Ejemplo n.º 1
def ergodic_distribution(
    model: Model,
    dr: DecisionRule,
    exo_grid: EmptyGrid,
    endo_grid: CartesianGrid,
    dp: DiscretizedIIDProcess,

    N_s = endo_grid.n_nodes
    dims_s = tuple(endo_grid.n)  # we have N_s = prod(dims_s)
    s = endo_grid.nodes

    m = model.calibration["exogenous"]
    Π = np.zeros((N_s, ) + dims_s)

    g = model.functions["transition"]
    p = model.calibration["parameters"]

    a = endo_grid.min
    b = endo_grid.max

    x: np.array = dr(s)

    for i_M in range(dp.n_inodes(0)):

        w = dp.iweight(0, i_M)
        M = dp.inode(0, i_M)
        S = g(m, s, x, M, p)
        # renormalize
        S = (S - a[None, :]) / (b[None, :] - a[None, :])
        # allocate weights
        trembling_hand(Π, S, w)

    Π = Π.reshape((N_s, N_s))

    if not compute_μ:
        return Π

        B = np.zeros(N_s)
        B[-1] = 1.0
        A = Π.T - np.eye(Π.shape[0])
        A[-1, :] = 1.0
        μ = np.linalg.solve(A, B)
        μ = μ.reshape(dims_s)

        labels = [
            np.linspace(endo_grid.min[i], endo_grid.max[i], endo_grid.n[i])
            for i in range(len(endo_grid.max))
        μ = xarray.DataArray(
            list({s: labels[i]
                  for i, s in enumerate(model.symbols["states"])}.items()),

        return Π, μ
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __discretize_ep__(self, N=5): #Equiprobable

        # this could be implemented once for all univariate processes which have a ppf
        xvec = np.linspace(0, 1, N+1)
        quantiles = 1/N/2 + xvec[:-1]
        x = self.ppf(quantiles)
        x = x[:,None]
        w = (1/(N))*np.ones(N)
        return DiscretizedIIDProcess(x, w)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def discretize(self, N=5):

        # do we want to include the boundaries here ?
        a, b = self.a, self.b
        xvec = np.linspace(a, b, N + 1)
        x = (b - a) / 2 / N + xvec[:-1]
        w = x * 0 + 1 / N
        x = x[:, None]
        return DiscretizedIIDProcess(x, w)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def discretize(self, to='iid'):

        if to !='iid':
            raise Exception("Not implemented")

        inddist = self.index.discretize()
        nodes = []
        weights = []
        for i in range(inddist.n_inodes(0)):
            wind = inddist.iweight(0,i)
            xind = inddist.inode(0,i)
            dist = self.distributions[int(xind)].discretize()
            for j in range(dist.n_inodes(0)):
                w = dist.iweight(0,j)
                x = dist.inode(0,j)
        nodes = np.array(nodes)
        weights = np.array(weights)
        return DiscretizedIIDProcess(nodes[:,None], weights)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def discretize(self, to='iid'):

        if to !='iid':
            raise Exception("Not implemented")

        inddist = self.index.discretize()
        nodes = []
        weights = []
        for i in range(inddist.n_inodes(0)):
            wind = inddist.iweight(0,i)
            xind = inddist.inode(0,i)
            dist = self.distributions[int(xind)].discretize(to='iid')
            for j in range(dist.n_inodes(0)):
                w = dist.iweight(0,j)
                x = dist.inode(0,j)
        nodes = np.concatenate([e[None,:] for e in nodes], axis=0)
        weights = np.array(weights)
        return DiscretizedIIDProcess(nodes, weights)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __discretize_ep__(self, N=5, mass_point="median"): #Equiprobable
        if mass_point == "median":
            p = np.linspace(0.5/N,1-0.5/N,N)
            q = self.ppf(p)
        elif mass_point == "left":
            p = np.linspace(0,1-1/N,N)
            q = self.ppf(p)
        elif mass_point == "middle":
            p = np.linspace(0.,1,N+1)
            q = self.ppf(p)
            q = 0.5*(q[1:]+q[:-1])
        elif mass_point == "right":
            p = np.linspace(1/N,1,N)
            q = self.ppf(p)
            raise Exception("Not implemented")

        w = (1/(N))*np.ones(N)

        return DiscretizedIIDProcess(q[:,None], w)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def discretize(self, to='iid'):
     if to !='iid':
         raise Exception("Not implemented")
     x = np.array([[0],[1]])
     w = np.array([1-self.π, self.π])
     return DiscretizedIIDProcess(x, w)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __discretize_gh__(self, N=5): # Gauss-Hermite

        from dolo.numeric.discretization.quadrature import gauss_hermite_nodes
        [x, w] = gauss_hermite_nodes(N, np.array([[self.σ**2]]), mu=self.μ)
        x = np.row_stack( [(e + self.μ) for e in x] )
        return DiscretizedIIDProcess(x, w)