | {1:10} | {2:8} | {3:8} | {4:3} |'
        headline = headline.format('N', ' Error', 'Gain', 'Time', 'nit')
        stars = '-'*len(headline)

        # format string for within loop
        fmt_str = '|{0:4} | {1:10.3e} | {2:8.3f} | {3:8.3f} | {4:3} |'

    while err > tol and it < maxit:
        # update counters
        t_start = time.time()
        it += 1

        # update interpolation coefficients (NOTE: filters through `fun`)

        # Derivative of objective function
        sdfun = SerialDifferentiableFunction(fun)

        # Apply solver with current decision rule for controls
        if with_complementarities:
            [x, nit] = ncpsolve(sdfun, lb, ub, x_0, verbose=verbit,
            [x, nit] = serial_newton(sdfun, x_0, verbose=verbit)

        # update error and print if `verbose`
        err = abs(x-x_0).max()
        err_SA = err/err_0
        err_0 = err
        t_finish = time.time()
        elapsed = t_finish - t_start
        if verbose:
            print(fmt_str.format(it, err, err_SA, elapsed, nit))

        # Update control vector
        x_0[:] = x  # x0 = x0 + (x-x0)

        # call user supplied hook, if any
        if hook:
            hook(dr, it, err)

        # warn and bail if we get inf
        if False in np.isfinite(x_0):
            print('iteration {} failed : non finite value')
            return [x_0, x]

    if it == maxit:
        import warnings
        warnings.warn(UserWarning("Maximum number of iterations reached"))

    # compute final time and do final printout if `verbose`
    t2 = time.time()
    if verbose:
        print('Elapsed: {} seconds.'.format(t2 - t1))

    return dr
Ejemplo n.º 6
def time_iteration(model,
    """Finds a global solution for ``model`` using backward time-iteration.


    model: NumericModel
        "fg" or "fga" model to be solved

    bounds: ndarray
        boundaries for approximations. First row contains minimum values. Second row contains maximum values.

    verbose: boolean
        if True, display iterations

    initial_dr: decision rule
        initial guess for the decision rule

    pert_order: {1}
        if no initial guess is supplied, the perturbation solution at order ``pert_order`` is used as initial guess

    with_complementarities: boolean (True)
        if False, complementarity conditions are ignored

    interp_type: {`smolyak`, `spline`}
        type of interpolation to use for future controls

    smolyak_orders: int
        parameter ``l`` for Smolyak interpolation

    interp_orders: 1d array-like
        list of integers specifying the number of nods in each dimension if ``interp_type="spline" ``

    decision rule object (SmolyakGrid or MultivariateSplines)
    def vprint(t):
        if verbose:

    parms = model.calibration['parameters']
    sigma = model.covariances

    if initial_dr == None:
        if pert_order == 1:
            from dolo.algos.perturbations import approximate_controls
            initial_dr = approximate_controls(model)

        if pert_order > 1:
            raise Exception("Perturbation order > 1 not supported (yet).")

        if interp_type == 'perturbations':
            return initial_dr

    if bounds is not None:

    elif model.options and 'approximation_space' in model.options:

        vprint('Using bounds specified by model')

        approx = model.options['approximation_space']
        a = approx['a']
        b = approx['b']

        bounds = numpy.row_stack([a, b])
        bounds = numpy.array(bounds, dtype=float)

        vprint('Using asymptotic bounds given by first order solution.')

        from dolo.numeric.timeseries import asymptotic_variance
        # this will work only if initial_dr is a Taylor expansion
        Q = asymptotic_variance(initial_dr.A.real,

        devs = numpy.sqrt(numpy.diag(Q))
        bounds = numpy.row_stack([
            initial_dr.S_bar - devs * n_s,
            initial_dr.S_bar + devs * n_s,

    if interp_orders == None:
        interp_orders = [5] * bounds.shape[1]

    if interp_type == 'smolyak':
        from dolo.numeric.interpolation.smolyak import SmolyakGrid
        dr = SmolyakGrid(bounds[0, :], bounds[1, :], smolyak_order)
    elif interp_type == 'spline':
        from dolo.numeric.interpolation.splines import MultivariateSplines
        dr = MultivariateSplines(bounds[0, :], bounds[1, :], interp_orders)
    elif interp_type == 'multilinear':
        from dolo.numeric.interpolation.multilinear import MultilinearInterpolator
        dr = MultilinearInterpolator(bounds[0, :], bounds[1, :], interp_orders)

    if integration == 'optimal_quantization':
        from dolo.numeric.discretization import quantization_nodes
        # number of shocks
        [epsilons, weights] = quantization_nodes(N_e, sigma)
    elif integration == 'gauss-hermite':
        from dolo.numeric.discretization import gauss_hermite_nodes
        if not integration_orders:
            integration_orders = [3] * sigma.shape[0]
        [epsilons, weights] = gauss_hermite_nodes(integration_orders, sigma)

    vprint('Starting time iteration')

    # TODO: transpose

    grid = dr.grid

    xinit = initial_dr(grid)
    xinit = xinit.real  # just in case...

    from dolo.algos.convert import get_fg_functions

    f, g = get_fg_functions(model)

    import time

    fun = lambda x: step_residual(grid, x, dr, f, g, parms, epsilons, weights)

    t1 = time.time()
    err = 1
    x0 = xinit
    it = 0

    verbit = True if verbose == 'full' else False

    if with_complementarities:
        lbfun = model.functions['arbitrage_lb']
        ubfun = model.functions['arbitrage_ub']
        lb = lbfun(grid, parms)
        ub = ubfun(grid, parms)
        lb = None
        ub = None

    if verbose:
        headline = '|{0:^4} | {1:10} | {2:8} | {3:8} | {4:3} |'.format(
            'N', ' Error', 'Gain', 'Time', 'nit')
        stars = '-' * len(headline)

    err_0 = 1

    while err > tol and it < maxit:
        t_start = time.time()
        it += 1


        from dolo.numeric.optimize.newton import serial_newton, SerialDifferentiableFunction
        from dolo.numeric.optimize.ncpsolve import ncpsolve
        sdfun = SerialDifferentiableFunction(fun)

        if with_complementarities:
            [x, nit] = ncpsolve(sdfun, lb, ub, x0, verbose=verbit)

            [x, nit] = serial_newton(sdfun, x0, verbose=verbit)

        err = abs(x - x0).max()
        err_SA = err / err_0
        err_0 = err

        t_finish = time.time()
        elapsed = t_finish - t_start
        if verbose:
            print('|{0:4} | {1:10.3e} | {2:8.3f} | {3:8.3f} | {4:3} |'.format(
                it, err, err_SA, elapsed, nit))

        x0 = x0 + (x - x0)
        if hook:
            hook(dr, it, err)
        if False in np.isfinite(x0):
            print('iteration {} failed : non finite value')
            return [x0, x]

    if it == maxit:
        import warnings
        warnings.warn(UserWarning("Maximum number of iterations reached"))

    t2 = time.time()
    if verbose:
        print('Elapsed: {} seconds.'.format(t2 - t1))

    return dr